eufy Security Floodlight Cam 2 Pro, 360-Degree Pan and Tilt Coverage, 2K Full HD, Smart Lighting, Weatherproof, On-Device AI Subject Lock and Tracking, No Monthly Fee


From eufy, the home security brand where privacy comes first.

• Comprehensive Safety Solutions for Your Home

• Created by the same team as Anker—renowned for exceptional quality and innovation

Protects You, Your Family, and Your Privacy

Every eufy Security product is engineered to ensure your security data is kept private. Have peace of mind that you will have a secure record of everything that happens around your home.

Compatibility and Connectivity

Compatibility: Works with the Google Voice Assistant & Alexa. Apple HomeKit Not Compatible. Connectivity: 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi @2.4GHz


Power: Hardwired (110-240V)

Recommended Use: Standard junction box included.

Installation Method: Wall mount and ceiling mount support

Recommended Installation Height: 2.5-3 meters (for best detection performance)

General Product Details


  • Wall mount: 17.7 (light module) x 10.5 x 8.3 in / 45 x 26.5 x 21 cm
  • Ceiling mount: 17.7 (light module) x 7.5 x 7.3 in / 45 x 19 x 18.5 cm

Weight: 4.9lbs / 2.2kg

Operating Conditions: IP65 -4°F – 122°F (-20°C – 50°C)

At -20° the cradle head will not freeze and will rotate freely.

What’s Included: Floodlight Cam 2 Pro, Junction Box, Mounting Kit, Screw Packs, Quick Start Guide


Floodlight Cam is widely used in scenarios with vehicles, and vehicle detection is helpful for filtering information. We plan to release a beta version of vehicle detection for you to use after the launch of the product, and will continue to focus and optimize the vehicle detection experience.


Does Floodlight Cam 2 Pro connect to eufyCam HomeBase?

No, Floodlight Cam 2 Pro does not require a HomeBase or hub to work; it connects directly to Wi-Fi. For users who have a eufy HomeBase and would like the Floodlight Cam to save videos on HomeBase, please stay tuned. This feature will be available in the future.

Does Floodlight Cam 2 Pro support AI?

Yes, it supports AI human-detection and vehicle-detection, meaning it can differentiate people and vehicles from other objects, like pets.

What’s the capacity of the internal storage on Floodlight Cam 2 Pro? Can I upgrade it?

Floodlight Cam 2 Pro has 8GB of local storage built-in for motion-triggered recordings. For example, at a rate of 30 one-minute video clips per day, the 8GB eMMC can store about 32 days’ worth of footage.

Can Floodlight Cam 2 Pro record 24/7?

Floodlight Cam 2 Pro records motion-activated events 24/7. The 3 motion detectors and extra-long detection range ensure that every event is captured.

Does Floodlight Cam 2 Pro support activity zones?

Yes, it supports up to two activity zones. Users can set activity zones to exclude unnecessary event alerts or recording of unnecessary footage.

Can I share my Floodlight Cam 2 Pro with my family members?

Yes, you can share your device with any of your family members. As an owner, you can adjust permission settings for different people.

Does Floodlight Cam 2 Pro support Apple Homekit?

No, it supports Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant, but doesn’t currently support HomeKit.

Is Floodlight Cam 2 Pro wireless?

Floodlight Cam 2 Pro requires existing outdoor wiring and a junction box for installation.

Is Floodlight Cam 2 Pro weatherproof?

This product meets IP65 (dustproof and waterproof) requirements. The Floodlight Cam 2 Pro is ready for bad weather, such as heavy rain, snow, fog, and more. It has been strictly tested for waterproofing, corrosion resistance, frost resistance, and outdoor durability.

Are the LED bulbs replaceable on the Floodlight Cam 2 Pro?

No, Floodlight Cam 2 Pro’s bulbs aren’t replaceable. The LED bulbs can be used for over 100,000 hours.

T8423 T8422 T8420 T8424
Field of View Out-of-View Detection & Tracking 130° Vertical 130° Vertical 130° Vertical
Resolution 2K 2K 1080p 2K
On-Device AI Detection Human Human Human Human
Recording Storage “30 Days (45 activations/day)” “20 Days (45 activations/day)” “20 Days (45 activations/day)” “20 Days (45 activations/day)”
Lighting Brightness “3 Movable Panels up to 3000-lumens” “2 Floodlights Dimmable, up to 2000 lumens” “2 Floodlights Dimmable, up to 2500 lumens” “2 Floodlights Dimmable, up to 2500 lumens”
Lighting Temperature Range 3000°~5700° Kelvin 5000° Kelvin 5000° Kelvin 5000° Kelvin
Dimmable Lighting
Adjustable Lighting Temperature
Subject Lock and Tracking
Out-of-View Detection & Tracking

Dimensions: 31 x 20 x 18 cm; 1.37 Kilograms
Model: T8423321
Manufacture: Anker
Origin: China

49 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Nach ber einem Jahr testen werde ich dann meine Bewertung des Gerts abgeben. Ich habe 3 stk gekauft und bin mega zufrieden damit. Es gibt viele einstellungsmglichkeiten damit man alles im Blick hat. Die Qualitt sind Tag und Nacht gut. Die Bewegungserkennung funktioniert je nach einstellung mega gut. Das Fokusieren bei der Verfolgung knnte besser sein. Deswegen 1 Stern abzug. Kommt jemand an die Haustr springt die Kamera auf die Person, jedoch hrt sie dann nicht mehr auf zu springen um den Fokus zu finden hab ich das Gefhl. Es sucht dann stndig in jede richtung wo der beste fokus ist anstatt konstant auf die person zu filmen. Naja ist kein weltuntergang 🙂 Das Teil ist auch echt Massiv. Beim Auspacken hat man den Wow effekt. Sehr gut verarbeitet. Auch die Schutzkugel wo die Kamera ist, ist sehr gut. Jedoch wenn es regnet sieht man Tropfen drann hngen und hindert ein bischen die sicht. Das Licht kann man von Angenehm sanft auf sehr hell effekt sonnenbrand einstellen schreckt sicher jeden Einbrecher ab. Aber auch die Nachbarn aus den Betten Die Sprechfunktion funktioniert auch sehr super. Nur das man auf den Aufzeichnungen nur die Person auf der anderen seite hrt und nicht das selbst gesprochene strt ein bischen. Insgesamt jedoch sehr sehr zufrieden mit Eufy. Auch das man da kein Abo machen muss und die mitgelieferte sdkarte gengent ist um sehr lange alles aufzuzeichnen war ein sehr groer Pluspunkt fr den Kauf. Fr mich die beste Marke im Bereich Heimsicherheit.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben die Kamera jetzt zwei Wochen und die ist super. Einwandfrei. Ihr Geld wirklich wert. Reagiert sobald Menschen auf das Grundstck kommen und schaltet sich selbst wieder ab dann. Wirklich zu empfehle

  3. ConnorJelks says:


    Wir wollten eine Kamera, die unser Grundstck berwacht und zustzlich einen greren Bereich ausleuchtet, da wir mit unseren Rdern im hinteren Bereich des Grundstcks parken. Das Flutlicht reagiert sehr schnell, sobald man in den zu beleuchtenden Bereich kommt. Es ist unterschiedlich hell einstellbar. Wir bevorzugen das Hellste, damit wir gefahrlos durch den Garten fahren knnen bzw die Kinder im Winter trotz Dunkelheit drauen spielen knnen. Die Lichtpanele sind in alke Richtungen drehbar. Die Kamera zeigt einen 360 Grad Bereich und man kann ins Bild zoomen. Das Mikrofon der Gegensprechanlage ist auch ausreichend. Bislang konnte sie zuverlssig Mensch von Tier unterscheiden, bei starkem Wind meldet sie allerdings auch mal ein Fussbaltornetz als Person. Deshalb einen Punkt Abzug, fr uns aber ok. Auf Bume, Bsche reagiert sie nicht, auch nicht mit der Beleuchtung. Fr das Geld ist sie absolut zu empfehlen.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Das Produkt ist zuverlssig, die App funktioniert einwandfrei und das Design ist ansprechend.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Pour avoir fait pas mal de recherche internet avant mon achat, j’avais identifi ce produit qui cumulait l’avantage d’une camra mobile 360 et surtout un intgration sans abonnement au quotidien.
    La rsolution de jour comme de nuit est top ET elle suit les mouvements des visiteurs.
    Facile d’installation, elle est venue remplace une lampe dtecteur sur la faade de notre maison.
    Elle peut paraitre volumineuse au dpart, on s’y fait 😉

  6. Stephan9487 says:


    Works excellent as expected. Ordered second for house
    IMHO – ideal camera for house – very easy to monitor area

  7. MitchellFsb says:


    La camera est trs bien.
    L’image est suprieure compare a d’autres.

  8. DenishaMannino says:


    Elle detecte un humain sur 360 degrs et tourne ensuite la camra pour le filmer. Pas de faux positifs cause d’animaux ou de branches dplaces par le vent.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersInstallation facile
    Dommage qu’il n’y ai pas un peu d’autonomie en cas de coupure de courant
    L’clairage est trs puissa

    Je suis un fan d’eufy

  10. Jess Weatherbed says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGut: Kamera verfolgt automatisch sich bewegende Objekte und gibt gute Bilder sowie Licht- und Alarmsignale.
    Unerheblich: Der erste Schreck, dass das Teil einen USB-Anschluss hat und regelmig geladen werden msste, verflchtigte sich – USB ist nur fr die erste Aufladung notwendig, danach speist der feste 230V-Anschluss das Gert. Solche Aussagen fehlen in der Montageanweisung.
    Verbesserbar: Der Befestigungsfu ist monstergro und bei Befestigung an der Wand aufgeklappt sehr hlich. Lieber unter einem Dach hngend anbringen, aber hierfr braucht das Teil einen groen Montageabstand zur dahinter liegenden Wand!
    Bedauerlich: Seit Jahren verspricht Eufy die Integration der Floodlight in die Eufy-Homebase – vergeblich, das Gert muss immernoch separat ins WLAN eingebunden werden.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Replaced the outside front door light with this device and it was a very straightforward installation. Connect to the Wi-Fi in the house first and then mount on the wall as a light replacement using existing wiring – assuming you are able to connect the L/N/E correctly. Only thing to remember is to leave the light switch turned on. Great on holiday to let neighbours know a parcel had been left at the front door. Sensitivity can be set to exclude animals – particularly useful to avoid triggers from cats in the middle of the night. No ongoing monthly charges.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Pour protger ma proprit a 360, application facile,montage facile, surveillance performante que d autre du commerce.

    Fidèle à la descriptio

  13. Anonymous says:


    Bien reu mais au dballage, la camra est trop imposante. Je l’ai retourn car elle n’est pas discrte l’endroit o je voulais l’installer.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Installation et configuration trs simple. Cela fonctionne parfaitement. Bonne qualit d image, possibilit de faire pivoter la camra sur 360 et de la commander via le tlphone sur tous les angles. Les spot sont puissants et rglables indpendamment du bloc camera. Aprs cela fonctionne comme le autres cameras eufy. Toutefois l ensemble ne fonctionne pas sur la homebase. Pas trop gnant puisque l’appli eufy sur le tlphone la prend en compte comme le reste de l home base.

  15. Deborah says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this product. It is everything we wanted from a CCTV floodlight. I had actually bought two other CCTV flood lights previous to this but soon realised they fell short on a number of areas ie WIFI connection etc. and so returned them. We’re so happy with this item. It’s easy to use. Easy to install and easy to operate. I highly recommend it to anyone

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good floodlight camera.

    The Camera is good quality, the light brightness can be adjusted and also the colour temperature.

    The motion detection zones and sensitivity can also be adjusted.

    The camera can follow an object in its vision such as people or pets.

    It’s simple to fit and instructions are easy to follow.

    Only reason I never gave it 5 stars is the WiFi signal can sometimes be hit and miss and the camera response can lag when moving the camera using the app. Also the camera only connects to 2.4 ghz wifi

    The eufy app is great, and you can store videos on the cameras internal memory

  17. Lily says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very sensitive to noise, covers medium sized garden, excellent picture quality day and night, only using it for a few weeks so cannot really say much about weather durability. So far it works fine.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    overall, a very good product, if you have an outside light with a negative and positive wire, then this is very easy to install yourself. Just turn off your electrics before and you’re all good to go. Took me about 30 minutes. The system itself is quite big, but over time I didn’t even notice it light is perfect and motion works pretty solid.


    – Tracking is pretty hit a mess and a bit jumpy
    – very fuzzy at night even with all the lights turned on which lights up the place, but the image quality becomes incredibly poor, even at close range.
    – support takes at least 48 to 72 hours to respond to any queries
    – AI is pretty poor and I wouldn’t recommend anyone by this camera based on just the AI capability. It recognise my dog consistently as a human, it’s a poodle a very small one, it also recognise slippers left at the door or sandals. Should I say as human beings which means you get a number false alarms throughout the day.
    -The app can be very buggy at times. Notification says I have 200 unread notification, even though I only have one and it’s a consistent thing.

    Overall, a great product let down by poor customer service and lack of image processing to improve the night vision given the quality of the lights that it comes with and then that also means that I don’t think it’s worth the price. Eufy are selling it fo

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bought to replace previous spotlight cam. Thankfully bought with hefty discount. Easy to fit to exisiting junction box that was mounted for the previous version. In hindsight, although very good, considering the small garden it is covering, I would have been just as well leaving the previous model in situ. At least I can move that previous camera elsewhere and use the new provided junction box, to mount it. I am fast becoming and advertising mechanism for Eufy cameras, the amount that are appearing around the house!

  20. WinnieCallahan says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersNachdem die Nachbarskatze, welche gelegentlich auf den Autos liegt, nun doch mal Kratzer ins Auto gemacht hat, haben wir uns fr eine Kamera entschieden.

    Da ich vor einiger Zeit schon mal einwenig zu eufy und Kameras allgemein recheriert hatte, wusste ich schon das es eufy von Anker wird.
    Einziges Manko, dass die Daten bisher nur auf der Kamera gespeichert sind und nicht auf der Homebase. Soweit ich gelesen habe scheint dies in Planung zu sein. Da aber selbst beim Diebstahl der Kamera die Aufnahme bereits auf dem Handy/App angezeigt werden, war dies kein Gegenargument fr mich. Also bestellt und montiert. Schnelle Lieferung und leichte Montage.

    Bisher luft die Kamera seit einem halben Monat und wird sind sehr zufrieden.
    Meine persnliche Meinung ist, eufy Security und klares ja. Cloud ist gegen extra Speicher und Kosten mglich, aber kein Zwang.
    Im Haus selbst setzen wir auf Bosch smart Home, haben und dennoch fr eufy auen entschieden. Tolle Kamera!

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersJe suis vraiment trs satisfait de cette camra.
    a fait des annes que je cherche l’quivalent sans jamais trouver et voil que eufy nous sort a , le principe en lui mme est parfait la surveillance a 360 avec en plus l’clairage pour remplacer un projecteur.
    Sur le papier c’est top mais en relle c’est EXTRA je m’explique :
    -le projecteur est trs puissant (plus que mon ancien) et orientable pour clairer a environ 180 le vrai plus la personnalisation du blanc (chaud ou froid ou intermdiaire).
    -la camra est tout simplement bluffante, entre sa rapidit de mouvement, les angles, la qualit de l’image, la protection contre les intempries, la possibilit de la diriger manuellement
    -tous les rglages possibles et inimaginables
    -la facilit d’installation
    -le concept en lui mme qui tient toute ses promesses
    -l’application qui est plutt bien pense
    -la possibilit future de pouvoir l’intgrer dans la homebase 3 pour profiter de toute la future technologie qu’elle promet
    -la qualit de fabrication
    Je vais m’arrter l parce qu’il y a beaucoup trop a dire.
    Et pour chipoter le seul petit point ngatif (mais je ne retire aucune toile) c’est l’intgration dans les diffrentes box domotique qui n’est pas assez pouss pour moi la homey et Google assistant c’est pas super mais franchement j’en suis vraiment trop content.

    Extrêmement satisfaction, c'est du jamais vu.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Impressive bit of kit for the money. Lots of features and controls via the app. So impressed I bought another for the back of the house.

    Install at reachable height so you can clean the dome with a microfibre cloth rain and spiders can be a pain. But thats a general issue!

  23. Michell00P says:

     United Kingdom

    I have had security cameras in and around the property for quite a while. Over the years I have tested and used NEST cams, YI cameras and BLINK.

    They all have their pros & cons. NEST cameras just work but are lousy value, YI cameras are actually pretty good and the 1080p dome cameras are really excellent value. BLINK cameras, especially the earlier generations with free cloud storage, are budget-friendly and easy to use… but. And there is a ‘but’. Trying to view a Live Feed is soooo slow, and the image quality is rather poor especially at night.
    I recently had an attempted break-in in my garage, via a back alley. Did I manage to catch any footage… nope! Why? Well since BLINK cameras are battery-powered, you will find yourself switching these off when you are triggering continuous recordings. In this instance, I switched my camera off as I was doing some stuff at the back of my property (after the schedule had turned the camera on). Forgot to switch it back on and just my luck… that night I had a break-in attempt. Now, would I have caught footage if the camera had been on? Again, nope! Since the camera was looking in the wrong direction… sigh!
    (the burglars were actually kind enough not smash my BLINK camera but they merely pulled it off its bracket and whizzed it over a fence).
    This experience demonstrated that I needed a different type of solution and this camera by Eufy is just perfect for when you need to monitor an area that can’t be covered by a regular camera. The added floodlight might work as a deterrent, while also being seriously handy in Winter. The siren is a nice add-on and the image quality beats any camera I have used so far. Viewing a feed is also seriously snappy… no lengthy delays.
    I am still testing different settings and getting used to the fact that the LED lights are triggered by a different input (PIR) than the recordings (AI human tracking).
    One thing I would have appreciated is for Eufy to allow Preset Positions, not only for the Auto Cruise feature, but also for viewing Live Feeds. This feels like a missed opportunity, since I now need to manually move the camera to these positions every time I want to check up on something.

    My initial impressions are thus very good… if these change over time, I will update my review.

    PS: I bought this via Eufy, but fulfillment seemingly still happened via Amazon.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So far no faults or cons to report as such, it is a lot larger than I expected but when you think of what it has and does.
    Easy to fit (I was swapping a wired standard spot light) but it is quite heavy.
    The features in this are fantastic the tracking picks movement up, even the dogs if the are out with you.
    The human motion detection still allows the dogs out at night without triggering the lights or camera.
    The sound quality picks the quietest sound up and the talk back and alam are loud and clear.
    Being wall mounted you do lose some of the 360 camera function but the fact it tracks direct below you still capture all the area.
    The zone marking and preset positions make removing unwanted triggers activating easy.
    We have other Eufy products and the home hub, but for now, this doesn’t link to the storage of the home hub, in addition to the 8gb internal storage.
    100% so far recommend this product.

  25. Lauren Wiles says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch nutze die Kamera seit fast einem Jahr

    – gute Nachtsicht
    – Sound / Umgebungsgerusche sehr gut zu hren
    – gute App (kostenfrei) und sehr selten Werbung (sollte nicht mehr werden)
    – sehr gute Scheinwerfer die manuell oder automatisch einstellbar sind und je nach Gegebenheit unterschiedliches Flutlicht aktivieren knnen
    – es reicht eine Steckdose im Freien, es muss kein Wanddurchbruch gemacht werden
    – App kann freigegeben und Kamera mit anderen Haushaltsmitgliedern geteilt werden
    – habe mir eine zweite Outdoorkamera gekauft, die sich leicht in das System mit dieser Kamera einbinden lie
    – Option viele kleine Lichter an der Kamera (v.a. im dunkeln sinnvoll) abzuschalten

    – braucht im Freien ein starkes WLAN Signal fr Live-View
    – Linse klickt beim Bewegen (zum Glck nicht so laut)
    – Tagsicht knnte besser sein –> die Auflsung richtet sich nach dem Handy auf welchem die App installiert ist
    – die Dbel und Schrauben sollten fr die Kamera wirklich lnger sein um das Gewicht halten zu knnen! Hier wird am falschen Ende gespart (die Schraube ist speziell dem Gehuse angepasst, damit der Dichtungsring Regenwasser von auen abhlt)
    – stolzer Preis

    zustzlich Verbesserungsfhig: Das was man selber ber das Smartphone in die Kamera spricht, sollte auch auf der Videoaufnahme zu hren sei

  26. Patricia Conte says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m impressed by this and I think it’s worth the money. The camera is very smart, following people around and it also solved our need for a floodlight too, which switches on with the pir sensors. It’s bright and I love that I can adjust the light to be a warmer shade too.
    Shame there’s no HomeKit support but I understand why, it really needs the eufy app for all the non HomeKit stuff that it does too.

  27. Shilpa says:

     United Kingdom

    So impressed I bought 2 ,Day/night vision is great quality..easy set up ,easy to adjust settings in the app..would happy with them I am going to order 3 eufy P24 indoor cameras to keep tabs on my 2 indoor cats

  28. thebranddetective says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersIf you want only to detect people movement this camera is getting towards perfect. We have two of these, one in the front watching the cars, one in the garden watching the, well, garden (we’ve had hedge hopping thieving ba@#ards a couple of times).

    Oddly, it detects our Labrador as a human, but that doesn’t bother us as it tells us when she’s done her “thing” and is ready to come in 😀

    Things that could be improved:

    1. The AI could “maybe” be a bit better and isolate the doggie?? An option maybe?
    2. The detection of a person might possibly be quicker and subsequent notification? If someone’s is in the front pondering whether to shatter a car window or not, it might give you more time to wake up a bit and do something about it (shout at them through the speaker option from you phone and tell them the old bill are on their way)
    3. I’ve got it set up to bong the Alexa devices around the house, but there’s sometimes quite a delay before it does..This is likely an AWS issue and not Eufy?

    I could go on and on about the things this camera offers but I can tell you it’s worth it and it’s still being improved.

    Only one thing that bothers me atm, the recordings are stored in the camera unless you set up a home NAS with RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) which could be expensive in the short term, or, subscribe to Eufy’s cloud backup, cheap in the short term but not in the long term.

    Ok, maybe one other thing, the web viewer is flaky, doesn’t always play the cameras via a web browser on PC for example..but I use my phone anyhow.

    I’ll upload a human-dog video once I get it downloaded so you can check quality…maybe (don’t know if Amazon will downscale), but you’ll get an idea of the motion detection, tracking, night vision and lighting at least!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you want only to detect people movement this camera is getting towards perfect. We have two of these, one in the front watching the cars, one in the garden watching the, well, garden (we’ve had hedge hopping thieving ba@#ards a couple of times).

    Oddly, it detects our Labrador as a human, but that doesn’t bother us as it tells us when she’s done her “thing” and is ready to come in 😀

    Things that could be improved:

    1. The AI could “maybe” be a bit better and isolate the doggie?? An option maybe?
    2. The detection of a person might possibly be quicker and subsequent notification? If someone’s is in the front pondering whether to shatter a car window or not, it might give you more time to wake up a bit and do something about it (shout at them through the speaker option from you phone and tell them the old bill are on their way)
    3. I’ve got it set up to bong the Alexa devices around the house, but there’s sometimes quite a delay before it does..This is likely an AWS issue and not Eufy?

    I could go on and on about the things this camera offers but I can tell you it’s worth it and it’s still being improved.

    Only one thing that bothers me atm, the recordings are stored in the camera unless you set up a home NAS with RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) which could be expensive in the short term, or, subscribe to Eufy’s cloud backup, cheap in the short term but not in the long term.

    Ok, maybe one other thing, the web viewer is flaky, doesn’t always play the cameras via a web browser on PC for example..but I use my phone anyhow.

    I’ll upload a human-dog video once I get it downloaded so you can check quality…maybe (don’t know if Amazon will downscale), but you’ll get an idea of the motion detection, tracking, night vision and lighting at least!

  30. MandyWooten says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Brilliant and worth every penny. The 360 degrees is excellent and really does lock on and track, there is nothing it doesn’t do. Install was done quickly and the app is great, no monthly fees and it is just the best cctv I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had a few. Would buy this again and recommend to everyone, very happy. The sound quality and lighting is excellent too and it does work through my alexia echo 10 too so I say alexia show me my front camera, and only notifies for humans as I have pets so no unnecessary notifications either.excellent technology

    Excellent and highly recommend

  31. Timothy Taylor says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant and worth every penny. The 360 degrees is excellent and really does lock on and track, there is nothing it doesn’t do. Install was done quickly and the app is great, no monthly fees and it is just the best cctv I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had a few. Would buy this again and recommend to everyone, very happy. The sound quality and lighting is excellent too and it does work through my alexia echo 10 too so I say alexia show me my front camera, and only notifies for humans as I have pets so no unnecessary notifications either.excellent technology

    Excellent and highly recommend

  32. Sean Morris says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersLa instalacin y puesta en marcha es muy sencilla gracias a la aplicacin , la conexin wifi es muy estable , y se conecta para ver vdeo en directo muy rpida . La funcin 360 es verdad, pero no rota 360 sino que cuando llega al final del recorrido tienes que volver a girar al sentido contrario para alcanzar el giro total , sera genial que rotar realmente 360 sin topes . Los focos dan buena luminosidad , sera mejorable que se pudiera configurar por ejemplo si no tenemos grabacin no se encendieran sin necesidad de desactivarlos, pues en ese caso no se encendern ni con la grabacin . La imagen es muy aceptable pero, el zoom que podemos hacer ampliando la pantalla est muy limitado . Grabacin en color , solo si tenemos luz , bien sea de los propios focos u otra luminosidad , de lo contrario la imagen y grabacin ser en blanco y negro . Se echa de menos una estacin base para almacenar los vdeos , creo que un punto muy flojo con respecto a cmaras de la competencia.
    Si la tenemos conectada a una red wifi y queremos cambiarla a otra , en mi caso me ha resultado muy complicado , he tenido que borra la cmara de la aplicacin y luego resetearla para conctala a la nueva red .
    Los modos configuracin son algo limitados , yo los tengo para que empiecen a grabar a las 00:00 hasta las 6:00 y la verdad es que en varias ocasiones a grabado fuera de ese horario . La hora de la cmara la tengo bien configurada .
    Bueno , creo que algunas de las cosas expuesta la pueden arreglar con actualizaciones o tras no lo creo , pero an as estoy contento con el producto.

    Me gusta , pero debe mejorar .

  33. EmilieKopf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEdit: Eufy customer support have now helped and assisted with the below issue. Their customer support is fantastic. Thank you Eufy for reaching out to me. I’ve since changed my 1 star review to 5 stars based on their fast customer service and help!

    Previous review:

    We have several eufy products with no problems. However, the item worked great for the first 2 weeks then all of a sudden the dome has became fogged up with condensation. As it’s inside the dome you can’t clean or wipe it off. The image now looks foggy and pointless.

    Fogged up inside dome - Received help from Customer support.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wouldn’t be without this camera now
    Easy to install ,
    Instructions are easy to follow
    Videos are clear ,
    Lights up at night when people are near my premises, good deterrent
    Follows people until they are out of view
    I may be out but I can still see who’s at my doo

  35. MurielHerington says:

     United Kingdom

    I wouldn’t be without this camera now
    Easy to install ,
    Instructions are easy to follow
    Videos are clear ,
    Lights up at night when people are near my premises, good deterrent
    Follows people until they are out of view
    I may be out but I can still see who’s at my doo

  36. SergioVelasquez says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    everything about this camera is very good except advertised no extra cost to store videos yet it asking for plan to store videos on the cloud!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    everything about this camera is very good except advertised no extra cost to store videos yet it asking for plan to store videos on the cloud!

  38. DannieWoodruff says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersBonjour les petits points ngatifs sont :
    – l’utilisation pas trs scuris de la sangle/crochet lors de l’installation
    – dtection de humain ou tout mouvement seulement (un lapin m’a dclench la sirne )
    – pas de possibilit de dfinir de zones confidentielles
    – pas d’intgration dans Apple Home
    Les points positifs :
    – simplicit d’installation/utilisation
    – dtection de mouvement au top et le suivi de mouvement !!!
    – la puissance des lumires, le mode auto ou manuel
    – la vision de nuit mais avec la lumire, on voit vraiment mieux
    – la rotation auto et manuel
    – la connexion son rseau wifi et pas la Home base (le choix serait un plus)
    – et d’autres choses que j’oublie srement.

    Les petits point ngatifs rgler, une batterie et une alerte en cas de coupure de courant et la camra serait parfaite !
    Ps : camra installer il y a 2semaines l’abri des intempries voir dans le temps maintenant !!

    Sinon je recommande vivement cette camra l meilleur pour moi !

  39. AngelinKinsella says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Moved away from Ring after several years. This is a well made and well thought out product. Combined with the hub and bell it is an excellent and reliable solution that works even if the internet goes down. Regular updates and good support guides. Highly recommended.

  40. DemetriaVelasqu says:

     United Kingdom

    Moved away from Ring after several years. This is a well made and well thought out product. Combined with the hub and bell it is an excellent and reliable solution that works even if the internet goes down. Regular updates and good support guides. Highly recommended.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    his was used to protect my back garden, the picture quality is brilila

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    his was used to protect my back garden, the picture quality is brilila

  43. Adrian Diaconescu says:


    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersNachdem die Kamera schnell geliefert wurde, habe ich diese sorgfltig und genau nach Anleitung montiert. Dann kam totale Begeisterung auf. Tolle Aufnahmen mit sehr guter Verfolgung, hohe Reichweite des Bewegungssensors und somit groe Abdeckung des zu berwachen Bereichs.
    Ein paar Tage spter, nach Regen, Frost und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit, kam dann die Ernchterung. Ich hatte dauerhaft ein benebeltes Bild. Die Ursache war schnell gefunden. Es war Feuchtigkeit in die Kamera eingedrungen und das Gehuse war beschlagen.
    Kann ja mal passieren (Montagsgert) dachte ich mir und rief den Kundendienst an. Nachdem ich das Problem geschildert hatte hoffte ich auf eine unkomplizierte Lsung. Falsch gedacht!!!
    Stattdessen bekam ich eine Mail mit der Aufforderung folgende Sachen zu bermitteln:
    – Amazon Rechnung
    – Amazon Bestellnummer
    – Lieferanschrift
    – Lieferadresse fr einen mglichen Ersatz
    – Seriennummer des Produkts
    – Ein Foto des Produkts mit Anker Logo
    – Detaillierte Beschreibung des Problems sowie Angaben welche Lsungsversuche ich selber
    unternommen habe.
    – Ein Video oder Fotos/Screenshots welche Eufy dabei helfen das Problem besser zu verstehen und

    Wozu habe ich vorher mit dem Kundendienst telefoniert der schon 5 von diesen Dingen abgefragt hatte??? Zeitverschwendung!

    Also nochmals alles (sehr zeitaufwndig) in einer Mail verfasst und abgesendet. Danach nochmals eine Mail von Eufy erhalten das sich die Seriennummer nicht auf dem Karton (wie von mir angenommen und fotografiert) befindet sondern an der Kamera selbst oder in der App. Dies war mir jetzt zu dumm und ich habe mich erst einmal nicht mehr beim Kundendienst gemeldet.

    Doch dann wendete sich doch noch alles zum Guten, denn anscheinend gab man sich bei Eufy damit nicht zufrieden und ein paar Tage spter meldete sich eine andere Kundendienstmitarbeiterin bei mir. Ein Ersatzgert wre auf dem Weg zu mir und ich mge doch bitte das defekte Gert austauschen.

    Die neue Kamera ist dicht und luft perfekt. Vielen herzlichen Dank an die Dame vom Eufy Kundendienst.

  44. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersDatum 9.11.21 Heute aufgehngt . Die Floodlight cam2 kann man jedenfalls mit der Homebase verknpfen .Geht sehr flott. Beschreibung auch auf Deutsch dabei . Einfach zu handhaben . Super Qualitt der Kamera und Scheinwerfer .
    Vom dem alten Modell ( Floodlight ) haben wir 3 stck . 2 stck machen nur Probleme . Wir haben das System mit 7 eufy2c Kameras und 4 Scheinwerfer ausgebaut . Die Accus der 2c haben fast 5 Monate gehalten . Manche lnger . Finde ich sehr gut . Funktioniert einwandfrei ausser die 2 alten Floodlights die machen wie und was sie wollen . Die Kameras und Floodlights sind sind vom Mrz 2021 . Schalten sich permanent von selbst an . Wrde das alte Modell nicht mehr kaufen .Aber es Ist ja noch Garantie darauf. Im grossen und ganzen ist das System sehr gut . Nachtsicht ist sehr gut . Kameras sehr gut . Man sieht was ums Haus los ist und man kann wieder ruhig schlafen . Wir knnen das eufy berwachungssystem nur Empfehlen .

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCamera and lights respond to all requirements but the need to keep using Reset to establish communication with the camera is annoying. I haven’t been able to communicate with the camera once I have left the house and gone beyond the range of the WiFi. Access to the camera through the website while in the house is convenient but controls are unavailable.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Camera and lights respond to all requirements but the need to keep using Reset to establish communication with the camera is annoying. I haven’t been able to communicate with the camera once I have left the house and gone beyond the range of the WiFi. Access to the camera through the website while in the house is convenient but controls are unavailable.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersA great 1st attempt by Eufy. Camera image quality and detection are excellent but the key aspect of this camera to stand out from the competition is how its mounted. If you have to mount on a wall then you will only get 180 field of vision and there are plenty of floodlight cameras that will give 160 view at a much lower price point. However if you invest in a corner mounting bracket available from other suppliers then you can get 270 field of view. As Eufy point out, mounting on a flat wall gives birds an invitation to nest but more importantly it allows water to collect on the flat top of the unit. So not ideal. Only design fault so far is that when you tilt the center light, the side lights are at an angle. Simply modification by Eufy would solve this issue. Overall 4* because of this. I spent a year of issues with its main competitor before finally giving up and moving. Eufy app isn’t as good but imagine quality and speed of notifications is far superior. Highly recommended.

    Great Potential!

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersA great 1st attempt by Eufy. Camera image quality and detection are excellent but the key aspect of this camera to stand out from the competition is how its mounted. If you have to mount on a wall then you will only get 180 field of vision and there are plenty of floodlight cameras that will give 160 view at a much lower price point. However if you invest in a corner mounting bracket available from other suppliers then you can get 270 field of view. As Eufy point out, mounting on a flat wall gives birds an invitation to nest but more importantly it allows water to collect on the flat top of the unit. So not ideal. Only design fault so far is that when you tilt the center light, the side lights are at an angle. Simply modification by Eufy would solve this issue. Overall 4* because of this. I spent a year of issues with its main competitor before finally giving up and moving. Eufy app isn’t as good but imagine quality and speed of notifications is far superior. Highly recommended.

    Great Potential!

  49. SanoraJowett says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIm Gegensatz zum einzigen Konkurrenten in diesem Segment aus Frankreich:
    – Absolut stabile WLAN-Verbindung
    – Wechselt nicht pltzlich zu einem schwcheren Mesh-Point

    Des Weiteren bin sehr begeistert von der:
    – Helligkeit des Lichts
    – Bildqualitt (man sieht deutlich den Unterschied zu 1080)
    – K.I. zur Menschenerkennung

    Zur App:
    – Fast perfekt. @Eufy: Was ich allerdings nicht ganz verstehe sind die vier einstellbaren fixen Anspringpunkte die man dann beim anschauen aber gar nicht auswhlen kann. Nur ber das Einstellungsmen. Warum? Gute Frage