Huion Kamvas 20 Graphic Tablet with Screen, 19.5 Inch Full HD Drawing Monitor and Accurate Digital Pen for Digital Design, Ideal for Working From Home and Remote Learning

NEW Huion Kamvas 20 2019 Graphic Drawing Monitor
Upgraded Version from Kamvas GT-191 V2
1. Kamvas 20 is NOT a standalone product! This device must be connected to a computer to work.
2. Connection
Your computer needs to have HDMI and USB ports available for the connection, if not, you need an adapter to convert for the connection. For example: DVI to HDMI adapter, Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter (depends on what ports are there on your computer). Better NOT use a USB to HDMI adapter.
3. Driver Download and Installation
Our driver will be regularly updated, so please go to Huion official web to download the newest driver, and install it on your computer.
3.1 For Windows Users:
Please make sure there is no other brands driver on computer and close all drawing program before installation. (IMPORTANT) Please run as administrator when installing the driver.
3.2 For Mac Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15) Users:
Please add the “HuionTablet” and “TabletDriverAgent” into the whitelist first after installed the driver.
4.Indication to Avoid Offset
Please set the optimal resolution: 1920 * 1080
Please set the display size to 100%: Click the right mouse button -> Screen Resolution -> Display -> 100% -> Apply.

178° Viewing Angle
Display quality of your works will never be compromised in terms of color presentation, as the screen that boasts 178° viewing angle prevents occurrence of any imaging distortion.
Large Space
19.5 inch screen will ensure you a large space to create, and at the same time reveal the delicacy of each detail.
Various angles for working.
Create at your best angle with the robust and adjustable stand ST100 that can be fixed at 20°- 80° via pulling the slider on it.

- PW507 provides a more accurate and natural writing experience, it can acutely sense and analyze the change of strengths during the usage of Huion Kamvas 20 graphic drawing monitor.
- Tilt your pen and add shading to objects created or input lines for a specific purpose without parallax occurring to the cursor.
Digital Pen PW507
- Digital pen of Huion Kamvas 20 (Kamvas GT-191 V3) graphic drawing monitor is updated from PW500 to PW507, which helps to be more convenient for your creation.
- Pen Nib : The sensitive pen nib ensures more accurate cursor positioning
- Silicone Case : The holding part is made of silicone which is anti-slip and sweat proof.
- Shortcut Key(Down button): The upper key is used as mouse right-click equivalent by default.
- Shortcut Key (Up key) : The lower key is used as the eraser by default.
- Silver ring : Silver ring adds texture to the appearance
| | | |
Professional Color Presentation
| Upgranded DP Inteface
| Powerful Compatible System
| Package Content

Dimensions: | 47.5 x 29.8 x 3.5 cm; 2.84 Kilograms |
Manufacture: | Shenzhen Huion Animation Technology Ltd. |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | GT191 V2-ipeu |
La calidad del producto es increble, es idnea para dibujar, pero tambin sirve perfectamente como pantalla.
Ich liebe dieses Tablet! Ich nutze es hauptschlich zum illustrieren mit einem bekannten Grafikprogramm. Die Einrichtung war schnell gemacht. Im Internet hatte ich mir vorher Tipps geholt, wie ich die Knpfe auf dem Stift belegen knnte. Da bin ich aber vllig frei. Das Bild des Display ist klar und deutlich, hat eine gute Auflsung. Es wird auch nach 3 Stunden Dauerbetrieb nicht wirklich warm.
Das Kabel vom Grafiktablet zum Rechner ist etwas kurz geraten, passt aber zufllig gerade so noch. Die Gre des Tablets hatte ich etwas unterschtzt, aber ich bin jetzt begeistert von der groen Zeichenflche, die ich damit habe. Der Stift reagiert hervorragend und immer so wie ich es erwarte. Dabei hatte ich schon Angst, dass die Schutzfolie auf dem Display stren kann. Aufgrund einiger Rezensionen bzgl. Kratzer auf dem Display habe ich mich nmlich noch nicht getraut, sie abzuziehen. Es gibt meines Wissens auch keine Ersatzfolien fr dieses Display.
Die Neigung des Gragiktablets kann ich mir selbst einrichten, was ich als groen Vorteil empfinde. So kann ich mit der leichten Neigung viel lnger zeichnen, als wenn es flach auf dem Tisch liegen wrde.
Man darf allerdings nicht vergessen, dass das Tablet eher fr den “stationren” Gebrauch geeignet ist. Es ist so gro und schwer, dass man es nicht auf dem Scho nehmen kann ohne dass die Beine einschlafen.
Ich finde es auch gut, dass das Gert einen eigenen Ausschalter hat, da ich ihn ungerne vom Strom und Computer trennen will, wenn ich ihn mal nicht benutze. So mache ich ihn einfach nur aus.
Der Preis ist sicherlich nicht gerade niedrig, fr mich hat sich die Investition aber 100% gelohnt.
Ich liebe dieses Tablet! Ich nutze es hauptschlich zum illustrieren mit einem bekannten Grafikprogramm. Die Einrichtung war schnell gemacht. Im Internet hatte ich mir vorher Tipps geholt, wie ich die Knpfe auf dem Stift belegen knnte. Da bin ich aber vllig frei. Das Bild des Display ist klar und deutlich, hat eine gute Auflsung. Es wird auch nach 3 Stunden Dauerbetrieb nicht wirklich warm.
Das Kabel vom Grafiktablet zum Rechner ist etwas kurz geraten, passt aber zufllig gerade so noch. Die Gre des Tablets hatte ich etwas unterschtzt, aber ich bin jetzt begeistert von der groen Zeichenflche, die ich damit habe. Der Stift reagiert hervorragend und immer so wie ich es erwarte. Dabei hatte ich schon Angst, dass die Schutzfolie auf dem Display stren kann. Aufgrund einiger Rezensionen bzgl. Kratzer auf dem Display habe ich mich nmlich noch nicht getraut, sie abzuziehen. Es gibt meines Wissens auch keine Ersatzfolien fr dieses Display.
Die Neigung des Gragiktablets kann ich mir selbst einrichten, was ich als groen Vorteil empfinde. So kann ich mit der leichten Neigung viel lnger zeichnen, als wenn es flach auf dem Tisch liegen wrde.
Man darf allerdings nicht vergessen, dass das Tablet eher fr den “stationren” Gebrauch geeignet ist. Es ist so gro und schwer, dass man es nicht auf dem Scho nehmen kann ohne dass die Beine einschlafen.
Ich finde es auch gut, dass das Gert einen eigenen Ausschalter hat, da ich ihn ungerne vom Strom und Computer trennen will, wenn ich ihn mal nicht benutze. So mache ich ihn einfach nur aus.
Der Preis ist sicherlich nicht gerade niedrig, fr mich hat sich die Investition aber 100% gelohnt.
Tableta grfica perfecta. Tamao enorme para poder disear a la perfeccin. Fcil de montar y de instalar. No se puede estar ms satisfecho de momento
Sn ancora all inizio .. ma mi piace molto .ottima la sensazione che da pa penna sul vetro.. funziona perfettamente .. io uso Windows 7 .. ho semplicemente scaricato il driver della hunion e i programmi da utilizzare .. l unica pecca e oa posiziine dei vari cavi .. che si trova sotto .. e in piu il cavo hdmi non e proprio ottimo in quanto ogni tanto se mosso si scollega da pc .. per il resto e favolosa .. lo schermo e grande e i colori fantastici
Sn ancora all inizio .. ma mi piace molto .ottima la sensazione che da pa penna sul vetro.. funziona perfettamente .. io uso Windows 7 .. ho semplicemente scaricato il driver della hunion e i programmi da utilizzare .. l unica pecca e oa posiziine dei vari cavi .. che si trova sotto .. e in piu il cavo hdmi non e proprio ottimo in quanto ogni tanto se mosso si scollega da pc .. per il resto e favolosa .. lo schermo e grande e i colori fantastici
This has an IPS screen with a 1920×1080 resolution screen (Full HD), which provides better colour accuracy and contrast in comparison to VA/TN screens. This will definitely make a huge difference, especially for those artists looking to draw the perfect image.
The connections to use this with a computer or laptop include: DP, HDMI, VGA. This covers the three main display connections that are used so it makes it compatible with the wide majority of devices.
The large size of the screen also makes it easier to draw, especially with the pen. It allows for more precision when drawing and can help with the finer details.
The stand is very useful for this monitor. It allows for the user to adjust the angle of the screen, which can make it much more convenient to draw on.
It can be used as a normal monitor too but that would be a waste of its potential. It’s much better to use this to draw on.
Overall, the colour visualisation and ease of use makes this an amazing tablet that would be perfect for those needing something to draw on.
This has an IPS screen with a 1920×1080 resolution screen (Full HD), which provides better colour accuracy and contrast in comparison to VA/TN screens. This will definitely make a huge difference, especially for those artists looking to draw the perfect image.
The connections to use this with a computer or laptop include: DP, HDMI, VGA. This covers the three main display connections that are used so it makes it compatible with the wide majority of devices.
The large size of the screen also makes it easier to draw, especially with the pen. It allows for more precision when drawing and can help with the finer details.
The stand is very useful for this monitor. It allows for the user to adjust the angle of the screen, which can make it much more convenient to draw on.
It can be used as a normal monitor too but that would be a waste of its potential. It’s much better to use this to draw on.
Overall, the colour visualisation and ease of use makes this an amazing tablet that would be perfect for those needing something to draw on.
Ich habe mich gewagt mir noch ein Produkt von Huion zu kaufen, groe berraschung ich wurde nicht enttuscht.
Der Monitor ist enorm gro was sehr praktisch beim zeichnen ist. Der Aufbau hat keine 15 Minuten gebraucht und die Installation keine 2 Minuten.
Den Stift sollte man per Huion Software kalibrieren lassen, dies sollte man fters machen um prziser arbeiten zu knnen.
Der Stift liegt sehr gut in der Hand und fhlt sich sehr hochwertig an, genauso die mitgelieferten Kablen.
Der Monitor ist sehr gut von den Farbdarstellungen, die jeder fr sich umstellen kann (ich rate euch, die rot, blau und grn Werte auf 50 zu stellen).
Der Standfu besteht aus Metall also sitzt sehr fest und rutscht nicht. Die Positionen reichen von ca. 15 bis wirkliche 90, unfassbar.
Falls der Grafikmonitor im Angebot ist, kann ich euch nur raten es zu holen!
Eigentlich hatte ich keine gute Erfahrung mit Huion gemacht , da bei meinen vorherigen Grafiktablet das “Huion Q11k” groe probleme aufgetaucht sind und mir der Support nicht helfen konnte, es war ein stndiges hin und her per videobeweis….
Ich habe mich gewagt mir noch ein Produkt von Huion zu kaufen, groe berraschung ich wurde nicht enttuscht.
Der Monitor ist enorm gro was sehr praktisch beim zeichnen ist. Der Aufbau hat keine 15 Minuten gebraucht und die Installation keine 2 Minuten.
Den Stift sollte man per Huion Software kalibrieren lassen, dies sollte man fters machen um prziser arbeiten zu knnen.
Der Stift liegt sehr gut in der Hand und fhlt sich sehr hochwertig an, genauso die mitgelieferten Kablen.
Der Monitor ist sehr gut von den Farbdarstellungen, die jeder fr sich umstellen kann (ich rate euch, die rot, blau und grn Werte auf 50 zu stellen).
Der Standfu besteht aus Metall also sitzt sehr fest und rutscht nicht. Die Positionen reichen von ca. 15 bis wirkliche 90, unfassbar.
Falls der Grafikmonitor im Angebot ist, kann ich euch nur raten es zu holen!
1. Drawing Tablet
2. Stand
3. Pen, Pen Stand, Replacement Nibs & Pen Nib Clip
4. UK & EU Power Cable
5. Power Adapter
6. HDMI Cable
7. VGA Cable
8. USB Cable
The only thing you do not get as far as hardware is concerned, is a Display Port (DP) cable. As part of the set-up, you do need to attach the stand to the back of the tablet. This is just a matter of four screws. The stand can be adjusted between 20 and 80 degrees.
In order to use this tablet, it does need to be connected to a PD or Laptop and you do need to have the relevant software.
I got this for my very arty teenage daughter to use in her bedroom but initially set it up in my study. One problem I came across was that my PC could not handle my two WQHD monitors and this at the same time. I did disconnect one of my monitors and it worked fine but decided that it was best to set it up with my daughter’s laptop, as this is what it is going to be used with.
Once connected, there is some Huion software that you need to download in order to finish setting this up and to calibrate the screen and pen. This was quite easy to do. In terms of your PC/Laptop spec, you need Windows 7 upwards and macOS 10.12 or higher.
The important thing to note is that you do need some software to be able to utilise it. We already have Adobe Creative Cloud, which has several Apps that my daughter can use with it. If you are a beginner, then you may want to look at Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, Paint 3D or GIMP. All of which are free.
Spec wise, the tablet has
a. A large glass 20″ 1080p screen
b. Pressure Sensitivity: 8192 levels
c. Pen Resolution 5080LPI
d. 266PPS
These specs are comparable for other leading Pen Tablet manufacturers.
Once connected to the laptop and turned on via the power button underneath, on the right had side, and selected Extended Display for the two screens. We were them able to open the drawing software on her laptop and then drag it across to the tablet. Alternatively, you can open the software directly from the tablet itself.
My daughter is very much in the learning phase when it comes to this, as this is first time of using the software, so I suggested she watch some “How to” videos on YouTube, while using it. The key to getting the most out of this, is choosing and understanding house to use the software, as this it what really drives it.
The screen is crystal clear and running at 1080p off the laptop was no problem. If you want to have both the laptop screen and this running both at 1080p, then it is best to check that your laptop (or PC) is capable of doing this.
Pen sensitivity is good, it flowed freely over the screen and there is little lag from pen movement to screen. I personally found the pen a little chunky for my liking but them I’m more use to using one on a tablet, where they are much thinner. There is no need to worry above having to charge the pen and it comes with a stand, so you don’t damage the nibs when not in use.
It is worth spending time setting this up, so everything is tailored to your needs but it is good to go, out of the box.
Overall, my daughter and I thought that this was a good quality pen tablet, with plenty of connectivity options and a choice of free downloadable software. It is really the software and using the pen that takes the time.
At 319, it is reasonably well priced for its screen size.
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative, and useful. Thanks for reading.
1. Drawing Tablet
2. Stand
3. Pen, Pen Stand, Replacement Nibs & Pen Nib Clip
4. UK & EU Power Cable
5. Power Adapter
6. HDMI Cable
7. VGA Cable
8. USB Cable
The only thing you do not get as far as hardware is concerned, is a Display Port (DP) cable. As part of the set-up, you do need to attach the stand to the back of the tablet. This is just a matter of four screws. The stand can be adjusted between 20 and 80 degrees.
In order to use this tablet, it does need to be connected to a PD or Laptop and you do need to have the relevant software.
I got this for my very arty teenage daughter to use in her bedroom but initially set it up in my study. One problem I came across was that my PC could not handle my two WQHD monitors and this at the same time. I did disconnect one of my monitors and it worked fine but decided that it was best to set it up with my daughter’s laptop, as this is what it is going to be used with.
Once connected, there is some Huion software that you need to download in order to finish setting this up and to calibrate the screen and pen. This was quite easy to do. In terms of your PC/Laptop spec, you need Windows 7 upwards and macOS 10.12 or higher.
The important thing to note is that you do need some software to be able to utilise it. We already have Adobe Creative Cloud, which has several Apps that my daughter can use with it. If you are a beginner, then you may want to look at Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, Paint 3D or GIMP. All of which are free.
Spec wise, the tablet has
a. A large glass 20″ 1080p screen
b. Pressure Sensitivity: 8192 levels
c. Pen Resolution 5080LPI
d. 266PPS
These specs are comparable for other leading Pen Tablet manufacturers.
Once connected to the laptop and turned on via the power button underneath, on the right had side, and selected Extended Display for the two screens. We were them able to open the drawing software on her laptop and then drag it across to the tablet. Alternatively, you can open the software directly from the tablet itself.
My daughter is very much in the learning phase when it comes to this, as this is first time of using the software, so I suggested she watch some “How to” videos on YouTube, while using it. The key to getting the most out of this, is choosing and understanding house to use the software, as this it what really drives it.
The screen is crystal clear and running at 1080p off the laptop was no problem. If you want to have both the laptop screen and this running both at 1080p, then it is best to check that your laptop (or PC) is capable of doing this.
Pen sensitivity is good, it flowed freely over the screen and there is little lag from pen movement to screen. I personally found the pen a little chunky for my liking but them I’m more use to using one on a tablet, where they are much thinner. There is no need to worry above having to charge the pen and it comes with a stand, so you don’t damage the nibs when not in use.
It is worth spending time setting this up, so everything is tailored to your needs but it is good to go, out of the box.
Overall, my daughter and I thought that this was a good quality pen tablet, with plenty of connectivity options and a choice of free downloadable software. It is really the software and using the pen that takes the time.
At 319, it is reasonably well priced for its screen size.
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative, and useful. Thanks for reading.
I do not use Photoshop. I use a newer Software suite, Affinity Designer/ Photo/ Publisher. So far I have just used it in Affinity Designer and it works perfectly.
I do not use Photoshop. I use a newer Software suite, Affinity Designer/ Photo/ Publisher. So far I have just used it in Affinity Designer and it works perfectly.
I find the graphics tablet recommendable due to it’s very simple operation and handling. The large display gives you s nice big area to draw on and the adjustable stand means you can adjust it to your own requirements. In short : I love i
I find the graphics tablet recommendable due to it’s very simple operation and handling. The large display gives you s nice big area to draw on and the adjustable stand means you can adjust it to your own requirements. In short : I love i