Kebtek Electric Secateurs, Electric Pruning Shears 16.8V Electric Branch Cutter with 2PCS Backup Battery and Charger, Cordless Pruner with Brushless Motor, 30mm (1.18 Inch) Max Cutting Diamete

Kebtek KT930 Electric Pruning Shears

Warm Tips:
- The blade is only suitable for cutting branches and cannot cut other hard objects such as metals.
- The cut should be at least 2/3 of the way into the edge of the blade, and no branches that are too thick should be cut. (30mm for fresh branches, 25mm for thick and dry branches)
- It is very important to maintain the pruning shears, add lubricating oil and adjust the blade tightness in time.
- Please read the instructions carefully before using.
- Please keep it away with children and pets.
Weight: | 2.13 kg |
Dimensions: | 34.9 x 24.8 x 7.7 cm; 2.13 Kilograms |
Model: | KT-930 |
Part: | KT-930 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Kebtek |
Dimensions: | 34.9 x 24.8 x 7.7 cm; 2.13 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Wegen einer schmerzhaften Einschrnkung an meinem Arm hatte ich mir die Schere bestellt.
Diese bertrifft nun alle erwartungen die ich hatte! Die angegeben maximalen Schnittdurchmesser werden sogar leicht bertroffen. Es werden zwei Akkus mitgeliefert. Ich habe es nicht geschafft einen an einem Tag leer zu bekommen. Der Kauf ist daher absolut empfehlenswert. Das Ladegert hat einen deutschen Stecker!
Ich verwende die Schere in unserem groen Garten und schneide damit Haselnuss, Kirschlorbeer und sonstiges Gestrpp. Ich schreibe eigentlich keine Rezessionen, aber das Teil bereitet wirklich Freude!
Used it to top my six conifers ! it was great and saved me loads of time compared to a hand saw and standard cutters..
Highly recommended and a great price too
There shears work great for a pruning up tons of stuff. 1 battery last forever with 2 you could definitely rely get a ton of stuff they have plenty of power and will cut just about everything that will fit. Also they are nice and lightweight and come with a nice little carriny case to keep everything together . Definitely not a toy I’d imagine would definitely cut your finger right off
This makes cutting down branches on trees a real breeze!
I’m so glad I got this. It made my life so much easier cutting down pesky branches.
You definitely need to read the manual because there’s lots of holding trigger combination to turn on/cut etc and can be confusing at first (not to mention the wording is confusing too… typical Chinese manual)
You hold the switch, and after you hear the beep and the green light stays solid, press the trigger twice within 1 second to have it in “standby” (ready to cut); after that you can just press the trigger each time to cut normally. (I think it would have been better if they simply added a safety switch or something than having to remember or hold buttons)
If you long press the trigger for 2 seconds, and then hear the beep, that’s when the blade does a deeper/longer cut
To turn off, hold the lever for 5 seconds, you should hear two beeps, then release the trigger.
In the end, it cuts like butter so I give it a 5 stars.
This included charger is 16.8V at 1A
I like that it comes with two batteries.
Wer einmal so eine Schere im Garten benutzt hat wird nie wieder ohne arbeiten wollen.
Tolles Gert zum fairen Preis.
Very useful while shredding hedge trimmings, and in cutting back woody growth
zugegeben ich war skeptisch, aber das Teil funktioniert einwandfrei. Was zwischen die Klinge passt, wird auch geschnitten. —Aber passt auf Eure finger auf!!!—
Easy to use once instructions read and understood. About same weight as a light weight drill. So far battery life has exceeded my desire to prune trees. Easily and without effort cuts 1″ branches of dry mesquite wood.
Very happy with this and it helps my arthritic hands prune things I would have needed large loppers for prior to purchasing this.
I very strongly recommend this even at over $100 price… worth every penny.
This was not a tool I NEEDED, but I am very glad to now have it in my collection…
Very easy to use, and very effective.
The battery lasts longer than I do doing yard work, so thats great.
It cuts appropriate sized branches easily and with far less effort that I would have to do manually. Don’t try to cut super huge branches, it wont work, and it will likely mess up your shears.
But if used properly as directed, this will save your hands a lot of hard work!
~~~ I hope this REAL review was helpful! ~~~
My wife rally appreciates this instrument. Brings back the joy of gardening. No complaints anymore regarding her hands. Now she wants a bigger garden.
die Astschere wurde als Geburtstagsgeschenk von meiner Mutter erst mit skepsis Begutachtet.
Seit ihrem ersten Einsatz aber ist sie begeistert.
Ich habe sie auch ausprobiert und bin sehr zufrieden damit.
Zur Akkulaufzeit kann ich aktuell nichts sagen, bisher hlt er super.
Nach aktuellem Stand wrde ich das Gert sofort weiterempfehlen.
Bitte unbedingt einen Steckeradapter vom englischen Stecker (Stiftkontakte) auf deutsche Norm (Schukostecker) mit bestellen.
Ansonsten ein gutes Gert ist handlich und schneidet sehr gut, nur 860 Gramm schwer.
Per 2mal kurzem Tastendruck lsst sich das Gert einschalten.
l muss man selbst nachfllen, ich habe Fahrradl genommen.
Solide Qualitt, sauber Schnitt, kraftvoll.
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