ExamReader | C-Pen | Text to speech device | Exam aid | Human reader alternative

ExamReader Pen

The C-Pen ExamReader pen scanner is a major technological breakthrough for anyone wanting to read English, Spanish, French, Italian and German exam questions. The C-Pen ExamReader is a totally portable, pocket-sized device that reads text out aloud with an English, Spanish, French, Italian and German human-like digital voice. This means students who have reading difficulties such as dyslexia can independently take exams knowing that they can read and understand the questions.
- The pen is half the size of other portable pen scanners on the market and 50g is half the weight.
- Ideal for hearing words & lines of text read aloud
- Great for students with dyslexia, reading difficulties and English as a second language
- Designed to allow students to be with their peers in the main exam hall with headphones plugged into their pens
- Available in a class set of ten pens
Text to speech
Use C-Pen ExamReader to read printed text for you! C-Pen ExamReader features a high quality naturally speaking British English, American English, Spanish, French, Italian and German voice.
C-Pen ExamReader uses a standard micro USB connector for charging, and a standard 3.5 mm connector for your favorite headphones
The C-Pen ExamReader is small, portable, and light making it easy to carry with you anywhere you like to read.

C-Pen ExamReader Specifications:
- Screen OLED 256*64
- CPU 600MHz
- USB Micro USB
- Earphone 3.5mm
- Battery 1,200mAh
- Scan Font Size Range 6.5 – 22 pt
- Menu Languages English, Spanish, French, Italian and German
- Size Dimensions: 135*33*19mm | Weight: 50g

Package Contents:
- ExamReader
- Carry Case
- USB Cable
- Instruction Manual
- Headphones
- * Note: If you can use a yellow highlighter pen to highlight text in a book/on paper then you could get some use out of this Pen.
- ** Note: If you mother tongue is not listed above, the LingoPen will still help you learn English however it will not translate the word back into your language
Weight: | 240 g |
Dimensions: | 17.7 x 11.9 x 4.7 cm; 240.4 Grams |
Brand: | C-pen |
Colour: | Orange |
Manufacture: | C-Pen |
Colour: | Orange |
Article coteux mais trs utile en cas de dyslexie mon fils adore a l’aide vraiment dans son quotidien tre autonome et ne plus avoir le besoin systmatique d’un adulte ses cts je recommande vivement malgr le prix.
Got this for our dyslexic daughter mostly for when they start using them in her dyslexia lesson and exams. She’s not used it much at home yet but knew how to use it straight away. It’s easy to use and mostly accurate I think we need more practice regarding the accuracy. I would definitely recommend.
Livraison trs rapide.
A peine reu ma fille Dyslexique Dysorthographique l’a essay.
Trs facile d’utilisation. Idem pour le paramtrage du stylo.
Trs bon outils. Merci.
Works good ideal for what I needed, easy to use
Bought for my 11 year old son who is dyslexic. He’s still getting used to using it but it’s definitely given him more confidence to do school work more independently at school and at home. Will be invaluable for using in his SATS. Only downside is that sometimes it won’t read certain fonts but overall it’s brilliant.
I wish i’d known of this a few years ago. My daughter reads fine EXCEPT certain words and phrases are difficult–especially in testing and assignment directions. This has given her the confidence to do her homework and even take tests without assistance.
It actually does what it says it can do. It works!
Lecteur facile utiliser.
Ma fille dyslexique dysorthographique passe souvent cot de certaines questions lors des contrles, surtout en cas de consignes multiples dans la mme phrase.
Le stylo permet d’couter la question sans avoir se concentrer sur la lecture. Cela lui simplifie la comprhension. Elle branche ses couteurs directement sur le stylo.
Il est accept par les enseignants et nous venons d’avoir l’accord pour qu’il soit utilis au baccalaurat.
Juste dommage qu’il soit plus cher que d’autres lecteurs, qui ont plus de fonctionnalits, mais nous avons achet celui-ci pour sa fonction exam.
Aufgrund schwere LRS hatte meine Tochter starke Probleme in der Schule grade bei Arbeiten. Seid sie den C PEN benutzen darf ist sie Selbstbewusster und versteht vieles schneller da sie nicht mehr darauf angewiesen ist das sie jemanden beim Lesen untersttzen und eigenstndig arbeiten kann.
I bought it for my daughter for studying and her actual gcse exams. Whilst it will work for her exam as she is allowed a reader, the pen has got its limitations being that it can only read standard text on white paper. If the text is other than standard at a regular size it can not read it. This means it can not read hand written notes or small writing. This is a big limitation for my daughter and what we need it fo
The reading pen is well designed and reliable. My school SEN department uses(I am a Deputy Headteacher who has supported both SEN department s and exams for many years). Reading pens can be very useful for students completing GCSEs…..but to use them in the exams they have to be their usual way of working…. Most school I know use this pen. If you are thinking about a different pen, I would talk to your school to see what they use….you do not want your child to get confidence knocked in an exam with an unfamiliar writing pen. Little things can really throw a student in an exam.
Stylo pas mal mais pas si simple d’utilisation pour un enfant. Il faut vraiment faire attention la vitesse de passage de la main, il n’aime pas les ponctuations (il dit n’importe quoi), il faut vraiment un texte avec une topographie droite et parfois, il crit le texte juste mais le lit mal ??? Au moins, a dsamorce le stress de la lecture qui est trop difficile pour mon enfant et on rigole bien du texte qui est dict parfois.
Avis mitig mais ce sera quand mme un plus pour le long terme.
This is the 3rd one I’ve bought for my students who struggle to read. They are able to use this in class and participate like their peers. The only problem is that it misreads words sometimes.
Great product for people who have problems reading great product for the money there are better products but over 4 times the price
So far so good only thing is that the volume is really low without the headphones and only goes up to 30.
Prodotto ottimo. Rispettate le prestazioni descritte. Buon rapporto qualit / prezzo. Importante aiuto che portatori di D.S.A. per i quali lo consiglio caldamente dopo avere constatato la sua efficacia.
It is worth it. I have a child who struggles with reading cause of their dyslexia and this pen helps them have some independents to their struggle with reading
I brought this for my wife who’s dyslexic it’s very easy to use, as soon as she opened it she used it to read the instructions and was blown away by it. It will literally change her life, thank you for making her so happy
Pour aider mon fils qui est dyslexique. Le dfaut majeur c’est qu’il ne lit pas l’criture Li. A part a c’est un bon outil.
Helping me to read I love it . I read the word but I don’t know how to pronounce it .so the pin pronounce the word for me which is helping me to improve my English to
The c-pen exam reader has been a game changer for my 9 year old. He’s able to be much more independent in the classroom and that has led to a big boost in confidence. We love this pen!
She also uses it to gain independence as she uses it to read her posts, especially to guide her to read words she cannot pronounce.
This is exactly what we needed to help our granddaughter in school.
My dyslexic son uses this every day. It has helped give him independence in his reading.
Great product for people who struggle to read, well worth the money for the independence it gives them!
Most impressed withe the quick delivery and the product looks robust and easy to use.
ha difficolt’ serie nella lettura.
con questa penna e’ riuscito ad ottenere una certa autonomia.
lo consiglio vivamente. Anche la logopedista e’ rimasta entusiasta del prodotto.
nell’uso consiglio di inclinarla leggermente (non tenerla in maniera verticale).
ha qualche difficolta’ nel leggere i caratteri colorati diversamente(verdi, rossi, ecc) ma quelli scritti in nero ha una affidabilita’ del 95%.
siamo soddisfatti veramente.
ATTENZIONE!!! andate sul sito e vedete qual e’ l’ultimo firmware aggiornato, poiche’ in commercio ci sono alcune penne con la versione vecchia non aggiornabile, mentre l’ultima ha introdotto alcuni miglioramenti, quindi verificate sempre la versione e se non e’ l’ultima rimandatela indietro.
un abbraccio e forzaaaaa…che ce la faremo
Sehr gut fr Legastheniker zum vorlesen von Texten zu Hause und in der Schule. Liet die meisten Schriften. Hat jedoch Probleme mit Kursiv Schriften oder markierten Texten, ansonsten klappt die Benutzung gut wir sind sehr zufrieden.
Bonne utilisation mais ne lis pas certains type de caractre ou de police.
Fazit: Das Gert ist tatschlich NUR fr Kunden mit Leseschwche, aber nicht fr Kunden mit Sehschwche geeignet. Schade! Vielleicht knnte ein gendertes Design den Kundenkreis, um die immer grer werdende Zahl der Rentner mit Sehschwche erweitert werden.
Something that is necessary for my child to exist in the education system on a level playing field with other children without dislexia should not cost as much as the c pen currently dose.
This is a wonderful tool for dyslexics. I wish I had a picture of my 13 year old son’s face when he used it for the first time with his 7th grade science book!! He was elated that his dyslexia was no longer an issue in getting his school work done because of this little device!! So happy I bit the bullet and purchased it!! Definitely recommend!
Cannot give full review as it was not for me, but my Grand daughter loves it & it helps her with her reading
i would say this is good help me out a lo
Il est simple d utilisation, lger, petit. Il lit trs bien. Par contre il y a une petite pause chaque fin de ligne, et donc coupe un peu la phrase en son milieu. Mais sinon nous en sommes trs conte
Ik heb deze update uitgevoerd en het menu is nu in het Nederlands, daarbij wordt Nederlands gescande tekst ook in het Nederlands voorgelezen.
Verder vind ik het belangrijk dat wanneer je de examreader met de koptelefoon gebruikt je hem in principe heel de dag kan gebruiken op een volle accu lading. Wel heb ik voor de zekerheid altijd een kleine powerbank bij voor het geval dat. Wanneer je de examreader zonder koptelefoon gebruikt, ligt het energieverbruik beduidend hoger en moet je hem echt 1 of 2x opladen om hem een hele werkdag te kunnen gebruiken.
Ma fille tant dyslexique, elle prouve de grandes difficults comprendre ce qu’elle lit. Ce crayon lecteur l’aide au quotidien pour son travail en classe. Il y a un temps d’adaptation, il faut avoir un mouvement fluide et rgulier pour scanner de longues phrases,mais au dbut par petit morceau, cela fonctionne aussi trs bien. Un casque audio est fourni avec, elle peut donc l’utiliser sans gner ses camarades de classe autour. Ce crayon lui a rendu une certaine autonomie et confiance en elle.
Il tient trs bien la charge.
It is good to use it when you need it or you having trouble reading a word or help you or if you can’t really see it help you to
A great tool , my son benefits from using it especially in his exams
Ottimo acquisto x mia figlia che dislessica .. adesso c’ C-Pen che legge x lei e tutte le volte che vuole
Ottimo acquisto x mia figlia che dislessica .. adesso c’ C-Pen che legge x lei e tutte le volte che vuole
Mon enfant est dyslexique,le stylo a une bonne lecture ,son prix est lev ,j’espre qu’il l’accompagnera longtemps
Of course, her classmates thought it was the coolest thing ever. Thankfully, she doesn’t feel like it makes her a target for teasing.
The only reason I can’t give it 5 stars is because the font-size reading capability is more limiting than I had hoped. As she promotes to higher grade levels, font size decreases and some “large print” options are almost too big for the reader. Not all, but some. I understand the pen is expected to have some limitations but I almost wonder if we just happen to be in the sweet spot of font sizes. Hopefully she will be able to use it for a few years before the font is to small for the pen to read accurately and without mixing words from other sentences. Overall, we truly are grateful for this pen.
Fr Legastheniker ein absolutes Muss. Erkennt viele Schriften. Liest zwar manches nicht astrein, kann man dann aber ableiten. Uns hat der Stift trotzdem berzeugt.
The product is of good quality
The seller was helpful in replacing the missing orde
mais ca soulage le lecteu
This pen has made such a difference to the amount of time she spends on her homework, and as she is studying for A Levels at the moment and has quite a bit of reading to do this can only be good. The other marvellous thing about this pen, is that it can be used for examinations like A Levels and does not require access arrangements. Unfortunately, the school did not understand the benefits of this pen, so I bought it for her.