Ibergrif M20702 Shower Column System without Tap, Shower Set included Rainfall Shower Head, Handheld Shower, Hoses, Diverter, Shower Rod, Mounting Accessories, Shower Riser Rail for Bathroom

Ibergrif is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of plumbing supplies, faucets in Spain. With an uncompromising dedication to quality and a passion for lifestyle, we are producing products that perfectly meet to the needs and lifestyles of our customers. It is our goal to help customers live a more beautiful and affordable life. Find inspiration for your kitchen and bathroom with Ibergrif
- Easy to Clean
- High Glassy surface
- Twist-Free Shower Hose
Ibergrif: Enjoy a comfortable life.
This basic shower taps is a ideal choice for any bathroom with a single handle for total control.
Combined with a high-shiny chrome finish, this shower will keep its beauty for years to come.
Twist-free shower hose is made of Steel for the ease of use and adjustment. there is no annoying tangles or rapid wear and tear.
- 1, Shower Set
- 2, Package
- 3, Shower Diverter and Holder
- 4, Assembly parts
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Brass Diverter ValveEasily and conveniently convert water between hand shower and fixed shower head, while it all depends on your water pressure. | Anti-Kink PipeMainly Made of durable stainless, it allows to resist daily corrosion, scratches and tarnishing and No annoying tangles or rapid wear. | Rain ShoweringA bigger size provides a full and even coverage to your body and delivers a soft, delicate pattern to soothe you skin. |
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Refined brass constructionHigh-quality materials ensures sturdy in structure and durable to use for maximum reliability. | What you will get?They are : 1*shower set 1*shower diverter 2*shower holder 10*assembly parts 1*manual | Installation DiagramThe diagram would show how to install shower diverter system, and coming with user manual, easily to install and save time. |
Weight: | 2.47 kg |
Size: | Round |
Dimensions: | 88 x 40 x 8 cm; 2.47 Kilograms |
Model: | M20702 |
Colour: | Silver |
Manufacture: | Ibergrif Griferias S.L |
Colour: | Silver |
Size: | Round |
Conforme aux descriptifs. Pose des 2 patres facile en remplacement sur fixations d’origine. Bmol : les supports de la colonne sont en plastiquetrs fragile !, et les 2 pices se fixant sur les 2 patres ne tienne pas trrible, elle se dboite facilement par rapport au poid de la colonne !
The showers themselves are brilliant and make you feel good all over, but the water leaks out of the joints where the pipes meet together. We are going to have to buy PTFE tape to stop it as I don’t want to over tighten it.
Very quick way to up grade to rain head shower.
Montaggio facile. Certo vanno usati trapano e cacciaviti. Io ho usato altri stop, non quelli in dotazione, ma per un mio scrupolo. Sono mesi che c’ l ho e il doccione non ha sofferto minimamente del calcare di Roma. Funziona ancora benissimo
Follow the instruction sketches and it’s not hard to install. Looks good and works well provided it’s connected to a supply with a good pressure head. This means a mains supply or the water supply tank is above the top shower head. Mine did have a drip leak from the selector tap which was a bit annoying. probably the seal not in properly.
Just bear in mind you will need PTFE tape on all joints or it will leak
Been using Ibergrif hardware more and more with my clients projects Good quality, well made and reliable which is very important to me. Very simply to install, took me less than 10 minutes and my clients love it. The Hand basin tap is also Ibergrif and is the hand basin waste push action waste plug. I would only suggest a well known brand starting with the letter G and ending with e to my client’s but these days as things get tighter and harder for everyone, Ibergrif Is that brand I have came to trust as fantastic value for money without cutting on quality.
While I would agree that the instructions are not the best, the installation process is not very difficult, especially if you read the review by Mr Juggles.
This shower is a definite upgrade. I am now able to stand in the middle of my shower tray to show and not huddle against the wall to stay under the water.
I may change the rain shower head to a 10″ or bigger later on, but the 8″ is sufficient.
As the shower is chrome effect covered plastic, it does feel quite light, but I feel that it will last fine. If you want more solid materials, you will have to pay more money.
Overall, a great item.
Great value for money. Easy to fit. Very well made.
I use this off my electric shower. Works grea
Although the instructions were poor an average Diyer could fit this quite easily and get the stylish looks and performance required. Value for money
Le fonctionnement global est agrable.
Comme toujours sur ces produits, les chevilles fournis sont ridicule. J’ai mis des chevilles crampons.
Point positifs :
– facile monter
– pas de fuite
– packaging et emballage de transport robuste
– pas cher
– robinetterie robuste qui donne confiance. A voir si a tiendra dans le temps
– pommeau du haut tout acier qui semble tre de bonne qualit.
– les 30cm de dgagement pour le pommeau pluie sont limites mais suffisants.
Points ngatif :
– ensemble un peu lger
– assemblage de la fixation murale perfectible. a tient, mais on sent bien qu’il ne faut pas tirer dessus !
– l’attache du pommeau de douche n’est pas gniale a manipuler. Mais une fois serre, elle ne bouge plus.
En gros :
Si vous n’avez que 60 a mettre la dedans, allez y, c’est pas mal du tout. Si votre budget vous permet de monter en gamme, faites le.
Mon avis perso, tant en location je ne voulais pas mettre trop cher la dedans, je ne suis pas du. Si c’tait a refaire, je ferais le mme choix. Un petit regret cependant : le pommeau “pluie” de 20cm de diamtre est sympa, mais 30 a aurait t encore mieux 😉
As Mr Juggles has mentioned the valve will only work one way, the blue bit on the inside is the intake, the brackets tighten up nicely if you remove the cap and use a large Allen key or screwdriver. One more thing, the the flex that connects the water intake only goes one way for best water flow. Otherwise like he says for the money its perfect to tidy up an old shower.
I think its great for the price Everything works ,no problem. Looks more expensive then Ive expected. Was able to use the same holes from before (but only 1 screw on the top and bottom as the second one did not much) so no need to drill. you will also need much bigger screws as the ones provided too small.
Will probably change the shower head for the bigger one as this one feels a bit small but not a big deal.
Bought this for the en-suite shower cubicle, it took about 30mins to fit to an existing concealed thermostat mixer setup. For the money I wasn’t expecting too much and of course it’s made in China. I read some of the reviews where it said the wall brackets didn’t hold the riser pipe, I had the same problem until I realised I was fitting it wrong, the chrome cap prises off the bracket which reveals a threaded black insert with a flat screwdriver fitting, tighten with said screwdriver onto the curved pipe holder insert and then pop the chrome cap back on, riser pipe is fixed solid. I bought a second Grifema unit for the bathroom to fit to a bath mixer tap, 30 mins and job done. Only time will tell on their reliability but two units installed for 110, it had to be worth a go. The rainfall and shower spray work individually or both together and with our pressurised hot water system running off an oil boiler, it’s fabulous. Already had numerous compliments.
En principio me da problemas en la unin de las tres salidas en una, queda suelto y pierde agua. Devolucin? Probablemente.
Despus de aadirle una goma en una junta que no vena en el paquete. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Funciona perfectamente, le falta una goma en una junta, donde perda agua, pero se soluciona teniendo una de mano. Fcil de montar y funciona correctamente.
Aprs avoir lu longuement les avis publis, je me suis dcid acheter cette barre de douche.
– Points positifs:
1) Contrairement ce que j’avais lu, nul besoin d’tre un expert pour la monter, aprs montage je n’ai repr aucune fuite aprs m’tre assur que tous les joints fournis taient bien en place.
2) Les fixations murales peuvent tre positionnes n’importe quelle endroit de la barre ce qui permet ventuellement de rcuprer des trous existants.
– Points ngatifs:
1) Les fixations murales en plastique relativement soft doivent tre positionnes absolument plat et sans forcer sur les vis au risque de ne pas pouvoir visser la partie conique des supports de barre dessus et surtout d’abimer le filet. 2 pices mtalliques de quelques euros auraient t un plus.
2) Le systme de serrage de la barre est dlicat car c’est la face avant des supports qui font office de vis de serrage, et donc la prise en main est de quelques mm, dgraissez vous les mains avant de commencer.
4 **** donc cause des systmes de fixation.
This is a lovely, well made dual shower.
The rain shower head is perfect and the water is directed perfectly out of each silicone nozzle.
It is easy to operate and the polished chrome looks pristine.
The only let down was the hand held shower head. 2 of the setting were good, but the power setting was poorly directed and weak, a bit like water coming out of a hose pipe.
That said, it is personal preferences, and it was easily fixed with another brand.
Fitting was a no brained, with a few tweaks with seals. They need to be a little bigger, so be gentle tightening the valve up.
I still gave it top marks, because I don’t believe personal preference should tip the balance from it being a top quality product and if you can’t fit it, maybe you shouldn’t try to fit it in the first place.
Looking for a rain shower instead of a normal shower. The Ibergrif combination shower is one to look at. Fitted to an electric shower very easily and quickly done.
Its a nice sturdy shower and reasonable easy to install.
I would have given it 5 stars if the instructions were actually useful. Like alot of things these days it come with picture instructions that can be a bit vague.
Eg. how to tighten the brackets to hold the riser. Once you realise what the picture actually means its quite easy and the brackets hold the riser rigidly.
It would also be handy if they had labled the inlet valve “in and out”. If you fit it upside down it wont work (inlet has a blue tab ).
The only other issue I had was the shorter hose did not attach to my Mira Mixer tap due to the nut not being deep enough with the washer to enable it to tighten. But the mira hose attached to the shower inlet. So problem easily solved by using the existing Mira hose.
Installation start to finish was less than an hou
Great shower, I even needed to reduce the temperatuure slightly.
Works well on my electric shower ! Looks amazing . It would have got 5 stars but the threaded nut from the shower hose won’t go on the right thread and leaks slightly .
This item looks good but you must get the valve the correct way round or it won’t function properly
This was one of the the few showers that I could fit on my bath, cause of the height of the tab and ceiling height.
It is easy to install (though it is possible to get it wrong, which I did but you fix it very quickly) the shower works good. If you want a super fancy shower head, you can upgrade it as it has normal screw fitting. However I am happy with it.
This product was easy to install and works perfectly. The family love it and it’s easy to use.
Excellent product and so easy to install taking only 10 minutes. Such excellent value for the money and a high quality item that I am ordering another one for my main bathroom.
Had wanted a rainfall shower head for a long time and I’m not disappointed. Still has the handheld shower for washing the dog and cleaning the bath etc. I have a pump for my hot water so I get a perfect shower so I cannot comment on what this would be like with gravity fed or electric showers, might be a bit disappointing. For my needs though, it’s perfect.
I had arranged a return of this unit, as I simply couldn’t work out how the holders tightened on the bar….. then I read the previous feedback…. Then, Voila!!
I installed it easily after realising that there were screw slots on the reverse of the wall holders that you could tighten up!!
Looks fabulous in the bathroom now, so I’m hoping it is durable …
Liked it because of the adjustable hold points to wall meant I could set them over where a previous shower rail had been and therefore did not have to replace any tiles to get end look being great.
I contacted the manufacturer and they supplied the attached instructions – which aren’t this model either, they are good enough to use.
I found it easy to fit and it works well.
All’apertura della confezione i pezzi sono ben ordinati, ognuno incastrato nella propria sede: impossibile che arrivi qualcosa di rotto o segnato!
“Esplorando” il contenuto, per farsi un’idea di come comporre il tutto, i fissaggi a muro della colonna sembrano a prima vista poco resistenti: vi infatti una parte in plastica che si fissa a muro con i 2 tasselli… ed il “ghierone” cromato che si avvita sulla suddetta parte. “Giocandoci” non convince, al montaggio invece tale sistema, una volta stretto, risulta pienamente efficiente e ben stabile… non credevo.
Io ho sostituito un vecchio saliscendi, non ho per potuto “recuperare” tutti i 4 fori per i fissaggi gi presenti sulle piastrelle: l’interasse dei fori non corrisponde (almeno nel mio caso), pi largo per i fissaggi di questa nuova colonna! Ho quindi effettuato un nuovo foro per ognuno dei due fissaggi, ed i vecchi fori sono stati comunque coperti dalla parte fissa in plastica prima descritta.
Tocca adesso al sistema di ritenzione del tubo cromato (quello che in pratica porta l’acqua al soffione)… abbastanza efficace, ma sinceramente non mi ha convinto in tutto e per tutto, e mi ha dato l’impressione che il bloccaggio non fosse stabilissimo… che il tubo insomma potesse scivolare verso il basso, anche per via degli inevitabili piccoli colpi d’ariete dati dall’apri/chiudi dell’acqua.
Ho quindi deciso di dare un tocco personale e “modificare” la colonna, vincolandola in altezza, con una tubazione rigida come visibile in foto.
Nell’adattamento del tutto il soffione risultava troppo alto ed ho comprato, a parte, una prolunga di 4″ (10 centimetri) per abbassarlo.
Insomma questa colonna stata per me un’ottima base di partenza da modificare un po’… ma sono pienamente soddisfatto anche per via del prezzo imbattibile!
Riassumendo le mie impressioni: fissaggi a muro OK; sistema di bloccaggio del tubo non mi ha convinto del tutto; doccetta “economica” ma fa quel che deve; soffione bello esteticamente e di qualit medio/alta… bello!
P.S.: Purtroppo nel mio personalissimo puzzle, in foto, un pezzo era disponibile solamente in ottone… mi adoperer il prima possibile per cromarlo.
1st…..Once you have screwed the brackets to the wall, remove the front caps. Underneath there is a black cog looking thing under it with a slot in the middle. Use a large slotted screw driver to tighten it to grip the bar….on both brackets….Replace caps….it won’t move after that.
2nd…..The diverter valve, although, will install either way, will only work properly one way. Before you install, look into each end of the valve. The end showing a blue piece of plastic inside is the water feed inlet. the other two are the outlets. Once installed with the supplied gaskets, you will receive full pressure at the head and handset….as long as you had good pressure in the first place. Install the other way up, and you will not get any pressure at the handset…….Simple. Works perfect. For the money, you can’t go wrong.
Love this the larger head is great and it’s nice to have the handheld one too looks good and great value will another for our other bathroom