Logitech G435 LIGHTSPEED & Bluetooth Wireless Gaming Headset – Ultra Lightweight 165g over-ear headphones, built-in mics, 18h battery, compatible with Dolby Atmos, PC, PS4, PS5, Mobile – White
Only from Logitech G, LIGHTSPEED wireless lets you play with high-performance audio response, robust connectivity, and long battery life. All with up to 10 m / 33 ft in range.
Bluetooth wireless
When you’re not gaming on your PC, you can still play at high speeds on other devices with low-latency Bluetooth. And of course you can also listen to music and talk to friends.When you’re not gaming on your PC, you can still play at high-speeds on other devices with low-latency Bluetooth.
Weighing in at only 165 grams, G435 is lightweight and comfortable enough to wear all day.
Mic dropped
With dual beamforming mics, we were able to drop the mic arm while reducing background noise and making sure you sound like you’re in the same room as your friends.
Superior audio quality
Get immersed in carefully balanced high-fidelity sound. Discord certified, G435 features 40 mm audio drivers and compatibility with Dolby Atmos and Windows Sonic.
Optimized for smaller head sizes
G435 fits a wide range of people, but it was designed for the comfort of smaller head sizes. There is also an optional 85 dB volume limiter so you don’t blow out your ear drums.
Long battery life
Whether you’re gaming or listening to music, you’ll be able to enjoy your wireless experience for 18 hours on a full charge.
The more sustainable choice
Certified CarbonNeutral: for every product you buy, we finance high-quality certified carbon offsets, to reduce the carbon impact of the product to zero.
Play in colours
Play your way with G305, a LIGHTSPEED wireless mouse that has great battery life and colours to match your G435 headset.
Weight: | 379 g |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 16.3 x 8.1 x 17 cm; 379 Grams |
Model: | 981-001074 |
Colour: | White |
Colour: | White |
Size: | One Size |
Tags: AccessoriesConsolesLogitechMatchMobilePlayStation 4saverDealsuperSaverDeal
Ik heb deze gekocht voor gebruik bij Zoom bijeenkomsten. Mijn iPods vallen soms uit mijn oor en dan is de verbinding gelijk weg. Op zoek naar een betaalbare oplossing deze gekozen.
De koptelefoon is licht, dus niet irriterend. Goed geluid voor zowel verstaan als spreken. Heerlijk lange tijd voordat de batterij opnieuw moet worden opgeladen.
Ho deciso per la prima volta di acquistare delle cuffie wireless per giocare con la playstation, queste sono perfette , si sente e ti sentono bene, la batteria ad oggi dura molto e soprattutto sono leggerissime, non danno fastidio dopo un po’ che le hai addosso.
No pesan nada, la batera dura muchas horas, y la calidad de audio es muy buena. Sin duda, repetira con estos, ya es la segunda unidad que compro. Los recomiendo al 100%
Devo dire che le cuffie sono esteticamente molto belle, leggere e comode. Unica pecca hanno l audio un po’ bassocomprate per usarle per gaming. L audio pulito e brillante pero risulta essere basso nonostante siano al massimopeccato per il prezzo mi sarei aspettata di piunonostante tutto sono comunque delle belle cuffie
Son muy top, aunque la tela se ensucia bastante. Del mismo modo, se limpian rpidamente con agua y jabn. Son cmodos, aunque me molestan un poquito si paso mucho tiempo con ellos. Se escuchan muy bien. Del microfono podra esperar un poco ms, pero valen incluso para conversaciones largas.
Aufgrund des Preises war ich etwas skeptisch, aber ich bin mehr als zufrieden. Die Kopfhrer sind super bequem, es drckt nichts, die Soun- und Microqualitt ist toll und die Akkulaufzeit fr jemanden wie mich mehr als ausreichend. (ich benutze sie ca 5 Stunden am Tag, aber nicht tglich und sie halten damit eine gute Woche) Das einzige Manco ist, dass man aufpassen muss, auf welchem Slot der USB-Empfnger steckt, da das und etwaige andere nebenan angeschlossene USB-Sticks die Verbindung stren knnen.
Da das fr mich aber grundstzlich unproblematisch und das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis absolut stimmig ist gibt es von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung und 5 Sterne.
Daughter uses it for iPhone, iPad, PC without any hiccups. Easy to work with, good sound that works for gaming, music and movies. Again, for the price they are a steal imho.
Trs bon produit, j’aime beaucoup le casque. Esthtiquement il est trs sympa, gros point fort il est vraiment trs lger on ne le sens vraiment pas sur sa tte, et portant des lunettes ce n’est absolument pas drangeant. Le seul soucis c’est la batterie qui n’est pas du tout de 18h, je pense qu’elle est plus autour des 9h. Donc un peu dus sur ce cot l mais bon pour le prix franchement il vaut le coup je suis trs contente d’avoir acheter ce prix. Je prcise que j’ai ce ressenti aprs 1 mois d’utilisation 🙂
Funktioniert gut und gnstig. Besonders angenehm ist, dass das Headset sehr leicht ist. Das Mikrofon ist sehr sensibel und Nebengerusche werden auch besonders stark von unten her bermittelt (z.B.: Katze, die am Boden miaut). Umgebungsgerusche knnen nicht “ausgeschaltet” werden, was das Gert sicher gnstiger macht. Wnschenswert wre ein Warnton, wenn der Akku zu neige geht, da das Gert bei zu niedrigem Akkustand dann einfach ausfllt.
Mi trovo benissimo, comprate per esigenza, le uso principalmente per il pc, comprate perch sono bluetooth e posso usarle con qualsiasi dispositivo.
Mi piace tanto il design e la comodit data dai padiglioni grandi.
Non mi fa impazzire che non c’ un software a disposizione per regolarle come logitec GHUB e che non si possa mettere il rumore ambientale.
Sicuramente ci saranno di meglio a livello uditivo, ma per il prezzo alle quali le ho acquistate sono top.
Si los encuentras de oferta (muy fcil), es de lo mejor calidad-precio que he probado. Muy cmodos por lo poco que pesan y con un sonido excelente.
Se pueden usar tanto con el receptor usb que lleva (recomendable siempre) como por bluetooth.
La parte de arriba es un tipo de rejilla muy cmoda sobre todo para los meses de varano.
Duracin de la batera bastante buena.
Prodotto di ottima qualit e suono pulito peccato che funzioni subito con il light Speed ma bluetooth PC messaggio come PIN errato e da telefono non connette anche resettando, sarebbe bastato un free module senza tante menate comunque prestazioni soddisfacenti (con volume booster).
Comodidad – Se ajustan perfectamente a mi cabeza (aunque esto diferir entre personas). Pensaba que mis orejas tocaran la parte de plstico del interior del casco, ya que tengo orejas grandes, pero no.
Peso – No pesan casi nada, por lo que es perfecto para largas horas de trabajo, gaming, etc… vamos, que podras estarte todo el da con ellas y te olvidaras de que las llevas puestas.
Facilidad de uso – No necesitas N A D A. Ni instalar ningn programa ni hacer volteretas para utilizarlas, simplemente plug and play.
Batera – Yo que estoy varias horas usndola encuentro que se descarga rpido. Lo bueno es que puedes cargarlo mientras lo usas, por lo que no hay ningn problema.
Micrfono – Sinceramente, no es el mejor micrfono en unos cascos, pero por el precio estn genial. La voz se escucha claramente y compite con otros cascos de precios ms elevados. Yo personalmente, utilizo un micrfono aparte, por lo que esto no es un inconveniente. Es ms, aveces tengo que alejarme de la pantalla (a coger una bebida de la nevera) y activo el micrfono del casco para poder seguir hablando mientras me alejo. Cuando vuelvo aveces me olvido de volver a activar mi micrfono principal y mis amigos no han tenido ningn problema en cuanto al audio.
Diseo – Esto es ms subjetivo pero debo decir que al poder ofrecer varios colores y estilos se puede adaptar fcilmente a la esttica del setup de cada persona, con lo cual es otro punto positivo.
Conclusin – Se lo recomendara a cualquier persona que busque unos cascos econmicos que pueda cubrir entretenimiento (pelculas, juegos, etc) y trabajo.
Casque trs pratique avec une connection wifi ou Bluetooth et avec un son plutt pas mal pour les jeux, les films et mme la musique.
Micro de niveau passable mais je conseille pas.
Je l’ai achet pour mon fils et il est trs content le poids est lger pour un casque sans fil il est surpris du poids et de l’autonomie le seul dfaut qu’il reproche au casque c’est de ne pas tre compatible avec xbox.
Estos cascos tienen una calidad muy buena. El sonido es ntido y no tienen interferencias al usarlos, ya sea mediante el USB que trae como por bluetooth. Los cascos son muy cmodos, ya que las almohadillas se adaptan a tu odo, haciendo que al escuchar msica o al estar jugando, no vayas a escuchar del todo el que pasa a tu alrededor. Al ser ligeros hacen que sean muy buenos para llevarlos durante mucho tiempo puestos, porque casi no notas ni que los llevas puestos.
For the price they sound great, very light weight barely even feel them on my head. I like how theyre built, they don’t get sweaty. Not a super premium product, but for the price cant fault it at all
Pues eso , son unos auriculares el cual han cuidado su empaque , su diseo y la facilidad al usar, sin estar pendiente de software ni nada, el cual puedes usar en cualquier momento, msica , calle , etc.
Su peso, en la mano parece que no tuvieses nada, pesan super poco , algo que pudiese ser distintivo de comodidad .
Su sonido , es algo enlatado, no esta mal , pero no se puede ecualizar .
Su comodidad, son algo pequeos, cabeza chica , quizs nios , la tela que cubre el plstico es eso una tela y quizs parezcan cmodos o puedas sentir ese plstico .
El micrfono , pues le falta , te oyen bien , pero no es una voz clara y que se acerque a la realidad.
son unos auriculares baratos que se pueden regalar perfectamente. pero tener en cuenta que son pequeos.
Grundstzlich begeistert.
Am Handy und PC schner Bass und gute Tonqualli. Akku hlt lange. Kan garnicht sagen wie lange. Hab es noch nicht geschafft ihn leer zu machen. Meine lngste Nutzung war bis jetzt 4h.
Bedienbarkeit ist gut. Man kann die Knpfe gut erreichen und bemerkt auch das man sie drckt.
Signalqualkitt top ca. 10m im Haus mit 3 Wnde dazwischen. Mit Bluetooth geht es noch etwas weiter ca.12m. Premiere und schnell, kein Ton Versatz.
Das Micro ist angenehm da es nich vor dem Mund baumelt.
Allerdings sagen meine Freunde das man einige Nebengerusche hrt. (Sie sind auch von meine g935 verwhnt.) Trotz Sidepegel Minderung. Zum Micro wrde ich 1 Stern abziehen. Am Handy ist die sprachqualitt so wie wen man mit der freisprecheinrichtung vom Handy spricht. Also ok.
Nebengerusche sind recht erstaunlich wenig. Durch die leichten Stoffpolster vermutet man eigentlich mehr Gerusche.
Das Gewicht ist sehr leicht und angenehm zu tragen.
Allerdings nach 4 Stunden drckt der Bgel oben am Kopf etwas und hinter meinen Ohren bei den Ohrlppchen beginnt es auch unangenehm zu drcken. Was bei meinen g935 nicht der Fall ist. Dafr wrde ich einen Stern abziehen.
Fr Ganze Gaming Tage (8-10h) wrde ich eher abraten. Fr unterwegs, Handy gebrauch oder krzere gaming saison ist es zu empfehlen.
Although i did not pay premium my order arrived quite quickly. My concerns are one the product is in the wrong colour and there vrry minimal damages to the product(smudges).
Le son est ok l’coute pour le prix du moins.
Le micro tonnamment ne fonctionne pas trop mal.
Cependant l’arceau n’est pas assez souple et donc le casque me serre un peu trop la tte. Depuis que j’ai un Corsair VOID je ne peux pas repasser ce type de casque. J’ai donc fait un retour.
Soffrendo di cervicalgia, sono andato alla ricerca delle cuffie wireless pi leggere sul mercato. Ne ho provate svariate con pesi oscillanti tra i 200 e i 300g, ma anche dopo sessioni di breve di utilizzo, cominciavo a percepire fastidio, e spesse volte dolore, al collo. Queste cuffie, con i loro 165g di peso, sono le pi leggere che sono riuscito a trovare. A volte ci si dimentica persino di averle in testa.
La qualit audio buona, possibile collegarle sia con il dongle in dotazione che in Bluetooth, quindi si possono usare alternatamente su due dispositivi senza dover riaccoppiarle ogni volta o spostare il dongle da una parte all’altra.
A mia sorpresa, sono compatibili con la PS5. Il Bluetooth non va, ma inserendo il dongle nella porta usb della ps5 vengono riconosciute (plug n play) e vanno una meraviglia.
Ultimo ma non per importanza, la durata della batteria soddisfacente. Io le carico abbastanza stesso per non andare a stressare la batteria facendola scaricare del tutto. Cavo USB-A — USB/C in dotazione.
Che dire, rapporto qualit-prezzo (e peso) ottimo! Soddisfattissimo.
his headset is so comfortable. the noise cancelling is great for a headset that is so lightweight. the only reason i cannot give it 5 stars is because the microphone is pretty bad. i would 100% recommend this headset as long as you are using something else for a microphone (which i am). otherwise, the best headset i have bought. easily.
sound quality is banging there is a little noise leakage but who cares let everyone listen to the bangers your listening too, battery life is around 12-14hs depending on usage type, charges super fast with typical USB C phone chargers, overall very happy, also connects via bluetooth seemlessly
These headphones are comfortable light and wireless. The sound is very clear and so is the very important microphone.
These headphones are surprisingly comfortable after reading reviews I thought it might not be but they were wrong the box is very small but th product is well sized but the microphone is not the best the battery life is good and it charges very quickly on ps5 idk if it would be that quick on other things like pc
This headset is great with excellent sound quality and range nothing beats it at this price in my opinion. My only concern is in its cheap feel, being entirely made of plastic I have had no quality issues thus far but it does not feel durable.
La scelta fra le varie soluzione di cuffie gaming ricaduta su queste per 2 motivi fondamentalmente, la prima che sono anche bluetooth per cui le posso utilizzare anche per vedere la tv, e la seconda per il ritorno della voce in cuffia che permette di parlare senza urlare mentre si gioca.
Il ritorno della voce ottima, regolabile tramite combinazione di tasti su 2 livelli, in pratica la voce ritorna in cuffia proprio come quando si parla al telefono, all’inizio sembra un pochino innaturale ma dopo pochi minuti ci si abitua e devo dire che davvero utile.
Per quanto riguarda il collegamento bluetooth invece non mi piaciuto il fatto che non riesco a collegarle automaticamente al televisore, (cosa che le altre cuffie molto pi economiche che ho fanno) e ogni volta bisogna andare nel menu del tv, fare ricerca dispositivi, premere 2 tasti nelle cuffie per collegarle, ecco perch delle 4 stelle.
Il collegamento con chiavetta lightspeed invece immediato.
Una volta collegate comunque il suono ottimo, non hanno la cancellazione attiva del rumore ma isolano abbastanza bene e anche la sensazione di suono 3D buona.
Sono molto leggere e comode da portare anche se per la mia testa l’archetto leggermente corto anche se regolato al massimo, per un bambino sono invece perfette.
Il microfono va benissimo, dall’altra parte nessuno mi ha mai detto di non sentirmi in maniera ottimale.
testate per adesso solo al Pc e vanno molto bene per il gioco.
Ok first up these could be better I think. The sound quality is passable but I find it slightly inferior to say an ancient Sony Walkman headphones.
However I did need a a wireless solution for the kids to play networked, with a microphone and headphones built in and this fitted the bill as being say under 60 I bought three for three kids rooms and three machines so total cost was lower.
One quirk – despite being Bluetooth the headphones only work with their own dongle so you have to give up a port on your PlayStation. Nuisance given the fact the device and console are both Bluetooth and should just connect together? Next if you lose the dongle you’re then stuck.
Battery life isn’t brilliant but isn’t the worst, it’ll game for a few sessions ok. However over time eg a few days or a week the battery then dies so you have to remember to charge before you play or there’s the option of charging as you play with a wire hanging out the side to get the dead unit going (defeating the wireless feature but gets you started).
The microphone isn’t bad in case you were wondering. Not the clearest with best definition but for this price it’s ok
Bought for use on Nintendo Switch. Does not connect using the dongle. Did not connect via Bluetooth initially. Had to update the firmware first. And since it connects via Bluetooth only, no microphone/no native voice chat on Nintendo Switch. But very comfortable. Sound is okay. Cant comment on the battery as I am returning it.
These headsets are on the smaller side. Great for teens or kids, but even at full extension they weren’t large enough for me. The headset was comfortable and if it had just an half an inch more of extension, I would have kept them. They are very light and would be ideal for prolong use.
The mic quality isn’t great but the audio from the headphones is good quality considering the cost of the headset itself
Initialement je recherchais une casque pour ma Nintendo Switch Oled.
Premier point important, obligation de passer par la case mise a jour du casque par le site de Logitech pour que le casque fonctionne sur Switch.
Pour cette dernire d’ailleurs, il fonctionne uniquement en bluetooth et pas avec le dongle USB.
Parlons maintenant du casque sur son usage global.
Le rapport qualit-prix et performance est juste incroyable.
– ct confort il est trs lger et les coussinets a mmoire de forme sont trs agrables ( je porte des lunettes donc important pour moi )
– niveau son rien a dire pour le prix c’est globalement trs bon mme si le spectre sonore n’est pas trs large.
Point important la latence en bluetooth est trs faible et imperceptible.
Conclusion je le recommande 100% pour ceux qui n’ont pas envie de dpenser des centaines d’euros.
Il fait globalement mieux que 90% de casques qui cotent le double de son prix.
It can be an absolute nightmare to get working under Win10 and which flavour of Windows is running. Bluetooth is easy, but no microphone. Adding and deleting the adapter, physically removing/re-inserting and then it works. Sound quality after a successfull installation is great, both for the ear bits and mic.
Ich wollte ein gnstiges Wireless – Headset fr meine Switch kaufen, da erschien mir das Logitech G435 fr knapp 40 Euro gut genug zu sein. Ich war jedoch unsicher, da stndig Leute behaupteten, es wrde NICHT mit der Switch funktionieren.
Tut es aber doch! Man braucht in etwa 10 Minuten (und einen PC) aber dann geht es.
Der Bluetooth Audio Support fr die Switch wurde erst JAHRE spter nach ihrem Release hinzugefgt.
Das knnte erklren, wieso es so einige Probleme mit diversenen Bluetooth-Headsets und der Switch gibt.
Zugegeben, so grob aus der Packung heraus wird es nicht gehen. Hier aber mal ein paar Tipps:
Was viele vielleicht nicht wissen (konnten): Das Headset verfgt ber 2 Modi, die man umschalten kann!
1. Lightspeed (mit beiliegendem Dongle) und
2. Bluetooth.
Um den Modus zu wechseln:
Nach dem Anschalten des Headsets den “Stumm” Knopf ein paar Sekunden gedrckt halten, dann ndert sich der farbige Punkt und leuchtet kurz auf
Das Headset braucht ein Update, extra fr die Switch um mit beiden dieser Modi auch zu funktionieren.
Auf der offiziellen Website von Logitech steht das auch da…! Immerhin ist dieses Update kostenlos auf der Seite verfgbar.
Damit Lightspeed und Bluetooth an der Switch funktionieren brauch man also Folgendes:
Das Update:
1. Stick in den USB Port am PC stecken+ Headset verbinden. (ber Lightspeed-trkis!)
2. Update runterladen+installieren
3. Verbindung trennen
Fr Lightspeed an der switch:
4. Dongle in den USB Port der Switch stecken
5. Headset anschalten, Stumm Knopf gedrckt halten und auf TRKIS stellen.
6. AN/AUS Knopf und “Stumm” Knpfe GLEICHZEITIG gedrckt halten, damit das Headset in den “Pairing-modus” geht und das entsprechende Gert FINDEN kann.
7. Auf der Switch in die Einstellungen > BluetoothAudio > Gert hinzufgen.
8. Beide Gerte sollten sich jetzt finden. Hinzufgen und fertig!
Fr den Bluetooth Modus (ohne Dongle!) Modus einfach die Farbe auf BLAU umstellen, und dann das Gleiche ab Schritt 6. !
Klingt jetzt alles kompliziert ist aber eigentlich echt easy.
Zugegeben, das alles steht NICHT in der beiliegenden Anleitung, ist jedoch auf der g435 online Anleitung zu finden. Musste ein bisschen selbst recherchieren. Echt doof.
Wenn man die 5 oder 10 Minuten an “Arbeit” investieren kann/will lohnt es sich aber!
Beide Modi funktionieren Tadellos an der Switch, hab ich selbst getestet 😀
(Am PC, Ps4, Ps5 sowieso!)
Sitz und Klang des Headsets sind fr den Preis super. Habe nicht gerade einen kleinen Kopf, aber das Headset sitzt gut.
Und auerdem sind diese 2 Modi uerst ntzlich, wenn man mehrere Gerte hat. Ich werde beispielsweise an der Switch den Bluetooth Modus nutzten, whrend der Lightspeed Dongle am pc bleibt.
So kann ich jederzeit ohne nervige Fummelei wechseln!
Einfach den Modus wechseln und Fertig 😀
He probado 2 unidades, motivo por el cual modifico totalmente la resea, al no ser justa con el producto.
La 1a unidad tard una semana en llegar, desde Alemania, era de segunda mano, pues faltaba parte del embalaje de proteccin, plsticos y la caja del cable estaba cerrada a desgana, sin cuidado, los cascos tenan marcas en la diadema, como que quien se los puso llevaba pinzas en el pelo y se quedaron las 2 marcas ah. El usb para el Lighspeed estaba averiado, no se podan actualizar los cascos, Windows lo dejaba de reconocer a mitad de actualizacin y saltaba un error. Los devolv, pese a que me salieron a muy buen precio por un descuento importante, al que no he podido volver a acceder por ser temporal.
La segunda unidad, ya sin el descuento, me vino en el mismo da de pedirlo, un sbado, gratis con envo urgente de Prime. Mismos cascos y mismo color. El embalaje estaba impecable, con todos los materiales de proteccin, plsticos, y el resto de elementos nuevos e impolutos. Obviamente el paquete vino desde el almacn de El Prat de Llobregat.
Para quienes tengis problemas de vinculacin: el primer dispositivo se vincula casi sin hacer nada, pero a partir del segundo ya hay que iniciar los cascos en modo vinculacin pulsando el botn de encendido y el de mute a la vez, ojo, no slo el de mute, que sirve para cambiar de sistema inalmbrico, parecer que se pone en modo emparejamiento de bluetooth (bluetooth azul, lighspeed turquesa) pero no, se pone en bsqueda de dispositivos ya vinculados. En caso de no tener ninguno, s se pone a buscar nuevos, pero slo lo hace en esta circunstancia. Por eso, si tienes ya 1 vinculado y quieres agregar ms, los 2 botones que no son el de subir/bajar el volumen has de pulsar, a la vez.
A veces merece la pena pagar el producto con su precio regular, no los de ofertas grandes puntuales, porque pueden pasar estas cosas.
Sobre la calidad de los cascos, son muy confortables, el sonido es ideal para este rango de precios, obvio si quieres ms, has de ir a por unos Sony, Sensheiser, y otros fabricantes ms especializados. Estos son unos cascos con precio contenido, dirigidos a un pblico gamer que quiere algo sencillo, sin gastarse un dineral, que sean cmodos , y con un micro muy potente. Puede ocurrir que se oiga hasta cmo tose el vecino del quinto piso, pero a vosotros se os escuchar tambin.
I’m a gamer who always struggles to find headsets that fit my head. (I’m 30 but most headsets are too big).
I bought these to replace my razer kraken kitty headset, and these are so much comfier. I like having the little buttons within reach. And handy to use for gaming as no wires. Sound quality and mic quality is good.
Overall I am very happy with my purchase @ 55
Sound ok – better for gaming than music as they do lack a bit of soundstage and presence but at this price point they represent great value and are perfect for kids / teenagers.
Extremely light
Battery life seems decent
Great value at this price
Very useful to have both Bluetooth and USB
Sound quality is very average for music
Lacks bass and clarity / soundstage
I needed a headset to use with my laptop. I went with these, mainly due to price and brand reputation. They’re fine.
Don’t expect the sound quality to be amazing: it’s not. But it is ok for the price. The low end is quite overpowering and the mid is lacking. They are extremely light and comfortable to wear however and the mic isn’t bad. The build quality is ok but they do feel ‘cheap’. It would’ve been nice to have the option of a wired connection.
Overall, I would recommend these as a secondary or travel headset. This is mainly due to the price and very light weight.
Fine for youtube listening and voice chat. Bit meh for music but only costs about 50. Unfortunately my experience of bluetooth headsets is that if you want a good set for indoor lisetning you need to faff with proprietry software/hardware and sound cancelling nonsense all of which causes issues unless you are willing to spend silly money.
As said sounds a bit meh for anything more than talk due to the bass is a bit thin. If you want to listen to music expect to set up an equaliser on your music software/app to at least attempt to offset the issue but bottom line: the speakers don’t have enough punch. Otherwise sound is clean with no noise, something that headsets several times the price can’t seem to manage…
These just work, would be nice if they had more controls on them but whatever. Very light plastic and cheap in the hand but forget they are there on your head, frankly fine with this as I’m not going to be manhandling these. Top strap sucks, could do with some padding maybe. Battery life is solid, lasts yonks before charging. Getting a good seal over the ears is hit and miss, I find I have to place then spend a few secs adjusting both ears until they are right. That said the weight means these don’t get uncomfortable even after hours of wear.
Anymore than 50 and these are not worth it but at that price sure. Considering that my extremely low standard of ‘no white noise or whine’ was too difficult for 300-400 range headsets (and they didn’t sound great in the examples I tried anyway) I’ll take what i can get.
Vengo da modelli di fascia pi alta ma a questo giro mi sono voluto tenere basso, anche spinto dalle recensioni entusiaste di altri utenti e testate del settore. Prese a 60 non c’ che dire, hanno un ottimo rapporto q/p. Per se si alla ricerca di volume e materiali di pregio, conviene ovviamente guardare altrove.
Super Sound, selbst Time aus Inception verzerrt nicht.
Besonders angenehm zu tragen, alle Teile, die sonst aus diesem klebrigen Weichplastik sind, sind hier aus Stoff. Das wird im Sommer sicher angenehm und zerbrselt sicher auch nicht nach einiger Zeit.
Los cascos son muy cmodos, funcionan bien en pc y smartphone pero he tenido que devolverlos porque no se conectan a la switch. Una pena.
I brought this headset for my son to use on his PS5 any gaming PC. First off the headset is incredibly light to the point you can not feel them sitting on your head. The ear cups are material so your ears do not get hot and they feel like they can breath. The ear cups do seem small but do fit over your ears snuggly. The wireless function is excellent and works really well on both set ups. My son talks with his friends all the time and has no issues with the mic. For the price they are well worth the money and I would say the best headset in this price range. I use steelseries on my setup but would certainly use these as an alternative. Logitech are a trusted brand and once again this headset meets the benchmark of a good quality build.
Das Headset ist sehr gut und besonders der Ton hat mir gefallen.
Das Problem ist eher das Mikrofon. Es ist echt nicht sonderlich gut und dadurch nicht zum benutzen empfohlen. Da wrde sich eher ein Standmikrofon oder sonstiges lohnen. Trotzdem empfehle ich das Headset weiter, da es fr ein kabelloses Headset echt top Preis Leistung hat.
Se los he comprado a mi hija para reyes y esta encantada, son ligeros, comodos, pesan muy poco, se adaptan perfectamente y parece que no los llevas puestos. Calidad-precio muy bien, supongo que los hay mejores pero lo importante es disfrutar de lo que has comprado.
Me los compr por lo poco que pesan y porque le que eran perfectos para cabezas pequeas; y cumplen a la perfeccin con lo que prometen.
Son algo caros, pero se conectan sper rpido, no aprietan, no pesan, son cmodos y se escuchan genial.
Como pega, dira que la banda superior es poco acolchada, pero como no pesan ni aprietan no se nota.
Come da titolo, ritengo queste cuffie adatte ai giocatori che non hanno grandi pretese. Io mi considero un giocatore assiduo con predilezione per le sessioni in solitario, cercavo qualcosa che mi permettesse di ascoltare decentemente, senza avere l’ingombro del filo, a una cifra ragionevole. Il suono soddisfacente, per i videogiochi, meno per l’ascolto musicale. Ho verificato il microfono e funziona correttamente, senza avere l’ingombro dell’asta di fronte alla bocca che, per quanto mi riguarda, una caratteristica fondamentale. Uso le cuffie sulla PS4, una volta inserito il Dongle, vengono riconosciute immediatamente, bisogna poi lavorare sui tasti di controllo del volume unitamente a quello per silenziare il microfono per trovare le proprie impostazioni ottimali, ricordatevi anche di andare nel men della PS4, nella sezione audio, per aumentare il livello sonoro e provare il microfono. Nella confezione non troverete le istruzioni, se non quelle didascaliche, quindi vi consiglio di andare sul sito della Logitech e scaricarle, cos non perderete tempo inutilmente; ad esempio, il microfono ha un effetto riverbero piuttosto marcato, che potrete disattivare giostrando sui tasti, senza istruzioni non ne verrete a capo. Un grande punto a favore di queste cuffie il peso, sono veramente leggere, potrete indossarle per svariate ore senza sentirle gravare sulla testa o comprimere le orecchie; possiedo anche le Turtle Beach 600 di seconda generazione che sono, a livello costruttivo nettamente migliori, ma pesano quasi tre volte tanto, dopo un paio di ore diventano insopportabili. In sintesi ve le consiglio se, come me, non avete esigenze da giocatore che predilige l’online e che, quindi, necessita di apparecchi maggiormente performanti. Le ho pagate 60 Euro, per recensirle a 5 stelle le avrei dovute pagare 10 in meno!
Me gusta mucho que lo puedas utilizar tanto para el mbil como para la play,quizs son un poco pequeos o justitos de tamao
Sonido increble en juegos ps4, comodidad de auriculares que no te enteras ni de que los llevas puestos. Estoy encantada.
dralas de gran servicio de posventa, me llegaron con el usb mal y en 2 das tena unos nuevos en casa.
Todo de 10
I was really looking forward to these as I love Logitech. The headphones were light, with great sound quality. However, the fact that they aren’t multipoint was too much of a negative to overlook for me.
I was really looking forward to these as I love Logitech. The headphones were light, with great sound quality. However, the fact that they aren’t multipoint was too much of a negative to overlook for me.
Very good headset, been using it for a while now, mainly for gaming, I’m unable to hear anything around me, and the sound quality is rather good. The only downside to this headset is for whatever reason the headset sometimes loses connection and has a complete loss of sound for a couple of seconds.
Very good headset, been using it for a while now, mainly for gaming, I’m unable to hear anything around me, and the sound quality is rather good. The only downside to this headset is for whatever reason the headset sometimes loses connection and has a complete loss of sound for a couple of seconds.
I have each of G models and it really surprises me that this modes sound so good. It connects very well and fast. Battery life is good. I will definitely buy one more simply because I want two colors.
I have each of G models and it really surprises me that this modes sound so good. It connects very well and fast. Battery life is good. I will definitely buy one more simply because I want two colors.
Son estupendos para usar tanto para juegos como para escuchar msica. O usar con zoom y video conferencia. La batera dura todo el da. Estupendos me los volvera a comprar. Gran calidad y poqusimo peso.
Primeros auriculares gaming comprados y cumplen a la perfeccin. Un diseo logrado y muy fcil de usar que junto a su autonoma, lo hacen de lo mejor para mi gusto.
cuffie sono Logitech e quindi garanzia.
Sono leggerissime, aderiscono bene all’orecchio senza questo sudi dopo diverse ore addosso.
Qualit audio ottima cos come la qualit del microfono. Un prodotto TOP!
Very Comfortable for the few hours they last. Just wish the battery was a little better than that. The quality is decent, definately heard worse. Better than very cheap wired headsets even.
bought this to replace my old microsoft lx-3000 headset.
my requirements were: wireless, light and comfy, microphone, and usb-c
was originally looking at the corsair hs70. which is still a headset i think looks incredible. the only downside: it has micro usb. i refuse to buy products with micro usb today.
so i got the g435. they sound really really good – as someone who is not audiophile, that is. they are very light so you barely notice them on your head, and the earcushions are made from a breathable fabric.
the microphone is servicable. not great or anything. these are beamforming mics after all. but judging by youtube reviews, there are other much more expensive headsets with boom mics that sound much worse than this one.
so overall for the price you’re paying, there is nothing to complain about. good sounding very comfortable and light headset with an ok microphone.
bought this to replace my old microsoft lx-3000 headset.
my requirements were: wireless, light and comfy, microphone, and usb-c
was originally looking at the corsair hs70. which is still a headset i think looks incredible. the only downside: it has micro usb. i refuse to buy products with micro usb today.
so i got the g435. they sound really really good – as someone who is not audiophile, that is. they are very light so you barely notice them on your head, and the earcushions are made from a breathable fabric.
the microphone is servicable. not great or anything. these are beamforming mics after all. but judging by youtube reviews, there are other much more expensive headsets with boom mics that sound much worse than this one.
so overall for the price you’re paying, there is nothing to complain about. good sounding very comfortable and light headset with an ok microphone.
Das Headset liegt gut auf den Kopf und man merkt es kaum auch nach stunden langen spiele
Qualit audio nella media. Plasticose al tatto. Bassa autonomia.
L’unica nota positiva il peso (davvero leggero) che le rendono molto comode quando indossate.
Stabile la connessione bluetooth.
Nella confezione (scarna) oltre le cuffie ed un manualetto d’istruzioni, presenti il cavo di ricarica e un ricevitore wireless (da usare in alternativa alla connessione bluetooth).
Nel complesso buone cuffie over ear.
Le consiglio solo a chi piace questo particolare stile e/o se in offerta (per me valgono max 50).
Attention, pour les ps4 il est impossible de le connect en Bluetooth par contre c’est ok en lightspeed. Si jamais vous avez un problme sur l’utilisation, ne contacter pas le service client qui est totalement incomptent : 3 agents pour me dire que c’est une erreur et qu’il n’est pas compatible ? Ils ne savent pas de quoi ils parlent.
Le casque est livr avec un manuel d’utilisation en QRcode.
Les boutons sont les suivants : power, volume et mute.
Me gustan mucho estos cascos por su comodidad y por su sonido, son buenos. Lo nico que no me gusta es que son pequeos por qu vienen reducidos para cabezas pequeas como bien pone en el informe. Es lo que hay que tener en cuenta. Por lo dems muy bien y la batera genial
Los auriculares Logitech G435 son unos auriculares sper ligeros, muy cmodos, y para el mbito que yo los compr, estn de lujo, el hecho de prescindir de la varilla de micrfono los hace mucho ms estticos. Los he probado en discord con amigos, y se me escucha con claridad, al igual que yo escucho a los dems perfectamente. En juegos, el sonido me ha parecido bastante correcto, y ms que suficiente para echarte tus partidas tranquilamente. El tema de delay la verdad que es imperceptible. Tanto para juegos, como para msica, vdeos, ha sido una compra acertada.
Justo esta maana estaba pensando en devolverlos porque no se conectaba va bluetooth a m nintendo switch, me daba mucha pena porque son preciosos y suenan genial y para m tienen un tamao perfecto y un peso nfimo. Justo cuando estaba preparando las cosas para devolverlos, he probado por ltima vez y despus de unos intentos,funciona perfecto en switch, tanto en el dock como en porttil. Los recomiendo muchsimo eso s, si tienes la cabeza pequea o mediana,mi novio que es ms cabezn se les queda pequeos.
10/10 en todo menos en qu no tiene cancelacin de ruido y que el micro es regulero, no es malo pero se mete mucho ruido de alrededor.