iPhone Charger Cable, Lightning Cable [2M+2M 2Pack] iPhone Charger Braided Long iPhone Charger Lead USB Fast Charging Cable for iPhone 11 12 13 Pro Max Mini XR XS X 8 7 6s 6 Plus 5s 5 SE 2020,iPad

Weight: | 60 g |
Size: | 2M+2M |
Dimensions: | 13.8 x 13.2 x 1.4 cm; 60 Grams |
Part: | Y-C 002 |
Colour: | Red |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Yosou |
Colour: | Red |
Reference: | Y-C 002 |
Size: | 2M+2M |
This item was exactly as advertised and delivered on time. Thank you.
So I’ve had these about two months now. The cord is a good length, I can walk around my table with it still in the charger, and the cord is still strong feeling despite all the moving and bending.
Good sturdy cable. Well made. Will hopefully last a while.
A lovely iphone charger. Charges very fast, excellent and high quality cable. Great length, plug that I use with this does not heat up, battery life lasts long and full battery well within an hour. Very pleased with this overall, would definitely recommend it. Wire is nice and bendy and also love the colour and material.
Arrived very quickly very strong cable and works perfect ! Would highly recommend
Works a treat and good value as well. Would purchase agai
Nice colour and the changing is good but I found the cable to be thin.
These are really cute and work and like the red cable which is easy to locate .. seems to charge really well and a good long lead
Product is long enough to plug in and still use your iphone on the desk or settee etc. Very visable so no searching for it between all the white cables we all seem to get these days. Plus you get two so if you have a caravan or motorhome leave one in there, very handy.
My daughters words, well good so fast. She come down and said have we got a new lightning cable my old one just broke luckily this one just arrived so off she went. After 30 minutes she called down and said this cable is well good it’s so fast way best than the old one so she is very happy with it and that makes me happy. Well worth the price we think.
Verkaufsabwicklung war perfekt.Termin wurde gehalten! Druckerkabel hat die Lnge,die ich bentige.Die Farbe macht den Unterschied,da ich mehrere Kabel verwende! technisch einwandfrei ! Preis-Leistung super! Weiterempfehlung
Sehr gutes USB-Kabel, leicht zu verlegen, vor allem bleibt es so liegen wie man es hinlegt, sehr gute Qualitt (habe diese Kabel schon mehrmals bestellt). Kann diesen Artikel zu 100 % weiterempfehlen.
Al principio parecan ms resistentes,pero se estropean con facilidad
I cavi sono abbastanza buoni, ma il cavo “simil tessuto” se non riposto correttamente tende a fare dei nodi e delle pieghe che per fino ad ora non hanno inficiato sul funzionamento, ma solo sull’aspetto estetico
war erst skeptisch, da der Hersteller in China sitzt. Da der Versand ber Amazon erfolgte, habe ich 2 Garnituren bestellt. Versand innerhalb der Lieferzeit. Und die Kabel – einwandfrei verarbeitet und sehen sehr gut aus.
Da mein Drucker nicht gerne online gehen wollte, musste ich zum Kabel greifen, das leider nicht im Lieferumfang war. Nun habe ich dieses wirklich gute Kabel und er druckt. Was will man mehr 🙂 Schnelle Lieferung on top. Klasse und Danke.
Kurz und bndig: Ein perfektes USB-Druckerkabel !! Ich habe die Farbe Grn gewhlt weil man die Kabel bei mir sieht. (Die Farben Grau und Computerwei sind echt eine Zumutung). Das Kabel lsst sich perfekt verlegen! So wie man es hinlegt bleibt es auch liegen (das war bei meinen alten Kabeln nicht der Fall) Die Datenbertragung zum Drucker hat sich verbessert. Diese USB-Druckerkabel kann ich ohne Einschrnkung zu 100 % weiterempfehlen !!!
Das Kabel ist von guter Qualitt und sitzt stramm in der USB Buchse. Besser als das mitgelieferte vom Hersteller.
Mit dieser Ummantelung denke ich kaum rger mit geknicken Kabeln zu haben.
Bin sehr zufriede
Auch den Nachservice fand ich gut, was ja nicht in dieser Preislage zu erwarten ist.
Ich brauchte das Kabel dringend um meinen Drucker zu Installieren, leider ist die Ware super schnell geliefert worden aber in der wirklich schnen Verpackung war der Stecker zerquetscht, sofort konnte ich das Kabel kostenlos zurck senden. Bei der erneuten Lieferung ist das Kabel schnell und ohne Reklamation dann an uns geliefert worden.
Ich habe mir das Kabel Samstags bestellt und es sollte Dienstag ankommen.
BERRASCHUNG: Zu meiner Freude, war es Montag schon da und ich konnte gleich alles. Fr den Unterricht am Dienstag ausdrucken (Onlineunterricht und so)!
Das Packet kam ohne irgendeine Macke an und das Kabel war zusatich gepolstert.
Wrde ich immer wieder kaufen.
Das Kabel kam in einem groen Brief verpackt pnktlich an. Auf den ersten Blick ist die Qualitt sehr gut. Das flexible Kabel macht einen robusten Eindruck.
Ich halte das Preis- / Leistungsverhltnis fr gut.
La razn de la compra fueron dos motivos, el primero la longitud de 2 metros, ya que te hace poder estar con el aparato en diferentes situaciones de uso mientras se carga, y la segunda la diferencia de colores, es decir, cada persona tiene un color y as no hay problemas de uso.
Tiene refuerzo flexible en la unin del cable a la clavija, tambin es un dato a tener en cuenta, aunque lo que menos me gusta es el trenzado, ya he usado varios de este estilo y terminan rompindose, pero el refuerzo decant la compra.
Creo y espero que sea un acierto
Mi serviva il filo x il caricabatterie del mio Asus Zenfone 2 e questo soddisfa in pieno le mie esigenze, cavo robusto e ricarica velocemente (con l’adattatore; senza adattatore, per es. se lo attacco al pc, la carica molto lenta), quindi per il momento sono pienamente soddisfatta, speriamo duri nel tempo! P.S. consegna velocissima, ottimo x me che ero in difficolt senza caricabatterie!
Prodotto allineato alla descrizione. Ho optato per questo set per l’irrobustimento flessibile a ridosso delle connessioni che notoriamente sono i punti deboli. Inoltre preferisco avere un set di lunghezze uguali e 2m una lunghezza pi che adeguata per i tipici utilizzi e accessibilit da comodino, scrivania o PC.
Non posso recensire la durabilit ma spero che sia lunga… in ogni caso direi che l’acquisto rientra in un buon rapporto qualit prezzo.
Tre cavi mini-USB da 2m l’uno ti salvano da diversi impicci, in quanto li puoi usare comodamente per la ricarica del tuo smartphone quando sei coricato a letto, oppure quando il tablet di tuo figlio piccolo, gi seduto a tavola, si sta quasi per scaricare completamente.
Inoltre il connettore mini usb leggermente pi lungo della norma, dando la possibilit allo stesso di potersi inserire in connettori femmina alle volte non perfettamente accessibili da connettori maschi di lunghezza standard.
Io li ho gi ricomprati per la seconda volta!!!
Mamma mia questi cavetti classici che dopo un po smettono di funzionare. Beh questi colorati no. Affatto. Ma attenzione intendo proprio questi che sto recensendo.
Infatti ne ho comprato 3 confezioni e in ogni confezione ce ne stanno 3 cavi.
Sono lunghissimi e questo vi potr permettere di avere facile libert di movimento.
Caricano i dispositivi abbastanza celermente anche se il cavo lungo.
Non me lo so spiegare ma cos.
Insomma io ne ho fatto ampia scorta poich vanno proprio a ruba. Consiglio di fare altrettanto anche voi.
Ho acquistato i cavi circa una settimana fa dopo avere avuto una grande delusioni con quelli originali Samsung durati pochi mesi. Tutto funziona per il meglio, la lunghezza e’ adeguata e permette di ricaricare gli apparecchi anche con le prese ad una certa distanza. ordinati dipomeriggio verso le 17, il giorno successivo sono gia’ stati consegnati. Considerando il numero di cavi (3 di colori diversi), il prezzo e il tempo trascorso fra ordine e recapito, non posso che esprimere un giudizio piu’ che positivo sul venditore.
di buona fattura esteriore: il cavo coperto da un tessuto di filato plastico intrecciato che rende lo flessibile e contemporaneamente robusto e leggero. Il terminale in alluminio anodizzato, piacevole al tatto e alla vista. Il punto di entrata del cavo nel terminale raccordato con una plastica nera flessibile utile per proteggere dalla curvatura eccessiva. Unico motivo per dare una stella in meno a 5 il fatto che la lunghezza dei cavi di 1,8 metri invece che 2 metri come dichiarato nel titolo.
La calidad se ve muy buena, las clavijas ajustan perfectamente en los dispositivos. No se quedan bailonas. Est bien protegido tanto en el trenzado sobre el cable como la terminacin de goma en las clavijas. Lo mejor la velocidad de transmisin de datos y la capacidad de carga que sorprende en cables tan largos. La duracin, pues es pronto para valorar. Calidad precio genial. Muy contento.
Realmente me han sorprendido muy gratamente. Por el precio que tienen no esperaba unos cables de tanta calidad. Son bonitos, de buena calidad, su longitud de dos metros es perfecta y cmoda, ya que puedes utilizar tus dispositivos mientras los cargas aunque no tengas un enchufe justo al lado, como pasa con otros cables. Los conectores se adaptan de maravilla a la entrada de los dispositivos, bien protegidos, con una funda de goma donde se une el cable con el conector, lo que evita que se doble y pueda ir rompindose como me ha pasado con otros. Muy contento con la compra, desde luego que los recomiendo, funcionan muy bien y tienen pinta de que van a durar mucho tiempo.
Compre los cables en octubre, bueno pues en marzo de los 3, solo funciona uno en condiciones.
Dos se han roto, uno de ellos se han metido las pestaas hacia adentro por lo que no se queda enganchado dentro del agujero del mvil y con un ligero roce deja de cargar. El otro cable simplemente no carga, pasndole la aplicacin amphere marca – 10 +10 mA (he probado otros cargadores y cables y funcionan)
De 3 cables que solo uno funcione con normalidad deja mucho que desear.
Al menos son largos
Still using these months later and they work great. We have them dotted around the house for us and the kids to charge stuff and I carry two at work.
These leads are brilliant. Extra long, which is really useful. They do exactly what they are meant to do so I can’t add anything to that except that I’m very pleased with them
I have been using the cables for a few month now both in the house and the car and haven’t had any problems. They still plug in well and the wire connecting to the plug is sturdy.
Great product, loving the longer length, the bright distinctive colour means I know which are mine.
I would like to be able to buy a mixed colour pack in the future if you decide to do one.
Ideal for our change of phone to Galaxy A10. Excellent value, 3 in the pack, also gives you one for the car. Great length at 1m +. Fast charging too.
Decent charging wires but dont charge as fast as original ones do still worth the money though
I would highly reccomend this product to anyone wanting a new longer charger cable, it was excelent value for money as you get, 3 yes thats right 3 cables that are really fast in charging my phone, super long, lovely colour and very durable, thak you.
I got this for my phone and table, brilliant I can plug them in and work bonus. Very good value no sorry excellent value would recommend this to family and friends and you too.
Bought for my children who go through cables like nobody’s business. Hopefully these will last but even if they don’t survive the test by child – they’re reasonable enough in price to replace.
Firstly, I’d just like to say I love the colour and overall aesthetic, wires are normally so BORING!
Secondly, it charges things quite fast, not sure if it’s any faster but it does the job. I would recommend any of their wires, I’ve also purchased and used their iPhone cables and they’ve been amazing too 🙂
In the past I have used a lot of USB cables both for charging and for data transfer, my experience has been that the USB plug is often is a bad for into the device. I didn’t expect any better from these cables however I am happy and amazed that this product actually works. I will definitely buy these cables again.
A bit tight on the phone end of the cable, but works fine. Better tight than loose.
So pleased with this purchase, you get 3 cables so an absolute bargain – cables are nice and long which is fantastic, AND there is no loss of performance which you usually get with longer cables – they “clip” in place into the USB port so there is no possibility of them moving / falling out which other ones always end up doing. Seriously, if you need USB leads – get these!
I have nothing to complain about. It arrived exactly as advertised and works perfectly, the multiple cables means I can have them spread out and not have to worry about running out of battery and not having a charger if I lose one. If you want some charging cables that are value for money and arrive promptly I recommend these.
I started buying these cables after the cables I usually bought got more expensive. Can’t ask for more from cables, they’re high quality and have taken a beaten during their long life time. As they’re nylon they don’t suffer from the same fate as most OEM cables (Plastic splitting / joint snapping).
I’ve bought multiple cables from this manufacturer with a range of different sockets and none of them have let me down.
These are the best USB cables I’ve ever used, well worth the extra over the cheaper ones.
Super durable braided cable will flex without splitting and anodised metal ends finish them off perfectly for a cool look too. They are supplied all three in the original box CE marked for UK use and with an instruction booklet if you really need it.
Arrived very quickly and well packaged, very impressed.
A cut above and probably the gold standard for charging an S7 Edge. From out of the box to plug in its all effortless. My previous charge lead was a poor fit with an awful charging rate. This cable is Premier League by comparison. Superb value for a 3 pack
Needed a long usb cable for both my kids Samsung galaxy tabs and ordered this pack. It’s definitely doing it’s job for sure, I’m quite pleased. The material looks like threaded rope, which is durable so hopefully will last long in the hands of two very active kids!
I’m after trashing alot of cables before I got these. They look up to the part. As I am a carpenter and will have on site with me they are already alot better than what I got off samsung. Time will tell but for the great price and the build quality. Well worth the small outlay
Quality item good fit extra length very handy. Use for kindle and Sony phone….No issues yet very nice looking as well 🙂
Great usb leads I bought these for my son so he can have more freedom to use his tablet whilst its charging. I also have one in my car and the 3rd went to my Mum, I plan to buy another pack in the near future for my nieces.
Plug a little tight on my ESP 8266, but works well
Wrong conections didnt fit my phone my fault didnt ceck fully. Returned for correct ones.
I liked that there was 3 in a pack and they worked perfectly on my tablet I will shop with them agai
I purchased some of these braided leads was immediately impressed with the quality fitting of the actual connector. It had a nice tight snug fit – unlike most of the other value-based leads, even more expensive ones. The cable itself was fine and the added braided material saves the surface from abrasion and any rubbing that may occur. I use these leads indoors and outdoors in all weather and had no problems. Fast despatch and good communications. 10/10
Much nicer looking than the usual plastic coated cables, and in my experience much longer lasting too. Delivery was super quick and no hassle, and at a good price.
Great product was surprised with the quality of the cables so well made. I was a little cautious regarding these cables having paid 1-15 for cables in the past,but I am so pleased with these that my kids are getting sets for their birthday’s they’re always looking for cables. Will obviously buy again.
I use these for charging my tablet plus phones. They are of very good quality in fact you can pay a lot more money just for a single cable when you really don’t need to, These do the job
They are robust, with a woven cable, that is much longer than the standard cables. The micro USB connection is a very definite, close fit, no wobble that some have. Also they’re an attractive blue/black cable with anodised blue ends. The best is that you get 3 of them, for all my gadgets!
Cables are strong, long and flexible and fit tightly into the micro USB port of any compatible device. Because you need to push quite hard to plug the charger in, there is a risk of damaging the port if it isn’t in correctly. But that’s easily avoidable if you’re paying attention. Very cheap for what you’re getting.
Very good service use it for charging my phone and PS4 controle
It appears that Micro USB is out of fashion in our area and getting these from Aioneus was far easier than the high street hunt. The teenagers in the house were grateful to be able to carry on charging their gadgets within a couple of days of ordering, which was no mean feat over Christmas
how good they are as they are so long my kids can play their kindles all day
I can’t comment on durability at this point as we’ve only been using them since Christmas but they seem very well made and look like they will last. The cables seem to have a better range of motion and flexibility than the standard cables that came with our devices so I have high hopes. Very easy and smooth purchase via Amazon and delivered on time. The length of the cables are great and price was extremely reasonable. Very happy with this produc
Sturdy and lovely looking cables. Great length if you want to use your device while charging it. Since my children have recently got usb devices, the charging cables we own have all started ‘mysteriously’ breaking. I hope these cables will be more resilient. They certainly seem well made.
These cables are in use every day as we have many items that need charging. Found no problems with them at all, no shortfall in charging speed as you find in some longer cables, and the blue colour is useful to sort them from the usual black cables. Very happy with them.
So far so good! Very happy with the length of these cables, this is my second set I ordered, because they come in so handy (not because I needed to replace some, they all still work, even on our more fiddly stuff). Only issue I have is that my baby son really loves the colours too and tries to grab them all the time. That should tell you we use them a lot!
Great product for the price, would purchase again from this selle
These cables are great if you’re looking for a durable and well built Micro-USB. Just keep in mind these are only cables and no socket is included, this wasn’t an issue for me but something to keep in mind.
Dispatching of the product was fast and I received them within 2 days.
The material that the casing for the cables are made from is very sturdy and looks very unlikely to split like other cables, as it is not plastic. Also, the length of the cable is idle for every user in every situation. The cable supports fast charging with the fast charging adaptor. All in all very nicely executed product.
Great product, but I do find that the connectors are too tightly fitting, which might lead to damage to the charging ports on used devices.
These cables are the best I have bought and they were for my grandsons tablet, others I have bought have been pretty weak but I must say these are very strong and that is needed for an eleven year old. Great purchase, value for money and very pleased.
Brilliant cables. I’ve had various devices and cables over the years and these are the best. Perfect for loose fitting kindle ports. A lot of the cables don’t stay in, and for kids, it’s important they can withstand the pulling and dragging! The length is great too. No more sitting by the plug socket.
The cables are long, so I can have my kindle plugged in when I need to charge it, and still be able to use it while paying on my sofa in the evening. Plus you get 3. They are not the fastest chargers. But they are very good quality for the price.
These were bought for grandsons for their kindles as they move around a lot staying with lots of family members, they are brilliant as they know instantly which is their cable as they are coloured, which has been troublesome as we have so many cables plugged in, but the thing they love about them is their long length.
Great product, 3 charger leads for cheaper than you can often get one! My phone charger really quickly with them (fast charging seems to work if you have a fast charging plug). They’re long so you can move far from the plug and I love the material and colour. Not sure yet how long they will last (I’ve had mine a few weeks now and they’re still going strong) but given the price and the fact you get three, it doesn’t really matter!
Good length of cable, unfortunately found out my rabbit liked them as well, not bunny proof, had to order agai
Good quality. Bought 1 then bought another after seeing the quality was pretty good.
Love the cables, and absolutely ideal as I play Xbox and my partner plays PC, no matter what distance away we are it never seems to be a problem as the cables are so long. No worries about them breaking any time soon as the cables seem really tough and slot into the port really nicely. Would definitely recommend to purchase this – fantastic value for money too!
So far so good. Liking the length of them as can sit where I want and not have to be on top of the plug or use an extension lead. They seem flexible enough. Got them because the youngsters bent the wee boyos that you plug into charge the stuff and they seem compatible with anything that has been plugged into them
Very good VFM and would recommend. They are as advertised and the choice of colours make it nicer to own. Sister was very pleased and will probably buy another set from seller. You can’t have enough charging cables and these are really tough and they look like they will last a long time. I’ve had my old set for several months now and there is no sign of wear and have happily ditched the old rubber plastic cables. Very speedy delivery too!
Tried cable after cable for my Samsung tablet. The majority start off well, but give up the ghost after a few months. These certainly look the part. As for longevity, well only time will tell.