HOOMYA Professional Metal Detector with Memory Function, All Metal/DISC/NOTCH/Mode, 3 Tones, Pinpoint Positioning, 10 Inch Waterproof Coil Lightweight Gold Detector for Adult Children Beginner-MD840

- HOOMYA metal detector can be used to find missing coins, jewelry and other metal objects. it can be a fantastic outdoor activities for you and your kids. Your kids will spend more time with the detection instead of playing electronic equipment, such as computer, mobile phone and games. This special outdoor activity can also relax your body and be a novelty in your circle of friends.
- Tips:
- Do not use indoors. Metal detectors are suitable for outdoor use because electromagnetic signals from many household appliances can interfere with the detector.

3 Tones Distinguish Metals
There are different sounds that are emitted when different metals are detected, and it is applicable in all modes. You don’t have to wait until you dig to know the type of metal, you can still enjoy the surrounding scenery while using the detector.
Low pitch: nails, 5¢, coins, nickel
Middle pitch: pull ring, alloy screw, nut, 1 ¢ zinc coin
High pitch: 10¢coin, 25¢coin, 50¢coin, 1dollar coin, gold, silver

User-friendly Intelligent Control System
Memory Function: The settings (Sensitivity, DISC, NOTCH, Volume) can be retained after each use, which can save the reset time for the next use. According to market research, 97% of the gold detectors don’t have this function.
Automatic Shutdown Function: It will automatically power off within about 15 minutes when you stop operating. With this function, you can conserve more battery power when digging metal.
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10 Inch Search Coil:With 10″ big search coil, allows you to detect deeper treasure. Detection depth :22cm / 9 inch(for a US quarter) | Waterproof Search Coil:With a protective cover, IP68 waterproof rating allows you to use it on shallow water. It can help you find treasure on the beaches or by the rivers. Never miss the underwater treasure. | LCD Backlight Screen:It is equipped with a large backlight LCD , which can show the depth of the target, possible types of metal, operating mode, sensitivity level and battery indication even at night clearly. It allows you to search for treasure at night normally. |

Dimensions: | 44.1 x 28.5 x 15.3 cm; 2.74 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | HOOMYA |
Love it.Easy,does what it says,test it first to get your pitches for metals.I absolutely love it.The really expensive ones confuse me,and seem no better than this.Great for me,I don’t like people,head phones work well enough,I hook them around my neck and turn the volume up a bit.Had lots of finds including a landmine Buy i
So easy to assemble and easy to read. Already finding valuables!
Lovely gift idea for any aged person. Works well. Brilliant service from supplier too. Always helps.
Very good item de a beginner, easyJet to Handel and to asamblate is perfect for a new hobby starter….got it as Xmas prezent happy .
Easy to assembled, took a few minutes, had problems making it work so started again and got it working, found all the bits I put down in long grass
owel/pick tool has a plastic tightening collar which snapped straight away so was unable to use tool at all. Metal detector is fantastic.
No he tenido tiempo de probarlo en la calle pero en lo general tiene buena pinta y se ve resistente, se ha probado en interior con acero, un nivel de aluminio magntico que al tener los imanes ha sido lo nico que variado en la discriminacin por los imanes, un trozo de aluminio y un par de monedas y la verdad es que marca como debe, puede variar algo pero en general muy bien y a parte con todos sus accesorios, no se puede pedir ms
L’indicazione del materiale rilevato molto preciso !
molto leggero, regolabile in altezza, si monta facilmente senza bisogno di istruzioni ed subito operativo.
I materiali costruttivi sono buoni, non eccezionali ma comunque resistente.
Ottimo per hobby, per ricerca di monete o oro in spiaggia o nel corso dei fiumi, in quanto la bobina impermeabile.
dotato di buzzer, quindi suona anche senza l’utilizzo di cuffie, che per vi consiglio di utilizzare (cuffie non fornite insieme, comunque funziona con normali cuffie con jack da 3,5 pollici).
Ottimo prodotto!
It’s very easy to assemble and took me around 5 minutes.
In less assembled I could adjust the pole and arm rest to suit my height and reach which was great.
The display is very clear and easy to ready and differentiate between materials.
I used to metal detect a long time ago and wanted a nice easy machine to use to get me back into it, and this was definitely the right choice.
The included headphones are a bonus as is the fold away spade.
Overal I am delighted with this metal detector and so far I have no complaints about its accuracy and build quality. I’m sure there are plenty of joyful detecting days ahead.
Approfittando di un piccolo giardino di cui possiamo usufruirne, mi sono ingegnato e ho organizzato una piccola caccia al tesoro familiare.
Ho sotterrato diverse monete da 50 cent sparse qua e l ed altrettanti vecchi bottoni in metallo.
Con il metal detector ogni bambino ha avuto a disposizione 5 minuti per trovare i “piccoli tesori”.
stato semplice da montare, si incastra tutto alla perfezione, ho dovuto solo acquistare due batterie da 9 volt e il gioco iniziato.
Il detector ha rilevato i metalli disseminati nell’area circoscritta del campetto.
Con la zappa a corredo stato facile scovarli.
Ovviamente per i bambini stato puro divertimento.
C’ anche una pratica borsa da trasporto e un paio di cuffie per sentire il bip quando qualcosa viene rilevato.
Spero di poterlo usare presto in un luogo pi consono e magari trovare qualche piccolo “tesoro nascosto”.
Al momento funziona bene.
Consegna veloce e gratuita con Prime.
It comes in it’s own little easily carryable bag that i can throw over the shoulder with the rest of my gear and doesn’t take up much space, although it does require a small amount of popping back together each time you open it…but i have plenty of time for that.
If you’re starting off in the hobby then i would say this is the perfect starting point for you, i won’t really ever need to upgrade myself so couldn’t tell you what more you would want from it. You do need 2 9V batteries, so make sure you have some spares ready to go.
Nun aber zum Metelldetektor, bzw. fast, denn auf diesem Markt wimmelt es nur so von teuren Spezialgerten, bei denen eines vermeintlich besser weil teurer ist, als der billigere Kollege. Bei diesem Detektoren knnen Sie richtig Geld lassen, mssen es aber nicht, wenn Sie nicht wollen und genau da kommt nun dieser Detektor ins Spiel, denn der ist megagnstig. Alles was preislich da noch drunter liegt, ist nicht mehr zu verwerten.
Sie Stecken den Metalldetektor einfach zusammen, setzen die Batterien ein und los geht es. Das Gert ist sehr leicht und damit auch handlich fr jngere Leute oder auch ltere Menschen. Es liegt sehr gut in der Hand und die Ermdung setzt nur nach sehr langer Zeit ein. Zudem darf man das Adrenalin nicht vergessen, welches den Krper bei der Suche durchflutet. Die Anstrengung macht sich mintunter erst viel spter bemerkbar.
Durch die LCD Screen sehen sie genau, was Sache ist. Die Sensorentechnik reicht mit zu 20 cm in die Tiefe. Das ist schon sehr gut. Sehr viel tiefer liegen Schtze auch eher selten. Rein statistisch gesehen sind 20 cm absolut ausreichend fr Fundstcke.
Sie knnen das Gert direkt nach der entsprechenden Metallsorte einstellen. Das ist nicht immer genau, aber noch gut genug, denn wenn was da ist, schlgt der Detektor auch an. Sie knnen den Laut sowie die Hhe, die es machen soll, wenn es das eingestellte Metall gefunden hat, ebenfalls einstellen und justieren.
Alles in allem ist dieser Metalldetektor zu diesem Preis unschlagbar. Natrlich denkt man nicht wirklich, etwas super wertvolles zu finden, aber oft sind es doch die Kleinigkeiten, ber die man sich freut.
Es reicht auf alle Flle um herauszufinden, ob das einfach mal nur eine kurze Leidenschaft oder ein echtes Hobby wird.
The metal detector works really well and has a clear and easy to read display. The detection ring is nice and big and means you can cover a bigger area every sweep you do. The holder also makes it comfortable to hold, even for long periods of use.
This it looks to be a good metal detector, for me it was a little hard to manage how it works, but after reading all the instructions, i started to understand this. Also it was easy to put all the pieces together without any instructions, unfortunately it comes without batteryes. Delivery was fast and well packed.