Fokoos Odin-5 F3 3D Printer, with Silent Motherboard, Integrated Extruder, and Double Z-Axis, 99% Pre-assembled Foldable FDM 3D Printer, 235*235*250mm Print Size

Dimensions: | 60.45 x 51.05 x 25.4 cm; 11.43 Kilograms |
Model: | Odin-5 F3 |
Manufacture: | FoKoos |
Dimensions: | 60.45 x 51.05 x 25.4 cm; 11.43 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
For the price/performance this is a great machine.
Used it for few months.
Community is super friendly and can be reached over at Facebook.
If you will have any questions regarding the printer or how to update/fix etc. the community will help without any doubts!
Overall 8.5/10 for the product.
It is easy to get you going with this printer. It has a learning curve like most 3D printera but I think this one makes it easy.
Once the initial set up & leveling was done it was as simple as press play, im a total beginner but it was easy to get my head around it all, admittedly the fan is a bit loud as I think it’s contacting the guard but after a while it sorts itself out.
Nice of them to include some test files on the card too! Saw a Gcode file on there too so I’ll have a look into that as the MacBook I have is 14 years old I’m yet to find a work around but loving it so far:)
Der Drucker hat ein groes und klares Problem: Qualittskontrolle. Ich habe 2 Drucker mittlerweile gesehen und in allen waren einige bis alle Rder entweder schlecht produziert, oder schlecht gelagert. Das ist so schon nicht ideal aber besonders schlecht fr Anfnger.
Der Drucker wird vor allem in vielen Youtube Videos als Anfngerfreundlich beschrieben. Das stimmt da man den Drucker nicht erst zusammenbauen muss, ist aber genau dann nicht richtig wenn man den erst auseinander bauen muss um Teile zu tauschen. Wenn man als Anfnger auch noch nicht wei woran ein Problem liegen knnte ist das schnell frustrierend.
Wenn bei euch was am Anfang was nicht klappt wrde ich empfehlen die Rder zu Prfen. Der “Reifen” sollte nicht sehr locker auf dem Rad sitzen. Leider enthlt das Ersatzteil Kit nicht genau so viele Rder wie an dem Drucker verbaut sind, sondern 1 Rad weniger…
In Sachen Konstruktion ist der Drucker aber dankbarer Weise so konstruiert, dass das recht einfach ist sowas zu tauschen. Auch das beiliegende Werkzeug reicht fr alle Standartaktivitten.
Kann man den Drucker empfehlen? Ja, bei 170-180 fr die der zu haben war druckt es nicht schlecht. Fr den beworbenen UVP wrde ich aber mehr erwarten. Aber: Man muss den Preis fr das Ersatzteilpaket mitrechnen und sollte es auch sofort mit bestellen und alle Rder darauf prfen, ob der Kunststoff auf dem Rder richtig sitzt. Dafr sind da auch gleich Kabel und Dsen dabei.
Fr Leute die Ihre Drucker gerne upgraden wrde ich kurz erwhnen, dass man Online viele unterschiedliche elektronische Bauteile findet die Nutzer berichten in Ihrem Drucker gefunden zu haben. Der Austausch von einzelnen Teilen knnte daher mehr Aufwand bedeuten als bei anderen Gerten. Hier habe ich aber nicht so viel Erfahrung. Dafr findet man aber einige Teile und Diskussionen auf der Facebook Seite von Fokoos, leider muss man dann halt einen Facebook Account haben.
Very easy set up. Took longer to level the bed than putting it together but it’s more of my lack of skills i think than the printer. Lol. Did the first 2 test prints with no issues and came out right with just the default settings. Loving it so far and would highly recommend it for beginners like me.
Great printer for the price I paid at 50 percent off, if you could do that price again again the end of the month I’ll happily buy another haha
Ease of use for beginners and great customer support. Definitely recommend this brand as it really helped me get into 3d printing.
Beim ersten Mal hatte ich keine 24 Stunden. Nach dem Aufbau, dem Leveln und dem Filament-Einzug musste ich feststellen, dass der MicroSD-Slot gebrochen war und keine Karte halten wollte. Eine Ersatzdrucker gab es auch nicht mehr. Es blieb nur das Zurcksenden.
Nach dem er einige Wochen spter wieder zu kaufen war habe ich es nochmal versucht und diesmal blieb der Drucker im Versandprozess stecken und kam nie an.
Nach dem Anruf dazu bei Amazon habe dann beim 3. Mal den Drucker direkt bei Amazon bestellt und Amazon war dabei so kulant den Differenzbetrag aus dem ursprnglichen Angebot zu erstatten.
Dieser Drucker steht jetzt endlich bei mir und funktioniert soweit.
Folgende Anmerkungen dazu:
– Eine brauchbare neuere Firmware gibt es bisher nicht. Angeblich soll es eine Version 1.0.2 geben. Diese bekommt man aber nicht, nicht in der Facebook-Gruppe, auch nicht via E-Mail-Support.
– Mit dem MKS Robin WIFI Modul funktioniert der Drucker auch im WLAN, aber leider nur mit einem kurzen Passwort, ich musste hierzu extra auf meinem Router ein Gast-WLAN Zugang einrichten.
– Der Menpunkt Auto-Load-Filament ist bei mir ohne Funktio
For those that submitting bad reviews for this item are telltale types that think 3D printers are plug and play. All hobbies have a learning curve and I must say that the ODIN5 has been great in quality, customer service and support from other Fokoos customers.
For those looking to enter this hobby, regardless if it is ultimately this printer or another manufacturer, patience and a willingness to learn is a must. Badmouthing a product reflects directly back on those that left a review as ignorant and impatient. Fokoos has my full loyalty as a great company and machine.
The printer is really easy to setup and use. It’s also quieter than most of the other printers I’ve owned before. The only bad thing I can is isn’t even about the printer itself, it’s about the filament that comes with it. The filament is alright, although it keeps popping. Get yourself some higher quality filament and this printer would be great for you.
Como las caractersticas tecnicas ya se encuentran listadas en el producto, y tampoco soy un experto, comento los principales aspectos que te podran hacer odiar una impresora y como se comporta en ellos esta fokoos Odin :
1. Montaje/configuracin: cuanto tiempo necesitar hasta imprimir algo decente? Se nivela rpido la cama? Cuantos tornillos tengo que apretar? La realidad es que en menos de una hora ya habrs hecho tu primera impresin. Un paseo por el parque, y mas al compararlo con otras impresoras del rango de precios (como por ejemplo una creality ender 3)
2. Impresin: adjunto algunos ejemplos de impresor 3d newbie. Me ha sorprendido la calidad, y el poder imprimir sin problemas desde el minuto cero con TPU (ventaja del direct extruder). Por cierto, olvidate de volver a comprar una funda para el mvil!
Y el ruido sper moderado, as que la puedes dejar imprimiendo en la habitacin prxima al dormitorio y sin problema.
3: Y si algo falla?: al investigar en reddit antes de la compra, le bastantes historias de terror del servicio tcnico de otras marcas, aspecto que valoraban positivamente en fokoos. Hay una comunidad de Facebook activa (recomendable unirte al grupo si la compras, cualquier duda que tengas ha ha sido resuelta), y por mi parte he comprobado que el responsable de atencin al cliente responde sper rpido (tuve un problema durante una impresin y me dio una solucin de inmediato)
Por el precio de esta impresora, creo que no se puede comprar nada mejor. Te ahorras los quebraderos de cabeza previos a la impresin, la calidad es excelente, y el servicio tcnico funciona. 100% recomendada
This was my first 3D printer and felt in love with it! The easy access of folding makes it easy to carry it out to a lot of places! I am college kid and I take my 3D printer with me, I just take the screws and fold it and it is ready to go!
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo arriva gi montata e con diversi pezzi di ricambio.
Molto semplice da usare e facile trovare i parametri giusti
La consiglio anche come prima stampante.
My original post was: “This printer is fantastic and very easy to use. The problem isn’t the product but the non-existent customer service/support. From the US there are two emails for support, listed on their website. After trying both over eight times in less than a month, and getting no response (not in spam either), it was time to leave a review.”
Shortly after posting this review it was suggested I look Fokoos up on Facebook to see if they had support available there. Guess that was the trick. After joining the official group and posting my “woes” I was immediately contacted by a Fokoos support rep. Not just any rep either, the most amazing rep you could wish for. She not only took care of the issue I was having, she gave me several work arounds and some “tips and tricks”.
Their email now works, but it is much more personal doing a live messenger session.
Imprimante incroyable ! Teste avec du PLA, du PLA+, de l’ABS et du TPU. Le bed et en Ultrabase et c’est un gros + ( les pices se dcollent automatiquement aprs que le plateau soit redescendu en temprature ) donc attention de ne pas le gratter avec une spatule
L’imprimante monte vite en temprature, beaucoup de fonctions sont paramtrables directement sur l’cran tactile avec beaucoup d’intuitivit. L’extrudeur en direct drive est parfait pour le TPU souple .
Cette machine est parfaite pour un dbutant ou un utilisateur intermdiaire. Elle peut galement tre pousse dans ses fonctionnalits.
Petit point ngatif, comme pour beaucoup de machines, lecteur de micro SD n’est pas pratique J’ai trouv pour 5 convertisseur micro SD / SD qui me facilite bien l’utilisation de cette imprimante
Hi this review is more about the seller.
I had a little problem and the seller corrected it straight away so top marks go to him.
Right now about the printer.
Im a cad designer so need to make prototypes and this printer Is by far the best for the price. It uses a direct drive hot end so you can print high temperature filiment with no problems.
Thanks again to the seller for top customer service.
I have a fair few 3d printers and this is by far the best!!! i will start with packaging…
It was packaged really well with foam fitted so it fitted snug with all parts so nothing moved in shipping.
it came with all parts nothing missing and an excellent little tool kit full set of allen keys, spanners and a nice scraper print removal tool…
Setting up the printer was so so simple Just unfold use the 4 bolt to secure upper and lower axis then basically done in about 2 mins!!! (all depends how quick you can turn a allen key!!)
Levelling was easy..
From unboxing to first print was about 10 mins..
The lcd is responsive with a good menu to adjust just about everything of the printer..
Print quality was amazing..
Also support is great on a facebook group and Dora one of the admins seems lovely and very helpful, infact everyone on the group is friendly and helpful…
I got this printer at 30% off so got a bargain but would have paid full price for it…
I would recomend this printer to anyone novice or pro…..
Super imprimante pour dbuter, trs facile installer, le tactile est dynamique, le slicer est fournis dans la cl usb avec plusieurs fichiers tests.
***Updated Review***
After recieving a replacement that worked flawlessly out of the box I have to say this is quite the printer for the money, as long as it comes fully assembled. My original response is below but at this point I would certainly recommend this printer to anyone who is alright with possibly needing to return a printer in the case of an uncomplete assembly.
(Arrived with the tensioner screw installed sideways as to not function, once we resolved that issue by complete disassembly, we found there was no PTFE tube installed from the factory. Multiple nights wasted trying to get this machine to print anything other than a great first layer. I can see how it has potential to be a very good printer, but it hasn’t come together. I went to the official forum and was mocked off the page by the administrators for asking for help that was outside of their copy and paste macros. Cannot recommend this printer to anyone, you are much better off purchasing an ender of any configuration. )
– Super easy to set up
– Auto filament feeding is really nice
– Once properly leveled, bed adhesion is good (although I prefer a flexi plate to glass)
– Easy to disassemble the direct drive (discovered this from my first one)
– Print quality isn’t bad, and once I get it more dialed in, I’m sure it will be good. For the price, it’s pretty decent.
– You can use the filament feeder to swap filament during a print when you pause, so you don’t need to hot swap
– While the fan isn’t super loud, it’s annoyingly high pitched
– Spool holder is too short for some of my filament rolls so until I replace that, I can’t use them
– UI on the LCD screen isn’t great – you don’t see much of the file name so make sure you make the first part of the name distinctive!
It’s a good first printer.
Original review:
Sadly this didn’t work at all. Set up was easy, as expected (given it’s the selling point of this model) but the extruder was broken out of the box. After a lot of taking things apart, tweaking them, and conversing with the seller, it turns out I’d need a brand new part before I could do anything, which would take weeks. I don’t expect to have to fix something before I can use it, so I returned it and bought a different printer, which worked right away.
Le minimum :
– extrusion directe (plus de tube en tflon, de sous extrusion, d’usure ou de fonte du tube).
– reprise d’impression en cas de coupure de courant,
– impression pouvant tre mise en pause,
– dtection de fin de filament,
Les bonus :
– outils et filament fournis,
– niveau sonore trs bas,
– impression rapide,
– double axe z pour plus de prcision,
– modles pour pice de rechange d’usure imprimer soi mme,
– plateau chauffant en verre enduit.
Pourquoi seulement 4 toiles ?
– logiciel de dcoupe “oubli” sur la carte mmoire fournie,
– tte d’impression un peu difficile changer (mais c’est le cas sur toutes les imprimantes),
Astuces :
– dclipser la plaque de verre pour enlever le film de protection puis la remettre en place,
– nettoyer la plaque de verre des rsidus de colle de la protection (sinon ca accroche pas bien),
– tlcharger le logiciel slicer sur le site du fabricant, il est dj paramtr pour cette imprimante.
Conclusion :
Le meilleur choix sans doute en ce moment, toutes les options minimales sont prsentes, on trouve les pices sur le site du fabricant et surtout elle est trs silencieuse.
A noter les interrupteurs de bute des moteurs sont d’un nouvelle gnration et globalement cette machine est la plus moderne que j’ai vue en vente.
La confezione, gli accessori e quant’altro sono davvero di qualit come la stampante del resto.
La mia era difettosa: il carrello non si muoveva e quindi ho preferito effettuare il reso.
Va detto che l’assistenza mi ha prontamente dato supporto chiedendomi di smontarla e verificare alcuni cablaggi (non mi sembrava il caso).
Aggiornamento del 09-06-22
FOKOOS per scusarsi mi ha fornito una nuova unit questa volta funzionante.
Confermo la buona impressione avuta in prima battuta: i materiali e la fattura sono da stampante premium.
Gi dal packaging ci si rende conto dello sforzo fatto per allinearsi agli standard qualitativi europei.
pi silenziosa della mia Ender S1, ha il touch screen ed una superficie di stampa leggermente superiore (l’altezza di stampa dei “soliti” 250 mm) se non fosse per la mancanza del livellamento automatico potrebbe essere una competitor.
Viene fornita di tutti gli accessori e della scheda mini SD.
A quanto letto con le prime unit hanno avuto problemi di controllo qualit, ma il supporto molto reattivo e motivato a far diventare FOKOOS un marchio di riferimento nel campo.
Per quanto mi riguarda, da acquistare.
Ho utilizzato un’altra Fokoos forse la mia aveva problemi. Con questa devo dire che mi sto trovando molto bene
I bought this printer as a replacement for my trusty old Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus which I inadvertantly killed during routine maintanence.
At first I was a bit apprehensive about buying a new 3d printer, however this model had good reviews so I decided to take a chance, and I must say I have no regrets whatsoever.
This is a great little machine especially when considering the price.
I have tested it using both PLA and TPU filament and both worked fantastically well, flexible filaments such as TPU can be a bit tricky to work with but this printer handled it with ease, pint quality was excellent with both materials.
The build quality of this machine is very good, construction is sturdy and well designed.
It just worked for me straight out of the box without any need to tweak anything, setup consisted of screwing in 4 bolts and connecting 2 ribbon cables, which took all of 10 minutes.
This printer comes with everything you need to get started including all the tools you will need plus replacement nozzles and ribbon cables and even a 250 gram reel of filament which is a very generous package considering the price.
The print bed is very durable being made of glass and seems to work like magic, when the bed is hot filament sticks to it very well and when it cools down you can simply take your print off without the need for a scraper or any other tool .
The touch screen interface is very easy to use and has a whole raft of features that my old printer didn’t have, it gives the user a total control over every aspect of the printer’s functions in a nice user friendly manner.
All in all I really can’t fault this printer, I suppose my only criticism would be that the cooling fan is a little loud but this really is a minor issue.
You just get so much with this package and at such a low price that it’s hard to believe, it’s a great machine that is perfect for old and new users alike, highly reccommended.
I start by saying that I’ve just started to approach the world of 3D printing and that I’m using an eSun filament bought for my previous small 3D printer Tina2. So I can’t evaluate the filament that comes with the printer and other things that an expert knows. That being said
– The printer is really easy to set up and thanks to a lot of video on Youtube (the user manual was missing some critical info in my opinion) I understood how to level it.
– As a first printer, the results are ok, but I think there are better printer on the market for someone that already has experience with 3D printing.
– It is possible to set the printing speed at more than 100% and since the printer is a little slow I really appreciate it.
– The slicing program is a modified version of Cura and it’s easy to use.
– I have to say that the fans of the printer are quite noisy so if one lives in a one-room apartment maybe is better to search for another quieter product.
In the end, I’m quite happy with this printer and also if the quality of the print is not always super, I bought it to print things that I need for my house and the Odin 5 is doing its job with dignity.
Prints great. Good bed adhesion. Overall I would definitely recommend. Thx
The motors are extremely silent, the fan is not that loud imo, but if you want you can also set it to 50% which worked great for me.
The printing quality is amazing, very sharp edges. This is my first printer and it was extremely easy to calibrate. It worked in the first go for me.
The only bad thing is that it sadly came with a part of the axis crushed (see third picture). It didn’t affect this print but I’m really worried it might have suffered some internal damage when it was being transported and it will at some point break. I also feel some internal parts loose when I shake the base.
I didn’t take a star for this defect as it might be related to bad transport on part of DHL.
I’m a newbie…I know the pictures of my prints may have you thinking otherwise but I’ve only had this printer a month. I was going to pull the trigger on a $1000 printer but decided to get my feet wet in the 3d printing hobby before I dove all in.
I’m the type of person that researches and digs deep into the product I intend to buy before I buy it. The ease of setting up this printer and getting it going quickly is what originally got my attention. 4 screws, plug in two cables, level and print. Its literally that easy. The next thing that grabbed my attention was the fact that it has a direct drive extruder. I plan to print TPU for another hobby so this was a huge plus. The last obvious thing was the price. I added this to my wish list and bought the printer when it went on a flash sale.
The quality of the prints are really damn good. I know I am a beginner and don’t have much to compare my prints to but, I’m incredibly happy with the way the prints turn out. I found Cura profiles for this printer for PLA online and then tweaked the extrusion settings from a reccomendation on the Fokoos FB page (just searched the page for extrusion settings). I was slicing and printing my own prints within a week.
If you’re on the fence about this printer just get it! It’s easy to set up compared to any other option of printer in this price range. I’m overall incredibly satisfied with this printer and might buy a second one!
SET UP TIP: Loosely add all 4 screws when raising and securing the gantry. Push the gantry back as far as it can go then tighten all 4 screws. This ensures the gantry is at 90. If you can’t level the bed initially this was probably your mistake. Also ensure belts and wheels aren’t too tight or loose. This can directly effect the quality of your print. Youtube has set up videos that were very helpful also.
– 250gr di filamento PLA bianco sigillato
– raschietto in metallo
– ribbon cable di ricambio
– 2 augelli di ricambio
– una cesoia per tagliare il filamento
– chiavi a brugola di varie dimensioni e chiave piatta
– aghi per pulizia augello
– microsd
Con un packaging cos straordinariamente completo, stranamente per non sono state incluse delle rondelle/guarnizioni per le viti di fissaggio, non una cosa strettamente necessaria, ma utile a migliorare il serraggio senza graffiare la superfice d’alloggiamento, soprattutto se uno non vuole tenerla sempre montata ma ripiegarla all’occorrenza.
Per renderla pronta all’uso basta disinballarla, mettere in verticale la parte pieghevole, inserire le viti di fissaggio, inserire i cavi a nastro nei rispettivi alloggiamenti, agganciare il porta-roll in cima e caricare il filamento nell’estrusore.
Prima di utilizzarla ho preferito aggiornare il firmware all’ultima versione (che tra le altre cose ha un tema meglio abbinato e pi omogeneo, con colorazione dei men giallo su nero, ma questione di gusti).
Non ho proprio utilizzato il filamento incluso con la stampante, perch ne avevo gi aperti altri che usavo da tempo. Il software di slicing incluso (Fokoos Slicer) una versione customizzata di Cura, io ho preferito usare l’ultima versione standard di Cura che un po’ pi aggiornata, aggiungendo il profilo della stampante (anche perch non la mia unica stampante 3D). La stampante predisposta alla funzione WiFi, solo che va acquistato a parte un modulo aggiuntivo (MKS Robin WiFi 1.x) e installato nell’alloggiamento della scheda madre interna. Io personalmente l’ho fatto, il modulo si trova a prezzo basso e la funzione wifi comodissima, dato che basta aggiungere un plugin al software di slicing ed possibile avviare e controllare l’avanzamento dell’intero processo di stampa tramite rete, senza dover andare ogni volta a rimuovere e reinserire la microsd.
## PRO
– Qualit di stampa davvero buona;
– L’estrusore Direct-Drive Volcano rende la stampa di materiali flessibili come il TPU meno problematica;
– Display ampio e responsivo;
– Struttura solida e robusta;
– Movimento silenziosissimo;
– Pratici meccanismi tendi-cinghie, per mantenerle facilmente in tensione in caso si allentassero;
– Packaging completo;
– Ripiegabile rimuovendo poche viti di fissaggio;
– Software open source;
– Espandibile con modulo WiFi;
– Il supporto cordiale in caso di problemi, il prodotto ricevuto aveva un difetto, ma hanno provveduto a proporre una soluzione.
– Clip di fissaggio letto di stampa basilari che tendono a graffiare il vetro;
– Ventola rumorosa;
– Il meccanismo di fissaggio della parte pieghevole avrebbe potuto essere rifinito meglio;
– A meno di customizzazioni, out of box il livellamento del letto di stampa solo manuale;
– Il controllo qualit potrebbe essere migliore;
– La disponibilit di ricambi originali Fokoos va decisamente migliorata, rendendo disponibile l’acquisto delle singole parti. Se per parti generiche questo non un problema visto che la stampante fortunatamente open e ha molte parti standard, per alcune parti customizzate come ad esempio gli eleganti cavi a nastro neri, potrebbe essere una seccatura rilevante.
I followed an unboxing/setup video by RCWithAdam which was very useful as it shows you how to check belt tension, wheel play etc. I’m sure this gave the machine the best start for its first prints.
Wow, der Drucker Druckt super!
Als Referenz hab ich n mk3s und einen Voron V2, Der Odin steht den beiden in nichts nach.
Druckquali ist mehr als ausreichend, Aufbauzeit und Handling ist mega simpel.
Perfekt als Einsteigergert geeignet!
Dieser Fokoos 3D Drucker hat mich berzeugt, er macht genau das was er soll und ich glaube er kann sich in punkto Qualitt durchaus mit teureren 3D Druckern messen.
Er kam gut verpackt und mit reichlich Zubehr hier an, nach dem Aufstellen und ein klein wenig dem Anfnger geschuldeten Schwierigkeiten hat er die Test Modelle das Benchy und auch den Wrfel in einer wirklich sehr guten Qualitt gedruckt.
Der Support ist auch absolute Spitze, ich hatte das Wifi nicht rein bekommen mit deren Hilfe ist alles palletti und bestens man hat mir ein paar sehr gute Tipps mit auf dem Weg gegeben und ich freue mich diesen 3D Drucker erworben zu haben, Danke.
Er hat den Test ein paar filigrane Teile zu drucken sehr gut gemacht wie man auf den Videos sehen kann.
Ich wrde dies Marke immer wieder kaufen, klare Kauf Empfehlung
Durch die vielen Internetbeitrge die ich berall lesen konnte habe ich mich auch fr einen 3D Drucker interessiert.
Wichtig waren mir vorallem als Einsteiger, dass ich einen Drucker habe der schnell einsatzbereit ist und leicht zu bedienen ist.
Der Odin konnte mich hier hauptschlich in der schnellen “Aufbauzeit” begeistern.
Ich konnte nach nicht einmal 10 Minuten meinen ersten Testdruck absolvieren.
Bei vielen anderen Herstellern bekommt man ja leider immer nur Baustze zugeschickt.
Um die Grundlagen zu erlernen ist der Drucker wirklich sehr berzeugend.
Knftig werde ich mir aber wohl noch einen Zweitdrucker (grer) zulegen wollen.
bonjours comment je peut faire fonctionner le s.a.v de mon imprimante 3d fokoos 5f3 car depuit quelques jour plus moyen d’imprimer et l’extrudeur ne tourne plus pour moi le plus simple c’est que vous me renvoyer une tete complete d’impression avec moteur extrusion merci bie
Der erste Drucker, den ich erhielt, hat sich schon beim Einschalten verabschiedet. Der Motor fr die X-Achse war defekt.
Nach lngerem berlegen bestellte ich ihn erneut und seitdem luft er problemlos.
Dieser Drucker ist schnell aufgebaut, leicht verkabelt und auch fr Anfnger gut geeignet.
Ich kann ihn weiter empfehlen. Volle Punktzahl.
What an awesome design for a box unlike the plain brown ones I usually get.
6 screws needed in total to build the Odin. Very easy process even for beginners if new to the hobby.
The screen interface is very easy to negotiate around and it’s a nice touch on the screen displaying the picture of what your printing, need to adjust settings in slicer for this with your own stl you print.
Very quite at start up and it heats up quickly, bed levelling is a easy process following the screen instructions. Direct drive is brilliant addition to the Odin. allows the ability to print other filaments like tpu with very little issues for me.
When printing the overall noise is very quite, compared to my other printer. The glass build plate is nice and had no issues with filament sticking, one the reasons I got a Odin was seeing all the posts about it and seeing how good customer support was to. Had bad experiences from other companies within 3D printing and the team at Fokoos are very responsive to any issues users are experiencing.
I would recommend this 3D printer to anyone looking at starting in this hobby and also very experienced users will enjoy owning and using this printer! My two youngest sons also love using this printer as they are learning the process from start to finish
Excellent effort from the Fokoos team
Kleiner Preis, aber groes Knnen!
Der Fokoos Odin-5 F3 berzeugt trotz seines gnstigen Preises mit einem groen Bauraum, einem Direct-Extruder und einer einfachen Menfhrung.
Der Aufbau geht schnell. Hier ist lediglich das Verpackungs- und Schutzmaterial zu entfernen, das Gert aufzuklappen und 4 Schrauben zu befestigen sowie 2 Kabel einzustecken.
Die Haftung auf dem Druckbett ist sehr gut, das Filament verschiedener Hersteller lsst sich leicht einfhren und wechseln.
Auf der mitgelieferten SD-Karte befinden sich mehrere Druckdateien von Figuren in Form von STL-Dateien und G-Codes, darunter auch Maschinenzubehr fr den Drucker. Auerdem enthalten sind Bedienungsanleitungen in mehreren Sprachen, ein eigener Slicer und der Treiber.
Ich habe schon mehrere FDM-Drucker, aber der Odin-5 F3 ist wirklich sehr zuverlssig und liefert perfekte Ergebnisse.
Im Netz gibt es schon viele Videos ber den Aufbau des Gertes und den Wechsel von einzelnen Teilen. Auch der firmeneigene Support ist sehr zu empfehlen. Schnelle und freundliche Hilfe sind hier garantiert.
Alles in allem also ein perfektes Paket fr Einsteiger sowie Profis.
Druckt alles was ich mir ausdenke und berzeugt mit 1a Qualitt. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme geht schnell und ist auch fr Anfnger geeignet bin zufriede
Ich war zunchst skeptisch, ob man fr diesen Preis, ein funktionales Produkt erhlt. Ich wurde nicht enttuscht, ganz im Gegenteil. Die Druckergebnisse knnen sich wirklich sehen lassen! vor allem die Qualitt des Gertes berzeugt. Meine Zweifel waren unbegrndet. Eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!!!
Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Drucker der schnell aufzubauen ist. Nicht wie gebastelt aussieht und einen Direct Drive extruder hat.
Nach etwas suche bin ich auf den mir bis dato unbekannten Hersteller Fokoos gestoen.
Die doppelte Spindel an der Z-Achse hat ihr briges erledigt und so wurde der Drucker in Warenkorb gelegt, bestellt und geliefert.
Es kam ein riesiger Karton an! Alle anderen Drucker kamen in einfacher braunen Pappe, der Fokoos nicht! Schon der Karton ist bunt komplett bedruckt und mit einem Griff versehen. Man merkt sofort dem Produkt an das es fr einen anderen Markt geschaffen wurde. Er wrde bei den groen Elektronikverkufern verdammt gut im Regal aussehen … Das innere ist bekannter: viel Schaumstoff, der Drucker gut verpackt und gesichert mit Glas-Bett geklammert, etwas Werkzeug, Kabel, erschreckend wenig Schrauben ein Filamenthalter und 250g!! Filament, also wirklich alles um drucken zu knnen ist in der Schachtel.
Der Aufbau gestaltet sich sehr einfach, da der Drucker fast komplett aufgebaut geliefert wird, es fehlen nur 4 schrauben und er ist zusammengeklappt. Also nur das Portal hochklappen und dann festschrauben zudem noch die Flachbandkabel die fast schon unsichtbar montiert sind in die vorgesehende Schlitze stecken.
Beim Aufbau fllt einem die liebe mit dem der Drucker entwickelt wurde auf: die Profile haben vorne keine Nuten dadurch sieht der Drucker sehr “Clean” aus, zudem wurden schwarze schrauben verwendet was den optisch wertigen Eindruck noch untersttzt.
Bei der Inbetriebnahme fllt dann auf das doch leider bei den Lftern gespart wrde, was fr mich auch das grte negative an dem Drucker ist, sie sind fr meine Ohren berdurchschnittlich laut.
Ansonsten wie blich Leveln Filament laden und drucken.
Bis jetzt hat der Fokoos alles verarbeitet was ich geladen habe er hat alles sauber aufs Druckbett gebracht!
Ich bin begeistert von diesen Drucker, kleiner von der Stellflche her als die meisten Konkurrenten, direct Drive, 32 Bit board, funktionierende Druckbettauflage, tolle Optik, problemlos im Betrieb zu nehmen und auch dann die drucke sind klasse ….
Mit anderen Worten spreche ich eine eindeutige Kaufempfehlung fr diesen super Aussenseiter aus!!
Mir hat der schnelle und einfache Aufbau sehr gefallen, innerhalb einer halben Stunde war der Drucker Einsatzbereit. Ohne viel einzustellen war der erste Druck dann berraschender Weise sehr gut. Leider sind die Lfter etwas sehr laut aber ansonsten ist er nur zu empfehlen. Ich habe den Drucker recht schnell mit einem BLTouch nachgerstet und auf Anfrage beim Support auch am selben Tag noch eine passende Firmware bekommen. Also Drucker top, Support top.
Der Fokoos Odin-5 F3 3D-Drucker hlt echt, was er verspricht. Schneller Aufbau und Dank des 100 -Coupons sogar super gnstig.
Die Lieferung war gleich am nchsten Tag da. Der Drucker kommt gut geschtzt in einer stabilen Box mit Styrofoam in einem groen Versandkarton.
Ich besitze schon mehrere FDM-Drucker, aber so schnell und einfach wie der Odin-5 war noch keiner aufzubauen. Alles notwendige Werkzeug ist dabei. Schutzverpackung entfernen, aufklappen und paar Schrauben fest drehen. Auf der mitgelieferten SD-Karte sind schon diverse GCodes enthalten und man kann sofort mit dem Drucken beginnen. Das Touchfeld ist leicht zu bedienen und das Men logisch aufgebaut. Auch das Bed Leveling lsst sich damit prima durchfhren. Eine kleine Rolle Filament ist dabei, so dass man nichts mehr zustzlich kaufen muss fr den ersten Probedruck.
Das Druckergebnis ist 1A und ich berlege, mir noch einen zweiten Odin anzuschaffen, zumal er durch den schnellen Auf- und Abbau platzsparend aufbewahrt werden kann.
Der Fokoos Odin-5 F3 3D-Drucker hlt echt, was er verspricht. Schneller Aufbau und Dank des 100 -Coupons sogar super gnstig.
Die Lieferung war gleich am nchsten Tag da. Der Drucker kommt gut geschtzt in einer stabilen Box mit Styrofoam in einem groen Versandkarton.
Ich besitze schon mehrere FDM-Drucker, aber so schnell und einfach wie der Odin-5 war noch keiner aufzubauen. Alles notwendige Werkzeug ist dabei. Schutzverpackung entfernen, aufklappen und paar Schrauben fest drehen. Auf der mitgelieferten SD-Karte sind schon diverse GCodes enthalten und man kann sofort mit dem Drucken beginnen. Das Touchfeld ist leicht zu bedienen und das Men logisch aufgebaut. Auch das Bed Leveling lsst sich damit prima durchfhren. Eine kleine Rolle Filament ist dabei, so dass man nichts mehr zustzlich kaufen muss fr den ersten Probedruck.
Das Druckergebnis ist 1A und ich berlege, mir noch einen zweiten Odin anzuschaffen, zumal er durch den schnellen Auf- und Abbau platzsparend aufbewahrt werden kann.
Was soll ich sagen. Ich bin begeistert. All die Probleme, die mein anet mir immer beschert hat, waren hier garnicht vorhanden. Aber erst einmal zu Verpackung. Ich habe noch nie einen Drucker gesehen, der so toll verpackt ist. Und nicht besser, man bentigt keinerlei Werkzeug zu Hause, um den Drucker aufzubauen. Es ist einfach alles dabei. Wahnsinn. Auch das Testmaterial, was dabei war, lsst sich sehr gut drucken. Den Aufbau haben ja schon genug andere hier beschrieben, wenn man es Aufbau neben kann sind ja nur 4 Schrauben. Die Anleitung ist auch sehr schn beschrieben. Auch fr jemanden, der noch gar keine Erfahrung gesammelt hat, bezglich 3D Druck. Zustzlich ist auch eine SD Karte dabei, wo schon einige Testdateien dabei sind, um so loslegen zu knnen. Das ist sehr schn. So sieht ein 3D Druck Neuling gleich Ergebnisse. Ein eigener Slicer ist auch mit drauf.
Die Bedienung ber den Touchscreen ist einfach super. Alles fast selbsterklrend.
Jetzt zu den Druckergebnissen
Die Vase ist mit petg gedruckt
Der Gecko ist aus tpe88 (flexibles Filament). Da habe ich Mal ein Sample geschenkt bekommen, was ich noch liegen hatte. Gar kein Problem zu drucken. Nur den brim msste ich noch etwas sorgfltiger entfernen. Ich war einfach nur so fasziniert, das da berhaupt ein flexibles Teil rauskommt.
Das Preis Leistungsverhltnis ist hier sehr gut. Ich mchte den Drucker nicht mehr missen.
Somit kann ich den Drucker nur empfehlen.
Das Einzige Manko sind die verbauten Lfter, die fr die Elektronik sind. Diese sind schon etwas lauter, als man es z.B. von einem PC Lfter kennt. Strt mich aber jetzt nicht so doll.
Ive had a few printers and this was by far the easiest to assemble. It only needs a few screws attaching and 2 cables plugging in. The bed levelling feature is also very convenient.
I’ve done several succesfull prints and also experimented with using flexible TPU, which came out great. The filamant loading is also nicely handeled by the extruder.
I also like the touchscreen , which is quick and responsive . Overall really happy with it. Good value and full of features
So I had been hoping the oden became avalible in eu/UK for months.been watching them in the USA for what seemed a Lifetime. As soon as I found out they came to Germany I had to order 1 and what can I say I’m so happy I did.
Just from the box I was excited (which is the best printer box’s I’ve had) build time was minutes and the printer quality is awsome. I’ve just done a unboxing live you can watch on twitch ( digital taxydermy channel) so far I can’t find fault on this printer . If your looking for a great spec printer at a great price you won’t be disappointed with the oden 5
When the printer arrived it was packaged very well. Heavy foam all around the printer to keep it safe. Once out of the package it only required 2 screws and 2 cable to complete assembly. I took about 10 minutes from unboxing to turning on the power. Included with the printer are spare parts that could come in handy. There is a spare for each ribbon cable and 2 spare nozzles.
The printer itself looks to be very well made. It is a heavy unit and has some great features. The Z axis is dual screws and very sturdy. The bed is easily leveled using 4 adjusters located on each corner. There is a built in leveling test that is quick and easy. It can be run using a computer or it also has a built in micro SD card with a usb abapter(both included). After less then an hour I had the first test print running(owl in the pics).
After installing the included Slicer software I was able to get a free file from thingiverse put it through the slicer and start the print. Print quality seem excellent to me. Again this is the first 3D printer I have owned but have purchased 3d printed accessories and parts in the past and the finish was much rougher then what I was able to get from this printer. That may have been because of the items being run faster for production, but the detail I have been able to get from this printer is awesome.
I have tried the included filament as well as some inexpensive multi colored filament I purchased on Amazon also. Both have worked with no issues what so ever. I ran both filament at 200 degrees on the extruder and 60 degrees on the bed. One trick that I have found for removing stubborn pieces from the bed is to raise the bed temp to 80 degrees and using the included spatula to carefully lift the print off the bed. In most cases this hasn’t been needed. I was able to remove most of my work by allowing the bed to cool down to below 30 degrees C.
All in all a great little printer. Easy to use and great machine to learn on!
This printer really surprised me by the features and quality! First the printer was packaged very well! The box was professionally designed which was great (shows the company wants to make a good impression). The foam inserts were designed in such a fashion to really protect the printer during shipping. The setup time was maybe 10 minutes including the time I took to read the instructions! After I removed the packing material all I needed to do was rotate the gantry up, insert 4 screws and connect 2 ribbon cables. At that point I leveled the bed and printed a couple of pre-sliced test pieces that came out great!
I love the fact that the printer cables used were ribbon cables rather than the cheap wiring used by many companies. They even included 2 extra sets of ribbon cables!
The removable glass bed comes with a nice set of clips to hold it in place rather than bulldog clips that always seem to be in-the way. The printer not only comes with dual z lead screws but the top of each lead screw rests at the top in bearings rather than just sticking through a hole like my ender 3. The heated bed has an excellent strain relief. I like the full color touch display and the filament load/unload feature which works very well. The company is actively working on firmware updates by it’s based on Marlin and the company has told me it’s open source! So if you’re looking for a new printer check this one out!
I got an Ender 3 v2, after much excitement and research.
It was nothing but trouble, items breaking, cryptic/difficult instructions… it was darn near impossible to load filament. I am more than a little bit handy, and it was trouble after trouble after trouble, with crappy prints (to say the least). Even the stuff on the card that they pre-sliced was coming out terrible.
But, my friends said there was a learning curve, and I could tell that was the case, so I plodded on for a few days. But I kept running into problems. Hardware/Software problems, that were well outside the bounds of what could be considered reasonable for a “beginner” printer.
I figured Id try this fookos as it had caught my eye, and WoWz…
First print was the benchy above (which i loaded from a different file, it was not included on the card)
it has been money from print 1.
to load filament, u put it in a hole and press “load” – quite a bit different from the non direct drive experience
unlike the ender it has a square gantry (how could you not have a gantry out of square when it’s only supported on one side? Dual Z seems to be needed for precision
Direct drive is a game changer
The bed looks like the ender from the top but its got a much larger and fancier heating element beneath it.
the support for the bed is wider (bed doesnt tilt as much)
it’s much cleaner, smaller footprint
Menu is intuitive
Prints WAY better.
I dont leave reviews that often, but I felt compelled to spread the knowledge. If you are a beginner, this is the printer to get. If your,re not a beginner, it may still be
Direct Drive, Wifi, silent steppers, dual Z, it folds, great bed, touchscreen, 210 bucks with coupon, apparently a friendly community of fellow users (but i havent introduced myself yet, havent had any problems)
Much easier to level than ender
Stays level
has various upgraded parts.
Assuming it holds together, i couldnt have asked for more.
I recently purchased the Fokoos Odin 5 as I found myself enjoying the hobby and wanting to print more objects quicker. The Odin 5 is the third printer I’ve owned and it has been working flawlessly since I set it up.
I tend to go nuts researching my purchases and the Odin 5 had everything I needed in another printer. I did not like messing with bowden style setups, and since I print a lot of parts for drones, I needed another reliable direct drive printer that could print TPU fast right out of the box.
I had been eyeing this printer after purchasing my first one but wanted to see how it did since Fokoos is new to the 3d printer scene. I finally pulled the trigger since they had a $90 off coupon which brought the price below it’s competition of similarly equipped printers.
Although it’s foldable, I don’t see the need for it for my uses. The silent stepper drivers and fast 32 bit board coupled with the touchscreen creates a very responsive user experience. The stock firmware includes the standard Marlin features, and there is a Github repository with folks who are working on updating to a newer firmware version with more features.
Bottom Line: I’m very pleased with this purchase simply because of its usability from the get-go. 4 screws for assembly, 2 for the spool holder, (the y axis belt was too tight and did need loosened) level the 4 corners and it was producing butter-smooth first layers right away. I had read other comments about the fan being noisy, but I did not find it offensive or louder than any of my other printers. I did not print any of the files off the included SD card, but instead started cranking out some stuff I needed: a small parts drawer set, a woodworking clamp, and the classic scissor snake mini for the kiddos.
This is the second 3d printer and definitely my favorite. My three main talking points are assembly, printing and preparing the prints, and the final product.
1) Assembly: the printer assembles in basically five steps. Unfold the z-axis, insert four bolts to hold it up, attach the arm that holds your filament, plug in the two ribbon cables and remove all zip ties and stickers. The printer then has a leveling feature (no auto level, however) that makes it super easy to level your bed.
2) Printing – The Odin-5 comes with a micro SD card and a USB adapter. On it is a slicer program that is essentially Cura Ultimaker but designed specifically for this machine. Import the file, adjust whether or not you want supports and tweak other settings, and you’re good to go!
I was impressed immediately after it started printing. Why? It is quiet. The only sound it makes is the whir of the cooling fans! I bumped the speed up to 130% and it still remained silent! Both prints I’ve done so far have been quick and sturdy.
3) Final Product – I used “standard” print quality setting in the slicer for my prints, and as you can see in the pictures they turned out pretty good! The most impressive thing for me was the ability to make an overhang without any supports! I probably just got lucky and wouldn’t recommend you trying this unless you want to risk losing everything like I did. The last notable point to make about the end result is removing them from the bed. All of the piece I’ve printed popped right off without any resistance!
I highly recommend this as an entry level printer for beginners looking to get into the hobby.
For price around the Ender3, this printer offers so much more. Direct drive, run out sensor, tension adjusters, slim cables and volcano head. Large base but takes less space to use. This is quiet when running. Other printers like my XVICO are much more difficult to setup and use. This unit sets up with four small bolts and plug in of few cables. I was printing in under 15 minutes and getting some of the best results I have ever had. Large easy to use LCD screen even shows example of what you are printing. I wish I had started with this printer because I doubt I would have purchased others. Fokoos prints like and easy to use like a PRUSA. Wide support rather than Ballancing on single bar. Dual Z drive and many advanced features that make this printer a winner!
I have had 3 different brands of 3D printers, and let me tell you, this is by far the best Out of the Box experience I’ve had. I’ve had an Xvico X3, Creality Ender 3 V2, and now the Fokoos Odin-5. I really thought going from the Xvico to Creality was going to make me happy, but I had to get 2 different Enders to get it to work. But out of the box I had to go get some nuts to hold the bed screws, and I had to do this, and it was just little stuff coming up over and over again.
The Fookos Odin-5 was set up in 15 minutes. Not 4 hours it took me to assemble the Ender 3. I’ve had some experience with Bed Leveling, but this was the easiest bed leveling I have ever had to do. Those yellow springs I “had” to buy according to the Ender community, well those were installed on the Odin out of the box! I first gripped the bed leveling wheel and thought, wow these are small compared to the Ender, but then I turned them, and it felt like butter. No slipping, just easy-to-use bed leveling knobs. 15 minutes later (mostly because I didn’t believe it) I was laying down almost perfect first layers. I couldn’t stop printing and quickly ran through the whole sample roll of PLA+ without a single failed print due to a printer error.
The one upgrade I did do, not out of the box was to set up octoprint using a raspberry pi. I already had this laying around so no big deal, and I love wireless printing. That’s the only negative for me, is that out of the box this printer doesn’t have a wireless module. But it came with a USB cable to plug into my pi, and it just worked, hassle-free out of the box, so I call that a draw.
Dual Z axis means I don’t have to worry about saggy x axis as it climbs the z screws. Touch screen means I don’t have to use a fiddly knob to dial in a tempature. 4 bolts to assemble, means I didn’t waste half a day setting it up (or more!). Silent stepper motors means the only thing I hear is the fan. I love this printer. One more drawback is no offically supported BL Touch yet. With how smooth and easy bed leveling was, at this point I don’t care.
We got this printer a week ago and my 16 year old had it set up and running a test print within half an hour! He used one of the sample projects that come with the machine to begin with but it has been very easy to use projects we have found online.
I was worried because I have never used a 3D printer before, but it has been really easy to use. The touch screen is easy to navigate and it came with the micro sd card and everything we needed to get started including plenty of filament to work with.
I have left it set up on the dining room table since we got it because it has a relatively small footprint compared to some of my other crafting machines (CNC, Cricut, etc) and it is nice having it out so we can start up a print whenever we want. Overall, my whole family is very happy with the purchase.
Update September 2021: After several months of use, we are still enjoying this little machine. I feel very safe letting it run unattended/overnight. I did add a heat compatible little mat thing that seems to ensure that my first layer stays stuck down. I was playing around with some cheap, random colored filament off Amazon and the mat helped with making sure those prints were successful. Going forward, I will probably order more of the Fokoos filament because I was really pleased with the prints that we did with the filament that came with the machine.
1) Build quality – great very very sturdy was moving at 60mms and now wobble or lil to no ringing shows how stable it is. The extruder is really great love that fact to pull the heat block it’s one screw. The touch screens responsive and comes with roll of filament have it on my 1k black roll to show size comparison. Which honestly is one of the best touches. That means you can get sooo many bugs out of the printer before using your own filament. Like layer height, bed level, extrusion multiplier, temp, etc..
2) looks – looks great it’s clean simple like the cable connection/ wire they use makes it look sooo clean with no loose wires that you zip tie. And the fact it is direct drive and volcano just crazy good.
3) price/ value – really surprised on how good of the quality it is. Like 300 bucks you get tmc 2208 direct drive volcano 32bit printer?? Come on that’s nuts.
4) cons – only con for me is the single teeth kinda not teeth driver. I wish you could pay like 30 bucks more for bmg or even an orbital direct drive set. And the fan for the parts need to be all around the nozzle not just one side. You’ll notice in the benchy bottom half wrong temp the top is 7 degrees cooler still think I should lower it few more. But damn I have a nice roll that I can smooth out those changes.
Summary; great printer specially if it’s your first one. Think I had it going like 5min. 4 screws make it stand up and then connect the cable strips in load a print and down. The leveling was pretty on point can use their baby z step to do lil final adjustments. But damn 300 bucks gets you a banging printe
The build of the machine is thoughtfully well designed. There’s no cables going a bunch of different places… in fact, they use an integrated ribbon cable to keep it all nice and clean. This is a massive selling point for me. Couple this with the volcano style V6 hot end and direct drive? Sign me up!
The print quality of this machine is stellar, but with a caveat. Make sure you import the profile they have included on the SD card that came with the machine. In my video, I took the print speed to 140% and the Fokoos didn’t blink.
This printer is just an impressive piece of machinery with a tremendous amount to offer. So long as you use their included profile, you’re going to be blown away by this machine!
The touch screen works well. The software provided is just a rebranded version of a popular open-source software, so it works great. It comes with several test models as well. I printed a few and was very impressed with the quality.
Would highly recommend. Only drawbacks are: no wifi connection (though the manufacturer responded to a question and said this is coming) and the SD card slot (if you aren’t printing via USB connection to a computer) is on the side. This should really be on the front next to the touch screen to make it easier to slip in and out.
I’ve been using the printer for about 8 months now and it has been working great. There is a learning curve when it comes to using the printer. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning that cause some major frustration (and a little damage -.- ). I actually printed out my own warning label and stuck it to the front of the printer with the following:
– UNLOADING: DO NOT pull filament when unloading. Repeat “unload” process until filament is loose
– ADJUSTING HEAD/LEVELING: Adjust leveling after ANY adjustment to head. Use paper to measure gap between bed and print head. Paper should slide between bed and print head with medium resistance. Check each point after making an adjustment. Changing one point may affect others
-PRINTING FROM COLD START UP: If printer is cold, extrude several centimeters before starting print
I had an issue with temperature fluctuation and contacted support. They were extremely helpful and worked to identify the issue. I had to replace the thermistor, which was covered under the warranty. Works great again.
Update: Family is getting involved and getting their own printers. Since this one works so well and is so easy to setup my 12 year old was the next in line to get one. Learning to slice and print can take a little time for some, but once you have it figured out, this printer makes it easy to create all sorts of functional and fun items!
I pulled it out of the box and was ready to print in 10 minutes!
I began by printing a few miniatures for Easter gifts. They turned out extremely well with virtually ZERO tuning!
Printing noise is limited to the fan… the motors are all but silent.
Small, solid, and versatile. User-friendly.
I can’t recommend this printer enough!
1. Super quick set up. 4 screws to secure, two ribbons to attach, and hook on the filament holder and you’re done!
2. The level assist is the ! Quickest i have been able to level yet! Not to mention the adjusters are on the larger side and have the directionals embossed on them so you don’t have to strain your brain remembering which way to turn.
3. Filament is super easy to load with the direct drive! No more pushing filament up and awkward tube! Can’t wait to try Florentine TPU on this bad boy…
4. The print quality is outstanding and prints adhere to the bed like nobody’s business!
Plus added bonus this printer is super quiet…at least compared to my Mega S! I think this is a great printer for both novice level and more experienced printers. Though it is relatively new, the Facebook community around this printer is super active and helpful. FOOKOS is going to become a name to beat in this industry!
Attached are some pictures of things I have made. Phages (bacteria viruses) Nucleotides (DNA in different color) and of course toys for my kids. I will say this has been fun, buy one I highly recommend. If you have thought about one, the time is now! It is also one that departments should highly consider buying for departments to better explain topics to students and to help our 3d learners.
Now for the less programming literate. First things first: set it up and make sure that you always preheat the bed. Buy good quality filament and understand that not everything is going to work the first go. Start with the vase that comes with it. Be amazed. Then really hone it in. First no fans in the room you are using it in. Found this cooled things too fast and the printer jammed. Second FOLLOW instructions, I learned the hard way that it is important. Third. The feel of the leveling! Ok this threw me you need to screw up or with pressure to get it closer. there should be a pull on the paper. try and get the same pull on each corner. This is really important.
Finally the most important is to ask friends for help or make new friends that can help you. Fokoos has a facebook page with lots of good idea from users.
GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN. (like I have).
I was looking for a decent printer without breaking my wallet and I am more than happy!
I am not new to 3D Printing nor am I an expert!
At work I have access to a very expensive Dremel Printer and I have to say that its always been giving me issues!!
This Fokoos Printer made a successful print the very first time! with minimal setup using default settings!!
What I love about the Printer….
1. Its easy to navigate the menus…. easy setup!
2. Super fast extruder and bed heat up!
3. Lattice Glass! every singe print sticks to the glass! no prep, no glue, no tape! Amazing!
Designs stick to the glass so well that I had to stick the glass plate into the fridge!
I never experienced this, I always had problems with Designs Curling and not sticking!
4. It uses Cura Based Slicer! An open source Slicer!! Super Easy to Learn!
5. Print Speed is Good… Not Faster as some claim….. it all depends on Slicer Settings!
Words of Advise
1. As easy as the initial setup was… it still requires a brain to operate! do not expect this to be an effortless print and go! you will need to watch a couple of youtube videos if your a complete noob!
2. This printer does not have automatic leveling… some say a good thing… some say otherwise… however… I used a printer with automatic leveling and had issues…. did not have a single issue with this printer yet!
Remember… when leveling using a sheet of 20lb bond paper (regular printer paper) there should be a slight drag on the paper! almost effortless! nothing more!
3. Wipe the bed with salty water before printing! this will make your prints pop off after the bed cools down with no effort! (I use a bottle of nasal solution) or stick the glass bed into the fridge (you will need to level your bed again if you do that)
4. If you create 3D Designs in Sketchup….. Export them as STL Files! AND REPAIR THEM!!
Repairing Files is Critical to a Successful Print! To do this use Open your Files in 3D Builder (windows free application) or something similar… it will tell you if your file needs repairing… than repair and save. That’s it!
5. As with anything… be patient!
Good Luck and have fun printing!
The build plate is flat and very sturdy. My other printers came with bowed print beds which made it difficult for me when I was first starting the hobby. The glass bed is super flat and gives you access to the entire print volume. The Odin’s design and controls make this an idea printer for beginners.
The print quality is great! The solid frame of the printer means that vibrations don’t negatively affect the print surface. The rails and belts are super taught and smooth which translates to really smooth movements and great surface finish of your print.
The pakage is amazing and safe -really professional and tightly packaged-
This printer feels like it shoud be on a different level .. its only $300 and i have it printing better than $500+ machines!
Super easy to assemble!! I was printing in less than 30 mins
Simple to use
Has a color touch screen with easy to follow instructions and big icons.
32bits and silent! The only noise is fan noise.
The hotend uses volcano tips.
It has a growing comunity.
This should be the top pick for any newbie over the ender and other popular printer.. this on has them beat! This should be the new standard.
All internals are high quality! ( The beoard and power supply)
Im in the process of making a full video review in spanish so be on the lookout for that!
On top of all that it’s quieter than my other two devices and it prints VERY well. Very comparable to other printers of the same size but SO much easier to get up and running. If I had this as my first, I probably would have just had three of them by now.
This company will make a great impact with this model and I’m sure it will get them noticed. If this is a sign of the consideration and care they take with their designs then I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with next.
Construction: it’s all metal and seems very solid. The included glass build plate holds onto prints like they’re glued there, but releases them easily when it’s cooled. The dual-Z lead screw is one feature it has over the Ender’s single Z, and allows for excellent stability and repeatability. The base of the machine is a heavy gauge stamped sheet metal that gives it a more finished look over the aluminum extrusions you’d typically see, and it keeps everything neatly nestled under the build plate for a smaller footprint. The ribbon cables (flexible flat cables, they call them) keep everything tidy and out of the way, so there’s no chance it could ever bind and cause a layer shift. The bed clips are low profile and don’t get in the way of printing.
X carriage: more than part of the construction, this thing is the soul of the machine. It has a geared direct drive extruder that allows for a smaller, lighter motor than my other direct drive, which helps maintain print quality at higher speeds. The all-metal volcano hot end allows for huge quantities of filament to be heated, so you can run giant 1.2mm volcano nozzles for rapid prototyping. It also has a filament runout sensor, so you’ll never have to come home to find your printer running air.
Electronics: the 32-bit MKS Robin mainboard will have no problem processing even very high resolution prints, very quickly processing lines of G-code. It also has plenty of pinouts for a second extruder, ABL, or any number of extra features. It’s also made with 2209 stepper drivers that run smoothly and quietly. It comes preloaded with Marlin 2.0 and seems to support Wi-Fi, though I haven’t set that up.
Printing: standard, marlin-flavor G-code courtesy of your slicer of choice (I use Cura) or the provided Fokoos slicer is loaded through a TF (micro SD) card or possibly Wi-Fi. Assisted leveling, tuning, and printing are then managed through an intuitive color touchscreen.
Complaints: vocabulary on the touchscreen is a little different from what I’m used to. Spool holder is a little small for my Sainsmart spool, but does seem sufficient for my other materials. Folding design could use some sort of assisted alignment for faster setup, but it is still easily manageable. PSU fan is a little noisy.
Overall: outstanding value, especially with the coupon that’s on it right now. Very few complaints, and all of them quite minor. Comparable to an Ender 3 V2, but with a smaller footprint and the upgrades already done for much cheaper than you could do them yourself.
The book has poor English. It is definitely not written for a complete novice. With a little experimentation I was able to print the hollow cat off of the supplied card. It is gorgeous.
I knocked a star off for the poor manual. Otherwise, this really was ready to go as shipped. Bed levelling took me maybe 10 minutes. I had never done it before but had watched videos.
Their site is a shell. Clearly they are still new at this.
I can tell that a lot of thought went into the design, from the high-end ribbon cable connections, build-tech glass print bed, to the USB printer port. It’s a highly engineered piece of equipment. As an added bonus it folds up for easy storage.
It’s borderline perfect. Only negative is that it currently (as of this review) does not support an auto-bed leveling system if you’re into that sort of thing. I personally prefer to manually adjust the bed level. But I read online that one is in the works. Great buy!
Cheers to great prints! have fun!