Greenworks Cordless Lawnmower 40V 35cm Incl. 2 Battery 2Ah and Charger, Up to 400m² Mulching 40L 5-Level Cutting Height G40LM35K2x

Weight: 15 kg
Size: 35cm Mower
Dimensions: 71 x 38 x 46.5 cm; 15 Kilograms
Model: 01-0002501907UC
Part: 2501907UC
Colour: Green
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Lithium Ion
Manufacture: Greenworks
Colour: Green
Quantity: 1
Size: 35cm Mower

127 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Taglia erba pratico e comodo,materiali plastici di buona fattura ma non eccellenti, come molti ho notato che sull asfalto non cammina dritto ma nell erba non sembra dare fastidio,con le due batterie taglio un prato di circa 400 metri quadrati senza problemi

  2. Mobile Cuisine says:


    Ho acquistato la versione con le due batterie ed il caricatore (utilizzabili su altri articoli della stessa marca). Montaggio semplice, leggera ma robusta, facile la regolazione del taglio, il cestello di raccolta resta ben saldo. Molto maneggevole, leggera, senza alcuna fatica adesso impiego met del tempo per rasare il pratino (circa 700 mq suddiviso in pi aree). Ottimo anche l’accessorio per la pacciamatura

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ho atteso qualche utilizzo prima di esprimere un giudizio.
    Il tosaerba fa egregiamente il suo lavoro, io ho un piccolo prato di circa 50 mq a cui tengo moltissimo.
    Ormai il mio tosaerba a filo era arrivato a fine vita e mi sono lanciato su un prodotto a batterie.
    Qualche recensione negativa mi aveva un po’ scoraggiato all’inizio ma alla fine ho optato per questo della Greenworks.
    Taglia perfettamente l’erba lasciandola livellata in modo mai visto con i precedenti tagliaerba (v. foto)
    La batteria a fine taglio (circa 20 minuti) ha una carica residua di un buon 25% quindi con le 2 in dotazione faccio tranquillamente 2 o 3 tagli. Provato anche con erba umida senza il minimo problema.
    Ma la cosa che pi mi ha stupito la potenza di aspirazione dell’erba tagliata. A fine lavori la uso come aspirapolvere sul vialetto e non rimane nemmeno un filo d’erba. Aspira foglie secche della siepe di lauro senza problemi e anche qualche rametto secco.
    La uso addirittura sul retro di casa dove ho erba sintetica per aspirare le foglie che cadono dalla siepe.
    Non posso che essere felicissimo dell’acquisto ed esprimere un parere favorevole!

    Tosaerba fantastico

  4. Ralph0544wejmgl says:

     United Kingdom

    The only thing that could be better is the cutting levels. Could really have done with a cutting level between the lowest and the level 2. On our lawn the lowest can be too close, especially if your lawn is slightly uneven, whereas level 2 doesn’t touch it really.
    Good battery life so far. About 20mins. We ordered 2 batteries.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo tagliaerba. I materiali sono di alta qualit, robusti e durevoli (anche se solo il tempo e l’utilizzo daranno la conferma definitiva). Si monta molto facilmente ed in pochissimo tempo. Le batterie arrivano gi quasi cariche. L’utilizzo semplicissimo, cos come la regolazione dell’altezza di taglio. Comoda la presenza sia del sacco raccogli erba che dell’accessorio per pacciamare. In definitiva un ottimo prodotto, leggero, comodo e facile da usare.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Mir gefllt die Tiefeneinstellung. Ein Hebel rauf runter. Die Leistung der Akkus erscheint mir ausreichend fr meine 100 qm. Bei der kleinen Flche ist der Mher wendig und das Mhen geht sehr flott. Klappbar und am Griff ist der Mher schnell in der Garage unterm Regal verstaut. Lieferung rasch und gut verpackt. Bin sehr zufrieden. Jetzt mht meine Frau, das ist der Nachteil.

  7. HollySolomon says:


    La leggerezza di questo tagliaerba me lo rende particolarmente gradevole. ci che cercavo. Essenziale sono le 2 batterie che lo compongono, ci mi permette di tagliare 600 mq. circa di giardino senza problemi. altrettanto importante che questo abbia la possibilit di variare l’altezza (5 posizioni). In sintesi, da veramente l’idea che sia una giocattolo ma esegue discretamente il suo lavoro e sono contenta.Spero che duri (in particolare il motore e il sistema batterie) almeno 2/3 anni. Ottimo rapporto qualit e prezzo, anche se l’ho acquistato in offerta.

  8. Alejandra58L says:


    Der Rasenmher ist einwandfrei, genau wie ich ihn wollte. Allerdings lieen sich die mitgelieferten Akkus nicht laden. Schon nach 20 Minuten wegen berhitzung abgeschaltetes Ladegert und der Akkustand auch kam trotz geduldiger Wiederholung nie ber 2 von 4 LED-Anzeigepunkten. Mit dieser Ladung konnte ich 10 m2 Rasen mhen, dann war Ebbe.
    Die Mngelanzeige bei AMAZON wurde professionell abgewickelt, deshalb bin ich mit dem Gesamtkauf recht zufrieden.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After electrocuting my self with a corded lawnmower, this is a dream. No wires, 2 batteries, one on charge the other in use. Four cuts per charge. Its great.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great cordless mower. Easily mows a medium size lawn on one battery charge. Very light and easy to manoeuvre. Battery charges quickly too.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Al ricevimento ho pensato ad un giocattolo. Mi sono ricreduto nell’uso. Leggero, maneggevole e sicuro nel suo lavoro. Le due batterie sono una sicurezza. Il fatto di non dover pi raccogliere l’erba impagabile ! Poi se uno vuole raccoglierla nel sacco in dotazione……Ho speso bene i miei soldi.

  12. Anonymous says:


    L’ho acquistata per il mio compagno che ha una cura maniacale del suo prato inglese di circa 100 metri. Provata una volta svolge egregiamente “il suo dovere” e le batterie durano. Con un uso prolungato si potr dare un feedback pi dettagliato. La maneggevolezza e praticit non hanno prezzo…

  13. Anonymous says:


    Merita 5 stelle (sperando duri a lungo!!!). Taglia bene, con sufficiente potenza (nel caso di erba molto alta potrebbe faticare). Leggero e facile da montare, con gi a disposizione due batterie che permettono di utilizzarlo per una buona mezz’ora o anche pi. Costa abbastanza, ma non il pi caro della categoria. Comodissimo il fatto di non avere fili e bellissimo il fatto di non respirare benzina bruciata (il mio precedente tagliaerba era a scoppio).

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    ice and lightweight, came with two batteries and a Greenworks garden blower – always a bonus,
    easy to put together, up and running in quick time and out in the garden to test run it!
    the mulcher is brilliant, can’t see the grass bits at all. Dont expect to use the grass box much if its as good as that, and the bonus is the grass gets fed each time I cut it 🙂
    the only thing I wasn’t sure of and time will tell is the mechanism for the height adjustment seemed a bit twerky, not as good as the 41cm machine, but have set it for a height I think I will leave it at, so wont be messing with is much.
    Overall pleased with the mower, the blower and the new strimmer I ordered off the back of seeing the first two, now I have a good system all cordless and uses the same batteries all for the garden – lets hope we get a good summer :-)))

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m in my seventies so I need lightweight and cord free for safety. This mower is perfect.

  16. OUNJurgenajo says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersWie gewohnt kam der Artikel schnell und sicher verpackt an.
    Leider waren gleich beim ersten gelieferten Model beide Akkus kaputt. Der Greenworks Support ist hierbei leider keine Hilfe, da ich bis heute keine zielfhrende Rckmeldung erhalten habe. Nun ist jedoch Amazon als Verkufer eingestiegen und hat mir prompt einen Ersatz gesendet, als auch eine Abholung fr den defekten Artikel beauftragt – vielen Dank dafr!
    Ich bin mit dem Rasenmher wirklich sehr zufrieden. Die Akkukapazitt reicht fr mein Nutzen vollkommen aus. auch sind diese wirklich schnell wieder aufgeladen.
    Das Gert macht im groben und Ganzen einen hochwertig verarbeiteten Eindruck und das Ergebnis ist wirklich toll.
    Bin sehr zufrieden und wrde ihn wieder kaufen.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto, leggero ma allo stesso tempo resistente. Il risulta molto uniforme. Unico piccolo neo ( ma non so se risolvibile vi sta la tecnologia odierna ) la durata della batteria ( comunque 2 batteria ti permette di tagliare quasi 200 mq.) . Ottima la funzione di pacciamatura

  18. ShawnMajeski says:

     United Kingdom

    A very easy to use mower. You can mow any lawn as you’re not restricted with cables.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fed up with petrol lawn mowers that leak staining patios, and killing grass. Corded lawn mowers that you tussle with the cable to keep it away from the lawn mower blades, and tripping over it.
    This is a breeze. . A battery lawn mower, It operates like any other rotary lawn mower, cuts grass and easy to empty. But it is light, easier to use, clean and store. Cuts the time in preparation, so long as the batteries are kept charged.
    A better way to enjoy your garden.

  20. AlmedaRangel says:


    Taglia benissimo l’erba anche molto alta, inoltre riesco a tagliare tutto il giardino (di medie dimensioni) con una sola batteria. Il prodotto leggero e una volta ripiegato non occupa troppo spazio. Inoltre la funzione pacciamatura consente di non usare il sacco. Consigliato

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo sempre tagliato l’erba con motori a scoppio, questa la prima volta che provo un rasaerba elettrico ed il giudizio ottimo! Ho gi tagliato l’erba due volte ed andato alla grande. La prima volta l’erba era anche alta (circa 10 centimetri) e pure bagnata… ebbene il tagliaerba si comportato MOLTO bene! Chiaramente la batteria durata meno, ma avendo provato il motore a scoppio nelle stesse condizioni non avrebbe raccolto ed avrebbe perso giri tagliando male. Quello elettrico invece ha tagliato molto bene (chiaramente ho alzato l’altezza da terra al max – in due secondi con la leva apposita).

  22. Anonymous says:


    Spettacolare, lo seguivo da un bel po su keepa e alla fine al prime day 2020 l’hanno scontato e non ho saputo resistere. Va alla perfezione, batterie che durano La primavera prossima lo provo meglio, ma per ora anche con l’erba bagnata non ha tentennato un secondo la funzione mulching e il fatto di andare a batteria, sono la vera svolta. Un grande upgrade rispetto al vecchio tagliaerba a benzina che aveva sempre problemi.

  23. LeilaDyson says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSulle modalit e tempi di spedizione Amazon sempre una garanzia. Nella scatola erano correttamente presenti le due batterie e il carica batteria. Testato subito a fine ottobre su un prato regolarmente mantenuto con erba non completamente asciutta. Ho riscontrato un buon taglio e confermo anch’io che sporca poco i camminamenti, qualche foglia non l’ha aspirata ma nel complesso il prato era pulito dopo il taglio. La cosa che mi ha colpito maggiormente che per tagliare 180 mq di prato ho consumato solo mezza batteria, credevo di dover far ricorso alla seconda batteria per completare il taglio. Forse per prato da 180 mq sarebbe stato meglio il taglio da 41cm ma visto era in offerta (circa 180) ho preso quello da 35 cm .Aggiorner in futuro la recensione dopo aver effettuato un numero maggiore di tagli, per per adesso sono pi che soddisfatto, a quel prezzo dubito che si possa trovare di meglio.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Utilizzato due volte, durata batteria ottima , ho circa 300 mq. Di giardino e quasi riesco con una batteria. Abituato con tagliaerba a scoppio, sembra un giocatolo in confronto. La plastica, in particolare le leve di di fissaggio, da la sensazione di non essere particolarmente robusta . Per questa una mia sensazione, forse perch abituato con rasaerba molto pi pesante.Taglio buono, mentre il sistema di pacciamatura, non sminuzza molto bene l’erba. Per per ora nel complesso merita 4 stelle , in rapporto prezzo /qualit.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Un ottimo prodotto. Trovato in offerta speciale vale tutti i soldi spesi. Leggero e sufficientemente robusto (il corpo comunque in plastica come tutti i concorrenti), sembra fragile solo nel sistema di regolazione altezza di taglio ma un dettaglio non rilevante se di usa in po’ di cura. L’autonomia buona. Con una batteria ed 1/4 ho coperto oltre 200 mq di erba abbastanza alta, mentre per il mantenimento (erba corta) una batteria basta ed avanza. Consigliato

  26. WillaSaucedo says:

     United Kingdom

    Good quality and user friendly.
    Battery lasts long enough for my small sized garden.

  27. BrookeLester says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersL’ho preso con i prime day a 190euro. Onestamente quando si spende cos poco le aspettative sono sempre basse per le recensioni mi hanno spinto a provarlo. Le immagini parlano da sole. Pazzesco. Allora partiamo dal montaggio che lo fate in 20 secondi senza istruzioni. Gi dal design si capisce che un prodotto sul quale hanno speso tempo . Le plastiche sembrano molto robuste anche al tatto, inutile parlare di maneggevolezza e praticit perch con un tosaerba cos leggero e piccolo uno scherzo. Quello che mi ha colpito la potenza , ha falciato senza il minimo sforzo l’erba che non tagliavo da un mese, era folta e alta 20cm. Guardate il video.

    Piccola belva silenziosa

  28. GwenSennitt says:

     United Kingdom

    i have 3 lawns and one battery did all lawns with battery to spare
    Great produc

  29. RobbyGRXEkfyj says:

     United Kingdom

    The instruction book leaves something to be desired, particularly in assembly and adjustment of the handle .Apart from that the unit worked very well and was comfortable to operate. The mulching operation was very efficient.

  30. KristiPadilla says:


    Il tosaerba veramente un buon prodotto, il sistema a batteria funzionale e pratico. Punti a favore: rumore basso, manegevolezza abbastanza buona, libert di movimento, il Mulching integrato che permette di non utilizzare il sacco di raccolta. Non mi piaciuto il fatto che ai bordi non arriva bene, ed il sistema di piegatura del manico per riporlo in ripostiglio un p scomodo. Nel complesso sono soddisfatto.

  31. DavidEWilliams says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIl rasaerba a motore a scoppio troppo pesante e necessit di molta manutenzione rispetto a quello elettrico. per le dimensioni del mio giardino (350 m2) non giustificato. Quello elettrico la soluzione corretta ma mi rendeva schiavo del filo. dopo diversi anni me ne sono liberato. Faccio tutto il giardino con una batteria e mezza quindi rimane del margine.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this mower…easily cuts my 25 meter garden on one battery, occasionally need a bit of the second battery if it’s particularly long or slightly damp. Light enough to pick up, easy to dispense the grass cuttings, easy to change the cutting level and so nice to not have a lead. Batteries push-click in and click and pull out, can be a little tricky but you get used to it and definitely shouldn’t put you off buying it.

  33. KristofMarcello says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto
    Premetto che l’acquisto avvenuto dopo anni di utilizzo di un tagliaerba a scoppio..
    Onestamente tra maneggevolezza praticit e leggerezza l’avrei cambiato molto prima
    Nn do le 5 stelle perch vorrei verificare l tenuta di tutti questi particolari plastici
    Ma di certo la consiglio
    Ottimo la doppia batteria con un utilizzo prolungato..!!
    Con erba alta (non ho di certo un prato inglese) taglia solo con una piccola nn si ferma mai
    Ripeto ottimo acquisto

  34. ZFBRosaoaxfaoxw says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this mower…easily cuts my 25 meter garden on one battery, occasionally need a bit of the second battery if it’s particularly long or slightly damp. Light enough to pick up, easy to dispense the grass cuttings, easy to change the cutting level and so nice to not have a lead. Batteries push-click in and click and pull out, can be a little tricky but you get used to it and definitely shouldn’t put you off buying it.

  35. VeronicCulp says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great mower and does everything expected of a more expensive mower. The mulching feature particularly helpful during the dry weather. Charge us good, can do the garden twice in one charge. Used to take half an hour to do front and back garden, now takes less than 20 minutes. So easy without a mains cable and a lot quieter than my old mower. All in all, a great buy

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was bought a month ago to replace a Bosch mower because I was fed up with the cable. The Greenworks is very easy to use and I’ve had several comments on how good the cut looks. It takes less than half the time to cut the grass now and a friend has ordered one on my recommendation.

    The following is to provide some information I would have liked when I was researching which mower to go for –
    My lawn is c. 120 square meters. A single 40 volt battery charge lasts for 2 cuts and it also comes with a spare battery. I suspect most reviewers complaining of insufficient battery life had bought versions with the older, weaker battery but the current one is more than enough in my experience. The batteries recharge really quickly.
    2. CUT HEiGHT
    I have seen a review saying that this mower doesn’t cut the grass short enough. I like mine at medium height and the medium setting does that for me! However, here is plenty of scope for closer cuts. The manual says to lower the height you move the lever forward whereas to lower the height you actually move the lever backward so I suppose it’s possible this has caused a bit of confusion.
    If the grass has got very long I do a high cut and then a medium one and the mower copes fine with this.

    so far, a very good acquisition. Just be aware that it has rear wheels rather than a roller so if you want stripes then look elsewhere.

  37. Char Hardin Horror Movie Reviews says:

     United Kingdom

    This was bought a month ago to replace a Bosch mower because I was fed up with the cable. The Greenworks is very easy to use and I’ve had several comments on how good the cut looks. It takes less than half the time to cut the grass now and a friend has ordered one on my recommendation.

    The following is to provide some information I would have liked when I was researching which mower to go for –
    My lawn is c. 120 square meters. A single 40 volt battery charge lasts for 2 cuts and it also comes with a spare battery. I suspect most reviewers complaining of insufficient battery life had bought versions with the older, weaker battery but the current one is more than enough in my experience. The batteries recharge really quickly.
    2. CUT HEiGHT
    I have seen a review saying that this mower doesn’t cut the grass short enough. I like mine at medium height and the medium setting does that for me! However, here is plenty of scope for closer cuts. The manual says to lower the height you move the lever forward whereas to lower the height you actually move the lever backward so I suppose it’s possible this has caused a bit of confusion.
    If the grass has got very long I do a high cut and then a medium one and the mower copes fine with this.

    so far, a very good acquisition. Just be aware that it has rear wheels rather than a roller so if you want stripes then look elsewhere.

  38. PZBDeehufjm says:


    Premesso che non ho un gran giardino, molto silenzioso cos posso tagliare alla mattina presto senza dare fastidio ai vicini che dormono. Il mulcing lavora bene. Ho provato anche nel pezzo di giardino comunale che ho difronte casa dove lerba era abbastanza lunga (alta quasi come il rasareba) e l’ha tagliata senza problemi. Il cesto raccoglie una buona qualit di erba. Inoltre ottimo per raccogliere le foglie secche sul marciapiede.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Putting the handle up and down for storage has proved to be a bit fiddly.

  40. CamilleUQD says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAppena arrivato e subito messo al lavoro!
    Anche se interamente in plastica, che sembra essere di ottima qualit e robustezza (vedremo con l’utilizzo nel tempo), lo trovo leggero e maneggevole e perfettamente funzionante anche su erba di medio/alta altezza.
    La batteria (ne ho acquistate 2) hanno una durata abbastanza limitata, diciamo utili per 100/150 mq di giardino, ma performanti dal primo all’ultimo momento, momento nel quale il tosaerba si spegne e la batteria va ricaricata; per quello utile averne due da alternare nel lavoro se insufficiente la prima.
    Fondamentalmente molto pratico per sostituire il tosaerba a scoppio sempre faticoso complicato da far partire soprattutto dopo lunghi periodi di inutilizzo; sicuramente adatto per piccoli giardini.
    Amazon super come sempre con la consegna velocissima, questa volta era prevista per domani, invece arrivato con 24 ore di anticipo!!! SUPER AMAZON!
    Buona qualit in relazione al prezzo (ho comunque aspettato che si abbassasse, perch nel primo periodo estivo ha avuto un impennata aumentando di oltre 50 euro in relazione al prezzo invernale, che avevo gi adocchiato, aspettando met agosto il prezzo tornato alla sua origine calmierata)
    Ottimo il servizio di finanziamento di Cofidis, veloce, immediato e perfetto per acquistare pi prodotti contemporaneamente pagando una comoda rata mensile.
    Super soddisfatto!

  41. Runners Fuel says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived yesterday and took 10 minutes to assemble, very straightforward.
    Cut damp grass on 2nd to lowest setting without any problems at all.
    Battery shows still 3 out of 4 lights charge so in theory should get 3 more cuts before recharge and I’ve got a 2nd battery anyway.
    Bought a Worx a month ago, broke the power handle within a week and one battery died after only one cut of 50sq meter lawn.
    Very early days with Greenworks but already seems to cut the grass better, much better build quality and battery life seems much better.
    I’ll see how it’s going in a month or two’s time, but first impressions are excellent.

  42. AshleigLeckie says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPros: no cord, suction is good (brought up pile of dead leaves no problem), cut a medium sized lawn (approx 200 metres squared) on a little over half a battery.

    Cons: lowest cutting setting is useless unless you are cutting a putting green, hits the ground constantly. I also get the feeling that if you are doing first big cut of the year in long grass then it won’t forgive you, you will have to gradually cut down. Also, the lever to hold down is only on the right hand. It’s annoyingbamd more difficult to hold than a traditional bar across the top and can also lead to cut outs when going around corners.

    Wishes: that it had a second handle on grass container to make tipping easier.

    Overall: definitely a keeper compared to the hassle of a corded electric mower, but not without flaws!

  43. Shane Hickey says:


    Nachdem unser Elektrorasenmher uns im Stich gelassen hat musste ein neuer her. Weil ich das Kabel leid war habe ich mich fr einen Akku-Rasenmher entschiedennund ich bin sehr glcklich damit.
    Zwar reichen die beiden Akkus nicht ganz fr unser Grundstck (~750qm Rasenflche) aber sie laden sehr schnell und ber eine kleine Pause zwischendurch habe ich nichts einzuwenden.
    Der Schnitt ist sauber und auch bei hohem saftigen Rasen macht der Mher was er soll.

  44. Ian Sherr says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUtilizzato gi due volte in giardino di 1000mq complessivi, funziona molto bene sia in modalit raccolta nel sacco sia in modalit mulching. Le due batterie possono essere caricate a turno e questo aumenta l’autonomia del tagliaerba. Per 1000mq sono necessarie tre ricariche. Attenzione a non far surriscaldare le batterie ( lasciandole sotto il sole estivo), in quanto smetteranno di funzionare sinch non si raffreddano. Nel complesso mi pare un ottimo prodotto, speriamo che duri nel tempo.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersArrivato con un giorno di anticipo rispetto alle previsioni. Stanco di avere sempre problemi con vecchio tagliaerba elettrico (cavo elettrico..prolunghe..contatti…) sono stato attirato da questo prodotto dalle ottime recensioni e devo dire che veramente fantastico. leggero, potente, facile da montare, consuma poca batteria (il mio un prato piccolo di circa 350 metri quadrati), ottima anche la possibilit di lasciare erba tagliata direttamente come concime, insomma un attrezzo che pu essere usato da tutti i componenti della famiglia. Sicuramente consigliato

  46. JohannaV94 says:

     United Kingdom

    Came well packed in good time does an excellent job better the Hover it replaced. Only problem is two days earlier than planed Amazon unknown to them had already dispatched the same Mower to me so I am left to return their duplicate large and heavy order and self organise a currier at the cost of 47.87 . I await my postal refund when you have received it back as this situation was not created by me. I bet there is a gardener somewhere wondering where his mower has got to. Many thanks for mine Regards Bryn.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the smallest lawn mower I have used. Purchased for my elderly Mother. Really easy to use, useful having two batteries which last at least forty five minutes. Good design.

  48. BennettDNIP says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersdie lieferzeit war relativ kurz…find ich super da ich den rasenmher am wochenende testen wollte..der mher ist leicht gegenber anderen..akkus laden auch ziemlich schnell…das mulchen funktioniert sehr gut..das mhen ist eine wohltat gegenber denen mit strippe die man dauernd hin und her werfen muss…ich brauchte nicht ganz beide akkus fr ca.400 qm rasen..bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden..der geruschpegel ist auch sehr angenehm..optisch ist der mher ein hingucker…vielen dank…

  49. FeliciaMcQuade says:


    Il prodotto buono e funziona bene, la batteria dura per 100 metri quadri e si carica velocemente. Invece l’imballo originale tale per cui alcune parti dure sfregano contro quelle trasparenti che arrivano tutte graffiate. Bastava mettere un po’ di bolla o di plastica porosa. Un vero peccato

    Il prodotto è buono l ‘imballo originale no.

  50. AlexisCase says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with my purchase. Good lawn mower,easy to use and great to not have a cable. Bought with 2 batteries (2ah) which you need as it would be a pain if 1 drains while cutting which happened on 2nd use! Battery lasted for a good charge but when it looses its charge it puts stress on the mower and can tear at the grass due to lack of charge or power……….2 batteries a must!!! Also the height adjustment seems on the cheap side and time will tell if it breaks??? The sound is quiet and sounds a bit like a hovercraft if that makes sense? On the whole great mower and I would recommend .

  51. Rob81Vfinpatjr says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with my purchase. Good lawn mower,easy to use and great to not have a cable. Bought with 2 batteries (2ah) which you need as it would be a pain if 1 drains while cutting which happened on 2nd use! Battery lasted for a good charge but when it looses its charge it puts stress on the mower and can tear at the grass due to lack of charge or power……….2 batteries a must!!! Also the height adjustment seems on the cheap side and time will tell if it breaks??? The sound is quiet and sounds a bit like a hovercraft if that makes sense? On the whole great mower and I would recommend .

  52. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our Usersera un po di tempo che ero alla ricerca di un tagliaerba a batteria e forte di uno sconto di oltre il 30% la scelta caduta su questo modello.
    come da inserzione arrivata con 2 batterie in dotazione da 2Ah, sacco di raccolta e “tappo” per il muching.
    assemblato il manubrio in pochi minuti.
    per il mio prato di erba in parte spontanea di circa 350 mq sarebbe servito un modello maggiore, ma avendo 2 batterie si comportata egregiamente.
    il primo sfalcio stato effettuato in posizione 3, essendo l’erba abbastanza alta, quindi senza forzare troppo.
    come mi aspettavo con la prima batteria ho fatto circa e 2/3 della superficie e con la seconda ho completato il lavoro, mantenendo ancora della carica.
    effettuando un taglio regolare del prato potrebbe essere sufficiente anche una sola batteria.
    l’utilizzo decisamente semplice, inserita la batteria e tirata la leva si pu iniziare il lavoro, ed essendo decisamente leggera di avanza con il minimo sforzo.
    l’unica cosa che mi lascia perplesso la robustezza, nel senso che tutta la struttura in plastica, quindi mentre da un lato un vantaggio in termini di peso, potrebbe in caso di urti essere soggetta a rotture.
    comunque nel complesso fatto decisamente bene

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Am thrilled to bits with the lawnmower. It is lightweight, starts at the touch of a button and off you go; so different to my petrol mower. The batteries last a considerable time too and I can do a great expanse of lawn with one battery plus a small amount from the second battery. Thank you.

  54. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersProdotto consegnato nei tempi, nonostante il COVID-19. Prodotto arriva nella doppia confezione, munito di manico, unico oggetto da montare, 2 batterie e caricatore. Nella maggior parte costituito da plastica, ma grazie a questo che leggero. Silenzioso, rispetto alla versione con filo o a motore. Primo taglio con erba relativamente alta, terreno piano ma non stile inglese, coperto in 40 minuti 400 mq. Le 2 batterie in dotazione sono sufficienti ai 400 mq. Ogni batteria 200 mq (non di pi). Quando la batteria inizia a scaricarsi, si capisce, perch la lama iniza a non tagliare. le batterie hanno un tastino che tramite led mostra il livello di carica. Tempi di ricarica circa 2 ore.
    Facile da pulite e da riporre in piccoli spazi, grazie all’impugnatura pieghevole. Per ora lo consiglio. Peccato che l’ho pagata 279, dopo 10 GG l’hanno messa a 229 euro. Il secondo taglio senza serbatoio erba, la batteria durata di pi.

  55. Jasmine3107 says:

     United Kingdom

    A great mower does everything well, however it is heavier than expected my wife struggles if she uses it apart from that top notch.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just used for the first time. It cut out twice as I had it on lowest setting and it’s a hot day but it finished the lawn and then charged back to green in about 5 minutes, I bought two packs do might get a strummer now as well. It worked well on mulching as well as collecting and all in all pleased so far..

  57. MiloDanforth says:

     United Kingdom

    I only have a smallish lawn and have become fed up with doing the ‘Cable Conga’ when using my electric mower. I can’t believe how easy it is with this battery mower.40V battery is excellent and having a spare battery pack as well means there is little or no chance of the mower running out of power. I would thoroughly recommend this machine.

  58. BarrettGovernor says:

     United Kingdom

    Greenworks Lawn mower arrived two day’s earlier than expected which was very good, bought with two batteries only used one not bad for the size garden I have, cut through long grass with very little trouble, should have bought one earlie

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great job all around easy to set up and easy to use. My nine year old boy is able to use it (obviously I stayed with him). Battery life is about 25 mins when fully charged.

  60. JDGHueyqfji says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant, really easy to use on small lawns with awkward shapes particularly. Good battery use. Lightweight to carry up and down steps etc

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very pleased with my lawnmower. It arrived early. It was easy to assemble. I have a large garden so bought two
    Battery chargers to swop over. It is light weight which isa plus as l am only 5’1″ and weigh 8 st 9 lbs. l have also had two major abdominal surgeries in the last 3 years. I was concerned that the lawn mower would be too much for me
    So was released when the machine did most of the work.

  62. DeborahWrigley says:

     United Kingdom

    Great service. Used the mower and its so nice not to have a cable to think about and it does what it says on the advert.

  63. CaseyBirdwood says:

     United Kingdom

    I have only used the mower once. The battery seems 50% left after 1 mow of 20 minutes so I can’t comment on the longevity of battery life. The manoeuvrability is brilliant and cutting excellent.

  64. LinnieCosgrove says:

     United Kingdom

    I have recently purchased this product after much deliberation. I wanted to remain within the 200 price bracket and after reading the reviews this item seemed to tick all of my boxes.

    I used it for the first time yesterday and am absolutely thrilled with it. It was extremely easy to assemble, it is very easy to use and has made an excellent job of cutting my lawn. Changing the height levels is easy and it gave me the lovely low cut I was after. It’s a dream not having to wrestle with extension cables and wires, which I usually cut through!! It gave me plenty of charge for my medium size lawn and removing and replacing the battery again is very easy.

    The only slight negative I can possibly think of is that it is a little heavy to lift, maneouvre. Although I am very slight I managed ok, but can appreciate older people may find it difficult to lift up and down steps/different levels of garden etc.

    Overall, an excellent solid product and I feel value for money. Which was delivered no problems within days. Would highly recommend.

  65. DarnellHarkins says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use and has made mowing the lawn so much easie

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersComprato per sostituire un vecchio tosaerba a scoppio.., L ho utilizzato solo una volta su un prato con diversi dislivelli e con erba spontanea non troppo alta… promosso! Potenza e leggerezza le sue qualit qualche dubbio sul corpo macchina tranne il manico il resto fatto di plastiche, sembrano resistenti e di buona fattura ma questo solo il tempo lo decider..

  67. Anonymous says:


    Ho un giardino piccolo saranno circa 80 mq., ma da tagliare avr circa 60 mq.
    Mi trovo molto bene. Tagliaerba leggerissimo da spingere ma mi da comunque l’idea di qualcosa di robusto. Taglio “ampio” e deciso, nel senso che dove si passa non serve ripassare. La batteria mostra quattro tacce quando piena, dopo che ho completato un taglio del giardino sparisce solo una tacca. Prodotto consigliato

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic so far. Cuts well, fairly light and the battery is much better than the reviews have made out. I have now cut my long and moist grass twice and only 50% of a single battery used.

    My only gripe is that after I folded the handle down after use, it has permanently left indents on the foam handle

  69. ChaunceBaumgart says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe handle fasteners were a bit flimsy and plasticky but once assembled and the battery charged (about 45 minutes) I quickly cut out 40 m 2 garden using only about 25% of the battery. It’s amazing having no cables in the way! The mulching plug is handy and makes it even quicker! Only used length 3 of 5 and that seemed quite short…

  70. Elizabeth Tirk says:

     United Kingdom

    I believed it and started to use the mower. It ran for five minutes. I spent some time and energy “fault finding”. If I had been told that the battery might have been discharged I would have checked it and charged it before using.

  71. Dallon Adams says:

     United Kingdom

    I believed it and started to use the mower. It ran for five minutes. I spent some time and energy “fault finding”. If I had been told that the battery might have been discharged I would have checked it and charged it before using.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMi rade anche l’erba alta ottimo il muching. 150 m quadro con una batteria. Un solo consiglio. Non abbassate fino all’ ultimo livello solo perch si rischia di far toccare le lame ai sassi o alle imperfezioni delle inclinazioni del giardino a meno che non sia livellato come un campo da tennis. Che dire forse comprero anche il decespugliatore con lo stesso sistema di batterie

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a fairly big lawn area with a few obstacles, so I needed some that would last and the easy to manoeuvre around things. Previously I had a corded lawnmower which was fine, did the job but the cord was a constant pain. I got the 2 battery version, which has proved essential as 1 was not quite enough. So far with it being a very wet end to the season the lawnmower has done a great job on wet grass. Very happy with it and it was a few hundred less than the Bosch equivalent. So far so good.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought in strimmer/mower combination. Simple to assemble and operate. Blade height adjustment is so easy. Cuts the lawn in half the time of my previous corded mower but more climbers one when turning or steering around obstacles.
    Overall, I’m delighted.

  75. Mercey Livingston says:

     United Kingdom

    Family gift to replace electric mower, hoping to ease my aches and pains whilst using an electric mower and cord problems! Initially, don’t feel that it is quite as lightweight as expected and for this reason I have marked this down, however, having used for a couple of months getting more used to the handling and performance, which, so far is good. I don’t think this is a robust machine, all plastic, the grass collecting bag is ok but will need careful handling over time and looks like it could easily split on machined seems, but time will tell whether or not this will stand up to regular use. In my view, I feel much more attention should be given to weight of machine and clearly set out in all retail and commercial reviews, being a purchase for long-term use, I feel that this does come high up the list in consideration to buy.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Family gift to replace electric mower, hoping to ease my aches and pains whilst using an electric mower and cord problems! Initially, don’t feel that it is quite as lightweight as expected and for this reason I have marked this down, however, having used for a couple of months getting more used to the handling and performance, which, so far is good. I don’t think this is a robust machine, all plastic, the grass collecting bag is ok but will need careful handling over time and looks like it could easily split on machined seems, but time will tell whether or not this will stand up to regular use. In my view, I feel much more attention should be given to weight of machine and clearly set out in all retail and commercial reviews, being a purchase for long-term use, I feel that this does come high up the list in consideration to buy.

  77. WillisFreehill says:

     United Kingdom

    Makes cutting the grass so easy now, no more wires, cuts the grass in 10 minutes and the battery lasts for ages. Its a life changer 🙂

  78. Jonathan Evans says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic – great bit of garden kit – does my grass in half the time compared to previous. Not too heavy and battery life good and quick recharge. Purchased hedge trimmer straight away afterwards and use batteries for both.

  79. MaryjoE19gke says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThe mower does two jobs extremely well.

    First it cuts grass superbly, quietly and quickly. It’s capable of cutting quite long grass which you can let drop out behind or very short, bowling green length grass and all lengths in between and you can decide whether to pick it up in the ‘box’ provided or use the mulching attachment. The box comes on and off easily as does the mulcher. Height adjustment is the easiest I have ever come across. It is a pleasure to look at as well – very sleek lines with every part an integral part of its design and purpose.

    Secondly, it is a very good hoover. Set down low it will hoover up dust and leaves etc from the concrete garden paths.

    My main mower (for 10+ acres!) is a 46″ cut Countryman but it cannot cut the corners and small lawns on which I used to use a strimmer. This mower does almost everything now that the strimmer used to do and cuts surprisingly close to trees and surprisingly far under shrubs.

    What it doesn’t like though is stones – if you do get one of these mowers be very careful to clear stones off lawns and paths before using the mower..

    Can’t think how I managed before getting this. And I highly recommend it for small lawns and reaching those parts other mowers can’t reach.

  80. RoxieEqnguyen says:

     United Kingdom

    This an outstanding mower. Small, light and manoeuvrable it was even better than I expected. It means I can now get close to shrubs without damaging them. With 2 batteries I can trim the edges of the grass and round the shrubs in one go. I sue the mulching attachment which works well. Its height settings are sensible and it has the power to cope with quite long grass. Highly recommended.

  81. KeeshaBraund says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my daughter who has a big garden. It has transformed lawn mowing for them. They actually enjoy mowing the lawn. It cuts well, the box is large so not so many emtyings, and it even tells you when the box is full without having to lift the lid and check. Very satisfied.

  82. BTMLesleyavwoj says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersPreferendo da sempre i tosaerba elettrici avevo sempre avuto problemi col filo. Questo tosaerba a batteria ha risolto questi problemi e devo dire che taglia bene e la possibilit di non usare il sacco raccoglitore molto comoda. Unico inconveniente la durata della batteria a corredo che dopo 30/35 minuti si esaurisce ma per fortuna nella confezione c’ una seconda batteria precedentemente caricata. Per cui basta rimettere in carica la prima esaurita per poter avere dopo poco una terza batteria a disposizione se anche con la seconda non si fosse finito di completare il taglio dell’erba. Sto pensando di acquistare anche il tagliasiepe che utilizza le stesse batterie.

  83. Staff writer says:

     United Kingdom

    The wheels are too small I ndiameter and width. Unless your lawn is as flat as a billiard table you will be constantly hauling it out of slight dips and hollows. That makes a simple job HARD work!

  84. CollinP68vkhof says:

     United Kingdom

    Cuts the grass as it should and only using a bar or two on our 150 ft garden.

    Ours only came with one battery instead of two as it should have done. Amazon quickly dispatched a replacement mower rather than a battery, the cost of return (to be refunded) came to 40 which was more than a battery would likely have cost them.

    If you have a small garden, 1 battery will be adequate unless you are planning on expanding your battery tools with the same brand.

  85. maya801 says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersL’ho comprato per avere un attrezzo sempre pronto anche dopo lunghi periodi di stop, i tosaerba a motore purtroppo dopo essere stati un po’ fermi fanno un po’ dannare a rimettersi in moto. Oggi l’ho provato per la prima volta e sono rimasto veramente colpito, funziona benissimo non mi ha fatto rimpiangere per niente il mio vecchio quarantenne tosaerba a motore, anche con l’erba molto umida e abbastanza lunga andato senza intoppi. Bello anche esteticamente, buona la potenza e la durata della batteria. Migliorerei qualche chiusura in plastica sostituendola con il metallo.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice to use, cuts well and easy to handle. Smart looking and a treat to use.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lawn mower is light weight and batteries easy to apply. Enables me at almost 90 to cut my own lawn!

  88. Curtis5410 says:

     United Kingdom

    Could use a little more power at times. Mostly ok, though.

  89. The Guide Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    Really surprised at how good this lawnmower cut the grass, very lightweight and easy to manoeuvre, well worth the money

  90. HallieEstrada says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to assemble. Very satisfied with this lawn mower. Light and easy to use. Cuts the grass well.

  91. EddieClowes says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up. Very easy to use, gives a good cut and battery last enough to cut my 3 (small) lawns. Quite lightweight to carry, overall very pleased!

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick battery charge, good working duration. Excellent value for money.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s a bit weighty and also my first battery powered mower. Hasn’t done a full summer’s work yet but so far a good investment. Small patch of uneven lawn looks great afterwards and spare battery is a good thing to have.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great mower so much easier than cables trailing especially for small gardens
    Good customer service asked a question answered straight away
    Couldn’t find the screws for the handles they were in the battery compartment plus great having two batteries

  95. KristyMancini says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI like the fact of it being cordless, no filling of petrol or trailing leads, having 2 batteries , as one expired another at the ready to carry on the job .
    Easy to manoeuvre and to empty, it does fill quite quick with clippings so frequent emptying required,
    Overall a decent mower for our medium sized lawn.

  96. JaymeA75onf says:

     United Kingdom

    Lightweight, easy to use and works well. Battery life is more than enough for our lawn, and recharges very quickly.

  97. VictoriThornber says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was a little skeptical that a battery mower would have enough power compared to a petrol or mains mower and spent a long time hunting around looking at reviews. Had just decided to leave it for the time being when my petrol mower packed up so took the plunge and got this one. My garden measures about 20m x 10m and I haven’t yet had to use the second battery although it has been so dry recently that the grass is quite easy to cut. Very impressed with the quality of the machine – its well put together and easy to use. The batteries take about an hour to charge. It has plenty of power, not much different in performance to my old petrol mower but with an understandably narrower cut width. I probably don’t need the second battery but at only an extra 25 its a steal compared to buying one later on and will hopefully future proof the mower as it ages and the batteries hold less charge. No more messing about with petrol, oil and broken pull chords, I’m really pleased with it!

  98. RoxanaPartin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was a little skeptical that a battery mower would have enough power compared to a petrol or mains mower and spent a long time hunting around looking at reviews. Had just decided to leave it for the time being when my petrol mower packed up so took the plunge and got this one. My garden measures about 20m x 10m and I haven’t yet had to use the second battery although it has been so dry recently that the grass is quite easy to cut. Very impressed with the quality of the machine – its well put together and easy to use. The batteries take about an hour to charge. It has plenty of power, not much different in performance to my old petrol mower but with an understandably narrower cut width. I probably don’t need the second battery but at only an extra 25 its a steal compared to buying one later on and will hopefully future proof the mower as it ages and the batteries hold less charge. No more messing about with petrol, oil and broken pull chords, I’m really pleased with it!

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great mower, folds down really small, works well, easy to use, the batteries last around 30-35 min, time will tell how many years they will last for.

  100. Rowelynwood says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCan’t start the old petrol mower now to old but this little jem is wonderful so easy to use does a great job better than any mower i have ever had
    pity the batteries are so expensive