Fosi Audio Box X2 Phono Preamp for Turntable Preamplifier MM Phonograph Preamplifier with Gain Gear Mini Stereo Audio Hi-Fi Pre-Amplifier for Record Player with DC 12V Power Supply (Black)

Leading Hi-Fi Amplifier Brand

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Tube MM Phono Preamplifier/Tube Preamp
Product Parameters:
- Power Adapter Output: 12V/1.5A
- Product Adapter Input Voltage Range: AC 110V – 240V
- Box X2 Phono Preamp DC Input Voltage: 12V
- Output Voltage Level: 600 Mv @3mV 1kHz
- SNR ⥠98dB
- THD ⤠0.1%
- Frequency Response: Standard RIAA
- Product Weight: 0.66 lb/300g
- Product Dimensions: 4.66 inch/3.85 inch/1.29 inch
- 2.0 Channel Power Amplifier Series: BT10A, BT20A, TB10A, V1.0G, V1.0B, TDA7498E;
- 2.1 Channel Power Amplifier Series: BT30A, BT30D;
- DAC Series: Q4; DAC Amp: DA2120A, DA2120C;
- Subwoofer Amplifier Series: TP-02, M02, M03;
- Phono Preamp: BOX X1, BOX X2;
- Tube Headphone Amplifier: T20;

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Tube PreamplifierAudiophile-grade amplification modules offers outstanding performance with its Low-Noise Audio Operational Preamplifiers. It’s also a tube preamp with 3.5mm AUX Input. Designed and assembled by Fosi Audio from high-quality components. | Gain AdjustmentThree switchable gain modes: 39, 42, 45 dB. Adjustable gain levels to give you customizable control and outstanding compatibility. Entry-Level high-end analog sound and top-notch circuitry for an unbeatable low cost. | MM Turntable PreampSuitable for moving-magnet (MM) cartridges. Precise RIAA equalization. Consistent sonic performance, super low-noise. This mini preamp has stereo RCA inputs and stereo RCA outputs Connect the turntable to the RCA inputs and ground. |
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12V/1.5A Power AdapterEnergy-efficient and stable power supply which got authoritative certification by many security tests. | Replaceable Vacuum TubesApplicable vacuum tube model: 6K4/6J1/6J4/GE5654/6AK5/66*In vacuum tubes, etc. | FREE RCA CableFosi Audio Box X2 preamp comes with a FREE RCA cable. Unbeatable low cost for an home audio phonograph preamp. |
Dimensions: | 25.65 x 21.59 x 6.6 cm; 650 Grams |
Manufacture: | Fosi Audio |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | Box X2 |
PrePhono ottimo, fa il suo dovere, ottima qualit e prezzo
Ottimo prodotto per quello che costa veramente sorprendente suona da dio!
Simple design and completely adequate to allow a 40+ year old turntable to connect with a modern mixer’s line input to play old LPs not listened to for many years.
Il preamplificatore funziona molto bene su un giradischi di 30 anni fa, che mi permette di riascoltare i vecchi vinili al volume giusto!
L’ha tutto che dovrebbe avere un preamplificatore. In pi power on/off !!
Sound quality became warmer and better with this than more expensive phono amp I had for my high end audio. Didn’t expect much for its price, but very impressive sound quality. I’ve gotten all answers promptly about many inquiries I asked to customer service. I also received a new power adopter quickly contacting customer service.
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Gert.
Unbedingt die Rhre updaten, das lohnt sich.
Spielt emotionaler und offener wie der Rega um 300.-
Nicht ganz so gut aber knapp dran an der Tube Box von Pro-Ject.
Kann man ohne bedenken kaufen!
Me gusta que funciona perfectamente y que trae un botn de encendido / apagado muy cmodo.
For this price, this is essential. Any beginner setup would more than benefit here serious quality even compared to the $500 range.
very satisfied.
Love this guy, the vinyl sounds so warm on i
Ottima performance, venditore molto corretto. Unica pecca da Amazon che ha ridotto il prezzo del 15%!!!, il giorno dopo mio acquisto.
Consegna tempo di record.
Great product at any price. It is a steal at this price.
For the price, you cannot beat this. It punches well above its price point. I initially had a Project audio pre-amp which cost double, but this blows it out of the water. More punch, warmth and range. Bass is much richer paired with the same amplifier. I’m not sure what’s going on tech wise, but it sounds great.
Received exactly what I ordered, and it was exactly as it was described. Shipment was very prompt.
Just what the doctor ordered to get my old turntable back in action. The sound is clean with no hum or noise of any kind.
Klein aber fein. Warmer aber dennoch kraftvoller Ton im allen Bereichen . Ich finde es gut und habe wieder Spa am Platten hren. Optisch auch ein Hingucker. Ob es noch bessere gibt ? Wahrscheinlich aber nicht zu diesem Preis .
I was hesitant at first but on arrival this bad boy did it’s job and now I can enjoy my record player.
Ho acquistato per primo il sinto-amplificatore FOSI AUDIO TB10A per il mio piatto Yamaha vecchio di 30anni. Purtroppo l’audio in uscita era bassissimo. Quindi dopo un fitto scambio mail con l’assistenza FOSI abbiamo scoperto che il vecchio piatto necessitava di un preamplificatore. Ho preso quindi il FOSI Audio Box X2 e ho risolto il mio problema non rinunciando cos a utilizzare il mio vecchio (ma insostituibile) piatto Yamaha. Suono robusto, limpido e in linea con la non eccessiva spesa sostenuta. Tutto questo grazie alla premurosa, puntuale e tecnica assistenza (per es. si sono cercati on line le specifiche del mio piatto) della FOSI. Questa un’assistenza che vorresti sempre.
I loved the size,I like the way you can leave it on all the time without issues of over heating or whatever.Trust me you do not need a $300 pre amp to play records this will do the job and then some.
Bought the Fosi X2 as I was desperate not to hear ground loop hum on my Grant Fidelity P-207 phono preamp. The Fosi is very quiet and has good depth and soundstage. I use an all tube system and get mids in spades. Initially the stock tubes are brittle and give harsh highs, but with about 75 hours of run in much smoother. Have the 5654 GEs coming and can’t wait. Bought for $75 and it has far surpassed my expectations for a budget piece. Tubes definitely will tame some solid state harshness in a persons system – or clinical presentation.
It takes a while for tubes to warm up and break in. Be patient before springing for different tubes. I’ve found the included tubes to improve constantly, and they were delightful to begin with!
First step into the world of tube (valve) gear.
First thing I did was add upgraded tubes to the highly recommended 6J1P-EV Voskhod NOS, (I got one pair from Slovakia for $30 but then found a NZ seller for $15), these military spec valves will last 10,000+ hrs as they are not driven hard.
Always wanted to go the next step from my mid-priced solid state equipment, I have been running my modified Rega Planar 3 into the phono stage of my Plinius pre-amp which I thought sounded pretty good. The Fosi smoothed the slightly analytical sound of my Micro-Line cartridge and put back a little euphonic warmth.
The only negative being on very busy passages with multiple instrument crescendos/congestion, it struggles a little to resolve the chaos.
It’s strengths lie in vocal, jazz, chamber & acoustic music where there is a little air to breathe.
I think it is great value for money, it has 3 gain settings for lower output carts (though is not meant for low output Moving Coil carts).
Have not tried the stereo line in function, (still happily spinning my old jazz lp’s) and like most tubes it will probably improve up to the 500 hr mark.
Der Klang gefllt mir sehr! Eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenber vielen anderen gnstigen (und auch einigen teureren) oder im Verstrker eingebauten Phono-preamps. Zudem ist der zustzliche Klinkeneingang sehr ntzlich. Mann kann z.B. ein Handy, Bluetooth-Audioadapter oder andere Quellen anschlieen ohne an die rckseitigen Eingangsbuchsen des Hauptverstrkers zu mssen.
Der Kundenservice per Mail ist auch sehr gut. Mein Exemplar hatte einen Fehler und ich habe sehr freundlichen Kontakt mit dem Service gehabt und ein Ersatzteil erhalten. Nun luft der Preamp wieder fehlerfrei. Fr den Preis auf jeden Fall einen Versuch Wert!
En effet ce pramplificateur donne un trs bon rendement, il suffit de l’allumer un peu d’avance pour donner le temps au lampe de se rchauffer.
Ce point ci est important car il y a une diffrence marque entre le moment o ont allume le pramp et le moment o les lampes ce sont rchauffs dans la qualit sonore.
Il est certain que d’autres pramp plus dispendieux sont en mesure de mieux prform mais le rapport qualit prix de celui-ci en vaut la peine
I was looking for something affordable and expected bad hum, buzz or other noise but it worked fine. Sounds great. Make sure you have a good ground.
I love mine. Small, compact, and works well with my home setup. I endorse this little pre-amp.
I have this hooked up to my Pioneer SX-780 and use a Google Chromecast audio as a source. Just sounds great. I did upgrade the tubes too although not sure if it makes a difference.
I bought a vinyl player a while ago and was annoyed by the lack of volume it put out. I would max the volume on my speaker, causing loud buzzing, plus the audio was quite limited. The instant I ran through this box, the buzzing is gone and about 1/3 volume is the same as max before plugging in. for $30, it’s a no braine
I have never written a review on Amazon, or anywhere else that I can remember. But his product seems special.
I read the reviews and thought “no way, this can’t be that good”. But I was also looking at a so-called affordable audiophile preamp that cost literally 10 times as much as the Fosi, so it couldn’t hurt to try the little guy. I’m so glad I did.
Straight out of the box it put the in-built preamp on my Klipsch The Sixes to shame, it opened up the speakers in a very nice way. And this is before any tube burn in and literally from a cold start.
The sound is balanced and inviting. Absolutely perfect for pleasurable listening, I can’t find any harsh edges anywhere. For the price, I was expecting a much muddier sound, but the clarity is surprising. I like clarity, especially on vocals, so this is a plus for me. I’m writing this at the end of a 3-hour listening session, that’s gotta count for something.
This little preamp is so good that it made me specifically search for other Fosi gear, I’m about to purchase one of their DACs to test out.
You see, products like these bring me hope in the world of Hifi, where every little magic box seems to cost a years’ salary. Good to know one can actually find decent quality at prices that encourage people to experiment, rather than buying something and having to force oneself to like it because the financial commitment is so large.
I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out on this brand. We’ll done Fosi!
Good size for my cabinet. Easy to use, easy to connect.
Outclasses the phono pre amp in my Marantz pm6007, vinyl has come to life again the way I remembered it, full, spacious analogue sound. A steal for the money!
Instead of gambling with old phono amps from the thrift store or your neighbours yard sale, get one of these! I held on to my not-properly-functioning vintage amp for way too long. Save space without compromising quality with this. I’m VERY happy with what this unit does and now I don’t need to hold on to an entire second amp/speaker setup to listen to my records. I highly recommend this. To note, I can’t speak of durability or length of quality as I’ve only had this set up for a day but I’ve got to say, totally worth the money. VERY happy!!
Ich habe mich von den vielen positive Bewertungen zu dem Experiment verleiten lassen, einen Rhren Vorverstrker fr unter 100 Euro zu kaufen. Geld macht man ja nicht viel kaputt, also mal auf einen Versuch ankommen lassen. Und was soll ich sagen – die haben alle recht!
Der Fosi hat meine HiFi Anlage (gehobene Mittelklasse) definitiv aufgewertet.
Grund fr den Kauf war, dass mein Yamaha Receiver einfach zu przise und neutral klingt, der Sound im Vergleich zum Vorgnger (alter Pioneer) irgendwie flach und steril ist. Am Dreher (Dual CS630Q) kann es nicht liegen, der hat mit dem Pioneer nmlich super geklungen.
Der Fosi hat die Prsenz und Wrme im Klang nun wieder zurckgebracht, das Solo von Brothers in Arms fliet wie warmer Honig aus den Boxen! Keine Nebengerusche o.
Noch zwei Tipps an alle Besitzer des Fosi:
1.) Gebt den chinesischen 6J2 Rhren eine Chance! Von meinen Gitarrenamps kenne ich es, dass der Klang sich in den ersten Betriebsstunden doch noch deutlich verndern kann, vor allem bei den Vorstufenrhren. Bei den mitgelieferten 6J2 war schon nach weniger als 3 Stunden Betrieb eine deutliche ffnung wahrnehmbar. Zugegeben, bei der ersten Scheibe war ich wirklich enttuscht. Mittlerweile ist der Klang so dermaen gut, dynamisch und prsent, dass die 5654W vorerst als Ersatz im Schrank bleiben.
2.) Die 6J2 mgen es offenbar warm. Gebt denen gengend Aufheizzeit. Einmal Kaffee kochen und Platte aussuchen sind bei mir ca. 15-20 Min. Danach waren die Rhren eigentlich immer bereit. Andere sind direkt nach dem Einschalten da, das scheint bei den 6J2 aber nicht der Fall zu sein.
Decent preamp, with a nice warm sound. I have been using this for a few months now and I’m happy so far.
This little preamp was a big surprise. The sound quality is very good. Not the very best, I don’t need. the the best. Thanks for making this preamp.
Da ich nun meine Musik nicht mehr ber meine olle Heimkinoanlage (mit Phono Eingang) hre, sondern ber einen sehr kleinen Rhren/Hybrid-Verstrker (leider ohne Phono Eingang), habe ich mir zustzlich diesen tollen kleinen Vorverstrker gegnnt! Ich wei nicht, wo der klangliche Unterschied zwischen einem 400 Euro Phono-Vorverstrker zu diesem hier liegt, aber das was ich nun gehrt habe ist wirklich super! Klanglich kein Vergleich zu meinem alten Heimkino Verstrker! Top!!
The quality of the audio from this preamp is great! It does use vacuum tubes that look really cool when it is turned on as well! If you got a turntable, this particular unit is a must!
It did exactly what I needed to connect an old Technics SL-220 turntable to a Receiver/Amp without phono inputs.
Can’t beat it for the money. Out of the box, it’s good. Drop in some NOS USA tubes and it’s great!
Added this pre-amp to my Audio Technica AT-LP60BT turntable, and feed it to a HarmonKardon HK3770. Immediately noticed more volume output at lower db levels on the 3770. Records sound fuller, with better clarity than through the AT built-in preamp. Very neutral sound as well. Got it after seeing the CheapAudioMan’s YouTube review. For $60 or so, it cannot be beat.
Ho collegato l’apparecchio ad un modesto giradischi Auna Vintage (senza uscita per il cavo di terra) e ad un impianto surround 5.1. Attraverso i cavi rca-rca non stato possibile collegarlo perch il segnale era molto disturbato (amplificava il rumore del motorino del giradischi). Collegandolo tramite la porta jack ed alla rca del giradischi sono riuscito ad avere un suono senza disturbi, non eccellente in qualit (forse per la porta jack), ma migliore rispetto il collegamento diretto al surround.
I have a very good entertainment setup. Pioneer Elite flagship av receiver, classic turntable with a 2mm blue cartridge and Yamaha 1000 CD player.
The phono section was not cutting the mustered. My turntable has a built in solid-state preamp. I tried that preamp. It was much better but bright sounding.
I was looking to get a fuller balanced sound. Plugged in the Fosi tub preamp and there it was. Just the sound I was looking for.
Very satisfied customer.
Excellent phono preamp! Does a great task of adding signal strength to my turntable. Adjustability is a nice feature. This preamp is feeding my Willsenton R8 very nicely.
It is inexpensive and easy to use, but the sound is not the best with my vacuum amplifier.
Overall a super phono preamp. Arrived nicely packaged with easy-to-read instructions to set up. The case, switches, and jacks are well made and the finish is of good quality. Nicely designed. The tubes fit their sockets well. I cannot speak to the quality of the internal components as I have no experience in that area, however, the preamp performs well on my system and sounds great. The gain control switch does its job. I plan to upgrade the tubes at some time in the near future. This is superb value for money and highly recommended.
For the price, the Audio Box X2 can’t be beat! The gain adjust switch alters the highs/lows for a slight adjustment into your amplifier to match your system’s EQ. Set-up is a breeze.
This little amp sounds great with the Fosi BT20A. Together they produce a clear and full sound. I do plan on replacing the tubes with some old stock made in the USSR to see how it changes the sound but I’m not sure that’s really necessary, I’m really enjoying the way it sounds out of the box.
This is a powerful little unit that makes my turntable sound brand new even though it’s 20 years old. Nice warm sound with plenty of power to give dynamic playback.
Comprato per collegare il giradischi kenwood kd 2070 al home theatre Yamaha ha un buon suono pieno.. ho subito cambiato le valvole con quelle consigliate da Amazon quindi non so come suonasse con le originali ma tutti le sconsigliavano. C’ un po’ di interferenza radio di sottofondo con il volume medio alto.. forse andrebbe schermato meglio. Tutto sommato son soddisfatto!
abbinato ad un giradischi professionale e a delle casse che ho recensito (acquistate sempre su amazon) offre un suono limpido e cristallino, senza fruscii di sottofondo. ottimo prezzo, visto che mi avevano chiesto, per il medesimo, 50 euro in piu in negozio. L’istallazione semplicissima e non bisogna essere degli ingegneri del suono.
5 stelle piene
for the price, this is excellent … have rich, full sound from my vinyl… and i’m impressed with the power of this little guy. it also looks cool with those illuminated tubes. im not an “audiophile” but i like upgrades and i like music to hit my heart and not just my ears.
For the price, I figured it was worth a test. I had been using the built in preamp on my turntable and was wondering if there would be any difference in a cheap tube preamp. I purchased this off of the reviews alone and I was not disappointed. The sound was instantly warmer and fuller. Daily play for the last few weeks with no issues. I also purchased upgraded tubes but have yet to install them as the current tubes sound great.
ce petit appareil fournit beaucoup de puissance (dans le bon sens du terme …) au son, un vrai atout musical.
A voir si on gagne en nettet en changeant les lampes
Sans parler du ct esthtique, trs sympa l’clairage des lampes
I am really impressed with this little guy. I did upgrade the tubes to Riverstone Audio – Tested/Matched Pair (2 Tubes) 7-Pin GE JAN 5654W Fully-Tested Vacuum Tubes. Sound is super smooth. Someone mentioned the unit isn’t a true tube pre-amp but rather a tube buffer. Not sure I could tell the difference. I can tell you the unit powers up just like my 64 tube receiver with a delay in sound production. I’m very happy I purchased this for my small office TT setup.
habituellement assez sensible au parasites, j’ai t agrablement surpris par l’absence de bruit de fond et de crpitements !
Le son est plus que satisfaisant sur mon ensemble (ensemble enceintes klipsh assez sensible, Kef et Cabasse de la bonne poque …) Pour bien faire l’idal serait de remplacer les lampes pour des plus qualitatives (encore que ! le job est fait )
utilisation rgulire depuis mon achat fin dcembre 2021.
This little phono app is worth every penny very cool. Very satisfied!!!
Had been running my Fluance RT-85 TT thru the phono in on my Sony STR-DH190 then out to Sony SSCS5 and Sansui SP-X8000 speakers. Sound was pretty good. Now thru Fosi preamp, into the Sony receiver input 1 then out to the speakers. I also upgraded the tubes. The sound difference is amazing to say the least!!
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per provare il suono a valvole e devo dire che per la spesa ne vale la pena. La potenza e la qualit del suono sono molto buone paragonandolo ad un prephono dal valore molto pi rotondo di questo che ho in casa. Attendo ora le valvole americane per dare nuovo feedback. Per ora comunque sono molto soddisfatto. Ovvio che non adatto ad audiofili che sono molto esigenti. Ma questi sanno gi, quindi , che devono spendere molto di pi per raggiungere i loro obiettivi.
in attesa di un amplificatore serio, ho optato per questo box e per ora funziona come si deve. facile da installare buona qualit del suono. fa il suo mestiere. esce senza cavi RCA.
Bisher habe ich einen Art Pro Audio DJPRE II an meinem Plattendreher benutzt. Damit bin ich sehr zufrieden gewesen. Wichtig ist hierbei, da die Audiokabel vom Plattendreher zum Vorverstrker gute Qualitt haben. Es reicht schon eine Kabel fr 10-20 Eruro, ich wei man kann hier mehr Geld versenken. Aber der Unterschied zu den meist beiliegenden Kabeln ist hier immens, sofort hrbar.
Den Fosi Rhrenverstrker habe ich aus Neugier gekauft. Vorweg, ich bin begeistert. Im Einzelnen:
Hier spielt die Kabelqualitt kaum eine Rolle, also fr all jene Plattenspieler mit fest angebrachtem Audiokabel ne fette Empfehlung.
Die Mitten, Hhen und Bsse wie bei meinem Art Pro Audio DJPRE II, alles vorhanden. Die Bsse sind nicht so trocken. Alles schwebt, eben so wie ich mir das von Rhrenverstrkern wnschte. Es gibt ja Lieder die laufen so vor sich hin, wenn man knnte wrde man einfach zum nchsten Lied springen, nicht hier so. Man sitzt da und ist fasziniert, alle damals noch so uninteressanten Lieder sind pltzlich toll. Anders kann ich das nicht beschreiben.
Auf Grund der Rezensionen haben ich natrlich auch das Rhrenupgrade GE gemacht. Das ist eher eine Enttuschung, jetzt klingt es so wie mit meinem Art Pro Audio DJPRE II (vielleicht ein klein wenig besser). Der rhrentypische Klang ist weg, die Bsse trocken. Klar kommt es immer auf die Gesamtkette an. Ich nutze brigens einen TEAC 3nb mit AT-VM95E.
Mein erster Fosi Phonovorversrker war in einer unverschlossenen Kartonverpackung ohne vorhandenem Siegel . Diesen habe ich zurckgeschickt, da bei einer Fassung immer die Rhrenfe verbogen worden und die Rhre schief in der Fassung war. Und gerade bei einem Rhrenverstrker soll auch die Optik stimmen. Den zweiten bestellten Fosi Verstrker bekam ich in einer nicht mehr versiegelten geffneten farbigen Verpackung. Ist egal, war alles top. Vielleicht wird ja so das Netzteil fr den eruopischen Markt reingelegt. In beiden Fllen war jedenfalls ein ordentliches Netzteil dabei (keine Adapter oder so notwendig).
Also von mir gibt es hier eine volle Kaufempfehlung, insbesondere fr diejenigen mit fest verbautem Audioanschlukabel. Ich bin froh, diesen Kauf gemacht zu haben und kann mir eine Steigerung der Klangqualitt nur noch durch ein neues Abtastsystem vorstellen.