HOMEREVEL- Reusable Mouse Trap, 6 Pack Mouse Traps for Indoors and Outdoors That Kill Instantly, Quick, Effective and Highly Sensitive Rodent Catcher

HOMEREVEL logoHomerevel mouse trap image1mouse trap baits, best and highly recommended baits for mouse trapeasy to clean , reusable mouse trap , easy to set and remove

Dimensions: 10.5 x 5 x 6.5 cm; 300 Grams
Model: HRMT-1
Part: HRMT-1
Manufacture: HOMEREVEL
Dimensions: 10.5 x 5 x 6.5 cm; 300 Grams

142 Responses

  1. TMXPreston says:

     United Kingdom

    These traps are very easy to bait, set and remove little bodies. I use them without hurting or dirtying my fingers. They are truly revolutionary and I will throw away the wooden ones that are so hazardous and dirty to use. Thank you very much!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great!

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent mousetrap IMO.
    Easy to install bait and really really easy to set. Easy to “un-set” if necessary, such as for refreshing bait or to remove dead mice. Easy and safe to remove old (dried-up) bait and re-install fresh bait.
    Just the right size for most mice, and to install in tubes such as pieces of drain pipe, or under old roof tiles or similar or other plastic boxes, to reduce unwanted trapping of non-target species.
    Also being plastic, the traps are good for outdoor use in damp conditions

    Using stinky peanut butter as bait, I caught nine mice in five days since receiving these traps. Efficient, and effective trap and kill every time. Appropriate placement of the traps is key as most of the mice were caught by only two of the traps.

    They seem durable too. No sign of wear & tear or breakage so far.
    Overall, these traps are so so so much better than the “traditional” wood & wire traps. I’d buy these again (but I probably will not need to buy another trap for years).

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, modern take on a traditional theme, looks good, can’t say I know how strong mice are but appears able to do the job.
    Update – mouse caught successfully, will reload and replace
    Still can’t find where they enter!

    Watched mice avoid trap, it didn’t stay close to skirting, even ate the bait and didn’t get caught! Not been in position for long, will continue to monitor.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I got my mouse one night at 4am as I installed my trap sideways along the wall beside the noises. Had no bait in it and was just getting the mouse used to the smell of that trap but caught it early. Use gloves, read the instructions for prep. Mouse wary of human smells ect, but traps are solid and work perfectly. Not providing pics of the kill. But I was miserable till this trap got it.

  5. Dr. Erik Steele says:

     United Kingdom

    We have mice in our loft and have tried various measures from trying to block the holes (mice can get in minute spaces so this didn’t work), humane mouse traps and release them in the fields ( we continued to be inundated), a device that emits a high pitched noise to scare them off (this only worked for a week), poison (a mouse died in an awkward place and started to smell), traditional wooden traps (hard to set, not always reliable and I didn’t want to hurt the mice).

    So here we are with the plastic traps and they are excellent. Very easy to set and even easier to release when you have a mouse which is important. You can also take them apart to clean them which is vital.

    They are quite sensitive but that’s ok and we now have 3 set in the loft with a small camera set so we can check on them so they are not left to decompose.

    A firm 5 stars from me and an easier Winter ahead.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Traps are black plastic, was a bit apprehensive with build quality but so far seems to do the job well.

    The bait trap screws in through from underneath and was very easy to load. I used peanut butter.

    Put 6 traps out and caught 4 in the first night.
    No false triggers

    All in all, very pleased with them

  7. ArdisAliadg says:

     United Kingdom

    We had a problem with mice in our kitchen, first time in 21 years. This probably as we had bird seed in a cupboard?

    I bought these traps and baited some using peanut butter, some cheese as instructed.

    The peanut butter traps were very popular with the mice. We caught 5 mice in 2 days. They have strong springs so 4 of the mice were dead, 1 was alive which I then took far from my home and released.

    It solved our mice problem in 2 days – no issues at all since!

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Although these items were small, they are very efficient. The first night I used them I caught a mouse. Therefore I have no complaints. The puchase was easy, and the product was well packaged, and delivery was fast.

  9. JFVLoukstgzobia says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product. Many years since I needed a mouse trap. Saw great reviews for these ones and bought a box of 6.
    Arrived the next day and put into use straight away.
    These are so easy and safe to load up. No more finger injuries that I used to suffer with the old fashioned wood and spring traps.
    Loaded mine with cream cheese and a sprinkle of seeds on top.
    Came back in the morning and found a dead mouse.
    Was pleased it was a clean kill with no mess.
    Therefore easy to dispose of body without touching anything and rinse the trap through for further use.
    Certainly recommend this produc

  10. ErmelinHardy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI don’t normally write reviews at all but our house had been brewing a small invasion (As most know it is cold and wet in the UK currently) and most of my roommates weren’t buying traps to settle the score so I took the initiative to, as I knew as soon as it warms up they would start reproducing. Upon reading reviews, the amount in a pack and it’s complaints of hyper-sensitvity I decided to buy them. It came quickly and I had used the peanut butter as advised and while I did not catch any the first night, the morning of the third day I had found my singular mouse with a presumed swift and instant fate, the trap was so perfectly sensitive he couldn’t even get a nibble from the peanut butter before it clamped down, and I found that the trap had hardly moved or flipped indicating no resistance so 100% instantaneous; definitely humane and no suffering for the animal. I also gave two of these to my downstairs neighbour, who then reported while her first one was of natural/unknown causes, it caught the second in the same way as mine. I think I’ll list some points below to help other people with this product:

    1) ‘Stability’ and ‘Sensitivty’ seem to be the main issue for these traps in reviews but I firmly believe what is causing it is adding too much bait to the bait slot, aka: overfilling with peanut butter, as I found that if the peanut butter slightly overspills on the trigger plate it’ll keep snapping however no damage seems to have been caused by it so definitely proof of it’s resuability and reliability in even catching the most cautious of mice, and the one that got mine still remained perfectly functional.

    2) I would advice others to use gloves before setting up the traps and turning off any and all lights in the rooms they are being used in and reducing noise, as mice will assume artificial light is natural light and will not come out of where they are hiding to scavenge. They will also recognise your smell and will avoid the traps until it wears off. I’ve bought a Nooski after I trapped mine and implmented wearing gloves and purposely lightly coating them in some of the peanut butter before applying to make the smell more intense to draw them into the trap as mice cannot resist peanut butter. Turning off lights and purposely creating an ”artificial” safe environment for them will encourage the mice to build the courage to go into the trap.

    3. Make sure the trap is positioned in a way where it is close to where they are hiding out and angle it in a way where they have to face it head on, IE; one or both sides close to an obstacle or wall, either manmade or the natural walls of your house. Make sure to also scatter them relatively close-by in various areas of the same part of the room as you intend, as while some may be suspicious about peppermint repellent, I sure found that they do indeed hate the smell, will not be able to smell food and will also avoid the part of the room you are most commonly in (such as a computer desk, table, sofa or bed) and where you spray it as their poor eyesight forces them to rely on their sense of smell, purposely forcing them to stay in the area you have put the traps instead of allowing them to run across and perhaps avoid them for longer.

    4. Most people will often wake up to the mouse being gone instead of hearing the trap go off live while still awake so I would also highly reccomend removing the mouse safely, sanitizing the area, and cleaning the trap to remove the smell otherwise the trap that had been successful in a catch would linger with the smell of a fellow mouse which other mice will avoid like the plauge rendering it ineffective.

    On another note, I would 100% reccomend using these with other tools and preventative measures as mentioned for good security. I have heard another one in the walls close to my room, but covering any holes, pulling out furniture a little bit, spraying the repellent and upkeeping the traps (with the use of loud fast music) seems to have stopped it from making any attempt of trying to break in as I have not heard a single peep even at late night/early morning. Aggression and Ferocity seems to be the key attitude to have when dealing with pest animals, as you do not want to make them assume your house is their ideal home, fill it with signs they would consider unpleasant or dangerous.

  11. Make do Mum says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWhen I discovered that I had mice in the house again, I set about digging out the old traps that I had as well as investing in some new ones. I bought a variety of different designs in order to maximise the chances of making a catch. I primarily use peanut butter as bait in all the traps that I set (mice can’t resist it), perhaps with the occasional bit of chocolate spread. I set three of these ones and four others in various places. I sometimes placed different types next to each other in the most mouse likely locations.
    These traps were the only ones to catch anything and made three catches. Showing that mice prefer to meet their demise with this type than any of the others that I tried. There was no evidence of any misses either. Meaning that there were no triggered but empty traps and no disturbed bait with the trap having failed to trigger. Since then there has been no more mouse activity. That was over six months ago. Though I still have traps set to catch any mouse foolish enough to come indoors.
    In use, these are very easy to set and empty without having to touch anything that you might not want to touch.
    I am very happy with these and I am sure they will serve well if called upon again.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersKilled 22 mice so far and not had any of the reliability/reusability issues mentioned by some other reviewers.
    Not tried any other mechanical kill traps, but these are a lot cheaper and easier to use than electronic ones I tried before.
    Some general tips for anyone considering using them, or anything similar. From reviews of other traps and from general advice on trapping mice, no trap of this sort kills first time every time. Sometimes they will trap cleanly but the mouse takes 30 minutes to die, or they only trap part of the mouse eg a leg. Mice will gnaw off their own legs, or attempt to do so. They will also fight the trap hard and move it about, a lot. So…
    1. You should monitor regularly ie more than once a day. I put mine in the loft with Ring cameras which worked brilliantly. Also meant I knew what I would find, and what sort of rodent was around.
    2. Consider if you can handle either leaving a mouse to die in pain over 24+ hours, potentially noisily so you hear it moving/banging around, and/or it may gnaw a leg off which is messy. I did not think about this and my first experience of it was upsetting, as well as difficult to deal with.
    3. Use traps that you can fix to a piece of wood or something else solid. Stops the trap and attached mouse disappearing into the recesses of your room trailing blood and then dying (and smelling) some difficult to reach or find. It also means you don’t lose the trap and have to buy more. I used small planks of wood with 3 traps nailed to each which meant I could pick up all the 3 traps together with any live / dead mice without touching an area they were in.
    4. Shrews may not trigger these traps. I watched one happily eating the bait, and over the following days it cleaned out the bait entirely. Interesting, but not what I wanted! I did weight the platform with nuts to make it more sensitive. It’s possible that people who say these aren’t sensitive enough actually have shrews rather than mice? I guess that’s another advantage of having a camera on the traps – you know if your enemy is a shrew or a mouse (or a rat…).
    Hope that helps, and hope you get rid of your mice from your house.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very effective and no messing about with setting & risking your fingers! Easy to unload your catch as you can simply press the other end over a bin etc. These are much better than the traditional traps so highly recommended

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems to work well, just need to catch them now.
    I can say they do work I’ve caught a couple of mice so far in these traps. Using oat bran flakes and chocolate bits. Just put them wear they are seen to run . Then just wait.

  15. JerrodLassiter says:

     United Kingdom

    Don’t like having to kill any creature, but we live on a farm and have to do something or we would be over run. These traps are quick and effective. We caught 4 mice in first 24 hours. Easy to put bait on and easy to set.
    Good price for 6 traps especially when on offer.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set and they have a decent snap on them. I caught 2 big mice on night one, and nothing since but I doubt that’s the traps fault, I think I just killed the parents before they could breed. I am sure more will come along eventually. I did find that something was stealing my bait ( cheese ) without setting off the traps, suspect number 1 was rats so I purchased a larger trap and have since caught 3 decent sized rats.

  17. HoseaWilley says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to put bait in without the trap getting your fingers .
    Got 2 mice the first night and a third on the second day.
    Traps still down but no more mice as yet.
    I’d recommend them for easy effective use around the house.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These traps work like a treat, and it’s easy to dispose of the carcasses and reuse. Very easy to set, easy to bait. When you are going to war with a mouse army, make sure you have these in your arsenal.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Needed to buy these to trap a field mouse that had found its was into the house, 2 days later and Mr Mouse was trapped, very sensitive trigger and very happy with the purchase

  20. Paul M. Eng says:

     United Kingdom

    I know this isn’t the ethical way to do it, but needs must! Tried all the traps to catch live an release, no luck sadly.

    Easy to set up, put chocolate in one, few rice crispies in another, and went for peanut butter in last one …

    At least I know I sacrificed my peanut butter to a worthy cause …. came down in the morning and little blighter was a caught.

  21. Florida92B says:

     United Kingdom

    These well designed reusable mouse traps work brilliantly! Very easy and safe to set up, no chance of trapped fingers! I set all six in the house and garage and they despatched 4 mice over two days. They must be the best traps on the market!

  22. Rahul Srinivas says:

     United Kingdom

    I noticed a little friend in the garden and set up a trap (peanut butter is the best)

    Set it up alongside one of the garden walls (they run alongside walls as they have poor eyesight).

    Checked in the morning and our little visitor had been caught.

    Can’t recommend enough.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like the fact that this product can be re-used.
    Also these are so easy to use, compared to traditional wooden traps those are so dangerous caught my fingers in them a few times over the years. It bloody hu

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    They are small and look flimsy, but they work! We used cheese at first: filled all six traps overnight catches. The next night we only caught two and lost 4 blocks of cheese without setting off the traps. They are clever and learn, so you need to change strategy a bit over time- we pushed cremier cheese right in the trap so it was nolonger available for take away, and made the access difficult by putting it in a tight space. Hopefully we wont need them soon.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I found these to work much more effectively than the old wooden ones.
    (Used peanut butter)
    Wood recommen.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are the best traps I ever bought. Really sturdy. Easy to set. And catches them quickly. I would definitely recommend

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Do the job they need to and can be rese

  28. Graeme Wearden says:

     United Kingdom

    Top quality product very easy to use, a great invention. Put it out first night SUCCESS and a 4 legged pest heads to the great big mousehole in the sky. My missus who is terrified of the little pests delighted and will now go back in the garage .

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    They are brutal, but great for reducing the mouse population. Wierdly, I needed these outside to catch some mice who took up residence in a raised bed. Wierd? Each mouse I caught, was duly disposed of by a fox, including the trap; hence having six traps is not greedy, just good to have stock! They do what you need them to 🙂

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent bit of kit .. recommend over any others if you want to get rid of your little friends .. even had a snapper on the back end .. obviously the mouse lived a little longer and tried to crawl to safety but the bite of the traps is excellent and the little bugger had no chance

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We had a mouse going around the house. We tried trapping it in a corner with a bin and every time it would just run off. So we tried one night with these traps in the room. It didn’t work! So last night my mother had the idea of putting traps in each room and hallways. It worked lovely! Front door it got it. I highly recommend them.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant!!!

  32. SelenaDupuy says:

     United Kingdom

    I had little visitor so I set up some live catch traps for him and after about three months I caught him. Whilst taking him to the garage to put him in a box for transportation and release the next day he managed to escape, run frantically round the patio and then BOOM! Back into my house through one of the tiny square holes in the airbrick. (glad it happened as I now know point of entry) Then each night he would bait me and the dogs by scurrying round the lounge. Now I know that they can carry diseases and so when he tried drinking from the dogs bowl that was the final straw.
    I bought these traps, baited them with galaxy chocolate, placed them near the still set live catch traps and waited, and waited, three weeks to be precise. SNAP! I checked the traps and there he was RIP .
    The traps work flawlessly and are easy to bait, I didn’t read the instructions and it mistook my finger for a mouse as i was baiting it whilst set and hadn’t removed the bait pod (the correct way of doing it)
    I’ve given 5 stars based on performance and ease of use along with easy no touch corpse disposal, hope the reliability matches?
    I’ve left them baited and set just in case, and yep a week later I got another one. I’m not sure why the avoid the live catch traps and not this one, but can only assume they would rather not walk inside a foreign object or the chocolate scent does not escape the live trap well enough to attract them. Now I have caught two I have also purchased and fitted mesh airbrick covers (purchased on amazon) to stop any other mice using them as a front door.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These work well and are well made.

    I will say one rather crafty little critter did manage to steal the food for a few nights without setting of the trap, however if you really jam the food into the holder so the pest has to really get at it, bam, got ya.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Unfortunately mice got into the house from the local fields.
    I baited (Smooth Peanut Butter) 4 of the traps on the 1st night and caught 3 mice, killed cleanly and tipped in bin…. there mustn’t be any more as no more have been caught.
    Update 28th April caught a youngste

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    what a amazing product, arrived today fill it with piece of bread, and within one hour caught a mouse, highly recommended!

    great product ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  36. Carlottas Beauty Spot says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a mouse infestation, but every time I have laid one of these out the next day or so it’s always captured a mouse and it’s very easy to use and effective, I’ve cuaght 9 so far and it’s only been a few days, peanut butter works a trea

  37. ownow says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese mouse traps deal with mice cleanly and efficiently, and they are genuinely easy to use without risk to the fingers. They can be set with one hand and that hand doesn’t go near the dangerous bit. Admittedly, unsetting them needs two hands but that too is risk free. Cleaning and refilling the bait cups is straightforward and the traps do not have to be in the armed state to add or remove the bait.
    The only thing that could be improved is the instructions: they need a little bit of work to make the unsetting process clear but now I’m quibbling.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I get the occasional mouse visiting kitchen area, so bought these and placed 5 of them around the kitchen and surrounding area. Killed a mouse within 2 days. Bait used was soft cheese on white bread. They are very easy to use, just read the instructions carefully. No more bruised fingers getting caught in wooden traps.
    I don’t understand why some people catch mice alive and release them far away to become somebody else’s problem.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Second lot purchased due to most going missing in the first week.
    When I checked camera footage of the gardens saw:
    1. Big birds taking off with the dead mouse and trap.
    2. Lazy cat taking away mouse and trap..

    Hint. Tie the traps to a nearby branch or plant.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well I am conflicted about this method of getting rid of mice, would much rather a humane way but nothing seemed to work, these caught 2 in under 24 hours. I’ve reset the traps and see if there’s anymore. But these were scarily efficient, easy to set up and easy to dispose

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Price is very good,good design and ease of use,I have caught 3 mice,in 24 hours,they are doing a good job

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Like others have said don’t judge these on how they feel, they feel cheap and plasticity, But for a small house mouse they are a instant kill. Caught 4 mice in 2 days one in under 12 hours.
    They can be a bit tricky to set I give them a little shake if they don’t want to click in, but not sure if it’s that or just persistence that works. Peanut butter seems to be the one they can’t help sticking their necks out for. I have just ordered a 2nd lot of 6. Multiple traps in lots of places and I hope to catch jerry, micky, and even possibly mighty mouse with these things.