HUAFAST 3D Printer HS-Mini S High Resolution Enclosed Industrial Large Size 200x200x200mm Build Area Support 1.75mm PLA ABS PETG Wood TPU Flexible Filament for School Education Family Maker DIY Like

HS-Mini S

Magnetic plateform
we use the magnetic plate,it will be more convenient for users to remove the finished model.
The size:220x220mm
HUAFAST 3D Printer HS-Mini S with Multi-features
More Practical
- Ultra high Precision
- Metal cabinet
- Color touch screen
- Closed environment
- Magnetic platform
- Power failure resume
- Filament detective warning
It is practical and convenient for new users
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SUPER STABILTYlaser cutting and shaping of integrated sheet metal chassis makes the machine super-stable,it is very stable to printing something with fast speed. | VARIOUS MATERIALSEnclosed environment system,it can printing over 10 different kinds of materials,as PLA,ABS,PETG,HIPS,Wooden,TPU,Flexible,Rubber,Carbon Fiber. | ULTRA HIGH PRECISIONNormal 0.1mm high-precision printing; Default nozzle size:0.4mm Type:MK8 |
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Color touch screen
| Power failure resumeWhen unexpected power failure occurs,the printer will automatically save the print data and record the current position,after the power is restored, the printer can resume the printing function with one click, so that the printing will not be afraid the failure. | Intelligent levelingIt supports 5 points leveling It will be more and more useful and practical for new users,intelligent leveling,easy to print,you will print awesome models quickly. |
Weight: | 18.8 kg |
Dimensions: | 38 x 37 x 45 cm; 18.8 Kilograms |
Part: | Mini S |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | HUAFAST |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Reference: | Mini S |
J’ai achet cette machine de marque inconnue pour moi (c’est ma 7me imprimante 3D). J’ai t intress par le fait qu’elle a une structure mtallique ferme et un guidage de la tte et du plateau par arbres. Le prix d’environ 350 m’a sembl intressant aussi.J’ai reu cette machine dans un carton assez solide dans lequel elle tait insre avec des calages. Pas de double carton donc. La machine elle mme contient des blocs de calage pour tenir les lments mobiles. Aprs dballage il reste juste installer le porte bobine et les boutons des deux panneaux ouvrants. Quelques outils sont fournis, dont une belle pince pour couper le filament. Une petite bobine de filament est fournie, ainsi qu’une carte micro-SD de 1 go avec des modles imprimer, une version de Cura et de la documentation. La machine est donc prte imprimer presque immdiatement. Un rglage soign du plateau sera ncessaire, il tait d’ailleurs proche d’un bon rglage la livraison. Un peu d’huile sur les arbres et j’ai pu tester l’impression d’une pice que j’ai dessine. J’ai t agrablement surpris de la prcision de l’impression et surtout du peu de bruit de cette machine. Ici pas de gros ventilateur bruyant, juste quelques petits bruits de moteurs selon les types de mouvements. Je l’ai dj fait tourner plusieurs heures et tout se passe bien. La plaque magntique sur le plateau est bien pratique. L’cran tactile donne accs aux fonctions ncessaires. L’extrudeur direct permet des retractions bien nettes, aucun effet de “cheveux d’anges”. Pour l’instant c’est un sans faute pour moi, voir dans le temps si cela se confirme. Mise jour aprs environ 2mois: Tout va bien. J’ai mis une buse renforce (nitro) pour passer du PLA charg fibres de carbone. J’ai aussi ajout un module MKS Robin -WiFi V1.1 qui me permet de piloter l’imprimante distance partir de Cura. Toujours satisfait de cette machine donc.
Als erstes mchte ich den wirklich guten Support erwhnen der schnell und sehr hilfreich ist egal bei welcher Frage. Das ist im Bereich der 3d Drucker nicht selbstverstndlich.
Zum Drucker selber:
-Sehr robustes und sauber gearbeitetes Gehuse. Der Drucker steht dadurch sehr stabil und ist vor allem vergleichsweise leise
-Trotz des Gehuses lsst es sich im Drucker selber gut arbeiten, Riemenspannung ndern oder hnliches ist schnell und ohne viel Aufwand erledigt
-“Aufbau” direkt aus dem Karton dauert keine 15 Minuten. Persnlich finde ich das sehr angenehm da ich drucken mchte und nicht basteln
-In 30 Stunden drucken hatte ich keinen einzigen Fehldruck und die Druckqualitt ist super. Da das Gehuse komplett geschlossen ist drucke ich PLA+ mit 40 Betttemperatur und 210 Nozzle. Dadurch erhitzt es sich im Gert nicht zu stark. Der Drucker verfgt auerdem ber einen Lfter zur direkten Khlung des Filaments nach austreten
-Touchdisplay und Men funktioniert tadellos und ist sehr simpel zu nutzen
-Die Gre des 3d Drucker ist wirklich sehr kompakt, vor allem wenn man bedenkt das es sich hier um eine Druckgre von 200x200x200 handelt. Andere Drucker mit Gehuse haben wesentlich grere Auenmae. Da ich nicht viel Platz zur Verfgung habe ist das perfekt fr mich
Alles in allem ein top Gert was zuverlssig gute Ergebnisse abliefert und das fr relativ wenig Geld.
I was surprised that printing the whistle from ASA with the default settings worked right away. The only thing I missed was a real detailed step by step guideline for installation and first print.
Lleg montada solo habia que quitar algunas espumas y colocar el filamento. Muy autnoma y fcil de usar. La caja que envuelve todos los mecanismos cumple muy bien su funcin ya que aisla del entorno exterior. Las impresiones impecables. 100% recomendado
De las cosas que ms me gusta es que al ser una impresora totalmente cerrada es una delicia imprimir ABS y la cama magntica hacen que las piezas se puedan sacar muy fcilmente. He probado a imprimir PLA, ABS, Wood y PETG sin ningn problema con calidad perfecta, para mi se ha convertido en una de mis preferidas. El sensor final de filamento y la recuperacin de impresin tras un corte elctrico funciona sin problemas.
Una impresora muy recomendable y un servicio tcnico que me ha sorprendido para bien cuando he preguntado dudas.
I love my printer. I have used it for quite a while now and it is great. I even needed a part that I damaged and when contacting the company they were very helpful and I received my part quickly. Five Stars all around. Good product.
An incredible machine that offers a simple yet sophisticated resource to create accurate and robust 3D models. Nicely packed and easy to install it took about half an hour understanding the controls and connecting up to my PC, it was easy linking with Cura. All issues and queries immediately answered by Sven at Huafast who must be highly praised for his excellent support. My first project on the HS-Mini S was to design and print a larger filament spool to support my larger sized spools. Many designs, gadgets and inventions are planned for this 3D printer. Highly recommended.
I reached my hs mini s today and had some little problems connected customer support and they got back to me within 5 mins and we message over what’s up and the problem was fixed within 30mins. The customer service was amazing. The printer work very good. Easy if your a beginner if you have any questions I recommend connected them through there support email.
Well I’ve only had it a few hours but already printing, and nearly finished my first major piece after printing 2 test pieces. Absolute doddle to set up and get running. Easy USB interface to Cura, far easier than I expected. Prints fast and accurately. I was a bit concerned about the unknown make but it had the best spec. for the money. My first 3d printer and I feel that I chose wisely
Initially had problems with the printer but customer service was fantastic and helped me work through the initial issues. 3D printing is a learning curve and they were great and very prompt at answering questions. Print quality will vary from filament brand to filament brand. But print quality can be great when you tinker with the settings that work best with your filame
I’ve had this printer for about 5 months now and am very happy with it’s performance. I really like having it enclosed. It took a bit of effort to figure out all the right settings (there are so many) but once I got it working, I just load up a file and print. The leveling seems to be very stable and I have done over a dozen prints now without doing a level. The unit came fully assembled and pretty much worked right out of the box. I don’t have any experience with any other printers, so my feedback is only based on my experience with this printer. Customer service has been top notch. Every time I have contacted HUAFAST, I have received a reply the same day, often within an hour or less.
I am brand new to 3D printing. I had a lot of questions. Huafast’s tech support is the best I have seen. Sven answered all my questions immediately. I don’t think he ever sleeps. He just sits there looking at the email. The front door was damaged in shipping. Sven shipped me a new one the next day. I have not had a lot of time to play with the printer yet. The printer was easy to get set up. I probably way over though getting it set up. The first print was the test print of the whistle. The print quality was outstanding right out of the box. I was really impressed. I couldn’t stop just sitting there and watching it print. Good thing it didn’t take long. I can’t wait to do some more printing. I don’t think you can go wrong with this printer. I will follow up with more as I do more printing.
H Beck
well i was way way excited to get this 3d printer after all of the feed back. it is a fun thing to learn on im looking forward to figuring it out.
I wanted to wait a while and get to really know the printer in and out before writing a review. First off it printed amazing quality right out of the box. This is all around a great printer that with a few printable upgrades can be taken to the next level. The community is small (but very helpful) at the moment, but I feel it will grow quick. I ended up printing bed leveling knobs, axial fan guard, blower fan shroud, and filament cleaner/oiler. If you’re having trouble getting PLA to stick put some masking tape on the magnetic bed. The tape on the bed along with the blower fan shroud and filament oiler help alot with adhesion. I also upgraded the lights and put a 36″ SOC led light strip along the front and down both sides. That was a painless and well worth it upgrade. The biggest thing is make sure the bed is level (about the thickness of a piece of paper between the nozzle and bed) and you’ll be golden. Also another cool thing is they’re working on a laser module for it for engraving.
This is my first 3D printer and it has been a blast using it. Easy to work on and figure things out. The awesome customer support is a huge plus. Worked right out of the box. I compered it to the 3d printer at my job that cost a lot more and it prints just as well if not better.
I had some trouble getting the slicer to work; however, the customer service was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The response time was the fastest I have EVER experienced. I love my printer!
This printer is just…wowww. The quality is through the roof. Every adjustment you make you can see a difference and truly get a pin point accurate print. I make parts for heavy equipment and need them to be spot on. After you get your bed leveled perfect and your settings are set to your filament, this printer just prints like it’s no ones Business. I’ve also seen that even turning my speed up makes almost no difference as long as my base layer is solid. I’m very very impressed and plan on using this printer everyday. Everything is always going to need maintenance and calibration including this. If you just getting into it and don’t have a clue what you your doing this printer would be a good start. I was having some problems with the power but once I contacted the company they got back to me and sent me the replacement part. I think that’s a huge thing when it comes to company’s, is backing up your product. If your just getting into printing or been doing it for a while this printer is a must have.
What can I say? This is my third 3d printer. It was by far the easiest to set up and start printing with. I also have the Creality Ender 3, which took me over two months to set up, upgrade parts to get it to print. To get the E3 to print I had to upgrade the extruder, bed springs, and get a glass bed. Why do I mention the E3? because I can only compare my initial experience with the HS-mini to the E3. HS-mini’s bed is so easy to level I was printing within 30 minutes of unboxing.
The only two cons, I would say are:
1. The size of the print area
2. The lack of community support. I expect the latter to change as time goes by since it’s relatively new.
3. The manual could be a little clearer in translation.
Overall this is a great printer. I highly recommend this printer especially if it’s your first one. I can’t say anything about tech support since I had no issues, but others say it’s top-notch.
It is an amazing product I can do anything from something big to a small gear it all depends on how you used your software for your 3-D model that really gives you a good print the machine can perform to its standards and if you encounter any issues the manufacturer is amazing and takes care of all your problems
you simply have to communicate with them regarding ur issues and they will help fix or guide you on how to fix your problem
A++ service so far
Very satisfied