eufy Security, eufyCam 2 Wireless Home Security Add-on Camera, Requires HomeBase 2 or HomeBase, 365-Day Battery Life, HomeKit Compatibility, HD 1080p, No Monthly Fee

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Smart Image EnhancementGet a clearer, brighter view of the people in-shot. Built-in AI technology identifies and focuses in on the human in the image. | Human DetectionReduce false alerts with smart tech which differentiates humans from objects. | Instant Mobile AlertsNotifies you in seconds when suspicious motions are detected. | Activity ZonesActivity Zones |
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Real-Time ResponseSpeak directly to anyone who approaches your home via two-way audio. | Smart IntegrationConnect your devices to Apple HomeKit, the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa for complete control over your surveillance. * Apple HomeKit will be available via later update | Military-Grade EncryptionEncrypted data and footage can only be accessed by logging into the account. | Repeater ModeHomeBase acts as a Wi-Fi repeater which boosts signal to the cameras, extending the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network. |

eufy Security eufyCam 2 add-on camera
Protects You, Your Family, and Your Privacy Every eufy Security product is engineered to ensure your security data is kept private. Have peace of mind that you will have a secure record of everything that happens around your home.
100% Wire-Free Without cords or wires of any kind, eufyCam 2 installs indoors and out with ease to surveil your home for 365 days on a single charge.
Smart Image Enhancement Get a clearer, brighter view of the people in-shot. Built-in AI technology identifies and focuses in on the human in the image.
Human Detection Reduce false alerts with smart tech which differentiates humans from objects.
Real-Time Response Speak directly to anyone who approaches your home via two-way audio.
Whatâs Included: eufyCam 2, Magnetic Mount, Micro USB Charging Cable, Screw Mount, User Manual
Weight: | 363 g |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 10.67 x 5.7 x 5.7 cm; 363 Grams |
Model: | T81143D2 |
Part: | AK-194644160050 |
Colour: | Gray+white |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium Ion |
Manufacture: | Eufy |
Colour: | Gray+white |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Aprs avoir installer deux camras Eufy, je viens d’en installer une troisime.
Le produit est trs bien emball, et le matriel vraiment bien fini, la premire impression est trs encourageante.
J’ai bien aim le petit guide autocollant de perage, trs pratique.
L’installation se fait trs facilement, que cela soit pour l’emplacement ou la configuration des camras avec la HomeBase. Un petit bmol avec l’application apple homekit qui ne gre pas le 2k… a perd un peu de son intrt sauf si vous choisissez le kit 1080p.
La qualit d’image est top, largement suffisante mon got et la dtection sensible mais rglable marche merveille. Les notifications push foctionnent trs bien aussi tout comme l’application qui permet diffrents rglages.
Alors oui l’alarme ce n’est pas du 120db mais a casse quand mme les oreilles, suffisant pour faire fuire ? je le pense; Suffisant pour rveiller le voisin dans un sommeil profond … non.
Maintenant l’application permet le rglage de la homebase pour la faire sonner en mme temsp que la camra ce qui devrait vous rveiller :).
J’ai trs peu de recul suite l’achat mais pour le moment c’est un sans faute, je suis pleinement satisfait de mon achat. En tout cas cela s’Eufy mon usage.
Added this to our existing kit of two and being old people, we assumed we’d be in for a serious few hours of setting it up. It took about a minute .. maybe less. It took longer to unpack the box than set this up and add it to the base.
Excellent kit / great value / very, very easy to modify what, when and how / does what it says on the tin.
Nach einem Jahr hlt der Akku nur noch 1 Monat. Sehr gutes Kamerasystem, aber der Akku Katastrophe.
Bought this as an add on camera for my elderly neighbour.
Fast next day delivery, 10 minutes to fix the bracket to the wall and five minutes to connect to the system and configure the settings.
Excellent system, good quality, well made and overall good value for money.
Ho il modello 2C e volevo provare la versione 2. Anche se sulla carta questo modello vanterebbe solo di una batteria pi capiente, nell’utilizzo quotidiano ci sono molti pi vantaggi di questo.
Vorrei iniziare dal fatto che questo modello manca del led per la cosiddetta “visione notturna a colori”. Nella versione 2C non mi ha entusiasmato pi di tanto. D’altro canto, nonostante questa non abbia il led, ha un sensore per la visione notturna nettamente migliore. Anche il sensore di movimento in notturna funziona decisamente meglio.
Parlando di sensore di movimento, la telecamera ha un sensore a parte che va a combinarsi con la camera in s per preservare la batteria. Purtroppo, dato che la cam ha una visione pi grandangolare del sensore, fa un po’ di fatica a rilevare i movimenti perimetrali. Ma a parte questo funziona molto bene ed comodo poter selezionare la sensibilit di quest’ultimo.
In confezione vengono forniti due tipi di adattatori uno magnetico (forse pi comodo, ma meno sicuro) e uno a vite (pi sicuro, sopratutto se si vuole montare la telecamera non troppo in alto). A differenza delle 2C all’interno dovrebbe avere una sorta di giroscopio che permette di abilitare la modalit antifurto. Dal mio punto di vista molto comoda. Una volta attivata, se la telecamera rileva di essere stata mossa, attiva l’allarme sia sulla HomeBase che sulla telecamera in s.
Parlando invece di batteria mi ha convinto molto. Usandola con HomeKit la batteria cala drasticamente rispetto ad usarla solo con l’app Eufy. E le 2C non mi hanno convinto. Questa invece s. I 365 giorni sono veritieri solo se la si usa con l’app Eufy. In HomeKit riesce a fare tranquillamente 4/5 mesi con la mia configurazione (clip da 60 secondi e sensibilit del sensore al massimo). Trovando il pelo nell’uovo, purtroppo si caricano ancora con la micro-usb. Nel 2021 la USB-C sarebbe ben accetta.
Anche la qualit video, pur essendo 1080p, mi sembra migliore. Forse una mia sensazione, ma i colori sembrano pi naturali.
Tirando le conclusioni un prodotto che mi piaciuto molto. Se si in dubbio tra queste e le 2C consiglierei assolutamente queste, sotto ogni punto di vista.
Night vision and motion detection pretty good, although this is a slight delay with the M.D ,2 way audio very good, a d even has an alarm..
I had my doubts about getting security cameras which were wireless, I have three cameras and the signal to them all is very good one may be a little low sometimes but I intend to get a WIFI extender which should eliminate that.
But the picture and view is fine and the the charge time of 12 months is great.
Please see my full review under the homebase system. As you can only upload one video this was to show the night vision.
Review summary- overall a great easy solution to fitting security cameras around your home.
The cameras are battery and WiFi operated so don’t require cables to work. They can be fitted indoors and outdoors.
As you will see in my full review I have a 5 camera outdoor setup, plus wireless doorbell and indoor cameras. I bought the whole set up for well under 500, the equivalent installed setup from one of the security companies would have cost thousands (I did get quotes!).
Wir Haben vier Kameras von euch Eufy und die Trklingel. 3x EufyCam 2, 1x EufyCam2C und die 2K Trklingel.
Ob die Akkus der EufyCam 2 1 Jahr halten ist stark davon abhngig, wieviele Bewegungen erkannt und aufgenommen werden. Das ganze System funktioniert einwandfrei, selbst bei einem Problem mit einer Kamera wurde uns sehr schnell geholfen und umgehend ein Austausch durch den Service angestoen, sehr unkompliziert und schnell.
Die Bildqualitt ist fr so ein System hervorragend und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis stimmt.
Wir knnen das Eufy System allen empfehlen, die kein Kabel verlegen wollen, ein sicheres, stabiles System haben wollen, das auch das WLAN nicht belastet, da die Kameras ber ein eigenes Netzwerk laufen.
I totally love this product. So easy to fit and use. Going to buy another one soon..
Habe jetzt auch auf die Kameras umgestellt. Hatte vorher Reolink. Da ich die Eufy Trklingel hatte,sind mir zwei Systeme zu umstndlich. Zu den Kameras kann ich sagen fhlen sich wertig an. Man kann sie pberall anbringen,Zubehr ist dabei. Die Einrichtung empfand ich als sehr einfach. Auch das Wlan Signal von der Basis zu den Kameras ist ausreichend bei mir(ca 20m). Bewegungsalarm kommen rechtzeitig,konnte ich gut vergleichen mit der Reolink. Auch bei Dunkelheit kann man alles gut erkennen.Der Akkuverbrauch hlt sich auch in Grenzen. Werde aber trotzdem ein Solarpanel einsetzen. Im groen und ganzen bin ich sehr zufrieden. Einfache Handhabung auch fr Laien,kann viel einstellen und man kommt schnell auf die gespeicherten Videos. Jetzt mssen sie sich im Langzeittest beweisen.
Excellent camera that linked up seamlessly with the rest of my eufy set up. The picture quality is crystal clear whatever the setting. I have added a eufy solar panel to keep the camera charged constantly and so far everything works great! Would highly recommend anything eufy sell. On a side note, their customer service is some of the best I’ve experienced. Extremely helpful, quick and amazing at sorting out any problems.
I have spend a long time looking for cameras and when I found this brand it answered all of my prayers. No cloud storage mandatory service, wireless and great quality. I couldn’t ask for more in a camera. The quality of the image is great even at night and the app is really easy to use and has quite a few features that you can play around with.
Wir haben lange gezgert, unser Haus Smart Home umzursten. Hierbei empfahl uns unser Elektriker die Camera von Eufy und wir haben es selbst hinbekommen.
AppEufy security runterladen und los geht es.
Die Installation geht ber das wlan problemlos. Registrieren bei eufy mittels Email und Passwort, und dann die HomeBase registrieren und die angebundenen Gerte hinzufgen. Spielend leicht , man muss nur die Option hintzufgen whlen, den QR Code scannen und die Installationstaste drcken. Per Sprachsteuereung in Deutsch ging alles innerhalb von 20 Minuten und wir sind seither sehr zufrieden mit der Camera.
Bildqualitt super, bertragung auf das Smartphone oder Tablet ruckelfrei und auch nachts bietet die Cam eine tolle Sicht auf unsere Terrasse.
Absolute Kaufempfehlung
Given 5 stars as long battery life and easy to install, only draw back is night time photo’s/video appear slightly out of focus and not too clear, I think it would be hard to recognise a person’s feature but with the help of an additional separate light would be good, as the floodlight camera combination.
My van got broken into outside my house, so I decided to chuck some eufy cams up (doorbell, 2 x eufycam Pro and a eufy 2c pro). As is usually the case the individual decided he’d try my van again as I’d have to replace my stuff at some point. This time the camera got a clear video of his face approaching my van, and when he realised he was being filmed he fled….. Eufy just saved me thousands….. Great kit, the motion detection means if anyone steps foot on my property after 9 I know about it. DO NOT put off getting these, if your on the fence reading the reviews, scroll back up and buy…. Right now
Mit der Kamera wurde ein bestehendes System erweitert. Die Installation ist einfach und das Gert funktioniert zuverlssig. Die Akkuzeiten decken sich mit den Angaben in der Beschreibung.
Die gelieferten Videos sind scharf und verschiedene Aufnahmezeiten knnen gewhlt werden. Die eingestellten Alarmmeldungen werden wie ausgewhlt bei funktionierendem WLAN abgesetzt.
Makes the aerial wire garden safer for the dogs roaming
Excellent picture quality and night time camera. Motion detection problematic at first and took a lot of tweaking to get working. I found Human detection a hit and miss affair so turned it off and went for all motions. Also find the motion zones to be a bit iffy. Having said that the battery life is excellent and once you get it set up correctly it is very reliable. I like the fact that app and hardware are regularly updated and Eufy really are good on support. I would recommend but do not expect perfection in terms of notifications.
+ high quality image, enough for your video surveillance
+ battery is impressive 365 days/1 year capacity
+ very easy to install
+ very wide picture
+ easy software
+ night vision is awesome
+ human / animal detection is working right
– price could be a little affordable, if you want to get over four cameras you must buy 149 euros per camera more. It would be better if you can have a package with over 6 cameras in it. This is not a fault in camera, only a wish to have when buiyng the whole system.
I purchased this camera to compliment my existing 2k doorbell and 2c camera. I find the picture both day and night to be excellent, if I had to criticise anything it would be that nighttime motion detection is not always 100%.
Overall though I am happy and would consider more Eufy products to expand my security aystem
Ich habe mittlerweile 4 dieser Kameras im Aueneinsatz und bin mehr als zufrieden damit.
Wichtig war mir neben dem Akkubetrieb auch die Mglichkeit der HomeKit Einbindung.
Darberhinaus kann ich den Eufy Support nur in den allerhchsten Tnen loben. Ich hatte bisher zwei Anliegen und in beiden Fllen wurde mir perfekt geholfen.
Sei es das Softwareupdates zwecks Fehlerbehebung exklusiv auf meine Hardware aufgespielt wurden oder aber ein Hardwareaustausch der besser und schneller nicht htte laufen knnen .
Alles in allem eine ganz klare Empfehlung meinerseits
Have numerous Eufy products and all but one has performed above how id expect a product of this type to perform.
The one camera that didn’t work to the standard was replaced by Eufy and the customer service was outstanding! Issue dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Awesome camera I’ve now got few more the different ranges if add on cams
Eufy all the way. Got these on black Friday and can’t be happier with them. Really good to
Protect your home.
P.S you might still consider full time cctv cameras to guard your house 24/7 as these start working kinky when they see a motion, which is good as well.
The night vision is excellent, picture quality day and night excellent. Motion detection is only ok, I have three the best detects motion up to about 4-5 meters away. You can “link” then in the app, do when one detects movement it will start the next one recording before that detects the movement, this is an excellent feature – of you have now than one and are placed so that the moving object would be going that way! The homebase which IS REQUIRED for these to work has 16gb of memory, I bought these as usb expansion was “coming soon” still no sign of it. I can manage with the 16gb but if you want more beware I think the usb expansion is a sales gimmick to be honest. All that said these are seriously impressive especially if you get them in the sale. I bought the cam2’s as add ons to a lack with the base and 2x 2c cameras, was MUCH cheaper that way, silly as it is the same homebase2.
Easy simple installation instructions. Used a ladder to install in ideal location. One year battery life on my version. Clear images on video, easy to adjust motion detection area if needed. Pretty decent night time images and sound recordings. Highly recommended purchase.
Some practical observations:
1. Outdoor range from 30 to 50m from the base, depending on the thickness and number of walls signal has to go through. (distance from base (!), not wifi router, base can operate wireless – after initial setup).
2. You have to install it quite close to the observed area, the view is different (covers quite a large area) than typical security cameras
3. Very very few false alarms and skips ( key feature of security device)
4.Human detection working well, however faces are not visible so good due to the very wide view angle and high compression
All in all – strongly recommended
I use a silicone skin to protect this camera from the elements (rain and UV damage). The battery capacity is twice that of the 2C model, so this is quite a lot heavier, and due to the long shape of the camera, the choice of mount is crucial (must be strong enough).
Purchased to add to a Eufy 2c system. This gives much better night vision in our back garden than the 2c camera I used originally.
Good quality camera and very easy to set up. Battery life seems as advertised which is a big bonus.
veramente infinita la durata della batteria io c’ l’ho da tre mesi ed ancora a piena carica, si vede bene la
Installazione relativamente facile e gli avvisi puntuali consiglio se si trova in offerta.
Night vision not good. Also when you disconnect from wifi it’s stop recording! I tried to fix that issue but no luck
Already have a Eufy system so bought this as an add on. Software is really good from Eufy as is image quality and recording. Suffer from poor sound though, not sure why.
Anker customer service to the rescue, brilliant service, cannot fault it. Put back to 5 stars. Unit replacement sent to me. Appears to be working fine. 🙂
Updated review :
OK until it rains. See attached capture photo. Was OK until recently so I don’t know if a update has created the problem. My other cameras seem OK(ish), camera is pointing down slightly to stop rain sitting on the top and to show what I want it too. Bit disappointed really. The picture is shown at night vision with no lights on and in complete darkness so goodness knows what the light is in the top corner. Happens virtually every night now, but mostly in the rain.
Original review:Good product, brought alongside main system package. Would recommend.
Use this camera for back yard security and its great. You can set motion zones, camera has a anti tamper alarm. Quality is good and also the night vision is good. When armed and the camera picks up human motion, the camera alarm is quite loud, reassuringly loud. Overall excellent product.
Motion sensor is based on a standard PIR detector, range could be better.
But picture quality and battery life are very good.
App is easy to use too.
I would not pay the usual 150 asking price, got this on offer for 99 which seems like a reasonable price for an add on camera. Especially when you consider you can get two cameras and the needed base station for about 350 quid.
I love this product and the eufy company’s customer service top product has been great for when I am away on holiday I would recommend the door bell aswell my one reservation is the screws that mount the camera could be thicker for a more secure hold
I have four of these cameras now, they are easy to set up and use. Quilty is good.
I had one camera where the battery was depleting faster then the rest, dropped an email to the customer services team as they responded straight away. I sent back the camera and I had a new one three days later and the carriage refunded.
Special thanks to Lanky, eufy customer support engineer who was very helpful.
– Bestehend aus Homebase, Trklingel, 3 Kameras
– leichte und schnelle Installation aller Komponenten
– fr die Installation der Homesbase wird kurzfristig LAN gebraucht, danach geht’s wahlweise mit LAN oder WLAN
– Kamera sehr deutliches Bild, Ton und Lautsprecher, stabil aber allerdings verzgert was aber berhaupt kein Problem ist
– Trklingel betreibe ich mit Strom von 2 Klingeldrhten, geht natrlich auch mit den eingebaut Akkus
– Gesichter von einander unterscheiden, d.h Personen zum Haushalt festzulegen geht leider nicht in der KI, oder sie muss es noch lernen oder vom Hersteller programmiert werden
– Geofancing als Einstellung hat bei mir mit 2 verknpften Mobiltelefonen Fehlalarm ausgelst. Ist nicht weiter schlimm, ich benutze die Zeitsteuerung oder stoe manuell an
Alles in allem eine sehr gnstige und qualitativ hochwertige Anlage
Very good system, except…. battery is nowhere near as good as advertised. If watched area is more busy battery runs out in 2 months. And ours is very high mounted, makes it very inconvenient to recharge. Otherwise great, takes 10 minutes to setup. Free and no ongoing monthly fees
Up until now I had Blink cameras externally but they were just not up to the job. I owned the Eufy Video Doorbell and was impressed with that so decided to invest in the Eufy cameras as well.
The device is actually pretty small but is of very good quality. To charge, just connect the supplied USB cable to the camera and the Homebase and 8 hours later you are ready to go. Installation was a breeze with either the magnet bracket or the fixed bracket.
The Eufy Security app is very easy to use and setup of the camera was easy and painless. Motion detection has been perfect so far and filter out human only events.
Battery life remains to be seem but so far I have had it running for exactly a month in Optimal Surveillance mode; 65 events, 40 filtered by AI and 25 recorded and saved. Battery is now at 85%!
Eins kann ich schon mal sagen der Akku hlt sehr gut. Aber ich finde die Qualitt der Aufnahmen eher mig, offensichtlich ist die Wiederholungsrate zu gering, die Bewegung sind sehr ruckelig.
Desweiteren strt mich das,wenn man die Videos auf sein Handy ansehen will, auf der App ein Spulen des Videos zumindest bei meinem Androidhandy, bei mir nicht mglich ist.
Alles im allem eher durchwachsen.
Da habe ich ein billigeres Konkurrenzprodukt gesehen mit wesentlich besseren Aufnahmen.
Fuer mich 4 Sterne We
Only just added to system which already has 2 2C cameras
Bought earlier in the year to add on to a base + 2 camera setup. Setup is so easy, an unit was charged to full before it was mounted on the house.
Firmware updates are handled automatically and registration is also simple.
I was after a system that did not require a subscription… offer excellent quality video both day and night time, and also fully waterproof. Simple to view all the cameras from the app.
Battery Life? Had 1 camera that is used a lot, that I originally had charged to 95%, and now down to 40% after 7 months, however this is used frequently as on the main front door… so the year of battery life is a realistic amount
Ease of mounting? There are both a screw mount to a wall or a more indoor fitting
Though the space on the Homebase is not huge, I clear or down on a regular basis, as I have stored video capture based on capture areas from the cameras. Also spots how many cats get into your garden at night!!
i have started with 4 camera’s at the beginning and i was so happy i got 5 more.
the only downside and i am sure its going to be fixed in some update and they do issue many releases is that something it wont play video at first click and only after.
installation is a breeze, battery life is truly remarkable, lots of settings to get the right setup for you
Nicely built with a VERY strong magnetic mount.
I just wish the screw in mount was better The shortness of the arm and limited range of the socket (albeit nice and strong) mean it’s a pain especially for some install locations.
These cameras would be great, but the AI that’s meant to just detect people just does not work, its forever picking up cars that drive past my house and as such is always going off.
These cameras are really good. I’ve moved from a wired Samsung cctv system (hdd failed) to this eufy set-up and its great. I have 3 of these cameras and was initially sceptical about the product and the battery life but almost 5months in and batteries are still showing full bars despite frequent daily triggers in high traffic areas. Picture quality isn’t quite as good as my previous wired setup but it’s good enough. I love the simplicity of this setup and would definitely recommend.
Bought this Eufycam2 to had to the 2C 2x homebase 2 kit.
Excellent picture nigh and day.
Update 25/11/20
Eufycam 2 did start to fail after a 6 months, Customer service asked for return, replaced it very fast and refunded shipping.
Top Service.
Anker, TOP !!
1) Ersteinrichtung:
Funktioniert wirklich simpel, man mu nur den Anweisungen folgen, dann geht es fast wie von selbst, ebenso mit den Kameras. Am Anfang mu man die Base per LAN Kabel mit dem eigenen Router verbinden, am Schlu lt sich das System dann schnell auf WLAN umrsten, wichtig, wenn man wie am Gigacube von Vodafone nur wenige LAN Buchsen (1 ! ) hat, aber Achtung, die Base richtet KEIN eigenes WLAN ein, man braucht also einen Router in Reichweite, Ferienhtte ohne Netz geht dann wohl nicht.
Die App luft bei mir auf einem iPhone 11 Pro Max und einem iPad Air parallel ohne Probleme, eufy App sowie HomeKit und der Fernzugriff per Handy ber LTE funktionieren einwandfrei.
2) Apple HomeKit:
Das System lt sich in Apples HomeKit einbinden durch einfaches bernehmen der Einstellungen und dort werden auch die Bilder angezeigt. Aufgezeichnete Videos lassen sich nicht ber HomeKit abrufen, oder die Funktion ist zu gut versteckt fr mich.
Man kann in der eufy App die Kameras deaktivieren, merkwrdigerweise sind sie dann aber immer noch in HomeKit aktiv und knnen angesprochen werden und zeigen auch Live Bilder. Sind die Kameras mit HomeKit verbunden und in der eufy App aktiv, erscheint im Popup Bild bei eufy ein kleines Symbol, das erklrt, in HomeKit wrden die Kameras fter abgefragt (????) und dies fhrt zu stark erhhtem Batterieverbrauch, wieso das sich nicht ndern lt, wer wei, eine richtige Erklrung dazu gibt es nicht. Der Service rt auch dazu, die Kameras aus HomeKit herauszunehmen, wenn man auf maximale Laufzeit Wert legt.
In HomeKit lassen sich nur Mitteilungen an das iPhone deaktivieren, nicht jedoch die Kameras als solche, die bleiben aktiv.
3) Funktion:
Das System als Solches funktioniert sehr gut, man mu etwas Zeit aufbringen, um sich auch die ganzen mglichen Einstellungen durchzuarbeiten und diese mal auszuprobieren, aber es ist kein Hexenwerk und recht interessant.
Fr jede Kamera lassen sich Aktivittsbereiche einrichten, indem man im Bild max. 3 Rechtecke so positioniert, da die “interessanten” Bereiche abgedeckt werden, das spart falsche oder unntige Alarme. Die Empfindlichkeit der Bewegungserkennung lt sich ber einen sehr weiten Bereich einstellen, das verhindert Fehlalarme.
Alle Einstellungen laufen ber die eufy App, in HomeKit lt sich nichts verndern.
Die Gesichtserkennung funktioniert NICHT, obwohl das anfnglich – meine ich – noch in der Beschreibung stand und auch noch in den internen Erklrungen erwhnt wird, vielleicht ist es aber auch miverstndlich beschrieben, die ganzen Beschreibungen wechseln munter zwischen Deutsch und Englisch hin und her. Bekannte ( = harmlose ) Gesichter einpflegen und damit aus den Alarmen herauszunehmen, geht also nicht.
Tagsber lt sich das System, wenn gewnscht, nur auf Menschen kalibrieren, nachts nimmt es alle Bewegungen in seinem zugewiesenem Bereich auf.
Das System bietet verschiedene Szenarien an, z.B. Zu Hause, Abwesend, Geofencing, etc. ber die sich bestimmte Aktionen auslsen lassen. Die funktionieren sehr gut, bis auf Geofencing, da ist selbst der kleinste, einstellbare Radius bei mir ca. 500 – 600 m bevor das System auslst, das ist nur dann sinnvoll, wenn man z.B. im Auto wegfhrt; Besuche beim Nachbarn ber die Strae oder Einkaufen in der Nhe erkennt das System nicht, ist momentan also nahezu nutzlos, auer bei Fernreisen 😉
Das System speichert die Videos auf der internen Karte oder, so verstehe ich es, in der Cloud, das lt sich einstellen, braucht aber eine Registrierung bei eufy ( wozu ? ).
Abo Kosten gibt es KEINE !
Die Videos lassen sich auch per Fernzugriff abrufen und lschen.
Egal ob per WLAN oder Fernzugriff auf die App oder ber HomeKit, es braucht ein paar wenige Sekunden, bevor die Kameras ein Bild senden. Die Bilder knnen fr eine oder 2 Sekunden etwas verpixelt sein, aber man kann sofort erkennen, was die Kamera aufnimmt.
Die Reichweite ist sehr gut, eine Kamera ist ca. 25 m von der Basis entfernt und funktioniert durch 3 Ziegel- und eine Holzwand ohne Probleme.
ber die Batterielaufzeit kann ich noch nichts sagen, in der eufy App sind im Batteriesymbol noch alle Balken vorhanden, eine Prozentanzeige gibt es nur in HomeKit, danach htte ich jetzt in einem 14 taggen Testzeitraum bei allen Kameras zwischen 3 und 4 % verbraucht, allerdings waren die Kameras in der eufy App auch fters mal deaktiviert, wohl aber nicht in HomeKit, die 365 Tage Angabe scheint also zumindest mal nicht vllig bertrieben und einigermaen realistisch, darauf kommt es mir am Meisten an, Laufzeit.
Ein paar kleine Ungereimtheiten sind noch drin, z.B. eine vollstndige (!!) Dokumentation in Deutsch wre toll, momentan mu man sich alles in Deutsch oder Englisch noch ein bichen zusammenklauben aus dem Netz, den beigelegten Dokumenten und vom Service. Ein paar Bugs sollten sich lsen lassen, wie z.B. HomeKit oder Geofencing.
Die Reichweite der Kameras ( Verbindung zur Basis ) ist, zumindest bei mir, wirklich ausgezeichnet, die Empfindlichkeit Nachts ebenso. Die Reichweite Nachts scheint etwas weniger zu sein, da kann man aber mit der Empfindlichkeit spielen.
Alles in allem ? Ich kann nichts Negatives sagen, ich wrde das System wieder kaufen, auch, wenn es eigentlich doch recht teuer ist, trotzdem :
Alle Sterne
J’tais sur le point d’acheter des Arlo quand je suis tomber sur cette marque et leurs camras !
J’ai fais des recherches sur internet et je n’y ai trouver que des avis satisfaisant j’ai donc dcider de commander ce pack avec une camra eufycam 2 en plus.
Produit et packaging super et lors de l’installation, ayant dj eu des camera qu’auparavant je peux vous dire que c’est le jour et la nuit.
L’installation a du me prendre 5 minutes pour 3 camras, la base et les mis jour compensent.
Une fois configurer sur la base je les ai monter leur emplacement dfinitif et la pareil une facilit…. il y a mme des petits autocollants dans la bote pour servir de guide.
Une fois installer j’ai paramtrer et tester la dtection de mouvement et c’est hallucinant il ne dtecte pas mon chien mais me dtecte moi grave au mode Humain. a fonctionne parfaitement.
Concernant la batterie a fait maintenant une semaine et j’ai toujours pas perdu 1% pourtant je passe pas mal de temps dessus ( les dbits…)
Bref je suis content d’avoir conomis de l’argent pour un materiel franchement au dessus de Arlo.
Le wifi fonctionne merveille mieux que celui de ma box, j’en ai une 10m a l’extrieur de mon domicile et malgr la distance et le mur j’ai un signal excellent!
L’application est juste gnial et les camras ne font pas cheap bien au contraire.
J’ai dj hte d’en commander des nouvelles.
N’hsitez pas cliquer sur utile si mon avis vous a aid dans votre choix 🙂
Having bought the 2 camera system, we bought the extra camera to increase coverage form all angles.
Purchased as an add on camera to Homebase 2 with 2 existing cameras. Excellent detection and video quality, very easy to set up and add to existing.
I got this to cover the front of my house, I’m using one camera at the front door and one covering the drive.
Things I like are.
Ease of installation.
No cables to the cameras
Detection zones to cover a large or small area.
Nice clear images.
Ease of use of the app, and the ability to share access to other family members.
Things not so great.
The lag on sending alerts to my phone.
Having the cameras at between 7 and 10 feet which is the optimal range( would prefer slightly higher)
Sometime missing or delayed recording of images.
Getting the base in the best position to provide wifi coverage to the cameras.
I do like this system, I looked at others but went for this with the promise of 365 day between charging the cameras, whether that will be the case only time will tell, I did have an issue where I stopped getting alerts to my phone, but that rectify itself after a couple of days (if it doesn’t do this, it defeats the object)
I have the base in a spare room upstairs to give the best possible chance of the wifi reaching both cameras. You can select a camera and watch what’s happening live but this will drain the battery of the camera, the base is 16GB while not big, if setup correctly it should be enough, I have both set to detect human movement only to record and only if on my drive, so the road is ignored, I get to see when the postie delivers the mail, and the family movements etc.
The system alerts all movement at night, so I get the odd cat alert!!
I have left the record setting on default (upto 20 secs of recording) , I may change to a longer setting but this will impact the recharge interval, at least I can do it per camera.
All in all I must be happy as I’ve just bought another camera to cover the side/back of the house.
It’s not cheap but I set an alert on camelcamelcamel and got them at a better price.
o get this to work with the old HomeBase 1, all you have to do is email [email protected], give them the details on the bottom of the HomeBase – model, SN and MAC and they will remotely update the HomeBase 1 firmware and the camera starts to work!
Great camera, very easy to set up. Everything we needed.
Really happy with this! Super quick and easy to install with lots of customisation available. Each camera has 3x zones you can define and with built in AI its impressive! Too soon to tell the genuine battery life but suspect it will be accurrate given previous products and the companies legacy. Picture quality is good but not amazing like 4K but yeah, very glad I got these.
All in all, it’s great.
The support have been quick to provide support and advice however the motion detection zonal settings are not accurate i continue to recieve notifications despite low sensitivity and box placement.
That said the cameras are super easy to set up bit of macro distortion on imaging, but overall super happy with the produc
Superb camera, good night vision to and easy to connec
When i set it up it informed me that a firmware update was coming which would enable the camera to work. I decided to mail eufy to see when the update would be happening. A couple of days later i received a reply asking for my serial number so that an update could be applied for my system.
All sorted now and works brilliantly. Superb customer service sorting out the update for me. Thanks Tina
Brilliant add-on camera to the EufyCam 2 system. Nothing left to other than this whole system is brilliant!