HOMEREVEL- Reusable Mouse Trap, 6 Pack Mouse Traps for Indoors and Outdoors That Kill Instantly, Quick, Effective and Highly Sensitive Rodent Catcher

HOMEREVEL logoHomerevel mouse trap image1mouse trap baits, best and highly recommended baits for mouse trapeasy to clean , reusable mouse trap , easy to set and remove

Dimensions: 10.5 x 5 x 6.5 cm; 300 Grams
Model: HRMT-1
Part: HRMT-1
Manufacture: HOMEREVEL
Dimensions: 10.5 x 5 x 6.5 cm; 300 Grams

135 Responses

  1. Todd McCarthy says:

     United Kingdom

    I ordered several of these and the mini war on mice was won. The wee critters didn’t stand a chance with some chocolate spread in there. Sadly super effective.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Cheap & pretty effective. The spring could be tighter coiled for a more effective use.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely and easy to set, but ensure you use soft sticky bait (peanut butter, cream cheese, etc) as hard bait like cheddar is taken by mice without setting the trap off. Soft bait works well – 2 traps set and 2 kills.

  4. KathyWinkle says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMany months ago we caught a rando mouse with a humane trap, then a new mouse arrived and no way was this high IQ one fooled by the humane trap. Evidence it had been around for weeks, climbing up the back of washing machine and accessing worksurfaces in kitchen, nibbling sweetener wrappers etc (who would have thought mice liked Zucro/low cal sucralose from Greggs). 3 traps set at 4pm around area in kitchen mouse last spotted, by 12pm it was no more, head first. It went for the trap down the side of the cooker which is a place they like, presumably because it’s warm. Used a chocolate drop as bait, compressed into the thimble, not too much – needs to be tempted to go right into the trap to retrieve the food. The traps look like flimsy plastic but, because of the design, are much more likely to kill the mouse outright so less suffering etc. Hate killing things but this one had been living off the fat of the land in our house for far too long and had become a health hazard. If there is a next time () and I alternate the bait, intend to try out the sweetener 😉

    *Update* 2 days later another mouse caught in exactly the same place and time – down side of cooker late at night. It had been lured in by the sweetener. Again, quick demise. I highly recommend these traps.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersCaught a lot of Mickie’s with and without bait in the first few weeks and still catching the odd one now.

    Personally, I think the secret to success is to double the amount of traps you think you might need but only bait a few.

    Peanuts butter works well and depending on the environment, scatter bird seed lightly seen around traps to entice them.

    But like all things in life there is a downside. They do not offer a version large enough to trap burglars or thieves.

    Lets hope they fix this soon yeah?

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSo we have a mouse problem that happens every year. This year for some reason the mice seem to have a very high IQ and have avoided the normal traps we used previously.

    Initially we used the transparent plastic ones to try and capture them humanely but even six with peanut butter failed. Instructions were followed to the letter.

    We resided to the fact we would have to use the common wooden/plastic base type with metal bar that comes down type. These failed as well.

    We then purchased the poison bait sticks which have great feedback having agreed the other methods did not work and even after a couple of weeks and a whole bag of 12, the mice were still taunting us with their ability to circumvent our efforts.

    As a last-ditch attempt before calling an exterminator in we purchased a set of these traps. Hey presto the same day the mice were caught and the following day the rest of them. We used the same bate and locations as we did with all the other traps so there was no difference there.

    I can’t praise these enough. It was literally within hours that the first mouse was caught. We obviously would have preferred to catch them and release to a local habitat but it just wasn’t an option.

    The great thing about these traps are they are swift so as to cause the least suffering and the place where you place the bait is removable from the main unit. This means that not only can you keep the main unit clean but there’s no chance (or very little chance) of you catching your fingers in it when you are baiting it. This also means they are hygienic and easy to clean.

    All the other items we purchased have now been binned and these are the only ones we will use from now on.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersAs someone with a SEVERE mouse and rat phobia, you can only imagine my horror when a dark grey mouse darted out of my bedroom and into our kitchen a few weeks ago.

    We live in a top floor flat of a converted Victorian factory, and the oak beams and brick walls that I once found charming have now become the home to my worst nightmare in rodent form.

    We couldn’t find that particular Mickey for love nor money, and so set down humane traps piled with peanut butter. Three weeks went by with not even a sniff. “Hmm,” we thought. “Have they gone?”

    I’d bought these 6 HomeRevel traps as a backup in case the problem continued (and a litter picker for quicker disposal – would recommend!) On Friday night my flatmate spotted another mouse in our kitchen, and I decided enough was enough. Screw the humane traps – we were going in with the big guns.

    Armed with a charcuterie board of rodent sized snacks, I put rubber gloves on (otherwise they can smell your scent on the traps), spread a tiny bit of each sample on the bait pot, lined up six of these bad boys all along our kitchen and living room and went to bed.

    This morning, we’d already caught two. Dead as doornails, no blood or anything, just a clean kill. I absolutely freaked out and luckily my flatmate was fine to pick them up. I was trembling even taking them out to the bin.

    Use peanut butter – they didn’t touch the jam or the crackers or the chocolate.

    I’ve swapped out the bait they didn’t touch for more peanut butter and will see if we get any more tonight. This battle of wits is a baptism of fire for my phobia, but hoping we can have this dealt with in the next couple of weeks!

    These traps WORK.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAfter a couple of weeks of use with no success I witnessed a mouse eating Nutella from the trap without setting it off. So in order to increase the sensitivity I rested 2 2p coins gently at the back of the pressure pad. Result the next morning was a triggered trap and dead mouse.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    easy to set and easy to clean. well worth the money

  10. doom1701 says:

     United Kingdom

    Good value . It’s a shame I never received the mouse pictured in the listing, suppose I will have to catch my own.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These and a can of expanding foam sorted a problem. Great traps for mice.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Speed in delivery from Amazon the products that was it says value for money because there were six in the box spread all the Manorhouse excelle

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to set, I liked the fact that you could remove the bait box to put the bait in. Very sturdy and effective. Easy to dispose of the catch and reset.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing product – I caught 4 mice within 24 hours. 1 in the first 15 minutes of putting it dow

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I tried some dog kibble (as that’s what I noticed they were eating) and they just took it out- Nutella on the other hand 3 in a hour. Might be a long night clearing traps it seems.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Saw a mouse so went searching for traps. Saw these and always sceptic but ordered and worked first time. Easy to use.

  17. Taisha says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant traps worked like a treat
    Easy to clean and re use
    Have recommended to a friend already who has purchased them

  18. KendraOShanassy says:

     United Kingdom

    OMG first day of use and I got 4 mice already! It works like a charm, great product!

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got theses on same day delivery once I’d found where the thing lived. Placed them all in the same corner of my bedroom and went to bed. Woke up next morning and there it was dead, didn’t even hear it snap shut! Used some out of date cheese in mine and it worked fine, definitely don’t need the proper bait.

  20. Gordon Gottsegen says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick delivery. Very simple to use and because you can take the part out that you out the bait in, it’s very easy to clean. Within an hour of putting them down, the mouse was caught. We use peanut butter in the traps and works a treat. Hate the thought of mice being in the house

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The trap was easy to setup and worked. I think the bait used is the main factor to catching something. I used pieces of chocolate and the mouse emptied a few traps before being caught in one. To get the best results you need something sticky like peanut butter or chocolate spread in the bait slot to keep the rodent on the trap longer.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Caught my house mouse tonight – traps had been down for a week but, apparently, mice are wary of new objects and it takes a while for them to lose their trepidation. Sadly, the trap only caught the mouse by one of its front feet and so I had to administer the final coup de grce. That said, the same thing occurred when using the old-fashioned wooden ‘Little Nipper’ traps.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These mousetraps were easy to prime (although I couldn’t undo the food holder) and I managed not to trap my fingers in the snap. They were good value for money.

  24. noreply@blogger.com Charlotta Gronberg says:

     United Kingdom

    Been trying to catch a mouse in our house for weeks with the wooden traps, useless! put these down Thursday night caught the mouse sat. Very good only thing I don’t like it it caught the mouse’s mouth and it was still alive and squeaking in pain. But it done the job. Just sorry it didn’t kill the mouse instantly.

  25. CareyMcClusky says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set, the little bait holder is good, 1.5hrs and 1 little hairy friend had his last meal. 2 more of his relatives met their maker within 24hrs. Much better and easier to handle than the old style wooden traps.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well easy to use and set up, caught my little friends in just a couple of days. Minimal contact required for the traps to go off so be careful

  27. KoreyGilchrist says:

     United Kingdom

    Had these traps alongside some laid by professional pest control … Guess who’s traps caught the mouse … Mine added a little bait (peanut butter with crushed poison pellets) however did the job swiftly … bonus not only is it very easy to re-use it’s easy to close the traps without fearing for your fingers which is helpful since I was regulary closing as I have little ones.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Worked on first go, think we only had the one mouse and the trap got it first try, they are much easier to use than the old wooden type, good investme

  29. ChantalPelletie says:

     United Kingdom

    Item delivered on time. Easy to apply the bait in the small container and easy to set up. Great value for money. A Mouse was caught within a hour by placing it in the correct place.

    First catch of the day!

  30. MatthewReid says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUnfortunately for my partner and I, we found ourselves with little mickeys running about in the kitchen cupboards and baseboards and tried everything from poison to the classic metal and wood ones that were super fiddler.

    These. Are. Amazing. Within a couple of hours we have caught three of them, giving me hope that this problem will show it’s self to be over.

    I’m not very good with things like traps ect. However these were simply easy to use that I was able to understand how they worked without even having to look at the instructions which obviously I did too!

  31. RockyHyman says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m not one for killing any animals but I had tried humane traps for months with no luck. Had to resort to these and they caught one within a couple of hours, I’d had enough of them crapping all over my work surfaces. By morning another was caught so they absolutely work quick and efficient but still having a guilt trip for killing them lol

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Started hearing some rustling one night and saw a mouse. Set these up and caught it after a day. It only caught it’s leg so picked it up by the back of the trap, popped it in a bag and let it free 50 yards down the road lol. Not heard rusting since.

  33. DottySpeer says:

     United Kingdom

    These are lightweight and easy to activate. I used peanut butter and left two traps near where the mice had left their “evidence” and the very next day each trap held a dead mouse.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brought this product and it arrived in the evening. Easy to set up and we used peanut butter. I set up 2 traps the first one the mouse managed to eat the peanut butter without the trap catching it, but the second trap it caught the mouse on the first night.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Only took about 2 hours and the little mouse that had been causing havoc in our kitchen was no more. Easy to bait (I used peanut butter) and easy to set. I was in the room when it went off and can confirm that the mouse was dead straight away.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wish I didn’t need to buy these, but our house was recently attacked by what appeared to be either squirrels or mice that ate through some of the packed foods stored in the loft. The traps are quite easy to set up – I used some peanut butter on one and chocolate on another. There was nothing until last week – they do work! The trap with the chocolate had caught a small house mouse – not pleasant at all to look at, but at least it was easy to clean as I didn’t have to touch the mouse at all. Would recommend!

  37. ClairLaver says:

     United Kingdom

    While i did catch the nice after 3 days of trying, I do not recommend these traps separately. As the mouse kept getting the food without the trap snapping. Instead I used my near the entrance of where the mouse usually would run to. And placed all 6 traps there. The mouse run than way after I turned in the light and it’s hurry managed to snap 3 of the traps finally getting its legs caught in there.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought these traps because we saw a mouse in our house. Put some peanut butter like everyone recommended , but the mouse never touched the stuff. Eventually replaced it with cheese on some traps and digestive biscuits on others. The mouse really liked it and ate the stuff from 5 traps without the trap closing. So I put smaller peaces in the traps and finally got him. So it did work eventually, but took a while.

  39. Jess Weatherbed says:

     United Kingdom

    The did what they needed to do, just be careful putting bait in the traps they are very sensitive

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are far better than the old traditional ones. I had a one off situation of mice in my house. Never had before and I’m 72. Hated using the old style ones. Bought these and the mouse was killed instantly. All clear of mice now but they are on stand by should I have the problem again. Highly recommend

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought these for my garage very easy to set up .The bait holder unscrews from underneath so no danger of fingers getting trapped. I used dark chocolate (wife not happy wanted to know why I never buy her chocolates) that seemed to work very well into the mid 20’s now for kills . One cautionary word of advice if you use chocolate is put them where your dog can’t get at them I thought I had but the little scamp found it and had a lucky escape trap went off but missed his cherry by some miracle.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Caught 4 mice in two days with a bit of peanut butter as bait.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very effective, had it down for three hours(used peanut butter as bait) and the mouse was caught!

    Very effective!

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Tried a few different traps until I found these: caught three mice on the first night and had no problems since. Perfect!

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I put the traps out and turned off the light, within five minutes we heard a loud snap! I was so surprised how well it worked. Of course I feel bad about hurting a creature but it had to be done. Anyway this is the best trap I have ever bought.

  46. ZRFEvanwulcns says:

     United Kingdom

    Found out we had mice under our kitchen cupboards yesterday and ordered this to get rid of them. I set it up ready to strike and 2 hours later, it has now killed it and I couldn’t be happier/slightly scared there’s more. Already set the new one up and hoping for the best! Overall, it was easy to set up and use (I’ve always been scared this kind of product would chop off my fingers, it didn’t btw) and VERY effective. My thanks to the seller!

  47. VirgiliKinchen says:

     United Kingdom

    Tried the humane traps but the mice weren’t interested. Tried these and caught both over the course of a week. Both times the mice were caught by the leg only. The advantage of this is that I was able to release them in fields a fair distance away which was my plan initially. Anyway, I feel they worked better in my case as I’d always preferred not to exterminate and to release where possible.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought it yesterday with same day delivery. Once received, it took 5 seconds to set up. Works perfect as you can see from the photo. By the way, I used Halloumi cheese as the bait.

    Update: unfortunately it does not work on smaller mice. The smaller one ate all the cheese in one trap without triggering the mechanism and some of the peanut butter on the other trap and although it triggered the mechanism it somehow escaped. So, it is probably good for targeting rats and adult mice (removed 1 star) but not smaller mice.

    Works like a charm!

  49. ElvaChiuushfy says:

     United Kingdom

    Tried all sorts of tube-style and humane and oldschool wooden traps, all of which worked approximately once and then became food delivery vehicles for the annoyingly clever rodents making a home in my kitchen and futility room.

    These traps have not been so easily overcome. I’ve been baiting them with honey, which works perfectly. Killed eight mice in the first week and completely ended the rustlings at night and the poop trails in the morning. I have left the traps out since; we have had one mousy visitor in four? months and the trap under the sink dutifully caught him immediately. Massively happy with the traps.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Loading bait can be tricky as the plate it not removable as advertised but the trap itself does as intended. Quick kill and very effective. Easy to “clean” and dispose of vermin, simple to reload and reuse.

  51. CliftonLwd says:

     United Kingdom

    Out of the blue one evening I noticed a little field mouse in the kitchen. So I quickly looked on here for somthing fast delivery. It came next day at fist I thought they looked a little small. But I set them up and boom in total we caught 5 mouses and so it did the trick and since then no more!!

  52. GeorgiaBosley says:

     United Kingdom

    This guy first magically appeared in our home when the neighbours decided to have their kitchen changed. Hearing that gnawing and scratching noise my ears did not want to accept it was mice until inspecting the room led us to a face off. It was stare down for 35 minutes as my phone torch shined a spotlight on its face as it was hiding behind the sliding cupboard. Upon realising the photo shoot was going on too long it decided to disappear by going down a hole it was making to get under the floor board. It succeeded. Room was locked and bait put out. Few nights passed and the mouse’s construction background allowed it to build a magic lift to keep going down into the kitchen and back up into the bedroom. Once it made an appearance and ran towards the kick board and between a small gap I had realised it’s entry and exit. Calling in the professionals to put bait everywhere to kill it instead made it come out more regularly. I guess it was protein based bait as little guy was no longer little on day 7.

    Got these amazing traps (following the humane trap being ignored) out the same day it arrived and the following night SNAP!!!! The biscoff and peanut butter combo on its doorstep (kickboard below kitchen sink) is where it came out and could not resist. My first trap so affordable and effective
    I didn’t mind throwing it away into a bag with the mice still on it. Have left the others out but it’s been silent for a few days. Hopefully won’t be needed but leaving out in case there are more.

    These work great and I would be happy to reuse as the first point of call again.

    For them intellectual mice! Next day result.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Instant killed no suffering so easy to use and value for money definitely

  54. BlairMFVhugm says:

     United Kingdom

    I have an infestion of mice – the old fashioned traps were utterly useless. But these ones have already killed 6 mice in space of a few hours. The answer to a prayer.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    heard scratching in the loft. put three of these in the loft.

    checked them a day or two after and 3 dead mice.

    put the rest in the loft and not heard a thing since.

    brilliant traps

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Delighted with this product. We had a mouse in the house since Xmas tried everything to no avail within 12 hours of it being placed on floor the mouse was caught and killed.

  57. MSM says:

     United Kingdom

    I gave a good review because they are easy to set up but never saw a mouse after I got them, perhaps the mice knew lol

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought these as my mum kept seeing mouse droppings in her house. Nothing she did worked to catch the mouse. I bought these put peanut butter in the little containers and put them in the garage that’s attached to her house. The next morning the mouse was in one of the traps. I like the fact that it’s quick and so a humane way of catching mice. The little containers to put the food in are a little fiddly to open but overall am very happy

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So,,, we’ve had a mouse problem for ages, tried every type of trap, bait, poison etc etc and still losing the battle. Arrived promptly as expected but what I didn’t expect as they seemed similar to other traps that haven’t worked, within 2 hours of being set up our little grey ring leader has sadly (for him) met his demise! Great product, still in slight shock.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love animals and certainly wouldn’t want to cause death to any, even freed the first mouse I ever caught.. However after a several years of utter torment and having tried everything from glue traps, poison block bait I decided to give a go to these traps. Basically mice are clever, very clever and they learned to avoid any trappings but this actually worked. Having said that after the first few days of no mice caught and them still running around I was somewhat disillusioned but then I decided to change the bait. Having tried everything from cheese, chicken, nuts.. I swapped to our dogs dry food as I noticed previously they we keen on it. And sure enough, bingo they just couldn’t resist. Found one this morning rigor mortis. Certainly more human way to catch them too. So if it doesn’t work right away be patient and/or change the bait, maybe you’re dealing with a fussy mice 😉 Highly recommended otherwise!!!


  61. Sara Hassan says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought these somewhat apprehensively – would these work? Are these inhumane?
    No one wants to brutally kill these mice, but once they’ve invaded your property, left their disgusting mess everywhere, damaging your things, and putting you family health at risk, yes you do want rid asap.
    I followed the short video on how to use.
    I selected 3 of the 6 traps, baited with peanut butter, and put them on the floor as show.
    Next morning, 3 clean kills, no blood or anything.
    Disposed of the bodies, cleaned, baited and re-armed.
    Next morning exactly the same – 3 more clean kills.
    I totally endorse this product, and felt I needed to leave a review accordingly.

  62. ShielaGuffey says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up and I used peanut butter with a little chocolate – both mouse favourites. I live in a small studio flat and honestly thought it was just the 1 unwelcome visitor but I put traps in various places to give the best chance of getting it. Few days later I’d caught it but left the other traps in place anyway and so far I’ve now caught another 2. Unfortunately I can’t quite bring myself to do the the mouse removal to reuse them but at the price they are and success I’ve had I’m extremely pleased with these traps.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an ultimate fix to our mice problem. Caught the mice in about 72 hours, we used peanut butter with this device. Only had to use 2 of the 6 traps. We had a mice in the house for about 12 weeks giving us all sorts of troubles. Our home emergency sent a team who placed Rat Poison all over the house but the mice wouldn’t take it. The only help we got from Rodent professionals is to find openings in the house where mice could come into the house. We also tried the traditional trap but mice was too clever. Use this product, absolutely recommended.

  64. John Velasco says:

     United Kingdom

    Aye right a photo of a dead mouse! The neighbours would love that. I like mice but not lots and lots. Over the winter I saw evidence I had a lot of mice and purchased these traps. Their plastic, lightweight, easy to wash if required and they are lethal. In five weeks I caught 15. I should add this is in the garden area. I suspect I have culled enough to an acceptable standard. For mouse lovers, I would add they inflict an instant end product.

  65. Adam Holloway says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant traps , 6 piece was enough for me to put in the places where i saw the droppings and when i set them last night as only received them yesterday ( sooo simple and peanut butter is the best bait to use), I checked this morning and caught 2 of the buggers, easy release too (rubber gloves and a long tong used). Fully Recommend.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After the first night of hearing the dreaded scuttling around in the roof I put a bait station up there. A week later I discovered it was being used as nest (total power play by them).
    I bought this 6 pack of traps and some crunchy peanut butter. WITHIN 6 HOURS of setting, we heard 2 traps go off! Boom! 2 confirmed kills. Cleaned the traps and reset.
    Fingers crossed we nipped it in the bud before it got out of control.

  67. Beth Howard says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product. I caught those cheeky sods. Bang!

    Highly recommended. Got em’ ha!!!!!

    Should’ve never missed me with me in the first place.

    Great product. I caught those cheeky sods. Bang!

    Highly recommended. Got em’ ha!!!!!

    Should’ve never missed me with me in the first place.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Unfortunately the mouse in the house I was trying to catch was too clever and just wouldn’t go anywhere near the humane traps I’d wasted my money on. I did my research and was using gloves, peanut butter etc.

    I set these back to back in pairs and waited a few days, and the offending rodent has now been dispatched. Excellent product.

  69. MableHaigh says:

     United Kingdom

    We found mice in our garage after they had nibbled through the bag of guinea pig nuggets. Due to having guinea pig in the garage poison was out of the question so I ordered these traps. I filled the bait part with a small amount of peanut butter and set them up, this was really easy to do. Within moments of setting them down it caught 2 mice (causing me a near heart attack in the process but got the job done!). In the first night it caught 4 mice, second night 2, then nothing, then one on day 4 and another on day 5. It’s been almost 3 weeks now and we’ve had no further evidence of mice so I think it’s safe to say they did the job!

    Just a note to say it’s really easy with these traps to realise the mouse once it’s caught without having to touch it or faff in any way – it doesn’t leave any gore or anything either.. They were also really easy to clean as the bait part just twists out of the trap from the underneath. I’m glad I got these so I can use them over and over again for piece of mind.

  70. Grace Earl says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to clean and bait. Caught 4 mice so far but unfortunately 1 was still alive struggling around. Had to finish it myself. May just be unlucky but I feel like the actual trap could be stronger for a definite instant kill.

  71. JennaAPBPtzm says:

     United Kingdom

    3 mice caught in 2 days. Better than any others I’ve tried.
    I would stress that not touching the traps without gloves seems to make a big difference
    as the mice pick up on human scent and don’t go near them..

  72. OnaPerivolaris says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this product 3 days ago having seen a mouse run along my lounge in the evening. Once arrived I placed a trap down over night in my lounge by the skirting board, I only had cheese in the house so gave that ago. I Put enough in the little holder so it couldn’t just grab it and run and it caught one on the first night. I also put another trap the second night under my oven and caught another. Great effective product. Easy to use and clean.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After finding out Im having a Mouse in my kitchen and reading positive reviews about those traps i decided to purchase them.
    Easy to set up (however it managed to snap my Fingers twice lol). But I have to admit these are well Worth the money.
    Just an advice – use a peanut better otherwise Mouse will take the food without being catched. (That was happening to me, the Mouse took all the food from 3 traps, but was catched in the 4th where the peanut better was)

    Well Worth the money

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Sitting in my new (to me) house, I was horrified to watch a mouse wandering about the living room as if owned the place! These traps arrived next day, and I baited them with Nutella (from past experience, this or peanut butter are both lethal), and got two meeces the next night. I’ve kept two out, cleaned, baited and discreetly placed under kitchen units ever since. I haven’t caught any more, but I haven’t seen any – or any sign of them – since.
    Job done.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This product saved the day. A mouse was seen in the kitchen and my partner began to sleep in the car. I ordered these to try and catch the little invader. First night we caught one, and second night caught another. Third night no mice so I’m hoping that’s it!
    Traps are so easy to set up and very easy to release the mouse in to the bin.
    Love the way you can take out the bait to fill up and place back in before setting up. They are a good size too so was able to put through gap to get under the fridge and get out with ease.
    So happy with this purchase, it’s helped massively

    Amazing - Saved the day

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Started off with one mouse in the house…I tried the humane traps catching it and releasing back (I did read that they have to be released at least two miles away but there was no.way I was doing that at 5 in the morning)
    The mouse was residing in a cupboard. One day I opened the cupboard and there were 5 of the little suckers casually stretching and looking at me…this meant war!
    I bought these baited them and within an hour they had killed 4. I recommend leaving it 10 mins or so when u hear it snap so u don’t have any more guilt than necessary to deal with. Within 24 hours 9 had been killed …and never had anymore since. They are easy to clean easy to bait, value for money and get the job done quickly opposed to poison and other things. Immediate kill no horror stories to.report on mouse having limbs amputated etc. It’s not something I wanted to do but having 3 apparently useless cats someone had to step up.

  77. SummerKowalski says:

     United Kingdom

    I had mice nibbling at my beer bottle labels in the garage – who knew they liked the taste of beer! If interested it was a selection of Fullers beers!!
    Never had the need for a mouse trap, did a bit of searching on Amazon (of course!) and came across these. Took the advice of using Peanut butter and it worked a treat. Laid four traps out one eveningm returned next morning to find two had triggered and caught a mouse each. I can tell they go with some force as the trap had turned on its side. Once you get over the shock of staring at a dead mouse its no great drama. Grab a pair of gloves and dispose of appropriately. I have left them out but no more so far – I think problem resolved in one day.

    Very happy to recommend, great item, very reasonalby priced and were delivered in 5 days (sorry Jeff but for once I did not use the Prime option as it was 6 more expensive!!). What’s not to like – they are efficient, effective and humane.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was a bit angry at first as the first night i used it, the mouse had taken the food out of the bait and not been trapped. I tried again the night after and it worked! The trick is to put a tiny bit of the bait enough to attract it and place it deep down the bait. I used peanut butter and have since caught 2 mice. I haven’t spotted any more mice so just hoping it was those 2.
    Would not recommend sleeping in a room where you have the trap in The loud snap has left me traumatised
    However, this is a great trap. Would defo recommend it.
    P.S if you’re giving low stars because it’s inhumane that’s not the point. The point is it works!

  79. MaryellenBernal says:

     United Kingdom

    This trap was easy to set up, peanut butter did the trick.
    Thought there might be a mouse in cupboard under the sink, but hadn’t seen one.
    Hubby set a trap and within minutes it had cleanly caught a mouse, then set it another two more times straight away caught 2 more. 3 mice caught in the space of 10 mins. All clean, no mess and fingers intact.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So after being all humane and trying catch the mice with other traps had no luck mice was not interested so decided to buy poison however they ate all the poison and still living their best life in my house! So enough was enough bought these traps should of done this in the first place! Absolute brilliant caught 1 mouse the first night caught a few more the next and I have no sign of any since easy to set up easy to clean and amazing value for money would recommend to anyone!

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve given this 4 star as initially the traps did not work first time. The trapping mechanism is very effective but does need a slight bit of force to set it off. (See photo evidence of chungus in airing cupboard)
    I fear lighter critters may able to override the spring unless they can tug at the bait and then force the platform with their counterbalance. (Traditional wooden traps the bait is on the spoke so a similar tugging action needs to take place)
    If the food is placed in the holder with room to move they (mice) can just grab it and go. This is why the first time we tried all the squares of Mars bars disappeared and the traps were not set off. This time I stuffed some cheese (mature cheddar) deep into the holder making sure it was not poking out the top and viola! The cheese has now shrunk and needs to be replaced but the design of the traps means any other mice will not eat the dead ones last meal. The traps close tight but not to the point of rolling heads.
    The bait holder also just unscrews from the bottom and set up is a pivot lock with no access to accidentally trap yourself. Any blood and entrails will wipe off the plastic.

    Rent dodgers got a headache.

  82. Lorraine C. Ladish says:

     United Kingdom

    Noticed signs of mice in the garage and didnt want them nesting in items in there. Bought these and used a chocolate bar that was named after a planet as bait, squeezed the end and trap was set.

    Next day i had 2 dead mice, was easy to release them from the traps, just squeeze the end, and then reset them again when clean and baited.

    Work as they should and no issues with them, would recommend.

  83. AngeloOQZa says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought these for a mouse problem in the garage. I have a Big Nipper style rat trap which would have been overkill (excuse the pun), not to mention that last time I tried to set it I practically broke one of my fingers when it snapped shut on me. It’s very fiddly.

    Unlike these which are a breeze to bait and set!

    Within an hour of setting 4 traps, I’d bagged 2 mice. And another by the next morning.

    It’s also easy to open the trap to dispose of the bodies, and easy to clean the bait-well to re-bait with peanut butter.

    Incidentally, prior to getting these, I bought a pack of 8 ‘little nipper’ style mouse traps which were a waste of money, so if you’re serious about catching mice, don’t waste your money on them, and just get these. Yes, they are more expensive. Yes, they are made of plastic. But, yes, these work!!

    Catches mice!

  84. EarnestHTKZ says:

     United Kingdom

    Upon discovering these pesky little blighters within my humble abode, I knew I had to declare war. Fortunately with the arrival of these masterpieces I was locked and loaded, In the hopes of the assailant not outsmarting me I laid them out straight away. Enticing the enemy with some muesli (cereal of any kind will suffice) Well within 1 hour of loading my weapon I had won and heard my weapon snap. I hastly went to go check the trap, to find him (or her) staring back at me or at least what looked like a stare. I then disposed of the assailant, cleaned up the trap with some Dettol and water and rebaited and reset the trap. Word must have got around as I have not heard it go off again yet 😀

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersIt is with great sadness that I report that the Riverdance Mouse band is minus it’s lead performer.. this little Flatley who was dancing Merrily on the ceiling in the loft for hours danced his way unknowingly Into the Trap which brought the curtain down on his final act swiftly and with a very short encore…. no I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty certain a paracetamol will not get rid of the headache that was inflicted… nor am I a tailor but I guarantee that his hat will never fit again… Mouse nil… A good night’s sleep 1

  86. LPMMontemtfcbr says:

     United Kingdom

    I can’t say enough not only did they arrive very quick but could not get over how easy it is setting them up, not like the old style traps where it is like playing Russian roulette with your fingers, I added a thimble worth of peanut butter to them and set them by just pressing down on the back of them and caught 7 mice in 2 days they are brilliant 5

    Brilliant can't say enough

  87. Corinne Reichert says:

     United Kingdom

    I would never buy another conventional spring trap over this again these things are great.

    They are insanely easy and safe to set. Loading the bait cup is also nice and easy with 0 danger of getting a snapped finger.

    The greatest inovation is the cup itself means the bait sits below the level of the trap lever meaning mice won’t be able to grab the bait and run off with it.

    We had a trap that constantly had the bait taken off. This was due to a very tiny baby mouse not being able to set it off. This trap changed that on the first night and caught and killed it by the time I heard the snap and checked on it.

    Great product, safe, reusable and it works.

    If you are having mouse problems this is the trap for you

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought these as we had a tiny intruder, arrived yesterday and baited them all with smooth peanut butter, left them out last night in various different places in my kitchen as we didn’t know where the little critter was hiding, woke up this morning and nothing…. please note that patience is everything, went out this morning and came back to 1 trap snapped and a mouse clearly inside, will be keeping the rest out just incase he’s got mates! I also purchased some expanding foam filler as I think I’ve sussed out where the s@#$ has gotten in! Happy hunting! would defo purchase again!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was sceptical that they looked too cheap to be a reliable product, and saw that multiple sellers offered the same thing at varying prices. However, I picked one and ran with it.

    Set a few traps near the locations where there was evidence of mouse activity (we didn’t know how many mice we had, but they had been in practically every room within the first few days of arriving!). I set one with peanut butter, one with a cracker and marmite, and one with cheese, all using just the bait thimble in the middle. Very easy to use and setup (and they were smaller than I was expecting).

    That night, there were no noises as we had become accustom to with mice running around and nibbling, so in the morning I checked and sure enough two were dead. Marmite and Peanut butter had been their downfall. Reset the traps for the next night and nothing. All activity had ceased. No noises, no more droppings, no nibbling evidence. Gone, it was just two of them.

    A thorough cleaning later, we’re very happy.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Our cat bought in a mouse but lost interest in it when it hid behind a sideboard. We couldn’t catch it either so we purchased the traps.
    Easy to set up, we used peanut butter as many have recommended here.
    Only took one night to catch the mouse (I hope it’s the same mouse) but I will leave them out for a couple more nights to see.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBrilliant little things these. Caught 6 mice in my garage in the the first night I put them out, which was an incredible surprise. Now to see if there’s any more hiding!

    1. I used peanut butter as bait, as it’s sticky and not easily removed from bait receptacle.

    2. I positioned them as instructed – at right angles to wall edges, 1cm out. ( I notice from photos, people appear to ignore this)

    I was impressed by these traps as they’re dead easy to set, with fingers at the opposite end to jaws – unlike the old “wood and wire” devices. Also the removable bait receptacle makes it easy to fill, then fit later.

    I naively thought I just wanted one trap and buying more was excessive, but buying 6 seemed optimum value, at just over 1 each. Well worth the expense in practice considering the damage being caused.

    I did consider “humane” traps, but never had much success in the past. I was fed up of all my stuff being nibbled so wasn’t in the mood to take prisoners this time.

  92. WolfgangSikora says:

     United Kingdom

    These are simple but very effective. Just take the bait section out, put peanut butter in and set the trap. I left three traps out on the first night. Initially I thought I’d caught three mice but couldn’t understand why one trap had moved two feet away from where I left it. When I looked at the CCTV footage the next day, a local cat had discovered the trap. While trying to pull the mouse out, it stood on the trap and evidently reset it. Fifteen minutes later, it caught a second mouse. So, three traps caught four mice. I can’t complain at that.

  93. CaseyDurrqu says:

     United Kingdom

    Ordered these yesterday & arrived today. Set them up straight away, and within half an hour caught 5 mice. We used peanut butter on the trap which they apparently love. Was expecting to have to wait a few days to see any results, actually can’t believe half an hour was all it took. Definitely recommend. Great price for so many & especially as they are reusable. Checked around for prices at Homebase etc & they were all more expensive for less

  94. ClayFikesznzna says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersWas able to catch one on the first night, but then they seemed to take the bait without triggering it. I place them inside small boxes so they can’t access the trap through the sides and must face it straight front, also in areas where they usually go around and are dark.

    Mice can see in the dark but not that well, the darker the better, they use their smell and whiskers to “see” but that’s not enough for them to fully dodge the trap, so I think the best method is very dark places and multiple traps so they end up falling.

    Also, peanut butter, I was recording them with a webcam and found out they love it so much they may come back and continue licking the plastic even when there’s no more peanut butter left just because they seem to become addicted to it, they really love it. As they lick and lick sometimes they slip and by accident may trigger the trap.

    Instead, if using anything else like chocolate or a cookie, they will try to just grab it, pull it out of the trap, take it to a safe place and only then eat it. Which greatly reduces the chances of catching them.

    Also, they seem to always try it first, as if checking it’s not poisoned, so don’t be surprised if it looks like they tasted it but didn’t finish the peanut butter, it’s not like they don’t like it, this only means they will come back in 4-5 hours to get the rest once they confirm they didn’t get sick.

    These particular traps are the best I’ve ever had, super easy to set up and handle, wash, and of a very small size perfect for mice and to hide behind furniture. So really happy with them. Catching the mice though requires a little bit of patience and perseverance, but these traps are amazing.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersFirst off there are other reviews saying these are no good for rats. Well, they’re not rat traps. I’ve got rat traps and they’re twice the size, buy the right tool for the job and you’re onto a winner.

    I had a mouse problem in my garage, which is why I bought these. The bait pot unscrews from beneath which makes it easy to fill and clean when necessary. You can operate these entirely one handed, from locking them open to disposing of dead mice. I used peanut butter as bait and 4 of the 6 traps in the pack placed close to the walls so mice running along the walls would go onto the pressure plate, and I was mouse free after two days, checking them every few hours (2 or 3 times a day). Many years ago I used the wooden “little nipper” type traps, which were a fiddle to set, more likely to trap your fingers or go off accidentally, and made more of a mess when they caught a mouse. These are far superior, safer to use and cleaner in operation. Very happy with these.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersSince the cat has recently taken to bringing live or semi-live mice into the house and letting them go — a great deal of effort has had to go in hunting them down before they start causing electrical fires through chewing through a variety of cables draped through the place. At night, the door to the utility room where the outside cat flap is installed — is locked, and that means there may well be loose rodents left over from the night before’s hunt. Most recently, suddenly ejecting themselves from a casually picked up garden shoe. Solution: to mine the local area with traps where the mice may run to hide, but inaccessible to the cat. It was found that a single hazelnut is a perfect fit for the trap’s bait pod, and four traps were installed to do their thing, and yes, within twenty-four hours, one fugitive was caught. Body easily disposed of, quick rinse of the trap in warm water and detergent, dry-off with paper towel, replace hazelnut then back on silent sentry duty. An absolute godsend, and far superior to wooden types which soon can become contaminated. The six-pack is excellent value.

  97. NedSummerfield says:

     United Kingdom

    I received six of these traps but one was faulty. It would be nice to get one more sent to me without having to return the full order.

    The five i do have work great and after three months of poison the mice have stopped eating it. Within two days I have my first catch see photo.

    They work really well on mice and have produced better results than bait. Also i can dispose of these disease carrying vermin rather than them die a slow death in the walls.

    Although one was faulty the seller refunded me for the one trap.

    very effective

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHaving used traps in the past these are the best I’ve used. We’ve a big back garden. I noticed a mouse under the birdfeeder and another elsewhere. Ordered 6 traps. 12 mice in seven days and now nothing for 3 weeks. Very easy to use. The trap has a pressure plate with a separate cup through the middle. Put a little bait in and put in position. The trap sets automatically upon opening and is not twitchy . Mice love salami.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersThese traps are easy to set up as the bait tray twists out and you can set the whole thing with one hand. So far any mice they have caught have been killed immediately so no suffering. They are quite small traps and you get 6 in a pack so great value for money, but don’t buy if you need to catch anything much bigger than a mouse. Rats or Squirrels are too big.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis trap definitely works, I set it as instructed and placed it under my sink came in next morning and found both my cats sitting in front of the sink , opened cupboard and found one very dead mouse, .