KASMET Floor Mat For Treadmill,Exercise Bike,Weight Bench, Rowing Machine,Cycling Bikes, Cross Trainer, Home Gym Equipment flooring, Heavy Duty PVC Floor Protection Mats – Yoga, Pilates NEW

Exercise bike for home use , indoor spin bike , home exercise equipment , cardio trainer , spin bike
Kasmet mat for spin bikes
Treadmill mat , exercise bike mat
Floor protector mat for exercise equipment
Kasmet treadmill mat

Size: Small 120x70x0.6cm
Dimensions: 120 x 70 x 0.6 cm; 498.95 Grams
Colour: Black
Manufacture: KASMET
Colour: Black
Size: Small 120x70x0.6cm

152 Responses

  1. ShelliTelfer says:

     United Kingdom

    The mat was sturdy and great to use with my treadmill. Seems excellent quality and I would definitely recommend.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    No likes or dislikes. It will be used for my indoor training bike. I have yet to use it but it seems exactly what I required

  3. JosephiFGEF says:


    Viene a medida de la bicicleta de spinning, ni sobra ni falta. No se si ser protectora del suelo, pero es gruesa y dura. Por m parte merece la pena probarla para evitar daos al suelo. Estoy satisfecho.

  4. EduardoLance says:


    Goede pasvorm net groot genoeg, niet over struikelen. Vangt de druk op en glijdt niet weg.

    Past perfect, beweegt niet.

  5. Anonymous says:


    I needed a mat for my Echelon spin bike. While I mostly use the bike in a carpeted room, I move it a few times a week so a family member can do the spinning in the living room in front of the TV. This mat is well made and does a good job of protecting my hardwood flooring. At 120 x 70cm, it provides plenty of coverage so it’s easy to fit the bike on it with room to spare.

    It has a decent amount of thickness to it, and anti-slip backing is good enough that there’s no shifting about while using the bike. It also feels strong. After a month of use, there are no rips, tears or any other physical damage. The logo on top of the mat looks sharp. This mat will be a good choice to accommodate most home gym equipment. Full marks from me!

  6. Janice Pattie says:


    This is large enough to use as an exercising mat and that is what I mainly use it for. I also have a simple peddler machine that you put on the floor in front of your seat. The problem with that is it slides as you peddle, but not on this mat. So I get to do my exercises on it in comfort and then peddle my way to nowhere.

    It is only 1/4″ thick, but it easily takes away the hardness of the floor. Once you lay it down it does not slip over my hardwood floors. More importantly it does not leave any marks when you lift it up. This mat is easy to clean with just a simple damp cloth. After a few minutes of air drying it is ready to roll up and put away until tomorrow. I use a large cable strap around it and stand it in the corner beside my dresser out of the way.

    This mat has made exercise so much nicer to the point that I no longer moan about what I need to do. I just do it. Sure compared with other mats this is expensive, but for me personally I think it is worth it because of the quality.

  7. Emily Ferron says:


    Ich habe diese Matte in der groen Version mit der Lnge von 180cm bestellt.

    Beim Auspacken fiel mir zunchst auf, dass sich das Material sehr zh anfhlt. In Kombination mit der Strukturgebung erinnert es an uerst zhes Kunstleder, was optisch wirklich hochwertig anmutet, wie ich finde.

    Die pechschwarze Matte legt sich nach dem ersten Ausrollen zunchst nicht ganz Plan auf den Boden (bei mir: Laminat). In der Mitte gibt das Material schnell nach, an den Rndern (vorne und hinten) verbleibt zunchst noch eine kleine Welle.
    Dieser Effekt ist in meinen Augen nicht ungewhnlich, da das Material – wie bereits erwhnt – recht zh ist.

    Ausprobiert habe ich mittlerweile einiges: So habe ich ein Laufband und ein Ergometer jeweils einige Tage darauf platziert. Der Boden war gut geschtzt und nichts ist verrutscht. Die Gre ist fr das Laufband optimal, fr das Ergometer tte es durchaus auch die kleinere Version.

    Hiernach habe ich meine Hantelbank samt Ablage und Langhantel darauf platziert. Hierfr ist die Ablage einen Tick zu schmal, obgleich die Lnge prima ausreicht.

    Was mir insgesamt aufgefallen ist: Setzt man die Matte hherem Druck aus, besteht kaum Memory-Effekt. Die Abdrcke der Gerte verbleiben also sehr lange und das Material begibt sich nicht sehr schnell wieder in seine ursprngliche Form.
    Was bei einem Laufband, das man eh meistens nicht bewegt, ziemlich egal ist, finde ich im Fall einer Trainingsunterlage (z.B. fr Hantelscheiben, etc.) nicht ganz optimal.

    Auch fr mein Bodyweight-Training bevorzuge ich eher Matten mit einer etwas hheren Dmpfung – das ist aber Geschmackssache.

    Mein Fazit: Besonders als Unterlage/Bodenschutz fr Laufbnder, welche man nicht bewegt, sehr zu empfehlen!

  8. MilesEnriquez says:



    Diese Matte ist absolut groartig fr Trainingsgerte, ich benutze sie unter meinem Reebok-Laufband und bin voll zufrieden, sie ist viel besser als meine vorherige Reebok-Matte. Die Matte ist definitiv rutschfest, die glnzende Oberseite sieht zwar glnzend aus, aber sie ist absolut rutschfest. Ich benutze sie auf einem Fliesenboden, die Matte hat genau die richtige Dicke, so dass der Boden vor Beschdigungen geschtzt ist. Sie sieht auch sehr gut aus, ich empfehle diese Matte fr Ihre Fitnessgerte, sie ist auch fr Yoga geeignet. Die Matte kommt mit zwei Jahren Garantie, was einfach zeigt, wie gut die Qualitt is

  9. DamarisBasser says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall this is a good mat I use for my treadmill but the only downside I can see is the wheels seem to cut in so I use 2 leather coasters under them to stop it making a hole like in one of the other reviews other than that all good would have gave it 5 stars but for tha

    Overall good

  10. FletaVVXrmht says:


    Anfnglich hatte ich geplant, die 180cm Kasmet Bodenschutzmatte unter meinem Rudergert zu verwenden, dafr ist sie leider, wie ich feststellen musste, doch zu kurz.
    Von daher habe ich sie nun unter meiner Hantelbank und da macht sich die Bodenschutzmatte wirklich gut.
    Mit einer Strke von gerade mal 5mm ist sie berraschend feste und stabil.
    Die Oberflche wirkt, von ihrer glnzenden Prgung her, fast Lederartig. Das orange/weie Logo ist einfach aufgedrucht, aber macht sich, wie ich finde, optisch recht gut.
    berhaupt gefllt mir die Matte von ihrer Erscheinung und verarbeitung her sehr gut.
    In meinem HomeGYM trainiere ich oft barfu und auch hier fhlt sich die Matte sehr gut unter den Fen an.
    Meine Hantelbank steht feste und auch die Matte rutscht auf dem Boden nicht gleich hin und her.
    Zudem habe ich keine unschnen zurckbleibenden Abdrcke, wenn ich die Hantelbank mal versetzen muss.
    Einzigst bei der Lackoberflche frage ich mich, wie sich diese mit der Zeit macht und ob sie nicht irgendwann zu blttern beginnt. Aber da lasse ich mich einfach mal berraschen.

  11. Harriso2408 says:


    C’est un trs bon produit , en plus arriv avec un jour d’avance

  12. ScotFlattnjycf says:


    J’ai install ce tapis de protection sous mon vlo elliptique au salon.
    Il y a de multiples avantages:
    – le niveau de bruit et vibrations est attnu
    – mes gouttes de transpiration ne tombent plus sur le parquet (cela le marquait force)
    – et bien sr cela protge mon parquet des frottements car le vlo bouge de quelques millimtres lorsque je l’utilise !

  13. Dr. Wienerbreath ESQ says:

     United States

    Rolled out perfectly. The treadmill fits wonderfully on the mat. The corners did not curl up like my previous mat. This is a great mat, made with good material. Saves my wood floor from treadmill oil and marks.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Estoy contenta y ojal la hubiera tenido antes. No le pongo las 5 estrellas porque las hay mejores pero con sta y en mi caso es suficiente.
    La tengo bajo una bici esttica un poco dbil, cuando yo hago ejercicio no hay problema porque no es muy fuerte pero cuando lo hacen mis sobrinas es muy bueno tenerla puesta ya que ellas s conseguan moverla y estaba dejando marcas en el parquet.
    El tamao est bien.
    En mi caso el tamao es un poco grande de ms, pero eso no cuenta que es error mo.
    Lo nico, me parece un poquito cara.

  15. Nicolas Towner says:

     United Kingdom

    Got for my treadmill, was slightly too short as my treadmill is very long, but i cut to size easily. One section to front one to the back legs and was perfect. Helps reduce noise of the treadmill also. Plenty wide and very solid mat, would recommend for qny home gym equipment or even working out on.

  16. Dan Ackerman says:


    Ich habe diese Matte in den Maen 120cm x 70 cm und bin sehr zufrieden. Sie sieht super aus und schtzt meinen Parkettboden zuverlssig. Am Anfang roch die Matte nach Kunststoff, das verzog aber nach wenigen Stunden. Ich empfehle das Fenster zu ffnen beim ersten Ausrollen oder das im Freien zu machen. Die Matte verformt sich elastisch dh Wenn eine schwerere Hantel auf ihr liegt sieht man danach kleine Dellen
    sich aber nach kurzer Zeit zurck bilden. Ich habe meine Drckbank umgestellt und sehe die Spuren des alten Standorts was mich aber nicht weiter strt. Ich kann die Matte auf jeden Fall empfehle

  17. MauricioA84 says:

     United States

    The sizing appears accurate and was packaged nicely. The mat rolled out nicely and didn’t need much flattening. It holds well to the floor especially if there’s a heavier piece of equipment being used. We have wood laminate flooring so setting up an exercise bike was a concern. This mat has kept the floor in good shape and the bike exactly where it needs to be.

  18. SethLyellhi says:

     United Kingdom

    Only had this for about a week but it appears to be durable but time will tell.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I brought the Kasmet Mat for the purpose to protect my treadmill. I felt confident to use the treadmill as the mat remain secure to the floor. I would recommend this product.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt’s a little thicker and sturdier than the mat I already had for my exercise bike. I had to put some bricks and stuff on the ends to help it flatten out when I unwrapped it so don’t expect to use it right out of the box.

  21. JoannePrerauer says:


    Die Matte kommt schnell und gut verpackt geliefert. Sie kommt zusammen gerollt an, weshalb man sie erstmal eine Weile flach drcken muss. Auf den ersten Blick macht sie einen soliden Eindruck. Sie ist nicht allzu hart und hat eine gute Verarbeitung. Auch die Qualitt des Materials ist gut. Zudem riecht sie nicht zu stark und kann vielfltig eingesetzt werden. Ich nutzte sie als Matte zum Trainieren. Was ich super finde, da sie rutsch fest ist, was einem ein angenehmes Training ermglicht.

    Fazit: Im Groen und Ganzen finde ich die Matte allerdings zu teuer. Ja, die Matte ist gut verarbeitet und hat eine gute Qualitt, aber sind die 45 wirklich gerechtfertigt? Auf jeden Fall macht sie was her und taugt wenigstens etwas. Das Logo finde ich auch ein bisschen berdimensioniert. Es ist ganz gro, am oberen Ende drauf gedruckt. Tolle Matte — etwas zu teuer.

  22. SantiagUig says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEsta esterilla es mucho mas resistente que las esterillas normales de yoga o pilates, de hecho no hay mas que cogerla y se nota enseguida que pesa mucho mas.

    Viene totalmente preparada para poder poner una mquina de gran peso encima y que no se quede marcado el suelo, ya sea una mquina de remo, banco de abdominales o una bicicleta. El acolchado admite bien la presin de las patas y protege perfectamente el suelo.

    El tamao hay que tenerlo en cuenta para saber si se adapta a la mquina que queremos colocar sobre ella.

    Me ha gustado mucho la calidad, BUEN ACABADO Y SE LIMPIA FACILMENTE.

    Espero que esta resea haya resultado til


  23. ViolettBoase says:

     United States

    I wish I’d ordered the extra large but other than that, this is exactly what I was looking for. The material is sturdy and slightly thick and feels good to walk on. I have it under a rowing machine so I stand on it barefoot and also kneel on it and it pads and protects my wood floors perfectly. It was easy to place on the floor and it even allows me to better be able to move my equipment as needed. The quality is very nice and I would definitely say it’s worth the money.

    I wish I’d ordered the extra large but other than that, this is exactly what I was looking for. The material is sturdy and slightly thick and feels good to walk on. I have it under a rowing machine so I stand on it barefoot and also kneel on it and it pads and protects my wood floors perfectly. It was easy to place on the floor and it even allows me to better be able to move my equipment as needed. The quality is very nice and I would definitely say it’s worth the money.

  24. Anonymous says:


    J’ai choisi ce tapis pour protger le parquet de la pice dans laquelle j’ai dpos mon vlo elliptique. Le tapis est pais, il ne glisse pas, et sa taille est absolument parfaite pour mon appareil de sport. Le tapis est sobre : noir, avec un effet craquels. Je suis trs satisfaite car mon parquet est protg et le tapis reste bien plat. Je le lave en mme temps que le sol, sans aucun problme. Je ne trouve pas qu’il dgage une odeur particulire, contrairement la plupart des tapis avec du PVC.

    Tapis protecteu

  25. BraydenTulloch says:


    We recently picked up a couple of indoor bike smart trainers and wanted mats for them to deaden the noise, and keep from scuffing the floor.

    We have a Kurt Kinetic mat which has been great and were looking at Tacx trainer mats for the other bike but they were either all sold out or ridiculously expensive.

    This Kasmet mat seems every bit as good as the Kurt Kinetic and Tacx but at a fraction of the price – same rubbery material (more tear-resistant than a yoga mat) with a wipe-clean finish.

    Top marks, easy win for a good mat on a budget.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Su principal ventaja es su mayor densidad y dureza comparadas con las de yoga o Fitness, soportando mejor el peso de las maquina que le pongamos encima, aun as, se crean marcas en las zonas de las patas.
    Tambin es valida para usarla como esterilla para yoga o Fitness, con ventaja de que su tamao es mayor, eso si, no es nada fcil de transportar, y no incluyen cintas para mantenerla enrollada,

    Los dos o tres primeros das ola bastante, pero poco a poco se le fue quitando el olor, y al partir del cuarto da ya no huele nada.
    Como esterilla para yoga o Fitness, si tienes sitio, es una muy buena compra, el extra de anchura comparadas con las normales yoga que tienen 61 cm contra los 98 cm de esta, se nota mucho, dndote mucha mas libertad de movimientos.

    Buena calidad, ideal para usar en casa.

  27. Robbie Daw says:


    Esta es una esterilla fitness antideslizante, podemos decir que es una esterilla protectora del suelo cuando estamos usando un equipo para hacer deporte como es una cinta de correr o un banco de pesas entre otros equipos.

    Sirve para proteger el piso de araazos/rayados de la mquina contra el suelo y ms importante an, ayuda a que el ruido producido por el equipo se atene, yo creo que en todas las maquinas de fitness lo podemos usar.

    El uso para una cinta de correr y de tamao es perfecta. Tiene un grosor suficiente que amortigua perfectamente el peso de la maquina.

    Adems de este uso tambin se puede usar para hacer ejercicios de estiramientos, es resistente y muy cmoda.

  28. ChristianSchrei says:


    Utilis pour mettre sous une batterie lectronique, ce tapis est antidrapant et de TRS HAUTE QUALIT.
    La matiere est robuste, de bonne paisseur et agrable quand on y marche dessus.
    Parfait pour protger mon parquet et surtout ATTNUER LES CHOCS ET BRUITS engendrs par le frottement des pdales de la batterie.
    J’ai pu LE DCOUPER pour qu’il soit la bonne taille.
    FACILE ENTRETENIR en un coup de serpillre.

    Positionner sous une batterie

  29. Maggie says:


    Die Bodenschutzmatte ist sehr gut verarbeitet und macht einen sehr robusten und langlebigen Eindruck.

    Direkt nach dem auspacken verstrmt sie einen etwas unangenehmen Geruch, der aber nach einem Tag drauen verflogen ist.

    Die Matte ist absolut rutschfest, sehr stabil und robust und zudem dmpfend.

    Wir haben ein Rudergert drauf gestellt und nimmt man es nach einiger Zeit wieder runter, gehen die “Druckstellen” wieder in ihre Ausgangform zurck und es bleibt nichts zu sehen.

    Wie sich das natrlich nach mehreren Jahren verhlt kann ich nicht sagen, aber ich vermute das da dann doch Spuren zurck bleiben.

    Die Matte ist pflegeleicht, da abwaschbar, bzw. abwischbar, d.h. sie kann einfach mit einem Bodenwischer gereinigt werden.

    Insgesamt ist es eine ganz tolle und hochwertige Matte, aber das protzige Logo htte doch deutlich dezenter ausfallen knnen, denn so schn ist es nun auch wieder nicht.

    Ansonsten bin ich absolut begeistert und kann die Matte absolut weiter empfehlen.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought this mat was of a decent quality, but it was quite expensive for what it is.
    Once i decided to just go with it and purchase, half of the deliberating is over, so you almost expect it to make you a cup of tea when it arrives.

    Overall, pleased with the item and Seller, so i would recommend it.

  31. ash says:


    Disposant d’un vlo d’appartement je recherchais un tapis pour protger mon sol et viter les vibrations lorsque je l’utilise. Celui-ci est idal pour cela mais galement pour faire des abdos sans se faire mal aux lombaires sur le carrelage. En effet il est confortable et absorbe parfaitement les mouvements du vlo. Je suis galement satisfait de ses dimensions et de la facilit de nettoyage car comme il est en caoutchouc la sueur ne le marque pas. Je vous recommande de ce fait cet achat. J’espre avoir pu vous aider.

  32. Sahar Nazir says:


    Ce tapis de protection est je dois le reconnaitre un investissement de dpart un peu lev mais la qualit est au rendez-vous .
    Ce produit est fait pour dure dans le temps et rpondre des contraintes importantes et soutenues sans pour autant ce dtriorer !
    Il est bien pour viter une dtrioration du sol si on met un vlo d’appartement ou un rameur dessus . Il est aussi intressant pour viter de mettre de la sueur partout pendant la sance de sport , il est facile nettoyer une fois fini .

    Hormis un prix lev , je suis satisfait de ce tapis !

  33. HungTrethowan says:


    Ce tapis est super : il amorti les bruits des appareils mais il vite aussi que ces mmes appareils soient trop bruyants pour les autres, que ces soit les habitants de la maison que ceux des autres tages si vous habitez en immeuble.
    En fonction de qui fait du sport nous avons y mettons le vlo d’appartement ou la planche vibrante.
    Efficace pour le bruit ambiant pour les autres.
    Un bon investissement qui nous convient.

  34. CarmonDacre says:


    Wir nutzen die Matte im Hof frs Seilspringen, damit das Seil nicht immer auf das Pflaster knallt und sich abreibt. Das klappt wirklich sehr gut und durch die rutschhemmende Wirkung der geriffelten Oberflche hat man einen sehr sicheren Stand.
    Des Weiteren setzen wir die Matte unter dem Carport als Unterlage fr das Rudergert ein, damit das Rudergert nicht direkt auf dem Pflaster steht.
    Kein Verrutschen, nichts – sehr zu empfehlen.

    Vorteile und Nachteile

    sehr rutschhemmend
    stabil und robust
    Gertefe drcken sich nicht in die Matte (Ursprungszustand ist nach wenigen Minuten wieder hergestellt)
    perfekte Gre fr die meisten Trainingsgerte
    Logo etwas zu prsent und gro (aber strt normalerweise niemanden)


    Die Matte berzeugt uns. Einerseits nutzt sich das Sprungseil auf dem Pflaster nicht ab und andererseits hat man eine gute Dmpfung. Trainingsgerte stehen absolut stabil und nichts verrutscht.
    Selbst als Unterlage fr die Kurzhanteln hat sich die Matte als ntzlich erwiesen, solange man diese nicht drauf fallen lsst.


    » ideale Unterlage für Seilspringen und Trainingsgeräte

  35. EstelleT34 says:


    Grand tapis de protection antidrapant pour vlo d’appartement.
    il est de marque Kasmet.
    Ainsi, le sol est protg.
    Excellent rapport qualit-prix.

  36. Steve Withers says:

     United Kingdom

    Dosent smell, good size mat for my weights and bench. Happy with it. At last no sound when you put dowm weights. Prevents any flooring damage.

  37. Anonymous says:


    This is the perfect size for putting under our stationary bike which despite having rubber pads underneath, I had noticed over time was leaving marks on the floor (the rubber on these things seems to transfer to the surface they’re on due to pressure and movement) that are super difficult to remove. The large size also leaves a bunch of room around it for stepping on and around and catching the sweat which I’d rather wipe off the mat than my floor.

    The quality of the mat turned out better than I expected, if anything. It’s more than thick enough to stand the weight of the machine and myself without compressing all the way through and the edges don’t easily rip (first thing I tried was tearing it by hand. It actually comes boxed and isn’t sent as a simple wrapped roll so you can be confident it’ll arrive clean and in good shape. The one I received doesn’t seem to be offgassing too much and doesn’t really stink like some cheaper mats like this do and turn your room into a chemical plant for a while.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Um unabhngig von den ffnungsbedingungen der Fitnessstudios zu sein, waren wir auf der Suche nach Trainingsutensilien fr zu Hause. Dementsprechend haben wir auch paar Fitnessgerte wie Laufband und Hantelbank usw. besorgt. Leider verkratzen diese Gerte mein Laminatboden weshalb mir diese Bodenschutzmatte mehr als gelegen kommt 😉

    Beim auspacken riecht die Matte leider etwas unangenehm, weshalb ich diese zuerst mal 1-2 Tage gelftet habe, bevor ich es in meinem Fitnessraum auslege. Die Matte lsst sich kinderleicht auslegen und haftet richtig gut an meinem Laminatboden. Die Gre ist recht ordentlich aber ich denke ich brauche zwei von denen damit meine Gerte berall ihren Platz finden. Die Matte ist 0,6cm dick, also genauso wie meine Yogamatte. Man kann also auch bungen darauf machen. Im Groen und Ganzen schtzt die Matte meinen Laminatboden und die Gerte und das ist das wichtigste. Die Verarbeitung und Haptik sind hochwertig und das macht wohl auch diesen Preis aus.

    Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit der Bewertung weiterhelfen 😉

  39. AlbertValente says:


    Die Bodenschutzmatte wurde gut verpackt und schnell geliefert. Positiv aufgefallen ist mir, das sie nach dem Auspacken kaum nach Chemie riecht, was man bei so einer Matte eigentlich vermuten wrde. Ansonsten ist die Matte relativ dnn, trgt somit nicht zu sehr auf und stellt im Alltag keine Stolperfalle dar. Sie polstert trotzdem gut ab und schtzt somit meinen Fuboden. Aufgrund der Materialbeschaffenheit und des Eigengewichts, liegt die Matte sicher auf dem Boden und verrutscht nicht. Ich bin soweit zufrieden mit der Unterlegmatte und konnte keine Mngel finden.

  40. Anonymous says:


    Fr unseren Stepper habe ich diese Matte geordert und bin sehr zufrieden.

    Die Gre ist wie angegeben 180 x 98 cm.
    Die Dicke ist allerdings 5 mm und nicht 6 wie angegeben (Ich habe den Messschieber nicht zusammengedrckt das sind wirklich nur 5!)
    Die Gre reicht fr die meiten Sportgerte dicke aus!
    Die Matte ist sehr schn dmpfend. Sowohl beim Laufen darauf als auch fr die Sportgerte!
    Sehr gut finde ich die geriffelte Oberflche. Die ist sehr rutschemmend!
    Nach einer Woche habe mich mal nachgeschaut ob die Fe sich auf der Matte abdrcken. Das war nicht der Fall die Matte kam wieder auf die Ursprungsdicke zurck. Das sieht aber nach ein paar Jahren sicherlich anders aus .. vermute ich mal!
    Rein vom Aussehen her ok. Das Logo finde ich etwas bertrieben gro!
    Am ersten Tag konnte ich einen leichten Chemiegeruch war nehmen der war aber am nchsten Tag schon weg!

    Fazit: Rundum zufrieden !

    Von mir 5 von 5 Sternen

    Ich hoffe ich konnte mit meiner Rezension einen ntzlichen Beitrag leisten. Vielen Dank!

    Die Matte ist nur 5 mm dick, aber sonst super!

  41. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJ’apprcie ce tapis essentiellement pour l’isolation phonique qu’il procure aux tages infrieurs.

    Sa grande taille permet de couvrir toute la surface sous l’appareil mais on peut l’utiliser seul comme tapis de sport car il offre un trs bon amorti.

    Il est vraiment antidrapant et trs solide.

    Rouk, il ne prend pratiquement pas de place et donc facile ranger.

    J’en suis satisfait et le recommande pour ses qualits.

    Bon tapis. Grande taille 180x98 cm. Protège le sol. Antidérapant. Réduit le bruit et les vibrations.

  42. ArethaFine says:


    Tapis de bonne qualit, epais et trs simple nettoyer grce sa texture impermable, le tapis se remet bien en forme aprs utilisation
    Le plus c’est la taille il est super grand.
    Rapport qualit prix bof il reste trs cher
    Si le commentaire vous a aid merci de le voter utile

  43. Anonymous says:


    Die Qualitt der Verarbeitung ist gut. Klare Empfehlung. Antirutsch fr unseren Crosstrainer.

  44. LeandraDupont says:


    Tapis indispensable pour ne pas abmer les sols de la maison, ne pas laisser de traces.

    Que ce soit pour vlo elliptique, vlo d’appartement, rameur.

    La taille est beaucoup plus grande que celle d’un tapis de fitness.

    Tapis pais et antidrapant qui rsiste bien l’amortissement.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Unsere alte Matte vom Fachhandel wo wir damals auch unseren hochwertigen Crosstrainer gekauft haben, ist fast doppelt so dick wie die Kasmet Bodenschutzmatte. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint mir das ein Qualittsunterschied zu sein. Ob nun vielleicht zwischenzeitlich die gleiche Dmpfung mit weniger Material erreicht wird, kann ich als Laie leider nicht sagen. Ich vermute aber, dass eine dickere Matte auch besser dmpft.

    Ansonsten gefllt mir die Bodenschutzmatte gut. Gre L ist genau geeignet fr unter unseren Crosstrainer. Die Matte lsst sich gut abwischen und rutscht nicht. Das Material scheint auch gut zu dmpfen.

  46. Antuan Goodwin says:


    Al momento de sacarlo de su caja me ha impresionado bastante su excelente calidad, textura y grosor. Es justo tal cual las fotos que pone el vendedor sin ningn engao!
    Tiene justo las medidas indicadas es decir: 180 x 98 cm. Tiene una textura algo rugosa en su superficie -similar a la del cuero- y en la parte que est en contacto con el suelo tiene un recubrimiento que evita deslizamientos y en efecto, una vez colocada en el suelo, se adhiere perfectamente por lo que se puede ejercitar o colocar aparatos de ejercicio encima, con toda la seguridad de que no habr deslizamientos o resbalones accidentales.
    Es ligeramente esponjosa y tiene muy buen grosor dira que ronda los 6-7 mm y aunque es acolchable tambin es muy firme.
    Sin lugar a dudas es de muy buena calidad. Al momento en que la adquir costaba alrededor de 63 euros. La recomiendo!

    Increíble su calidad!!

  47. Anonymous says:


    J’ai command ce tapis pour l’installer sour mon vlo d’appartement, il est de trs bonne fabrication.

    J’ai choisi le grand modle, c’est dommage que le document explicatif soit tout en anglais, mais il est dit qu’il faut attendre 48 heures pour que le tapis droul soit bien plat.

    Bon tapis d’exercice et antidérapa

  48. William60X says:


    (+) Bord progressif
    (+) Lourd = bonne tenue en place (associ l’anti-glisse)

    () L’effet “texture cuir” n’est pas le plus discret.

    (+) Bon rapport Amorti / Epaisseur
    (+) Protge le sol et bien insonorisant
    (+) Faible paisseur : 6 mm


  49. Anonymous says:


    Eine perfekte Matte zum Unterlegen fr mein Vibro-Board. Sie ist hochwertig verarbeitet, nicht zu dick, somit einfach perfekt.

    Geliefert wird das Produkt zusammengerollt in einem Karton, eingeschweit in eine klare Folie. Beim Auseinanderlegen passt sich die Matte dem Boden an, sie bleibt nicht gebogen, wie ich das schon erlebt habe.
    Die Gre: 120 x 70 x 0.6 cm, Gewicht betrgt knapp 500 g.

    Die Matte absorbiert den Schall, dmpft Sprnge und reduziert die Vibrationen der Platte. Ich bin vllig zufrieden, ich gebe hier sehr gerne 5 Sterne.

    hochwertige Matte

  50. EmelyDJSufoszxb says:


    Wir verwenden die Bodenschutzmatte fr unseren Heimtrainer und sehr zufrieden. Wir haben die kleinere Gre gewhlt, mit 120 cm x 70 cm. Dies reicht fr unseren Heimtrainer voll aus. Das Material ist sehr weich, was es ideal fr den Trainer macht, da er dadurch sehr gut gedmpft wird. Entsprechend sind die Abdrcke natrlich zu sehen, wenn man ihn zur Seite schiebt. Das sieht dann zwar etwas hlich aus, aber wer macht das schon? Er steht immer fest an seinem Platz. Die Matte braucht beim ersten ffnen ein paar Minuten um sich voll zu entfalten, sprich flach auszurichten. Gerochen hat die Matte hierbei brigens nicht. Wir hatten jetzt nicht den Eindruck auf ungesunden Ausdnstungen zu stehen. Das Stehen auf der Matte ist brigens auch sehr angenehm. Eben weich und auch warm. Fr uns war diese Matte eine sinnvolle Ergnzung zu unserem Heimtrainer. Daher gibt es 5 radelnde Sterne.

    Sehr gute Bodenschutzmatte / für Heimtraine

  51. Anonymous says:


    appeto molto particolare adatto anche per impieghi specialisti di isolamento anti-urto ed anti-vibrazione, costruito in maniera differente rispetto ad i classici tappetini da yoga o da addominali e all’ atto pratico utilizzandolo per esercizi come appunto crunch per addominali, stretching, push up ecc. estituisce dei feedback di utilizzo molto diversi dai modelli standard.

    applicandovi pressione risulta relativamente duro e dimostra un’ ottima capacit di assorbire degli urti, salendoci sopra si deforma in modo lento cio anche solo a provare a spingere con le dita occorre applicare una buona forza per un paio di secondi prima di arrivare a fine corsa e questo fatto apposta appunto per dissipare l’ energia impressa da eventualli oggetti che possono cadere.
    i modelli classici infatti sono molto pi morbidi e alla minima pressione si deformano subito in maniera totale senza offrire resistenza.

    date queste caratteristiche, dovendo scegliere tra questo modello o un altro pi morbido per la pratica dello yoga e per fare esercizi come addominali ed altri che si svolgono da posizione sdraiata o seduta personalmente non consiglio questo prodotto in quanto non si riesce a beneficiare di un grosso confort e i tappetini classici morbidi li vedo mono molto pi indicati per questo tipo di pratiche.
    oltre a questo, essendo fatto di materiale pi denso anche pi pesante e quindi meno pratico da aprire, chiudere, trasportare e sicurametne per un utilizzo quotidiano pi comodo un tappeto pi leggero.

    si possono per svolgere con estremo profitto piegamenti sulle braccia, squat, fare esercizi da in piedi con manubri che poi possono essere appoggiati senza dover andare a rallentatore quando li si mette a terra, cio sicuramente non si possono lasciar cadere dall’ alto e nemmeno posati in modo eccessivamente brusco ma comunque il tappeto offre una certa protezione per cui non occorre andare a rallentatore come se fossimo su un normale pavimento di mattonelle o palcuqet e li si pu appoggiare in modo pi rilassato.

    grazie alle sue dimensioni elevate soprattuto in larghezza (parlo del modello 180 x 98) e alla sua capacit di assorbire le vibrazioni, risulta perfetto da utilizzare per appoggiarci sopra una panca piana, una macchina multi-stazione da palestra, una cyclette, una spinning bike, un tapis roulant ecc.

    a livello estetico poi lo trovo molto bello, mi piace molto il logo kasmet sopra il tappetino.

    offre un discreto grip sulla superficie frontale che presenta una texture superficiale per aiutare una migliore gestione di acqua e sudore mentre di sotto mi sarei aspettato una tenuta migliore, avrei preferito che avesse un rivestimento antiscivolo pi perfezionato per migliorare ulteriormente il grip e renderlo ancora pi stabile.

    i materiali di costruzione sono premium, ci si rende subito conto che un modello la cui progettazione stata molto curata e che adattissimo a sopportare ritmi e volumi di lavoro molto alti e per tantissimo tempo, non sicuramente un tappetino “usa e getta” ma garantisce un’ ottima longevit anche se lo utilizziamo su base quotidiana.

    in effetti, viste le sue caratteristiche di relativa rigidit e durezza pu essere molto utile se impiegato per svolgere allenamenti al parco o comunque su terreni irregolari che non garantiscono un’ adeguata stabilit, grazie a questo tappetino si riesce ad allestire un pavimento adeguato per svolgere esercizi anche intensi.

    — — PREZZO — —

    il prezzo attuale (luglio 2021) di 62.99 euro sicuramente un prezzo molto alto che trova giustificazione nella sua buona capacit di assorbire urti e vibrazioni per cui risulta ideale per appoggiarci sopra macchine come bici da spinning, vogatori ecc
    a parer mio non vale la pena sostenere questa spesa se vogliamo utilizzarlo solo per fare yoga e addominali mentre pu essere una soluzione interessante da utilizzare c

    — — CONCLUSIONI — —

    concludendo, un buon tappetino pieghevole antiurto.

    Tappetino antiurto multi-funzionale, alta qualità costruttiva, prezzo elevato.

  52. Gant Team says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTena dudas respecto a la utilizacin de este tipo de artculo por si no fuera compatible con mi aspiradora autnoma. Al venir enrollada esta base coge cierta forma que se va con el paso del tiempo pero podemos ayudarla poniendo algo de peso y una superficie plana en esa zona.

    En caso me he decantado por el tamao pequeo ya que el tamao grande para una bicicleta esttica me parece excesivamente grande aunque quizs para un aparato de remo o una cinta de correr sea el apropiado.

    Por el momento no la he usado mucho tiempo pero me he dado cuenta de que tiene bastantes virtudes entre ellas la proteccin del suelo, reduce la vibracin en el suelo del aparato que estemos utilizando sea una bicicleta esttica o cualquier otro aparato, es antideslizante y est ligeramente acolchada.

    En principio no he tenido ningn problema con la esterilla por lo que le tengo que dar una puntuacin de 5 estrellas aunque quizs el precio me parezca algo excesivo y ms comparndolas con otras parecidas en el catlogo de Amazon .

    En el suelo buena protección en el suelo

  53. Love2shop Offers - powered by FeedBurner says:


    Le tapis est livr enroul, c’est d’ailleurs la seule solution mais qui impose de lui donner le temps de prendre sa forme dfinitive une fois dpli. Sa structure est solide, rsistante aux liquide et facile nettoyer. Il sera vraiment anti-drapant quand pour aurez poser votre engin de fitness dessus. Dans cet usage, le tapis est parfait. Par contre je dnonce l’affirmation compatible avec le yoga, il existe beaucoup mieux pais, souple et confortable.

  54. Anonymous says:


    Diese Unterlage bietet hervorragenden Schutz vor Kratzern auf smtlichen Bodenbelgen. Ich habe sie in meinem Fitnessraum verlegt, sie bietet enormen Komfort beim Training.

  55. Anonymous says:


    Avant de le drouler , j’en ai profit pour le peser il fait bien 2.6 kilos pour la version 1.80 X 98 cm ce qui en fait un tapis finalement assez lger .Et la premire impression est qu’il est pourtant du genre indestructible .

    Il fait 5.30 d’paisseur les bords sont bien souds , et il possede une tres bonne capacit d’amorti , il se remet en place lentement comme un coussin mmoire de forme .

    Le relief de la surface le rend anti drapant , fait penser un cuir de veau , sauf qu’elle est bien plus brillante que du cuir , et totalement en PVC , ce qui le rend facilement lessivable , aussi bien l’ponge qu’ la serpillre . Je suis mme convaincu qu’il pourrait parfaitement supporter un lavage au Karcher ! Une sorte de tapis de yoga sous strodes !

    Il a une petite odeur au dballage mais qui disparait l’air libre .

    Je l’utilise avec mon home trainer et mon vlo y tient entirement , mais sa plus grande qualit est qu’il est vraiment muti-sport , ni trop mou , ni trop dur , il peut servir aussi bien des exercices d’assouplissement , du yoga , que pour placer dessus un banc de musculation , un rameur ou tout autre appareil , servir de base un espalier , voir carrment une cage de musculation .

    Et si on veut le replier il suffira de lui trouver une petite sangle ou une bande velcro .

    Tapis de sport du genre indestructible .

  56. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEsta muy bien esta esterilla para fitness antideslizante. Esta hecha de cloruro de polivinilo (Espuma de PVC).

    Es bastante grande y caben prcticamente cualquier aparato domestico de gimnasio como cintas de correr, bicicletas de spinning, etc. Protege el suelo perfectamente ya que es gruesa y el material resistente. Tambin reduce las vibraciones de los aparatos que pongamos encima.

    Nosotros la usamos para hacer ejercicios, yoga, pesas por si se nos cae alguna y para la cinta de correr y de momento de maravilla ya que no se mueve del sitio y hacemos todo el ejercicio en cima de ella. Es muy cmoda.

    Ha que tener en cuenta que cuando la abrimos tardara uno o dos das en pillar la forma, por lo que no preocuparos.

    La recomendamos.

    Esponjosa y muy resistente.

  57. the red headed traveler says:


    Suficiente para maquinas de fitness de uso domestico sin excesivo peso, este tamao viene bien para los aparatos plegables y despus de retirarlos hacer distintos ejercicios sobre ella, aunque para estos al no ser muy mullida mejor colocar encima por ejemplo una toalla de yoga que adems absorben el sudor.

    Es antideslizante y aunque se le quedan algunas marcas despus se recupera. Da estabilidad y reduce los ruidos, impacto o vibraciones de ejercicios o uso de equipos de gimnasio a la vez que protege el suelo.

    De la marca Kasmet UK, concentrada en la creacin de equipos de ejercicios domsticos. El precio en estos momentos para el tamao L es de 62,99 .

    Esterilla de PVC sin olores (180 x 98 x 0,6cm).

  58. Anonymous says:


    Se trata de una alfombrilla de fitness antideslizante de la marca Kasmet, concretamente el modelo de tamao 180 x 98 cm.

    La alfombrilla posee un tamao generoso, lo que permite colocar sobre ella cualquier aparato de gimnasia. Tiene un grosor de 6 mm, lo que evita que el aparato colocado sobre ella pueda daar el suelo, al tiempo que ofrece una buena amortiguacin y reduce la vibracin. Posee 2 caras diferenciadas, la brillante rugosa sera la cara que quedara hacia arriba y, la cara mate con tratamiento antideslizante sera la que quedara hacia abajo.

    Est fabricada enteramente en PVC no txico, por lo que en ese aspecto se puede utilizar con total seguridad. La verdad es que la alfombrilla me ha gustado bastante, la nica pega que podra ponerle es que debido a la alta densidad del material, no queda plana, tiende a conservar la forma enrollada con la que vino. Imagino que ser cuestin de tiempo que vaya cediendo (le he puesto algunos libros encima para ayudar), pero por ahora es un pequeo incordio. Por lo dems est bastante bien y estoy satisfecho con ella.

    Espero que esta opinin te haya sido til 🙂

    Tamaño generoso, densidad elevada y buena amortiguación. Me ha gustado

  59. SantosWinterbot says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good product. I have put my turbo trainer on it and it is great at sound dampening and absorbing shock. There is a memory foam aspect to it where the mat rebounds to its original shape

  60. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben die Bodenschutzmatte von Kasmet im Rahmen des Vine Programms erhalten was weder Einfluss auf den Inhalt der Rezension noch auf die abschlieende Beurteilung genommen hat.

    Die Matte kommt gerollt in einer Kunsstoffolie eingeschweit in einem Karton. Nach dem ausrollen nimmt diese schnell die vorgesehene, plane Form an und das Gert kann auf ihr platziert werden.

    Die Oberflche hatte eine lederartige Struktur und ist glnzend. Sie absorbiert Schall als auch Bodenklte sehr gut. Eventuelle Druckstellen durch die Fe dr Fitnessgerte bilden sich langsam wieder zurck.

    Aufgrund der Optik als auch Produkteigenschaft knnen wir die Matte, welche nun in unserem Fitnessbereich unter unserer Hantelbank liegt empfehlen!

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI like to move around a lot when working out inside and I mean a lot. I have recently adapted a new form of indoor cardio based on my years of martial arts as a youth. This involves using the same kind of rapid fire foot work. I also fuse in the underground dance style of footwerk and jukeing to achieve a great cardio workout. With this type of heavy demand of foot movements, I require a mat that can not only handle the sparring but the dance type of movements as well.
    With this top notch mat from the Kasmat brand I have found the perfect texture of mat that also is heavy enough to stay on the ground without sliding around.
    To test this mat out I purposely placed it outside of something that would weigh it down to the spot so it was free to move around if affected that way such as a weight bend or free weight. I then began to move around a spring based stand up ball style bag that I moved outside the mat area so it would be in the center of the room. I moved around the bag punching periodically but always moving my feet around in the traditional shadow boxing style that often has you shifting rapidly. This shifting is where the mat would of moved if it had been a lower quality type. I am happy to say that not only did this mat pass that initial test but it remained in place after and about and a half of fast and vigorous foot movements similar to breakdancing mixed with tap.
    What is unique about this mat is there is a texture within the surface that has a watermark kind of design that makes it a no slip surface. It is also very easy to clean which is nice when compared to some of the softer variations that absorb liquid. The surface of this mat works to deflect liquid.
    This mat was placed right next to another one that is twice the size of this one and that larger one always moves when I am preforming my foot moves while this one stayed in place.
    Tis mat has a leather like shine to tit when it is clean and the logo brand name looks cool the way it appears on the mat.
    This is perfect for boxing or dancing as well as martial arts. I actually think this is ideal for footwork style athletics. I was moving around on this and noticed it made a tapping sound due to the thick hardness of the mat. This was helpful in maintaining a focus and an unexpected standout feature of this mat. I am strongly considering ordering more.
    In conclusion I am super happy with this mat and recommedn it.

  62. KathrynHuskey says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAbsolutely perfect mat , high quality , robust and definitely non slip
    Purchased the small size for my Peloton bike , the size is just as it should be for exercise bikes however I do not think it will be long enough for treadmills and rowers . It has the ability to self-recover from marks , seems pretty sturdy and has two years warranty so the seller must be confident in the quality. Definitely the best mat I ever had, highly recommended product for exercise machines !

  63. Ian Sherr says:

     United States

    Super nice mat, large and thick and durable. Best I’ve ever owned. Using it for floor work and weight bench.

  64. Karisa Langlo says:

     United States

    For what I do, I needed a mat that was max length 4 feet and to find this was a pleasant surprise. Standard yoga mats go to 5 feet or 60 inches so if you plan on using this for yoga, this probably won’t do. This mat is made of memory foam that you could imprint with weight and it slowly disappears after about 30 seconds. It has a plastic or vinyl like sheen which I thought would cause and issue with socks being too slippery, but i find no issues with slipping because of the memory foam. This mat provides to most grip I experienced compared to all other mats I have used and I could not have lucked out more. I should be jacked soon.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The mat arrived on time. Well packed and opened it up. A mild odour and layer it out in readiness for the treadmill. The mat laid flat, retracts dust and is durable. The design and affect is great. I am please with the purchase as it is good value for money and does exactly what it states.

    Excellent purchase and would buy again.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis mat works great beneath a treadmill. It protects the floor and keeps the machine in place and offers some padding if that were needed. It also stays in place without sliding.

  67. BetteCheongCheo says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this mat..perfect size for.my husbands Spinner exercise bike. Tough enough to take the weight if the bike without splitting.

    Perfect for a spinner bike

  68. StephanBatson says:

     United Kingdom

    A must have mat to protect your floor.
    Made of a very good quality material that has an anti sleep surface underneath as well.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb quality mat, purchased the small size on bargain deal with the bike.

    No toxic smells, the size is exactly as described, definitely non slip, love the way it recovers from marks, perfect thickness, easy to clean and very durable.
    Was using it to protect the carpet and it does very well, but it gives extra stability on the bike as well.
    Took 2-3 days to lay out fully as it comes rolled in a box, the edges may not be straight, but don’t worry, it got there after.
    Comes with extended 2 year warranty, but honestly I don’t see how it can get damaged unless you put something really heavy on it. One time purchase that will last for a long time
    Highly recommend for exercise equipment, the small size is perfect for spin bikes, but it could also be ideal for a cross traine

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was bought to protect carpets from exercise bike it is great quality just the right size and keeps the bike still highly recommend

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A good mat which is used under an exercise bike. It protects the floor adequately and is sufficiently big to hold the bike with room to spare. It is fairly sturdy and I consider it value for money

  72. SeymourWester says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought to put a stationary bike on, does the job

  73. Stephaine3650 says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect for use under my spin bike. Wasn’t keen on the branding but that is just hidden by the front bit of my bike

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersImpressive quality mat , the price totally reflects the quality. I have had it for over a week now and can see the difference from other mats I used to have . I purchased the large size and I believe it is the perfect mat for treadmills , however it may be too large for exercise bikes .
    I bought my reebok treadmill more than a year ago along with reebok mat , unfortunately the mat did not last long time . Then I bought another more spongy mat which only lasted a few weeks. This one really impressed me on the quality and I love how it recovers from marks. It looks great as well , no smells , I received an email saying the warranty is two years so perfect from any angle , I definitely recommend this product for exercise equipment . Happy custome

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent. A really high quality and durable exercise mat. I’ve put an exercise bike on mine and it works far better than having the bike on carpeting. It has a lovely rubberised texture to it that feels great underfoot so would be lovely I imagine to do yoga etc on. It’s a very decent size as well.

  76. JessiePrins says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent exercise mat for using my exercise bike on, waterproof and adds stability needed when putting in that extra effort.Easy to wipe clean,the best exercise mat I have purchased to date

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNice enough but make sure you measure your equipment. It is just too short for rowing machines – at least the Concept 2 or Echelon. They are just too big – I tried with the Echelon but was right on the very edge and front wheels came off immediately. I noticed when then researching that a couple of other 180cm long mats specifically say “not suitable for rowing machines”. Would be nice if Kasmet also updated their description to show this. Obviously having used it I can’t really return it so a waste!

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A deceptively durable mat – it easily dents with any pressure, but then recovers without any intervention. It is perfect for me, as it fits my exercise bike, with plenty of space around it to protect my new floor.

  79. JarredBYFbmd says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an excellent mat for underneath my running machine
    It is a great buy

    It arrived promptly
    I really appreciated the customer service emails before and after it arrived, a really nice touch

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I should of looked at the length. I would of liked it to go under all of the machine, but as it is its very good.

  81. agnesbuengarnas says:

     United Kingdom

    The mat forts perfectly under my spinning bike. I went for the small one. I love how thick the mat is and know that my floors are protected. I am thinking of getting another mat for my reebok deck. Very happy.

    Perfect mat for exercise bike.

  82. Dara Kerr says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI bought the shorter mat to use with a peloton bike on carpet, intended mainly just to catch all the sweat. All the other mats I looked at spread out at the front and back and take up more space, I’m trying to get away with ‘hiding’ the bike in the spare i wanted to be as unintrusive as possible in such a small space and seeing as most sweat goes downwards and not firing off behind me this seemed like a better option. At first, I thought it was going to be too tight, but it just fits the frame on and seems to be doing the trick perfectly.

    Bought for a peloto

  83. Running to the Kitchen says:

     United Kingdom

    Felt it was best to have this mat under our new life fitness treadmill. Perfect length and width for my treadmill. It protects my carpet, is non slip and is thin and sleek looking.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good sized mat at 1.8m long (5ft 11″) and 98cm wide (3ft 2″), so it can accommodate a bar bell and a couple of dumbbells with plenty of space for you to stand on it too.
    The textured upper surface offers good grip, even for bare feet and the underside is also patterned to prevent it from sliding around as you exercise.
    I’m very happy about the fact that it doesn’t stick to my real wood flood and hasn’t stained, scratched or marked it in any way even after almost four weeks of continuous contact.
    Weights left standing on it for a while will compress the filling slightly but those flattened spots fill again about 5 minutes after moving the weights again.
    It has enough filling to make it comfortable to stand on and to protect your floor without making it feel spongy under foot.
    It seems to be hard wearing and has a simple, understated design.
    I’m very pleased with it.

    Tough, non slip and doesn't stick to the floo

  85. PrinceZqdxfcxw says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent quality

    Extremely durable

    Strong and of a good thickness

    Will stay nicely rolled up when not in use or when in storage

    Stays nice and flat when in use

    Very comfortable for manual cardio and a good base for weights and machines

    This helps reduce muscle pressure running back up by cushioning the weights when placed down, equally if running or jumping on the spot.

    Heavy bending or twisting of the mat even prolonged doesn’t damage this, it returns to its original shape and condition relatively quickly, the same with deep imprints, this appears to be a self healing mat regarding its intended useage

    Really good size, it’s similar to a large single bed base size regarding length and width.

    The key points for me are the shock absorbancy qualities, self healing abilities, not feeling the surface underneath or my own bone structure and the comfiness, lastly the size.

    These key points are spot on. It’s a professional piece of sports equipment that is worth it withoutvdoubt

    The colour isn’t in anyway faded, it’s of s good colour black with the logo/ lettering which are equally as tidy.

    Nice grip too, no slipping or sliding, nice and cool when needing that temp to lower from working out.

    Looks very smart.

    Will also soften the sound too and insulate a little if in a flat. I’m in a house but I have this in my office.

    It’s easy to clean but doesn’t get dusty or attract any dirt so barely requires any. A great way to encourage good hygiene as it can be regularly cleaned so easily.

    Ive used various mats in the past and recently, this is my favourite I must admit.

    Could also use in a garage, hallway, porch, conservatory, summer house, playroom etc as waterproof.
    Exact as in sellers pictures and description. Truly can’t fault it. Very impressed.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersArrived on time,well packaged very good quality, protects the floor very well, perfect for what we need would highly recommend even if a little pricey but the quality reflects the price so all good

    Great ma

  87. DennyWKIcxloa says:

     United Kingdom

    The mat is great in terms of size , durability and quality. Everything is described really well but I think the seller needs to put more info regarding the unrolling as took long time to get totally flat but that is because of the material , so don’t rush it will get in shape on next day . The mat is made specially for exercise equipment and seems really durable , I managed to fit my spin bike and weight bench on it . Good purchase , 5 stars from me

  88. Marcel6467 says:

     United Kingdom

    The matt is perfect thickness, width and length to fit under a spin bike, It wipes easily and looks great. I was considering a cheaper option but after reading the reviews, went with this one and am really pleased with it.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this Mat for a Reebok Treadmill which I am assembling.
    Mat large and perfect size and thickness for machine.
    Only slight issue was when item was delivered the packaging was damaged and there was a small cut in the mat.

  90. SunnyRanieri says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought it for my spin bike. Good quality. Worth the price!

  91. Tanisha Pina says:

     United Kingdom

    Siperb quality strong and robust perfect for putting treadmill onto great quality and design thick and robus

  92. FloydVauxvm says:

     United Kingdom

    + Very strong
    + Very large
    + Very grippy
    + Very protective

    Not so good
    – A bit too expensive

  93. LuzUOOyxznyqb says:

     United Kingdom

    Using with a decathlon stationary bike. Non slip, easy to wipe clean and looks like it’ll last and last.

    Large size is overkill for a gym bike but would be ideal for a rowing machine or large treadmill.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect for yoga.
    I love the classy black colour.
    Good quality of thickness and comfort.
    Easy to roll up.
    Wipes down nicely.
    A great product.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This mat is being used by my Dad in his clinic. It is generous in size so perfect for floor work and for setting heavy equipment on.

    The material is waterproof, durable and well made. It is thick and looks like it will be long lasting due to its dense and hard wearing consistency.

    The mat comes tightly rolled as you can see from the indentation on the photos, but that smoothed out within a few hours.

    The texture on the surface makes this mat super grippy to ensure that clients and machinery alike will not slip. Its easy to maintain and can be wiped clean. It will protect the hard floor from damage also.

    I feel that this is good value for the functionality and quality. I recommend.

    Robust mat for exercise equipme

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s not easy working out when you live in a block of flats. Annoying the neighbour with my treadmill noise can often be a challenge in itself to keep my machine quiet. I also noticed the carpet was wearing out below my exercise machine. This is definitely caused by friction so i needed to find a way to not only muffle the ‘thudding’ noise but also to stop any more erosion on my floor.

    This floor mat comes in a few sizes, But i chose the largest to accommodate a larger working out area which compromises of a treadmill and rowing machine. It fits snug and there has been no more damage to my carpet since it was installed. The noise is slightly less bumpy, But it doesn’t completely soundproof my workouts, But an improvement for sure.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a really good mat. It is made of TPE but looks rubbery. There is no smell from it. It is black and slight glossy with anverall pebble pattern. It is longer and wider than normal. There is no padding to soften but yet it is quite comfortable to iie on. It is said it can be used as a floor protector for gym equipment . I however used it a s a mat in cardio and yoga exercises. I found it comfortable to use and definitely non slip. I didd notice a couple of little dents in it while working out but when I looked for them after the class they had disappeared. I like it and can it lasting for a very long time

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The mat comes well packaged, it’s rolled, plastic wrapped and comes within a cardboard box.

    The mat is stiff, so as you can see in my pictures does curl at the ends after being rolled, adding weight to this though solves the problem. The mat also seems to be cut straight, I’ve had mats before that arrive and the lines are all over the place, this has been machined well.

    The mat in use feels good and durable, I used it for HIIT. This included some kettle bell work, skipping, floor ab exercises etc.. was really good to work out with. My kitchen floor was well protected, if you had a bike or treadmill on this it would definitely keep your floor safe.

    Overall this is a great mat, I’ve dropped stars though because the price just seems steep to me. I have a slightly larger mat of similar quality from another retailer that cost me 19.99. As I write this there is a 5% voucher available but even with that the price seems a lot for what you get.

    Pricey but good quality floor ma

  99. XPQEddymnevfdib says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe mat is top heavy duty quality , I bought one of their bikes for my mum , she used a regular mat but nothing to compare with this one . The mat came rolled in a nice box , delivery was fast as well . Once unpacked and foil removed it takes a while to get totally flat but it is because of the material . If you remove the bike or other equipment you use, there will be marks on the mat from the legs but they will disappear in a few hours . The material looks very solid and I believe will last long time . Bad bits — the mat is very large for the bike could be smaller as now taking lots of space , unless you have large room and using it for more than one equipment , also the price is not the cheapest but totally worth it . I can easily recommend this product for home gym equipment .
    Well done Kasmet , I’m becoming a fe

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    At almost one metre wide and 1.8 metres in length, the Kasmet floor mat is a good size and should accommodate just about any home treadmill.
    It was a bit difficult unrolling it as the plastic material is somewhat stiff. I rolled it back up opposite to the way it came and unrolled it again. It was then a bit more manageable to get it to lay flat on the floor.
    Once laid flat on the floor, the first thing that struck me is the size. It’s bigger than other treadmill mats I’ve had, substantially so.
    Checking the quality, the mat doesn’t tear easily and is, indeed, non-slip. It has a sort of patterned surface, like leather, that helps with the non-slip aspect. Not that I need it as I’ll be using the mat under a treadmill.
    It’s a bit more expensive than other non-slip mats, but it feels like it’s built to last so I think that’s reasonable.
    I’m happy to recommend this mat and have awarded five stars.

    Good size and feels sturdy