Iris Ohyama, Set of 2, Air tight storage boxes, 70 L, with 6 clips, stackable, garage, cellar, attic – Air Tight Box AT-LD – Black

Hermetic storage Air Tight Box

Iris Ohyama England
Iris Ohyama is a Japanese brand created in 1958,major player in the field of plastics. With more than 23,000 references in the catalog, the group is initially known for the manufacture of transparent plastic storage boxes. Since few years, Iris Ohyama is diversifying its activities and now offers new categories of products to the general public, such as Japanese food and pet accessories, as well as household appliances.
Hermetic storage boxes
Air Tight Box
This lot of storage boxes is the ideal solution for storing your belongings in a garage, cellar or attic.
Your belongings are protected from moisture thanks to the hermetic closure of the boxes.
Equipped with handles, these are easily transported from one room to another and stack on top of each other for a gain of space beneficial.
- Sturdy plastic storage box
- Available in 20L, 50L or 70L format
- Two colors to choose: transparent or black
| | |
Weight: | 1.9 kg |
Dimensions: | 59 x 39 x 38 cm; 1.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | Iris Ohyama |
Model: | 104478 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
My third time ordering these boxes, none have arrived broken
Boxes have a great seal and seem sturdy, I have six of the black ones
Arrived in huge cardboard box
Tactile material that feels sturdy and robust, with large spacious container space. Ergonomically designed locking handles to fix the lid to the container. Well made and ideal for storage.
Sturdy, deep and see through. Lids lock firmly and can see what’s on inside
Noch halten sie. Stehen in der Garage bin zufrieden;-)
Receiving an intact set is a bit of a lottery, given the reviews. We got lucky and received two perfectly undamaged boxes. They’re fine, and seem fairly airtight given the rubber seal and pressure needed to clip the lids on. I doubt they’re hermetically sealed though.
They’re definitely not the most robust boxes, so you’ll need to treat them carefully and don’t chuck them around.
There are almost no airtight boxes on sale, so this is likely your only choice if you need that function. Pricey too, but then the airtightness is unique.
Dedans on peut ranger des livres mais il y a tellement de choses ranger moi je suis trs contente de cette achat je pense que je vais en recommand
3 scatole di immagazzinaggio ermetiche peccato che sono un po’ leggerine e fragili
Qualitativ machen die Boxen einen stabilen Eindruck allerdings sind die Dichtungen in den Deckeln allesamt nur grade rein geschmotzt und somit nicht da ist wo sie sein sollte.
Keine Qualittskontrolle
I contenitori sono arrivati per tempo in uno scatolone di cartone, uno dentro l’altro, avvolti prima in una grande busta di plastica e poi nel pluribol. Sono puliti e integri. Chiudono ermeticamente grazie a un inserto di gomma un po’ appiccicoso e appaiono solidi e di buona fattura. Grazie al Prime Day ho avuto uno sconto di 11 euro. Sono molto soddisfatta, mi serviranno per riporre cose in un garage molto umido.
I saw a few reviews mentioning poor quality so wanted to chip in because I found them to be excellent quality. Best storage boxes I’ve used. I kept stuff in them for years at a storage facility and it remained in excellent condition. These are now the only storage boxes I buy. Even though they are a bit pricier than the basic it’s worth it to know the contents will be well protected. They have always arrived well packaged. I’ve bought a few different sizes of them and have not had one arrive damaged as other people mention, so perhaps that was a problem with their delivery people rather than the boxes themselves. Good for stacking. Very sturdy closure with the seal.
Arrived well packed and undamaged. I bought this to keep a fuel can in which leaks if tipped over. It also gives off fumes as the temperature changes and this latter point is the important bit for its airtight qualities. So far it has performed well with no escaping fumes. It could be a little sturdier especially for the cost but so far so good.
Well designed storage boxes with a waterproof see-through lid. The lid material can be brittle, but otherwise very good value.
I was after some boxes so I could store things in my cellar without them going moulding or rusting. These boxes come in great sizes with the largest perfect for storing power tools etc. in. The seal around the edge appears to create a good fit and with 6 clasps it’s certainly securely fitted. IT remains to be seen how well these protect things over times and how good the seal actually is but so far so good.
Die Kisten sind super um die Abstellkammer etwas besser zu organisieren. Sie sind stabil und stapelbar. Punktabzug fr die Dichtung – dies ist gespritzter Schaum der an einigen Stellen dicker und an anderen sehr dnn ist. Da es fr mich nicht wichtig ist, ob die Kisten luftdicht verschlossen sind ist dies in Ordnung. Fr einen feuchten Keller o. . msste man jedoch gucken ob dies ausreicht.
Naja… Gut ist anders, aber fr mich nicht so schlimm.
2 Kisten sind in Ordnung. Bei der dritten fehlt einer der Verschlsse und innen war es bei Lieferung schon angebrochen..
Fr mich geht es trotzdem klar und ich werde sie behalten. Die Quality Control Schein aber, vor allem in Hinblick auf die anderen Rezensionen, nicht existent zu sein.
Edit: habe noch ein zweites Mal bestellt, diesmal alles top, daher gibt jetzt 4 anstatt 3 Sterne.
Great boxes for watertight/airtight storage. I have a few of these, some of which I keep in the loft. I have also used for stacks of old family photos which I want to keep safe. Just a bit expensive though.
s jolies boites et trs pratiques, solides, bonnes fermeture … je conseille
Hochwertige Kisten…. wir nutzen sie im Auenbereich sie sind dicht und halten Feuchtigkeit fern… prima
These are excellent, completely air tight, stackable and very sturdy. So good I bought a second pair.
Leider gibt es in den hiesigen Baumrkten immer nur die Leichtversionen dieser Aufbewahrungsboxen zu kaufen und wir hatten immer Ameisen in den Boxen, da die Deckel nie wirklich bis berhaut nicht dicht schlossen. Auch auf Amazon musste ich lnger suchen.
Die nun gekauften Iris Ohyama Boxen (schwarz) sind dagegen sehr gut! Stabil und der Deckel sitzt durch die 6 Schliezylinder fest. Die Dichtung in den Deckeln macht einen soliden Eindruck. Die Boxen sind ihr Geld wert, klare Kaufempfehlung. Endlich vernnftig schlieende Aufbewahrungsboxen.
Ottimo. pu contenere giochi piccoli, documenti, ecc. – Si chiude bene. Facile da spostare.
Had to send back first lot as they were broken. They will do the job for what I need them for but feel there are better products available
These boxes are so sturdy for a lot of different uses really pleased with produc
Je m’en sers pour mettre mes bobines de PLA avec du silica gel pour qu’elles restent seches. Associ avec des Hygromtres a fait le job. Solide et hermtiques. Pas eu de problme de livraison donc j’insiste sur le ct solide si vous ne les jetez pas partou
Arrived intact. Love the black colour. Used to store books in the loft – doing a good job of keeping the books dry (I have added silicone bags). This is my second purchase of this item.
after reading loads of bad reviews on these i took a gamble anyway. the joys of amazon prime! although i didnt need to. very very sturdy with a great seal, nice large size and fast delivery made them a great buy
Je suis trs satisfaite la qualit et prix, aussi pour la ractivit car j’ai eu un problme avec le produit j’tais contact rapidement et mon donner une solution en moins de 3 jours.
Je le recommande viveme
iris Ohyama, Lot de 2 Botes de Rangement / Malles de Rangement Hermtiques – Air Tight Box colis en bon tat bien livr aujourd hui ce matin remis en mains propres ..trs contente, pour transporter des appareils menager de cuisine et correspond bien au photos….
Very pleased with these. Sturdy, good quality, and well designed shutting lid. Would recommend.
Tut das was es soll , doch beim ffnen ist es mir schon ein paar mal passiert das ich mir die Finger eingeklemmt habe und es fing sogar an zu bluten.
Seitdem ffne ich sie immer vorsichtig
buon prodotto anche se ho dovuto richiedere una sostituzione perch una coppia di box mi giunta rotta. ma grazie al sistema resi di amazon ho avuto la sostituzione in tempi pi che ragionevoli.
Vendeur excellent et trs professionnel livr en 3jours .
ultra rapide recu ce joiur le 08mars2021
emballage parfait.
ma commande identique iris Ohyama lot 2 boites malles de rangement hermetiques…
nb point fort fermeture parfaite grace aux 6 poignes.
bonne continuation
cordialement FM
Perfecto para organizacin, instal unas estanteras en el garaje de 90×40 y queda muy bien organizado, discreto en interior por no ser visible, son las negras , rotul para no abrir y saber el contenido por categoras.
Perfectas en calidad
A good solid box with a solid locking mechanism that is easy to open and close. I bought these to keep my 3D printing filament in and they are ideal both in size and airtightness. If anything the seal is a little too good as you kind if have to peel it open a bit. With a layer of dessicant in the bottom these should keep my filaments good for quite a while.
Received 2 50l boxes, one box was missing one red clip and both lids/boxes did not come with any gasket material so are not airtight. Seems like a decent product if their QA was bette
Buscaba algo que me protegiera de la humedad y, cumple con lo esperado.
Tres cajas negras de 20 litros y 3 tapas semitransparentes, de buena calidad. Apilables y de buen material, con junta de sellado hermtico que ajusta bien, y cuarto fuertes grapas que aseguran un cierre slido. Sin olores extraos. Es el segundo pedido de tres cajas que hago. Envo rpido.
En las dos ocasiones el paquete ha llegado bastante deteriorado, y en una de ellas una tapa estaba rota, pero el vendedor respondi enseguida y lo solucion. Supongo que se podra mejorar la proteccin de las esquinas y el empaquetado.
Las volver a comprar sin duda.
Kiste kann dicht verschlossen werden. Deckel hatte Plastik. Wirkt empfindlich. Eine kleine Ecke beim Transport ausgebroche
Klasse Boxen, sehr hochwertig.
Leider ist beim Transport dich Amazon Logistics ein Deckel kaputt gegangen!
unfortunately one of the 2 boxes has a broken lid. i think it was transportation problems. I had already bought them in the past and I was fine.
Ich habe diese Boxen mehrfach fr ca 32 gekauft. Fr diesen Preis sind sie absolut in Ordnung. Ich wrde daher allen Kunden raten, auf ein Angebot zu warten.
Ob die Boxen tatschlich luftdicht sind, kann ich nicht sagen. Fr die Lagerung im feuchten Keller sind sie meinen Erfahrungen nach, jedoch gut geeignet.
Trotz vollkommen heile Umverpackung war ein Deckel kaputt.
Der Versand war sehr schnell und die Boxen machen schon einen sehr wertigen Eindruck.
Warum ein Deckel kaputt ist, kann ich mir nur erklren mangels Qualittskontrolle vor Versand. Dieser wird reklamiert und ich hoffe, dass ich nicht alles wieder zurck schicken muss!
Le produit est bien mais le couvercle est fragile et l’emballage inadquat : simple film plastique, pas de carton.
Good boxes. Good size , great seal on them when closing lip. Good quality
Leider ist durch den transport oder die falsche lagerung bei einen Deckel etwas Plastik abgesplittert.sonst machen die Kisten einen stabilen Eindruck.
I am very impressed with how quickly the replacement was received and the items inside are in good condition. The pieces were from the edge of the container (the lip). The rest was in tact. Having felt the plastics I know it is sturdy. However the broken part is the only brittle part of the container so I don’t know if they can make that any better. Very impressed with the product. Glad I’ve made the purchase.
Aprs avoir lu de nombreux commentaires sur l’arrive des boites casses, j’ai quand mme tent. Les boites sont bien emballes dans du papier bulle mais pareil, 1 couvercle cass…
Il y a un joint qui renforce l’tanchit. J’ai superpos 4 caisses charges et elles semblent rsister au poids.
Je ne regrette pas mon achat, ce sont les boites hermtiques les moins chres que j’ai trouv.
Die Ware ist Top, allerdings war ein gebrochener Deckel dabei obwohl die Verpackung vllig intakt war. Ich denke dieser wurde bereits Beschdigt eingepackt.
Slo en verlas muy buena calidad del material, pero habr que darles uso para corroborar.
Con cuatro anclajes y cierran estancas .
Plstico fuerte .
A primera vista positivo.
I’ve ordered 9 of these over time. In the first pack I had two arrive with broken lids that were replaced quickly after I sent a photo to the seller. The most recent purchases arrived double boxed and well wrapped in bubble wrap and I haven’t had any issues since.
They have have been kept outdoors in a shed and their contents have stayed dry and mould free.
The box does feel a bit flimsy, but once you clip the lid on it adds significant rigidity and I have them stacked three deep with no issues.
They are a bit expensive, but I have not found large damp-proof boxes anywhere else.
Sie sind stabil und lassen sich sehr gut verschlieen perfekter Stauraum fr Werkzeug und co. Ich wrde sie definitiv wieder bestelle
un buon prodotto… abbastanza robuste.
Ho inserito materiale elettrico e idraulico
J’ai achet ces boites pour y stocker mes filaments pour imprimante 3D l’abris de l’humidit.
a fonctionne, par boite il faut compter ranger entre 8 et 10 bobines y compris les sachets de SilicaGel. Le taux d’humidit est baiss de 54% 22% en 24 heures et il se tiens ce niveau, donc les boites sont bien tanches, c’est parfait. Le seul point ngatif serait la solidit du couvercle, un renfort s’est fendu quand une bobine de fil est malencontreusement tombe dessus.
Bought a couple of these to pop in the loft and keep stuff in. Seals seem pretty good, thick enough to hold heavyish stuff.
Prodotto arrivato integro e funzionante, nei tempi previsti. Rispetto alla versione “domestica” (dello stesso fornitore, acquistate con soddisfazione), queste possono stare tranquillamente in cantina o in garage avendo un sistema di chiusura pi sicuro. Non utilizzabili in armadio di profondit standard. Comunque assolutamente consigliabili.
Adoro questo prodotto e l’ho preso in differenti misure. Resistenti, capienti e facili da stoccare.
La scatola robusta e fatta di un’ottima plastica, il coperchio appare robusto e ben fatto, ideale per impilare pi scatole della stessa marca e dimensione. La chiusura ermetica ottima e funzionante (ho riempito una scatola di materiale elettronico che ho lasciato sul balcone per dimenticanza, ha piovuto nella notte in maniera abbondante….scatola fradicia ma interno perfettamente asciutto).
Le scatole sono arrivate in una scatola di cartone ed imballate all’interno di abbondante pluriball, decisamente ben protette sia le scatole sia i coperchi. Spedizione rapida
Acquisto da ripetere senza dubbi.
Wie bereits die beiden Male zuvor, kamen die Boxen in kurzer Zeit nach meiner Bestellung an.
Das tolle fr mich ist, das sie ein gutes Format haben und sowohl die 50 l als auch die 70 l Boxen sehr gut zu stapeln sind.
Die Deckel schlieen gut und dicht; die Boxen machen einen guten und stabilen Eindruck.
Da ich sie noch nicht so lange habe, kann ich ber die Langzeit-Qualitt noch nichts sagen – ich bin aber sehr zuversichtlich.
Fazit: Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir.
There are issues with these boxes, but none Im allowed to mention (see photos).
However if you are lucky they seal well and can even stack.
lo he recibido sin ninguna rotura y antes de la fecha indicada , he ledo algun comentario que haban llegado las tapas rotas pero a m me ha llegado todo perfectamente, estoy satisfecho las medidas exactas , el materias plstico bastante resistente , las recomiendo para guardar cosas.
Buoni materiali, costruzione adeguatamente robusta, se proprio devo trovare un difettuccio posso parlare di piccola difficolt in fase di chiusura
Transporte muy rpido y artculo muy til por su capacidad a pesar de su comedido tamao y su cierre hermtico.
Will be used to store items in the loft that need to remain dry and don’t get a musty smell
These are big and easy to use – they also don’t seem overly fragile, so unlikely to snap into bits when you try to pick them up. Lots of storage. They seem to be well sealed, though not convinced on the positives or negatives of that – but as big storage boxes, they’re very good.
Sie sind an sich stabil, schlieen gut, riechen nicht schlimm nach Plastik oder so, aber leider, wie auch bei anderen Rezensionen, war 1 Deckel schon gebrochen als er hier ankam. Auf grosse Pakete gefasst machen: Wir haben 3×2 bestellt und es kamen 3 riesen Pakete mit viel Luftraum bei uns an (nicht so platzsparend gestapelt, wie auf dem Bild).
These storage boxes are of a really high standard of materials and construction.
The plastic is very rigid and they keep their shape very well. The lids are also very solid and can be used to stack the boxes on top of each other easily. Each lid had a rubber seal which keeps them airtight in use. The closing mechanism is 6 clips which are easy to use and are standing up to regular use.
I’m using mine in a loft space to store bottles and it’s keeping them clean and dry.
Very happy with them.
These seem like a good value and solid alternative to the really useful boxes I usually buy. They seem to seal well so would be good for storing things where insects or mice may be about. Unfortunately they have clearly been dropped hard before delivery and both lids were chipped on the corner although this did not impact their function.
Die Boxen machen einen robusten Eindruck. Die Verschlussklappen funktionieren gut. Leider haben die Boxen Schrammen und die Dichtung ist auch bei mir nicht ordentlich ausgefhrt worden. (Daher ein Stern abgezogen.) Leider habe ich diese Boxen nur bei Amazon gefunden und kann den Verkufer fr eine Beschwerde nicht anrufen. Aber fr die Lagerung auf dem Dachboden sind sie in Ordnung.
Never thought I would be impress with a box, but here I am. Seriously high quality storage boxes. They can even survive a child jumping on them – something you average storage box will often fail to survive. Great size, brilliant handles for carrying (no worries about it breaking whilst carrying). Would recommend, will buy more.
Die Boxen sind relativ stabil und ausreichend dick. Sie knnten fr meinen Geschmack aber noch etwas stabiler sein. Gerade wenn man zwei voll beladene Boxen stapeln mchte, bin ich mir nicht sicher, wie lange der Deckel hlt.
Auerdem fehlt ein “empfohlenes maximales Beladungsgewicht”. Wenn man die Boxen mit Papier vollknallt, halten die bestimmt nicht so lange.
Die “Luftdichtungen” sind in Form von simplen angeklebten dnnen Gummiriemen vorhanden.
Da ich es nicht messen kann, mache ich keine Aussage dazu, es sieht fr mich aber mehr nach Glaube aus, als wirkliche Dichtheit. Vor allem, wenn man den Deckel oft auf und zu macht.
Da solche Boxen einfach nicht billig zu haben sind (wenn sie nicht dnn wie Pappe sind), ist das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis trotzdem top, auch wenn objektiv 36 fr zwei leere Plastikkisten echt viel sind.
Entweder waren die Boxen knapp zu klein oder viel zu gro. Auch die vielfach empfohlen Ikea Boxen sind viel hher als ntig.
Diese hier sind innen knapp 2cm breiter als fr eine bliche 20cm Spule ntig und 4cm hher, passt perfekt.
Und der wirklich groe Vorteil ist die integrierte Dichtung wie bei kleineren Vorratsboxen, wodurch das Filament wirklich trocken und luftdicht gelagert werden kann, wirklich perfekt.
Habe bislang mal Vakuumbeutel verwendet, das war jedoch wirklich groer Mist.
Beste Box fr alle 3D Drucker, klare Empfehlung
These boxes stack well and the box itself is robust; the lid feels a little flimsy and I am not convinced it would withstand an accidental wallop. Still, it seals securely and I feel confident in the boxes.
They are airtight as far as I can tell, and I am storing books in them which cannot get damp or be damaged by the air.
I like these storage boxed because 1. they are of good size; 2. they are stackable; 3. and they are air tight. I have used these before and am pleased with the quality. But I saw cracks on the corner of the both lids after only a few weeks’ of gentle use. I store some dry food items into to keep them away from humid air. I only opened these now and then. It might be this batch as I see a few other comments on similar issues.
Unfortunately one of my lids arrived broken, but that’s just bad luck!
The boxes are sturdy and the lids have very strong clips for the air tightness.
I spent the Christmas break clearing out and these were perfect to pack stuff away. I’d feel confident even putting them in the garage with the air tight seal, so no chance of things getting damp.
A very good, useful product.
Nice storage units. I bought them to keep out cockroaches and other bugs in the Bahamas. They are fairly strong and latch well. Easy to handle and they arrive in good shape. The inner gasket is a nice feature. Time will tell if they tend to get brittle in humidity and the heat of the Bahamas but I believe they will hold up well as long as they are not stacked too high with heavy items in them and are not dropped hard their corners on the floor as the plastic is very ridged and I am sure would fracture. All in all, I like them and will by another eight.
As a 3D printer fanatic, I have been building up a lot of filament rolls. To stop these absorbing moisture I use these containers and some silica gel packets. Works grea
They’re good boxes made from a transparent plastic so it’s easy to see what’s stored inside without opening them and they stack well either on top of each other in use or stacked inside for storage when not in use. They’re main benefit is they are weather-tight and resist damp – we are using them for storing dried forage (for pets) in our outdoor sheds which are subject to a lot of damp. We have previously used cardboard boxes and other plastic crates but the damp has penetrated through loose-fitting lids and the contents have become damp. These boxes are different and have the benefit of a grooved recess in the lid containing a flexible seal ensuring they are airtight and damp-proof – and this which sets them apart from all other plastic crates we have used.
I also particularly like the strong clips which secure the lids. These are easy to open or snap closed, even by less dexterous fingers and, unlike very similar clips used on pet carriers, these hinge from the bottom to the top making them easy to use for both opening and closing crates.
I like the boxes and would happily buy more. However having received one damaged lid myself and seeing that I am not alone, I am cautious and feel they need some sort of corner protection when in transit whether moulded cardboard over the corners or simple bubble-wrap to ensure they arrive in perfect condition. In the meantime, I have to deduct a star for the damage even though it is minor.
This is much better than the loose-lid storage clear or semi-transparent plastic boxes that are widely available from various outlets.
The hinged lid is secure, and the contents partly visible.
The contents are visible enough to give you an idea of what is within, this is a nicely designed product.
The catches are secure, and this product is described as being airtight.
The lid is a very secure fit, and I wouldn’t challenge this claim.
The box is light, making it useful for attic storage, if it has to be carried up a ladder.
It’s designed more for indoor than outdoor use, but would certainly protect items if stored outdoors for a short period. The fact that this is a set of two makes it good value.
Larger than I had anticipated – durable too. Very pleased with these clear storage boxes, used to stored my summer clothes. Definitely recommend!
These are pricey but they are not cheapy rubbish!!! They are air tight so saves all your things from moisture and mould!!
Easy to hold with the grasps and easy to stack!!! Great storage choice!!!!!
These are absolutely brilliant storage boxes, with a very good fitting lid, that clips shut
And they are so strong.
These are not the flimsy ones you would buy in the diy shop.
These storage boxed are the business.
My advice…. buy these.
Storage boxes can be…a mixed bag; some flex and crack, others have ill-fitting lids and most have the practicality of a 4WD car – huge on the outside with little room inside. Theses Iris boxes (two included) are the perfect antidote. Exceptionally well made with lids that fit perfectly AND are secured in place with six latches (that click into place in an unhealthily satisfying way). These boxes are made for stacking with a simply, yet ingenious, design which means they don’t taper or have any blocky bits which compromise interior space.
They are just storage boxes – but they are fantastic.
These plastic tubs come with a rubber seal that reminds me of our best Tupperware for storing food and keeping it fresh. The seal helps to keep the tub airtight and frankly makes me wonder why this is the first large storage tub I’ve seen that has this feature!
I’m sure that something cheaper will also do the trick if all you’re doing is organising children’s toys in their bedrooms, but if like me you’re trying to use loft space to store old clothes and Christmas decorations etc, expecting them to still be intact next time you get the tub out, then these airtight lids become invaluable. Well worth the money for storing fabrics or anything else that would suffer from damp.
I need to store items outside in sheds as I don’t have much space indoors.
These boxes are idea because they are airtight and also waterproof.
I live in quite a damp area but with well made plastic boxes the contents have been kept fine for years.
I even have books in some boxes.
To me these boxes look at least as strong if not more than the ones I already have.
It is useful that the boxes are completely transparent so you can easily see what is inside.
The clasps are a bit tricky to open and close I think that is because they make the box airtight. I found them easy enough despite having weak muscles. You just have to do each clasp mindfully.
I didn’t find any weak or vulnerable parts to the boxes. Time will tell but I think they look strong enough to make good storage over the winter in an unheated shed.
I will buy more of these ones because they are transparent and strong.
Solid plastic hard boxes. Complete with 6 clip down heavy duty latches and easy to carry handles which don’t dig into your fingers. The 59 x 39 x 29 where big enough to fit two a4 sheets side by side and roughly 3000 sheets high. Great achieve boxes which will actually last ! Will be buying more 100%
Really handy boxes I’m using these for my Xmas decorations in and they tuck away In the loft with ease and they stack on top of each other really good boxes thank you
Very strong and large plastic boxes and will be great for storing things in the attic such as the christmas decoration !
I love that they have 6 big strong clips which hold the lids on…. most boxes I’ve come across only have 2 and so if one breaks the box is useless… at least with these if one were to break (which by the strength of them) i doubt it. Then there are many more to keep the box closed.
They also stack well in little grooves on top of each other so if you wanted to by many more you could stack them on top.
I like the see through effect as it makes it easy to see what’s in them… Less work for labelling!
I am really impressed with these boxes and if they work for my christmas decorations then as the seasons go on i will bit by bit swap my flimsy boxes to these ones.
I selected these Iris Airtight Boxes to store the cartons from model cars that I have on display – the individual cartons being an important part of each model’s value.
I like the size of these storage boxes which is large and capacious at 59 x 39 x29cm but not too unwieldy to manage, for example, they easily fit through my loft hatch. The translucent plastic means I can locate a specific model carton easily.
The quality of the plastic used in the moulding of these boxes seems good and I like the fact that there’s a rubbery seal inside the lid. The black plastic catches are easy enough to operate and ensure the lid is held firmly in place when the lid is closed. The catches are clamp-like in design and click affirmatively into position plus feel as though they’ll be durable. The boxes stack well and seem stable too.
I’ve bought many boxes of this type over the years and think these examples offer a better seal than many and seem as though they’ll be durable in the long term offering good value – I will be ordering some more.
You get two boxes in the pack.
They a large.
They are transparent.
When empty they stack into a small space.
They have a clippable gasket seal, so compared to other storage boxes they are dust and damp proof potentially.
Only one drawback, neither lid survived. Both had the corner broken off. The material is just not up to it. Be prepared for a lot of back and forth to get a perfect set. My other storage boxes have survived a lot more bashing in transit over the years.
These are good sized boxes.
I have used them for my daughters toys.
Comes with great lids that stay put.
I like that they are clear so easy to see what’s in them.
They stack well on top of each other,
A good price at 18.99 for 2 boxes.
These storage boxes are excellent, I’ve used many different storage containers over the years, but I’ve never owned any that seal this well! Inside the lid there is a flexible sealant that creates an airtight seal when you put the lid on and close the six buckles. When you remove the lid you can see the sealant has created a groove in it to perfectly match the lip round the top of the box.
The boxes are made from a decent quality plastic and the base and lid are reinforced with the lid being the strongest panel. When you close the buckles you get a very satisfying clunk and you can feel it creating an excellent seal. There are grooves in the lid so you can stack them, and they feel very stable when stacked.
Overall, these feel like quality storage boxes, the best I’ve used so far anyway. They seal perfectly and you can carry them around easily enough using the handles. They feel strong enough to carry a lot of weight and they stack on top of each other very well. Iris Ohyama have been operating in this area for years now so have plenty of experience and know how to make a good quality storage box. I feel they are worth the money and I’m very happy to recommend them!
Big sturdy clear box with lid that feels very secure and air tight.
This was purchased to store some of my cleaning equipment and is perfect size for the Karcher professional steame
Auf den ersten Blick scheinen die Kisten ganz okay zu sein, ein Deckel hatte leider zwei Risse am Inneren, welche die Funktion aber nicht beeintrchtigen. Ob die Dichtung wirklich dicht hlt kann ich noch nicht beurteilen. Ein Deckel lag bei Lieferung montiert auf einer Kiste und die Dichtung hat sich der Form der Kante in der Kiste angepasst und verformt sich auch nicht zurck, das scheint mir nicht so optimal zu sein.
Von 16 bestellten Boxen waren zwei der Deckel kaputt was lediglich an der anderen Verpackungsweise lag (manchmal frage ich mich wie man gewisse Sachen so dmlich verpacken kann). Ansonsten liegt der Gestank am Anfang wohl an der Dichtungsmasse an den Deckeln, welcher bei geschlossenen Boxen wohl auch immer wieder kommt. Dieses strt mich allerdings weniger, weil sie als Dauerlagerboxen in der Garage Verwendung finden und Umzugskartons ersetzen sollen. Ich schliesse jetzt einfach mal aus, dass Muse oder Grabbeltiere es durch den Deckel schaffen. Bin ganz zufriede, was man fr den Preis allerdings auch erwarten sollte!
bueno para tener cosos no grandes que no accepta agua, sellado 100% en lluvia
Envio rapido, cajas como esperaba. Cierran muy bien y para guarder cosas en garaje, muy util.
Der Deckel wird durch 6 schnappverschlsse auf die Box gedrckt wodurch sie wasserdicht wird.
Ein paar Trockenbeutel mit reingelegt und mein Filament ist super geschtzt vor Feuchtigkeit.
Entgegen der anderen Rezensionen hier kamen meine Boxen unbeschdigt bei mir in. Sie waren ineinander gestellt, mit Folie umwickelt und in einem groen Karton verpackt gut geschtzt gegen Beschdigungen.
I bought these to keep 3D filament dry and they do the job nicely. I have some descant in the bottom and a meter measuring the humidity inside the sealed box. It’s staying below the minimum limit the meter can measure, so, no complaints.
Ich habe zuerst 1 Doppelpack gekauft, festgestellt dass die Boxen meine Erwartungen erfllen und dann weitere 3 Doppelpacks gekauft.
Jetzt habe ich 8 Boxen im Keller stehen.
Dank dicker Luftpolsterfolie plus Karton kamen alle Boxen beim ersten Versand ohne Beschdigungen an.
Ja, der Kunststoff riecht unangenehm, aber mir sind trockene Gegenstnde in Keller wichtiger, zumal das meiste keinen Geruch annimmt.
Zumindest bei meinen Boxen funktioniert die Dichtung wie gehofft.
Als der Preis wieder auf 30,00 gesunken ist, habe ich erneut ein Doppelpack gekauft.
Diesmal war 1 von 2 Deckeln gebrochen (allerdings noch brauchbar) trotz unbeschdigter Versand-Verpackung.
Fazit: 1 von 10 Boxen wies Beschdigungen auf.
Danni a parte, la plastica sembra buona ed il plus dato dalla chiusura ermetica. Speriamo che le prossime ce le mandino INTEGRE.
Cinque stelle solo al prodotto. Se dovessimo tener conto del servizio, arriveremmo ad una stella!
Al terzo tentativo, finalmente, abbiamo ricevuto le scatole integre. Finalmente!
Abbiamo notato che, a differenza delle altre precedentemente ricevute, queste erano contenute in una busta di plastica fornita di codice a barre, evidentemente originale del produttore. Sorge quindi il dubbio che le precedenti scatole fossero roba riciclata da precedenti ordini. Un caso? Una distrazione? Un disservizio?
In ogni caso, diffidare delle cose non confezionate e senza sigilli del produttore.
P. S.
Peccato che non siano dotate di piccole ruote.