ENDGAME GEAR XM1 Gaming Mouse – PMW3389 Sensor – 50 to 16,000 CPI – 5 Buttons – 50M Switches – Black

About Endgame Gear
Endgame Gear offers world-class gaming equipment designed in Germany to help gamers and esports athletes reach their full potential. Equip yourself with Endgame Gear, because the telling name is program! Endgame Gear’s development team has passionate and professional gamers who want to make it easy for players to take it to the next level, and design the best gaming tools for them.
Endgame Gear XM1 Gaming Mouse
The Endgame Gear XM1 Gaming Mouse (Designed in Germany!) Is simple, but packed with great technology, such as Pixart’s state-of-the-art, high-end PMW3389 optical sensor and Omron’s pre-selected, long-lasting 50M mechanical switches. The weight of the mouse was kept as low as possible: there are only the most necessary buttons and no annoying RGB LED lighting. The XM1 is the perfect gaming mouse for focused professional gamers with long stamina – designed for tournaments.
- Patented analog technology for true <1ms probe response time
- Pixart PMW3389 flagship sensor for low / mid / high-sense gamer
- Resource-saving software for 50 CPI – 16,000 CPI
- Adjustable host-side USB polling rate of 250 Hz, 500 Hz & 1,000 Hz
- Pre-sorted mechanical OMRON 50M buttons for an ideal click feeling
- A total of five buttons including mouse wheel with 2-way scrolling
- Noiseless and low-friction PTFE glides for maximum precision
- Ergonomic right-handed mouse for Claw Grip, Palm Grip & Finger Grip with ultralight construction (70 grams total weight)
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Super fast signal processingThe Pixart PMW3389 optical high-end sensor captures motion at a speed of up to 1,143 cm per second (450 IPS) with high precision, keeping control of the game in every situation. With a 2mm lift-off distance, the sensor stays in contact with the surface, even over long distances, but is low enough that re-centering the mouse requires little movement and no accidental movement in the game. Thanks to the patented analog technology and the ARM STM32 microcontroller, the internal latency of the pushbuttons is even less than a millisecond, which ensures extremely fast click speeds with the Omron 50M switches. | High quality componentsThe lightning-fast Endgame Gear XM1 has a total of five mouse buttons. The specially selected, mechanical Omron 50M switches on the XM1’s two main buttons are designed to handle extreme loads and 50 million clicks, ensuring a long life and perfect feedback with every click. On the left side of the right-handed mouse there are two function keys that can be reached with the thumb. On the top there are not only the two main keys but also the clickable and, thanks to the rubber coating, a very handy 2-way mouse wheel. | Ultra-lightweight constructionThe surface with Dry Grip coating is slightly roughened, thus ensuring a firm grip. At the same time, the ergonomically perfect shape prevents overloading of the wrist and ensures maximum comfort even for prolonged use or in shooter combat. The design of the mouse is suitable for both the claw and the palm and finger grip. The Endgame Gear XM1 weighs just 70 grams, and the 1.8-meter cable is exceptionally flexible. Noiseless and low-friction PTFE Glides ensure smooth gliding, reduce the tiring effect of repetitive fast movements and thus help to maintain a high pointer accuracy permanently. |
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Resource-saving softwareAccurate gaming is possible with the Endgame Gear XM1 just because gamer can customize the mouse thanks to the extensive setting options. Functional mouse software embraces the product’s streamlined design philosophy by limiting itself to the essentials and therefore does not compromise system performance. By means of the software, four setting profiles can be stored in the mouse, which can be switched through via a Settings button on the bottom of the mouse. | Status LEDsBriefly pressing the button cycles through the CPI profiles – the default values are 400, 800, 1,600 and 3,200 CPI – and long press cycles through the three predefined polling rate levels. The CPI value can be adjusted by software in increments of 50 from 50 CPI to 16,000 CPI and is signaled by the LED color of the display LEDs assigned to the profile slot at the bottom of the mouse. The three selectable levels of USB polling rate are also signaled by the two indicator LEDs on the bottom of the mouse (both lit = 1,000 Hz, right LED = 500 Hz, left LED = 250 Hz). | High-End-Sensor
Specifications | |
Dimensions | 122.14 x 38.26 x 65.81 mm (W x H x D) |
Weight: | 70g (including cable) |
Sensor | Pixart PMW3389 |
Resolution | 50 – 16,000 CPI (adjustable in increments of 50 CPI) |
Polling rate | 250, 500, 1000 Hz (adjustable) |
Lift-off distance | 2 mm |
Acceleration | 50 g |
Maximum speed | 11.43 m/s (450 IPS) |
Buttons | 5 |
Connection | USB (1.85 m cable) |
Weight: | 70 g |
Dimensions: | 6.6 x 14.4 x 3.8 cm; 70 Grams |
Model: | EGG-XM1-BLK |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ENDGAME GEAR |
Colour: | Black |
I’m no mouse pro or anything but for you medium/large handed claw grippers this is the “endgame” mouse for you.
have had for a month. I got the white version since i dont like seeing fingerprints, which you will see on the other versions because of the grippy surface (which is amazing btw, you dont need grip tape at all)
best mouse ive ever owned. i have smaller hands (18.5cm x 9.5cm) and this mouse still feels amazing with a relaxed claw grip. Doesnt feel wired in a bungee. Build quality is immaculate. Switches are all perfect.
I put superglide skates on it, you dont really have to, but made it even better.
does not at all feel 70g, its balanced so well.
honestly only mouse ill get beyond this will be the XM2w (whenever that actually comes out) or the Lamzu Atlantis
but for the price, you cant get bette
Der Preis ist hoch aber dafr ist die Maus meines Erachtens schn, liegt gut in der Hand und die Seitentasten sind seit 1 Jahr Benutzung immer noch gut zu drcken. Leider nur manchmal einen Wackelkontakt von der Maus ins Kabel.
Es ist keine ergonomische Maus. Preis-Leistung ist in Ordnung und die Maus ist komfortabel
Super souris, lgre prcise et ractive, rien a redire except que j ai bien cru avoir recu une souris casse au dbut..
En gros, a chaque fois que je decollait la souris pour la replacer au centre du tapis, lorsque la souris touchait le tapis, cela engendrait un clic des 2 boutons principaux..
Je suis all sur le discord de endgame, j ai fait la maj du firmmare, (souris sur alors que la version tait sorti) et problme regle !
Je recommande vivement !
Purchased this mouse to try to replace my mouse from 2006. Worked great out of the box with no issues. After a couple weeks the material on the back has cracked from the bottom left edge up to one of the internal supports about an inch or so in length. I found this highly unusual after only a few weeks of use. The crack has seemed to stop spreading but the fact that it happened was worth mentioning. If this happens to your mouse I would recommend a replacement.
Vengo da un Sensei della SteelSeries (produttore secondo me ormai da lasciar stare) e mi sono trovato bene per la forma che una sorta di evoluzione del Sensei, veramente comodissimo. Il mouse leggero (70g circa) ma solido (senza la scocca forata di altri mouse leggeri), il sensore fantastico ma la sorpresa vera stato il cavo USB flessibile e leggero che non spinge e non forza minimamente il mouse come fanno i cavi rigidi. un po’ costoso ma vale veramente ogni centesimo rispetto ad altri mouse, vi consiglio di prendere l’xm1r rispetto all’rgb che ha un sensore un po’ pi vecchio/meno performante.
Erstmal mchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass das Bewertungssystem fr Muse hier auf Amazon kontraproduktiv gestaltet ist, da man die Maus nach Ergonomie, Komfort und Preis/Leistung bewertet. Diese Maus ist keine Ergo- Maus und daher auch nicht sehr ergonomisch, was ich allerdings trotzdem mit 5 Sternen bewertet habe, da die Gesamtbewertung der Maus sonst leiden wrde, was meiner Meinung nach nicht gerecht wre.
Zur Maus:
Qualitt Allgemein: 4.5/5
Vorweg: In meinem Fall hatte ich ein Problem mit der linken Maustaste und musste ich mein erstes Exemplar leider umtauschen. Das kommt aber i.d.R. bei Endgame Gear Musen nicht vor, da Kailh 8 Switches verbaut sind und diese viel seltener fehlerhaft sind als z.B. Omron Switches die in fast allen Konkurrenzprodukten verbaut sind.
Tasten: 4.5/5
Die Tasten haben eine solide Haptik. Nicht so “bouncy” wie Logi usw. aber dafr deutlich taktiler. Die Tasten and der Seite sind in Ordnung, etwas pre- und post- travel aber das ist tatschlich bei allen Marken so.
Form / Shape: 5/5
Sehr subjektiv aber fr meine Hnde (22cm zu 11cm) lsst sich diese Maus sehr gut im Clawgrip und Fingertip Grip spielen. Von der Gre und Form kann man die Maus mit einer Roccat Burst Bro vergleichen wobei die XM1R etwas flacher ist und somit prziseres Zielen bei kleinen Bewegungen ermglicht. Fr Palm Grip ungeeignet, es sei denn man hat relativ kleine Hnde, allerdings sollte sowieso niemand einen Palm Grip fr Gaming benutzen. Wer jedoch auf seinen Palm Grip bestehen mchte, sollte sich sowieso keine Esport Maus kaufen, da diese fr Performance ausgelegt sind und nicht fr Komfort.
Sensor: 5/5
Der Sensor ist ein PAW3370. Da gibt es nicht viel zu sagen, weil mittlerweile Gute Sensoren Standard sind. Abtastrate geht bis zu 1000hz, DPI bis zu 19.000. Pixel fr Pixel ist das tracking przise und weist keinerlei “Skips” auf. Der 3370er hat auch eine sehr angenehme LOD (also ab welcher Entfernung zum Mauspad der Sensor arbeitet oder nicht). 5 Sterne weil der 3370er einfach einer der besten Sensoren auf dem Markt ist und DPI Abweichungen nahezu nicht vorhanden sind.
Praxis / Fazit: 5/5
Ich nutze die XM1R fr Kovaaks (ein AIm trainer) und Call of Duty.
Exkurs: Zielen mit der Maus besteht fundamental aus 1. Flicking 2.Clicking 3. Tracking 4. Target Switching.
Im Bereich Tracking habe ich mit der XM1R starke Verbesserungen beobachtet und sitze momentan auf einem globalen Aiming Rang (Voltaic Benchmarks) auf Gold (no flex).
Kaufempfehlung nur fr Gamer, denen das Aiming sehr wichtig ist. Wer Komfort will, sollte sich eine andere Maus kaufen. Man kauft ja auch keinen Rennwagen, um bequem einkaufen zu fahren.
Die Maus liegt gut in der Hand und funktioniert einwandfrei. Zudem ist sie leicht und gleitet somit regelrecht ber das Mousepad. Die RBG-Beleuchtung ist wie auf dem Bild angegeben, also am Mausrad, dem Endgame Gear Symbol und am unteren Rand der Maus. Das gibt ihr ein besonderes Aussehen. Die Maus verfgt ber fnf Tasten. Die linke und rechte Maustaste, sowie das Rad und zwei Tasten auf der rechten Seite der Maus, was es fr Rechtshnder vereinfacht. Fr Linkshnder ist die Maus dementsprechend wohl eher weniger geeignet.
It’s got a distinct shape, but if you use a claw grip and don’t have incredibly small hands, there’s a good chance this will work well. Personally, it is the best mouse shape I’ve ever used and I literally can’t use any other mouse anymore. My GPX, Viper Ultimate, any Zowie mouse, Deathadder v2 I can’t use any of them. The xm1r is so easy to manipulate and aim with, that it feels like throwing to even try to use anything else.
Nothing bad to say about this mouse. Took me a week to adjust to the shape with my grip and hand size.
Honestly now it’s the best mouse I’ve ever used. 100% worth it. This is the one.
Great build quality, no input lag, high quality clicks and scroll wheel, no need to install driver software in order to use the mouse and really nice shape.
The edge of the mouse skates are not rounded, so you feel a slight scratchiness when moving it around. I tried the 4 small skates and the 2 long ones and it’s the same feeling. I prefer the 3370 sensor here than 3389, feels slightly more accurate.
El mouse es de una calidad suprema, los clicks rpidos duraderos sin pretravel ni posttravel lo nico que no es prefecto son los botones laterales un poco blandos y estn muy juntos, mientras no te acostumbres es posible que los pulses sin querer. Luego de eso es una maravilla para agarre Clawgrip.
Die Maus ist nicht schlecht aber ein 2 minimale Mngel hat sie
dass die Tasten manchmal Doppel aus lsen wenn man einmal drck
Habe die Maus vor ein paar Monaten bestellt und seitdem tglich gespielt. Fr meinem Claw Grip, mit einer Handgre von 19x11cm, finde ich die Maus perfekt.
Was fr manche allerdings ein Nachteil sein knnte, ist dass man dem Discord beitreten muss, um die neusten Firmware und Softwareupdates zu bekommen. Mich hat das allerdings nicht beeinflusst da ich ohnehin viel auf Discord bin.
Nutze die Maus zusammen mit einem Zowie G-SR Mauspad.
Das einzige was mich an der Maus ein wenig strt ist dass mein Maus 5 Button etwas “mushy” ist. Das deutsche Wort fllt mir grad nicht ein. Aber den Spielfluss behindern tut das absolut nicht (wird in Valorant fr abilities genutzt). Wo ich noch fr manche ein Problem sehen knnte, sind die doch recht schweren clicks der MB1 und MB2, nach einer kleinen umgewhnung sollte das aber auch kein Thema sein.
– Top Maus fr Claw Grip
– etwas schwerere clicks
– firmware/software ber discord
– 9/10 would buy agai
Love the mouse, great handling through the curves of the game
gut Erfarhung mit der Maus, aber wir haben andere Anforderung, mit der Maus kann diese Anforderung auch nicht erfllen. wir suchen weiter.
bei dem Verkufer ist man gut aufgehoben, gut betreut. Rcksend lift auch reibungslos. gerne wieder, wenn wir bei dem die richtige Version von Maus gefunden haben.
Didn’t expect a mouse to make so much of a difference in my gaming experience, but I was definitely wrong. I’m not saying it made me a pro overnight, but it definitely help with comfortability and made gaming feel way better. I have been playing better recently whether it’s the mouse or the confidence the mouse gives me. Overall it’s a really good mouse and it made a huge change in the way i game.
C’est une sourie lgre ambidexe sans tre trop petite.
Sa taille est petite mais pas aussi petite que la Glorious Model O- et est donc confortable pour les petites-moyennes mains pour n’importe quelle grip.
Sa forme est boss au niveau de la palme de la main entre l’index et le majeur. Entre la bosse et le bout de la souris la surface est plate. Donc il est ais d’alterner un palm grip avec un claw grip.
Il y a galement des lgers creux sur les cts o l’on met le pouce, l’annulaire et l’auriculaire. Cela peut donc tre inconfortable avec le fingertip grip et si votre main est trs petite (main d’enfant par exemple).
Le matriau utilis pour la coque est excellent et ne se dgrade pas du tout au cours du temps. Il est assez facile de la nettoyer en plus.
La roulette possde des creux et possde 24 sauts sans dfilement horizontal.
Assez basique donc.
Le cable n’est pas dtachable et est courte ce qui la rend pas trs portatif et peut tre gnant pour les ordinateurs de bureau plac sur le sol (elle est aussi courte qu’une Glorious Model O-).
Les boutons de souris sont trs plaisants cliquer. Elles sont plus lgres et plus silencieuses qu’une Logitech g403 mais pas aussi bien qu’une Logitech g502. Mais elles ne sont pas muettes non plus. Un spam clic peut donc dranger les personnes assises ct.
Les patins sont bien meilleurs que celles des souris Logitech, trs lissent et rsistantes. Des patins alternatifs sont fournis similaire la Logitech g403. Les patins attachs par dfaut sont prfrables pour moins de frictions, cependant il faut les nettoyer plus souvent car elles capturent beaucoup plus de poussires.
Le capteur est un PixArt PAW3370. Soit un capteur optique sans trop de variation de CPI. Sa frquence atteint au maximum 1000hz. Il ne fonctionne pas sur du verre. Donc un capteur respectable en 2022.
Au niveau logiciel, l’application de configuration doit tre tlcharge depuis leur serveur Discord de support ce qui est assez non professionnel mais la qualit du support en lui-mme est hors-norme : ractif et efficace.
La mise jour de firmware peut tre tlcharge sur leur site.
L’application est seulement compatible avec Windows.
Il est possible de changer de dpi avec les presets par dfaut (400, 800, 1600, 3200).
On peut changer ces presets avec leur application de configuration sous Windows puis utiliser ces presets n’importe quel ordinateur sous n’importe quel systme d’exploitation.
Le DPI est rglable par des sauts de 50. Ce qui est un plus pour les joueurs utilisant des DPI non communs. Il existe galement d’autres options utiles : raw input, distance de dcollage et autres.
En tant que souris de bureau, je ne la recommande pas du tout pour ce prix, sa forme et son logiciel. Une Logitech g502 est toujours un meilleur choix.
Toutefois, pour une souris gaming pour les jeux ncessitant de la vitesse et de la prcision comme CS:GO, Valorant, osu! etc, C’est la parfaite souris.
This is my 3rd XM1 mouse. First was the XM1 RGB then the 2 others are the XM1r, thats how much i love this mouse.
Build quality is fantastic! Zero rattling and creaking. Switches are so tactile and satisfying to press. The coating is godlike; I have sweaty hands and the coating feels like a matte rubber-ish; once I grip the mouse it sticks to the hand like glue. Feet are great stock but I will swap them for corepads because I just do that with all my mice regardless if stock feet are great or bad. Cable is awesome too, feels like wireless.
Overall, if I could give this mouse a 6 star I would. I can recommend it to everyone who claw grips, you wont regret it.
I don’t know what it is but my more expensive rzor I had previously was not as good as this mouse.
Non scrivo mai recensioni se non sono mai particolarmente soddisfatto di un prodotto. Partiamo dalla spedizione Amazon come al solito perfetta e impeccabile, comprato Domenica, arrivato Luned (non sono un utente che usufruisce del Prime) quindi niente da dire, impossibile lamentarsi.
Parlando del prodotto invece:
– GRIP (modo in cui la mia mano approccia ed impugna il mouse): perfetto, ha uno shape che si adatta perfettamente alla mia mano e al mio grip ovvero un claw grip, a volte mi ritrovo ad alternare questo grip passando da un claw ad un palm ed anche in quel caso non riscontro problemi di scomodit anzi, grazie alla forma ergonomica riesco a passare da un grip all’altro senza alcun problema.
– MOUSE CLICK / Bottoni laterali: i click risultano essere molto comodi, n troppo sensibili n troppo “resistenti”, testato sia durante il lavoro sia durante ore di gaming (gioco in questione Valorant) offrendo un’ottima sensazione. Per quanto riguarda la rotellina sembra ottima, dico sembra perch ancora nuovo quindi diciamo che ancora molto ferma e grip della gomma di cui rivestita la rotellina perfetto al momento.
– Profili DPI / Polling Rate: venendo da uno SteelSeries Rival 110 dove lo switch dei diversi profili DPI posto nella classica posizione prima della rotellina a ridosso dei tasti sx e dx mi capitava che a causa del mio grip lo premessi per sbaglio e durante una partita magari cambiavo profilo DPI senza volerlo. In questo caso non presente questa problematica in quanto il tasto per l’apposito switch dei diversi profili (400/800/1600/3200) posto SOTTO il mouse quindi impossibile che venga premuto per sbaglio, inoltre vengono diversificati attraverso colori diversi per i diversi DPI. Anche per quanto riguarda il Polling Rate fino a 1000Hz anch’esso possibile modificarlo sempre tramite l’apposito bottone sotto tenendolo premuto per un tempo >2 secondi.
– Paracord: Utilizzo gi di mio un bungee ossia un elemento per tenere sospeso il cavo del mouse cos che non risulti fastidioso durante il movimento orizzontale ma non avendo gli schermi sollevati da un braccio e quindi montando ancora le basi, in particolare del primo ossia un MSI G242, il mouse precedente nonostante l’utilizzo del bungee continuava ad avere problemi in quanto si scontrava con la parte dove “parte il cavo” e la base del monitor, PROBLEMA RISOLTO per quanto riguarda questo prodotto in quanto presenza di paracord che ha sollevato proprio quella parte del cavo.
– Cuscinetti adesivi: Il mouse dotato gi in partenza di cuscinetti adesivi installati sotto il mouse, inoltre vengono dati altri nella scatola cos da poter essere cambiati (io non ne ho avuto bisogno, ma giusto evidenziare questo aspetto).
In sostanza sono MOLTO SODDISFATTO del prodotto, della spedizione e del prezzo.
Ich hatte davor die Roccat Kone pro air und habe nun die endgame xm1r ausprobiert, es fhlt sich sehr gut an, ich wrde es trotzdem fr Leute mit greren Hnden ausprobieren, oder Leute die claw grip spielen. Die Oberflche hat einen guten grip, das Mausrad fhlt sich auch hochwertig an.
Another brilliant product from Endgame Gear. After purchasing the MPC450 mousepad, I figured I’d pair it with the (only) mouse they produce. And it’s the only mouse they produce for a good reason.
The mouse is superb quality for the money, I got it for around 20 through Amazon Warehouse. At this price, it is impossible to find a mouse that will beat it, but it is still worth considering at the MSRP for the reasons I will discuss.
The build quality is amazing, with no creaking or rattling to be found. All of the buttons feel sturdy and satisfying to press, especially the main clicks.
The fact that it is this well built yet only weighs in at 70g is impressive. This weight, combined with the PTFE mouse feet and the flexible cable make the mouse incredible to use.
Bravo Endgame Gear, bravo!
There’s something about this one that even though it’s symmetrical, it still has a comfortable curve to it that lets you rest your ring and pinky finger. It also manages to be smaller and lighter than my Intellimouse while still feeling like it has weight (and without using annoying honeycomb holes to make it lighter). The biggest thing to get used to out of the box was the lighter actuation force required to activate the right click. My hand twitches from time-to-time, so I had a bit of a problem with accidentally right clicking when I didn’t mean to. I was able to learn around this though and I now rest my hand a bit differently to compensate in a way that feels still absolutely natural.
Another thing I very much appreciate is the driver-less configuration. Of course, you can still download a program from EndGame Gear’s website (and Discord) to adjust DPI presets and install firmware updates, but it’s not absolutely necessary. If you are comfortable with 400, 800, 1600 or 3200 dpi, you will be absolutely fine never downloading a single thing. One thing I do wish about the software though is that the mouse could save your custom presets internally, so if you unplugged it and plugged it into something else you could maintain the custom DPI you set. I understand why it doesn’t work that way, but it would be a nice thing to see with future updates or revisions to the lineup.
People may criticize the lack of RGB and other flashy features, but I think the design is nice and understated. I appreciate a product that can still look and feel great without having all of the bells and whistles slapped onto it just to appease the general crowd. I did want to get the see-thru model when I was purchasing mine, but it was in stock for $10 more so I settled on the normal black instead. It’s still super nice and feels great either way, so I am fine with my choice.
Absolutely recommended to lovers of symmetrical mice and even to Intellimouse/ergo die-hards! You might be just like me and find something that absolutely subverts your expectations in a really pleasant way.
The shape reminds me of the old MS intellimouse explorer, which I loved. Nice big buttons, so my finger never misses.
If you want a really good mouse then this is it, dont be afraid of the 70g its still amazing and for 70$ better then buying a 150$ mouse.
Ich bin mit der Maus rundum zufrieden. Sie ersetzt meine Roccat Kain AIMO die leider mit dem Scrollrad Probleme macht. Die Neue eingesteckt – alles funktioniert sauber.
Eine Warnung an alle die eine “leise” Maus suchen weil sie den “only4gamers” Testbericht gelesen haben:
Mein Kaufargument war ein Test von only4gamers der die Endgame Gear XM1r als eine von 10 besonders “leisen” Musen angepriesen hat. Ich rgere mich sehr ber diesen unserisen Test. Das Tastenklicken ist deutlich zu vernehmen. Die Klicks der Roccat waren da noch leiser – und die war in der Liste nicht enthalten.
Auch wenn Endgame nicht wirklich etwas fr unserise Tests im Internet kann gibt es von mir in Sachen Ergonomie, Preis-Leistung und Komfort jeweils einen Stern Abzug. In Sachen Preis Leistung war ich fr eine echte Silent Maus bereit, 60 Muse auszugeben. Die Eigenschaft leise zu sein ist fr mich beim Thema “Ergonomie” und “Komfort” eben besonders wichtig.
Ich berlege noch ob ich die Maus behalte – denn ansonsten ist sie Tadellos und wem das geklicke nicht auf die Nerven geht ist mit dieser Maus sehr gut bedient.
Wie auch schon die normale XM1, eine super Maus! Ergonomisch, Leicht und perfekt! Immer wieder gerne. 🙂
Mouse looks amazing, feels amazing, very light and great quality overall. I feel extremely accurate when using it, definitely an improvement from my previous gaming nice. Just an overall great mouse, extremely expensive but a mouse you would not regret getting if you game.
Ratn para Claw Grip puro ( agarre en garra ), para quien no est familiarizado con estos trminos, es tipo de agarre se utiliza los las yemas de ms dedos para agarrarlo ms la parte ms baja de la palma. Cable excelente no se nota, clics tctiles y muy ligeros ( Kailh 8.0 ), sensor ptico como cualquier marca “premium. Slido y bien hecho.
Shape is very aggressive. don’t buy if you are looking for a mouse where u can grip is anyway u want. the mouse will force u into a certain grip. It will force u into a claw grip. Coating is fanstaic. Personally after using it for a year, it’s a great mouse but I prefer a more hybrid grip and the mouse didn’t really allow me to do that so it was uncomfortable at times. The switches are phenomenal to say the least. Perfect travel distance and the clicks are amazing. Kalih 8.0 might be my favorite switches after using the mouse.
I don’t know if it was my copy or what but my cable died, TWICE. First time was after around 7-8 months of use. It would randomly disconnect for a split second and would ruin my gameplay. I contacted support and they sent me a free replacement cable which is awesome. I installed it but after 3 months it died again!
So today I drew the line and bought the GPX and noticed right away the shape on the GPX is much more comfy compared to the XM1r. I am so not saying the shape is bad but it does force u into a claw unless if you do have a aggressive claws than by all means go for this mouse!
Overall 4/5, everything is awesome about this mouse. Be aware of the shape that’s all!
Produkt ist wie erwartet. Es macht optisch etwas her und die Spiele machen gleich mehr Spa :-).
War zuerst skeptisch gegenber teuren Musen. Hatte frher hochpreisige Gaming Modelle u.a. von Roccat, welche trotz top Pflege aus dem Nichts den Geist aufgegeben haben. Hatte dann 2 Jahre eine recht gnstige Maus und mich jetzt nochmal an etwas vernnftiges getraut.
Die XM1 ist in jeder Hinsicht mit Abstand die beste Maus die ich jemals hatte. Spiele recht competitive FPS und nutze sie ebenfalls im Office-Bereich. Hab sie in der Durchsichtigen Ausfhrung; erinnert mich an die damaligen PS1 Kontroller. 10 von 5 Sterne
Amazing mouse! Doesnt feel cheap at all and its probably one of the better mice at this price point.
Over my 2 days of using the Xm1r, Its starting to be up there with the Viper Mini, GPX Superlight, The Viper 8khz, and the G502 imo. Unfortunately I came up with a problem involving the left click already developing a double click issue. Might be good for minecraft but I mostly play Fortnite/ Valorant/ CSGO/ Apex/ OSU where I like a lighter feeling in the clicks and the mouse in which 60 – 83 grams is tolerable in weight.
There is also an update that helps fix this problem but I already had it installed before I started having the issue. Very Good Mouse but poor scroll wheel placement, heavy clicks, and subpar side buttons is what got me to make the decision to refund. The Sensor, shape, and the cable made me forget that this mouse is $70 and isn’t wireless. They did a great job with those three.
Im Planning on getting either a Superlight, a Viper Ultimate, or just wait for the upcoming Razer Viper V2 Pro in the future. Idk what to do but Razer definitely made me a fan with the optical clicks while Logitech’s sensor feels super smooth even on their old mice.
Needless to say, you should buy this mouse if you prefer lighter mice but not to light to where it feels too flicky
Wired mouse with no real noticeable latency for me. the software is easy to use and makes changing the dpi easy. There are 4 dpi profiles so you can swap between them easy enough with a button located under the mouse. I used to use an mmo mouse with the 12 buttons on the side and a rest for the ring finger on the other side. I’ve gotten use to not having all the hotkeys on the side now and the two is okay most of the time but I do still wish there were more. My ring finger rubs on my pinkie or something while using it maybe due to the lack of rest there now and it I find it really distracting to the point when I’m playing I normally wear a drawing glove and that fixes my problem. I think that problem is very much a me problem and would still recommend this mouse because of its great performance.
I really like the quality and shape of this mouse. I swapped out the Kailh gm 8.0 with 4.0, but that’s only because I prefer the feel of the gm 4.0. I have been a g303 user for a while (4+ years), but the optical encoder was getting on my nerves. This mouse feels right at home in my hand.
excellent mouse not just from an aesthetic and usability standpoint it’s also not chock full of spyware designed to steal your private data like the Razer series of mice, Jesus just seeing the word razer or typing it makes me want to vomit. RAzer is is a low life company who are in the business of distributing scumware and spyware to exfiltrate it to their corporate overloads. This mouse doesn’t even require you to download anything, you just plug it in and it works right off the bat.
19×11.5 cm hands, and my thumb covers the entire left side of the mouse. Mouse seems built very well, and glides great. Too bad for me. The quest continues. Currently on a G402, and it could be bigger.
Habe mich zwar aufgrund der Software fr eine andere Maus entschieden aber die Verarbeitung ist mega.
I’ve used a wide variety of mice – the GPX, RVU, Starlight 12, G303 SE, and Hati-S; none of them were as comfortable as this mouse. I loved the shape of this mouse, I have hands that are on the smaller side of the medium and this mouse fits naturally and comfortably, much more so than any other mice I’ve tried! The mouse has a big diamond-like shaped back hump and low triggers that’s perfect for claw grip, it feels a lot like a pointing feeling in use. The build quality is top tier – the coating is nice and soft to the touch, that actually feels stickier when my hands sweat, although it shows fingerprints and oils extremely easily, and the grooves where the mouse shell comes together tends to attract dust. It has no creaking or rattling whatsoever, and a PAW3370 sensor that performs great. It’s got super crispy clicks with a nice and stiff scroll wheel that’s almost impossible to accidentally scroll when pressing down on it. The only problems I have with this mouse are the cable and feet. The cable, although light, and what I would consider to be the best stock cable on the market right now is still a little stiff for micro corrections and still manages to hold its shape, get tangled, or get in the way of the mouse even with a mouse bungee. The feet are extremely scratchy on my mouse pad. The mouse comes with two pairs of feet, a pair of four small feet that are already attached to the mouse and a pair of two big ones that come in the box, both were scratchy. If this mouse was wireless with rounded mouse feet, it would be hands down the best mouse on the market.
After about 4 months of use the mouse4 and mouse5 side buttons may sometimes not work when you want them to and this is really frustrating for gaming. You have to press much harder, and this is not really feasible for competitive gamers. Also, the problem wont even be fixed if you press hard, it will just come back again. I have tried using compressed air and blowing into the side buttons to no avail. Another problem is the scroll wheel just bugging out and reversing the direction of where I scroll which is especially annoying for daily use. I have the latest firmware installed so there is nothing I can do to fix this. I am very disappointed in what is supposed to be a high end mouse with this price tag. It feels nice to hold, but that’s all I can vouch for. Even the right click feels mushy compared to what is supposed to be crisp and clean with the left click. Would be a 10/10 mouse if not for these issues, otherwise I would highly recommend buying a cheaper alternative so you won’t miss out on too much if it would have issues too.
Edit: Endgame Support was very helpful and understanding and shipped me a new one. Will be bumping to 5 stars again!
die 1 ver. XM1 war nicht so dolle, doch die XM1r is viel viel besser absolute kaufempfehlung
+ Klicks Links/Rechts butterweich und super fast (keine doppelklicks mehr)
alles andere brauch man nicht ansprechen die maus macht was es soll fr FPS games, einfach testen und los gehts!
Ich habe wirklich schon mit verdammt vielen Musen gezockt von Steel Series ber Roccat bis hin zu Razer. Doch diese Maus kann man berhaupt nicht vergleichen mit den anderen die ich schon benutzt habe. Diese maus ist optisch schlicht gehalten und dennoch macht sie einiges her. Die software ist dementsprechend einfach gehalten was ich persnlich ziemlich gut finde, die wichtigsten sachen kann man einstellen und das reicht vollkommen aus. Und in der Praxis ist die Maus unschlagbar sie liegt gut in der Hand und hat das Perfekte gewicht. Ich hab groe Hnde und es passt perfekt. Sie fhlt sich unglaublich wertig an.
Ich bin begeistert. Man braucht nicht drei Millionen mglichkeiten die Maus zu Optimieren wenn die Maus von Haus aus mehr als Optimal ist. Und das trifft hier zu.
Am besten berzeugt ihr euch selbst von dieser Maus.
Aufjedenfall Top!
Well of course as you would expect from kailh 8.0 switches they feel great.
They are quite tactile and i dont think they’re are pre build mouses with this much tactility.
It isnt quite as heavy as some reviewers say but it is preference whether you are gonna like it or not.
The Scrollweel click is really light which could be something positiv or negative depending on youre preference but i like the light click of it.
The Scrollweel it self is something in between beeing really smooth and bumpy and i love it.
The shape is something most people should look at when buying this mouse since it is ambidextures and quite low.
I am a person who used ergonomic mice before so it was quite new to me but i like it a lot and even though most people say it is the perfect mouse for claw grip i use a full grip and dont have any problems with it.
The sidebuttons are fine but they just have too much after travel between the acctual bottom out and the end of the click.
Overall a absolute must buy for anyone in this price range that isnt only looking for a wireless mouse .
No s si es por haber estado toda mi vida con ratones de no ms de 20 o 30 euros pero… Se nota la diferencia, se nota muchsimo. Los cliks, como desliza, lo liviano que es… Todo perfecto. Por ponerle una pega y al menos en la versin DARK REFLEX, si te suda mucho las manos se te puede escurrir por los materiales en los que est construido.
This is the most long lasting mouse I have ever had, I didn’t face a single issue out of it, no crackling noises, no button miss clicks, no feet degradation, no cable issues, no oil marks on the mouse shell, all these issues I mentioned I have had at least one of them with all me previous in the same period I have this one now.
For comfort I gave it a 3 because I don’t see this is the biggest purpose of this mouse despite it is not bad either, it is just that this isn’t a mouse I would recommend for home office for example, but for gaming sessions it is completely suitable.
Smooth experience overall. Just the perfect mouse. If a wireless model is released I would buy it instantly.
This mouse has become my main, great cable accept for the fact that it has started double clicking. i brought this on a warehouse deal, but I can guest this was the reason it was return, yet amazon never checked it. will probably have to change the switches, luckily i have the GPX to fall back on until then.
After using my glorious model o for 2 years I thought that mice could not get any better, until I got the xm1r. This mouse has to be the best wired mouse I have ever used, from the grip to the clicks to even the coating used is just in it’s own class. If you own a glorious model o or any similar mouse and have the ability to buy a mouse, this is certainly one of the best.
I love it, its way better so far than my old mouse the Razer DeathAdder.