Kurgo Booster Seat for Dogs and Car Booster Seat for Pets, Dog Car Seat, Includes Seat Belt Tether, Rover Style – (Blue/Black) Reduced Packaging
Weight: | 1.68 kg |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Dimensions: | 30.48 x 40.64 x 20.32 cm; 1.68 Kilograms |
Model: | ZTV30-17127 |
Colour: | Black/Blue |
Colour: | Black/Blue |
Size: | 1 Count (Pack of 1) |
Got it about three yrs ago, still using it every day. Well made. Great quality. Make every drive secured.
My second booster seat and it is made far better than another brand I purchased in a dept store. Actually is it large enough that both dogs can ride in it — 7 and 8 pound dogs.
Carrier was so easy to install. Tether very strong, and carrier very sturdy. Our dog loves to look out window, and carrier is large enough for him to lie down.
We started using a car seat for our dog when she was a puppy. She is now 16 years old and has worn out her first Kurgo car seat! This one is an exact replacement of the original one. She’s elevated and able to see out the window or curl up and nap. She is much more comfortable and content in the car seat than riding on a lap or a bare seat. We love this particular seat so much that we have one for each car. It will also fold flat to put in luggage when we are flying.
VERY well built & sturdy unit, I feel safe for my pup when hes in it.
Il prodotto e buono e con un prezzo abbastanza buono
La problematica e’ che i miei cani non vogliono proprio starci e scappano fuori
Ho provato a legarceli dentro col guinzaglio ,ma escono lo stesso e rimangono attaccati al seggiolino col collo
Dovro’ educarli con molta pazienza perche’ non gli piace proprio
Padding on frame where dog sits would improve it but overall works great!
Excelente opcin para transportar a tu perro en tu vehculo.
I love this car seat. I have a little Yorkie and this seat it’s so easy to fit. It’s very sturdy. Worth the money
Hatte das Produkt fr meinen Welpen bestellt, in der Hoffnung, er wrde sich beim Autofahren beruhigen wenn er in meiner Nhe ist. Tja – klappte nicht; Welpe wollte stndig rausklettern und wre dann wohl neben dem Krbchen am Geschirr gebaumelt – musste somit whrend der Fahrt gehalten werden.
ABER: wir haben das Krberl dann fr den bereits lteren Hund (ca. 8kg) meines Freundes verwendet und fr diesen ist es echt toll! Der Hund mag nur ungern Aurofahren, so ist er aber neben seinem Herrchen- das beruhigt ihn. Er schaut aus dem Fenster und wenn es drauen finster ist, legt er sich im Krbchen hin. Er bleibt auch immer brav im Krbchen sitzen.
Spter, wenn mein Welpe etwas ruhiger ist, werde ich sehr wahrscheinlich diesen Hundesitz nochmals ausprobieren.
Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und die Farben sind schn krftig.
Ein wenig Fummelei beim Montieren im Auto, aber man schafft es gut alleine.
Love this car seat for our dog. She’s comfortable in it. It’s easy to get in and out of various vehicles – strap just slips over a head rest. Our dog feels secure, sits safely on her own and not on anyone’s lap and she can still look out the window too.
This is the third car seat I’ve purchased and I wish I chose this one first – honestly I was put off by the cost and thought there couldn’t be much difference between seats. I was wrong 🙂
I knew I wanted an over-the-seat booster for my 13 lb rescue who needs to be able to see out the window to minimize her car sickness.
This seat is small — it couldn’t likely hold a slightly heavier dog but not much taller/longer (my dog’s a chiweenie and is dachshund length with chi-height legs) — but very sturdy. The bottom is reinforced and frame is strong with durable fabric inside and out.
My previous booster seat was deeper – with mesh sides – but I could never get it to not slant. It felt flimsy and my pup never fully relaxed. This seat is fairly shallow, but my dog can rest her head on the rim if she wants to sit down (rare for her). The booster is lined in cozy fleece, which is a definite benefit – and removable for cleaning!
If you need a booster for a smaller dog, particularly one who’s a bit picky, this is my recommendation.
What a treat this has been for our dog. He loves it, he is securely restrained, but has a window view of the world and he loves it. When he gets tired he curls up and goes to sleep. When it comes to putting him in the car seat and removing him, we have a well controlled operation each and every time. Although it is sometimes so comfortable he wants to stay in it. The metal frame work around the top edge concerned us as to what it would be like if his head impacted it in an accident – so we spent $5 on a rubber tube to fit around that, but underneath the fabric of the car seat. You can’t tell it is there, but makes a better resting place for his nose, and would certainly cushion him much much more in the event of an impact.
He tenido otros mas econmicos. Dudaba si pedirlo por el precio y que fuese igual de dbil que los otros que se terminan desmontando al tiempo. A esta cesta se le nota mucha resistencia. Ojal hubiese invertido esos 20 de ms antes y quizs no hubiera tenido que comprar tantas.
Wir haben etwas gesucht, worin unsere Nele sicher liegen/sitzen kann, wenn wir mal unterwegs sind und es besser fr sie ist, wenn sie nicht selbst luft oder beim Essen gehen. So hat sie jetzt immer ihren Rckzugsort. Die Tasche ist super, der Bezug kann gewaschen werden und sie lsst sich prima an meinem Rollator befestigen und passt auch super in den Fahrradkorb meines Dreirades
J’aime la qualit, mais trop petit pour autres chiens que chihuahua ou yorkshire. Mon Shih Tzu n’a pas assez de place. Les tiges en mtal fortifiantes inconfortables. J’ai ajout un tube en polystyrne, mais ne convient pas pour chiens un peu plus grands, pourtant les shih tzu ne sont pas grands!
Dommage, bel aspect, bonne qualit, mais uniquement pour vraiment petits chiens..
Kapten lskar sin kungatron. Sitter stadigt och ltt att stta dit och ta bort.
I purchased the seat in 2018. My dog and I liked the view out of the window from this sturdy box seat. The car seat is highly recommended for non chewers and people and dogs will be very happy with it.
However, my dog is a chewer and doesn’t like riding in the car that much. The lining was chewed up in a very short time. I cut plastic tubing lengthwise and put it on the rim when he cracked a tooth on the steel frame.
Update: wow, there are not sufficient stars! The Kurgo customer service is fantastic: fast, friendly, and the company actually lives up to it’s “life time warranty”. After submitting information and pictures of the damage my pup managed to make, within days I received communication that a courtesy replacement was on its way! I had not expected that, since the seat itself is great, it is my pup that chewed and caused the damage.
I very highly recommended the seat, it keeps your dog safe, is easy to use. But remember to cover the frame if you have a chewer like my pup!
Kurgo Rated six stars!
Fr unseren Spitz-Mischling (7,8kg) htten wir nichts Besseres finden knnen. Er passt so rein, dass er sich schn whrend lngeren Fahrten reinlegen kann aber auch nicht rumfliegt. Der “Anschnaller” fr den Hund (Karabiner und kurze Leine) ist sehr stabil.
Was mir besonders gut gefllt: Der Hundesitz ist extrem stabil und rutschfest am Sitz befestigt. Da kann sich nichts verdrehen oder berkippen, auch bei zackigen Kurven nicht. Ich denke bessere Qualitt kann man nicht erwarten.
Die Benutzbarkeit ist auch zu loben. Der Korb hngt an einer Befestigung, die sich am Korb lsen lsst. Somit muss nicht der ganze Sitz abgenommen werden, wenn nur das Innenfutter zum Waschen entnommen werden soll. Es reicht diese Steckverbindung zu lsen (whrend der Hund natrlich nicht drin sitzt) und den Karabiner kurz rauszuklipsen. Starkes Ding.
Al mio Arturo piaciuto dal primo momento! Pu stare davanti , nel suo posto preferito, ad osservare tutto quello che lo circonda in sicurezza, quando viaggiamo in macchina, per lui e per chi guida.
adatto alle sue dimensioni ( 8kg).
Ha un gancio di sicurezza per ancorarlo alla pettorina per non farlo scendere ed abbastanza grande per farlo accucciare. Ho pagato qualcosina di pi rispetto a quello che si trova in giro ma sono soddisfatta della qualit e sicurezza. Facilissimo da montare.
Amazon puntuale come sempre.
portare in giro la mia cagnolina (circa 9 kg) in smart sempre stato difficoltoso ma questo seggiolino sembra essere di suo gradimento e adatto alla macchina
Ce sige pour petit chien ici chihuahua convient trs bien notre petite chichi
Facile installer
De bonne qualit
Permet l’animal de regarder par la fentre
Pour nous bon choix et entire satisfactio
I like this car carrier for its quality and comfort for my little dog. I had read another review where one purchaser claimed that it saved the life of her dog in a very bad car accident, so I decided to get this one.
Patience is required in installing it. Take it slowly and pay extra care with instructions given it’s for the security of your pet. The pad insert is added comfort and it’s so much easier to put our dog in the car now. I feel I have piece of mind because if we just had him tethered to the seat belt, I know he would be a distraction and possibly injure himself if I braked suddently. This is great. Kurgo is such nice quality too.
Seggiolino va benissimo per il nostro piccolo barboncino toy…il cagnolino sta dentro veramente comodo….e viaggia volentieri…il seggiolino e’ morbido ed e’ fatto bene…ho dovuto cambiare il gancio di metallo che era troppo pesante per un piccolo cagnolino…ho trovato uno piu leggero…ottimo rapporto qualita’-prezzo….lo consiglio!
This is my 2nd Kurgo seat purchase over 5 years and I recommend them to everyone with small dogs. Secures your dog safely, great height to look out the window, easy to use and care for. I fold a bath towel in the bottom for a little extra cushion and height, and she loves to hit the road in it! The tether can also be removed for use if you ever have your pup out of the dog seat or need to comfort on your lap, (though be careful for the dangers of airbags since they can kill pets in accidents if you’re holding them.) It’s also handy because theres space underneath so you can still fit stuff on the seat- important for traveling. Over time, I had the bottom rear seam start to come undone, but it was still secure with the towel covering that spot. Also, when tightening the strap, don’t pull your absolute hardest because over time that can cause the seam to fray. I gave 4 stars for installation only because it has to go on a single seat that can have the strap wrap around it, so not some sedan backseats. I’ve bought one for a friend, one for each car, and I definitely recommend it!
Ich glaube, fr kleinere Hunde bis 5 kg, kleine Malteser , Yorkshire, Chihuahua gut geeignet. Obwohl meine Westie-Hndin nur 7 kg wiegt, ist der Autositz viel zu klein. Sie hat versucht, sich einzurollen und hinzulegen, keine Chance. Schade, denn eigentlich fand ich das Prinzip gut. Endlich konnte sie whrend der Fahrt mal aus dem Fenster gucken.
Deshalb leider zurck
Je suis trs enchante par cet achat, je suis partie en vacances avec un autre sige pour mon chien, un chihuahua de deux kilos. Le voyage fut affreux ! Ma chienne est sorti 14 fois du panier, les liens se sont desserrs une horreur. Bref aprs avoir lu les commentaires j’ai achet celui-ci. Le jour et la nuit. Ma chienne adore, c’est tout juste si elle n’y monterait pas dedans toute seule si elle avait quelques centimtres en plus! Elle regarde la route, elle kiffe ! Et mme elle s’y endort dedans. Elle pose sa tte sur le rebord. Elle adore. Et moi je roule en toute tranquillit de la savoir en scurit. Seul petit bmol un lger manque de confort j’ai ajout une petite couverture de bb pour ajouter une note de confort. Le sige ne bouge pas d’un pouce une fois install. Certains se plaignent du mousqueton soit disant trop lourd. J’en avait donc achet un autre avant de recevoir le sige. Sans le faire exprs j’ai achet exactement le mme mousqueton. Et au final je met les deux mousquetons a permet ma chienne de se coucher confortablement dans son sige tout en restant en scurit. Elle porte un harnais que j’avais achet en animalerie et je l’attache avec le mousqueton son harnais. C’est impeccable. N’hsitez pas c’est le sige qu’il vous faut ! PS : je l’installe devant mais sachez qu’il s’adapte aussi l’arrire lorsque vous avez un passager devant. Si vous avez une banquette 2/31/3 a l’arrire a s’installe trs facilement sur le ct un tier en baissant la banquette vous attachez puis remettez la banquette.
Antes sola subir a mi perrito talla XS en el asiento, se mareaba, vomitaba o se haca bolita para dormir, y estaba tan abajo, que la argolla de seguridad al cinturn del coche le quedaba muy incmodo y muy abajo.
Pens en cunto me importa que todos vayamos seguros en el coche y me avent a probar el elevador de asiento.
Ahora parece que mi perrito descubre el mundo cada vez que se sube al coche. Ya no se marea, ya no vomita, est cmodo y me parece que va ms seguro.
Se supone que los perros pequeos deberan transportarse en un transportn, pero quien suele andar con sus perros en el coche, sabe cmo terminan los pobres.
Ojo: no es una silla de seguridad, es un elevador con argolla de seguridad. El elevador se ajusta al asiento y la argolla de seguridad se amarra al cinturn de seguridad. Para que el perrito vaya seguro, es necesario ponerle un arns para el coche que sostenga al perrito directamente al cinturn de seguridad.
Para m, el combo de elevador y arns enhanced strenght, ambos de la marca Kurgo, fueron el mejor combo que encontr despus de varios das de comparar y revisar un montn de marcas y modelos, incluidos calidad/precio.
Contras: est forrado de tela polar y a veces le da calor, pero no es un deal breaker. Prendes el a/c y ya.
No son productos econmicos, pero…
Pens en cunto vale la seguridad de mi perro y de las personas que van en el coche conmigo, y decid que no tienen precio.
S lo recomiendo.
I bought this for my Poochon, it would be safe and sturdy for short journeys but we are travelling down South and he wouldn’t be able to lie down in it so I returned it.
Our 20 pound Shiba Inu travels in this. I feel better knowing that she’s safe. There has to be someone sitting by her or she will try to jump out. There’s a back clip so she can’t get too far but she will be able to get out of the actual box. I have had three of these, they last but will get sunbaked if they’ve been in a hot car. In the California sun it lasts about 3-4 years before I feel it needs to be replaced. We have an older dog that is about 22 lbs, I won’t put her in these bc it’s really good for 20 lbs and under IMO, any heavier and it puts a lot of stress on the adjustable strap that goes around the headrest. The other step goes around the seat so it doesn’t swing around. It is good that the dog is elevated so they can look out of the window. In the local stores this was $20 more. I put a blanket on the edge to make it a little more comfortable since my dog likes to rest her head on it. The inside can be take out for washing. Overall will continue to buy these as I’ve never had a problem.
I’ve been looking for a booster seat for my Lhasa Apso for a looong time. We’ve tried and returned multiple seats due to weak metal, saggy bottom, and concerns on how long it would last with my chonky 18 pound short legged but long bodied pup in it. This is IT. I kept shying away from Kurgo cause of it’s price but finally said whatever and ordered one. I was extremely pleased when I opened it. Beautiful red fleece bottom and side covers which can be removed. Heavy duty fabric and metal brackets and clips. There’s no spiderweb of straps like some of the other ones for your pup to get tangled in and the carabiner to attach the harness is sturdy as well. We can’t wait to use it! It’ll be extremely nice to have when we do our 3 hour road trips to see my brother. She’ll be able to look out the window as she pleases without trying balance on her legs. It’ll be an extremely tight for for her to lay down and to be honest I’m not quite sure she can comfortably but she can sit very nicely and turn around if need be.
We’ve tried other seats and they lose their shape after a while. This one doesn’t at all, it’s really sturdy and just great.
Unsere Bolonka-Hndin ist gut darin aufgehoben und fhlt sich auch wohl in ihrem Hochsitz. So kann sie whrend der Fahrt nach drauen gucken, wenn sie es mchte und ich muss mir trotzdem keine Sorgen machen, dass ihr etwas passieren knnte. Allerdings passiert es auf lngeren Fahrten sehr oft, dass nach mehrmaligem Positionswechsel innerhalb des Korbes der kurze Haltegurt so verdreht ist, dass ich ihn kaum noch lsen kann. Ein bereits werksseitig angebrachter Drehkarabiner wre ideal gewesen – deswegen ein Punkt Abzug. Ich habe den Gurt vorsichtig aufgetrennt und den Karabiner selbst angebracht. Seitdem gibt es keine Probleme mehr.
Worth it. Have a cavachon thats energetic and other seats have collapsed over time with her standing to look out. This is sturdy, comfortable, easy assemble and remove quickly if needed.
This is a great booster seat unfortunately my yorkie still hates the car nothing to do with the seat .
I am determined to keep trying Cory in it , just going to keep taking him out on very short journeys in the hope he will get used to the car .
Love ! Love ! Love! Well worth paying the bit extra for a good product easy to set up in car and my dog can see out window wich was important for me without the need to put cushions under its secure and safe Love it and would recommend 100%
These are luxury for my dogs, very sturdy and look very comfortable. No complaints at all
First trip in it to the vets. Really easy to put together and came really quickly
Lovely, comfortable first car seat for my puppy. Very soft so not very sturdy but offers a safe and comfortable journey in the car. Easy to install, with some alterations to the straps. It does move a little bit. Great attachment for clipping onto puppy harness. I use an additional one for extra security.
A lovely, well made booster, car seat.
I put an extra piece of form in bottom as my dogs are small no they see out the window and I do not have an anxious dog now
My dog loves this as it gives him the view he wants, and I can be assured he is safe. Large enough for him to sleep in but I’d say, it’s for small dogs.