Frizzlife RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System – 600 GPD High Flow, Tankless, Reduce TDS, Compact, Alkaline Mineral PH, 1.5:1 Drain Ratio, USA Tech Support, PD600-TAM3

Why RO water?
RO water gets rid of 99.99% of over 1,000 contaminants, including lead, chlorine, fluoride, mercury, chloramine, chromium, arsenic and much more. The purity of RO water is equal to or even surpasses that of bottled water.
Also, drinking RO water is much cheaper than buying bottled water from supermarket shelves. Enjoy purer and cleaner water at lower costs
- Premium purity
- Cleaner choice
Gets rid of 99.99% of harmful contaminants
Frizzlife PD600 under counter filter uses high-grade reverse osmosis membrane with 0.0001 micron filtration accuracy.
3 huge filters provides a decent purification of water with 7 filtration layers:
- Filter 1:3-in-1 composite filter (ASR211) – Blocks fine debris and reduces particles such as sand, silt, rust and insoluble impurities. Conditions the water and prolong service life of RO membrane.
- Filter 2: High grade 0.0001 micron RO membrane (ASR212) – Gets rid of 99.99% of 1000+ contaminants, including chlorine, lead, heavy metals, fluoride, mercury, VOCs, chloramine, arsenic and much more.
- Filter 3: Alkaline remineralization filter (TAM3) – Restores natural minerals, balances the alkalinity of RO water and adjusts the PH to more than 7.5. Reduces bad taste, odor & polishes the flavor.
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Installation Tutorial VideoStill worry about installation? Besides well-organized instruction manual, you can also find step-to-step installation video on Frizzlife channel. You can put every part together and make the system work by yourself! ✔Tutorial Video ✔Clear instruction manual | Alkaline Remineralization filterTAM3 filter solves inherited issues of conventional RO systems. Traditional RO filters removes essential minerals from water and the filtered water is slightly acidic. PD600 under counter filter uses alkaline remineralization filter, which restores essential minerals and produces weakly alkaline RO water. It gives the water a better taste! | Test Video AvailableTo discover more about PD600 Find remineralization test, chlorine test, PH test and color test videos on Frizzlife channel. The test results are as clear as Frizzlife RO water! ✔Remineralization Test ✔Chlorine Test ✔PH Test ✔Color Test |

Convenient Installation and Replacement
With the help of step-to-step instructional manual and tutorial video, you can completely install the PD600 water purification system in a few minutes by yourself.
The filter replacement is super easy. The first two stages of filter can be replaced only with one single turn ONE SINGLE TURN after shutting off the power supply. To change TAM3 filter, you even don’t need to shut off the power supply.

Dimensions: | 48 x 47.4 x 42.4 cm; 14.42 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Frizzlife |
installato sabato e fortunamente ha preso il posto di un altro depuratore gi installato quindi era gi presente una predisposizione.
Il prodotto buono ..silenzioso e resa dell’acqua piu’ che soddisfacente
We had a bit of hiccup with the installation but we are quite pleased with the quality and taste of water. We have no scale in the kettle and the difference in the taste of water is enormous.
The taste of the water is quite impressive. I like it. I received a previosly opened box. It would be great if they could provide a kind of adaptor (G 3/8″ adaptor) for those who don’t want to use a second separate faucet in their kitchen.
Ich habe mich fr das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 entschieden, weil wir in unserer Region mit sehr hartem Wasser zu kmpfen haben. Nachdem ich bereits eine Enthrtungsanlage von Water2Buy installiert hatte, waren die Wasserwerte immer noch unbefriedigend. Da wir hauptschlich stilles Wasser trinken und ich keine Lust mehr auf das Schleppen von Wasserflaschen hatte, war die Entscheidung fr eine Osmoseanlage naheliegend.
Die Qualitt, Verarbeitung und Haltbarkeit des Frizzlife-Systems haben mich beeindruckt. Obwohl die Produkte in China hergestellt werden, sind sie uerst solide verarbeitet. Die Schluche sind robust und mssen lediglich in die richtige Form gebracht oder “massiert” werden. Alle Anschlussteile sind fehlerfrei gefertigt, was die Installation erheblich erleichtert hat.
Die Osmoseanlage wird mit allem geliefert, was fr den Einbau bentigt wird. Es gibt verschiedene Adapter fr die Wasseranschlsse, von denen ich einige gar nicht verwendet habe. Ersatzteile wie Klemmen fr die Schluche oder Verbindungsstcke gibt es dazu, falls einige bei der Installation kaputt gehen sollten.
Die Anlage ist ziemlich schwer, insbesondere wenn sie mit Wasser gefllt ist. Sobald sie installiert ist, sollte dies nicht mehr so oft bewegt werden.
Die Anleitung ist sehr detailliert in mehreren Ausfhrungen und es gibt sogar ein Verweis auf ein Installationsvideo, das ich parallel geffnet hatte. Alle Schritte mssen einfach befolgt werden. Bei mir gab es jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung, da unter unserer Sple kein Platz war. Wir haben ein HAILO AS Rondo Abfallsystem installiert, das viel Platz einnimmt und sich unter der Ecksple befindet. Daher habe ich die Osmoseanlage in einer anderen Kchenzeile untergebracht und eine 30 mm Bohrung durch die Kchenzeilen vorgenommen, um die Schluche und das Stromkabel hindurchzufhren.
Das Wasser schmeckt nach der Filterung deutlich besser und ich kann sicher sein, dass es von hchster Qualitt ist.
Ich habe verschiedene Messwerte erfasst und festgestellt, dass die Osmoseanlage ihre Aufgabe hervorragend erfllt.
Messwerte sind wie folgt:
– Vor dem Einbau bei 644 S / 412 ppm
– Filterung durch einen Britta Filter bei 510 S / 326 ppm
– Frst Bismarck Wasser, welches wir aktuell trinken bei 380 S / 243 ppm
– Nach der Osmosefilterung von Frizzlife bei 48 S / 30 ppm
Man muss lediglich hier beachten, dass nach der Installation und bei jedem Filterwechsel (laut der Information von Frizzlife) die Anlage fr 10 Minuten bei voll aufgedrehtem Wasserhahn durchgesplt werden muss. Ich habe hier den ersten Test nach 5 Minuten gemacht und hatte dann das selbe Ergebnis nach 10 Minuten zwischen 46 S und 49 S.
Langfristig betrachtet ist diese Anlage eine kostengnstige Lsung im Vergleich zum Kauf von Wasserflaschen. Die anfnglichen Kosten sind jedoch hher, insbesondere wenn man sich zustzlich einen 3-Wege Wasserhahn zulegt.
Die Verpackung war uerst sicher und das Produkt kam in einwandfreiem Zustand an.
Das Frizzlife Umkehrosmose-Wasserfiltrationssystem PD600-TAM3 hat sich als die perfekte Lsung fr unser Problem mit hartem Wasser erwiesen. Die Qualitt, Leistung und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis sind beeindruckend. Ich bin uerst zufrieden mit meinem Kauf und kann dieses System uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
I had my filter unit malfunction after a year good of service, however after contacting customer support and explaining the issue they quickly sent me a replacement unit. And now it’s working. The filter performance is very good as well, with good tasting water. I will highly recommend the company!
I have a whole house iron filter and water softner to correct high iron from my well. My TDS from water test was at 265ppm. From my understanding, a water softner adds some sodium to the water. I bought this item to reduce my TDS in my drinking water, while adding benificial minerals at the same time.
After installation, my TDS were reduced to 12ppm.
Installation was pretty easy for me. I had a faucet from years past, and had drilled the hole thru the stainless sink with a special bit. The instructions are easy to follow and straight forward. My only issue was getting power to the sink area. Tapped into my dishwasher power line to provide power to fizzlife unit. Total installation time was about 2 hrs.
There is a slight hum when using this unit, but barely heard from under the sink cabinet area. The water has a fantastic taste after running thru the Tam 3 ph mineralizer filter! Its a pleasure to drink slightly alkaline water, and much healthier with added minerals.
Water output from the faucet is decent, not slow and not really fast but somewhere in the middle range. Its a good looking faucet and well made, not cheap. Overall I am completely satisfied that I purchased this unit and Highly recommend it to anyone looking for great tasting water. You wont be disappointed!
Lastly, customer service is outstanding!!!! Had a small issue resolved in a matter of a day on a Sunday to boot. They really back their product and support the customer 100%
He esperado un mes aproximadamente para emitir la opinion. El montaje es muy sencillo incluso para gente que como yo no tiene grandes dotes de bricolage, las instrucciones no vienen en espaol( esto es una pega) pero son intuitivas y con los dibujos se monta facilmente.
El ruido que hace cuando se pone en marcha no es nada del otro mundo , para unos minutos para llenar alguna jarra o algo similar , no es molesto.
Y lo importante es sabor del agua esta bien , si hubiera que ponerle nota seria un notable, sin ser el agua perfecta si que la deja con un buen sabor para beberla y eso que por Valencia el agua potable es bastante mala. Por lo que entiendo que tiene una buena relacion calidad/precio , merece la pena su compra.
Hade fr hga vrden av ammonium och nitrit.
Efter installation var alla vrden p laboratorietestet nstan nere p noll.
Ljudnivn var lgre n frvntat dock var installationen av slangarna lite knepig i trngt utrymme.
Con Aquaservis estbamos muy contentos con la comodidad del servicio de agua a domicilio, pero al final hechas cuentas y es caro, con este sistema de smosis la calidad del agua es excelente no hemos notado la diferencia con Aquaservis y en 1 ao lo tienes mas que amortizado, la instalacin es muy fcil y cabe todo en un espacio reducido.
My dad uses a machine which uses water to help him sleep with sleep apnoea. Once a fortnight he comes to my house to fill a gallon jug to put into his machine, he swears that the tap water in his machine makes him ill in the morning.
Also, I do some home brewing and the chemicals in the water kills the yeast after a few days, so you have to use filtered or mineral water. Not me! I just pour mine straight from the tap thanks to this machine.
I’ve had an issue with the machine also and the company fixed my problem with no drama even after I’ve owned it for 3 years.
Get one, now!
The instructions are great and it took about 1.5 hours to install. It’s not hard at all. Loads of extra bits included for different configurations.
As for the taste, it’s amazing. Water tastes lovely. All the chemical taste has gone and the remineralization makes it alkaline which gives it a great flavour.
My bean to cup coffee machine flavour is unrecognisable compared to tap water or Brita filtered water.
This has to be the best purchase I’ve ever made on Amazon!
Do it!
Brilliantly designed for DIY installation. So impressed. Works like a charm and I am now saving $75/mo on delivered bottled water, not to mention storage and handling of all those the 5 gal bottles.
I replaced my Kangen machine to Frizzlife because of the RO system. So far I’m very satisfied with everything. It makes a low humming noise when I dispense the water, which I was surprised about but it’s tolerable.
Just installed the unit. It wasn’t difficult but if your sink doesn’t have an extra slot to install the faucet, it is an extra work.
So far, so good. Works as advertised.
Works perfectly as it should, water taste great! Very satisfied! The pump makes a lil noise when dispensing water and others complain about it to much .. yeah it would be nice if it was super quiet but it’s not that bad
Was disappointed with taste of water but manufacturer intervened immediately troubleshooted the problem.. sent a different filter and all is good
You will need a nearby electric connection, luckily we have a double socket installed (I recommend getting a weatherproof socket if under sink area to be safe). This can easily be run from your nearest appliance to the position you will have your machine. The cable has enough length.
Now that electrics are taken care of, you need to fully see how you will connect the machine to the current pipework. If you have a water softener I recommend using hard water connection instead if you have this. If not, this machine would still do the job with softened water. Follow the steps given to install. There will be the need to make a connection to waste, you can easily use a bosch connection and attach to the sink waste. The parts are supplied. You need a few basic tools to make the hole.
After install we tested the water with a machine, it actually does take out all the particulates. The water tasted much much better. I recommend running this machine 40 secs before filling your glass/bottle as at the start the nutrients may be higher as the water sits in that end unit for a while.
Overall we are quite happy with this unit and highly recommend this to anyone looking for a decent machine to get bottled water without causing any plastic pollution.
i like this product i used this for drinks and cooking 100% satisfied
Water tastes like a mineral water. It really purifies the water.
Very easy to install & works wonderful love the taste of frizzlife water . Thank you
Great tase and install was fairly easy.. I added the optional mini tank and refrigerator add on. My only hurdle was the spout thread was too short to mount properly. **Frizzlife sent me a longer threader and tools to mount. They walked me through the install and provided stellar communication and customer service through my many questions. Highly recommend!
Easy install and maintenance. Definitely add mini tank for constant pressure to fridge and ice. Tankless make filling water jugs easy.
It’s easy to install and comes with all accessories. Filtered water tastes great as well as pressure is really good. I guess can fill in a glass in 4-6 seconds. It is also less noisy. Due to it’s sleek and tankless design now it occupies less space. My in put water supply tds is around 60 and output is 6. Which is okay. I am happy with the taste as it is same like drinking mineral water. Now let’s see how long it will last.
It is a bit on expensive side specially considering shipping as I am living in Malaysia but i hope it last to its standard
Easy to install and product is excellent. I’m very Satisfied with the purchase. I even bought another filter for my sink and now my tap water and drinking water are both crystal clear. I hope the filters will last as advertised. Customer Service is beyond my expectation. They were quick to respond and answered my question on time. Highly recommended.
Still new to the product but so far flavor is great and it was easy to install.
It was easy to install, works great, great tasting water.
Install was easy and love the tankless set up. Taste is nice been using it daily since install
Very easy to install as long as your counter is under 1.5″ thick (otherwise need to request a longer stem faucet). Water tastes pretty good and TDS is definitely lower. Noise from system is minimal and it takes up much less room under sink than systems with a water container.
I bought this to replace my 22 year old RO to remove sediment from my well water system. This unit was easy to setup. It took longer to remove the older RO unit, then it took to install this one. With the TDS meter, my tap is producing over 1k ppm. With my old RO, it was getting 149ppm.
This new RO had a remineralization filter (stage 3), which was putting out over 300ppm. Even thought that is acceptable, I communicated with the company and they quickly agreed to send me a different stage 3 filter. Now I’m getting between 50-60ppm. Nice!
Support at Frizzlife is professional, responsive, and eager to help. I highly recommend this unit and their customer support is phenomenal.
Loving the machine so far. Easy to install and great tasting water!
Anything dealing with plumbing is rarely easy and this was NOT an exception, but my husband and I did install this on our own. This RO system replaced an older tank system that kept getting contaminated. The self-contained, individually removable filters was a huge selling point for us. The system is a little pricey, but has an alkalizing water filter option, which we really like. However, the filters take considerable hand/arm strength to remove, and a large pair of vice-grips saved the day for me. Also, the RO faucet provides is adequate, but not very sturdy. We’ve only had the system for a week, but so far we’re pleased with the purchase.
One last note, this system requires an electrical plug, and if your only under-sink plug is shared with a garbage disposal, you will need a work around since that outlet is turned off when the garbage disposal is off. We bought a wireless remote control plug switch for $14 to operate the garbage disposal since adding another outlet would have been $200+. Link shown below:
Extraordinary filter. Great taste. Drink clear water and growth your health. Never drink a best water like now.
Struggled a bit to connect the system but Frizzlife support helped to resolve the problem (they do support outside America in the EU/UK).
Satisfied with water quality (so far), water flow is enough for all necessary needs.
Takes really low space and an additional filter makes the connection more flexible.
I love my RO unit, this product is fantastic value, the included TDS pen reads 3ppm! The hardest part was installing the receptacle, I borrowed power from my dishwasher beside my sink, if you don’t feel comfortable about doing this then I would certainly hire an electrician. That being said, the unit itself was really easy to install with lots of different size fittings and adapters if needed (I didn’t need any). The seller made it really easy to obtain a black faucet to match my main faucet.
The unit is small and really slick looking and not too loud when filtering, it works exactly as described. The small tankless size still gives me room to under sink storage. I highly recommend the product and the seller, both first rate.
The customer support is very responsive and they will give all possible efforts to make sure that the RO works for you.
If you are in the the market for a tankless RO system give this product a shot. You have nothing to lose as the support reps will not let you down. They always responded to me within 24 hrs or on the same day to answer all my queries and provided quick fixes whenever needed. 5 STARS.
I am a DIY person with reasonable mechanical skills and it took me about 20 minutes to set the system up. For the first few days I had it without the interim tank, but decided to add it and it was a good add – the water flows instantly when you turn the faucet on with it.
The water tastes great and the hardness went down from ~150 (straight from the tap) to ~6, which is what this system is supposed to do.
The install instructions were clear and everything needed came with the kit.
Highly recommended
I have had a reverse osmosis system for about 10 years. They work well but take up much more space under your sink than the tankless. Also, the filters are harder to change.
My old Kinetico RO Water filtering system needs to be replaced as the company discontinued the RO filter part supply. New Kinetico system’s large size of water tank / filter frame won’t fit my kitchen underneath the sink and they are very pricy. I came out with Frizzlife 600 with many positive reviews and installed today successfully (a 20 amp electric power outlet was done by a licensed electrician which costed me $450 CAD) . No water leak so far. I will get a leak stop valve to ensure water will stop if it leaks.
Water quality is good. The remineralized water has ~60 PPM and ~20 PPM if I let it run for about a minute. I am happy.
I have had a reverse osmosis system for about 10 years. They work well but take up much more space under your sink than the tankless. Also, the filters are harder to change.
Just installed this today. So far everything is great. I was able to install this with very little help from my husband who recently had surgery and physically could not help. I read many of the reviews prior to purchase and do not agree with the negative reviews about loudness and difficulty installation. My water tastes great! Very pleased!!
So far it works well and seems to be producing as described. Installing was a little confusing with the instruction manual but the video was very helpful. First day using it so will post follow up if anything changes. It is our first unit so nothing to compare it to but it seems to be a nice product.
The unit was easy to install. This is an excellent compact tankless RO system with great tasting water!!! Everything fits nicely under the sink with lots of room to spare!
The unit was easy to install. This is an excellent compact tankless RO system with great tasting water!!! Everything fits nicely under the sink with lots of room to spare!
I love Frizzlife’s RO system. I’ve now had it for over a year, moved it twice and it’s the best RO system I’ve owned. Install is easy to install and use. The instructions are clear. It’s quiet and the filters last a long time. You only replace them when it tells you to so you’re not guessing ever. It’s the RO system for people that love amazing tasting water.
Great product! I just finished installing. Was happy with the amount of supplies in the box. I didn’t need all of it, as not every situation anticipated by frizzlife applied to me. Have not independently tested the water yet, but I’m happy with the taste!
Great tasting water and good flow. Happy with the system. Had some troubles initially with the system, and the setup. However, the support is really helpful in getting issues resolved promptly.
All of the parts are very high quality and installed properly there are no leaks. My old reverse osmosis system used way too much water for one gallon and always seemed to leak at the faucet on the counter. This is a much better build as an on-demand system and gives me more room underneath the sink. Installation was easy and I feel I have seriously upgraded my drinking water. Well worth the price I paid.
We have several water filtering systems before with/without alkaline. This is the only one tasting like alkaline water. I’m happy with the taste and I hope the alkaline filter will really last 12 months.
The vibration is not subtle for sure. But I’m ok with it. It’s really noticeable. I put a form pad under the machine to make it slightly better.
very simple, straightforward setup and installation process – the hardest part was working in the small space under sink. the instructions and video were both helpful. so far has a very strong flow and TDS reading of only 4 after first flush. you can definitely hear the unit making noise but it’s not “loud” at all, especially with the cabinet doors shut. very satisfied with initial taste test, and the entire unit. looking forward to clean, good tasting water on demand.
Water tastes great, and I love that it was a space saver underneath the sink. An entire tank was not an option for me.
I bought the Frizzlife RO sytem six months ago but held off on writing this review until I’ve had some time to use. I was skeptical to buy this unit as I’ve never heard or seen their name in any of the research I’ve done on RO units. I took a chance as this RO unit was reasonably priced, small and compact and was one of few RO systems that offered remineralization. I’m glad I took that chance as the water tastes great and I don’t have to add mineral drops! Six months in and the system is functioning as it did on day 1. Very easy install and included all parts. Very happy with this unit.
Replaced an existing RO system, which leaked every time the filters needed to be changed. Given some of the plumbing was in place, the Fizzlife was pretty easy to install except for the stem on the new faucet. The pre-installed stem on the Fizzlife faucet was too short to tighten against the counter, and while a longer stem was included (bravo!), there were no instructions on how to change to the longer stem. I could not remove the pre-installed stem, even with vice-grip pliers so I had to resort to the original faucet. This back and forth on the faucet added about an hour to the installation. Otherwise it was pretty straightforward. Tip: replace pre-existing tubing as needed, as old tubing may have scratches that lead to leaks.
Once installed, the Fizzlife works pretty well. As others have noted, if idle for a while, the initial;TDS reading may be relatively high. Our unfiltered water is around 300 ppm without the filter and starts at 80-90 ppm with the Fizzlife initially. If you run the output for > a minute, it ultimately drops to about 15-20 ppm. Most of the time, we do not wait and live with the OK ppm. For bigger volumes (1 min or more), I guess the water we get is the average of initial and final. Another thing to note: the flow is not bad, but not as fast as our old system which had a tank (but again the filters were difficult to change and tended to leak every time the filters needed changing). Finally, the Fizzlife does generate some noise as the pump kicks in every time it’s used. The noise is can best described as “noticeable, but acceptable”, IMHO.
Installation was simple and instructions were clear and concise. Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice unit and good taste
Frizzlife offers a free pitcher in exchange for a review so I obliged. Install was easy, some updates to instructions needed because a couple things were wrong like turn filters counterclockwise in quick install and that red tubing was included but you actually only receive and use white. No leaks in first week and great tasting water from the included nice brushed steel faucet. The initial slow flow of water for a second or 2 isn’t bad at all, nothing to complain about. Noise is very minimal from the cabinet under the sink.
Easy installation – lot of videos online and also all hardware is properly packed and included.
It is a DIY install.
Water quality seems fine. I have not scientifically tested for TDS (but again TDS is not the only measure of purity). Water flow rate is satisfactory for us.
I love the space-saving aspect of this product! However, since there is no tank, it is louder than I would like. I’m also trading out the alkaline filter because I am feeling the affects of not getting enough acid in my body, including coffee stained teeth! As a nutritionist, we need an acid/alkaline balance in our GI tract or things don’t work right. Frizzlife is happily replacing my alkaline filter. I’m also looking forward a crisper flavor!
It’s little loud when dispense water. The manual need to include a better chart with both mini tank and icemaker in the picture. There should be an adaptor for people to use the existing copper tube to the icemaker instead to replace the entire copper with rubber tube.
I love the produce. It takes up less space under the sink. I did have some initial problems with the mineral filter leaking but they sent me a new one right away. Makes a big difference in the water taste.
Order arrived on time. It was very easy to install. Ran the test on water and it’s the same as the bottled water I’ve been buying.
This item is one of a kind, no more water that taste like chemicals, no issues installation. I’ll recommend this product hands down
Looks good. Small footprint. Tastes very good. Some differences between instruction steps in Quick guide vs detailed manual. Total Dissolved Solids on display register 6 ppm which seems exceptionally good. No guidance on how/when to use silicone tape or sealant. Switched outlet under my sink is used for sink disposal and is always in off position until turned on. The RO unit needs an outlet that is always on. I will have to install a dedicated outlet for RO. I am a novice at installing plumbing items – and a bit meticulous – but got it done without any obvious leaks so far. Took a bit longer than it probably should have. Pictures provided in manuals help a lot.
This should be used with the under sink reservoir. It makes the water pour faster up to almost 2 cups. Water tastes great. Took a while to set up.
We had a Plummer install and it did take a while to install 2.5 hours. The Filter was leaking so had the Plummer comeback, he said it was the gasket on the filter unit.
Frizzlife customer service responded rapidly to resolve the issue.
Very pleased with their response and service.
Install was just as easy as other tankless water filters I have used. It says the flow rate is faster than others but I don’t notice it. The remineralization add back flavor which is nice.
I’ll tell you what I didn’t like about my old system and for these reasons I love Frizzlife because it solved all of them. Old system took up too much space, it had 5 filters that had to be replaced at different times, the filters were in containers that were very difficult to open and replace a filter, there was no warning when a filter should be replaced, filter containers needed to be cleaned, the tank required replacement after a period of time because it couldn’t be cleaned. In addition Frizzlife produces water much quicker.
I purchased the frizzlife RO system to help remove contaminants from our drinking water and it didn’t disappoint. The water tastes better and during installation customer support was great.
The machine was easy to install and live the taste of the water, also love hiw it tells you the thevqualiry of water on the digital display on machine
Need more responsive customer support and phone number !
The maintenance notes need to be clarified!
1. “storing the 3 filters in the refrigerator” if we are away more than a week, what happens if we forget?
2. What happenes if we don’t use the system for 2 days?
Wife loves it. She is finally off store bought bottled water thanks to the taste of the Frizzlife RO system. Not sure about difficulty level of installation – plumber did it for us. A bit tricky to figure out the location of where to insert the red tube – we had limited space due to the garbage disposal underneath the sink, but he figured it out.
We hired a plumber to install it because it was a new sink that needed water line and drain. But I do feel like we may have been able to do the RO machine without a plumber if we had the water line/drain already there. So far we have no issues and feel like the water tastes just like essentia! We were deciding between this one and water drop. This saved some money and after some reviews we felt like the filters were better with frizzlife.
My Brondell under the sink Revese Osmosis’ water flow was to slow that’s why I replaced it with Frizzlife PX500-A Reverse Osmosis System. I am glad I did and I don’t have to buy bottled Alkaline Drinking water anymore because of it deminaralization feature. I will send the photo back of my system soon.
It’s very effective to filter my tap water. Before filtration, the TDS was about 160 ppm. After filtration, it reduced to 20 – 40 ppm. Immediately after turning on the RO faucet, the TDS was around 40 ppm. After about 1 minutes, however, it was reduced to about 20 ppm. I’m very satisfied with the product. It was easy to install the system. The most difficult part in installing the product was drilling a 1/2-in hole on my quartz countertop.
Love this RO. The water tastes great and its a space saver under the sink compared to traditional ROs.
The good: Installation guide is simple to understand and installation was pretty easy. Water from this RO is clean. I live in SoCal and the TDS in the water hovers around 500. With this product TDS drops to about 25. Does its job.
The bad: Can’t really think of any. A minor thing would be that there aren’t instructions to drilling a hole in the sink counter/granite for the faucet. This isn’t anything major since there are plenty guides on youtube to be found.
Overall great product. I’m enjoying the new clean water.
Installation was not too bad – connections are a bit chintzy. Flavour o f water good. Gave it 4 stars because of the pump noise. When we open the faucet and the pump turns on, it sounds like a WWII fighter plane dive bombing (higher motor noise pitch to lower motor noise pitch). Tolerable during the day with normal household noises, but totally noticeable in the evenings or early mornings.
I’ve been searching for a good water filtration system for some time since high calcium in Alberta’s local water system. Finally i chose this one. My husband installed it by himself. And he wrote the following feedback.
So far I’m quite satisfied with the Frizzlife system. It took me around an hour to install the whole thing under my kitchen sink. Not bad at all! No need to hire a plumber. Definitely anyone can do the job! The package includes every little component you need to do the installation. The manufacturer even provides extra clips and o-rings, just in case:) this is definitely a plus! The system itself is compact compare to other brands and well designed. The indicator lights are really helpful when the filters need to be changed. Also the price is very reasonable, especially with Alkaline & Remineralization! Not every product in the market has these functions. By the way, there are slight vibration and noice when I turn on the water and the system starts to run. It doesn’t bother me since the vibration and noice are not obvious at all. But I can’t judge if the vibration and noice level are better or worse compare to other brands’ products because I haven’t used any other similar products yet:) There is one thing the manufacturer can improve is that I found the instructions in the user manual are a bit complicated. I just ignored it and use the instruction video to do the installation, much much easier!
Historically I only used another brand name of RO filter, however, during an online Amazon search and through research, decided to try Frizzlife. I will be honest, I was drawn to the modern design. Since installation, we have LOVED our Frizzlife. Clean, crisp water – love it!
We had no problem installing the system, but there was a small leak coming from the TAM3 filter. After getting in contact with the company through their support email they quickly sent out an entire replacement TAM3 filter system which solved our problems! Really happy with their customer support, and the filter itself works perfectly.
The water tastes great and it was easy to install! I am a 65 year old female and was able to install this myself (even drilling through my granite counter top). I am extremely happy with this purchase!
We had no problem installing the system, but there was a small leak coming from the TAM3 filter. After getting in contact with the company through their support email they quickly sent out an entire replacement TAM3 filter system which solved our problems! Really happy with their customer support, and the filter itself works perfectly.
I really like this RO system! If you are looking for a new system, this is it!
I liked the high efficiency, high flow rate, high production rate and tankless features.
Like the product, easy installation, the customer service is great too !!! We had a question during installation, contacted the customer service via mail, they always responded the mail in rapidly and also resolve my question. Highly recommend this great product and customer service.
Filter is great. Recommend installing not under sink if possible as it’s kind of loud— can hear it softy running in the basement when we’re up in kitchen so I imagine it’s pretty loud under sink. Also, pump vs ballon leads to slower fill for us and also doesn’t work if power goes out. Worth it to be able to not limit how much we use at once.
This filter is well-constructed and easy to install (as easy as installing anything under the sink can be that is). The directions are a little scant (the video helps but they could have gone into detail a bit more on a few sections). Took about an hour and a half from unboxing to finished, and my water tastes great. I would recommend this filter.
So far so good, but took a long time to deal with the leaking on supply pipe (3/8) connect to the cold water pipe
We have always wanted to install a reverse osmosis system but they were a bit too expensive and bulky for the space we had. This system was easy to install and operate. This water is smooth, tastes like nothing and makes you want to drink water. It was great getting rid of the need for plastic water bottles. We fill water in glass pitcher in the fridge and bought some to go insulated bottles when traveling. BEST INVESTMENT WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!
The water takes better than tap but not as good as bottled. I’m happy I got it because I only drink water and without a lot of waste I get better tasting water than tap. I haven’t had it long so I don’t know how difficult the filters are to change or even how expensive they are but I wanted something that didn’t take up my entire cabinet and didn’t waste a ton of water.
We moved into a new house that didn’t have an RO water system. After a great deal of research, we decided on this unit. It was nice that it came with a TDS meter.
Installation was easy and the filter cartridges are very to change.
The TDS on the incoming water was 293 after the RO it was 16. This is a big difference you can taste.
It also doesn’t leave a residue inside the coffee, tea pot or humidifier. My wife thinks it is better for cooking.
I also bought one of the Frizzlife MWT3 Pressure Mini Water Tank. It worked enough to fill a cup but it would slow down after that. I added two more water tanks in the faucet lines and will now fill the coffee maker.
This system uses a pump to feed the RO membranes. Most of the others we looked at were line pressure units. The pressure feed RO makes much better water.
Easy install and it saves space, plus water tastes good. Does make some noise but I got used to i
After going through many different options and reviews, I’ve finally found THE ONE!
Make sure you have ample space beneath your kitchen sink. Although this system is mush smaller than the previous it still requires some room.
Personally, I’m a female and I know nothing about plumbing so I hired a guy who is not necessarily a plumber but he knows about plumbing and he was able to install it super easily.
I recommend to follow the you tube video as it shows step by step the process which took about 45 mins or so.
What I love most about the product is that after cleaning the water and removing all the toxic chemicals it remineralizes it.
I used to buy cases on top of cases of “reverse osmosis water” this machine eliminates the need to do that. I’m so relieved
This machine has changed my life in so many ways. Water is such an important element of life. Water is life and there is no price too much to pay on that.
For me, i have found THE ONE!
I had to get parts to install in RV. Needed 1/2″ to 1/2″ male to male pipe coupler then a 1/2″ female to 3/8″ female coupler hose. Works great. Easy install. 340ppm before and 5ppm after. Water tastes great. Supplied faucet is nice. Unit looks great and is quiet. Plenty fast. Some say needs operation for 90secs each use to get lowest dissolved solids ppm and if so that is fine with me. Will use supplied meter to test.
This company impresses. Clear directions, everything you need for a successful install, they’ve obviously spent some time and effort to make it right, few companies do this as well. Stainless steel screws! I’ve had a $600 Marine Amplifier and external stainless steel hinges that came with regular screws. This unit reduced the TDS from 288 ppm (lots of natural NaCl in our well water) to 35 ppm. Nice not having a tank under the sink. Would highly recommend this product. Ordered their Mini Water Tank and will hook up the ice maker next.
It was easy to install, the flavor was better after a week or so. Also it is compact and it fits under the sink
Really researched systems before making a decision. The tankless feature and the water to waste water ratio sold us on it. 1 to 1.5 gallon ratio far surpasses anything we have seen.
Was going every two weeks to fill up four 5 gallon bottles for a cooler. Not anymore. The cooler is history. Not only do I no longer have to do that, but I am drinking water more then ever as the taste is great. I have never really enjoyed drinking water. Only did it out of necessity as we live in Arizona where it is Africa hot. Now I enjoy it so much I am only drinking water and nothing else at home.
Was concerned about the pressure at the sink, since I have an RO loop in my garage (as seen in the photos), where I had the system installed. The only way I could hook up to my refrigerator would be to go through that loop. Had I installed it under the kitchen sink, it would have bypassed the refrigerator completely and would have had to rely on the refridgerator filter to clean our water and ice coming out of it. In this case, we do not have to use the refridgerator filter at all. So this in its had me concerned about the water pressure at the kitchen sink. I reached out to Frizzlife about this. They suggested adding the mini tank under the kitchen sink, (as seen in the 3rd photo. Much smaller the garbage disposal) The cost was very small for that tank and the pressure is awesome. I think it was between 25.00 and 30.00 to add it.
Lastly, I had many questions before, during and after the process of buying and installing it. Frizzlife not only gets back to you, they get back to you within minutes in an email regardless of time of day or day of the week. Even late on weekends. The customer service is impeccable.
5 stars all around for product, service and, ah hell; everything about it.
Easy to install, compact design without tank keeps under sink area free of clutter. Only 3 interconnect flexible (but stiff) water lines that include water supply input, drain, and filtered water output. The supply input is a larger diameter white plastic tube, drain is smaller red tubing, and filtered water is smaller white. I was able to connect everything up with no leaks on the first try which normally doesn’t happen for me. Had it installed for a day now and I can definitely taste a difference between tap and filtered water.
When I emptied the tank, pew.
Installed this 2 months ago and it has worked perfectly.
We have well water. It comes out smelling and tasting great (this is the remineralization one).
Also, the filters will be easy to replace, unlike the previous system that required disconnecting and reconnecting all the tubes, and it wasn’t always easy to figure out the right direction for everything.