FORGING MOUNT Long Reach 1090mm TV Wall Bracket Mount,Double Articulating Arm Full Motion Tilt & Swivel TV Wall Mount for 42 to 95 Inch Flat/Curve TVs, Max load 75kg,VESA 800x400mm

Double Long Reach 109cm TV Wall bracket

Dimensions: | 109 x 86 x 43 cm; 12 Kilograms |
Model: | HY9401-B-UK |
Manufacture: | FORGING MOUNT |
Dimensions: | 109 x 86 x 43 cm; 12 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
El soporte pesa una burrada pero igual que pesa se aprecia lo robusto que es en todo su conjunto.
Bien anclado a la pared es inamovible y super seguro.
Se extiende prcticamente 1m desde la pared.
En una TV de 65″ por poquito no puedes girar 90
Acquisto fatto da un anno per TV 55′. Eccezionale, davvero robusta, la utilizzo spesso col braccio in estensione e non ha ancora manifestato difetti. Per il montaggio bisogna essere in due per il peso non proprio trascurabile.. le viti di fissaggio sono opportune. Sono davvero soddisfatto
La compre para una qn85b de samsung de 65″ de hace 2 aos y estoy encantado con la compra. La utilizo a diario mas de una vez, y esta perfectamente. Para la instalacion eso si seguramente necesites mas de una persona porque es un poco in comodo por lo que pesa, pero pesa porque lo necesita para aguantar el brazo de palanca de la tele.
Plantila para tornillos
Equipamiento, ( nivel,tacos,etc.., trae todo lo necesario menos taladro claro )
Peso, al montarla yo solo tuve que pedir ayuda porque pesaba bastante sobre todo al inicio hasta que meti los primeros tornillos
Je suis trs satisfait du support il supporte un cran de 1 mtre 90 est il ne bouge pas par contre il faut faire une trs bonne fixation sur le mur je recommande
El montaje es un poco complicado, sobretodo por las dimensiones y el peso del propio soporte, pero una vez colocado permite un buen movimiento de la Tv y da sensacin de seguridad y estabilidad.
Le support est solide et tient parfaitement mon cran de 55″(20kg). Il me permet de voir la tl du salon et de la cuisine. C’est parfait . Assurez vous d’avoir un support (mur) bien solide galement.
Me ha sorprendido lo que pesa. Pareca que la pared no aguantara semejante peso, sumando el de la tele. Pero aguanta (de momento). La instalacin es relativamente sencilla y los 6 tornillos y tacos que lo soportan son bastante rubostos. Mejor con ayuda de otra persona y si no, uno mismo, como yo. Se tarda un rato, eso si, pero no comporta mayor problema.
Este tipo de soporte no est pensado que se vaya moviendo continuamente, porque va bastante duro. Pero en un momento dado, ningn problema. Lo puedes colocar como quieras. Incluso a ms de un metro de la pared y girado hacia un lado.
soporte muy solido pero los tacos que vienen incluidos son bastante malos. Soporta una televisin de pulgadas perfectamente ponindola perpendicular a la pared, aproximadamente a 1,40m. Compradlo pero utilizar tacos qumicos.
Per fissare a muro un televisore di 85 pollici con possibilit di poterlo manutenere con una staffa di grande qualit che consente il semplice spostamento di un televisore di grande misure
Un gran acierto esta compra
La solidit ( e il peso) sono le prime cose che colpiscono di questo supporto a parete. L’installazione abbastanza semplice e il prodotto sembra di qualit, forse l’unico neo il sistema di fissaggio del tv al braccio, fa il suo lavoro ma non sembra essere a livello del resto.
L’estensione di oltre un metro permette di ruotare di 90 gradi anche i tv pi ingombranti.
Ich habe die Halterung jetzt seit etwa 4
Wochen an der Wand, sie macht einen sehr stabilen Eindruck, die Verstellfunktionen funktionieren einwandfrei. Der Versand war super schnell und der Kontakt auf Rckfragen vor der Bestellung super. Gerne wieder 5 Sterne!
Je l’ai achet en dsespoir de cause cause de mes jeunes chats qui sont turbulents.
Mais quel bonheur, si nous sommes table, nous ne ratons plus les 12 coups de midi Nous faisons juste pivoter la tv. De plus comme elle est un peu en hauteur, l’cran l’air bcp plus grand
C’est un super acha
Ein Casting-Gert fr groe Fernseher, ich habe einen 55zoll, aber dieses Gert ist fr groe geeignet. Sehr gut hlt (obwohl ich 6 weitere Schrauben gekauft und 12 Stck mit einem Rand befestigt habe) sehr weit verlngert und um 90 Grad gedreht, wenn auch ein wenig hart bewegend, aber das ist kein Problem, aber auf einem voll ausgefahrenen System ist der Fernseher stabil, sehr erfreut. Also rate ich Ihnen zu kaufe
Gli unici graffi presenti per erano quelli dovuti al fatto che le viti di montaggio erano fuoriuscite dalle confezioni e vagavano per il pacco.
Detto ci ho fatto il reso. Lo avrei anche tenuto visto la qualit costruttiva eccellente, ma il problema che c’era scritto andare bene per uno schermo da 43 pollici. Cosa non vera poich se completamente portato a parete il meccanismo stesso sporge a destra ed a sinistra dello schermo.
Consigliato da 55 pollici in su o per schermi larghi almeno 115 cm visto che chiuso il meccanismo ne misura 110
Mastodontico ma soprattutto molto resistente, 11 kg di tv 55″ non fa una piega,avanza di oltre un metro e gira di 90 sia a destra che a sinistra,non consigliato per quelli che hanno come muro di affissione i mattoni forati,ma per quelli che hanno cemento armato o mattoni pieni,io avendo mattoni forati ho atto una piastra di ferro 1000 x 500 spessore 5 mm tassellata al muro e poi fissato la staffa alla piastra,il tutto risulta en solido e atto a sostenere il peso di televisore en pi pesanti dei miei miseri 11 kg.
Il tv rimane distante dal muro circa 11 cm, frontalmente non si nota molto, di lato esteticamente non
male. Tutto sommato costa un po’ pi della media ma ne vale la pena.
Its hard to grasp the scale from photos. This thing is a beast!
Mounting the (Samsung 65″) TV solo is tricky so grab a mate! The bracket alone is a good 25-30kg.
I’m legally not allowed friends since the incident of 1996 so I found the best way is to use the included template to get the holes drilled. (six holes 10mm x 75mm for into brick BTW) Then open the bracket up and put your head through the hole and rest it on your shoulders. It will be pretty much balanced so comfortable and much easier to line up.
It is rock solid, taking my body-weight fully extended without flex. That’s Zero flex. (I see some have reported their TV drooped as it extended, however mine didn’t, even when I tried to make it!)
The accessories are good, taking care of many screen sizes, also including spacers so if more rear room is needed, be it for a curved back or cable management you can.
The included tools are neat. The Spirit Level is magnetic and as with the other included tools, are not the bare minimum.
My unit did have a little bit of the powder coat broken but I only noticed it when riding on the mount gangnam style. The template doesn’t have any center markings so I had to add my own. The instructions are fairly simplistic but okay for the task with some common sense that I ordered separately.
The seller checked in to make sure all was well. A nice touch. Not often these days you feel valued as a customer and less so online buying a bracket!
A good experience all round.
Choses ngative citer je n en ai pas remarqu.. Par contre j ai remarqu certains point dont la solidit, esthtisme, et rassurant on a pas peur de l accroch au mur je lui accorde toute ma confiance et pour le prix j ai bien cherch j ai pas trouv moins chre alors conclusion si tu cherche un support mural tv n esite pas… Plus de 1 mtre d extension ce prix l juste top
Never had a TV wall mounted before so did some research first and settled on this – it was also recommended by my son-in-law who had installed one before. It is heavy but extends out to over 1 metre which we needed as the TV is in an alcove. Everything was included in terms of screws, bolts and wall plugs plus a small spirit level. My son-in-law drilled the holes into our newly plastered wall which we knew was breeze block, he used a professional SDS drill from his days of being a jobbing plumber. I wouldn’t have been confident getting the same result with my small battery powered drill. The template was really useful and I just attached it to the wall with some sellotape making sure it was level, however there is the ability to adjust pitch and level quite easily. There is also some leeway in height adjustment by moving the brackets on the TV up or down. Really pleased with it. It does take 2 people to properly install this, mainly in getting the TV onto the actual bracket. I guess it could be done by one person at a push but I was glad of the help.
Makes viewing so much easier. Strong and sturdy. We did need to buy bigger bolts as the bracket is weighty. Would definitely recommend.
Werde nochmals ein Video erstellen, Sehr schnelle Lieferung , Der erste Eindruck ist das es Sehr Stabil aussieht, bis auf die Schrauben sowie der plastik Dbel fr die Wand die ich zu kurz empfinde. Ist aber nicht schlimm, die kann ich fr andere sachen nutzen. Ich werde Mettaldbel mit Regelgewinde nutzen. Weil mit der Zeit die Plastik Dbel nach ca. 6 Jahren nicht mehr stabil sind (Weichmacher im Kunststoff). Ich denke hier sollte mann nicht ist gut das es schwergngig ist. Ich habe Kinder im Haus das wre fatal wenn es tu einfach ist es zu bewegen. Also das war Teil 1
El soporte est muy bien, voy a comentar lo que he echado de menos, “”UNA PLANTILLA”” para marcar los agujeros en la pared, no tenia margen de error, por lo que tuve que desmontar el soporte para marcarlo bien, otra cosa que me asust bastante son las dimensiones con el cerrado, deberan de venir descritas, lo que me llev a escoger este soporte es la gran apertura que tiene, ya que mi problema era que quera que la Tv sobresaliese del mueble, ya que el hueco es pequeo. Una vez colocado todo perfecto
Come descritto.
Facile da montare e dotato delle viti per tutte le tv
Lo compr para sustituir un soporte Vogels 6345 de 2009, que cumpli perfectamente con TVs de 40″ y de 55″, pero que con la nueva TV de 85″ cimbreaba mucho, tanto hacia delante como para los lados, aunque segn las especificaciones el soporte Vogels 6345 aguanta los 45Kg de la TV.
El soporte FORGING MOUNT HY9401-B es muy fuerte, slido como una roca y permite un pequeo ajuste de inclinacin hacia delante y hacia los lados para dejar la TV perfectamente alineada con los muebles. Con la Televisin de 85 pulgadas y 45Kg de peso no se mueve ni solo milmetro al extenderla o girarla.
Viene con tornillos M6 y M8 para todo tipo de televisiones y anclajes VESA.
He usado 4 tornillos para la pared de ladrillo del antiguo soporte Vogels, que son 10mm ms largos que los que vienen con el soporte Forging Mount, y 2 tornillos del nuevo soporte. Tambin he usado unos tacos de pared Fisher de 10mm que me parecen ms fiables que los tacos chinos que vienen con el soporte Forging Mount. He cambiado los tornillos y los tacos por una resea extranjera en la que decan que no eran fiables y una TV de 85″ cay al suelo. Yo no quera arriesgarme a sufrir el mismo accidente con mi televisin.
La instalacin no tiene complicaciones y la plantilla para los agujeros de pared ayuda bastante, por que el soporte pesa 14Kg y sera difcil mantenerlo estable para marcar la pared. Recomiendo usar una llave de 13mm de carraca o elctrica para facilitar el apriete de los tornillos.
Para tener mayor seguridad, no he extendido el soporte ms de 70cm por que no tengo necesidad. Pero tengo la impresin que el soporte aguantara perfectamente. Me preocupa ms la resistencia de la propia pared, ja ja ja.
Estoy muy contento con la compra del soporte FORGING MOUNT HY9401-B.
I bought it to replace a Vogels 6345 mount from 2009, which worked perfectly with 40″ and 55″ TVs, but with the new 85″ TV it wobbled a lot, both forwards and sideways, although according to the specifications the mount Vogels 6345 supports the 45Kg of the TV.
The FORGING MOUNT HY9401-B is very strong, rock solid and allows for a little forward and side tilt adjustment to bring your TV perfectly in line with your furniture. With the 85-inch TV and 45Kg of weight, it does not move even a millimeter when it is extended or rotated.
It comes with M6 and M8 screws for all types of televisions and VESA mounts.
I used 4 brick wall screws from the old Vogels mount, which are 10mm longer than the ones that came with the Forging Mount, and 2 screws from the new mount. I have also used 10mm Fisher wall plugs which I find to be more reliable than the Chinese plugs that come with the Forging Mount. I changed the screws and plugs because of a foreign review saying they were unreliable and an 85″ TV fell to the ground. I didn’t want to risk the same accident with my TV.
The installation is uncomplicated and the template for the wall holes helps a lot, because the bracket weighs 14Kg and it would be difficult to keep it stable to mark the wall. I recommend using a 13mm ratchet or power wrench to make it easier to tighten the bolts.
To be safer, I have not extended the support more than 70cm because I don’t need to. But I have the impression that the support would hold perfectly. I’m more concerned about the resistance of the wall itself, ha ha ha.
I am very happy with the purchase of the FORGING MOUNT HY9401-B bracket.
La staffa molto robusta – arriva in un pacco del peso di oltre 15 kg.
L’installazione richiede uso del trapano per applicare sei chiodi ad espansione piuttosto spessi per l’installazione stata necessaria circa un’ora, di cui 20 minuti buoni a pianificare dove fare i buchi nel muro.
Sono molto soddisfatto del prodotto, tiene molto saldamente la tv e, casomai passassi ad una pi grande, c’ ampio supporto
Simple and easy to mount. Tv fits perfectly and safely on it. Does a great job and arrived quickly.
Utilizzato per un televisore 48 pollici in posizione angolare. Attrezzo robusto e affidabile esteticamente valido
Prodotto molto valido , robustezza e semplicit nel montaggio , nulla da eccepire.
Nicht so scn ist das an der wandplatte oben eine unterlegscheibe fehl
Bin sehr zufrieden, bis jetzt ist die Qualitt echt gut.
Groe Bedeutungsfreiheit.
Der Fernseher wird auch in der vollen Ausladung ohne zu schwingen gehalten.
Es perfecto para que la tele no estorbe en el saln, cuando no la ests viendo la tienes en la pared y cuando la quieres ver, la colocas fcilmente donde quieras. Es caro, pero merece la pena.
My first review of anything ever!
I struggled to find a good source of information when buying such a long extending TV bracket, (I nor anyone I know has installed one before). So I thought I would make a decent review of it to help anyone else out there!
The bracket has been on the wall 2 days now and is as solid as a rock.
When it was first delivered, the box is to say the least, HEAVY. I was rather worried at first but once you get it up, it works an absolute dream. At full extension it comes out 114cm. Which is FAR. It also rotates brilliantly.
I can Really recommend this bracket.
When it comes out the box the bracket itself is very tight and tough to move. A tiny bit of WD40 and it was perfect no issue.
Personally just for peace of mind, I also bought some extra tv bracket screws. The screws which came with the bracket are fine! Just I wanted a little more security. I personally bought these (Copy and Paste into Amazon Search Bar):
“Corefix 100mm TV Wall Fixings – Plasterboard Over Blockwork Wall Plugs and Screws for Hanging Wall Mounted TVs – Holds 150kg on 6 Fixtures – Reinforced Steel Core – 6 Pack – Drill Bit Included”
This is 100% a 2 person job due to the wight of the unit, make sure to have an electric drill.
This Bracket tilts but only a little. so if you install it at the wrong height there is not a great deal you can do to improve your angle.
TV I have is Samsung 55′, 200×200 VESA.
Useful Info:
USE WD40 ON HINGES (ease of use)
UPDATE: The bracket has been on the wall for 2 months now. And is still in perfect working order, works a dream.
Hope this has helped 😀
My first review of anything ever!
I struggled to find a good source of information when buying such a long extending TV bracket, (I nor anyone I know has installed one before). So I thought I would make a decent review of it to help anyone else out there!
The bracket has been on the wall 2 days now and is as solid as a rock.
When it was first delivered, the box is to say the least, HEAVY. I was rather worried at first but once you get it up, it works an absolute dream. At full extension it comes out 114cm. Which is FAR. It also rotates brilliantly.
I can Really recommend this bracket.
When it comes out the box the bracket itself is very tight and tough to move. A tiny bit of WD40 and it was perfect no issue.
Personally just for peace of mind, I also bought some extra tv bracket screws. The screws which came with the bracket are fine! Just I wanted a little more security. I personally bought these (Copy and Paste into Amazon Search Bar):
“Corefix 100mm TV Wall Fixings – Plasterboard Over Blockwork Wall Plugs and Screws for Hanging Wall Mounted TVs – Holds 150kg on 6 Fixtures – Reinforced Steel Core – 6 Pack – Drill Bit Included”
This is 100% a 2 person job due to the wight of the unit, make sure to have an electric drill.
This Bracket tilts but only a little. so if you install it at the wrong height there is not a great deal you can do to improve your angle.
TV I have is Samsung 55′, 200×200 VESA.
Useful Info:
USE WD40 ON HINGES (ease of use)
Hope this has helped 😀
Lo que no me a gustado del producto, que la caja ,el embalaje venia de haberla abierto la caja y haber sacado los asesor
Faltaba un tornillo, pero puede ser algo puntual, he colocado una Sony de 75 pulgadas y va perfecto incluso cuando lo separa un metro de la pared, gira casi 90 grados
Ich habe fr meinen 75 Zoll Fernseher eine stabile Halterung zum schwenken gesucht und mehrere ausprobiert. Diese hat die beste Stabilitt bei ausgezogenem Zustand. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!
Ich habe fr meinen 75 Zoll Fernseher eine stabile Halterung zum schwenken gesucht und mehrere ausprobiert. Diese hat die beste Stabilitt bei ausgezogenem Zustand. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!
This is one of the best wall tv mount I have used. Useful instructions and items included , very to mount. Very looooong reach which I wanted. Very strong !!!! My tv is a 65inch so this works very well
Quite sturdy with long reach. At full extension the mount will dip slightly, and causes the TV to tilt when angled. There are no adjustments connecting the mount and the TV, which would resolve this problem. Otherwise a great sturdy product.
despus de buscar , encontr este accesorio para mi tele, una Sony de 65 pulgadas y su barra de sonido. Una particularidad muy buena es que es para sitios con esquina.
El producto en muy fuerte, su apoyo a la pared amplio y con buena base, puedes poner de 6 tornillos a mas, segn necesidad, los brazos dobles aguantan bien el peso. la base que une el televisor al soporte, la puedes girar unos pocos ngulos, lo suficiente por si no lo nivelaste bien.
Ojo pesa lo suyo unos 15 kilos largos, antes de instalar, recomiendo aflojar un poco, sin pasarse los tornillos principales de unin de brazos a base pared y base tv, ya que van algo fuertes y la tv te costara girarla.
Llego antes de tiempo, lleva instrucciones y unas abrazaderas de velcro para aguantar los cables. Decir que si, es caro, pero es mas caro lo que te soportara y para mi, ese echo es importante ya que se que es un soporte que te puede durar toda la vida.
Lo recomiendo
Soporte extraordinaria para TV grandes, ms de 70″, pero lamentable Amazon. La compre de segunda mano nueva, solo embalaje estropeado. MENTIRA, le faltaban piezas y componentes. Encima la nueva poltica de Amazon de comunicacin cero, lo hace ms difcil la reclamacin, solo te queda devolver el producto
Well made, heavyweight, good engineering
Consider very carefully the fixings you use, because the wall needs to hold a lot of weight.
You will probably need to slacken the nuts and bolts to allow the bracket to move freely.
Hard to fault!
This is a solid bracket but it is really heavy. I was to scared it would fall out of these new build thermol blocks I returned it.
otherwise would have been amazing. Has good range and can adjust angles. If I didn’t have a newbuild I would buy again.
I’ve used this bracket to hang my 65″ TV in the corner of my front room its long reach allows my TV to sit nicely in a good viewing position the arms were very stiff so loosened them slightly to let me move everything with less effort I’m very pleased with my purchase
This is the only bracket I could find that I feel comfortable supporting my 30Kg monitor at maximum extension. It’s very secure. The installation was pretty straightforward and the instructions were good. I appreciated the attached drill template, which really made things easier.
My only gripe is that by default the arms were incredibly stiff and very difficult to move. I had to loosen 4 bolts to make the arms easier to move. The problem is that 4 bolts were also very stiff and difficult to loosen. It took me 2 hours and a lot of physical effort even with a long spanner.
But now that I’ve done that I’m pleased with the product and can recommend it if you need something this strong.
Have given 5*. The mount took two people to secure on the wall and is pretty stiff to manoeuvre. But, because the TV sits in a recess I am really happy with how far it extends and confident the TV is safe.
The bracket is heavy therefore the wall fixing needs to be substantial, the wall fixings supplied were not suitable for our application and longer fixings were needed but that was just our situation nothing to do with the bracket fixings.
The bracket was extremely stiff at first but loosening the through-bolts remedied this issue.
Very happy with the operation and does exactly what we want.