FD-MOTO 2.9KG Steel 1.2M*10mm Chain Lock Padlock + Ground Wall Anchor Heavy Duty for motorbike motorcycle scooter bike bicycle ATV

Content 1: FD-MOTO Chain Lock
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Content 2: FD-MOTO Ground Anchor
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Weight: | 4.26 kg |
Dimensions: | 33.5 x 16.5 x 12 cm; 4.26 Kilograms |
Brand: | FD-MOTO |
Manufacture: | Touch Global Ltd |
Reference: | CL721CM120+324GA765 |
My bike feels so much more safe when I put this on the wheel.
Good heavy chai
Buen kit en general. Por el precio de los tres elementos, normalmente solo puedes comprate el anclaje.
Respecto a la calidad del anclaje, aseguro que es idntica al de otras marcas, puesto que no es el primero que instalo. Para poder fijarlo necesitars una broca de 16 mm (lo mejor es ir taladrando poco a poco, de menor a mayor dimetro) y poner los tacos metlicos que trae, o bien taladrar con una 12 mm y usar tacos qumicos despus de haber limpiado los agujeros con un aspirador o similar. Las dos opciones os brindarn la seguridad requerida. Una vez puestos, los tornillos traen una pequea bolita que se debe chafar con un martillo para no hacerlos de fcil extraccin.
Respecto a la cadena, tiene buena pinta pero desgraciadamente slo puede saberse la calidad de la misma con una cizalla o radial de corte. Por el peso que tiene dira que es cementada (acero tratado que es ms ligero de lo que deberia) , lo que har entretenerse ms de la cuenta a los cacos que intenten cortarla.
Y sin duda, donde flojea es en su candado. Su cuerpo no tiene aspecto de resistir un golpe seco en su cabeza, que suele ser el mtodo rpido de rotura, por lo que recomendara sustituirlo por otro ms apto. No obstante, hace su funcin y posee una apariencia robusta, lo que quiz sea suficiente en cuestin de disuasin… Pero si de mi dependiera, sera el primer punto donde atacaria, sin duda.
I like everything about it and it’s help lower my insurance rate.
salve devo dire che la piastra di fissaggio a pavimento e buona la catena e ottima maglie grandi e pesante il luchetto qui devo sottoliniare una nota per quanto riguarda arco e di un buon spessore ma il corpo della chiave rimane leggero non mi da una sicurezza
Buona consistenza. Quello che cercavo per legare la moto in garage e fissarla al pavimento.
Die Diebstahlversicherung ist von guter Qualitt und drfte ausreichenden Schutz vor Langfingern bieten.
Einziger Kritikpunkt (deswegen nur 4*): Die mitgelieferten 16mm!!! Schwerlastanker sind von minderer Qualitt. Die lassen sich nur schwer in die Bohrlcher einbringen.
Die Kette und der Bodenanker machen einen guten Eindruck!
Jedoch das Schloss ist schon sehr einfach Qualitt und hakt stndig beim auf und zu sperren. Auch der Verschlussmechanismus selbst macht nicht wirklich einen guten Eindruck.
Unterm Strich tut es was es soll, jedoch sollte man fr mehr Sicherheit ber ein anderes Schloss nachdenke
I connected this to my brick wall. Whilst it is VERY secure I have to say, drilling a hole in a brick wall with a standard drill is time consuming and hard work. Id say it took about 20minutes a hole. if you can find or borrow a corded, powerful drill, use that instead and save yourself the time!
The ground anchor is solid and I’m pretty sure it’s never going to move again but you may want to upgrade the lock
Not got yhe anchor in yet. But chain & lock ar good.if you want to put a different after market lock on, you could. Very heavy chain. Nylon covered.
I’m hoping that it will do exactly what I bought it for.
eally good and a heavy chain good lock very good value for money
You’ll need to get hold of a 16mm drill bit and drill that can fix it. I also suggest that you drill 8mm and then 12mm pilot holes first. Once you’ve done that it’s easy to fit and lock.
Perfect length and weight!
The lock seems a bit lightweight in comparison to the chain but thats just nit picky!
Good product, heavy duty and robust. Used for securing my emtb
Delivery was a massive pain in the arse. The product is good quality however. Needed to get alternative screws as mixed concrete base was not suitable for the anchor and the screws threaded prior to fully tightened… otherwise good value for money
Very sturdy chain but unfortunately cant bolt to the ground yet as having trouble getting the drill bit! I have all others but not 16mm
This is a very strong lock bought it to secure my mobility scooter cos I have to store it in the garden under cover easy to fit just need a good drill husband did it in 10 min’s well worth the money
We purchased two of these to secure our mountain bikes in the garage. They are very heavy duty and excellent quality.
This is amazing value for money. Everything came as described. It’s lost a star as the lock is quite sticky and has had to be oiled to stop it constantly sticking. However all in all I honestly can not argue with the value this offers, especially with a sold secure anchor.
3 slight negatives. The metal plugs that secure the anchor into the wall, are very fiddly and fragile and knocking the ball bearing into them when the anchor is wall mounted is quite tricky. The mini D lock key mechanism takes a few turns to open and close too. You need to have a 16mm masonry drill bit to install the anchor which wasn’t made clear on purchase. But other than that, really pleased with this item.
Good secure fixings. I thought a theif would be able to just us screw the fixings but there are little ball bearings that are knocked into the head once the fixings are tightened. These prevent any form of hex key from being used to unscrew them. Ingenious!
A great but for anyone with anything substantial that needs securing. I bought this so we could secure my dad’s drive on mower and it’s spot on. It’s accessible and easy to use. Recommend this to anyone