Ergobaby Embrace Baby Carrier for Newborns from Birth, Extra Soft & Ergonomic with Head Support, Oxford Blue

Weight: | 480 g |
Dimensions: | 6.85 x 4.88 x 10.55 cm; 480 Grams |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | 79% Polyester, 17% Viscose, 4% Spandex |
Dimensions: | 6.85 x 4.88 x 10.55 cm; 480 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Wir nutzen die Trage insbesondere unterwegs, da sie drauen unkomplizierter anzulegen ist als z.B. ein Tragetuch. Sie lsst sich ziemlich klein zusammenpacken und passt so auch in die Wickeltasche, sodass man sie fr alle Flle dabei haben kann. Einmal richtig eingestellt ist die Trage mit etwas bung in wenigen Sekunden angelegt.
This sling is amazing. Much easier to use and more comfortable than the more structured slings. Easy to do the clips up yourself if no-one else is around to help. I’ve carried our (currently 5 month old) baby around town and up mountains in this sling. It really is fab and baby seems to find it very comfortable. She often falls asleep in it for hours.
Das Produkt ist sehr gut. Leider bei mir ist es mit einem Defekt angekommen. Der Gurt ist falsch an Hauptteil angenht. Ich wrde gerne umtauschen. Leider habe ich es erst gestern festgestellt. Also nach 32 Tagen.
Ich wrde mich freuen, wenn es mit umtauschen klappen wurde. Ich habe das Produkt kaum benutzt.
This sling is amazing. Much easier to use and more comfortable than the more structured slings. Easy to do the clips up yourself if no-one else is around to help. I’ve carried our (currently 5 month old) baby around town and up mountains in this sling. It really is fab and baby seems to find it very comfortable. She often falls asleep in it for hours.
I love, love, love this carrier! I’d been using a couple of baby k’tan wraps with my little one since birth – fab around the house but I found I needed to keep adjusting them when out & about. Thought I’d give a more structured carrier a go & stumbled upon this one. So supportive & comfortable, my chunky baby (3 months, good neck control) is really happy in there & feels secure. (That said, he’s used to being carried – not sure how older babies who have never tried a sling/carrier would fare.) Getting out has become waaay easier! Easy enough to pop on & off once you’ve done it a couple of times. Pricey, but I’m really happy with my purchase. I’d highly recommend!
Wir haben die Babytrage probiert und fanden sie durch die Schnallen super einfach in der Handhabung, echt schnell anzulegen auch mit zappelndem Baby. Der Kopf wurde auch gut gesttzt. Wir haben uns aber fr ein Modell entschieden, dass man lnger nutzen kann (diese ist nur bis 11 kg geeignet), daher ging sie zurck.
Vraiment trs bien et confortable et pour bebe et pour maman !
Mein absoluter Liebling unter den Trage-Optionen, die ich probiert habe! Sie ist unheimlich bequem und weich, sodass das Baby stundenlang getragen werden kann. Fr mich persnlich ist die Farbe auch ideal – sonst sind die Farben fr Tragen hufig eigenwillig
Beide meiner Kinder haben sich sehr wohl gefhlt und wurden sofort ruhig.
Sie ist sehr leicht anzulegen und zu lsen. Hier ist ja oft Schnelligkeit gefragt
Wir konnten sie problemlos ab kurz nach Geburt nutzen!
Das Manko ist, dass die Kinder schnell heraus wachsen. Mit 4 Monaten sind sie nun bereits zu klein. Dafr ist sie doch recht teue
Es buensimo y fcil de usar, lo nico malo es que no tiene soporte para la cabeza cuando ya tienen el mes y estn mas grandes
Super weich und bequem, drckt und zwickt nicht, grenverstellbar und somit fr jeden geeignet!
This is my third carrier and it’s perfect. I don’t get back ache and it feels so comfortable and supportive. The material is soft. It’s so easy to put on so I can put my little boy in it and get a few bits done in the house. It’s also really easy to adjust. I can’t bend over without supporting my boy with my hands but I don’t suppose any carrier allows for that.
Mi trovo benissimo con questo marsupio ed anche mio figlio lo adora! Quando sono fuori basta metterlo l dentro e dorme talmente beatamente che un peccato disturbarlo quando lo devo togliere! Ergonomico, pratico e sempre a portata di mano, veramente un aiuto! Consiglio vivamente l’acquisto
Buon prodotto di buona fattura e di tessuto morbido e confortevole per il bimbo, facile da indossare e regolare. Istruzioni stampate anche all’interno del marsupio stesso
Ho comprato questo marsupio per la mia boambina di due mesi che voleva sempre stare in braccio. Dal primo giorno che arrivato non riusciamo pi a fare senza. Ho aspettato a fare la recensione per vedere nel tempo come si comportasse con un uso continuo. Ad oggi posso dire che ottimo. La mia bimba due mesi che ci dorme, mangia e partecipa a tutte le attivit della famiglia. Molto semplice da indossare. Ho dato 4 stelle perch dopo il pro lavaggio a 30 gradi il tessuto ha iniziato a fare molti pallini.
We tried a few carriers -loans from friends- and then as a last ditch attempt to settle baby for longer I bought this and we are all sooo happy. Baby loves it. Usually has one of her day naps in it which is helping keep her from getting over tired later and so naps well in crib now! Hooray for ergo baby. We had the mesh version for our eldest and still think this one was worth the investment as baby settles in carrier so well.
We tried a few carriers -loans from friends- and then as a last ditch attempt to settle baby for longer I bought this and we are all sooo happy. Baby loves it. Usually has one of her day naps in it which is helping keep her from getting over tired later and so naps well in crib now! Hooray for ergo baby. We had the mesh version for our eldest and still think this one was worth the investment as baby settles in carrier so well.
Unser Baby liebt die Trage. Er schlft seelenruhig ein und die Mama kann endlich wieder Dinge nebenbei erledigen.
Oggi l’ho provato per la prima volta. Mi sento di raccomandare questo marsupio leggero e facile da usare. Il bimbo si addormentato dopo un po’ e sono riuscita persino a lavare i piatti. Ho provato molti altri modelli e diverse fasce, ma questo lo trovo il migliore.
Hemos probado otras, pero esta es la que mejor se adapta a las dos (sobre todo por mi cicatriz de la cesrea).
Muy recomendable!
This carrier is on the pricey side, however it really worth it! The material is nice and soft but provides very good support for the little one and quite comfortable to wear for me too. Very easy to put on, and can be actually put on alone, without help, which is great!
Ottimo prodotto, peccato per la mancanza di istruzioni in italiano
This is lovely and soft fabric. Easy to put on. Supports my back and distributes weight evenly so it doesn’t pull on my neck or shoulders like previous carriers.
I have tried 5 different slings/carriers and this is by far my favorite
Not as easy to use as they make out as instructions are not intuitive, but they have a video which explains it better, hence my rating.
My son was asleep when I put him into the sling but not sure how easy it works when he is awake fraying his arms about etc. When trying to do it myself, but am sure I will learn in time to be more confident with that.
Would highly recommend for those who like my son want to be held all the time, so this gives you hands free to get on with just brushing your teeth even or making a feed.
Not as easy to use as they make out as instructions are not intuitive, but they have a video which explains it better, hence my rating.
My son was asleep when I put him into the sling but not sure how easy it works when he is awake fraying his arms about etc. When trying to do it myself, but am sure I will learn in time to be more confident with that.
Would highly recommend for those who like my son want to be held all the time, so this gives you hands free to get on with just brushing your teeth even or making a feed.
Der Stoff ist sehr angenehm, guter Tragekomfort und die Farbe ist sehr sch
Toller Tragegurt, sieht schlicht aus. Gut verarbeitet und mein Kleiner liebt es darin. Man kann es auch allein umschnallen.
Die Trage gefllt uns ganz gut. Sie hlt das Baby sicher im Neugeborenen Modus und auch wenn es aus diesem rausgewachsen ist. Der Neugeboren Modus scheint anfangs kompliziert, aber mit dem Anleitungsvideo auf YouTube von Ergobaby und ein zwei Mal ben klappt es ganz gut. Die Trage an sich ist bequem und schnell fr die unterschiedlichen Grenunterschiede zwischen Mama & Papa einstellbar.
Der einzige Minuspunkt ist, das die Trger wenn man diese ber die Schultern gespannt hat nicht an der Stelle bleiben und wieder zurck rutschen.
Looks comfortable, I did try to use but got stuck.
Un vrai life saver . Ma fille de 6 mois ne dort que lorsqu’elle est dans son porte bebe.
Nous l avons achet des le 2 em mois et nous l avons l utilisons au quotidien. Facile a laver en machine , leger, pratique..
Ich nutze die Trage jetzt seit ca. 4 Wochen mit meinem Kleinen (6 Wochen alt) und bin sehr zufrieden. Sie ist super einfach abzuziehen – auch alleine! Der kleine fhlt sich sehr wohl darin und hat einen festen Sitz. Gut ist, dass sie fr die Anfangszeit / kleinere Babies durch umklappen der unteren Partie zu verkleinern ist. Ein Punkt Abzug, da mein kleiner immer noch ein ganzes Stck nach unten rutscht, nachdem ich alle Gurte festgezogen habe. Allerdings kann nichts passieren, da man die Gurte aufwickeln kann, damit sie nicht aus Versehen locker werden.
We wanted a baby carrier for our newborn that was compact and supportive for the adult. This was the best option as it seems to be the only premium carrier with lower back support for the adult. Overall it is comfortable and supportive. The competitors don’t have the back support are either really flimsy or a too bulky.
We wanted a baby carrier for our newborn that was compact and supportive for the adult. This was the best option as it seems to be the only premium carrier with lower back support for the adult. Overall it is comfortable and supportive. The competitors don’t have the back support are either really flimsy or a too bulky.
Il marsupio mi piace molto ed facile da indossare…non avendone mai usato altri non posso fare un paragone…ma lo considero un ottimo acquisto
Es muy practica, de momento lo uso en casa pq lo necesito para trabajar un rato en el ordenador y el peque no me deja es ergonmica y tiene un tacto muy agradable. No es aparatosa!
Migliore marsupio mai provato. All’inizio sembra difficile capire come metterlo, ma una volta capito il meccanismo poi un attimo.
Mia moglie si trovata molto bene, abbastanza leggero e non grava tanto sulla schiena
Absolutes Tragekomfort, weicher angenehmer Stoff, schmiegt sich wunderbar an den kper an und ist weniger warm als andere die dicke Trger haben es wird einem nicht ganz so schwitzig u warm…
Regulierung der Gre durch umschagen des Hftgurtes is gut gelst… unsere kleine liebt sie.
This is the 2nd baby carrier we bought and really happy with it, easy to use and most importantly to put on on your own. Highly recommended
Da quando lo uso riesco ad essere molto autonoma col mio bimbo! Si addormenta subito ricordando l’effetto di essere ancora dentro la pancia! Inoltre molto pratico rispetto alle fasce normali che non sapevo legare..
Seit dem ersten Tag in Benutzung. Mein kleiner liebt es.
Leggero, facile da indossare e soprattutto ergonomico. Un ottimo compromesso tra il classico marsupio e le fasce.
Super tolle Trage, einfache Bedienung und fr unseren Kleinen (7 Wochen alt) super, perfekter Halt, Sitz und Kopf wird super gestrzt.
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhltnis
Alleine anlegen + Baby reinsetzen ist meiner Meinung nach, alleine sehr schwierig. Es bedarf einer weiteren helfenden Hand , bzw. Erfahrung und bung , bis man es alleine schafft.
Ist gegeben, ergonomisch ist die Babytrage in jedem Fall. Die Beine eines Suglings rechts und links aus der Trage zu bekommen ist jedoch nicht immer einfach. Grund ist, dass die untere Trage wo der Po des Kindes hinkommt , etwas breit erscheint.
Die Babytrage ist gut verarbeitet und die Farbe ist sehr schn.
Allgemein eine tolle Optik.
Die Gurte sind fest und es wackelt nichts. Alles hllt so wie es sein sollte.
Die Gurte lassen sich unkompliziert grer oder kleiner verstellen und sind dadurch fr jeden Krper gut einstellbar.
ber einen Klick auf NTZLICH wrde ich mich sehr freuen.
Very comfortable and supportive for our newborn. He seems to love it. First time I have used a sling/baby carrier so was a little anxiousz but this one is perfect. Pleased with our purchase and would recommend.
Very comfortable and supportive for our newborn. He seems to love it. First time I have used a sling/baby carrier so was a little anxiousz but this one is perfect. Pleased with our purchase and would recommend.
Unsere Kleine mag den Kinderwagen gar nicht. Liebt aber dafr die Trage. Ohne der Trage knnte ich mit ihr nirgendwo hin.
Sie hat kein bisschen unangenehm gerochen und verarbeitet ist sie auch richtig gut. Sie fhlt sich auch super beim Tragen an und entlastet den Rcken. Ich spr unsern kleinen Schatz fast gar nicht (3 Monate alt).
Sie ist richtig leicht und perfekt zum Mitnehmen. Auerdem lsst sie sich mega leicht anlegen. Unser Kleiner sitzt auch wirklich super drin und fhlt sich sehr wohl. Er kann in der Trage richtig schn durch die Gegend gucken aber auch richtig gut darin schlafen. Also ich liebe diese Trage und bin echt froh, dass ich so eine Tolle gefunden habe.
J’ai achet ce porte bb car celui que j’avais n’tais pas adapt pour nouveau n.
Facile mettre (sans bb) car il n’est pas n.
Avec bb je penses qu’il faudra faire un peu de gymnastique.
Tenir bb tout en passant les sangles et les clipser lol.
Par contre la matire est super douce, confortable et lgre.
Le systme de renfort au niveau du ventre et repliable suivant l’ge du bb et super.
Tout est bien indiquer (A.B)
Je recommande +++
Eine sehr einfache und bequeme Tragetasche. Mein Baby fhlt sich wohl darin.
Super soft and comfortable. For summer is pretty airy and not causing my body and the body of the baby sweat. For newborns find it fantastic.
Doesn’t have sun protection as a minus.
Nos decidimos por un portabebs que tuviera sensacin de fular sin tener que andar con nudos y conplicaciones. Consta de 2 cierres grandes y seguros y no necesitas ms.
Eso s, cuando el beb sea mas grande pasaremos a otro portabebs
il, cmodo de usar para los paseos, una calidad excelente, fcil de poner.
Bin sehr zufrieden. Unser Kleiner lsst sich gerne darin Tragen.
Used for the first time today with my 10 day old daughter. Very comfortable and felt supportive. Material is very soft and good quality. Happy mama
Pretty easy to put on without help after a couple of practices.
Lovely to have baby that close. However I do worry if it might be a bit too warm and snug during warmer weather.
I bought this item for my 4 week old as I wanted something with a bit more support than the wrap sling I was using to free up my hands for jobs around the house and walks. My baby still seems a little small for it but the design does provide support and imagine in the coming weeks this will improve further as my baby grows.
Pretty easy to put on without help after a couple of practices.
Lovely to have baby that close. However I do worry if it might be a bit too warm and snug during warmer weather.
Das Kind sitzt gut drin und ist gesttzt ohne irgendwo was einzuklemmen oder abzuschnren.
Durch die langen einstellbaren Gurte, fr jeden Krpertyp geeignet.
Tragekomfort auch fr die Eltern, keine Rckenschmerzen oder unangenehmes einschneiden der Trge
Trage lsst sich gut anlegen, ist schn leicht und dem Naby gefllt es drinnen.
As I haven’t got a little person to try this out on, I passed it on to a friend with a newborn. She said it is easy to figure out in the first instance then easy to use and comfortable after that, and there are options for how to place the baby facing in or out. Her baby seems really comfortable in it too – most of the time totally snoozing away – and the head support is good for the littlest of babies who can’t support their own head. We think it won’t be too long before her baby grows out of it though, it’s definitely intended for smaller ones – weight limit is 11.5kg but if a baby had longer legs or was chubbier it might be uncomfortable before then.
This is a very comfortable baby carrier ideal for newborns.
The straps are large for over the adult’s shoulders which means they don’t dig in or hurt.
The material is soft and feels durable.
The design looks modern and more stylish than some of the others on the market.
I would recommend this product for newborns especially as it has the head support too
This is an excellent baby carrier, it’s in a soft and comfortable fabric with easily adjustable straps; once adjusted the fixings are secure. My daughter-in-law previously had an ergo carrier but found this one must easier to fasten with baby in it. The grey colour is simple and classy and goes with any other colour. It’s comfortable to wear and so comfortable for baby that my granddaughter, who’s 5 months old, was asleep within 10 minutes of being in it. Love it.
Unlike some slings which take a degree in origami to master (wraps!), the Ergobaby brand is easy to use. It doesn’t need to be a two-person job to put the sling on and get baby in it, as there are only three straps.
The Ergobaby Embrace is made from a soft and comfortable material, and is ideal from newborn upwards. It can be used either inward- or outward-facing, but it’s more supportive when baby is facing in.
It’s very compact and easy to roll up and carry when not in use. The grey colour is stylish and appealing. While the price is quite high, you definitely get what you pay for.
This Ergonomic Baby Carrier is good. But is just to carry small babies or newborn baby the product description recommended until 11.3 kg maximum but I think is less, big babies have no space for legs. Anyway is very well made and the materials are really really soft and they looks very resistant, very light to carry around or in your bag.
Babies look comfortable in there and the position that they have is very good for then close to your body, this, in particular, has an ergonomic frog-leg position, I think is a really good design for newborns.
Is very easy to use just follow the instruction at first and after a few times, you will be an expert. The shoulder straps are easy to clip and they are comfortable to you, is better than what I thought on the beginning.
Easy to walk around and hands-free. Babies are safe and comfortable in there. The colour is great, neutral for boys and girls and you can wash in the washing machine.
We were torn between using a baby carrier or a baby wrap for our newborn, then we came across the Ergobaby Embrace Baby Carrier a cross between the two. This carrier comes with all the cuddleiness of a wrap with all the ease of a baby carrier, its as simple as click click and you are ready. The carrier is so light and only uses a single piece of fabric meaning it keeps cool during summer days. The carrier also has great neck support and spreads the weight of your baby across your back.
Supersoft material, this is very comfortable to wear and is easily adjusted.
The straps are thick and very strong, yet are easily adjusted for either me or my wife to wear/carry.
The two great things about this baby carrier:
1) You and baby are close. It keeps baby warm and almost like you’re constantly hugging
2) You have the use of both of your arms!
I can also wear a back pack whilst wearing this carrier.
I was always worried wearing my baby in wraps and slings that I didn’t have her secured properly. LOVE this carrier especially for my newborn baby! She was immediately comfortable and slept so much in this. Would recommend watching a video to show you how to size it for a smaller baby.
It’s designed in soft stretchy fabric and mimics the design of a stretchy wrap sling, two pieces of fabric crisscross over the shoulders and are clipped diagonally at the side. It’s a bit tricky to get baby in by yourself because of this design, you have to balance baby in one hand while trying to pull each piece of fabric diagonally with the other hand, not impossible but takes practice. The fabric is soft but the first thing I realised after a long day travelling between airports is that it is nearly 80% polyester and gets so warm and sweaty. So disappointing that this isnt made from a more breathable fabric.
The carrier can be used in two positions, facing in and out. I find facing inwards to be fine, my daughter has a good level of support and its comfortable to wear. When she is forward facing however she ends up hanging forward with her chin flopping down, there just isnt enough support in the design or fabric to hold her in a comfortable position. The strap buckles are all adjustable but they’re quite loose, even though you can secure them in position there is still quite a bit of lag so I can never seem to get them to stay tight enough.
Overall I feel this carrier is designed more for younger babies, and would be a good choice for a newborn if you are considering a stretchy wrap but want something slightly more structured. It’s very comfortable to wear but I don’t feel my daughter is supported properly in forward facing position so I wouldn’t recommend it if you intend using it predominantly to forward face.
Very very soft material which makes it very comfortable for the baby and also mum.
It comes with instructions. At first it was not very obvious how it worked but then reading the instructions I understood how to use it.
Baby was comfortable at first and then started to be fussy in there, I don’t think it was exclusively the sling the reason why he was like that.
While wearing it I had the feeling the baby was safe so in the meantime I did something else without holding the baby by hands but only with the sling support.
Average price, very good quality.
I would have preferred the instructions made not like that, as they open like a map, but like a booklet instead.
This Embrace Baby Carrier for Newborns is very comfortable and of a very good quality. With ease it can be used, it does not cause back pain during use, due to its shape.
One of my neighbours has recently given birth to a baby daughter, and, always happy to help out where I can, my missus and I gave this Ergobaby Embrace Baby Carrier – she didn’t have one. She’s lived with it a few days, and says she is really impressed with it. It’s not complicated to set up, and the washable soft cotton material is lovely. The youngster is amply supported, and mum can carry her around – baby loves it. She’s a few months old now, and is really taking in what she sees around her. Excellent product.
Ergobaby make a range of baby carriers of all types including papoose type units. This is a front loader and is designed to carry your very small child in front of you, either facing you or looking away. It’s designed for very small babies, nothing too big, and the fabric and design lends itself to this. There is sufficient padding to keep the parent comfortable though I wouldn’t want to carry one around for too long. This method of carrying has become popular because it frees the parent up to use their hands and not have to worry about parking a buggy or trying to get one through a crowd.
The whole thing is open sided to allow some airflow and it’s certainly been well thought through. I like the compact design (you can fold it up and stow it) and it’s machine washable as well which is always a bonus. At the time of writing this there’s no price tag on Amazon but it’s just under 80 on the Ergobaby website and about 72 on John Lewis so it should be somewhere around there. I actually think that’s a bit of a high price to pay but that’s just an opinion.
This review is for the embrace baby carrier for new borns.
I’ve.never owned one of these but have seen a lot of people use them. Upon receiving the item the first thing that will stand out is the quality of the box. I know that’s sounds a bit dumb but if the company has spent time and effort in the packaging you know they will have with the product also. The box is relatively small and comes with a rope loop handle ( very impressive for a first impression especially if giving for a gift)
Once opened you will not be disappointed. The item itself is super soft and excellent material. It’s breathable and just what you would want for a small baby. It looks and feels so soft and comfy that I’d be pretty happy to take a snooze in it myself!
There Item is large enough for a large baby and I think you would get a good 8-12 months usage out of it.
It may seem a little pricey but I think it is defo worth it!
Highly recommend to have a bit of convince and free hands. Can also be washed! Perfect for travelling!
Baby carrier is light and comfortable. The thing I liked about it is the fact that there is purposefully less material between mum and baby so baby can feel close to mum and should be able to feel and hear her heartbeat. It’s grey and made of a soft jersey type material and is very light. Adjustable straps around the waist and at the sides, it’s a strong baby carrier and easily washed at 30 degrees.
Using this with our newest grandchild, I was amazed at how baby carriers have improved since ours own children needed carrying…all those years ago. The best thing about this baby carrier is the width of the straps that go across your back. They don’t dig in and are so comfortable, and really help to distribute the weight evenly when you’re carrying the little one. This carrier can take from birth to up to 25lbs, so can accommodate a good age range. The material is very soft and snuggly for the baby too. It was easy to put on, although I initially thought it was going to be complicated. But you really just need to position it over your head, then get the straps comfortable, then do up the side straps. Not cheap…actually rather expensive, but you do get what you pay for with this I think, and it’s definitely worth it if you’re planning on using it a lot. After all what price safety and comfort.
My son and his girlfriend have just had their first baby. Living in a fourth floor flat if either of them went out on their own with baby it’s been a struggle carrying baby, nappy bag, pram and lets not forget if they buy any shopping. This has been a god send.
It’s fashionable as well in a grey colour. This is a big plus for two young parents.
While having my gorgeous grand daughter on a sleep over I tried this out and it’s brilliant. Really comfortable walking around the house with it. I even went to local shop with baby in it and she must have liked it as she slept all the way through.
I’ll definitely be recommending this as a must have for new parents.
A nice thick baby sling that my daughter (7months) fit into quite well and seemed comfortable when I was walking about with her. I manages to get stuff done at home and feed her while she was in this. Took me a while to figure it out and get her secured but I got there in the end. This is probably less hassle than pushing her around in a cumbersome buggy and it’s nearly zero strain on the back. A great product, very safe and secure.
This is a lovely, soft baby carrier. Much nicer than canvas, rough feeling ones I’ve had in the past. The actual carrier itself is so light and comfy for both me to wear and for baby to sit in from newborn. It feels very secure with baby in, it clips around the middle and is adjustable and the straps that would touch babys face are soft and don’t rub.
I feel very confident that this is safe to use and it’s great for walking around the house when trying to get baby asleep as they love feeling close to you at all times, especially my newborn who I personally can’t put down because I’m in love! Even sitting down and chilling, wearing this ensures baby is safe on your lap too while they’re needing extra head support. It can also be used for baby facing inwards towards you or outwards when they are bigger.
All in all, recommended – there’s not currently a price on here so I can’t comment on the value for money, but i’ve paid up to 50 before for similar things.
We are still awaiting the arrival of our son/daughter, however, we knew we needed this! I haven’t yet had chance to try it with a baby but Ive fully inspected it and can say with confidence due to the simple yet secure fixing design that I would have no concerns recommending this for your most precious cargo!
Its a nice unisex colour and I like the fact its either front or back and also, very quick to put on and fasten, an easy way to keep mobile and productive whilst looking after little dude!
A very useful product and I expect baby to take plenty of naps in this when they join us!
This is easy to use,
I felt that my baby is safe and comfortable in this,
It is well made,
Comfortable for me to wear,
A nice colour.
Nice and light baby carrier.
I would want it light as with the baby you dont want to carry excess weight.
Its a nice clean grey material.
Our baby takes naps in it and can sleep comfortably for over a hour in it.
Its a good size and holds our baby safely and securely.
Ergonomischer Sitz ist hier garantiert und der Stoff knnte weicher nicht sein.
Mir gefllt, dass man die Trage, so wie sie ist, direkt ab Geburt benutzen kann. Keine extra Einstze oder Kissen. Einfach super praktisch.
Ich hatte fr meinen Kleinen auch eine Ergobaby-Trage, aber ein anderes Modell. Die war schon toll, aber diese Trage topt das noch. Die weichen und breiten Schulterriemen sitzen perfekt und schnren nicht ein.
Mein “Testbaby” wird ganz bald 3 und selbst er hat sich in der Trage ganz pudelwohl gefhlt und wurde auf einmal ganz ruhig und kuschelig.
So kann man gemtlich den Haushalt machen, oder mit dem Hund Gassi gehen, whrend Baby gemtlich an Mama (oder Papa) kuscheln kann.
Ich danke fr das Lesen meiner Bewertung und hoffe ich konnte einen guten Einblick geben.
Ich wrde mich freuen, wenn es fr Sie ntzlich war…