HK GAMING GK61 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard 60 Percent | 61 RGB Rainbow LED Backlit Programmable Keys | USB Wired | For Mac and Windows PC | Hotswap Gateron Optical Silver Switches | Black

GK61 is a standard-sized 60% keyboard featuring RGB backlighting, USB-C wired connection, and optical switches . The USB-C cable is detachable for convenience of portability.
Optical switches are much more durable than conventional mechanical keyboard switches and are rated for 100 million keystrokes.
They have a high actuation point of 1.5mm for fast response. Light Strike optical switches utilize a horizontal infrared beam which is transmitted across the width of the inner keyswitch.
The infrared beam is normally blocked from reaching a sensor across from it by the stem. Once a switch is pressed, the switch stem no longer blocks the infrared beam and the beam is detected by the sensor, which activates the switch.
Due to the optical mechanism, an optical switch has an extremely fast response time of 0.2ms, which means faster reactions in those times where timing is critical, such as when gaming.

FN Functions:
- Fn+Back: Turn on/off light effect.
- Fn+P/[{: Brightness down/up, 21 level adjustable.F
- n+Q: Online model, you can choose to use many backlight and macros.F
- n+W/E/R: Offline model.F
- n+W: model 1, default function – normal keyboard.F
- n+E: model 2, default function – F1, F2, F3…….F
- n+R: model 3, default function – PS, SL, PB, Ins, HM, PU, Del, End, PD.
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Hot Swappable Gateron optical SwitchesGateron optical switches can be hotswapped at wish and replaced by other switches. Hot swap keyboard do not recquire you to solder / desolder switches. (Hot Swappable with Optical switches only) | IP64The keyboard’s PCB is spill and dust resistant. | Package contentComes with:
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Gateron Optical Black | Gateron Optical Blue | Gateron Optical Brown | Gateron Optical Red | Gateron Optical Yellow | Gateron Optical Silver | |
Switch Type | Linear | Clicky | Tactile | Linear | Linear | Linear |
Total Travel | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 4.0 mm | 3.2 mm | 3.2 mm |
Pre Travel | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 2.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 1.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) | 1.0 mm (± 0.6 mm) |
Operating Force | 60 cN (±15 cN) | 55 cN (±15 cN) | 55 cN (±15 cN) | 45 cN (±15 cN) | 35 cN (±15 cN) | 45 cN (±15 cN) |
Audible Click | No | ✓ | No | No | No | No |

Weight: | 536 g |
Dimensions: | 29.2 x 10.2 x 4 cm; 536 Grams |
Brand: | HK Gaming |
Model: | GK61 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Hong Kong Keyboards |
Colour: | Black |
Really great 60% keyboard for gaming. Im really harsh on this kb while gaming but it still works great. Been using for over a year&ahalf now. Really sensitive to press, optical yellows . Could be a downside for typing but you’ll get used to it after a while.
1) No toggling option for arrowkeys. Have to hold FN key to use arrowkeys. Would be great if there was an option to toggle on/off arrow keys.
2) After more than a year and a half’s use it has gotten a bit louder and clunky. The space bar is way louder than before.
Esteticamente si presenta bene ed rapidissima.
Ottimi switch e si importano bene le varie colorazioni.
Non prendetela assolutamente se dovete usare caratteri come maggiore, minore ecc frequentemente (ad esempio se siete programmatori) perch vi trovereste male.
Adatta per scrivania piccole perch molto compatta.
Ik heb nog nooit zo’n fijn keyboard gehad. Zelf heb ik de Gateron Optical Silver Switches. Het toetsenbord reageert enorm snel met deze switches. Als je nog snellere wil dan moet je voor de Yellow optie gaan. Persoonlijk vond ik deze switches te snel.
Het grootste voordeel is denk ik dat hij hot swap is. Dat betekent dat je de switches kan veranderen dus bijvoorbeeld van Silver switches naar Blue switches. Je kan ook de keycaps veranderen. Dit is een 60% keyboard dus als je bijvoorbeeld de F11 toets wilt gebruiken dan doe je FN + F11. Dan drukt hij deze toets in. Ook zit er in dit keyboard een paar RGB settings. Als je wilt weten hoe je die moet gebruiken kijk dan in de handleiding die erbij zit!
Als je de software bij dit toetsenbord wilt dan moet je naar deze site gaan: en dan naar software. Daar staat dit keyboard tussen.
Samengevat: Will jij nou een goedkoop keyboard die hot swap is en RGB heeft. Die naast gaming ook zeer geschikt is voor typing, kies dan dit keyboard. Een echte aanrader!!!
Pues llevo como 5 meses, para esta review considero que se mantiene todava en su rango de precio establecido, lo nico que me aqueja era que no lo poda comprar en switches amarillos y pues que la caja me llego puteada, nada serio pero pues aun as lo menciono para que no se asusten si llega el suyo as.
Ahora, me toco llevarme el de switches brown por que ocupo que sea mas “silencioso” que los blue o red, sirve muy muy muy bien estos switches para escrituras largas, y pues para gustos, colores, puedes llevarte de un tipo de switch y pedir otros de la misma marca para personalizarlo.
Recomiendo este teclado para que le hagas pequeas modificaciones, como lubricar los switches , ponerle O rings, tiene un compartimento para una batera para ser un teclado BT, pero para mi, ah lo dejo, ojo que apenas se notara el uso de las teclas o space-bar por el tipo de plstico, as que igual por dejarle algo mas puedes comprar keycaps que le Queden de Pbt y hacer que se sienta mejor.
Es una buena “base” en mi criterio, se presta a mucho y es en general uno de los teclados de gama media que recomiendo yo.
This keyboard is just amazing I am using it for about 6 months now and it’s great everything works perfectly I have no complaints with it what so eve
Me gust,, es cmodo y era lo que yo esperaba.
I like that its hotswappable, small, program is easy to use, fast switches, very beginner friendly for beginner keyboard modders
Check the video I submitted as I show how the program works and my favourite settings. Absolutely nothing I’d change about it. High quality with a nice click, perfect colour and simply to use. I got the UK one but it also comes in DE and US.
To get the software on Windows search “” and the second website titled “download” from there select in the GK61 column, “S/N Starting with: GK61US” (you can change it to UK by doing what I show in the video, changing what different keys mean). Click “download (v1.1_0113)” and name it + put it in your files. Once downloaded open the file and it will bring you to Microsoft store where you press “install anyway” It will ask you for your pin, it’s completely safe don’t worry. Type in your pin and once it loads it will ask you for your preferred language. And in this order press “next, choose where the file goes, next, name the file, next, install, finish” open the program and from there I show you in the video.
Hope this helps! Byeeee
El teclado lo compre porque buscaba algo barato y verstil, es mi primera experiencia con un teclado de este estilo, y la verdad es que qued muy satisfecho.
Jugu un rato con el teclado y se sienti muy bien, solo que a veces apretaba el mayusc sin querer, pero con el uso te acostumbras al tacto del teclado, por lo que esto no represent ningn problema.
A comparacin de mi anterior teclado, con este puedo jugar durante ms tiempo sin fatigarme, ya que no necesito presionar tanto la tecla para que responda.
Por ltimo, haba ledo que no recomendaban mucho switches ligeros para escribir, porque escribirs con errores, sin embargo, el mo lo ped con los pticos rojos, los cuales son de los ms ligeros que puedes pedir, y mi experiencia cuando escrib con el teclado fue muy buena, tena algunos errores, pero los errores comunes que cometes cuando escribes, ninguno tuvo que ver con los switches, es importante mencionar que estuve practicando mecanografa durante unos meses, por lo que esto influyo en mi experiencia.
Punto negativo o positivo, depende de cmo lo mires, el teclado hace mucho ruido, al menos con los switches que ped, lo cual para m no es molesto, sin embargo, si necesitas usarlo de noche, probablemente seas una molestia para tu familia
En conclusin, este teclado est totalmente recomendado, ya que ofrece una muy agradable experiencia, tanto para jugar, como para escribir. Si lo que buscas es un muy buen teclado a bajo costo, este es el que buscas.
Ottima tastiera per gaming ma non solo…
Tutto perfetto, consiglio il suo acquisto.
Essendo una 60%, per usare le freccette direzionali si deve usare il tasto FN, di fianco alla freccetta destra: ci vuole abitudine, dopo un’oretta mi sto abituando. Anche per gli accenti bisogna imparare ad usare FN,
cos come per gli apostrofi.
Per latex, o se comunque usate tanto parentesi quadre e graffe e slash, davvero oro.
I miei tasti sono completamente opachi, in altre versioni di lato sono lucidi, meglio cos.
Avrei preferito che i segni sui tasti fossero trasparenti come lo sono i numeri, le lettere e la punteggiatura, o l’invio, anche se li uso pochissimo.
Il software davvero grezzo, ma il suo lo fa. Si deve solo imparare ad usarlo, la personalizzazione degli rgb semplice (selezionate il colore e poi colorate i tasti che volete), gli effetti di luce sono molteplici anche se io non li uso onestamente e sono attivabili anche senza software.
La tastiera davvero solida, non si muove facilmente, i tasti non ballano se scuotete la tastiera.
Ho preso gli optical brown, la notte sono abbastanza rumorosi (di giorno non me ne ero reso conto) ma da ex-possessore di tastiera a membrana sono piacevoli da usare.
Nella confezione arrivata la tastiera con cavo usb c, foglio con i vari layout che ti aiuta a identificare il tuo, e i due aggeggi per togliere i tasti e gli switch.
Essendo una 60%, per usare le freccette direzionali si deve usare il tasto FN, di fianco alla freccetta destra: ci vuole abitudine, dopo un’oretta mi sto abituando. Anche per gli accenti bisogna imparare ad usare FN,
cos come per gli apostrofi.
Per latex, o se comunque usate tanto parentesi quadre e graffe e slash, davvero oro.
I miei tasti sono completamente opachi, in altre versioni di lato sono lucidi, meglio cos.
Avrei preferito che i segni sui tasti fossero trasparenti come lo sono i numeri, le lettere e la punteggiatura, o l’invio, anche se li uso pochissimo.
Il software davvero grezzo, ma il suo lo fa. Si deve solo imparare ad usarlo, la personalizzazione degli rgb semplice (selezionate il colore e poi colorate i tasti che volete), gli effetti di luce sono molteplici anche se io non li uso onestamente e sono attivabili anche senza software.
La tastiera davvero solida, non si muove facilmente, i tasti non ballano se scuotete la tastiera.
Ho preso gli optical brown, la notte sono abbastanza rumorosi (di giorno non me ne ero reso conto) ma da ex-possessore di tastiera a membrana sono piacevoli da usare.
Nella confezione arrivata la tastiera con cavo usb c, foglio con i vari layout che ti aiuta a identificare il tuo, e i due aggeggi per togliere i tasti e gli switch.
spacebar is the best bit. The thoccy sound does not make me regret buying this at all.
I got GOB switches with this keyboard and I love it! it’s perfect for gaming on my ps4, until I get a pc!
Great affordable keyboard. Love the smaller size and the colors are cool. I would definitely recommend!
It’s a great 60 percent keyboard got it in silver switches if your a hardcore gamer you’ll know the gk61 in silver switches it’s the fastes keyboard there is it’s truly a greatly keyboard
Excelente teclado, me encant el color rojo y se siente muy cmodo, lo nico que no me gusto fue un pequeo detalle.
1: algunas teclas tienen una segunda funcin y viene estampada en la tecla pero no se alcanza a ver si tienes la luz encendida del teclado.
I have been using this keyboard for over a month now I believe. And from my limited experience i can safely comment on a few things
– Ok the packaging for this is pretty shady lol. My box was all dinged up, the sticker that is supposed to
hold it close was open and lost all it’s adhesive 🙂 But regardless, inside the keyboard was pretty safe
and hadn’t moved or been damaged at all
– Sturdy build with no loose parts or rattling’
– Aluminum switch plate feels premium and gives a good feel
– Keycaps are decent, not the best but didn’t expect them to be. I would suggest upgrading to PBT
keycaps as this board is pretty much build to be customized.
– Cable is of decent quality as well, so is the keycap puller and switch puller
– This keyboard also says “pre lubed” like every other mechanical keyboard lol, but it’s very minimal and
has no effect on the sound/feel even if you wipe it off. I recommend lubing them on your own.
I would recommend Petreplus 2700 if you’re not looking to spend 5k on 10grams of krytox205g0 lol.
I have a review on the lube too, and in my experience, it’s a good lube if used correctly.
– I have the brown switches. Good, fast, smooth, and sound if very pleasing as well.
– Again, pRe lUbEd, so wipe that stuff off, and lube them yourself, that will just elevate the experience.
– The PCB and switch plate sit very deep into the case, which is good for sturdiness and security, but then
if you want to add foam to your keyboard, that would be a bit difficult. Maybe i didn’t do it right, but
thats my experience.
– The software is janky AF. HK gaming really needs to focus on this, otherwise, their brand image will
never be able to get better as their software feels like something from Windows XP. But the keyboard
isn’t very software dependant, so it isn’t much of an issue. There are keys to switch between light
modes, but if you want to keep custom lighting then you’ll need the software, which is relatively simply
to use, even though it looks very very old lol.
– This board is a 60% which might be small for a lot of people. I didn’t mind it at all, in fact I loved it. I edit videos and photos, and i didn’t face any problems, and I love the compact size. But I know most people don’t, so listing it here as a con.
All in all, I would recommend this board due to its high customizability. You can go for the Keychron V2 hot swap version if you want something bigger than a 60% as well, but this was cheaper than that for me and based on reviews pretty much giving in direct competition as a good budget mechanical keyboard
But I am happy with my decision, hope this helped you in making yours too.
I have been using this keyboard for over a month now I believe. And from my limited experience i can safely comment on a few things
– Ok the packaging for this is pretty shady lol. My box was all dinged up, the sticker that is supposed to
hold it close was open and lost all it’s adhesive 🙂 But regardless, inside the keyboard was pretty safe
and hadn’t moved or been damaged at all
– Sturdy build with no loose parts or rattling’
– Aluminum switch plate feels premium and gives a good feel
– Keycaps are decent, not the best but didn’t expect them to be. I would suggest upgrading to PBT
keycaps as this board is pretty much build to be customized.
– Cable is of decent quality as well, so is the keycap puller and switch puller
– This keyboard also says “pre lubed” like every other mechanical keyboard lol, but it’s very minimal and
has no effect on the sound/feel even if you wipe it off. I recommend lubing them on your own.
I would recommend Petreplus 2700 if you’re not looking to spend 5k on 10grams of krytox205g0 lol.
I have a review on the lube too, and in my experience, it’s a good lube if used correctly.
– I have the brown switches. Good, fast, smooth, and sound if very pleasing as well.
– Again, pRe lUbEd, so wipe that stuff off, and lube them yourself, that will just elevate the experience.
– The PCB and switch plate sit very deep into the case, which is good for sturdiness and security, but then
if you want to add foam to your keyboard, that would be a bit difficult. Maybe i didn’t do it right, but
thats my experience.
– The software is janky AF. HK gaming really needs to focus on this, otherwise, their brand image will
never be able to get better as their software feels like something from Windows XP. But the keyboard
isn’t very software dependant, so it isn’t much of an issue. There are keys to switch between light
modes, but if you want to keep custom lighting then you’ll need the software, which is relatively simply
to use, even though it looks very very old lol.
– This board is a 60% which might be small for a lot of people. I didn’t mind it at all, in fact I loved it. I edit videos and photos, and i didn’t face any problems, and I love the compact size. But I know most people don’t, so listing it here as a con.
All in all, I would recommend this board due to its high customizability. You can go for the Keychron V2 hot swap version if you want something bigger than a 60% as well, but this was cheaper than that for me and based on reviews pretty much giving in direct competition as a good budget mechanical keyboard
But I am happy with my decision, hope this helped you in making yours too.
Este producto en realidad es muy bueno en base a su precio, tiene gran variedad de colores y switches de alta calidad, me ha encantado, lo recomiendo…
I used to have tvs gold with long hua blue switches , switching from that this keyboard feels a lot lighter, as I have the optical yellow . This one is a little hard to get used to for typing because just resting your hands causes a lot of typos but once you get used to it its the best thing ever. because of its low actuation it would help you type faster but this is not suggested for beginners as they would need a tactile feedback. For beginners something like optical brown or black should be perfect. But you could also swap them with linear or clicky later once you feel that you don’t need them. Overall I’m very satisfied with this product , its portable and very sturdy while also being able to swap switches.
I used to have tvs gold with long hua blue switches , switching from that this keyboard feels a lot lighter, as I have the optical yellow . This one is a little hard to get used to for typing because just resting your hands causes a lot of typos but once you get used to it its the best thing ever. because of its low actuation it would help you type faster but this is not suggested for beginners as they would need a tactile feedback. For beginners something like optical brown or black should be perfect. But you could also swap them with linear or clicky later once you feel that you don’t need them. Overall I’m very satisfied with this product , its portable and very sturdy while also being able to swap switches.
I like that you don’t have to press hard on the keycaps for it to respond
Really good for a budget keyboard. I love clicky switches and it’s just so satisfying.
This is a great product at this price range. Typing is a little uncomfortable but thats because i am not used to typing on high raised keyboards. Wrist support can be bought for this. The rgb lights are nice and it is working great for mac. Low availability of accompanying software is why i have deducted 1 star.
All in all, the keybaord quality is nice and readers should not worry about that. My advice will be to look for softwares which help reconfigure keys before going for this. But even if you dont find that, it wont be the end of the world.
This is a great product at this price range. Typing is a little uncomfortable but thats because i am not used to typing on high raised keyboards. Wrist support can be bought for this. The rgb lights are nice and it is working great for mac. Low availability of accompanying software is why i have deducted 1 star.
All in all, the keybaord quality is nice and readers should not worry about that. My advice will be to look for softwares which help reconfigure keys before going for this. But even if you dont find that, it wont be the end of the world.
was everything i was looking for in a keyboard, 60% and great for gaming. but i got all of the quietest switches and its still kinda loud. everything else was grea
Amazong keyboard! Original keycaps are black matching the keyboard along with the transparent letters & symbols for visibility with the backlight ^^
Bought this to replace my $150 keyboard that broke and was unfortunately soldered on (why??), this keyboard however isn’t soldered on and works very well for the price, it’s just as good if not better than my last keyboard.
I received GK61 with silver switches today for rs 5500. I used this for a week and I can say that this keyboard is absolutely awesome, and smooth. I prefer silver switches than yellow just by a one point difference which is not that big of a deal but yellow and silver switches are just same but silver is quiter. The keycaps are goos but after many months of use, change ur keycaps as they get shinny. Don’t think keycaps are low quality but most of the keyboard share the same material. I bought this for gaming and also type but not much. My gameplay improved a lot in valorant. The 60% keyboard makes it easier, lighter and takes less space. For the price of rs 5000- rs 6000, this is a very very good deal. Just buy it you will not regret it.
I received GK61 with silver switches today for rs 5500. I used this for a week and I can say that this keyboard is absolutely awesome, and smooth. I prefer silver switches than yellow just by a one point difference which is not that big of a deal but yellow and silver switches are just same but silver is quiter. The keycaps are goos but after many months of use, change ur keycaps as they get shinny. Don’t think keycaps are low quality but most of the keyboard share the same material. I bought this for gaming and also type but not much. My gameplay improved a lot in valorant. The 60% keyboard makes it easier, lighter and takes less space. For the price of rs 5000- rs 6000, this is a very very good deal. Just buy it you will not regret it.
I received GK61 with silver switches today for rs 5500. I used this for a week and I can say that this keyboard is absolutely awesome, and smooth. I prefer silver switches than yellow just by a one point difference which is not that big of a deal but yellow and silver switches are just same but silver is quiter. The keycaps are goos but after many months of use, change ur keycaps as they get shinny. Don’t think keycaps are low quality but most of the keyboard share the same material. I bought this for gaming and also type but not much. My gameplay improved a lot in valorant. The 60% keyboard makes it easier, lighter and takes less space. For the price of rs 5000- rs 6000, this is a very very good deal. Just buy it you will not regret it.
I received GK61 with silver switches today for rs 5500. I used this for a week and I can say that this keyboard is absolutely awesome, and smooth. I prefer silver switches than yellow just by a one point difference which is not that big of a deal but yellow and silver switches are just same but silver is quiter. The keycaps are goos but after many months of use, change ur keycaps as they get shinny. Don’t think keycaps are low quality but most of the keyboard share the same material. I bought this for gaming and also type but not much. My gameplay improved a lot in valorant. The 60% keyboard makes it easier, lighter and takes less space. For the price of rs 5000- rs 6000, this is a very very good deal. Just buy it you will not regret it.
Item arrive on time as promised, for gaming this is perfect and the price point for the gaming keyboard is fantastic high recommend
I finally got around to modding this keyboard and man oh man… I love it, so happy with the quality I was able to get out of this budget board! It sounds better than a lot of $300+ keyboards I’ve heard. 5/5 would recommend, although the stabilizers 100% need the hole mod to sounds good!
I finally got around to modding this keyboard and man oh man… I love it, so happy with the quality I was able to get out of this budget board! It sounds better than a lot of $300+ keyboards I’ve heard. 5/5 would recommend, although the stabilizers 100% need the hole mod to sounds good!
I finally got around to modding this keyboard and man oh man… I love it, so happy with the quality I was able to get out of this budget board! It sounds better than a lot of $300+ keyboards I’ve heard. 5/5 would recommend, although the stabilizers 100% need the hole mod to sounds good!
For Gaming this mechanical keyboard is truly amazing, I have the brown switches and the sound is truly satisfying. Overall great keyboard
I bought the silver optical switch version. Its great for typing, but its a little difficult to get used to this while gaming(I accidentally hit spacebar while WASD). I keep doing misclicks, because of very low actuation force. Great value for money.
P.S.: I got the GK61v2 version.
good for your money i play atone of games and my old keyboard was slow so i bought this one , its good for a buget keyboard
quality is pretty good, havent used it for gaming yet byt so far 11/10 !!!!! it has a VARIETYYY of RGB settings and i have it set on the heart which is pretty cool. love it 🙂
Absolutely amazing keyboard. I have multiple expensive (400$) keyboards, but I still use this one. I ordered optical Gateron silent Brown keys and swapped them in. This resulted in the best typing experience I have ever had.
Absolutely amazing keyboard. I have multiple expensive (400$) keyboards, but I still use this one. I ordered optical Gateron silent Brown keys and swapped them in. This resulted in the best typing experience I have ever had.
Much smoother than I thought it would be. The only thing I dislike about this keyboard are the keycaps and the fact it has a plastic base.