ieGeek 360° Wireless Solar Security Camera Outdoor, 15000mAh Rechargeable Battery CCTV Camera with Solar Panel, 1080P Wifi Wireless PTZ Camera, PIR Motion Detection, Voice Intercom,Phone/Tablet Access

ieGeek solar powered wireless security camera cctv camera
ieGeek wireless cctv camera solar powered outdoor camera

15000mAh Larger Capacity Rechargeable Battery

  • Built-in 15000mAh lithium ion battery, which can be charged by USB cable or solar panel.

ieGeek IP camera wifi camera solar camera

Micro SD Card & Cloud Storage

  • Video and pictures are saved on Micro SD Card or cloud, you can play back the recording on smartphone.
  • Support Micro SD Card loop recording, when the space is full, the new data will cover previous data, you can download data before overwriting.
  • Maximum capacity for Micro SD Card is 128GB.
  • Cloud service is free to use 7 days.

ieGeek wireless solar powered home cctv camera

Compatible with iOS / Android Mobile Device

  • The security camera supports connecting to iOS / Android smartphone and tablet.

  • You can remotely monitor through mobile devices.

ieGeek 1080P FHD Night Vision Home Security Camera

Upgraded 4dBi Dual WiFi Antenna

  • Wifi connection is more stable, compared to other camera’s single 3dBi Wifi antenna.

  • Won’t be worried about the device is offline anymore.

ieGeek wireless cctv camera solar powered outdoor camera

ieGeek security camera

ieGeek IP camera wifi camera solar camera

ieGeek wireless camera

ieGeek wireless solar powered home cctv camera

ieGeek solar cctv camera

ieGeek 1080P FHD Night Vision Home Security Camera

ieGeek battery outdoor camera

ieGeek outdoor security camera ieGeek Home Outdoor Wireless CCTV Camera ieGeek wireless cctv camera ieGeek Wifi Security Camera ieGeek Solar Powered Outdoor Security Camera  ieGeek Solar Powered Security Camera Outdoor
PTZ Function Not applicable 355° Pan 120° Tilt 4X Digital Zoom 355° Pan 90° Tilt Not applicable 355° Pan 120° Tilt 4X Digital Zoom Not applicable
Battery Capacity 5200mAh 15000mAh Not applicable 5200mAh 15000mAh Not applicable
Motion Detection Type PIR Human Detection PIR Human Detection Motion Detection PIR Human Detection PIR Human Detection Not applicable
1080P FHD Not applicable
Two-Way Audio Not applicable
Cloud / Micro SD Card Storage Support Cloud Storage and Micro SD Card Storage Support Cloud Storage and Micro SD Card Storage Only Support Micro SD Card Storage, Not Support Cloud Storage Support Cloud Storage and Micro SD Card Storage Support Cloud Storage and Micro SD Card Storage Not applicable
Night Vision Distance 20 Meters 20 Meters 25 Meters 20 Meters 20 Meters Not applicable
100% Wireless Installation Not applicable Not applicable
Dual WiFi Antennas 4dBi 4dBi Upgraded 5dBi 4dBi 4dBi Not applicable
Mobile App CloudEdge CloudEdge CamHi pro/CamHi CloudEdge CloudEdge Not applicable

Dimensions: 22.5 x 19.5 x 15.6 cm; 1.2 Kilograms
Model: ZS-GX1S
Batteries Included: 3 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: ieGeek
Origin: China

270 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersNachdem die Kamera nun an ihrem Platz hngt, mchte ich ein paar Wort darber schreiben.
    Die Verpackung war sehr gut, die Kamera war sicher verpackt, alle Teile einzeln gesichert und es lagen keine Beschdigungen vor.
    Die Anleitung liegt in Englisch, Deutsch und Italienisch bei und ist sehr leicht verstndlich.

    Die Kamera wird ber eine relativ schwere Metallplatte befestigt, diese kann man an die Hauswand schrauben oder anderweitig so anschrauben, dass man die Kamera dort befestigen kann.

    In der Anleitung ist eine gute Beschreibung, in welchem Winkel die Kamera am besten funktioniert. Ich habe die Metallplatte an eine Holzplatte geschraubt und an unserem Gelnder befestigt.
    So habe ich keine Beschdigung an der Dmmung und komme jederzeit dran.

    Dank dem Solarkollektor wird eine Aufladung hoffentlich nicht mehr ntig sein, das konnte ich bisher noch nicht testen, die Kamera ldt aber auf bei Sonneneinstrahlung.

    Nachdem ich die Bewegungserkennung etwas angepasst habe, wird auch alles erkannt was wichtig ist. Die Standard Einstellung ist gut aber anpassungswrdig.
    Aber da kann ja jeder selber entscheiden was er sehen mchte und was nicht. Die Audio Verbindung ist schnell, sauber und gut verstndlich.

    Die WLan Verbindung ist zumindest bei uns einwandfrei, der Accesspoint hngt ca. 7 Meter entfernt und 2 Wnde weit weg, aktuell bin ich trotz Alu-Rollladen dazwischen bei 88% Verbindung.
    Der Bild-Aufbau ist auch sehr schnell, Meldungen ber Bewegungen kommen zgig auf das Handy.

    Dank der Cloud Edge App ist die Kamera schnell eingerichtet, eingestellt und dann auch bedient. Dank der mglichen Bewegungen ist sehr viel zu erkennen auf den Bildern.
    Am Zoom knnte man noch arbeiten aber fr das Geld ist das echt eine tolle Qualitt.

    Leider blenden auf den Nachtsicht Bildern die Baustellen Schilder von gegenber aber die Qualitt ist echt Klasse. Man kann alles wichtige erkennen.

    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pluspunkte
    Solarzellen zum Aufladen

    ———————————— Minuspunkte
    Die beigelegten Schrauben (lieber durch eigene Ersetzen)
    Antennen nur in eine Richtung schwenkba

    Tolle Überwachungskamera für kleines Geld

  2. MarceliBrabyn says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersWir haben diese Kamera angeschafft, weil an dem geplanten Montageort im Garten bzw. auen am Gartenhaus kein 220 Volt Anschluss vorhanden ist.
    Mit dem Betrieb ber das mitgelieferte Solarpanel sind wir jetzt unabhngig vom Stromnetz.
    Weiterer Vorteil: bei Ausfall Stromversorgung sendet die Kamera weiterhin Signale.
    Hinweis: unser WLAN Router wird seit langem an einer USV Anlage (unabhngige Stromversorgung mit Batterie) betrieben.
    Die Montage der Kamera am Gartenhaus war sehr einfach durchzufhren, alle notwendigen Teile zur Montage sind im Lieferumfang enthalten.
    Das Solarpanel wurde auf dem Dach vom Gartenhaus montiert, das ca. 3 Meter lange Kabel zwischen Kamera und Solarpanel erlaubt eine optimale Ausrichtung zur Sonnenseite.

    Die Kamera deckt nun den Gartenbereich ab, die Bildqualitt sogar in SD ist sehr gut, tagsber aber vor allem auch nachts.
    Sehr gut ist die Zoomfunktion, auch in der Nacht (siehe Fotos in SD Qualitt)

    Die Installation war auch fr mich als Laie in diesen Dingen einfach zu erledigen. Dies auch dank einer guten Bedienungsanleitung in deutscher Sprache (gut verstndlich bersetzt, ohne die sonst blichen Fehler bei chinesischen Herstellern).

    Zu den vielen sonstigen positiven Eigenschaften wurde in anderen Rezessionen bereits viel geschrieben.

    Wir sind bis heute mit der Kamera sehr zufrieden.

    Zur Lebensdauer der Kamera und dem Solarpanel kann aufgrund der kurzen Einsatzdauer noch nichts gesagt werden. Ggf. werde ich dazu spter eine Ergnzung schreiben.

    Sehr gute Überwachung - unabhängig vom Stromnetz

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMittlerweile ist dies die dritte Kamera dieser Firma in dieser Version, die ich mir zugelegt habe. Einfache Installation, leichte Verbindung zum WLAN und einfache Handhabung der App. Alles zusammen vielleicht 15 Minuten vom auspacken bis die Kamera hngt und ins WLAN bertrgt. Bilder sind gut, aber nur in der HD-Einstellung. Nachts sieht man auch deutlich wer kommt und geht (10m locker Reichweite in der Nacht). Die Kamera lst bei Bewegung auch schnell aus. Steuerung der Kamera via App funktioniert einwandfrei. Bis jetzt haben die Kameras auch zwei schwere Unwetter berstanden ohne Schaden zu nehmen. Jederzeit kaufe ich wieder eine.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It arrived well-packaged and was very easy to install and connect to my Wi-Fi. All the fixings I needed were in the box.

    Really waterproof (we live in Scotland!), it is battery powered with a long life and easily rechargeable with USB or solar panel.

    Day vision is HD, clear and fault free, night vision is clear and you can easily identify faces.

    Very useful functions: Motion sensor with adjustment that produces 2 still shots and a video (in HD if you’ve selected this) and I always get the target on at least one of these, alarm, intercom is loud enough and great PTZ functionality.

    Overall, a great investment at a good price!

  5. Adam Ismail says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersDas ist meine ingesamt 4. Kamera von ieGeek und ich finde die bisher Beste.
    Ich habe sie gekauft, weil ich eine komplett kabellose IP-Kamera mit PTZ brauchte.

    Im Lieferumfang ist die Kamera + Ladekabel + Wandhalterung und das Solarpanel + Wandhalterung.
    Das Kabel am Solarpanel wird in den Ladeanschluss (Micro-USB, 5V) gesteckt.
    Aufgefallen ist mir das hohe Gewicht der Kamera. Ich denke das liegt am integrieten Akku.
    Dadurch erhoffe ich mir eine lange Akkulaufzeit, wodurch die Kamera auch in sonnenarmen Jahreszeiten ohne Unterbrechungen erreichbar ist.

    Die Einrichtung ber die App CloudEdge funktionierte problemlos und dauerte nur knappe
    5 Minuten. Einfach die CloudEdge-App herunterladen und registrieren (Bei mir nicht ntig, da schon vorhanden)
    Anschlieend den Reset-Knopf an der Kamera drcken, in der App eine neue Batteriekamera hinzufgen, W-Lan-Daten eingeben, den angezeigten
    QR-Code vor die Kameralinse halten. Fertig.

    Das Bild und PTZ:
    Man kann zwischen SD- und HD-Qualitt wechseln. Ich finde das Videobild richtig gut – auch bei wenig Licht oder in der Nacht
    Hier ist mir die geringe Latenz zwischen Bewegung vor der Kamera und Livebild in der App positiv aufgefallen.
    Man sollte aber auf ausreichend gute WLan-Signalqualitt am Monatgeort achten.
    Das Schwenken der Kamera durch die PTZ-Funktion ging meinem Empfinden nach sogar noch schneller. Das fand ich wirklich gut. So kann man Bewegungen mitverfolgen.

    Die App bietet viele Einstellungen. Unter anderem knnen Auslseempfindlichkeit der Bewegungserkennung und Alarmbenachrichtigungen nur zu bestimmen Uhrzeiten konfiguriert werden.

    Die Kamera untersttzt SD-Karten bis 128GB. Also maig Speicherplatz. Hier hat ieGeek im Vergleich zu Vorgngermodellen aufgerstet.

    Alles in allem gefllt mir die Kamera sehr gut und kann sie weiterempfehlen.

    Ist ihr Geld we

  6. DemetriaVelasqu says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersGnstige berwachungskamera mit eingebautem Akku. Wir haben uns fr dieses Modell entschieden weil sie uns optisch sehr gut gefallen hatte, weitere Faktoren waren die Gre und die Akkulaufzeit. Die Kamera hat einen eingebauten Bewegungsmelder, welcher bis zu einem Abstand von 8 Meter reagiert. Die Nachtsicht/Infrarot
    Aufnahmen sind berraschend gut. Die Installation und Inbetriebnahme der Kamera ist einfach und geht schnell (Plug and Play). Zustzlich muss man sich noch eine SD Speicherkarte anschaffen, wir haben uns fr eine 128GB Karte von SanDisk entschieden. Wir sind gespannt wie sich die Kamera in der Langzeitnutzung macht. Zustzlich wird die Kamera mit einer Art Photovoltaik Panel verbunden welcher dafr sorgt das der Akku konstant geladen wird, zu beachten ist das der Panel idealerweise Richtung Sd/Osten ausgerichtet ist um mglichst viel Sonne zu bekommen.

    Super Kamera

  7. Nona7684uwwpto says:


    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersErstens ist diese Kamera extrem gut gebaut. Beim ersten ffnen war ich vom Gewicht und der Qualitt berrascht.

    Bei mir hat diese Kamera super funktioniert. Es ist vollstndig drahtlos, was fr meine Situation perfekt ist, da ich keinen Strom an seinen Standort bringen konnte.

    Es wird mit einem Solarpanel geliefert, das die eingebauten wiederaufladbaren 15000-mAh-Akkus aufldt, sodass die Kamera auch an einem bewlkten Tag immer einsatzbereit ist.

    Die Kamera kann horizontal um 355 und vertikal um 120 gedreht werden, sodass Sie sie ganz einfach genau dort positionieren knnen, wo Sie sie haben mchten.

    Dies kann ber die Clould Edge App auf einem Telefon oder Tablet erfolgen, wo Sie die Einstellungen fr die Kamera ndern und Empfindlichkeit, E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen und Alarmeinstellungen festlegen knnen.

    Mit dem eingebauten Mikrofon und Lautsprecher knnen Sie mit Besuchern kommunizieren und unerwnschte Eindringlinge ber die App warnen.

    Sie knnen es so einrichten, dass es Ihnen E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit sendet, wenn die Kamera aktiviert ist.

    Die Kamera kann eine zustzliche microSD-Karte (separat erhltlich) aufnehmen, die ich sehr empfehlen kann, da sie alle Alarmvideos sowie Fotos auf der Kamera speichert, auf die Sie dann einfach und kostenlos ber die Cloud-Edge-App zugreifen knnen, ohne dass ein fortlaufendes Abonnement erforderlich ist.

    Es besteht auch die Mglichkeit, ein monatliches Cloud-Abonnement zu erwerben und eine kostenlose 7-Tage-Testversion zu erhalten, wenn Sie dies wnschen. Ich fand es jedoch besser, nur die MicroSD-Karte zu verwenden, da keine laufenden Kosten anfallen.

    Es handelt sich um eine Full HD 1080p-Kamera mit einem SONY CMOS-Bildsensor, sodass die Bilder hervorragend sind und die Nachtsichtfunktion bei sehr klaren Nachtaufnahmen erstaunlich gut funktioniert.

    Die Kamera verwendet zwei rotierende Antennen (4Dbi-Doppelantenne) und ist wasserdicht nach IP65, empfngt also das WLAN-Signal sehr gut, aber das kann vom verwendeten Router abhngen die Kamera mit Ihrem Telefon positionieren mchten, um die WLAN-Signalstrke zu berprfen. Dies gibt Ihnen eine Vorstellung davon, wie gut die Kamera an dieser Stelle ein Signal empfangen kann. Wenn Ihr WLAN nicht gut ist, mssen Sie mglicherweise nach einem WLAN-Booster suchen.

    Alles in allem fand ich dies eine groartige Kamera mit der Flexibilitt, sie an Orten zu platzieren, an denen ich sie sonst nicht platzieren knnte, da sie vollstndig drahtlos ist.

    Es hat auch die Mglichkeit, ein USB-Stromkabel anzuschlieen und es anstelle des Solarpanels anzuschlieen und zu betreiben, wenn Sie es vorziehen. Es wird mit einem USB-Kabel geliefert, aber Sie bentigen einen Standard-USB-Ladestecker, da es nicht mitgeliefert wird.

    Ich kann diese Kamera sehr empfehlen. Ich habe 4 andere iegeek-Kameras und sie waren alle sehr zuverlssig und einfach zu bedienen.

    Firstly this camera is extremely well built. I was surprised by the weight and quality when I first opened it up.

    This camera has worked out great for me. It fully wireless which is perfect for my situation as I could not get electricity to its location.

    It comes with a solar panel which charges up the built in 15000mAh rechargeable batteries which means the camera is always ready to go even on a cloudy day.

    The camera can be rotated horizontally by 355 and vertically by 120 so very easy to position exactly where you want it.

    This can be done through the Clould Edge App on a phone or tablet where you can change the settings for the camera and set sensitivity, email alerts and alarm settings.

    With the built-in microphone and loudspeaker you can communicate with visitors and alert unwanted intruders through the app.

    You can set it up to send you real time email alerts if the camera is activated.

    The camera can take an additional microSD card (Purchased separately) which I would highly recommend as it will store all alarms video as well as photos on the camera which you can then easily access through the cloud edge app for free with no ongoing subscription required.

    There is also an option to purchase a Cloud monthly subscription and has a 7 Day free trial if you want it but I found it better to just use the MicroSD card as there is no ongoing cost.

    It is a full HD 1080p camera with a SONY CMOS image sensor so the images are excellent and the night vision function works amazingly well with very clear night time pictures.

    The camera uses two rotating antennas (4Dbi double antenna) and is IP65 waterproof so receives the wifi signal very well but that can depend on the router that you are using so it’s always best to check that you have an adequate signal in the area where you want to position the camera using your phones to check out the Wifi signal strength. This will give you an idea of how well the camera will be able to receive a signal in that spot. If your wifi isn’t good you might need to look at a wifi booster.

    All in all I found this to be a great camera with the flexibility to place in in locations where I otherwise would not be able to put one as it is fully wireless.

    It also does have the option of plugging a usb power lead and plug and run it on that rather than the Solar panel if you prefer. It does come with a USB lead but you would need to get a standard USB charger plug as it does not come with one.

    I highly recommend this camera. I have 4 other iegeek cameras and they have all been very reliable and easy to use.

    Hochwertige Kamera / Great Quality Camera

  8. Milton09Kr says:

     United Kingdom

    Only had it a week have to say it feels very solid, easy to fix to house and the set up very easy you are talked
    through it via your phone.picture very good in HD and you can pan the camera around left and right up
    and down so easy off your phone sat in the armchair.Audio very good picks up voices very loud and you can talk back.Seems like a wide angle lens covers a large area of my garden and neighbours both side.
    infared night vision very good and you can call up your recordings and play can also have full screen option.all in all good value for money, good user manual with good instructions.well done iegeek

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have previously bought a fixed battery camera for my back garden but wanted one for my front camera that could pan in on certain areas. The iegeek camera arrived next day and as I previously had CloudEdge app for my previous camera it literally took 5 minutes to add the new camera to my phone and iPad and everything was up and running.
    The important thing is to insert the micro SD card before you power up the camera and then press the button to format it when prompted, after the camera has been paired.
    The moving camera lens is great and easily controlled from my phone/pad and now I can view all of my garden and take videos and photos which are automatically stored on the SD card. The photos are also downloaded onto my mobile device so then it it easy to view them by other media sources. Any footage you do not want is easily deleted through the CloudEdge app.
    Yes this is a great security camera that gives peace of mind but I also bought it to view the wildlife in my garden and I couldn’t be more happier with the product. The images are great especially hd and the night vision is really clear.
    The instruction book covers most of what you need to get started. The one negative is I would have preferred more step by step instructions and more detail about the added extras the camera is capable off.

    Great versatile camera

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have previously bought a fixed battery camera for my back garden but wanted one for my front camera that could pan in on certain areas. The iegeek camera arrived next day and as I previously had CloudEdge app for my previous camera it literally took 5 minutes to add the new camera to my phone and iPad and everything was up and running.
    The important thing is to insert the micro SD card before you power up the camera and then press the button to format it when prompted, after the camera has been paired.
    The moving camera lens is great and easily controlled from my phone/pad and now I can view all of my garden and take videos and photos which are automatically stored on the SD card. The photos are also downloaded onto my mobile device so then it it easy to view them by other media sources. Any footage you do not want is easily deleted through the CloudEdge app.
    Yes this is a great security camera that gives peace of mind but I also bought it to view the wildlife in my garden and I couldn’t be more happier with the product. The images are great especially hd and the night vision is really clear.
    The instruction book covers most of what you need to get started. The one negative is I would have preferred more step by step instructions and more detail about the added extras the camera is capable off.

    Great versatile camera

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The camera is easy to set up and fix to the wall. The power cable can be easily extended if required, either with extension lead or by cutting it and adding extra cable in between the 2 cut parts if required and soldered back together again. Also if the cable is cut, it makes it easier to pass through the wall and only a small hole needs to be drilled in the wall, then solder the wires back together. The other two cables, reset and ethernet can be tucked inside the unit to get them out the way, if you don’t want to use those. You can do a basic reset by unplugging the power to the unit from inside the house.
    The video quality is really good, even at night in black and white nighttime IR setting. I have mine set to the automatic setting. Its very quick to respond to pan and tilt changes from the phone. The “tracking mode” seems to work well, I’m not sure if I will leave that on all the time though.
    This is my second camera from ieGeek. I used the app I already had on my Samsung phone, CamHipro, which is free from the play store.
    It was easy to setup. I just clicked the + symbol, top right of screen, choose IP camera, selected New Device, powered on and reset (using small push button on end of white wiring loom) and chose the “not connected to the network cable” option. Then on the next screen I chose “AP distribution network equipment” option. This then asked for the wifi password from my router and that’s about it. Camera connected. I haven’t installed a memory card inside the camera as I wanted to connect it to my Synology Disk Station (NAS). This is running a free program called Surveillance Station. This then records movements and stores them on my hard drive in the NAS. I have been doing this for over a year with my other ieGeek bullet camera, a non PTZ version and that has been brilliant, hence getting a second camera for my home system.
    I like ieGeek products and the customer service people were helpful last year when I needed some info on fixing brackets for my other camera. They are not just a sales team, they are helpful also.
    I think for the price the camara is great value for money and will recommend it to my friends as I know its easy to set up and from a reliable supplier.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersInitial set up was frustrating (but possibly because I’m not a geek!) Once I had managed to connect camera to my wireless network the basic operation was quite straight forward.

    HOWEVER trying to follow the directions from the enclosed manual was very confusing as the manual glossed over basic functionality e.g, no direction as to reducing Audio / Motion Sensitivity , no guidance as to how to insert SD card, no guidance as to how to Search Video Recordings (I’m still not sure whether I should activate ‘Planned’ Recordings to SD card??) – indeed all the screen shots used in the manual were of the more upgraded CamHipro App – so not much use in setting up the basic CamHi App!
    Also not sure how I install the upgraded the CamHipro App now that I currently have the camera operating using the basic CamHi App!!!

    Audio and Motion Alarms far too ‘sensitive’… I get loads of alarm notifications just from bird song, wind/rain or slight movement of shrub foliage!.. Additionally there is no guidance as to how to delete all these ‘false’ alarm notifications +40 a day!!! (I have been doing this by ‘formatting the SD card each day as I can’t find any other way of doing this???)

    On the plus side the daylight picture quality is very good and the fact you can change the angle of view from your smartphone app is excellent. The motion recording at night is OK but not great (don’t even consider using colour night vision as picture is so pixelated as to render it useless)

    Overall this is a good quality security camera at this price point (59.00) but it has limitations, the Audio and Motion Sensitivity means you get loads of unwanted alarm notifications and the manual as supplied is not helpful in explaining the basic CamHi App functionality.

    Having contacted iGeek Customer Service I have since changed to using the CamHipro App. This is certainly an improvement over the basic CamHi App and was relatively easy to switch – just needing to input the camera’s UID code into the new APP. The advantage being you can dial down the Video Motion Sensitivity.

    HOWEVER even taking it down to around 5% I still get lots of false alarm notifications from rustling leaves / branches from nearby shrubs and rain showers. At night it’s moths that trigger the Alarm notification! After further contact with Cheryl at iGeek Customer Service I have now been informed that I need a camera with ‘Smart Humanoid Detection’ to significantly reduce false alarm notification – which this camera does not have….

    On the plus side Igeek have agreed to refund my purchase price of this camera in compensation for all the frustration I have experienced with this camera!

    Refund has now been processed so have now uprated item to 4 Stars at Igeeks request…. but future buyers still need to be aware of this items issues.

  13. DannieWoodruff says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our 2nd IE Geek battery powered product. Already have the doorbell. So so simple to setup straight out of the box. The mounting bracket is robust and connecting the camera to it is a doddle with the provided fasteners. It looks neat and professionally installed as no horrid wires trailing about up there.
    The app is easy to use and multiple options and settings allow you full control over how you wish the camera to behave. Night vision is tremendous, our rear garden is a good size and I am able to see all my boundaries in total darkness (no light pollution where we live) should I wish to have a look around from the comfort of the sofa. We will probably in the future add 1 more camera for total 360deg coverage of our property and land, and without a doubt it will be another from this brand. Very happy again with our purchase. Beware cheaper imitations.

  14. Josh Brown says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our 2nd IE Geek battery powered product. Already have the doorbell. So so simple to setup straight out of the box. The mounting bracket is robust and connecting the camera to it is a doddle with the provided fasteners. It looks neat and professionally installed as no horrid wires trailing about up there.
    The app is easy to use and multiple options and settings allow you full control over how you wish the camera to behave. Night vision is tremendous, our rear garden is a good size and I am able to see all my boundaries in total darkness (no light pollution where we live) should I wish to have a look around from the comfort of the sofa. We will probably in the future add 1 more camera for total 360deg coverage of our property and land, and without a doubt it will be another from this brand. Very happy again with our purchase. Beware cheaper imitations.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our 2nd IE Geek battery powered product. Already have the doorbell. So so simple to setup straight out of the box. The mounting bracket is robust and connecting the camera to it is a doddle with the provided fasteners. It looks neat and professionally installed as no horrid wires trailing about up there.
    The app is easy to use and multiple options and settings allow you full control over how you wish the camera to behave. Night vision is tremendous, our rear garden is a good size and I am able to see all my boundaries in total darkness (no light pollution where we live) should I wish to have a look around from the comfort of the sofa. We will probably in the future add 1 more camera for total 360deg coverage of our property and land, and without a doubt it will be another from this brand. Very happy again with our purchase. Beware cheaper imitations.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This camera is so good for the price and you really need to get the solar panel and memory card if you want to have it running all the time.

    It’s so good at picking up movement at night. You can talk into to which is a great feature if you don’t want to buy a camera doorbell. You can set up notifications and as soon as someone is near sends a message. This can of course be useful if you have an Apple Watch as it will tell you immediately. If your not at home you can see what is happening live and then talk through the camera. It rotates and you can move it as you want.

    If you don’t want to wire your camera then definitely get this as I can’t fault it.

  17. HoustonFaison says:

     United Kingdom

    This camera is so good for the price and you really need to get the solar panel and memory card if you want to have it running all the time.

    It’s so good at picking up movement at night. You can talk into to which is a great feature if you don’t want to buy a camera doorbell. You can set up notifications and as soon as someone is near sends a message. This can of course be useful if you have an Apple Watch as it will tell you immediately. If your not at home you can see what is happening live and then talk through the camera. It rotates and you can move it as you want.

    If you don’t want to wire your camera then definitely get this as I can’t fault it.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Finally a camera that says wireless and actually is wireless, there are many on amazon that say that but aren’t which i found out after ordering one (then returning).
    Installation and setup is super easy, and the camera is amazing, I particularly love it’s wide range of motion. It was a bit out of my price range, I planned to spend less, but couldn’t find wireless with pan and tilt at 50 so grabbed this one at flash sale.
    The features it don’t have and I wish it had – transerring screen to tv/pc would be nice, and also setting up a recording schedule, I understand recording is human motion activated only. These features were not essential for me so not deal breakers but a reason I gave 4 not 5 stars.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Finally a camera that says wireless and actually is wireless, there are many on amazon that say that but aren’t which i found out after ordering one (then returning).
    Installation and setup is super easy, and the camera is amazing, I particularly love it’s wide range of motion. It was a bit out of my price range, I planned to spend less, but couldn’t find wireless with pan and tilt at 50 so grabbed this one at flash sale.
    The features it don’t have and I wish it had – transerring screen to tv/pc would be nice, and also setting up a recording schedule, I understand recording is human motion activated only. These features were not essential for me so not deal breakers but a reason I gave 4 not 5 stars.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 82 From Our UsersI have eight older ieGeek cameras all running on the Windows HiP2P software and this one is superior in most respects. It still gets 5 stars from me for its functionality but, to get the things I don’t like out of the way, it is mainly white, big and plasticky. It’s attractive enough but I live in the countryside with no neighbours and I don’t want my cameras to be obvious, I have warning notices prominently displayed to deter baddies; the older black (metal) ones are much more discrete and are much more robust. I’d rather keep trespassers guessing where the cameras are so they can’t dodge out of sight or whack them off their mount and this model is, in my opinion, best suited to a town environment where being visible could be an advantage. But in my deeply rural setting it’s a disadvantage and I’ll install them in areas well inside my boundaries so baddies come across them after they have passed a few “invisible” ones and warning signs they couldn’t miss. My much smaller black metal cameras are very hard to spot, especially at night, unless you know where they are. This one jumps out yelling “I’m here”, especially as it’s white.

    But this is in my situation and I appreciate most people will likely prefer the deterrent of a security camera being obvious so my rating reflects that.

    Very easy to physically mount and set up with the HiP2P software if you are familiar with it (use the latest version!) although the terminologies take getting used to and some settings are unintuitive and hidden, most importantly the “quality” setting which is on “minimum” by default — it makes a huge difference. The wi-fi range is excellent, this camera works perfectly in a location I previously struggled with using one of the older ones. The image quality looks better to me although it is seemingly the same resolution.

    Where this camera really scores for me is the pan/tilt/zoom. Forget the zoom, it’s digital, not optical, so would lose definition if used (it doesn’t seem to work anyway on the HiP2P software) but the pan and tilt are excellent. It’s billed as 360 but in practice, unless it can see round corners, it’s 180 if it’s mounted on a flat wall, still perfectly adequate. I haven’t tried the auto-tracking yet but intend to thoroughly check this out in time as automatically covering a wide area with a single camera will be very useful to me.

    The night vision is very good too, again seemingly much better than the older models. I won’t be using the colour option for the same reasons as wanting my cameras to be unnoticeable.

    We get some ferocious weather here (in France) so I’ll have to wait and see how this lightweight plastic camera fares. Hopefully it will be just fine, the older but metal models have stood up well.

    This is a relatively inexpensive camera so I’ve taken that into consideration. It is remarkable value for money and I can’t fault its functionality.

    The main thing is, it works very well and I’m very pleased with it, so much so I will buy a couple more for areas a fixed camera couldn’t cover adequately. I have areas that have power from 3 different houses and it’s impractical to run network cable and impossible to use CPL, so the wi-fi range is a significant plus.

    Optional information one thing I have disliked about ieGeek cameras is their inability to record in e.g. AVI format that can be shared and viewed with normal software, instead using a proprietary 264 format that nothing except the HiP2P application reads. You CAN convert from this rubbish to a useable format using the mobile app but even their customer service (very good by the way) couldn’t find a way round this on a Windows PC. Well, there is a way! You can’t from the files stored on an SD card but you can save video as AVI if you save direct to a hard drive in a PC (the SD card still works). The problem is of course, the computer has to be on to do this and gobbles up disk space but if it matters (and it does to me) it is possible. I wish I’d known this before because with (now) 9 cameras each with a 128Gb SD card at 22 or so each, that’s 200 I could have saved, enough to buy 10Tb of dedicated external drives. Also, saved to my computer the recordings are safe and readily available rather than going through the slow and clunky HiP2P application.

    5.0 out of 5 stars A good camera

  21. House Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    We decided to fit some wireless cameras around our home and garage, and I did a bit of research being buying the ieGeek products. All I can say is that I am not disappointed. The packaging of the product is of an extremely high quality, the fixings supplied are excellent, and the products are incredibly well made and excellent value for money.
    Downloading the app was simple, and the only thing to remember is to switch of your 5G wireless on your router when pairing. It is simple to pair up, and then turn your 5G back on. Image quality is excellent, and all round I’m a pretty happy customer. Highly recommend to any one wanting extra piece of mind when it comes to home security.

  22. [email protected] says:

     United Kingdom

    We decided to fit some wireless cameras around our home and garage, and I did a bit of research being buying the ieGeek products. All I can say is that I am not disappointed. The packaging of the product is of an extremely high quality, the fixings supplied are excellent, and the products are incredibly well made and excellent value for money.
    Downloading the app was simple, and the only thing to remember is to switch of your 5G wireless on your router when pairing. It is simple to pair up, and then turn your 5G back on. Image quality is excellent, and all round I’m a pretty happy customer. Highly recommend to any one wanting extra piece of mind when it comes to home security.

  23. FabianJarman says:

     United Kingdom

    We decided to fit some wireless cameras around our home and garage, and I did a bit of research being buying the ieGeek products. All I can say is that I am not disappointed. The packaging of the product is of an extremely high quality, the fixings supplied are excellent, and the products are incredibly well made and excellent value for money.
    Downloading the app was simple, and the only thing to remember is to switch of your 5G wireless on your router when pairing. It is simple to pair up, and then turn your 5G back on. Image quality is excellent, and all round I’m a pretty happy customer. Highly recommend to any one wanting extra piece of mind when it comes to home security.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We decided to fit some wireless cameras around our home and garage, and I did a bit of research being buying the ieGeek products. All I can say is that I am not disappointed. The packaging of the product is of an extremely high quality, the fixings supplied are excellent, and the products are incredibly well made and excellent value for money.
    Downloading the app was simple, and the only thing to remember is to switch of your 5G wireless on your router when pairing. It is simple to pair up, and then turn your 5G back on. Image quality is excellent, and all round I’m a pretty happy customer. Highly recommend to any one wanting extra piece of mind when it comes to home security.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my third camera from this company in my home .This Camera works excellent, it is so sensitive as well.
    It creates a good image resolution of the picture, but not the best. I would like to have a chance to see a REG number plate on my 15 meters parked car.
    Battery lasts for 2-3 months – depends how often you are turning it.
    Overall – good email support, reasonable costs of maintenance, but do not expect Airport/Police quality.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my third camera from this company in my home .This Camera works excellent, it is so sensitive as well.
    It creates a good image resolution of the picture, but not the best. I would like to have a chance to see a REG number plate on my 15 meters parked car.
    Battery lasts for 2-3 months – depends how often you are turning it.
    Overall – good email support, reasonable costs of maintenance, but do not expect Airport/Police quality.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis camera is very solidly constructed, and the mount is ultra secure – no wind today but I can tell it will not move when it is. I did use my own longer screws however, i often do.
    Panning is smooth and clear though you can over-shoot as there is a short time delay. But, it doesn’t take long to get used to that, but more difficult when zoomed in.
    I am not sure on battery life yet, and would like to see some camouflage covers to hide the bright white unit i but would definitely recommend it. Now looking at adding more cameras (sad! that there are no discrete ones in the range?). A plus is the ability for multiple sharing means more chance someone at home when an alert comes in. They seem to have thought of everything! all in all , a great product.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat product. The picture quality is great in both daylight and dark. Can move the camera around as well as setting the sensitivity for motion detection (still playing about with this as we have a puppy). Only down side is that you can’t zoom in (not a big issue for us as we can see the whole garden but something that some may need to consider). Overall great camera!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Camera arrived on time and well packed. The camera is quite heavy and sturdy, and is very well put together, so hopefully will stand the test of time. Set up was very straight forward, creating an account and then connecting the camera to the App was a breeze. I love the Pan, Tilt and Zoom feature, and the HD images are so clear. You don’t need to be as precise when mounting the camera, as the image can be easily adjusted using the PTZ. Audio comminication is a bit tinny, but is clear enough to understand whoever is talking at both ends. The only thing I would change would be the way the camera fixes to the wall mounting plate. It is supplied with 4 fixing screws designed to be easliy undone and tightened with your fingers when the camera needs to be removed for charging. This is fine if the camera is quite high up and can’t be reached from the ground. In my set up the camera is just above head height and I was concerned that this could be easliy removed by somebody else and stollen, so I replaced the original fixing screws with 4 x M4x12mm Security Screws with a washer on. Does the job perfectly and doesn’t look out of place at all

  30. AlfonzoHutchens says:

     United Kingdom

    Camera arrived on time and well packed. The camera is quite heavy and sturdy, and is very well put together, so hopefully will stand the test of time. Set up was very straight forward, creating an account and then connecting the camera to the App was a breeze. I love the Pan, Tilt and Zoom feature, and the HD images are so clear. You don’t need to be as precise when mounting the camera, as the image can be easily adjusted using the PTZ. Audio comminication is a bit tinny, but is clear enough to understand whoever is talking at both ends. The only thing I would change would be the way the camera fixes to the wall mounting plate. It is supplied with 4 fixing screws designed to be easliy undone and tightened with your fingers when the camera needs to be removed for charging. This is fine if the camera is quite high up and can’t be reached from the ground. In my set up the camera is just above head height and I was concerned that this could be easliy removed by somebody else and stollen, so I replaced the original fixing screws with 4 x M4x12mm Security Screws with a washer on. Does the job perfectly and doesn’t look out of place at all

  31. Product Reviews Net says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had it installed for about 2 months now. I live above a shared garage. My router must be a good 10 meters away and through a fair amount of concrete but the signal is strong despite this. Battery life is VERY impressive. As a shared garage I get “alerts” from motion a good few times a day, after a solid month it’s still registering as full battery! Very impressed there.

    The pan tilt zoom functionality through the app and the 2 way audio is also really useful.

    Picture quality is average, pretty good but you get what you pay for. For the price I can’t recommend enough

  32. [email protected] Emma Button says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had it installed for about 2 months now. I live above a shared garage. My router must be a good 10 meters away and through a fair amount of concrete but the signal is strong despite this. Battery life is VERY impressive. As a shared garage I get “alerts” from motion a good few times a day, after a solid month it’s still registering as full battery! Very impressed there.

    The pan tilt zoom functionality through the app and the 2 way audio is also really useful.

    Picture quality is average, pretty good but you get what you pay for. For the price I can’t recommend enough

  33. PeterSchlemmer says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this security camera based on the information on the site and the strong reviews. We have been experiencing a number of driveway/garage break-ins recently and I wanted something that might dissuade people but also capture any activity on my property. The set up is extremely straight forward…..charge the battery overnight…..follow the instructions and the camera talks you through what to do! I have set it high up on the front wall of my house next to a window where I can access the battery charging point when required. The camera has four thumb screws that hold it onto the mounting plate so you need to fit is somewhere where no-one can access it easily. The picture quality is excellent. I’ve set mine to HD. The night vision is pretty good even without a security light coming on. It’s good to be able to adjust the angle of the lens from your phone. The battery seems to be holding up well considering I have been trying numerous different settings on the App and playing around with the viewing angle. The App does take a little time to get used to and its worth playing around with different settings to see what suits your situation. All in all I think this is a good solid camera that does what it should.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this security camera based on the information on the site and the strong reviews. We have been experiencing a number of driveway/garage break-ins recently and I wanted something that might dissuade people but also capture any activity on my property. The set up is extremely straight forward…..charge the battery overnight…..follow the instructions and the camera talks you through what to do! I have set it high up on the front wall of my house next to a window where I can access the battery charging point when required. The camera has four thumb screws that hold it onto the mounting plate so you need to fit is somewhere where no-one can access it easily. The picture quality is excellent. I’ve set mine to HD. The night vision is pretty good even without a security light coming on. It’s good to be able to adjust the angle of the lens from your phone. The battery seems to be holding up well considering I have been trying numerous different settings on the App and playing around with the viewing angle. The App does take a little time to get used to and its worth playing around with different settings to see what suits your situation. All in all I think this is a good solid camera that does what it should.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my third ieGeek camera. This one is far superior actually.
    The app is the same as one of the other 2, which is convenient. It has the same swivel ability, so they group them by “ability” apparently – I asked their support people why my last 2 where different – is the swivel.

    So this one has a great battery. After 1 week of usage, barely 1 bar is used.

    Super easy to install
    1. Drill 4 holes and fit bracket to a wall/ surface
    2. Fix bracket with 4 provided screws
    3. Slip camera body over bracket, and screw in with 4 provided bolts

    My only issue is that if someone had a ladder, they could easily remove these bolts, as they just twist by hand, no special tool, which would add to the security of the camera itself. Just put it in a very hard to reach location, and it will work.

    I use an Micro SD card, that I supplied. Works well, and at 64GB, holds plenty.
    It has a cloud option, which I find expensive, is just storage, for $5pcm, is a bit steep.
    A big improvement would be tapping into APIs like Google Drive, Dropbox or AWS, to use their bandwidth and storage. Asking a bit much, but would be a HUGE improvement.

    Picture quality

    The app is excellent. Easy to use, add camera and operate the camera, history etc.
    All from the phone.
    I haven’t tried via desktop, assume you can but no easy way to do it that I can see.

    Great security addition - good app

  36. JerriNicholson says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my third ieGeek camera. This one is far superior actually.
    The app is the same as one of the other 2, which is convenient. It has the same swivel ability, so they group them by “ability” apparently – I asked their support people why my last 2 where different – is the swivel.

    So this one has a great battery. After 1 week of usage, barely 1 bar is used.

    Super easy to install
    1. Drill 4 holes and fit bracket to a wall/ surface
    2. Fix bracket with 4 provided screws
    3. Slip camera body over bracket, and screw in with 4 provided bolts

    My only issue is that if someone had a ladder, they could easily remove these bolts, as they just twist by hand, no special tool, which would add to the security of the camera itself. Just put it in a very hard to reach location, and it will work.

    I use an Micro SD card, that I supplied. Works well, and at 64GB, holds plenty.
    It has a cloud option, which I find expensive, is just storage, for $5pcm, is a bit steep.
    A big improvement would be tapping into APIs like Google Drive, Dropbox or AWS, to use their bandwidth and storage. Asking a bit much, but would be a HUGE improvement.

    Picture quality

    The app is excellent. Easy to use, add camera and operate the camera, history etc.
    All from the phone.
    I haven’t tried via desktop, assume you can but no easy way to do it that I can see.

    Great security addition - good app

  37. MarcellaHowerto says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe night vision on my video doorbell is poor so I wanted a better camera to put on the front of the house for both security and to observe wildlife. As I already have an Iegeek camera at the back I decided to get their new camera which has a bigger battery and pan and tilt functions. You can also zoom into the pictures on the Cloudedge app.
    The camera took about 8 hours to fully charge and then connected easily to my wifi and my existing Cloudedge app. Using the app it’s easy to check possible locations to assess the strength of the wifi signal before you fix the camera to the wall. The backing plate is fixed using the 4 rawlplugs and screws provided and the camera is attached using the 4 hand tightened fixings provided (plus 2 spares}. These mean that the camera can be removed easily for charging (or you can use the solar charger obtainable free from Iegeek using the voucher in the box). My camera cannot be reached without a ladder so theft is not really an issue, but the option of a security screw could be useful if the camera is within easy reach.
    I installed a microsd card (it will take up to 128gb) and then used the pan and tilt function controlled from the app to adjust the field of view. The sensitivity of the motion detector can be adjusted and it can be set to trigger just for human activity which works very well. Different settings can be used for day and night so I’ve set it for human activity during the day and all activity at night to pick up wildlife.
    The picture can be set for SD or HD and is colour by day and black and white at night, Quality is excellent.
    In summary, I’m very impressed with this camera. it’s well built and has plenty of options via the app to enable the user to set it up exactly to meet your requirements. It can also be shared with other users if required.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After an initial hiccup with the camera showing an error message in installation customer service were very helpful in letting us know the issue (more to do with our router than the camera itself) we are now up and running.
    East to set up, greet motion detection and the clarity of the picture is great-direct to your phone. Brilliant.
    We hope we won’t have a genuine need for the CCTV but feel confident with this camera we’ll be well protected.
    Just a note be careful when other cameras say they’re ‘wireless’ it often means it connects wirelessly to your phone not that the camera is wireless itself so many need outdoor power sockets or a way of plugging it indoors whilst the unit is outdoors. We had to return one like that. Thus one is FULLY wireless abs needs no power to it as it’s run on batteries. We will be using the solar panel you can get to go with it to keep it powered up but you can just use normal batteries.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After an initial hiccup with the camera showing an error message in installation customer service were very helpful in letting us know the issue (more to do with our router than the camera itself) we are now up and running.
    East to set up, greet motion detection and the clarity of the picture is great-direct to your phone. Brilliant.
    We hope we won’t have a genuine need for the CCTV but feel confident with this camera we’ll be well protected.
    Just a note be careful when other cameras say they’re ‘wireless’ it often means it connects wirelessly to your phone not that the camera is wireless itself so many need outdoor power sockets or a way of plugging it indoors whilst the unit is outdoors. We had to return one like that. Thus one is FULLY wireless abs needs no power to it as it’s run on batteries. We will be using the solar panel you can get to go with it to keep it powered up but you can just use normal batteries.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After an initial hiccup with the camera showing an error message in installation customer service were very helpful in letting us know the issue (more to do with our router than the camera itself) we are now up and running.
    East to set up, greet motion detection and the clarity of the picture is great-direct to your phone. Brilliant.
    We hope we won’t have a genuine need for the CCTV but feel confident with this camera we’ll be well protected.
    Just a note be careful when other cameras say they’re ‘wireless’ it often means it connects wirelessly to your phone not that the camera is wireless itself so many need outdoor power sockets or a way of plugging it indoors whilst the unit is outdoors. We had to return one like that. Thus one is FULLY wireless abs needs no power to it as it’s run on batteries. We will be using the solar panel you can get to go with it to keep it powered up but you can just use normal batteries.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After an initial hiccup with the camera showing an error message in installation customer service were very helpful in letting us know the issue (more to do with our router than the camera itself) we are now up and running.
    East to set up, greet motion detection and the clarity of the picture is great-direct to your phone. Brilliant.
    We hope we won’t have a genuine need for the CCTV but feel confident with this camera we’ll be well protected.
    Just a note be careful when other cameras say they’re ‘wireless’ it often means it connects wirelessly to your phone not that the camera is wireless itself so many need outdoor power sockets or a way of plugging it indoors whilst the unit is outdoors. We had to return one like that. Thus one is FULLY wireless abs needs no power to it as it’s run on batteries. We will be using the solar panel you can get to go with it to keep it powered up but you can just use normal batteries.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a nice and well thought out security camera with a really useful spec. It’s got some serious weight to it and seems very well built for the price. I bought mine to use as security for my garden shed (which has an extensive tool collection), giving me notifications on my mobile phone when someone gets anywhere near it. It’s early days but so far it’s working very well for this with the occasional notification for the odd cat strolling by (usually ours..)! I very much like that you can speak to people remotely via the camera – not something I need right now but cool nonetheless.

    It took me just over 10 minutes to set the device up and about 1/2 hr to get it mounted on an external wall (it could be installed quicker but I’m slow!). I like that there are no cables to worry about once it’s been charged. Instructions are pretty straightforward and I reckon most people will be fine with them.

    You’ll need to get your own Micro SD Card – they don’t cost much and considering how reasonable the price of the camera is, buying this didn’t bother me. I got a SanDisk Ultra 64 GB off Amazon for 9.99 – more than enough space for my needs.

    Still getting used to it and I’m interested to see how it performs over the long term but going on the quality of the device and the pictures I’ve seen so far, I reckon it’s going to do well. Nice bit of kit.

    Affordable security camera with comprehensive spec.

  43. DavidEWilliams says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a nice and well thought out security camera with a really useful spec. It’s got some serious weight to it and seems very well built for the price. I bought mine to use as security for my garden shed (which has an extensive tool collection), giving me notifications on my mobile phone when someone gets anywhere near it. It’s early days but so far it’s working very well for this with the occasional notification for the odd cat strolling by (usually ours..)! I very much like that you can speak to people remotely via the camera – not something I need right now but cool nonetheless.

    It took me just over 10 minutes to set the device up and about 1/2 hr to get it mounted on an external wall (it could be installed quicker but I’m slow!). I like that there are no cables to worry about once it’s been charged. Instructions are pretty straightforward and I reckon most people will be fine with them.

    You’ll need to get your own Micro SD Card – they don’t cost much and considering how reasonable the price of the camera is, buying this didn’t bother me. I got a SanDisk Ultra 64 GB off Amazon for 9.99 – more than enough space for my needs.

    Still getting used to it and I’m interested to see how it performs over the long term but going on the quality of the device and the pictures I’ve seen so far, I reckon it’s going to do well. Nice bit of kit.

    Affordable security camera with comprehensive spec.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a nice and well thought out security camera with a really useful spec. It’s got some serious weight to it and seems very well built for the price. I bought mine to use as security for my garden shed (which has an extensive tool collection), giving me notifications on my mobile phone when someone gets anywhere near it. It’s early days but so far it’s working very well for this with the occasional notification for the odd cat strolling by (usually ours..)! I very much like that you can speak to people remotely via the camera – not something I need right now but cool nonetheless.

    It took me just over 10 minutes to set the device up and about 1/2 hr to get it mounted on an external wall (it could be installed quicker but I’m slow!). I like that there are no cables to worry about once it’s been charged. Instructions are pretty straightforward and I reckon most people will be fine with them.

    You’ll need to get your own Micro SD Card – they don’t cost much and considering how reasonable the price of the camera is, buying this didn’t bother me. I got a SanDisk Ultra 64 GB off Amazon for 9.99 – more than enough space for my needs.

    Still getting used to it and I’m interested to see how it performs over the long term but going on the quality of the device and the pictures I’ve seen so far, I reckon it’s going to do well. Nice bit of kit.

    Affordable security camera with comprehensive spec.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a nice and well thought out security camera with a really useful spec. It’s got some serious weight to it and seems very well built for the price. I bought mine to use as security for my garden shed (which has an extensive tool collection), giving me notifications on my mobile phone when someone gets anywhere near it. It’s early days but so far it’s working very well for this with the occasional notification for the odd cat strolling by (usually ours..)! I very much like that you can speak to people remotely via the camera – not something I need right now but cool nonetheless.

    It took me just over 10 minutes to set the device up and about 1/2 hr to get it mounted on an external wall (it could be installed quicker but I’m slow!). I like that there are no cables to worry about once it’s been charged. Instructions are pretty straightforward and I reckon most people will be fine with them.

    You’ll need to get your own Micro SD Card – they don’t cost much and considering how reasonable the price of the camera is, buying this didn’t bother me. I got a SanDisk Ultra 64 GB off Amazon for 9.99 – more than enough space for my needs.

    Still getting used to it and I’m interested to see how it performs over the long term but going on the quality of the device and the pictures I’ve seen so far, I reckon it’s going to do well. Nice bit of kit.

    Affordable security camera with comprehensive spec.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as an upgrade to my igeek security camera It’s very robust and was so easy to install as wireless The picture quality is superb dar or night but now with the added feature of being able to move it by remote control for total surveillance of any area So with that and motion detection that isn’t set off by cats etc along with being able to communicate with anyone seen on camera through the microphone is to me total security for most people’s needs Great quality and especially for the money

  47. JimmieDoran says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this as an upgrade to my igeek security camera It’s very robust and was so easy to install as wireless The picture quality is superb dar or night but now with the added feature of being able to move it by remote control for total surveillance of any area So with that and motion detection that isn’t set off by cats etc along with being able to communicate with anyone seen on camera through the microphone is to me total security for most people’s needs Great quality and especially for the money

  48. Marcy3718jdnyf says:

     United Kingdom

    I already purchased a IGeek bullet camera for my front drive a couple of years ago and was more than happy with my purchase my friend had recommended it so had always intended to get one for my back garden so this wireless PTZ 360 caught my Eye first impression was it felt and looked very well made it took only a few minutes to set up it is very handy I can turn the camera to look at my back door and then my shed door snd so far the battery is well powered it only picks up human detection for the price it’s a bargain these cameras are getting better all the time I purchased a 128 GB card so I’m well covered for keeping files .Overall all would recommend this camera their customer service is very good to from experience from my 1st camera as well am now considering purchasing their solar panel to complete the setup

    Well made , good price and good service

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I already purchased a IGeek bullet camera for my front drive a couple of years ago and was more than happy with my purchase my friend had recommended it so had always intended to get one for my back garden so this wireless PTZ 360 caught my Eye first impression was it felt and looked very well made it took only a few minutes to set up it is very handy I can turn the camera to look at my back door and then my shed door snd so far the battery is well powered it only picks up human detection for the price it’s a bargain these cameras are getting better all the time I purchased a 128 GB card so I’m well covered for keeping files .Overall all would recommend this camera their customer service is very good to from experience from my 1st camera as well am now considering purchasing their solar panel to complete the setup

    Well made , good price and good service

  50. KarlaLampungmei says:

     United Kingdom

    This is very similar to a couple of other cameras I bought from the same manufacturer and am very pleased with this one as well. I have been looking for cameras that are battery powered (as I need to move them about) and had on-camera storage (as I’m too mean to pay for cloud storage). This camera has up to 128GB storage using an SD-Card (not supplied) AND has a cloud storage option as well. It also has pan and tilt but as a result it’s somewhat bigger and chunkier than the smaller fixed cameras and (not surprisingly) not easy to move about to different locations.

    I have to admit I am probably not a typical user of the camera as I don’t use it for Security purposes but for wildlife videos. We have a number of Hedgehog Houses around the garden and we keep an eye on these with these cameras. This particular camera is probably better suited for using as its intended purpose (a security camera in a fixed location).

    Recharging is through a USB connection on the bottom of the camera which is covered by a waterproof cover.

    Picture quality (both night and day) is good and the system alerts you when it detects movement.

    Cloudedge (available on Android and IOS) is the only software that the camera will work with and I have found it to be a little idiosyncratic in the past but have now mastered controlling the cameras and downloading the videos. Customer service were very quick and responsive to my slightly odd questions.
    Again I am not a typical user as I download lots of videos everyday while people using the camera for security purposes might download them only when they have suffered an ‘incident’.

    So I recommend this camera if you’re after a remotely adjustable battery camera and don’t want to pay a monthly subscription to be able to access your videos.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is very similar to a couple of other cameras I bought from the same manufacturer and am very pleased with this one as well. I have been looking for cameras that are battery powered (as I need to move them about) and had on-camera storage (as I’m too mean to pay for cloud storage). This camera has up to 128GB storage using an SD-Card (not supplied) AND has a cloud storage option as well. It also has pan and tilt but as a result it’s somewhat bigger and chunkier than the smaller fixed cameras and (not surprisingly) not easy to move about to different locations.

    I have to admit I am probably not a typical user of the camera as I don’t use it for Security purposes but for wildlife videos. We have a number of Hedgehog Houses around the garden and we keep an eye on these with these cameras. This particular camera is probably better suited for using as its intended purpose (a security camera in a fixed location).

    Recharging is through a USB connection on the bottom of the camera which is covered by a waterproof cover.

    Picture quality (both night and day) is good and the system alerts you when it detects movement.

    Cloudedge (available on Android and IOS) is the only software that the camera will work with and I have found it to be a little idiosyncratic in the past but have now mastered controlling the cameras and downloading the videos. Customer service were very quick and responsive to my slightly odd questions.
    Again I am not a typical user as I download lots of videos everyday while people using the camera for security purposes might download them only when they have suffered an ‘incident’.

    So I recommend this camera if you’re after a remotely adjustable battery camera and don’t want to pay a monthly subscription to be able to access your videos.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed a camera that is battery powered due to no mains electricity where we needed coverage. I also wanted to view and interact with the camera from my phone so it needed to be WiFi enabled. I have already got a mains powered iegeek camera so knew the quality would be good. This camera ticks all the boxes. I have had this camera for a couple of weeks and the picture quality is great, both day and night vision. The app is good and the great part about this camera is the fact you can move it around using the app. Due to the lens being so wide angled which is great, I rarely have to ‘look around’ but it is a great feature being able to if required. The battery life seems great so far and despite only having 50% WiFi strength this has not affected its interoperability. The only thing I would like to see added is a zoom function but as I say the PTZ functionality is great. If you’re looking for a camera that is battery powered, WiFi only and has a good, user friendly app I can definitely recommend this camera, you will not be disappointed.

    Great quality, easy to interact with outdoor camera

  53. Michael Sawh says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed a camera that is battery powered due to no mains electricity where we needed coverage. I also wanted to view and interact with the camera from my phone so it needed to be WiFi enabled. I have already got a mains powered iegeek camera so knew the quality would be good. This camera ticks all the boxes. I have had this camera for a couple of weeks and the picture quality is great, both day and night vision. The app is good and the great part about this camera is the fact you can move it around using the app. Due to the lens being so wide angled which is great, I rarely have to ‘look around’ but it is a great feature being able to if required. The battery life seems great so far and despite only having 50% WiFi strength this has not affected its interoperability. The only thing I would like to see added is a zoom function but as I say the PTZ functionality is great. If you’re looking for a camera that is battery powered, WiFi only and has a good, user friendly app I can definitely recommend this camera, you will not be disappointed.

    Great quality, easy to interact with outdoor camera

  54. CarloPowell says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed a camera that is battery powered due to no mains electricity where we needed coverage. I also wanted to view and interact with the camera from my phone so it needed to be WiFi enabled. I have already got a mains powered iegeek camera so knew the quality would be good. This camera ticks all the boxes. I have had this camera for a couple of weeks and the picture quality is great, both day and night vision. The app is good and the great part about this camera is the fact you can move it around using the app. Due to the lens being so wide angled which is great, I rarely have to ‘look around’ but it is a great feature being able to if required. The battery life seems great so far and despite only having 50% WiFi strength this has not affected its interoperability. The only thing I would like to see added is a zoom function but as I say the PTZ functionality is great. If you’re looking for a camera that is battery powered, WiFi only and has a good, user friendly app I can definitely recommend this camera, you will not be disappointed.

    Great quality, easy to interact with outdoor camera

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed a camera that is battery powered due to no mains electricity where we needed coverage. I also wanted to view and interact with the camera from my phone so it needed to be WiFi enabled. I have already got a mains powered iegeek camera so knew the quality would be good. This camera ticks all the boxes. I have had this camera for a couple of weeks and the picture quality is great, both day and night vision. The app is good and the great part about this camera is the fact you can move it around using the app. Due to the lens being so wide angled which is great, I rarely have to ‘look around’ but it is a great feature being able to if required. The battery life seems great so far and despite only having 50% WiFi strength this has not affected its interoperability. The only thing I would like to see added is a zoom function but as I say the PTZ functionality is great. If you’re looking for a camera that is battery powered, WiFi only and has a good, user friendly app I can definitely recommend this camera, you will not be disappointed.

    Great quality, easy to interact with outdoor camera

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersI have had the camera approximately 6 weeks now and I must say I’m really impressed given the price point of this PTZ camera.

    Setup took 10 minutes and the WiFi connection is stable.

    The capture quality is excellent (can be changed from SD to HD in the app) in both day and night mode.

    The camera can be controlled easily through the CloudEdge app. Rotating almost 360 degrees. Mine is mounted with a corner brackets to give my complete coverage along 2 sides of the house. As it’s also close to my front door I can communicate with visitors via the 2 way audio built in.

    PIR detection is good. You just need to adjust the sensitivity via the app in relation to where the camera is installed. I have a gazebo which constantly blows in the wind I was worried this may constantly set it off but remarkably it only seems to detect actual people or the odd animal because it has a human motion only setting you can turn on or off.

    Battery is still at 86% after 6 weeks. Average daily triggers is 5. Obviously if you have it in a higher traffic area it won’t last quite as long

    Excellent PTZ for the price point. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  57. NicholeValdez says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the second ieGeek security camera I have bought. The first one was a previous model which was excellent. Installation process was very simple and requires one time integration with smartphone app I needed another camera so went for this upgraded model which is even better. Really simple to install and connect to my mobile with the app included. Operating the camera movement and zoom feature is easy and works a treat. The picture, including the night vision quality is excellent. The audio quality is very good and can be heard clearly outside so you can speak and listen to anyone at the front door without opening it. Real time alerts, viewing and conversations can be carried out from anywhere via the included phone app.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the second ieGeek security camera I have bought. The first one was a previous model which was excellent. Installation process was very simple and requires one time integration with smartphone app I needed another camera so went for this upgraded model which is even better. Really simple to install and connect to my mobile with the app included. Operating the camera movement and zoom feature is easy and works a treat. The picture, including the night vision quality is excellent. The audio quality is very good and can be heard clearly outside so you can speak and listen to anyone at the front door without opening it. Real time alerts, viewing and conversations can be carried out from anywhere via the included phone app.

  59. MarceliGQE says:

     United Kingdom

    A great camera at a good price. Found the camera very easy to install and remove when necessary for battery charging. The Cloud Edge app makes setting up and operation extremely simple with the bonus of making you aware of any intrusion of the property covered by the camera. The Camera is well made and has proved good in all weathers even when mounted on a North facing wall as we have it. The picture is of high definition and the app allows a zoom function which can prove beneficial should close up screen shots be required. This camera was purchased after use of a number of ieGeek single cameras and I would thoroughly recommend ieGeek products.

  60. WernerBarreto says:

     United Kingdom

    The camera feels robustly built to survive conditions outdoors. It records stills and video to the SD card on board, so position it out of reach (as long as you can access it to recharge it occasionally), and within strong WiFi range. The mobile app (CloudEdge) is simple to use to set up the camera, and viewing recordings is not a problem if you’re on the same WiFi network. If accessing remotely it can be slow/troublesome if the internet connection is slow (e.g. 1mb upload or less), and clarity of recorded movement at night could be a little better, but otherwise it’s a very useful security deterrent, and the battery charge seems to last a very long time – 2 weeks now and still above 90% – no wires needed that might limit its mounting position.

    Easy to set up and good at detecting only human moveme

  61. HansTulloch says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well-made camera with total wireless connection in terms of power and WiFi connection, it is exactly what I need. This means that you can be put almost anywhere around a house proving the location is covered by WiFi signal.
    The motor of the camera runs smoothly and quietly. The rotation functions are convenience to monitor a wider area.
    The USB charging pot is underneath the base of the camera, it can be easily charged when it is mounted. Or you can take the camera off the metal base bracket by unscrew the four bolts. Its power switch reset button and SD card slot are at the bottom of the camera. I put a 128GB one and it works fine.
    The base plate of the camera can be installed by four screws into wall. The supplied screws are 3mmX25mm, you may want to use longer ones to get extra security.
    The 4dBi Dual Antennas is a good design and the response time is much shorter than some of battery-operated cameras.
    CloudEdge is the APP used to control the camera. As it has been installed on my phone already to mange other ieGeek cameras, I only need to add a new devise and the operation is straightforward. The picture and video of the HD option is very good. The sound is clear very clear.
    In summary, a very well-made camera with all the functions required for an outdoor wireless a PTZ camera.

    Excellent total wireless outdoor PTZ security camera with a large battery capacity!

  62. LorenzoBZVI says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well-made camera with total wireless connection in terms of power and WiFi connection, it is exactly what I need. This means that you can be put almost anywhere around a house proving the location is covered by WiFi signal.
    The motor of the camera runs smoothly and quietly. The rotation functions are convenience to monitor a wider area.
    The USB charging pot is underneath the base of the camera, it can be easily charged when it is mounted. Or you can take the camera off the metal base bracket by unscrew the four bolts. Its power switch reset button and SD card slot are at the bottom of the camera. I put a 128GB one and it works fine.
    The base plate of the camera can be installed by four screws into wall. The supplied screws are 3mmX25mm, you may want to use longer ones to get extra security.
    The 4dBi Dual Antennas is a good design and the response time is much shorter than some of battery-operated cameras.
    CloudEdge is the APP used to control the camera. As it has been installed on my phone already to mange other ieGeek cameras, I only need to add a new devise and the operation is straightforward. The picture and video of the HD option is very good. The sound is clear very clear.
    In summary, a very well-made camera with all the functions required for an outdoor wireless a PTZ camera.

    Excellent total wireless outdoor PTZ security camera with a large battery capacity!

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well-made camera with total wireless connection in terms of power and WiFi connection, it is exactly what I need. This means that you can be put almost anywhere around a house proving the location is covered by WiFi signal.
    The motor of the camera runs smoothly and quietly. The rotation functions are convenience to monitor a wider area.
    The USB charging pot is underneath the base of the camera, it can be easily charged when it is mounted. Or you can take the camera off the metal base bracket by unscrew the four bolts. Its power switch reset button and SD card slot are at the bottom of the camera. I put a 128GB one and it works fine.
    The base plate of the camera can be installed by four screws into wall. The supplied screws are 3mmX25mm, you may want to use longer ones to get extra security.
    The 4dBi Dual Antennas is a good design and the response time is much shorter than some of battery-operated cameras.
    CloudEdge is the APP used to control the camera. As it has been installed on my phone already to mange other ieGeek cameras, I only need to add a new devise and the operation is straightforward. The picture and video of the HD option is very good. The sound is clear very clear.
    In summary, a very well-made camera with all the functions required for an outdoor wireless a PTZ camera.

    Excellent total wireless outdoor PTZ security camera with a large battery capacity!

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a well-made camera with total wireless connection in terms of power and WiFi connection, it is exactly what I need. This means that you can be put almost anywhere around a house proving the location is covered by WiFi signal.
    The motor of the camera runs smoothly and quietly. The rotation functions are convenience to monitor a wider area.
    The USB charging pot is underneath the base of the camera, it can be easily charged when it is mounted. Or you can take the camera off the metal base bracket by unscrew the four bolts. Its power switch reset button and SD card slot are at the bottom of the camera. I put a 128GB one and it works fine.
    The base plate of the camera can be installed by four screws into wall. The supplied screws are 3mmX25mm, you may want to use longer ones to get extra security.
    The 4dBi Dual Antennas is a good design and the response time is much shorter than some of battery-operated cameras.
    CloudEdge is the APP used to control the camera. As it has been installed on my phone already to mange other ieGeek cameras, I only need to add a new devise and the operation is straightforward. The picture and video of the HD option is very good. The sound is clear very clear.
    In summary, a very well-made camera with all the functions required for an outdoor wireless a PTZ camera.

    Excellent total wireless outdoor PTZ security camera with a large battery capacity!

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is now my third iegeek camera. I have been really pleased with the first two I bought last summer — very good and clear image quality , day and night — so when I wanted to get a third one it was an easy decision to go with ieGeek again. Having installed it (very easy set up I thought and straightforward to add to the CloudEdge app alongside the other two cameras I have) — I am just as pleased. Build quality is very good — seems very solid and robust. Image quality is good too, night and day, the two-way audio works well. The range of vision is good but the added extra to the other cameras I bought last year is the ability to pan left/right/up/down via the app. All in all very happy indeed with this camera and I would fully recommend.

  66. WernerBeacham says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our third ieGeek camera. We have a bullet outdoor cam, an indoor cam and now this one (the outdoor, wireless, battery cam). All three have been reliable and given great images. This one gives clear video and stills (as in the photos) in which you can clearly see motion, people’s faces etc. There is a clear image even looking far down the drive and it picks up wifi well, even where the signal is not so strong. Battery life has been good so far, it’s been running a couple of weeks and the battery is still at 90% – dipping in daily to see the live feed and any other footage. Remote access is reliable and the overall build quality looks strong with a solid wall mount option. Very pleased again!

    Another great ieGeek camera

  67. RosalinLYDC says:

     United Kingdom

    This is our third ieGeek camera. We have a bullet outdoor cam, an indoor cam and now this one (the outdoor, wireless, battery cam). All three have been reliable and given great images. This one gives clear video and stills (as in the photos) in which you can clearly see motion, people’s faces etc. There is a clear image even looking far down the drive and it picks up wifi well, even where the signal is not so strong. Battery life has been good so far, it’s been running a couple of weeks and the battery is still at 90% – dipping in daily to see the live feed and any other footage. Remote access is reliable and the overall build quality looks strong with a solid wall mount option. Very pleased again!

    Another great ieGeek camera

  68. GiselleWilliam says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased the ieGeek 360 Wireless Outdoor PTZ Security Camera after having a previous model for several years it was delivered with all the parts required for a quick and simple installation.
    After removing all the components from the box along with the clear and concise instructions it literally only took less than 3 minutes to have pictures on my phone using the CloudEdge app.
    The picture quality in HD mode is clear with a good angle of view.
    The remote control of the camera using the CloudEdge app enables for movement and adjustment of the camera ideal to capture the area you wish to cover.

    Overall I rate this camera highly and represents good value

    A worth while upgrade

  69. Joseph Yaden says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased the ieGeek 360 Wireless Outdoor PTZ Security Camera after having a previous model for several years it was delivered with all the parts required for a quick and simple installation.
    After removing all the components from the box along with the clear and concise instructions it literally only took less than 3 minutes to have pictures on my phone using the CloudEdge app.
    The picture quality in HD mode is clear with a good angle of view.
    The remote control of the camera using the CloudEdge app enables for movement and adjustment of the camera ideal to capture the area you wish to cover.

    Overall I rate this camera highly and represents good value

    A worth while upgrade

  70. AdrianProffitt says:

     United Kingdom

    Peace of mind ! This , like other Amazon users state , is my 2nd iegeek security camera , again I needed a ’tilt and pan’ camera and this unit ticks all the boxes! Simple to operate and add to my smartphone, lead through’s are GREAT during app install, 15mins later it was on my home and guarding my property …. well done iegeek, another excellent and reliable device …. , HD Definition, excellent night vision , video record on the cloud or SD card ….I recommend this unit, extra long life battery , should last 4/5 months per full charge … (if you purchase the solar charging panel as well, then the unit will never need another charge , as it will self charge itself through solar energy) , A Green device too and built to last , it’s well engineered … what you waiting for ?

    iegeek ‘tilt n pan’ security camera

  71. Diego Arguello says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this PTZ wireless security camera as an upgrade for my existing ieGeek camera. Thus far, I am very happy with it. The things that really impressed me are as follows:

    The ability to control the orientation of the lens remotely makes installing the camera so much easier. Previously I had to go up and down the ladder to get it right – now I can just adjust the camera’s view from the lens via my phone.

    Wi-fi communication is much improved due to the two large external wifi aerials. The wi-fi signal strength is frequently reported as 100% at several metres from the router which is impressive. I have not seen any connection issues – it just works.

    Battery: The previous ieGeek camera had a 10000mA battery which never got below 70% charge when used in conjunction with the solar panel, even in Winter, even after moderate use via the phone. The massive 15000 mA battery on this camera means that when used with the ieGeek solar panel, the chance of this camera running out of power is virtually nil.

    HD Image quality is superb with clear details – see my image taken in HD mode.

    Overall, I would have no hesitation recommending this camera if you want wireless surveillance that is reliable & easy to setup and install, just like my previous ieGeek camera was.

    Fantastic camera for the money

  72. MeiMcKillop says:

     United Kingdom

    Peace of mind ! This , like other Amazon users state , is my 2nd iegeek security camera , again I needed a ’tilt and pan’ camera and this unit ticks all the boxes! Simple to operate and add to my smartphone, lead through’s are GREAT during app install, 15mins later it was on my home and guarding my property …. well done iegeek, another excellent and reliable device …. , HD Definition, excellent night vision , video record on the cloud or SD card ….I recommend this unit, extra long life battery , should last 4/5 months per full charge … (if you purchase the solar charging panel as well, then the unit will never need another charge , as it will self charge itself through solar energy) , A Green device too and built to last , it’s well engineered … what you waiting for ?

    iegeek ‘tilt n pan’ security camera

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this PTZ wireless security camera as an upgrade for my existing ieGeek camera. Thus far, I am very happy with it. The things that really impressed me are as follows:

    The ability to control the orientation of the lens remotely makes installing the camera so much easier. Previously I had to go up and down the ladder to get it right – now I can just adjust the camera’s view from the lens via my phone.

    Wi-fi communication is much improved due to the two large external wifi aerials. The wi-fi signal strength is frequently reported as 100% at several metres from the router which is impressive. I have not seen any connection issues – it just works.

    Battery: The previous ieGeek camera had a 10000mA battery which never got below 70% charge when used in conjunction with the solar panel, even in Winter, even after moderate use via the phone. The massive 15000 mA battery on this camera means that when used with the ieGeek solar panel, the chance of this camera running out of power is virtually nil.

    HD Image quality is superb with clear details – see my image taken in HD mode.

    Overall, I would have no hesitation recommending this camera if you want wireless surveillance that is reliable & easy to setup and install, just like my previous ieGeek camera was.

    Fantastic camera for the money

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI really like this PZT camera (note, the zoom is a digital zoom only) from IeGeek. I have others from them but this is my favourite. The ability to fine tune or move the position of the camera is a bonus.

    It has a strong metal mounting bracket with 4 thumb screws and is secured by 4 screws into the wall. (I have used 3m double sided tape for mine and it is holding up well)

    There is a small delay between pressing the controls on the app and the camera moving but nothing serious.

    This camera has a much stronger WiFi connection than older models. (this camera has a signal strength of 97% whilst my older camera that is closer to my router is only 80%)

    The upgraded battery also helps with an extended run time between charges but I would recommend the solar panel addition so that you will rarely have to worry about bringing it inside to charge.

    This is from a company I have purchased from before. They have good communication if you need additional help and I would highly recommend.

    Great battery PZT Camera with strong WiFi connection and battery life

  75. TonyConnery says:

     United Kingdom

    I have purchased 3 ieGeek cameras previously and they are all of a great quality and value. Very easy to install and although we don’t have a very powerful internet service the camera picks up the signal very easily bearing in mind it is about 15 meters from the router.

    This is a great addition to the ieGeek family with the ability to pan around the area remotely. Being a farm we have some remote barns and this is a great way to keep an eye on everything. My older cameras seem to last about 4 months before needing a recharge, which is great but I understand this new one will last longer before needing a recharge The video quality of this camera is very good. Even in darkness, the wide angle lense, records clear high resolution images.

    We have this camera on a pole high up giving us great vision of the area we want to keep an eye on. The camera is very robust and solid.

    Very good value

    Great Camera

  76. Howard Lake says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent Amazon delivery on a Sunday. Well packaged, easy to open, includes fixings, USB lead and excellent clear instructions written in English:-) Plugged it in to charge, read instructions. Downloaded App. Fitted SD Card – only goes in one way, powered up camera, clicked + on app and followed instructions, you’ll need your WiFi password. Up and running giving excellent images. NIght imaging is impressive, remote PTZ function gives great coverage and the audio quality is excellent and can easily be heard wehn using the PTT. Motion sensitivy is configurable in the App along with power management. Superb product, feels substantial and solid montng bracket. Not sure it could do any more – maybe facial recognition and turning on the wifi connected coffee maker. Their Warm Tips on Amazon set your expectations honestly. Good product and cusotmer friendly brand.

    So Simple to get up and running - easy app to use, brilliant images and clear audio

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent Amazon delivery on a Sunday. Well packaged, easy to open, includes fixings, USB lead and excellent clear instructions written in English:-) Plugged it in to charge, read instructions. Downloaded App. Fitted SD Card – only goes in one way, powered up camera, clicked + on app and followed instructions, you’ll need your WiFi password. Up and running giving excellent images. NIght imaging is impressive, remote PTZ function gives great coverage and the audio quality is excellent and can easily be heard wehn using the PTT. Motion sensitivy is configurable in the App along with power management. Superb product, feels substantial and solid montng bracket. Not sure it could do any more – maybe facial recognition and turning on the wifi connected coffee maker. Their Warm Tips on Amazon set your expectations honestly. Good product and cusotmer friendly brand.

    So Simple to get up and running - easy app to use, brilliant images and clear audio

  78. ViolaSupple says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent camera, is easy to install and represents great value for money. On unboxing the unit had a small amount of charge. As I already have another camera from this brand I already had the app on my phone so installing was as simple as adding a new battery camera, moments later I was viewing the image on my iPhone.

    Physical installation was just as easy, drill four holes to mount the plate then the camera attaches with thumbscrews.

    The camera provides HD images and video and the program includes the ability to fine tune the sensitivity of the motion detection. You can also schedule times when the app will notify alarms.

    If I were to provide feedback to the manufacturer I might ask for camera presets so I can easily switch between views but otherwise I think the product is completely fit for purpose and great value for money.

    Superb quality, great quality image and easy to install

  79. ThurmanYGW says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the fourth Camera I have purchased from ieGeek. The others are still showing full battery after 7 months in Spain when connected to the ieGeek solar panel.
    The Wi-Fi connection for this camera and the others is very stable and I have never lost connection whilst connected to a sim card router. Signal remains over 50-60% at 20 mtrs.
    The camera’s are easy to set up. within the “Cloudedge” app.
    I find the motion detection is good and do not get any false alerts that you do with others. I have to date captured images of an intruder.

    Night vision is excellent even at long distance of 30-40 mtrs.

    I will be getting more of these cameras. Well made and worth the investme

  80. winfredeeou101 says:

     United Kingdom

    Good camera, but a bit expensive
    Overall, the camera is good, the battery life looks good for now (need a few months to get a real conclusion) and the video quality is quite good in comparison with similar cameras.
    My only concern is about the water resistance (IP65, see video attached), but for now is working fine.
    It is easy to set up and install, but probably iGeek could improve the mounting system as to recharge the camera you will probably unmount it and could take you some time (four bolts). But connecting the camera to a solar panel could solve this.
    Paying over 110 I probably expected something different. But as I said, the camera is good based on the video quality and battery life.

    Good camera, but a bit expensive

  81. PeggyKeister says:

     United Kingdom

    Good camera, but a bit expensive
    Overall, the camera is good, the battery life looks good for now (need a few months to get a real conclusion) and the video quality is quite good in comparison with similar cameras.
    My only concern is about the water resistance (IP65, see video attached), but for now is working fine.
    It is easy to set up and install, but probably iGeek could improve the mounting system as to recharge the camera you will probably unmount it and could take you some time (four bolts). But connecting the camera to a solar panel could solve this.
    Paying over 110 I probably expected something different. But as I said, the camera is good based on the video quality and battery life.

    Good camera, but a bit expensive

  82. Magdeline Wang says:

     United Kingdom

    Good camera, but a bit expensive
    Overall, the camera is good, the battery life looks good for now (need a few months to get a real conclusion) and the video quality is quite good in comparison with similar cameras.
    My only concern is about the water resistance (IP65, see video attached), but for now is working fine.
    It is easy to set up and install, but probably iGeek could improve the mounting system as to recharge the camera you will probably unmount it and could take you some time (four bolts). But connecting the camera to a solar panel could solve this.
    Paying over 110 I probably expected something different. But as I said, the camera is good based on the video quality and battery life.

    Good camera, but a bit expensive

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good camera, but a bit expensive
    Overall, the camera is good, the battery life looks good for now (need a few months to get a real conclusion) and the video quality is quite good in comparison with similar cameras.
    My only concern is about the water resistance (IP65, see video attached), but for now is working fine.
    It is easy to set up and install, but probably iGeek could improve the mounting system as to recharge the camera you will probably unmount it and could take you some time (four bolts). But connecting the camera to a solar panel could solve this.
    Paying over 110 I probably expected something different. But as I said, the camera is good based on the video quality and battery life.

    Good camera, but a bit expensive

  84. CorneliPorteus says:

     United Kingdom

    Good camera, but a bit expensive
    Overall, the camera is good, the battery life looks good for now (need a few months to get a real conclusion) and the video quality is quite good in comparison with similar cameras.
    My only concern is about the water resistance (IP65, see video attached), but for now is working fine.
    It is easy to set up and install, but probably iGeek could improve the mounting system as to recharge the camera you will probably unmount it and could take you some time (four bolts). But connecting the camera to a solar panel could solve this.
    Paying over 110 I probably expected something different. But as I said, the camera is good based on the video quality and battery life.

    Good camera, but a bit expensive

  85. LidiaCarya says:

     United Kingdom

    After i unpacked this camera i was pleasantly surprised to see a user manual that was big enough to read.
    The mounting to the wall took about 10 mins and another 5 mins to connect to the app.
    The picture quality was very good in the day and just as good at night, the motion detection was very reliable at picking up people who came to visit and even a fox was spotted on the camera at night.
    This camera can also be moved up and down/left and right to capture the exact view that you need, this can be controlled through the app.
    2 way audio is built in so you can welcome wanted or unwanted guests.
    no problems until now with the Wi-Fi connection and has been very quick to connect.
    The app lets you monitor live view through your mobile and also playback of captured video that is saved onto a micro SD card. Highly recommended.

    A well thought out security camera

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersHaving been extremely pleased with the smaller static ieGeek outdoor security camera for monitoring outdoor buildings with animals, I looked to ieGeek again for a larger option to be used a security camera as part of a house renovation project. I purchased the ieGeek 360 Wireless Outdoor PTZ Security Camera, 15000mAh Rechargeable Battery CCTV Camera with Pan 355 Tilt 120, 1080P Wifi Home IP Camera, PIR Motion Detection, 2-Way Audio, Cloud&SD Card Storage

    The item arrived well packaged as you would expect from ieGeek which contained the main camera, a usb lead, backplate wall mount, plugs and screw, easy turn fixing screws for the camera to be connected to the wall plate and the manual.

    Setup is via the app and already having the app, it was a case of scanning the product QR code so that it could be connected to the network. Once it recognises the QR code it’s really fast to setup but the sequence of turning on and reset button took a few attempts to get going.

    Its WiFi connection is only 2.4Ghz which although not the highest connection speed provides better range of connectivity. This was much better when connecting outside since there is a great deal of dense and obstructive material to get through and it had no impact of the reaction speed and connectivity performance, more than happy with this.

    The app includes animated inline help which is extremely useful.

    For the purposes of testing, I fixed the unit high on my external blockwork (as per picture). This was an extremely useful position and will go back in exactly the same when the house is finished.

    This product requires a USB power connection to charge the battery initially. I left this plugged in overnight and it was completely charge by the morning (the instructions suggest 10 hours to fully charge). If not using a solar panel, it needs to be installed high enough to be out of vandalism reach but easy enough to access in order to periodically plug in USB lead for charging. Since this is more of a semi-permanent fixing, it’s probably best to install near a window in order to get a suitable lead out to it without needing to climb ladders each time. If not, the unit is easily removed using the four easy-turn fixings to take the entire unit down for charging. The backplate itself was very quick and easy to secure to the wall. I use a solar panel for my smaller camera which is great using the robust and ‘free’ solar panel from ieGeek (superb, compact and free).

    General SD mode is very good but HD mode is better (as you would expect) although has more battery drain. I haven’t been using the camera long enough to determine this exactly.

    The night vision is superb as is the triggering which can be set up for defined intervals as required.

    The remote movement functionality is very reactivate and precise and the movement is extremely quiet.

    The speaker and microphone are also very useful and can be heard at a decent range from the house if need be.

    I haven’t used the product long enough to comment on battery life but if it’s supposed to be an improvement on the smaller model, then I am very confident that I won’t be charging up too often.

    I have recorded video for playback on both SD and Cloud service which works extremely well. The only comment I have on the cloud service is that you have to dig to find more information on costing and would be better to include such information in an FAQ.

    I’m otherwise extremely happy with this product and will be purchasing another for the front of my house.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Exceptional / robust camera for the price

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So I purchased an ieGeek wireless camera a few months ago and it’s been superb. Thought I would get another one for the garden now, wow this is fantastic and much bigger than my other one. Very easy to set up with the built in tutorial. The quality of the picture is very good and night vision is excellent. The app is easy to use and alerts you when there is movement. You can adjust the sensitivity so it won’t alert for birds flying by etc. Great to have 2 way communication for the postal service but just hope they don’t just drop a parcel and go! This camera is very useful and I would certainly recommend for anyone that wants an affordable good quality security camera for that extra bit of house protection. Also the installation kit was easy to use and the build quality is sound. Would be great if this product could support Apple HomeKit in future! Wishful thinking!

    Another great product from ieGeek!

  88. icyabstract says:

     United Kingdom

    So I purchased an ieGeek wireless camera a few months ago and it’s been superb. Thought I would get another one for the garden now, wow this is fantastic and much bigger than my other one. Very easy to set up with the built in tutorial. The quality of the picture is very good and night vision is excellent. The app is easy to use and alerts you when there is movement. You can adjust the sensitivity so it won’t alert for birds flying by etc. Great to have 2 way communication for the postal service but just hope they don’t just drop a parcel and go! This camera is very useful and I would certainly recommend for anyone that wants an affordable good quality security camera for that extra bit of house protection. Also the installation kit was easy to use and the build quality is sound. Would be great if this product could support Apple HomeKit in future! Wishful thinking!

    Another great product from ieGeek!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe product was well packaged and delivered next day.

    Set up was quite straight forward and instructions clear and simple to follow. I formatted a new micro SD card before inserting it, but later found it necessary to format it again within the camera – not a problem, just a step that I hadn’t needed to take!

    The battery was only partially charged so I left the camera to charge overnight to be sure of a full charge before installing. While charging I tried out the pan and tilt function and was pleasantly surprised at the near silent operation.

    Installation was very straight forward and the camera was quickly up and running. I anticipated that the chosen location for the camera might be a challenge for wifi connectivity as the location is looking back at the property from some distance (11m from the property and 25m from the wifi router), but there is an adequate connection and all camera functions, including pan, tilt and alert, are all working well.

    I can’t comment at this stage on battery life but I’m hoping and expecting for there to be several weeks before recharging is required. Solar trickle charging is a possibility and a compatible solar panel is available, which would reduce if not remove the need to charge from the mains.

    Overall I’m very pleased with this product and happy to recommend it to others.

    Cracking fully wireless Security Cam

  90. Gina says:

     United Kingdom

    Firstly, the best thing about this camera is ease of use. It’s a quality device, well built, but super easy to get set up and install. The CloudEdge app is brilliant and talks you through the simple setup steps. This camera adds to the list of other in the app if you have them and is really well thought out and simple to use. Activating PTZ and rotating the camera is just a click away. There are many other settings for motion detection etc in the app, but the default settings seem to be just about right without having to change anything.
    The camera itself is well built, but surprisingly compact (see next to phone for scale). The mounting method is brilliant, with a sturdy metal bracket and easy to attach camera. This makes a world of difference when balancing on a ladder. I found attaching to a corner soffit allows a full 270 degree usable view, switchable between SD and HD at a click of a button. This camera also allows looking straight down and also upwards at a higher angle than some other cameras. For the price, the fact that it also is standalone battery powered (or USB or Solar panel) and has full 2 way audio/intercom is amazing. In the box, there is also a voucher for a free solar panel or 64GB SD card too. You really couldn’t ask for more. Highly recommended.

    Super easy to install and use PTZ camera

  91. EugeniaQ05 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a top notch cctv camera. Extremely easy to install and very easy to use. The picture quality and sound are brilliant. The pan and tilt function is also very good and the night vision excellent.motion detection saves to your smart phone. Really good piece of kit. The price of the camera is very reasonable. Overall we would rate this camera 10 out of 10 and we would highly recommend to anyone wanting to protect their home.

    10 out of 10

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a top notch cctv camera. Extremely easy to install and very easy to use. The picture quality and sound are brilliant. The pan and tilt function is also very good and the night vision excellent.motion detection saves to your smart phone. Really good piece of kit. The price of the camera is very reasonable. Overall we would rate this camera 10 out of 10 and we would highly recommend to anyone wanting to protect their home.

    10 out of 10

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The video quality and night vision on this camera are very clear and the PIR human motion detection works great and picks up a good range of movement as the Camera rotates horizontal and vertical. The actual camera has a good weight and looks well made and robust enough for an outside camera. It has two-way audio which seems to work fine just the standard delay you get with all technology. The camera works via WIFI and an app “CloudEdge” which to be honest is really easy to use, setting the camera up was simple and worked first time the only negative I have with the app is that sometimes the loading of videos could be faster but I’m impatient lol this camera seems to tick all the boxes for me and I would recommend it.

    Better than expected

  94. Zachary McAuliffe says:

     United Kingdom

    I was on the market looking for an upgrade for my garden camera, and I came across this one.
    The camera arrived quickly and well packed.
    I m really satisfied but the quality.
    Camera is robust, night vision is clear and sensor motion will follow until the person/animal will be out of range.
    Is HD quality and the images are crystal clear.
    The settings are fully personalised and the app is so easy to configure.
    Battery life it says up to 180 days, however if you connect a solar panel,I bet that you ll forget that camera has battery.

    Don't look further, u have found what you were looking fo

  95. MarciaWhittingt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is my second camera from ieGeek which has served me very well, this camera pivots and tilts which is the main reason I bought it. I love the ability to turn the camera in any given direction when needed. The camera is very robust and solid there’s a good weight and size to the unit which is reassuring, mounting the camera is just a breeze took me less than 10 mins to installing the mount and placing the camera which is then tightened with four thumb screws. The fact that there is no wiring or running cables is such a convenience just mount the bracket and your done. My pervious ieGeek camera came with a 10000ma battery which lasted about four months before charging, this newer camera comes with a 15000ma battery which should last a month longer so I’ll be lucky if I need to charge this unit twice times a year. The quality of the 1080p footage is brilliant, the night vision is fantastic it also has a zoom function which I haven’t tried yet although its only digital zoom. The app is very easy to install and setup and provides peace of mind when away from home, receiving alerts when it detects motion.
    Highly recommend if you need the security and protection if anything happens to your property providing evidence of the event.

    Excellent 15000ma battery operated camera.

  96. KennethChambers says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 62 From Our UsersVery simple installation. In the box is a strong metal bracket that you screw into the wall. You then slide the camera onto this and secure using the 4 retaining screws which will make it a doddle to take off when you need to recharge, included also were 2 spares if you happen to drop them.

    On the camera itself are 2 antennas to maximise reach of the WiFi. I have our camera secured on an exterior wall that is about 10 metres from the router and seems to connect smoothly. Under the camera itself has a rubber stopper that you slot in the MicroSD card along with the power and reset buttons. On the mount part of the camera is also a USB slot that you plug the charger into. If this was higher on the wall, I could perhaps run a USB cable to this through the loft so it never runs out of battery.

    Control is via the Cloudedge app and takes minutes to set up and is very simple, all I did was turn the camera on and follow the instructions on the app. Once set up there are options to turn on/off motion detection, review previous videos / images etc and most importantly, the PTZ option which allows you to move the camera from side to side / up and down meaning you can freely changed the position when needed. The sound seems very clear as well and the intercom is loud enough that you will hear from a distance even if the camera is placed up high!

    Highly recommended!

    An extremely clever and versatile CCTV Camera.

  97. ClariceBowe says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 62 From Our UsersVery simple installation. In the box is a strong metal bracket that you screw into the wall. You then slide the camera onto this and secure using the 4 retaining screws which will make it a doddle to take off when you need to recharge, included also were 2 spares if you happen to drop them.

    On the camera itself are 2 antennas to maximise reach of the WiFi. I have our camera secured on an exterior wall that is about 10 metres from the router and seems to connect smoothly. Under the camera itself has a rubber stopper that you slot in the MicroSD card along with the power and reset buttons. On the mount part of the camera is also a USB slot that you plug the charger into. If this was higher on the wall, I could perhaps run a USB cable to this through the loft so it never runs out of battery.

    Control is via the Cloudedge app and takes minutes to set up and is very simple, all I did was turn the camera on and follow the instructions on the app. Once set up there are options to turn on/off motion detection, review previous videos / images etc and most importantly, the PTZ option which allows you to move the camera from side to side / up and down meaning you can freely changed the position when needed. The sound seems very clear as well and the intercom is loud enough that you will hear from a distance even if the camera is placed up high!

    Highly recommended!

    An extremely clever and versatile CCTV Camera.

  98. EugeniaQ05 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersWow! What a camera!!
    Ordered the camera last Sunday and received it on Tuesday! (I’m in Northern Ireland) Well packaged as always.
    First impressions? A really solid sturdy piece of good looking kit! I love it!
    Charged it for a few hours before setup, and added my own SD card (none included with camera) That was Tuesday. It’s still sitting at 97% and that’s after a lot of experimenting with it, on top of the usual alarm triggers.
    Metal mount with 4 screws to attach it to a flat surface. The camera backing slides on, and there are then 2 hand screws on each side to secure the camera to the mount. No fiddling about trying to get the angle right when the camera rotates via the app!
    The app will tell you the WiFi signal strength, so you will know if you need to move the camera closer to the router for a better signal.
    The CloudEdge app is an absolute dream to work with. This is now my 3rd camera to use this app, and it’s great. Once the app is set up with an account, each camera takes about 10 seconds to add to it. You also have the ability to share each camera with another user if desired (only one person can access the app at a time if 2 people are logged in with the same email address) Lots of functionality within the app to adjust settings etc according to requirements of the location or the user. Accessing the live camera when out and about is no problem at all. The picture loads up quickly, and all functions work well, inc rotation and 2-way audio.
    Notifications/alarms are instantaneous when motion is detected. Absolutely no issues there. As I have 3 cameras I have named them ‘garage’ ‘driveway’ and ‘back’, so when the notification pops up it’s clear which camera has been triggered by movement.
    The video quality is great, both during the night and day. Picture is very clear (option to set picture to sd or hd)
    The rotation function is so handy on this camera. I’ve been like a kid with a new toy playing about with it, rather than having had the need to use it officially yet! lol
    The two way audio function works well. You can manually set the volume of the speaker through the app. I’ve used it to call my partner in for his dinner, save running outside looking for him!
    Should there be any issues regarding your order, the camera, or the app, ieGeek customer service are super quick to respond with any queries (thanks Chloe!!)
    This camera is fantastic, well worth the money and I highly recommend it. Thank you ieGeek!

    Update: Have now had this camera installed for over a month. Outstanding piece of equipment. Picture is perfect night and day. Notifications are immediate. Just checked the battery: it’s still sitting at 87%, and that’s with multiple motion triggers every day. Love it!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding camera!

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this camera a year ago largely because of the reasonable price and good user reviews but only got round to putting it up in November 2019.

    1. Build quality seems good. Compact and solid
    2. Picture quality is good especially on the HD setting
    3. Power supply has a long lead (3m) so no extension cable required

    1. Despite the IP67 rating, my camera let in water to the extent that it stopped working. Water behind the lens and in the SD card slot (see photos). Maybe I put it up in a too exposed position. So my advice is try and install it somewhere that is a bit sheltered e.g. under eaves.

    2. The reset switch and power cable connector need to be housed in a dry place e.g. a waterproof connection box. (A waterproof connector is supplied for the Ethernet cable)

    3. PC Software Hip2P is quite slow and clunky and not very intuitive to set up. Later versions of the software are a bit better. They can be found on the Iegeek or IPcam websites. The mobile phone software is a bit easier but is more limited.

    4. There is no option for secure encryption (like most cheaper webcams). This will make the camera easier to hack.

    5. There is a customer service email address, but I got no response when my camera failed.

    Installing and connecting up an IP camera can be quite a time consuming business, so my advice is don’t waste your time – avoid this camera and spend a bit more on something more reliable. I’ve had my Foscam camera out in all weathers for several years without problem…

    Follow Up – 4 February 2021
    I got round to taking down my failed iegeek security camera today. Opened the SD slot and orange coloured water dribbled out. It looked like my Sandisk Extreme Pro 128Gb SD card was trashed – stained with the orange gunge – but it dried out and cleaned up and is working fine in my new camera (an Ezviz).

    Recordings on the card showed that the camera worked OK for a total of 10 days until it got too wet. So the moral of the story is don’t assume that an IP camera is OK just because it works fine out the box. Put it up outside in the rain. Then at least you can get your money back if it fails straight away as a result of water damage. Interestingly I could not find an IP67 rating anywhere on the packaging or camera despite this waterproof rating being advertised.

    Update 12 March 2021

    Customer support reached out to me following this review. Looks like the email address I wrote to was the wrong one which explains why they didn’t reply to my previous emails. They advise that they have resolved the security problems that were around a couple of years back and this model is no longer at risk of hacking. It is still a good idea however to change the default user name/password from admin/admin to something unique.

    Failure caused by water penetration does not appear to be a common problem with this camera judging by the reviews on Amazon, so maybe I was just unlucky. As a gesture of goodwill, Iegeek have offered to refund me or replace the camera despite it being out of warranty. So given all that, I have changed my review rating to positive.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Customer Service Following Camera Failure

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI purchased two of these cameras , one for the front and one for the rear of my house, reviews looked good for these and they were right !
    Comes well packaged , with the camera and a network cable , plus screws and rawl plugs for fitting , there is a mini CD behind the foam packing which has a manual an other useful info and programs on it.
    First connect the camera to your router with the cable and power on. I downloaded both apps Camhi and camhi pro , I preferred the camhi pro app , so kept that one.
    Set up really easy, remember to change the password for the camera so only you can access it
    Once set up , disconnect the cable and it will connect via wifi
    Like others I only needed the power cable through the wall , so a 10mm hole was drilled and I fitted a couple of waterproof boxes from Wickes , to store the unused wires outside on the wall ( wife didn’t even notice the boxes there).
    Then it was a case of adjusting the camera to get the best position , a bit fiddly when on a ladder , but spend time doing it so your happy , the front ca,era was a bit difficult , as due to the angle i needed the aerial base hit the body , but I managed to get there in the end. Look good on the wall and feel sturdy.
    Oh I forgot you will need a micro sd card to put in them , I bought 2 x 64GB cards
    When set up take a look at the lovely clear picture on your phone (remember to set to HD in the app for best results). Picture very clear , two way communication if needed and so far I have good reception , even though my router is over the other side of the house the wifi works fine with the camera.
    I set up email alerts but have turned it off as others have said it is a bit sensitive and in an hour I got 45 emails !!
    So far very happy with the camera.
    I have messed around with the PC programme (HiP2P) to adjust /view them but to be fair the app does most of it anyhow
    Last thing , rear camera is mounted under the eaves which is great , front camera couldn’t be and is just on a wall , it does suffer a bit from rain getting on the lens , but thats no fault of the camera , try and fit them with something above if possible.
    Think I may get one more for the side of my house !!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great quality camera for the money !