Hydracy Water Bottle with Time Marker – Large 1 Liter BPA Free Water Bottle – Leak Proof & No Sweat Gym Bottle with Fruit Infuser Strainer for Fitness or Sport & Outdoors

sport water bottle with time marks
sport water bottle with time marks
sport water bottle with time marks
sport water bottle with time marks
sport water bottle with time mark hiking biking yoga tai chi health sport water bottle with time mark hiking biking yoga tai chi health fruit infuser water bottle with time mark hiking biking yoga tai chi health infusion fruit infuser water bottle with time mark hiking biking yoga tai chi health infusion cold brew coffee tea pitcher large capacity hot and cold
Timer Marker
Neoprene Sleeve
Large Capacity
Infuser Basket
Coffee Mesh
Hot and Cold

Size: 1L
Dimensions: 29.39 x 8.79 x 8.71 cm; 390 Grams
Brand: Hydracy
Colour: Rose Gold
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Hydracy
Colour: Rose Gold
Size: 1L

220 Responses

  1. Katrina Butcher says:



  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great size, good quality and easy to use bottle. Happy with the purchase and can definitely recommend.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wasn’t pleased with the idea of bringing more plastic into my life but at least this means I buy less drink bottles out and about. I searched for ages trying to find something that wasn’t too garish and I’m really happy with my choice. This 1L bottle feels solid, doesn’t leak and doesn’t impart any flavour to the water, which has been mentioned on other bottle brand reviews. It’s fairly sleek given how big it is. I’d prefer it if it didn’t have the measures on the side as I don’t need them – I like water and easily drink 2L each day. Otherwise, v happy customer.


  4. RandiHadden says:

     United Kingdom

    Larger than I expected, so I bought a smaller one, which I use for keep fit. This does not leak and with the quick release it is easy to drink. The larger one also does not leak, so will use this for taking on walks. Very pleased with both. Would recommend.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It literally has out class quality, the water flow is very good, easy to use, handle and very trendy design. Would recommend to all.

  6. DoyleKirkcaldie says:


    Ich bin vllig begeistert von der Flasche und kann sie nur jedem empfehlen.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Gave it an overall 4 only because mine did not have a pouch. Bought another one for my husband, imagine my surprise when I find his has got one. I need the pouch hydracy.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have never been excited about a water bottle before haha. This one is really great, doesn’t leak, doesn’t stain (I put vitamin C in it every morning) Feels great, the opening is super easy. It also fits in my car cup folder very well. No complaints.

    Great bottle

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love these water bottles, I’ve got one in pink and one in green and can’t fault them. They look great and the quality is brilliant. I’ve had the green one for almost 2 years and it’s not showing any signs of wear yet, despite using it multiple times a time and travelling too and from places with it. They’re just perfec

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great shape
    Has no trace of taste so literally you taste the water
    Timing encourages me to drink all day
    Very easy to carry around

  11. SherryIQPM says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the style and size, the water stays nice and ambient, just how I like i

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I can’t fault it… Does what I need and does it well while looking so stylish

  13. LouisaLudowici says:

     United Kingdom

    I never normally write reviews but I absolutely love this water bottle! I got the beautiful mint green colour and the 1l is the perfect big size. I was debating between this one and the 2l as I wanted a big one, but this 1l is absolutely perfect! I also love the little case that it comes with so that your hands don’t get cold or wet from the condensation.

  14. FreemanV14 says:

     United Kingdom

    Reliable, easy to clean, and no bad taste from the material. Excellent product.

  15. Ulrich18Bv says:

     United Kingdom

    I absolutely love this watter bottle its so comfy to drink out of I bough purple and went and bought the green after also hahaha

  16. bookreview says:


    Eine sehr schne Trinkflasche aus sehr guter Qualitt. Wirkt sehr hochwertig und die Zeitbeschriftung hilft, um mehr zu trinken.

  17. LashawndaBrobst says:


    Flasche ist super schn.
    Robust ist sie auf jeden Fall und erfllt den Zweck.
    Wrme – mssen wir erst ausprobieren
    Angeblich ist es nur fr warm halten aber das glaube ich nicht!
    Lieferung sehr schnell, alles bestens

  18. EmiliaGtudgq says:


    Die Flasche ist berall dabei und tatschlich sehr robust. Meine Kids haben sie schon fter wo runter gehauen und bis jetzt hat sie alles berlebt. Auerdem ist sie super schn und trinken hat noch nie so viel Spa gemacht.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s light, easy to open. Drink stays chilled. Absolutely perfect.

  20. BasilSousa says:


    Die Flasche sieht so toll aus und wirkt, obwohl sie ja aus Plastik ist, total hochwertig. Normalerweise trinke ich nur noch aus Glasflaschen, da mir die aber unterwegs zu schwer sind habe ich mir diese Flasche gekauft. Die Zeitabstnde sind beim bergang zwischen 12 p.m. und 2 p.m. etwas verwirrend, aber auf jeden Fall kommt man mit der Flasche leicht auf zwei Liter am Tag. Die Trinkffnung ist optimal und es lsst sich super angenehm daraus trinken. Es schmeckt auch nichts nach Plastik.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great water bottle easy to use, light and definitely helps you stay hydrated along the day. Would recommend.

  22. Christopher Jasper,Siddharth Vikram Philip says:

     United Kingdom

    Exactly what I was looking for, the bottle is a bit more bulky than I expected but I love it and the colour! The strap comes in very handy too

  23. Caroline says:

     United Kingdom

    Genuinely helped me to keep track and encourage me to drink! The colours are beautiful as well!

  24. Gene Petersen says:


    Die Trinkflasche ist in Material, Funktion und Preis/Leistung sehr zu empfehle

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I absolutely love this bottle! I normally prefer sports cap type bottle but this has exceeded my expectations! It’s great for hygien as you just press a button for the lid to open so no need to touch the spout. There’s a little catch you put over the button part of the lid to stop it accidently coming open if you keep it in a bag. Hasn’t leaked at all. The colour is very pretty and lovely box too! Looks exactly like the picture.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Hace varios meses que uso esta botella, el agua siempre sabe bien, es muy resistente y la parte de las horas es muy til. La recomiendo.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Seit ich diese praktische Flasche habe trinke ich viel mehr. Der Wrmeschutz auen ist leider schnell schmutzig, aber die Farbe ist halt einfach super schn.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the feel and look of this bottle. It’s a bit pricey but definitely worth the money! I can’t be without it now

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Wow!! Such a gorgeous water bottle that looks and feels so premium. So far I’d say it’s definitely worth the money for the quality of it, looking forward to see how this holds up. Comes in a gorgeous box and with a sleeve, made the whole unboxing experience great.

    The most premium water bottle!

  30. Anonymous says:


    Seitdem ich die Hydracy Trinkflasche besitze, trinke ich viel mehr Wasser als zuvor! Durch das integrierte Band lsst sie sich bei Spaziergngen gut am Handgelenk tragen. Ich wrde sie mir jedes Mal wieder kaufen!

  31. GeriOrmond says:

     United Kingdom

    This bottle is great. It’s a lovely colour and the soft touch to the outside makes it feel more expensive than it was. I was worried that it would mark easily but so far it hasn’t and the small pouch it comes in is great for transporting it. The part that you drink out of is a clear opening with no obstructions and it doesn’t make a noise when you drink which often annoys me with other water bottles.

    Would highly recommend.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m used for work , good amount 1 liter ! Bottle is easy to use and easy to clean!

  33. Naveen Joshi says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIm Auftrag meiner Freundin habe ich ihr die Flasche fr den Gang ins Fitnessstudio bestellt.

    Die Flasche hat nette Features wie z.B eine Isohlle, eine Handschlaufe, ein Sieb und einige Ersatzteile.

    Die Flasche fhlt sich sehr wertig an und ist aus etwas strkeren Kunststoff gerfertigt. Sehr schn ist auch der Deckelmechanismus mit dem starken Scharnier.

    Vermutlich werde ich mir ebenfalls solch ein Sportflasche kaufen, allerdings in einer mnnlicheren Farbe. 😀

    Schöne Sportflasche

  34. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin total begeistert von der Trinkflasche! Sie ist nicht nur wunderschn, hat eine angenehme Mattierung und greift sich sicher, sie ist auch auslaufssicher, super stabil und toll verarbeitet und hat keinerlei unangenehme Gerche oder entwickelt diese nach lngerem Gebrauch. Ich nutze die Flasche jetzt tglich seit ber 3 Wochen und bin megahappy und wrde sie immer wieder kaufen!

    Wunderschön, sicher & top Qualität!

  35. Tom Caswell says:


    Hatte schon einige andere trinkflaschen. Aber diese ist meine liebste. Hochwertig verarbeitet. Wunderschn. Und zu 100%auslaufsicher. Rundum perfekt.
    Das Band kann man ganz leicht abnehmen was ich beim splen sehr angenehm empfinde

    Ich liebe sie

  36. VicenteCunneen says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the perfect water bottle for when you’re working long hours and easily forget to drink water!! It’s the perfect size, looks amazing and I have not had any leaks whatsoever!! Best purchase and a really good price for what it’s worth.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The sock insulates the bottle so not only does it not drip condensation on me, but also keeps the drink colder for longer.

  38. Ben Rogerson says:

     United Kingdom

    Had many water bottles throughout the years and this one is the best one so far. It’s really nice and I love the tracker. I went from a person who never drinks water to easily drinking at least 2l a day, so if you struggle with water intake this will be your best friend. Fits nicely in the side pocket of my backpack but it also has a “leash” attached if you’re just going for a walk. Easy to clean, doesn’t leak and doesn’t bend at all.

  39. Anonymous says:


    Fr meine Familie gestaltete sich das Trinken bisher als die reinste Herausforderung. Daher dachte ich, es wre eine gute Lsung, wenn man sich das Wassertrinken ansehnlicher macht. Die Farben der Flaschen sind total schn, wir haben sie in grn, blau und rosa.
    Es werden auch Ersatzteile (kleine Gumminupsies) zur Abdichtung der Luft- und Trinkffnung mitgeliefert. Die Lieferung umfasst auch noch ein Sieb, welches man einsetzen kann, sofern Frchte oder Obst im Getrnk gewnscht sind.
    Wir sind begeistert!

  40. DannyBrunton says:


    La calidad es increble. Muy resistente y grande. He empezado a beber 2L al dia con esta botella!! BRAVO!!

  41. EmileL98ucjxug says:


    Love This bottle – let it ventilate well before use

  42. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin mit dieser Flasche wirklich sehr zufrieden. Ich habe sie tatschlich tglich im Gebrauch. Das Band was dran baumelt eignet sich super zum Transport, aber man kann es auch abmachen. Die mitgelieferte Tasche isoliert die Flasche zustzlich, so da man sich auch nicht die Hnde bei heien Getrnken verbrht. Sie eignet sich sowohl fr kalte als auch heie Getrnke und die Farbe fand ich einfach toll. Super ist auch das sehr viel reingeht so das man seinen Flssigkeitsbedarf gut abdecken kann.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersMir gefllt sehr gut, da die Frchte oder Kruter, die man fr infused water hineingibt, nicht in ein enges Sieb gesperrt werden, sondern frei herumschwimmen knnen. Das Sieb ist dafr im Flaschenhals integriert.

    Das Wasser schon abends fr den nchsten Tag vorbereiten und ber Nacht in den Khlschrank stellen, dann schmeckt es noch intensiver.
    Tiefkhlobst funktioniert prima, und man kann es immer bereithalten.
    Sauerkirschen, Himbeeren, Ananas, Mango, Erdbeeren, Heidelbeeren, Gurkenscheiben, frische Minze schmecken sehr gut,
    Im Frhling ganz toll: ein paar Erdbeeren und eine Holunderblte!
    Ich gebe immer ein wenig frisch geprete Zitrone mit hinein fr mehr Fruchtigkeit.

  44. Sophie Slim says:


    Seit ich die Flasche habe trinke ich viel mehr!
    Sie luft nicht aus und lsst sich super verstauen in der Handtasche. Ich bin echt sehr zufrieden mit dem Kauf. Habe sie direkt zweimal gekauft fr mich und meinen Freund.

  45. TonyaStine says:

     United Kingdom

    This bottle is more leakproof and sturdy than the other bottles I’ve had such as Mango bottles. No leaking, with the sleeve it stays cool for a relatively long time and I like the fabric strap. Would recommended

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used this every day since I bought it and it’s definitely improved my water intake. It has a clip to stop the lid flying open when taking it in the go with me and it includes a koozie to stop condensation marking surfaces

  47. CandraZFTX says:

     United Kingdom

    Love these drinking bottles, bought this one for daughter I was so pleased with mine! Makes drinking the right amount of water so easy!

  48. Anonymous says:


    Beim ersten Mal trinken musste ich lernen das, das Luftloch oben sein muss
    Ansonsten hatte ich sie gut gereinigt und hatte empfunden keinen Geschmack im Wasser von der Flasche

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this water bottle; in fact I’m a little bit obsessed with it. Love the colour, great quality, easy to drink from and you can take loads of water in in one go due to the easy pour spout. I honestly LOVE it!

  50. BellaSlack says:

     United Kingdom

    The perfect water bottle for a busy bee like me. The minimalist design, esp the time markings, makes it attractive overall that I am easily reminded that I should drink my water hourly!!


  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am really happy with this drinks bottle! It’s got a really good quality feel about it and I especially like the hour markers on the side of the bottle.
    All in all really pleased and would definitely recommend!
    Good quick postage from seller.

  52. DorotheUQU says:


    Klasse Flasche, motiviert zum Trinken. Gut verarbeitet inkl. Ersatzdichtung und Hlle. Supe

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this bottle. The water flows really nicely and it is easy to get my daily intake of water. I like that it has a special cap so you can add fruit without it coming out of the spout. Also works with ice. The sleeve is like a little wet suit and prevents condensation although i can’t see the times with the sleeve on.

  54. MonikaShelby says:

     United Kingdom

    This is such an amazing water bottle. It is stylish and user friendly.

  55. JewellGFKyzxzkp says:

     United Kingdom

    Love it only issues it does leak through the small hole when drinking…but that’s fine it doesn’t leak when lid closed. Looks fab all Compliment me on it.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I like so much the bottle is very nice and you can clean very easy

  57. MarcusXiong says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my second bottle purchase, having got the smaller version for my son. When i dropped my previous water bottle and smashed the lid i didn’t hesitate to replace it with one of these. Great shape, nice range of colours and the neoprene sleeve is an inspirational extra.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I never leave feedback but had to with this. I try to drink water throughout the day but realise now how little I was drinking. The bottle is a good size, nice to hold, the fruit filter is a great idea and the time markings make all the difference. I have been using it for a week and can’t imagine not having it now! It’s good quality and I would absolutely recommend!

    Great produc

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice product design, but expensive for what you get. It has been leakproof so far, but the design is dependent on a basic clip and seal, so not convinced this will last as well as the Contigo bottle that I have in terms of staying leakproof, but this was the only bottle I could find that was a one litre size. I think it could be quite easy to pop the clip if it’s rolling around in a bag. The fruit infuser isn’t really an infuser, it’s a little plastic tray at the top that the water passes through when drinking. Enough to get a couple of lemon slices in the but that’s about all.
    Main drawback is that your CANNOT PUT THIS INTO A DISHWASHER which is different to what the advertising says here in Amazon. The instruction leaflet accompanying the bottle is very clear that it can’t be used in a dishwasher.
    So overall it’s ok but not amazing.

    It's OK but you can't clean in a dishwashe

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really nice feel on the outside.. very easy to drink from and slim/tall! Also comes with a sleeve cover.
    Really loving this bottle so far!


  61. Sibylle Tinsel says:

     United Kingdom

    The only water bottle I ever use. Easy to measure my intake, gorgeous colour and strong and sturdy!
    Room for fruit and ice! It has also been dropped several times and is still in one piece! Seriously impressed with the durability of this bottle. Worth the money!

  62. MarlaSturgeon says:

     United Kingdom

    Great quality durable bottle. Love the colour range. Handy carrying strap. Leakproof locking lid and handy markings to keep track of intake. Definitely worth spending a little bit extra for.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    entirely leak proof, very sleek looking bottle, holds a lot of water, but pricey but absolutely worth i

  64. DanialSconce says:

     United Kingdom

    love this bottle, it’s not cheap, BUT it feels and looks great (colour is gorgeous), has me drinking more water, handstrap is so useful. I like that the infuser is not complicated and you dont have to use it if you dont want to, easy to remove and store for when you do want to use it. You’ll need a bottle brush to clean all the way down to the bottom. Only had it a few days and my kids want one, my cousins want one, everyone who see’s it seems to want one 🙂

  65. Renee says:

     United Kingdom

    I really care about my water bottles and have used many types, this is my most recent purchase and I’m SO happy with it. Clean and simple, large water capacity and seems very well made, I don’t see it breaking any time soon. Enjoyable to drink from and the strap is handy . If you’re thinking about buying it then definitely do 🙂

  66. FreddyOkeefe says:


    Ich bin ein schlechter Trinker und habe mir daher diese Flasche gekauft. Trinke seit ich sie habe tatschlich viiiiiel mehr. Kommt auch viel raus beim trinken. Bin super zufriede

  67. MaximilEBN says:

     United Kingdom

    This is such a good bottle, I love it, and it definitely encourages me to drink more! Fully recommend.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love the design and its sturdiness. The colours are lush (I got the pink and the moonlight green) and the timings on the side keep me on track to drink lots in the day. I also love the design of the cap, with the button and lock, and the hand loop on the side that can be taken off for washing. Be careful when you first fill it up there is a little pouch of stuff that’s meant to keep the bottle dry while it is boxed up. Always wash these things before using!

  69. Elizabeth Rodriguez says:

     United Kingdom

    Apsoutly amazing I have fallen in love with the Hydracy!! It defently lives up to standard I would get this!

  70. ShoshanWinneke says:


    Mit der Flasche schaffe ich es endlich genug zu trinken. Sie ist auslaufsicher und geschmacksneutral. Wrde ich immer wieder kaufen! Klare Kaufempfehlung!

  71. Anonymous says:


    I realised that I hadn’t been drinking enough water, and an app wasn’t really helping me. So I looked online and found this bottle. I love the fact that it’s pink, and looks beautiful. I also love that I can watch the clock and see when I need to drink. Since buying the bottle, I have been hitting my water intake targets, and I’ve posted this bottle to social media, and recommended it to my friends. I’ve also bought bottles for my hubby and kids, so that they drink enough water.
    The little plastic sieve is prefect for adding things like peppermint leaves or cucumber to your water for flavour. You can drink really quickly because the hole lets water flow easily instead of having to suck it out. Love it!

  72. Palma0546zha says:

     United Kingdom

    This is definitely leak proof as long it isn’t full right at the top of the bottle and laying on it side! A few droplets came out, but it is minimal unlike other bottles I have brought before now

  73. CNET Commerce says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this bottle! This is my third purchase ( just for rotation) I have the rose gold, the green and a small black one. The first thing that stood out was the tactileness of the bottle it feels so unusual it’s like silky smooth but with a little texture. I love the sleeve you don’t get those annoying condensation drips in your bag. This bottle does not “tweet” when you drink I have had others because of the tiny air hole in the drink cap makes a whistling noise but not with this one. Just don’t drink it sideways as you can get a little water spill from the air hole. It holds a decent amount of water/juice; easy to refill & clean. The cap is robust and has a safety clip to keep it shut. At first I thought the price was a little high compared to others but when it arrived It’s so worth it from the quality of the bottle, the sleeve even the packaging it’s well worth it. Plus I just dropped it full and the sleeve protected it so well, there was no damage or leaks. All round this is a great great buy and I won’t buy another brand of bottle anymore.

  74. KimberCremor says:

     United Kingdom

    Great looking bottle and a good size, unfortunately had to drop one star as the fruit strainer was missing from the package. I had already used the bottle before realising, it makes little difference to me, so I’m happy to keep a hold of the bottle.

  75. Healthy Review Guru says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice container, good quality, my previous one was a bit slow but drink comes out nicely on this one. I was asked to rate it on warmth? Bit confused because I use it for cold drinks!

  76. JanineBenge says:

     United Kingdom

    Water leaks out of this bottle if u turn it the wrong way to drink

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Feels and looks great, can tell the difference having a swig of it, would 100% recommend!

    Best water bottle

  78. ElmerPTAWk says:

     United Kingdom

    Great bottle! Doesn’t leak, easy to drink from. Highly recommend.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased for my daughter, who got really quite excited about it!
    These are her reasons:
    Flip top lid has a catch which keeps it firmly closed & prevents leakages during transportation; but is easily opened using one hand. It is a hinged lid, so stays attached to the bottle
    There is a small hole in the top of the flask which prevents a vacuum forming as you drink – facilitating free-flowing liquid.
    The strap makes it much easier to hold whilst running.
    The wide neck makes it easy to clean.
    … and she loves pink!
    I didn’t think anybody could be so enthusiastic about a flask & now have to order another one for her sister!

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was hesitant to purchase this because it costs more than the average water bottle, but I’m so glad I went for it.

    It’s helped me drink a lot more water – although I don’t necessarily follow the times marked on the bottle, it’s kind of a little challenge! It’s also a good size, nice to keep track of how much water you’ve had and easy to drink out of.

    The pink colour is very nice. It comes with a sleeve which is good against condensation, a strap for easy carrying, and a little thing to sieve if you’re one to add fruit.

    No plastic smell, no rubbing off of the colour or the print.

  81. Grace Earl says:

     United Kingdom

    Great bottle. Accurate size. Easy to drink from. So far, leak proof. Easy to clean. Would recommend


  82. Anonymous says:


    Durch das luft loch ist das Trinken aus der Flasche super. Ich finde die aufmachung gut und sehr Funktionr. Bin sehr zufrieden.

  83. TresaJudendxjuy says:


    Me ha encantado, estoy sper contenta, no huele a nada, es muy hermtica y cmoda.
    De hecho he comprado dos ms de distinto tamao. Todo un acierto!!!

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this bottle, I chose the rose gold colour, it just looks light pink though. It feels nice to hold, easy to clean, I take this everywhere.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent size bottle, haven’t used the cover yet , all in all great value product all round

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this bottle! I always forget to drink water when at work and this helps enough, i wish i bought it sooner. So easy to clean, fun to drink from and very cute. I love the colour and design.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been through a lot of drinking bottles with doing fitness but this is so far the Best bottle I’ve ever bought!

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love it. Easy to clean! No leaks yet! And keeps my drink cold for a good while!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    One of the nicest bottles I have purchased, looks very nice and expensive in my bike holder. High quality strong lid 🙂

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersI, for one, love drinking water and have no problems drinking 2+ liters a day. But I wanted to get a water bottle that 1) didn’t give water a strange flavour, 2) was easy to take around, 3) was easy to wash and leave to air dry, and 4) was pretty. Mission accomplished.

    I bought the 1 liter pink one, which is oh-so-pretty and exactly as in the pictures.

    Those requirements are SO difficult to find, so I’ve bought a few bottles before and failed. My main issue is always the flavour, ideally I like water that is kept in glass, as it gives it the best flavour, but most glass bottles are covered in some sort of silicon or plastic which gives them a bad odour or taste. The metal ones make water taste like metal. If you are a super taster (google the term!), then you will know what I’m talking about.

    This one ticks all the boxes. The plastic does not flavour the water at all, which is amazing. It has a really nice feel to it, it’s very soft and kind of silky, really lovely. The see-through the pink shade is just so pretty.

    I initially removed the strap but ended up putting it back on as it’s really handy. However I do not like the material of the strap, and that loses it half a star.

    The other half a star is lost because it has the time markings. As I said in my case drinking enough is not an issue, if anything the time marks show me that I’m like 1 hour ahead of the goal time, so I wish it did not have the time marks. I can see how they are useful for others, and, since they are minimal, I bought it anyway because it was BY FAR the prettiest bottle I could find.

    Now, the spout. Lots of reviews, and also the seller, mention how good the spout is and the rapid water flow. I read that and I thought it was a bit weird??? but once you use it you realise it’s true, you can tell the spout is engineered to perfection, and you get through the perfect amount of water, as in, a lot, but not too much. So funny how it does make a difference.

    I’ve removed the filter as I’m not going to use it, but it looks very well made. I haven’t used the cover either, but again, I can see it would help to keep your drink cold in the summer.

    As I said above, I’d like a strap made of a different material, and a version without the time marks, and that’s why I only give it 4 starts. But other than that, I love it. The quality of the spout and the plastic, the lack of smells, and the prettyness of it, make it worth the price.

    Finally, even the box is so so so pretty, which is a nice touch, and you feel you paid for a good quality product.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really love this bottle. Wanted something to help me drink more water and find it really helpful. Completely leak proof and not to big considering it holds a 1l

  92. FelipaBuie says:

     United Kingdom

    I was very impressed with this water bottle – despite holding so much water it doesn’t feel too big. The matte finish is really nice as is the little insulated sleeve it comes with. I also like that it has a filter cap on the inside (that you can remove) as sometimes I put cucumber slices in my water.
    For whatever reason, the drinking cap makes drinking the insane quantity of water you’re supposed to drink in a day very easy!

  93. Cathie Ericson says:

     United Kingdom

    I wanted a new bottle without a straw just so it’s easier to clean etc and bought this. I did think it seemed quite expensive for a water bottle but when I received it I could see how much better it is than the kind of bottles I was using before. It’s very smart looking, I love that you press a button to open the lid so you don’t touch the part you are drinking from and the fact it locks into place so it won’t leak. The sleeve it comes with stops your hands getting cold too! I’m really impressed with it and glad I made the purchase it was definitely worth the money. Very easy to clean with a bottle brush (I use the munchkin children one where it has a smaller attachment to clean the bit you’re drinking from) I love it!

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is by far the nicest and best water bottle I have had. It really helps me drink at least 2L a day with the timings on the side and in general is a very well thought out design. Worth every penny, thank you.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing product, it is leak proof keeps drink cold and warm. Amazing quality

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The reviews were excellent so I thought I’d get one and I was not disappointed! This is a beautiful bottle and a high quality product. It has everything you need to stay hydrated. The handle is silky and so is the bottle. The claps it excellent and the diffuser is a welcome addition. The timer marks on the side are subtle and keeps you on track of your intake. It came beautifully package too. A wonder gift and I’m made up!

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this water bottle. A very slick design for a bottle that contains 1L of water. I have also drop it many times and there is not a scratch on it.

  98. RandalPurves says:

     United Kingdom

    The best water bottle i have had, so easy to drink from and looks very smart.

  99. Sleeping Unbeauty says:

     United Kingdom

    Incredible engineering, have never drunk out of such a fantastic water bottle well worth the money! *****

  100. TahliaQYTL says:

     United Kingdom

    I havent used this water bottle yet but im glad i got it because ive been looking for one that can fit 1000ml/1lr/32oz bottle. I love the rose gold colour. I will take this when i go in labour as i need to keep drinking alot of water and this bottle is perfect for it or taking for on the go or traveling.

    Love this rose gold water bottle!!