GK61 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard – 61 Keys Multi Color RGB Illuminated LED Backlit Wired Programmable for PC/Mac Gamer (Gateron Optical Red, Black)

GK61 is a standard-sized 60% keyboard featuring RGB backlighting, USB-C wired connection, and optical switches . The USB-C cable is detachable for convenience of portability.
Optical switches are much more durable than conventional mechanical keyboard switches and are rated for 100 million keystrokes.
They have a high actuation point of 1.5mm for fast response. Light Strike optical switches utilize a horizontal infrared beam which is transmitted across the width of the inner keyswitch.
The infrared beam is normally blocked from reaching a sensor across from it by the stem. Once a switch is pressed, the switch stem no longer blocks the infrared beam and the beam is detected by the sensor, which activates the switch.
Due to the optical mechanism, an optical switch has an extremely fast response time of 0.2ms, which means faster reactions in those times where timing is critical, such as when gaming.

FN Functions:
- Fn+Back: Turn on/off light effect.
- Fn+P/[{: Brightness down/up, 21 level adjustable.F
- n+Q: Online model, you can choose to use many backlight and macros.F
- n+W/E/R: Offline model.F
- n+W: model 1, default function – normal keyboard.F
- n+E: model 2, default function – F1, F2, F3…….F
- n+R: model 3, default function – PS, SL, PB, Ins, HM, PU, Del, End, PD.
| | |
Hot Swappable Gateron optical SwitchesGateron optical switches can be hotswapped at wish and replaced by other switches. Hot swap keyboard do not recquire you to solder / desolder switches. (Hot Swappable with Optical switches only) | IP64The keyboard’s PCB is spill and dust resistant. | Package contentComes with:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
Gateron Optical Black | Gateron Optical Blue | Gateron Optical Brown | Gateron Optical Red | Gateron Optical Yellow | Gateron Optical Silver | |
Switch Type | Linear | Clicky | Tactile | Linear | Linear | Linear |
Total Travel | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 3.2 mm | 3.2 mm |
Pre Travel | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 1.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 1.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) |
Operating Force | 60 cN (±15 cN) | 55 cN (±15 cN) | 55 cN (±15 cN) | 45 cN (±15 cN) | 35 cN (±15 cN) | 45 cN (±15 cN) |
Audible Click | No | ✓ | No | No | No | No |

Weight: | 538 g |
Dimensions: | 29 x 10 x 3 cm; 538 Grams |
Brand: | HK Gaming |
Model: | GK-61 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Hong Kong Keyboards |
Colour: | Black |
I like that its hotswappable, small, program is easy to use, fast switches, very beginner friendly for beginner keyboard modders
This keyboard exceeded expectations. Quite sensitive and good for gaming. The spacebar could be a bit better. Seems a bit clunky, unstable, or something…just a very different feel. I can’t say that it hasn’t done it’s job…just doesn’t have the same feel and confidence. All in all, a good purchase.
La verdad es que este teclado me dejo muy satisfecho, no me arrepiento de haberlo comprado, la calidad de este teclado es buena y el sonido y la sensacin es muy satisfactoria, es la primera vez que pruebo un teclado optico (con switches brown) y le verdad es que son muy impresionantes, lo que me encantan de estos switches opticos es que se pueden retirar algo que no todos los switches mecanicos tienen, duran el doble que un switches mecanico por lo que me vienen muy bien para alguien que es jugador de osu mania, y responden mejor que un switch mecanico, al poder retirar los switches no nesesitaras comprar otro teclado para comprar otro switch si no solamente comprar el switch, asi te ahorras bastante. Recomiendo mucho este teclado ya que por su precio ofrece mucho mas que otros teclados y creeme que no te arrepentirs de haberlo comprado.
El teclado lo compre porque buscaba algo barato y verstil, es mi primera experiencia con un teclado de este estilo, y la verdad es que qued muy satisfecho.
Jugu un rato con el teclado y se sienti muy bien, solo que a veces apretaba el mayusc sin querer, pero con el uso te acostumbras al tacto del teclado, por lo que esto no represent ningn problema.
A comparacin de mi anterior teclado, con este puedo jugar durante ms tiempo sin fatigarme, ya que no necesito presionar tanto la tecla para que responda.
Por ltimo, haba ledo que no recomendaban mucho switches ligeros para escribir, porque escribirs con errores, sin embargo, el mo lo ped con los pticos rojos, los cuales son de los ms ligeros que puedes pedir, y mi experiencia cuando escrib con el teclado fue muy buena, tena algunos errores, pero los errores comunes que cometes cuando escribes, ninguno tuvo que ver con los switches, es importante mencionar que estuve practicando mecanografa durante unos meses, por lo que esto influyo en mi experiencia.
Punto negativo o positivo, depende de cmo lo mires, el teclado hace mucho ruido, al menos con los switches que ped, lo cual para m no es molesto, sin embargo, si necesitas usarlo de noche, probablemente seas una molestia para tu familia
En conclusin, este teclado est totalmente recomendado, ya que ofrece una muy agradable experiencia, tanto para jugar, como para escribir. Si lo que buscas es un muy buen teclado a bajo costo, este es el que buscas.
El teclado lo compre porque buscaba algo barato y verstil, es mi primera experiencia con un teclado de este estilo, y la verdad es que qued muy satisfecho.
Jugu un rato con el teclado y se sienti muy bien, solo que a veces apretaba el mayusc sin querer, pero con el uso te acostumbras al tacto del teclado, por lo que esto no represent ningn problema.
A comparacin de mi anterior teclado, con este puedo jugar durante ms tiempo sin fatigarme, ya que no necesito presionar tanto la tecla para que responda.
Por ltimo, haba ledo que no recomendaban mucho switches ligeros para escribir, porque escribirs con errores, sin embargo, el mo lo ped con los pticos rojos, los cuales son de los ms ligeros que puedes pedir, y mi experiencia cuando escrib con el teclado fue muy buena, tena algunos errores, pero los errores comunes que cometes cuando escribes, ninguno tuvo que ver con los switches, es importante mencionar que estuve practicando mecanografa durante unos meses, por lo que esto influyo en mi experiencia.
Punto negativo o positivo, depende de cmo lo mires, el teclado hace mucho ruido, al menos con los switches que ped, lo cual para m no es molesto, sin embargo, si necesitas usarlo de noche, probablemente seas una molestia para tu familia
En conclusin, este teclado est totalmente recomendado, ya que ofrece una muy agradable experiencia, tanto para jugar, como para escribir. Si lo que buscas es un muy buen teclado a bajo costo, este es el que buscas.
Das richtige fr gamer Klein kompatibel und Reaktionsschnell.
Hatte vor der gk61 eine logitech G pro Tastatur mit blauen klingende Schalter ich fande es schrecklich. Es war Laut und war nicht angenehm zum zocken. Jetzt habe ich die gk61 bin braunen Schaltern und ich finde tie Tastatur einfach geil. Wrde sie mir wieder hole
Bin absolut zu frieden ber alle Artikel die ich bis jetzt gekauft habe alles tipp top
Ottima tastiera per gaming ma non solo…
Tutto perfetto, consiglio il suo acquisto.
One of the best keyboards I’ve ever used. I’m using it now to write this review. Great quality of material and very good for gaming.
After seeing the current price of this keyboard I would have to say that this has to be the best on time purchase I have ever made …
I had originally thought this keyboard was Bluetooth because of the ‘s’ they put in the title. the ‘s’ is suppose to mean Bluetooth compatible. so yeah. ive been bamboozled.
still an amazing keyboard for its price.
This Keyboard is very good. Stabilisers are really good and great value. Lighting is awesome and love how it is mechanical very good budget keyboard would 100 percent reccomended
This keyboard is great! It’s my first mini-sized one, but that’s even better once I quickly got used to it.
Very fast timing and just love it!
Essendo una 60%, per usare le freccette direzionali si deve usare il tasto FN, di fianco alla freccetta destra: ci vuole abitudine, dopo un’oretta mi sto abituando. Anche per gli accenti bisogna imparare ad usare FN,
cos come per gli apostrofi.
Per latex, o se comunque usate tanto parentesi quadre e graffe e slash, davvero oro.
I miei tasti sono completamente opachi, in altre versioni di lato sono lucidi, meglio cos.
Avrei preferito che i segni sui tasti fossero trasparenti come lo sono i numeri, le lettere e la punteggiatura, o l’invio, anche se li uso pochissimo.
Il software davvero grezzo, ma il suo lo fa. Si deve solo imparare ad usarlo, la personalizzazione degli rgb semplice (selezionate il colore e poi colorate i tasti che volete), gli effetti di luce sono molteplici anche se io non li uso onestamente e sono attivabili anche senza software.
La tastiera davvero solida, non si muove facilmente, i tasti non ballano se scuotete la tastiera.
Ho preso gli optical brown, la notte sono abbastanza rumorosi (di giorno non me ne ero reso conto) ma da ex-possessore di tastiera a membrana sono piacevoli da usare.
Nella confezione arrivata la tastiera con cavo usb c, foglio con i vari layout che ti aiuta a identificare il tuo, e i due aggeggi per togliere i tasti e gli switch.
spacebar is the best bit. The thoccy sound does not make me regret buying this at all.
Keycaps are made up of cheap-arse plastic and are not sturdy at all, Switches are fine (I replaced my browns with reds) but you might want to replace keycaps because they are a complete disaster…
7/10 – ig
Esta muy bonito, tieme buena intencidad en las luces.
Funciona bien, pero por ser un teclado corto dependes mucho de las funciones secundarias de las teclas.
El teclado es muy atractivo y ergonmico. Su funcionamiento es muy bueno y su sonido inmejorable. 5 estrellas muy bien merecidas.
Es muy bueno la verdad recomendado de 10, me ha mostrado que es de muy buena calidad, y pues los colores y todo son grandiosos, el tamao igual es bueno, lo nico que me afect pero no creo que sea malo es que una vez jugando fortnite, como que haca intervencin osea olyna tecla estaba presionada, pero creo que pudo haber sido polvo ya que despus de una limpiada todo se solucio
This keyboard is pretty decent. The build quality is good. They keycaps are abs tho meaning they will shine. The rgb is amazing on the keyboard. Its a bit too expensive for the price. overall its alrigh
Great product.
Great feel of keys although a bit hollow.
Leds look great. Lighting Modes are good too.
Software is a bit clunky but you can get the hang of it.
Price is a bit high. Buy it during sales.
Es una buen teclado mecnico, se siente slido, llevo un par de das con l. Es basntane cmodo y te ahorra espacio al momento de jugar. Es cmodo para escritura, por el tamao no lo recomendara tanto para trabajos en el Excel pero si logras adaptarte podras lograr hacerlo .
The key puller will break ur stabilisers. It broke my spacebar stabiliser. The overall keyboard is good.
Value for money
Es un teclado muy cmodo y rpido pero aun no me acostumbro a que sea 60%
GK61 is the best keyboard out of my 8 keyboards I’ve bought, 100% worth your money.
Quality is good for this price range but kinda cheap plastic compared to bigger brands like logitech,razer,hyperx etc coz they cost double the price or more.The response time is pretty sweet & thats what a gamer need right.
Tiene muy poco tiempo de reaccin lo que hace que sea un teclado muy rpido y sus switches son de lo mejor muy buena compra. Lo recomiendo 10/10.
Excelente teclado, me encant el color rojo y se siente muy cmodo, lo nico que no me gusto fue un pequeo detalle.
1: algunas teclas tienen una segunda funcin y viene estampada en la tecla pero no se alcanza a ver si tienes la luz encendida del teclado.
The yellow switches in the GK61 are incredibly fast. The build quality of the keyboard is alright, it could be better, but with some foam in the case it’s good. The key caps are pretty good as they are.
Este producto en realidad es muy bueno en base a su precio, tiene gran variedad de colores y switches de alta calidad, me ha encantado, lo recomiendo…
Keyboard is good for the price point but find it a little frustrating durning typing and looking for function and hidden function keys. Takes a little time to get use to when switching from full size keyboard.
Es un buen teclado relacin calidad precio, todo bien en general, es un buen teclado y cumple con todas las funciones de un teclado normal.
Las nicas contras por decirlo de alguna manera es que
1 aunque no tengan un sonido clicky las keycaps hacen mucho ruido al momento de pulsar la tecla
2 Al pasar de un tiempo los recorridos se sienten un poco arenosos haciendo que al momento de usar, ms que nada de jugar resulta un poco incomodo pero nada para decirle no a este teclado.
Este teclado tudo de bom para aqueles que se dedicam ao jogo, ele muito sensvel ao toque e preciso, bem como lhe d bastante conforto no manuseio!!
I bought the black version with optical silvers. Everything works great. The keycaps seem a bit wobbly. It isnt a major problem though. But the software is really bad. It will open only once after installing it. Everything else works fine. If you dont care about the software it is definitely worth i
Good keyboard. Works as expected. Keys have a good feeling. Great gaming experience. Its small, but weighs 500gs+. Uses non braided type C to Type A USB connector to connect to PC. RGB works well with their software. Lot of media controls and RGB controls built right into the keyboard using Fn key.
Overall, very satisfied.
This is a great product at this price range. Typing is a little uncomfortable but thats because i am not used to typing on high raised keyboards. Wrist support can be bought for this. The rgb lights are nice and it is working great for mac. Low availability of accompanying software is why i have deducted 1 star.
All in all, the keybaord quality is nice and readers should not worry about that. My advice will be to look for softwares which help reconfigure keys before going for this. But even if you dont find that, it wont be the end of the world.
This is a great product at this price range. Typing is a little uncomfortable but thats because i am not used to typing on high raised keyboards. Wrist support can be bought for this. The rgb lights are nice and it is working great for mac. Low availability of accompanying software is why i have deducted 1 star.
All in all, the keybaord quality is nice and readers should not worry about that. My advice will be to look for softwares which help reconfigure keys before going for this. But even if you dont find that, it wont be the end of the world.
With great RGB, strong wired connection and a fast reaction speed this keyboard is a great budget keyboard for beginner gamers.
Best keyboard ever. This Keyboard is perfect for fortnite and valorant. This Keyboard is amazing, it is very satisfying plus the building mechanics in fortnite will help alottt.
First piece I received was used. After the exchange, I decided to review this product. Overall, good value for the money spent. Sadly, the price of the product I purchased (optical silver) price fell a little. Not a big deal. Go for it.
I received GK61 with silver switches today for rs 5500. I used this for a week and I can say that this keyboard is absolutely awesome, and smooth. I prefer silver switches than yellow just by a one point difference which is not that big of a deal but yellow and silver switches are just same but silver is quiter. The keycaps are goos but after many months of use, change ur keycaps as they get shinny. Don’t think keycaps are low quality but most of the keyboard share the same material. I bought this for gaming and also type but not much. My gameplay improved a lot in valorant. The 60% keyboard makes it easier, lighter and takes less space. For the price of rs 5000- rs 6000, this is a very very good deal. Just buy it you will not regret it.
Its only been a few days since i bought this keyboard but so far i love it
the build quality is good even though it is mainly plastic
the key caps are good but the see transparency is not that good and the space bar is a bit wobbly but its still really good
there are a lot of RGB options but it is not the brightest RGB i have seen
they are pretty loud which i personally prefer them to be
It is quite heavy
there is no stand for a raised up use but the keyboard is slightly raised
there are four rubber feet like things which prevents the keyboard from moving much
the packaging was good the key board was kept in place with some foam came with a type c cable keycap puller and a switch puller (idk if thats what they are called)
the software is really bad and is really hard to get them
but overall as of now i love them will try to update it in the future
Its only been a few days since i bought this keyboard but so far i love it
the build quality is good even though it is mainly plastic
the key caps are good but the see transparency is not that good and the space bar is a bit wobbly but its still really good
there are a lot of RGB options but it is not the brightest RGB i have seen
they are pretty loud which i personally prefer them to be
It is quite heavy
there is no stand for a raised up use but the keyboard is slightly raised
there are four rubber feet like things which prevents the keyboard from moving much
the packaging was good the key board was kept in place with some foam came with a type c cable keycap puller and a switch puller (idk if thats what they are called)
the software is really bad and is really hard to get them
but overall as of now i love them will try to update it in the future
Amazing budget friendly keyboard! Super happy that it comes hotswapable with Gateron Black switches, my favourite switch! I have yet to lube and mod it due to work but stock it sounds pretty good! Other then the stock stabs were are horrible buy pretty much all stock stabs are! 5/5 stars and would recommend for anyone trying to get into the modding hobby!
I finally got around to modding this keyboard and man oh man… I love it, so happy with the quality I was able to get out of this budget board! It sounds better than a lot of $300+ keyboards I’ve heard. 5/5 would recommend, although the stabilizers 100% need the hole mod to sounds good!
Amazing keyboard I have bought two in fact one with yellow switches and one with browns. The keys feel really good and the built in lighting effects are amazing. The only thing to improve on is the rattling stabilizers mainly on the spacebar. Otherwise 10/10
Great product I got the gaderon optical black switches. This product is a 3 pin so you can’t just get any switch. I didn’t know much about keyboards at the time but I’ve had this keyboard for a few months and it’s held up great.
FAKE Fn+Q+W+R they don’t work those are for Skylong Original GK61 these don’t have layers and fake images shown in description
Box comes with different box not as shown in images, This comes With HK Gaming Name and Logo
Everything else is okay
Very nice and portable keyboard, looks and works good with Microsoft Surface.
Default keys setup is a mess, but the layout can be changed via the driver, after that all works perfect.
La tastiera eccellente e performante , se la prima tastiera meccanica ci si deve abituare, ma dopo qualche giorno di utilizzo diventer un piacere , gli RGB sono molto luminosi , perfetta per il gaming
Got browns…very satisfied…first mechanical keyboard experience and get white if u can….looks sick in white….
Brightness wasn’t crazy because of original keycaps, built fine for the pricepoint though and no regrets besides my switch type.
The thing that I disliked about this is that, I got the older version of it. I mean it doesn’t have the glossy look at the sides and it doesn’t have the microphone as well. I was disappointed but I guess it’s still fine.
Mi 2 compra en Amazon y recomiendo totalmente este teclado para los gamers. Teclado muy rpido y me encanta el ruido, al principio notars las teclas un poco duras pero luego te acostumbras. Muy contento.
I got the one with Gaterion Brown switches as IMO they’re the perfect middle ground amongst all the switches with good tactile feedback and responsiveness. The RGB is highly customisable and there is a software as well. Typing feels so good on this. The lighting is decent but doesn’t get super bright like the Hyper X alloy.
Absolutely amazing keyboard. I have multiple expensive (400$) keyboards, but I still use this one. I ordered optical Gateron silent Brown keys and swapped them in. This resulted in the best typing experience I have ever had.
My son chose this for his gaming and he’s raving about how much better it is than all the gaming keyboards he’s used up til now.
I opted for the silvers because they are really smooth and have a very fast actuation response. They are known to be one of the fastest switches after yellows. I’ve tested yellows from a friend and personally didn’t feel like it was the right fit for me. I took a gamble by picking the silver switches and they are perfect. Much softer than reds and slightly heavier than yellows. It the perfect sweet spot.
For gaming they are the beast but for typing we’ll need practice with it because there is a possibility of actuating another key hence leading to mistakes but that’s because they have a really quick key response time and that’s why they are the best for gaming. If you’re looking to write documents or programming and a casual gamer who doesn’t play much fps games. Then I would recommend you pick Brown’s. I myself use blue swtiches for work and silvers just for gaming. ( You can see my desk setup pic)
Now the sound, silver switches are linear so they don’t have the clicky sound that blue swtiches make and tbh I prefer it that way. Ppl you play with hate hearing clicky keyboard coz they miss out on enemy foot steps plus it is very distracting while gaming. Hence I use the blues just for work like typing mails, documents etc. Ive attached a video for sound comparison.
I definitely recommend this keyboard to fps gamers (serious and casual) its worth it !!!
Optical Yellow keys are very sensitive, i would suggest you to go for the Silver gateron optical swicthes..
No doubt, couldn’t have got a better deal.
Great keyboard, NKRO works fine. Takes time to adjust from full keyboard to 60%. But definitely better Logitech G613 and other logitech mechanical keyboards.
The crispines of the keystroke is commendable. The slight bump and 1 mm of pretravel is perfect for long 9 hours of work and typing. Highly recommended and preferred for great typing experience. No miss keystrokes and increased typing accuracy helped me a lot to reduce the repeat work.
eally nice to type on, switches are smooth and quiet.
the only thing i would change is the cable, it would have been nice if the colour matched the keyboard (cable came in white)
I found the software easy to use and the lighting options are super cute and fun.
Just about what you’d expect for what you pay for! Very good budget board but you can mod it to feel nicer! Hotswappable as well.
The only problem is that the keycaps got very shiny after using it for only for a short period of time.
It’s totally worth for its price. Rgb is very good.the sound of its keys are amazing
Best keyboard under 10k
El envi llego antes de la fecha, el teclado esta en perfectas condiciones y sin fallas. Totalmente personalizable y ahorra demasiado espacio ya que es 60%, adems es fcil de usar si te acostumbras al formato en ingles, perfecto para gaming
Top: cheap Langtu full size (also from Amazon)
Bottom: This keyboard (RK61?)
I had written out a lengthy review but it got deleted as occurs with technology, so here’s the TL;DR
Build Quality: 5 stars
RGB/Aesthetic: 5 stars
Provided manual: Pathetic
Typing sound/experience: 5 black holes aka best in terrible
I got it with the Gateron red and I’m still pasting my ears back on. I don’t have any experience with higher end keyboards as this is my first one but goodness I thought red was supposed to be quiet. This one is not and my ears still hurt. Another reviewer also said it is unusually loud. Do with that what you will.
I’m attaching a video but I don’t know how to type so beware.
Overall, buy it but be wary of the red switches or possibly the whole thing in general.
The keyboard is great! but my keyboards space bar stabilizers was broken but I just returned it and got another one!
My son loves it.
Apparently it’s all about the key clicking sound?!?!!
I got this keyboard with the optical brown switches as my first actual “mechanical” keyboard. The buttons sound nice and deep, colours flash bright, and the red actually looks really nice without looking like a toy or cheap. Even with the lack of buttons compared to a full size I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a solid keyboard without the name brand price
Overall good, but it needs lubrication on the switches to reduce the noise
La nica pega seria que cojea un poco y le he tenido que poner como una pegatina en la parte de arriba de detrs para que no cojee.
Por lo dems el teclado esta perfecto y funciona genial, muy recomendable.
Great keyboard for gaming and typing. The lights are dope and I got the hyperx white pudding keycaps for it. Would 100% recommend this keyboard to anyone looking to try out a 60%. P.S. buy a wrist rest you will thank yourself later.
Price is very low due to using an optical board, meaning the board is only hotswappable with other optical switches, you can’t use 99% of mechanical switches you would normally like to use. Not a big difference in speed of optical switches compared to mech switches, it’s mostly just marketing BS. Mine came with gateron optical reds and are very smooth and feels great. Stabalisers are incredibly rattly, with the keyboard sounding especially loud and terrible. Great for a new keyboard enthusiast as there can be a lot of modding to be done. Switch out the stabalisers for plate mount stabs, either cherry or durock, add foam to the case, holee (bandaid) mod your stabalisers, lube your switches and stabs and customise your keyboard layout functionality with hk gaming’s much more intuitive software compared to other GK61 sellers.
I’d recommend going for a mechanical GK61 rather than an optical GK61, spend a few more bucks for more switch options later down the road.
great item for a great price awesome gaming keyboard switches sound really nice. Except for the stabilizer on the space bar feels woblly.
It’s a solid little keyboard and very easy to mod. I suggest the Gateron silent optical from x-bow.
Just note this is the GK61US PCB so does not support more advanced GK6X features like FN layering and FN lock. Is closer to the Mizarlab MZ60. The software seems to be provided by HK/MizarLab themselves and is easy to use, but limited in functionality. If all you need is macros and RGB you’ll be fine.
The benefit of this PCB is the RGB is very bright and vibrant.
A good starter board, one star removed as it’s listed as a GK61, but it’s doesn’t quite match the features of a true GK PCB.
I am happy with Gk61 and I am glad that my choice was the silver switch which is still fast for me just need time but the keyboard is good and I don’t feel eny different between this one and some of the big and expensive brands in the market.
Es muy bonito, es perfecto para cualquier uso, lo he usado por unos meses y el sonido es muy satisfactorio, adems de que el RGB es muy lindo y tiene muchas configuracin, los switches son muy rpidos y es Increble. En resumen es increble por el precio lo recomiendo al 100% y si no sabes con que mouse juntarlo con el Logitech G203 o el Razer Death adder Essential, ( blancos los dos ).
stabilizers for this keyboard are not very good other than that the keyboard is amazing it sounds and feels amazing especially after switching from blue switches
This keyboard is well known for it’s great mechanical feeling, it’s able to be customised a lot and it’s overall a great budget option for something more expensive like a Razer Huntsmen Mini. The RGB is nice and bright with reactive lighting modes and the well known modes like the rainbow wave and such. You’re able to customise your key caps, your switches, RGB modes, keybindings, etc.
I recently ordered a GK61 for gaming. I will be reviewing it, The material is great as it feels sturdy and doesn’t feel cheap and the switches are very nice sounding as well. (I got Gateron Optical Reds) The keycaps could be better but they are nice to the touch but I recommend switching them out for Double Shot PBT Keycaps (Razer Or HyperX) The keycap puller and switch pullers aren’t the best but they get the job done. The size is the about both of my hands. Overall good keyboard with the only negatives being that the wire is to the left side but would be much better being in the middle and the cheap Keycap Puller and Switch Puller. I will consider putting a 5 star if this holds out for a while.
Amazing for gaming! But we ordered a set of keys for it because the ones that originally comes on it aren’t that great. Which with the news keys on it my son says it’s simply “amazing”.
Honestly great keyboard that could have a lot of potential. I understand that quality has to be kept to a certain degree for the price to be so low. But keep in mind, the keys shake a lot, they’re very unstable and cheap feeling. But that can be fixed with a new set of caps. The backlighting is great though, software is not the greatest but the actual colour is
Honestly great keyboard that could have a lot of potential. I understand that quality has to be kept to a certain degree for the price to be so low. But keep in mind, the keys shake a lot, they’re very unstable and cheap feeling. But that can be fixed with a new set of caps. The backlighting is great though, software is not the greatest but the actual colour is
GK61, switches Gateron Optical Brown (Hot-Swappable), RGB, case negro.
Es muy cmodo, ligero y compacto. Tiene variedad de opciones de personalizacin tanto de los colores de los led y la intensidad de la luz, como en configuracin de los comandos/atajos para las teclas.
Pd. Lo compr en $1,500MXN el el 21/oct/2020.
Being 100 percent honest this product surpassed my expectations and is a great keyboard. I got the optical black switches and they sound amazing. Enough said.
De gran calidad, ya llevo casi un ao con el me encanta, las teclas de switch rojo tienen muy buen tacto y no hay mucho ruido, lo nico que a fallado es la conexin usb c del teclado, est un poco falseado pero no molesta para nada
Very tiny keyboard with smooth switches. 100% comfortable for typing and gaming. Not like those loud ass mecha keyboards. Recommending to anyone.
ovedoso por las luces led, se nota de buena calidad
Best budget keyboard if your entering into world of mechanical keyboard.
The keys feel and sound just fine.
The build quality is good. Doesnt feel cheap.
The software that comes with the keyboard is a bit buggy and hard to understand other than that great keyboard at this price.
Bought this for my boyfriend and he loves it, says the switches are so fast and good
Very bright light with good quality buttons and smooth to play …
My 15 year old loves it. Small and responsive, it’s what he hoped it would be like.
el teclado es chulo pero se bloogueo en 24 horas y lo tuve que devolve
I have added foam in the base and I gave lubed the switches with super lube and have put the custom Akko world tour Tokyo keycaps and the keyboard is amazing to type on and also for gaming. It’s a fast switch and buttery smooth after the mods.
It is great even at stock but better when modded
The price is also very reasonable. A couple of months ago it was around 14K like so many other 60% keyboards on Amazon India where sellers list prices of keyboards which costs $50-$200 as high as INR 15000- 45000 ( plz regulate the prices …. it’s daylight robbery )
A great candidate as a starter mechanical keyboard for people who want to play around with switch configurations. I have no issues with the optical switches either and they are very accurate.
The only issue I have with the keyboard is that some of the RGB LEDs are brighter than others, sometimes resulting in colours that are different from one another in single-colour backlight mode. This is most prevalent when using solid white for all keys as the RGB colour.
la miglior tastiera che io abbia mai provato la consiglio a tutti