ENDGAME GEAR XM1 Gaming Mouse – PMW3389 Sensor – 50 to 16,000 CPI – 5 Buttons – 50M Switches – Black

About Endgame Gear
Endgame Gear offers world-class gaming equipment designed in Germany to help gamers and esports athletes reach their full potential. Equip yourself with Endgame Gear, because the telling name is program! Endgame Gear’s development team has passionate and professional gamers who want to make it easy for players to take it to the next level, and design the best gaming tools for them.
Endgame Gear XM1 Gaming Mouse
The Endgame Gear XM1 Gaming Mouse (Designed in Germany!) Is simple, but packed with great technology, such as Pixart’s state-of-the-art, high-end PMW3389 optical sensor and Omron’s pre-selected, long-lasting 50M mechanical switches. The weight of the mouse was kept as low as possible: there are only the most necessary buttons and no annoying RGB LED lighting. The XM1 is the perfect gaming mouse for focused professional gamers with long stamina – designed for tournaments.
- Patented analog technology for true <1ms probe response time
- Pixart PMW3389 flagship sensor for low / mid / high-sense gamer
- Resource-saving software for 50 CPI – 16,000 CPI
- Adjustable host-side USB polling rate of 250 Hz, 500 Hz & 1,000 Hz
- Pre-sorted mechanical OMRON 50M buttons for an ideal click feeling
- A total of five buttons including mouse wheel with 2-way scrolling
- Noiseless and low-friction PTFE glides for maximum precision
- Ergonomic right-handed mouse for Claw Grip, Palm Grip & Finger Grip with ultralight construction (70 grams total weight)
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Super fast signal processingThe Pixart PMW3389 optical high-end sensor captures motion at a speed of up to 1,143 cm per second (450 IPS) with high precision, keeping control of the game in every situation. With a 2mm lift-off distance, the sensor stays in contact with the surface, even over long distances, but is low enough that re-centering the mouse requires little movement and no accidental movement in the game. Thanks to the patented analog technology and the ARM STM32 microcontroller, the internal latency of the pushbuttons is even less than a millisecond, which ensures extremely fast click speeds with the Omron 50M switches. | High quality componentsThe lightning-fast Endgame Gear XM1 has a total of five mouse buttons. The specially selected, mechanical Omron 50M switches on the XM1’s two main buttons are designed to handle extreme loads and 50 million clicks, ensuring a long life and perfect feedback with every click. On the left side of the right-handed mouse there are two function keys that can be reached with the thumb. On the top there are not only the two main keys but also the clickable and, thanks to the rubber coating, a very handy 2-way mouse wheel. | Ultra-lightweight constructionThe surface with Dry Grip coating is slightly roughened, thus ensuring a firm grip. At the same time, the ergonomically perfect shape prevents overloading of the wrist and ensures maximum comfort even for prolonged use or in shooter combat. The design of the mouse is suitable for both the claw and the palm and finger grip. The Endgame Gear XM1 weighs just 70 grams, and the 1.8-meter cable is exceptionally flexible. Noiseless and low-friction PTFE Glides ensure smooth gliding, reduce the tiring effect of repetitive fast movements and thus help to maintain a high pointer accuracy permanently. |
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Resource-saving softwareAccurate gaming is possible with the Endgame Gear XM1 just because gamer can customize the mouse thanks to the extensive setting options. Functional mouse software embraces the product’s streamlined design philosophy by limiting itself to the essentials and therefore does not compromise system performance. By means of the software, four setting profiles can be stored in the mouse, which can be switched through via a Settings button on the bottom of the mouse. | Status LEDsBriefly pressing the button cycles through the CPI profiles – the default values are 400, 800, 1,600 and 3,200 CPI – and long press cycles through the three predefined polling rate levels. The CPI value can be adjusted by software in increments of 50 from 50 CPI to 16,000 CPI and is signaled by the LED color of the display LEDs assigned to the profile slot at the bottom of the mouse. The three selectable levels of USB polling rate are also signaled by the two indicator LEDs on the bottom of the mouse (both lit = 1,000 Hz, right LED = 500 Hz, left LED = 250 Hz). | High-End-Sensor
Specifications | |
Dimensions | 122.14 x 38.26 x 65.81 mm (W x H x D) |
Weight: | 70g (including cable) |
Sensor | Pixart PMW3389 |
Resolution | 50 – 16,000 CPI (adjustable in increments of 50 CPI) |
Polling rate | 250, 500, 1000 Hz (adjustable) |
Lift-off distance | 2 mm |
Acceleration | 50 g |
Maximum speed | 11.43 m/s (450 IPS) |
Buttons | 5 |
Connection | USB (1.85 m cable) |
Weight: | 70 g |
Dimensions: | 6.6 x 14.4 x 3.8 cm; 70 Grams |
Model: | EGG-XM1-BLK |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ENDGAME GEAR |
Colour: | Black |
Best shape and mouse feel I have ever experienced. Im at 25+ tested mice so fa
A questo prezzo un mouse di una qualit del genere non neanche pensabile: shape pi comoda mai provata, una click latency tra le pi basse in assoluto, qualit di costruzione altissima, ha come switch dei pulsanti gli omreon che sono tra i migliori del mercato, morbidezza del filo sorprendente, sembra di star giocando con un mouse wireless, l’unico piccolo problema che poteva avere (ovvero l’assenza di un software gestionale) possibile risolverlo scaricando la beta presente nel loro sito, molto comoda se si vuole modificare il numero di dpi che se no sarebbero fissi a 400/800/1600/3200, skates ottimi e insieme al prodotto arrivano anche un altro paio di quest’ultimi aggiuntivo per dare la possibilit all’acquirente di scegliere due versioni leggermente diverse del mouse.
Decisamente miglior mouse sul mercato a questo prezzo.
Ich finde die Maus sehr gut, sie ist leicht, schnell und fhlt sich gut in der Hand an (ich habe recht groe Hnde). Ich ziehe hier einen Punkt ab, da mein erstes Model leider nach einiger Zeit manchmal nicht auf Klicks der linken Maustaste reagiert hat. Die zweite Maus funktioniert allerdings schon seit lngerer Zeit perfekt.
Il mouse fatto benissimo ed ottimo il funzionamento ma la plastica lucida scivola se avete le mani che sudano lo rende non proprio comodo da usare.
My son researched and asked to buy this mouse with his own money. I was a little dubious with being quite expensive but he absolutely loves it and is impressed with how much easier it is in playing his games on the PC.
Loved the little bag of sweets included in the parcel
The mouse is simply put almost flawless, the buld quality and surface texture are amazing, the switches are light to actuate and feel great, the feet are smooth and fast (after the break in period) and you get larger replacement feet in the box. Despite the fact that the mouse has no holes it still manages to come in at just 70g and has an amazing shape for fps games. While it would be nice to see a wireless version the wire is very flexible and with a bungee you will not feel it. All of that for just 60!
So I’ve gone through a few gaming mice. My previous goto was the Model D which I loved. Lightweight, easy customisation, macro’s and lots of unicorn vomit (RGB) I thought about a new mouse as my Model D was having issues with latency. I bought the Logitech G502, but that was way too big for my grip. This just fits perfectly with my overall needs. Lightweight, extremely responsive clicks 1ms and just a delight to game on.
Watch the review on Youtube, there’s plenty. Decide on what grip you have and that would eventually make your choice on mouse. Muscle memory is essential and you don’t want to try and game on a mouse your hands aren’t used to and hope your muscle memory will adapt.
It looks like a standard 10 mouse, but when you pick it up and inspect the quality, play with it a few times, you’ll realise why its priced as an average mouse. Value for money? Most definitely.
Only cons, can’t utilise software for the Xmr1, but comes with 1000mhz polling rate out of the box. You’ll have to adjust the CPI/DPI on the bottom of the mouse, but those are just slight niggles that shouldn’t take away from the overall gaming experience.
Mouse molto preciso,comodo e affidabile
Molto solido in mano e colorazione degna di nota.
Impeccabbile in tutto
Ha un click molto pronunciato,quindi lo sentirete bene e unica pecca,dovrete pulirlo spesso in quanto trattiene aloni dalle mani.
Endgame xm1r is a brilliant upgrade from the endgame xm1 the xm1r feels lighter and looks nicer, everything with this mouse is good but I would say if your playing a fast game and use ur mouse buttons a lot then I would watch out for the top mouse button as when you use them both they don’t activate all the time I have had this for about 5 months and is doing the job looking to upgrade in the future to a log g pro wireless but defo keeping this mouse
+ Absolute top Komponenten fr Sensor, Gleitfe, Kabel und Tasten
+ Vor allem die oberen beiden Tasten sind extrem gut. Es werden die Kailh GM 8.0 Switches verwendet, welche die besten am Markt sind. Nur bei der Xtrfy MZ1 fhlen sich die Klicks besser an, alle anderen Muse sind unterlegen.
+ Mausrad hat einen sehr guten Klick und guten grip, ist jedoch von den Schritten her ein wenig zu undefiniert.
+ Die Maus liegt sehr gut auf dem Mauspad, hat eine geniale Balance und Stabilitt beim Zielen.
+ Ansprechendes Design, extrem leicht und sehr gutes Material
– Die Seitentasten sind minimal schwammig, aber nichts wildes. Noch immer sehr gut, beim Glorious Model D- sind sie aber sprbar besser.
– Die Form ist nicht ergonimisch gut, ich finde sie etwas unbequem fr meinen Griff-Stil.
Falls sie euch gut in der Hand liegt und zu eurem Griff-Stil passt, ist das eine der besten Muse im Markt. Vor allem die gaming performance und die oberen Maustasten sind top. Qualitt und Verarbeitung auf sehr hogem Niveau.
Auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Maus frs Office/Coding mit annehmbaren clicks, keinem beschmenden RGB und der ntigen Leichtigkeit, sowie einer Maus fr competitive Games und high APM bin ich EINIGE Muse schon durch.
Alle geplagt durch schlechte QC oder unzureichend in gewisser Hinsicht.
Glorious,Coolermaster, Razer, you name it. Die Maus hier ist so schlicht, so robust, und SO GUT. Wenig Gewicht, sitzt perfekt in meiner groen Hand (Claw Grip / Palm-Claw Grip). Keine Fehlfunktionen (review wird geupdated, falls welche auftreten) und ausreichende Einstellbarkeit in der Software.
Die config Software, entgegen den Reviews, IST bereits einsatzbereit. Man muss einfach in den Discord von Endgame reinschauen, da wird man auch gut beraten und supported.
Hat alle notwendigen Einstellungsmglichkeiten, sowie ein Setting fr angle correction beim Office Einsatz. Brauch ich persnlich aber (noch) nicht.
Das Scrollwheel ist ein Genuss, sehr fein und przise. Wenig pre-travel bei den Tasten, einwandfreier Sensor, ein extrem angenehmes Kabel ohne Strfaktor – Was will man mehr.
Definitiv eines der besten Peripheriegerte der letzten Jahre meiner Meinung nach. Mein erstes Produkt von Endgame. Definitiv nicht das letzte.
Sehr schne Maus, przise und liegt gut in der Hand. Leider nach nicht mal einem Jahr (tglicher Benutzung) hat das Mausrad bereits erste Aussetzer und reagiert nicht mehr wie gewnscht. Bei einer hochpreisigen Maus mMn ein echtes Manko.
Nach Kontaktaufnahme meinerseits beim ENDGAME-Support wurde mir anstandslos und unkompliziert eine neue Maus zugesendet und versichert, dass das beschriebene und per Video gezeigte Verhalten nicht normal ist. Ich korrigiere daher meine Bewertung fr diesen Support deutlich nach oben.
I have had this mouse for about a month or two now and I have a couple of things to say. First off, the shape is absolutely AMAZING. I HIGHLY recommend it for fingertip or claw grippers. The weight is great, the clicks are somewhat decent in tactility, but the sound is SOOOO HOLLOW. I was considering returning it just because of how hollow the clicks sound and feel. I still recommend this mouse, just be sure that that’s one of the cons that will come up.
I don’t normally write reviews but, I have got to hand it to overclockers uk. I ordered the mouse on late Friday afternoon and expected delivery was on Tuesday, to my surprise I got it on Sunday and this was sent directly by overclockers uk. And that’s not all thank you for the mini bag of Harribos.
The product itself is excellent. Looks and feels premium. Very good for medium/large hands. I personally have a claw grip and I have had no issues transitioning. The wire does not interfere with play. Not the lightest mouse but that’s not a negative for me the movement is still excellent. software is very simple to use. And the CPI or Dpi goes up in increments of 50 which is excellent. Overall would highly recommend it.
Simply the best mouse and mousepad that I’ve used so far and will not be changing it ever. Great build quality, made of great material and the you won’t even feel the cable. The shape is perfect for claw grip
Die Maus fhlt sich Top an ist leicht zu bewegen etc., aber man kann die DPI der Maus nicht erhhen worauf ich mich erstmal umstellen musste.
I was looking for a new mouse with a decent sensor, good shape and five buttons. I wanted to try this RGB stuff as I had never had an RGB mouse before, I ended up going for the white XM1. It is a great mouse, it feels good to hold and as I tend to play with a claw style grip it fits perfectly in my hand for this. The mice buttons feel solid and click well with no loose connections.
The only gripe I have with the mouse (I believe it is just my mouse unit and not every mouse in this product line) is that sometimes, I will turn the PC on and the mouse is powered off, I have to unplug and replug the mouse to enable it again. This is just a minor issue and takes seconds to remedy, so I can overlook this for the rest of the functionality of the mouse.
Mi piaciuto usare l’XM1r, ma poi sono un fan dell’XM1, quindi non sorprende che mi piaccia questo mouse. una nuova forma di EndGame Gear? No. Ma un buon prodotto? S. Per coloro che non hanno gi l’XM1, l’XM1r sar uno dei migliori mouse di serie da acquistare. Evidentemente, porta pi cambiamenti sotto il cofano rispetto alla forma effettiva, ma questa non affatto una brutta cosa. Il sensore preciso e reattivo ed molto leggero. Consigliatissimo per chi gioca fps e vuole migliorare!
The material used for the mouse feels very premium, the design of the buttons is no doubt the best I’ve ever seen. Clicks feel pretty much exactly the way you want them to. Very crispy, feel and sound good. Cable and feet are perfect. Weight is a little high, but its only 70g. It’s not heavy at all. Shape is phenomenal, and surprisingly comfortable.
Mouse is great for anyone who doesn’t palm grip.
One of the best stock cables. Paired with a bungee makes this mouse one of the best stock wired mice out there.
Probably the best wired mouse on the market currently. I have about $1500 worth of gaming mice and this is my go to recently.
Clicks/switches are very premium.
Very low latency when you click
Ptfe stick feet
Excellent cable
Excellent coating
If you claw this mouse just buy it now, can also work for fingertip, but definitely not for palm grip.
In the picture I have BTL grips on mine since my hands get sweaty very easily.
Amazing: Cable/Mouse feet/Sensor/Shape all i all just one amazing mouse, now personally i’m not a fan of the shape due to my hand probably being too small, but the mouse is simply amazing.
love it, smooth gliding on my mouse matt helps with my aim and the clicks are satisfying. 10/10
El mejor sin ninguna duda (XM1r) habiendo probado Logitech G PRO y G PRO Superlight, Viper Mini y Ultimate, Glorious Model 0-, Xtrfy M42 y MZ1, CoolerMaster mm710, puedo decir que el ENDGAME GEAR XM1r es el mejor y con diferencia.
Diese Maus liegt perfekt in der Hand, die Sidebuttons sind gut positioniert. Die Switches sind anfangs etwas ungewohnt, da man etwas hrter klicken muss, aber man gewhnt sich dran. Das Kabel merkt man gar nicht und Mousewheel ist ganz okay.
Just got this in today and will have to return it unless I can figure out a way to fix the scratchy plastic / feet on my copy :/
Good shape for claw grip, not so good for fingertip but the coating is extremely good, cable is decent but not as good as my M700.
The scroll wheel and coating feels better than a G203, the Omron’s click better than a G203 with a tad lower latency (may not be noticeable but may be a factor in that one shot out of a thousandth) and from the switches, mouse feet and cord material I would say it will last a fair bit longer than a G203.
I found mouse 4 and 5 buttons are also easier for me to hit them but that is down to the way I use my claw grip so YMMV.
It’s hard to beat the G203 in value but if you have the budget for this mouse I would definitely go for the upgrade when you need a replacement.
Looks awesome performs well!!! Only one thing id change is if the side buttons were further forward
Great gaming mouse! Bigger skates, Nice RGB configurable through software. Button to change dpi/polling rate underneath. Very nice clicks! No play.
Beste Maus die ich je hatte, ich wnschte mir zum erstenmal das ich kleinere Hnde htte. Hab 19,5×11 und relaxed Claw/Palm. Die XM1r f7hlt sich so wertig und schn an, dass ich mir schmerzhaft versuchte meinen Grip an die Maus anzupassen. Leider hatte ich tatschlich Schmerzen nach ner Weile. Wenn Endgame ihr Design veelngern wrden und den Buckel in die Mitte setzen wrde + wireless als Sahnehaube… Ich glaub ich wrde 10 Stck kaufen und nichts anderes bis zur Rente kaufen.
PS: die fehlende Software ist absolut irrelevant meiner Meinung nach. Ausser ihr habt einen super speziellen DPI wert ohne den ihr nicht mal die App ffnen knnt… Ja dann wirklich finger weg. Ansonsten Legendre Maus. Es deprimiert mich das sie zu klein fr meine Hand ist =((((
Spiele seit knapp 3 Monaten mit der Maus und bin absolut zufrieden. Besser als jede Logitech die ich bisher hatte
Sehr sehr gute gaming Maus, hab sie ca 1 Jahr und bin bis jetzt malos zufrieden. Hat mich nie im Stich gelassen und die Performance ist einfach unmenschlich. Mchte nie wieder auf diese Maus verzichten. Und fr bisschen mehr Geld bekommt man bisschen RBG Bling Bling dazu.
Einziges Manko (ist aber meckern auf echt hohem Niveau): es gibt keine App oder Programm zum Einstellen von der Beleuchtung (wenn man die rbg Variante hat)
Souris parfaite ! Elle fait vraiment qualitative en main c’est dingue. Tout est niquel, la finition, les cliques, la molette. Foncez sans aucun doute ! Elle est pas pour les petites mains par contre. Les patins c’est une tuerie galement.
Amazing gaming mouse, fast, lightweight and comfortable to hold. I recommend going on their website and joining their discord server from there to be able to get all the latest updates for the mouse. A lot of issues were fixed (scroll wheel, double clicking) etc. Overall amazing mouse. I have Viper ultimate, Viper mini, Hyperx Haste, Gpro wired. This one is by far my favorite. My only issue was that your finger prints really show. Nothing that takes away from performance.
Ich spiele nur schon einiger Zeit mit dieser Maus und hatte vorher eine Roccat Kain 120 Aimo. Das sind unterschiede wie Tag und Nacht. Ob es die Genauigkeit, das Kabel usw. diese Maus schlgt alles. Die Software ist zwar ein bisschen schwach, aber wer brauch schon groartig Software. Falls Ihr diese Maus kaufen solltet, stellt in der Software Lift-Distance auf 2mm. 1mm machte nur Probleme.
Trotzdem 5von5 Sterne
This mouse is very similar, in length, to the glorious model o and logitech g pro. Though they share this similarity, the xm1r is a lot wider than the other mouses shown. An amazing mouse non the less.
Habe Jahre Lang immer wieder zwischen vielen marken gewechselt auf der suche nach der Perfekten Maus nun dieses Jahr wurden mir Zwei Muse Empfohlen ZOWIE FK1-B Oder die ENDGAME GEAR XM1 mich hat dann am Ende die RGB Beleuchtung berzeugt bin voll und ganz zufrieden mit der XM1 Maus Preis Leistung an der Stelle ist auch Top man bekommt hier eine Top Maus fr gutes Geld
I don’t normally write reviews for items, but this mouse really warrants it. I overall like everything about the mouse but that’s because it fits my needs. I’ll list all the plus sides and negatives to give you an idea if you’re thinking about buying.
– great coating (especially for sweaty hands)
– shape is slightly aggressive with the ambi shape but works very well if you have a claw or fingertip grip (not sure if this mouse would be ideal to palm grip with)
– clicks are out of this world compared to other gaming mice
– very spammable but still feels great with feedback on the clicks
– mouse wheel has good tension between each step and feels nice to game/browse with
– side buttons have a little bit of travel time but still feel very responsive and nice to use
– stock mouse feet are great out the box with these and I assume will break in a bit over time as I continue to use the mouse
– RGB could be a little more uniform and fluid but overall the aesthetic is amazing and has a really unique style
– mouse wheel may feel far forward for some people with smaller hands (not in my case as I have 20cm x 11cm hands) so it’s something to look out for if you use the mouse wheel a lot
Side Things to Mention:
– mouse comes in at ~79 grams which is the perfect balance for myself but may not be ideal for everyone, especially when they added rgb for ~10 grams
– mouse wheel click is slightly lighter than most mice but still feels really solid
Diese Maus ist die beste E-Sports Maus welche man aktuell kaufen kann. Vin der Reaktionszeit der klicks gehrt sie aktuell zu den schnellsten Muse. Gleichzeitig ist ihre Form perfekt fr eigentlich alle Griffe. Das Kabel ist so gut das man es gar nicht glauben kann wie beweglich und weich es ist. Es ist eigentlich alles perfekt.
Zwei kleine Punkte knnten besser sein:
– Pollingrate knnte man Razer nachziehen und sie vom 1000der Standart wegheben.
– Die Gleiter der Fe sind etwas kleiner als deren Aussparung an der Unterseite der Maus. Hat natrlich kein Einfluss auf die Maus, ist eher was zur Perfektio
If you use a claw grip for your mouse, this may be the “endgame” mouse for you. My hands measure at 18.5×10.5 and I can comfortably use this mouse. Other mice that I can compare to are the Razer Viper Ultimate (I found this mouse too flat with not enough of a hump), the G-Pro Wireless (Good mouse but wanted more of a rear humped mouse) , The Roccat Burst Pro (this was the closest and I can say that the burst pro favors more grip types and is a little wider if you have wide hands). I can say for those that have really wide hands, I’d recommend the burst pro more as since the sides of this mouse cave inwards it can cause cramps if you have wider hands. The length can be an issue if you have small hands as well. Overall this mouse is incredible for claw, as the coating is grippy, the cable is light and flexible, and the sensor performance is flawless.
Il mouse ha un ottimo feeling al tatto (simile al GPW).
Il click dei tasti ottimo e c’ pocchissimo pre-travel sia sui tasti principali che sui tasti laterali del mouse, la rotellina bilanciata, non troppo rigida n troppo “molla” sia nello scorrimento che nel click.
Il cavo molto morbido e sembra quasi di usare un mouse wireless, i feets scorrono bene.
Personalmente lo trovo molto comodo, utilizzo un impugnatura di tipo claw grip.
Mouse ottimo visto anche il prezzo non troppo alto considerate le sue caratteristiche tecniche, lo consiglio per il gaming di FPS ma si adatta bene anche ad altri tipi di gioco o ad altri ambiti (grafica, produttivit).
Also die Maus ist an sich gut, jedoch schafft endgame gear es nicht, nach mehr als einem halben Jahr, eine Software zur Konfiguration der Maus zu verffentlichen.
Wer die Maus also kauft kann an der Maus nichts einstellen, wie Macros oder andere Belegungen frs Mausrad/Seitentasten.
Die Maus liegt super leicht in der Hand und ist perfekt fr mittel groe Hnde. Perfekt fr FPS games
I had several mice and most recently the Glorious Model D. The Endgame Gear XM1r is far superior in build quality and feels much better. The buttons feel very snappy and direct with no movement at all.
I was also looking for a good looking gaming mouse without tacky RGB.
Definitely recommended! Again, built quality is everything!
Il mouse e’ perfetto shape perfetto per claw 18.5×10 cm. Purtroppo prima di tutto non dispone di software per cambiare dpi a step di 50 e il mio click sinitro pur utilizzando kailh gm 8 ha problemi double click ed e’ hollow, ho provato ad installare il nuovo software e uguale stesso problema. Lo riternero’ ma lo consiglio veramente a tutti quelli che voglio prendersi un mouse da gaming per la prima volta!
Just what my son wanted dies everything he needs he loves i
I swapped over to this on recommendation and I really love it. Very light and it fits my hand perfectly.
Been using for a few weeks now and everything about this mouse from the shape to the coating is pretty much perfect, the clicks feel amazing it has a great cable which has been very durable and flexible. My only complaint is that there still is no software and that the mouse makes a pop noise when you click a bit too hard or remove tyour finger from the m1/2 buttons, otherwise perfect mouse.
I needed a new mouse and my friend told me to get this one. I am not dissapointed.
A mi le va perfecto!! Esta muy contento con su ratn nuevo
The XM1r is my first Endgame Gear product and I am extremely impressed, everything about this mouse oozes quality. Massive props to Endgame Gear for letting people buy new production revisions directly instead of doing stealth updates to their products unlike other manufacturers like Logitech who will update a product but it’s basically a lottery if you got the updated version or not (e.g. the G Pro Wireless main buttons had double click issues and a later revision changed the 50m omron switches to 20m omrons which has now fixed the issue).
This is my first time using Kailh 8.0 switches and now I see why it was a selling point. The main button clicks feel so crisp; reminds me of the Logitech G303. There’s zero pre-travel on the buttons and they don’t wobble sideways either.
The mouse wheel middle click is really nice and I adore how easy it is to actually middle click as I use it a lot for opening links in new tabs/closing tabs a while working, so I found the recent trend of companies making the middle click difficult to press quite irritating.
The side buttons are really nice and tactile with a short amount of travel just how I like it.
The CPI button is on the bottom of the mouse, which for some will be welcome and this is just a preference of mine, but I prefer the CPI button to be on top behind the scroll wheel so that I can re-bind it in the mouse software to Page Down and then use it as an extra button in games for grenades or whatever.
The Shell
The build quality is second to none. One thing I found irritating about my Glorious Model D is that they feel flimsy and they flex when you use them. The XM1r feels solid, with no weird flexing or creaking, despite weighing so little.
The coating of the mouse is really nice as well and once you warm up sticks to your hand really well. I absolutely hate the trend of using rubberised side grips on mice, they feel grimy under my fingers. Mice will constantly feel like they’re slowly sliding out of my grip no matter how hard I grip it. No such issues with the XM1r, it just feels like an extension of your hand (once you’ve warmed up of course).
The Cable
The cable is in my opinion, just perfect. The only other mouse I’ve tried with it’s own paracord style cable is the Glorious Model D and I found that it was too soft. It would bounce around and somehow wind up under my mouse which was super irritating because it would happen at the worst time – when you need to quickly turn around and recentre your mouse. I don’t have any such issues with the XM1r because the cable has a bit more shielding.
The Feet
I’ve been using the default feet on the mice and they’ve been great! I really like that they give you a spare set in the box.
The Software
Has not been released yet, and is apparently “coming soon”. I don’t really have a use for this since the CPI button is on the bottom of the mouse anyway…
The Shape
Although it doesn’t look like it, this is one of the most unique ambi mice I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried a lot. This mouse is definitely something I would recommend to anyone who uses a claw grip. For reference for the comparisons below, my hands are ~19x10cm (including thumb for width, 19x8cm without).
Roccat Burst Pro: I felt the hump was too wide and tall at the back, and the XM1r slots into my palm easier.
Roccat Kone Owl Eye: I think this is the mouse with the most similar hump to the XM1r. If you’ve used this mouse, imagine it was slightly larger, that’s how the XM1r feels in your palm.
Zowie FK1 & FK2: I found these mice way too flat to use comfortably, as I use claw grip, so XM1 is better to me without question.
Zowie ZA series: I always hated the way this mouse’s hump poked into my palm just below the index and middle finger’s knuckle and caused discomfort over time. The XM1 has a really smooth hump which doesn’t hurt at all. I found the same issue when I used the Logitech G403 as well.
Zowie EC2 & Glorious Model D: Yes, I used to claw these mice, with my palm up against the rear. Comfort wise for me this is on par with the XM1, but everything else about the XM1r is above, so switching is a no brainer.
Nixeus Revel: For those who still have this mouse or another Sensei type clone: the XM1 is slightly smaller.
Logitech G Pro Wireless: The coating for this mouse just did not work for me, and neither did the shape. The coating on it doesn’t even let the mouse grip even once I’m warmed up and the shape of the sides is like / so I can’t even pick it up comfortably.
Logitech G Pro (the small egg mouse): this mouse was a good shape for claw grip, but too small overall for my hands and it felt unstable due to being wider at the top than the bottom. If you also found that this mouse was too small, consider the XM1r as it feels like it’s bigger, more stable brother.
Overall, the XM1r ticks so many boxes for me that I can’t see myself using anything else any time soon.
The XM1r compared to the V2 just feels more refined overall. The clicks are cleaner and moving away from Omrons switches to Kailh 8.0s should mean that the double-click issue should be much less of a problem. The side buttons feel tighter with less post-travel than before, adding to a more tactile feel. And the scroll wheel has a bit more resistance to it out of the box, and just feels sturdier (Which can be a good or bad thing depending on the person, I personally like it). The scroll wheel button itself feels about the same which is fine, I only use it for pinging in games so it’s not an issue. The stock feet glide really well too with a little break-in time (Plus you get a second pair of feet). The things I loved about the XM1 originally stayed the same thankfully. That includes the incredible grippy coating, the shape, the 70g weight, and finally the low-profile aesthetic.
It’s really nice that Endgame kept the MSRP of the mouse the same at $59.99 USD before taxes, which is a really good deal for such a well constructed mouse. If you can pick up a V2 somewhere at a discount go for it since it’s still really good (I’m assuming retailers are now trying to get rid of their V2 inventory), but the XM1r with all the upgrades is worth it. I’m glad I have two of these should something happen to one of them, since it’s been my favorite gaming mouse experience so far. Looking forward to a wireless model (Hopefully with USB-C).
Things to keep in mind: As of the time I’ve posted this review there is no configuration software available yet, so you’re stuck with the default DPI settings of 400, 800, 1600, and 3200 respectively for now (Changing it via the button underneath the Mouse). And also the supply isn’t the best, this mouse is typically hard to find in stock so I’d check here and elsewhere periodically if you’re trying to get a hold of one of these. However it’s understandable when you think about it since Endgame gear is a relatively small peripheral company compared to Logitech or Razer.
The grip is iffy for me and the clicking is something to get used to. I was previously using a Logitech G502 Hero so my hand fit really well for it… My main concern is the hardware inside the mouse heats the whole thing up… after 30 minutes or so, the mouse gets uncomfortably warm from all the RGB. Never in my life felt a mouse that is warm as this… I’m not sure anyone has ever dealt this issue
Die beste Gaming maus die ich bis jetzt hatte.
Lsst sich mega schnell bewegen durch das leichte Gewicht.
Wichtig war mir auch das man sie gut anheben kann. Das passt perfekt mit meiner eher kleinen Hand
Gleiteigenschaft top, software gott sei dank einfach gehalten und Tastenanschlag nicht zu leicht und nicht zu schwer.
Besonders mchte ich das Kabel loben, welches mega weich ist und nie beim bewegen der maus strt.
Danke Endgame Gear! Ihr sorgt dafr das ich beim Zocken mehr Spa habe.
I like the clickyness of each mouse click and how good it is for gaming definitely would recommend
Awesome mouse, very light and accurate for a good price! Great customer service. Had an issue with my original order and sorted out immediately by support team.
Provengo dal logitech g pro e devo dire che ne sono rimasto positivamente sorpreso, gioco a csgo dota e valorant e lo trovo perfetto in ogni aspetto per la mia mano e impugnatura claw, consigliatissimo!
Ansich sehr gute Maus! Qualitt sehr berzeugend, der Rest auch.
Fr meine 18,5 x 9,5 cm Hnde habe ich trotzdem Probleme rechts genug Platz fr meine Finger zu finden.
Klicks sind nice und das Kabel ist das Beste Kabel was ich bis jetzt in Kombi mit einer Maus hatte.
Thumbs up
Ich habe die Maus auf Empfehlung eines Kollegen gekauft und muss sagen ich bin nicht entuscht worden… Sie liegt gut im der Hand und mit dem Treiber kann man alles so einstellen wie man es gern htte ! Fr mich war das normale Design bisschen zu langweilig deshalb auch die rgb Version! Aber ich habe bis jetzt nichts zu kritisieren , einfach eine tolle Maus und kann man nur weiter empfehlen!
Premetto che di mouse ne ho provati tanti da steelseries, deathadder, v2, v2 mini, viper mini, logitech g502….ero in dubbio fra questo e s2 zowei..non potevo fare scelta migliore! il peso secondo me perfetto ne troppo leggero ne pesante.La plastica dei precedenti mouse non mi piaceva un po troppo plasticosi , la plastica del endgame invece particolare perfetta per me, essendo ruvida e pi robusta.. sensore top al mondo, click perfetti ecc.. dimensioni ottime per quasi tutte le prese ed estremamente comodo.. personalmente il mio mouse definitivo!
This mouse is amazing, it feels comfortable and works great. It’s a little bit pricy than other ones on the market but I feel like it’s worth it because of the rgb and easy to use software
Super leichte Maus (aus meiner Sicht nicht zu leicht)
relativ leise beim Klicken und genau die richtige Gre fr meine Hnde egal in wlcher Griffform.
Das einzige was ich bemngeln wrde wre das Kabel aber das ist Geschmackssache.
Estremamente preciso e leggero.
Non scherzo, ma tutto il cavo pesa pi del mouse.
EDIT: eventually had a faulty left click, but i contacted the support with no issues and they sent me a new one a couples days later… amazing service, very satisfied.
Pas grand chose dire, trs bon produit dont le point fort est la superbe ergonomie/prise en main ainsi que le capteur.
Le cble tress d’origine est ultra flexible et des anne lumire que ce que l’on trouve chez la concurrence.
L’application, trs simple, me sert uniquement mettre le firmware jour et paramtrer mes diffrents CPI, les autres options m’importent peu. Vous pouvez utiliser la souris sans que celui-ci ne soit actif car elle embarque vos paramtres en mmoire interne.
Les clics sont un peu bruyants, certes, mais rien de grave.
Edit : 01/11/22.
Si la souris freeze toutes les 2-3 secondes (arriv 1 fois en 2 ans) , dsinstallez & rinstallez les drivers et l’application. Problme rgl.
Hormis cela, rien dire. C’est l’une des meilleurs souris joueur utilis en 20ans de FPS/RTS/MOBA.
P.S : revtement Lizard Skins conseill pour un meilleur grip.
Compre el mouse supuestamente nuevo y aparte que me llego usado (imagino de un rembolso de alguien), la caja venia ms que rota reventada y el mouse por dentro mal empaquetado, el cable puesto de mala manera, sin las protecciones que trae este producto nuevo sin abrir, etc.
Pense en no devolverlo ya que en si el mouse parecia estar en buenas condiciones y el mouse la verdad esque me encanto en todos sus aspectos y iba a hacer ‘la vista gorda’ pero ms adelante empezo a dar fallos, desconectarse y no funcionar de repente. Aparte que nose por qe motivo el software de Endgame nunca detecto el mouse. Lo devuelvo y volver a confiar y lo compro de nuevo en amazon otra vez haber si esta vez si llega el producto en condiciones y sin taras. Cabe recalcar qe cuando lo compr parecia ser de los ultimos en stock y seguramente era uno rembolsado pero si pagamos 69 euros aprox que es ms caro que el PVP recomendado de este mouse, y que se encuentra mas barato en otras paginas, lo minimo es que el producto llegue nuevo y en condiciones…
El producto en si es una pasada, uno de los mejores y ms completos mouse del mercado para clawgrip. Si el mouse es tu agarre y tamao es una apuesta segura.
He devuelto el anterior y pedido uno nuevo y este venia nuevo y perfectamente empaquetado. Nose si fallara como el otro con el tiempo pero almenos el producto viene en condiciones. Recomiendo este mouse.
TL; Dr weiter unten!
Da Maus-Reviews immer eine ziemlich subjektive Sache sind, vorab eine kleine Zusammenfassung zu mir: ich bin leidenschaftlicher FPS Zocker und spiele Overwatch und Warzone auf Recht hohem Niveau fr einen Hobbyisten. Meine Hnde sind bei meinen 1,85m relativ gro, was mich notgedrungen zu einem claw-grip Spieler gemacht hat (Handballen hinten an der Maus, die Finger gekrmmt ber die Maus, die Fingerspitzen auf den Tasten).
Fr diese Handhaltung gibt es einige starke Kandidaten in der Welt der gaming Muse, zum Beispiel das Model O, die Viper Ultimate oder auch die Zowie EC2. Falls ihr mit einer anderen Haltung spielt, gibt es sicher noch Alternativen.
Was mich auch schon zur xm1 bringt. Was Endgame Gear hier geliefert hat, ist einfach eine komplett neue Welt. Die Maus ist ergonomisch, liegt gut in der Hand. Vorne ist sie nach unten gezogen, was sie unglaublich przise macht. Dazu das neue Kabel der aktuellen Generation, das den Vergleich mit Glorious nicht zu scheuen braucht. Angenehm ist auch der unten angebrachte dpi Schalter, vorbei sind die Zeiten, als man versehentlich im Eifer des Gefechts die Sensibilitt umgestellt hat. Die Fe sind schon ab Werk toll, ausreichend dick um auch ber weichere mousepads zu gleiten und toll beschaffen.
+ Ergonomisch und przise
+ Tolles Kabel, tolle Fe
+ Prziser Sensor
+ Billiger als und zumindest gleichwertig zur Viper Ultimate
– fr Leute mit kleineren Hnden dem Model O- unterlegen und teure
Top of the line mouse, I highly recommend this one if you are coming from a Steelseries/Zowie shape, or if your grip style is fingertip/claw. I use fingertip and my previous mouse was a Steelseries Rival 100. Took me one day to adjust, it fits perfectly. Especially for claw grip users, the mouse shape is phenomenal which will result in better control and comfort. Combine this with a fast mouse pad and you’re set. As for the mouse itself: sensor is flawless, cord is soft and doesn’t provide any resistance, surface material is fine (the white version looks better and doesn’t “stain”, compared to the black one) and the software is basic but enough to do what it’s supposed to (DPI, lift distance adjust and firmware updates). Weight is 70grams which is not too light and not too “heavy” as far as mice go, in my opinion it’s well-balanced and for me it feels right control-wise. Click sound/feel is irrelevant to me and a subjective issue. Input/click latency is not noticeable/zero. Finally, as for the price, it’s a bit on the higher-end, considering its competition but for these features it’s worth it. Before buying this, consider your grip style and its shape as well as its dimensions.
An ending note: will it make you better? Yes and no. If you used a 5 mouse before, then it will, but not that much. If you used anything from the last 5 years or so, you will not see any major improvement. In any case, this mouse will not be a limiting factor.
The shape of this mouse isn’t for everyone, but if you’re a claw grip user this mouse just feel so right. I used a glorious model d before and it was a bit too big for my hand and so this mouse gave me more control. The low button height really adds to how precise you can be when making small adjustment with the fingers. You could fingertip grip this mouse if you really want to but I feel like there are better options for that. I wouldn’t palm it unless you do a 131 grip (which actually feels pretty comfortable to use) just because the mouse height isn’t high enough for two fingers at the front. Software leaves a lot to be desired wtih button remappability and the scroll wheel is fine but not my favourite but this is still a five star product for me because the basics are done so perfectly from the shape, the size, good weighting and build quality I honestly couldn’t think of much improvements on those fronts and that’s all I really care about. My endgame mouse for sure.
This mouse so light and smooth after my last cumbersome mouse. I can tell this is going to be great to use. No real setup required. Plug and play with very simple instructions.
Also die Verarbeitung dieser Maus ist ausgezeichnet, das Material fhlt sich an wie Plastik mit einem samtweichen Gummiberzug.Ich bin totaler Fan von diesem material und wnschte mir das andere Hersteller so etwas in zufunkt ebenfalls verwenden.
Die Form dieser Maus erinnert etwas an die zowie divina s2 mit weitaus weinger palm und dafr mehr claw.
Trotz allen hnlichkeiten aber, kann man die beiden Muse nicht wirklich mit einander vergleichen da sie sich dann doch im spiel extrem unterschiedlich anfhlen .
Von der gre her ist sie eher in den bereich medium einzuordnen was leider nicht dem jetzigen Trend von kleinen Musen entspricht.
Wer selbst keine kleine Maus mchte und kein Problem mit der clawlastigen form hat, knnte mit der xm1 richtig glcklich werden.
Allen palmgrippern bzw lightclawer wrde ich aber erstmal raten die Verpackung nicht zusehr zu beschdigen fr eventuelle Rcksendungen.
I’ve been using the viper mini up until now (after moving from the deathadder elite) which I also really like but it felt a touch too small in my hands, I looked at the dimensions of the xm1 and thought it would suit my grip really well (turns out, I was right, I’m in-between fingertip and claw.)
The build quality feels fairly decent and the clicks feel good (quite audible) and it glides well, the cable is braided and light. It did have a few kinks out of the box but my bungee sorted that.
In game the mouse feels sharp, the sensor is excellent and there is no lag at all.
The software is really simple and you don’t even have to keep it on your PC if you don’t want.
The only downside is the coating which feels really good but marks easily with grease and sweat. I just give it a rub down with a microfibre after playing.
Overall I’d definitely recommend this mouse.
It’s a good mouse: light, minimalist design, comfortable shape, great sensor.
Feels a bit small but that comes down to preference and grip style.
The middle button stopped working for me after just a few weeks of normal usage; but then randomly started working again 2 days later. So I didn’t return it.
I just don’t understand what happened, there must be something wrong with the switches, so I’ll give it 4 stars.
I had the original mouse and I soon got rid due to the issues with side buttons and cable. This new mouse has fixed all those issues and it now has perfect buttons and the BEST stock cable of any mouse I have owned. I would even go as far to say that it is better than my paracorded custom cables, it just seems softer.
The software you use to set LOD, DPI and other settings is easy to use and once the mouse has been set up you can then uninstall it and be on your way.
You get all this for a small cost compared to other main brand competition. So if you want a basic lightweight, high performance mouse that does it all this is for you. Just make sure the size and shape is right for you and you’ll be onto a winner with this mouse.
This mouse is amazing, great shape, great sens, amazing buttons. Only thing I have to comment on is the cable. I’d compare the cable to the likes of sand as it’s extremely smooth and can move around easily however can get everywhere. Get a cable bungee for it however, overall good mouse 🙂
Top. Nachdem meine Logitech Pro 9xx das bekannte Probleme mit der Maustaste hatte und einfach sporadisch doppelt die Tasten aufgelst hat, habe ich mich fr die XM1 entschieden.
Funktioniert tadellos. Keine Mngel, Probleme. Liegt gut in der Hand, sehr przise..
Fr den Preis die Beste Maus auf dem Markt.
super crisp clicks, quality side buttons, but the best part is the customer support.
shout out to johnny who rapidly helped with my mouse having random disconnects
Everybody needs to try this mouse at least once
Pros- Great tracking
Amazing feet for gliding
Best cable on a stock mouse ever
Clicks literally compete with the fastest clicking mice out there
Shape is great for FPS players to pick up and move around with
Cons- Tends to pick up oil residue even if you don’t eat and use it
Clicks might be too firm for some
Highly recommend
TOP Maus!!! Liegt gut in der Hand , Druckpunkt der Tasten echt TOP.Ein Stern zieh allerdings ab da die Software bei mir ein paar Probleme gemacht hat.
Super fr kleinere Hnde.
Auf berflssigkeiten wird hier komplett verzichtet.
Diese Muse hatte ich vorher in Gebrauch:
Logitech G502
Logitech MX 510/518
Corsair M65 PRO
Razer Copperhead
Logitech G9x
Was die ergonomie betrifft ist diese maus neben der EC-2 von Zowie das beste was ich je gehabt habe !!
Das einzige was zur perfektion noch fehlt ist WIRELESS !!
Excellent build quality, nice buttons, great stock feet for an affordable price.
I cannot fault the mouse, other than a shape which isn’t for everyone. For me, it feels too long – and the flared rear feels slightly awkward. People who are familiar with classic SteelSeries shapes will enjoy this mouse, however.
The cable is also rubberised and isn’t nearly as good as many of the more flexible cables we’re seeing in on other lightweight mice. It didn’t bother me too much, but I suppose this depends on your playstyle and setup.
Das einzige Manko, was mich dazu bringt, dass es nur 4 Sterne werden, ist das fehlerhafte Programm, um die Maustasten konfigurieren zu knnen. Es lassen sich nur bedingt Sachen einstellen, was mich bei einem Anbieter, wie chaseking extrem verwundert hat. Bis stand Jan 2020 funktioniert das Programm nicht vernnftig.
where to start been maining the ul2 this is now my main such a great mouse at this price alot of people not mentioning that endgame have fixed the bad pretravel with the side buttons they have none at all on my copy if u like a low hump claw/palm/hybrid grip with very low mouse 1 & 2 buttons this mouse is excellent for that combined with the 70g weight. Honestly have no issues at all with it the coating can get a little mucky but it is very grippy even when it is a paracord is all i will consider later down the line the stock cable is similar to zowie mouses witch is fine
-Sehr gute obere Form fr Claw und Finger Tip Grip (also fr mich passend), auch gut fr Palm, aber nicht so sehr wie Claw/Finger Tip
-Sehr gute seitliche Form fr festen Halt
-Gewicht sehr leicht
-Slides/untere Teil der Maus sehr gut gelungen
-Reaktionszeit des Sensors und der Tasten tatschlich unfassbar schnell, jedoch ingame kaum bis hin zu nicht sprbar aufgrund der Biologie des Menschen
-Kabel ist sehr steif
-Man muss eindeutig viel Kraft aufwenden, damit die Maus bettigt wird bzw. es klickt (ca. 3-4x so viel wie bei einer G Pro Wireless)
-Kabel von Glorious, Razer Viper oder Ninja Finalmouse 58 abgucken, denn mit solchen Kabeln fhlen sich die Muse an wie wireless
-Die Tasten mit weniger Kraft bettigen lassen knnen (G Pro Wireless z.B.)
-Mehr Muse rausbringen mit Formen die den hchsten Punkt der Maus weiter vorne haben (die G Pro Wireless hat bspw. den Hhepunkt in der Mitte der Maus, das bewirkt dass die Maus individueller bezglich verschiedenen Grips ist)
-Gummi Grip an den Seiten wre wnschenswert, um die Maus zu perfektionieren (z.B. Razer Viper)
Zustzlicher Kommentar
Aspekte, auf die ich nicht eingegangen bin sind die Anordnung der Tasten oder andersweite Merkmale, die nicht unbedingt besonders relevant sind oder es fast schon selbstverstndlich ist, dass sie gut angebracht sind/verarbeitet wurden oder der Versand, der brigens sehr schnell war und sicher verpackt gewesen ist oder das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis, welches sehr stark ist oder die Software, die gut gelungen ist oder dass kein RGB vorhanden ist, was auch nicht wirklich der Sinn der Maus ist, da sie eher fr den kompetitiven Bereich vorgesehen ist. Hinsichtlich der Firma Endgame Gear und dass es ihre erste Maus ist, ist diese wirklich sehr gut geworden, weswegen ich auch anstatt 4 Sterne 5 gegeben habe. Ich wrde mir wnschen, dass man sich, wie bereits zuvor erwhnt, Punkte von anderen Musen abschaut, um seine eigenen verbessern zu knnen. Das nicht auch sicherlich nicht die Exklusivitt der Muse von Endgame Gear weg. Bezglich der negativen Punkte kann ich nur sagen, dass wenn die nicht gewesen wren, dann wre ich von meiner Logitech G Pro Wireless wahrscheinlich auf diese gewechselt.
Wer Claw/Finger Tip Grip benutzt, schon immer Muse mit nicht den besten Kabeln (wie die der Glorious oder Razer Viper) gespielt hat, eher low Sense (max. 3.000 DPI) spielt (und relativ krftig gebaut ist/etwas gro ist) und ein agressiver, leicht reizbarer Spieler ist, dem ist diese Maus wahrscheinlich nahezu perfekt.
Beste maus die ich habe, habe zudem razer Viper , die Globe von Korsair , hier passt einfach alles , perfekte maus , mich wundert es ehrlich gesagt , das sie so “gnstig” is
Ich bin leidenschaftlicher FPS Gamer und habe um die 20 PC Muse immer nach der Suche nach der perfekten Maus.
Unter anderem besitze ich auch die Razer Viper Ultimate und die Logitech G Pro Wireless, also auch die absoluten top” Modelle die es momentan gibt.
Das wichtigste an einer Maus ist jedoch die Form und gerade die ist bei der XM1 fr mich nahezu perfekt. Ich spiele mit einem Fingertip/Palm Grip Hybrid und die schmale Stelle in der Mitte mit den sehr niedrigen Tasten ist eine ideale Kombination.
Wenn ich Punkte fr Kategorien vergeben msste wrde es wie folgt lauten:
Form 5/5
Gewicht 5/5 (schn leicht, aber nicht zu leicht wie zB Model O-)
Klicks 5/5 (die besten die ich bisher kenne)
Kabel 3/5 (etwas steif, wrde ich gegen ein Paracord o tauschen wie auf meinem Foto)
Fe 4/5 (gute gleiteigenschaften aber etwas dnn, leider kein ersatzpaar dabei)
Insgesamt fr mich das beste Preis/Leistungsverhltnis bei allen Musen momentan wenn die Form zu einem passt und auch abgesehen vom Preis momentan mein persnlicher Favorit.
aber die schnellste maus der welt naja vielleicht bei messungen aber auf einen 144 hz monitor bei 1ms merkt man da jetzt keinen unterschied zu einer drahtlosen high end gaming maus wie die rival 650 oder logitech g502 wireless.
dennoch bin ich zufrieden.
Bin richtig zufrieden luft alles richtig rund und ich finde man merkt einen klaren Unterschied zu Mitbewerbern in Sachen Geschwindigkeit.
Super maus und schnelle lieferung. Neuste Sensor auf dem markt . Liebe die form , erinnert mich an die fk serie. Preisleistung 1A
Kinda knew what I was going to be buying when I purchased this, due to its similarity in shape to mice I’ve previously owned. Anyway, it’s a solid and reasonably safe ambi shape. Nice build quality…and of course light.
Lovely crisp M1&2 clicks with little travel either side. Side buttons feel fine, really like their position in particular.
Great stock mouse feet and cable (even though I’d already ordered a paracord prior to the mouse arriving.)
One and only gripe has no bearing on performance, but it’s one of those coatings that loves fingerprints on early evidence. Image attached, hopefully it’s clear.
overall an awesome mouse, super lightweight, well suited for claw grip, ideal for FPS games.
Zuerst habe ich die M65 RGB Elite gekauft, aber ich hatte sehr schnell Schmerzen im Unterarm, die Maus ist einfach zu hoch (2mm hher als die XMOne). Bisher dachte ich es braucht eine schwere Maus um gut zielen zu knnen, eine fatale Fehleinschtzung meinerseits.
Der XMOne Sensor fhlt sich besser an als bei den alten Musen. die zwei Haupttasten sind leicht beschichtet was ein verrutschen ausschliet, ihre Reaktion ist phnomenal, das sprt man beim ersten Klick. Die Maus hat eine sehr gute Haptik.
Die XMOne liegt richtig gut in der Hand, endlich habe ich keine Schmerzen mehr im Unterarm, ich denke es liegt an der geringen Hhe, sie ist 1,5-3mm niedriger als die G502 und M65, dafr ist sie & 1-2cm lnger, dadurch knnen sie kurze Hnde nutzen und groe. Meine Hand ist 18,5cm lang, ich nutze den Palmgriff.
Modularer Schnick Schnack braucht kein Mensch.