Masters of the Universe Origins Castle Grayskull Playset

Dimensions: | 14 x 68 x 46 cm; 2.2 Kilograms |
Model: | GXP44 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 16 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 6 years and up |
Assembly: | No |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Composition: | Plastic |
Dimensions: | 14 x 68 x 46 cm; 2.2 Kilograms |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 16 |
Lovely updates to the sculpt, paper cutout banners, armor, and computer are actual cast parts – though the armor is not included. What is included is a fantastic Sorceress figure, in brilliant white. The trapjaw bridge is more solid than ever, and MOTU origins figures fit through the entryway!!! The stickers I’ve put on as badly as any 49 year old could manage. Two weapon stands, ladder, and combat training boar. The elevator looks and works great, including the gargoyle. The blaster turret can be turned, and looks technomagic.
My inner child’s eyes twinkle, my grown nerd self approves.
Enter at your own Risk, He-Man! Skeletor will never stop until he commands Castle Greyskull and it’s secrets.
El castillo difiere en varios aspectos del original de los 80’s. Lo ms notable es la forma d ela calavera, est es un poco ms recta, pero como quiera luce fantstico. El plstico es ms suave y se ve de mejor calidad que el vintage. Han mejorado algunos elementos del interior, como las computadoras, que ahora son plstico y no stickers. Otro punto a favor son los herrajes para cerrar el castillo. Son mejores y no creo que se rompan tan fcil como los de hace 40 aos. La Sorceress es color blanco luce bastante genial y me encantan sus alas que se pueden extender o encoger. Lo consegu a un sper precio por menos de $1000 pesos. Si tienes el dinero, en serio que no lo ests dudando y consguelo. No te vas a arrepentir ya que este playset es uno que cualquier amante de MOTU debe de tener. 😀
This is a great product and does everything you’d want it to. My youngest son and I have had hours of fun with this. Would recommend.
Grazie x aver fatto sorridere mio figlio…prezzo accessibile e seriet..grazie.
Il est authentique. Achet en solde,trs content. Je recommande 100% !
Bellissimo, fatto molto meglio di quello degli Anni 80: uguale, ma i materiali sono migliori e i colori pi accurati. Sono stato felicissimo di regalarlo a mio figlio di 7 anni, che impazzito di gioia!
Piu’ massiccio dell’originale anni “80, contiene una Sorceress esclusiva, totalmente bianca, inoltre ha parti di plastica dove negli anni “80 erano di cartone o adesivi. Consigliato sia per i nostalgici che per chi ha figli e vuole far loro conoscere un bel brand della propria adolescenza.
It’s an almost perfect replica of the original He Man castle that I remember having as a child and the price was not outrageous.
Para los que no pudieron tenerlo en su da… cog una oferta genial. Fiel al original y con una figura de la hechicera en el lote. Genial
Wunderschn dieses Set aus der Origins-Reihe von Masters of The Universe. Dem historischen Jahrgang sehr hnlich, unterscheidet es sich in einigen Farbnuancen, aber 2021 entpuppt es sich als groartiges Spielset. Um whlerisch zu sein, htte Sorceress vielleicht besser charakterisiert werden knnen, aber alles in allem knnen wir zufrieden sein. Positiv anzumerken ist der Preis von 99 ber den von Mattel empfohlenen 89,90 , aber immer noch unter der psychologischen Schwelle von 100 , fr die der Kauf machbar ist. Auerdem ist es, wie ich gesehen habe, nicht bequem, es auszugeben, es wre in der Tat weggeworfenes Geld. Vollstndig beworben wie die gesamte Origins-Linie, was nicht wenig berraschend ist.
J’ai achet aussi des Playmobil (Agence tous risques et Scooby Doo), mais l, c’est vraiment “le” chteau, il fait pas trop jouet pour ma part, je le laisse en dco, comme un trophe….
Dire que je n’avais pas pu l’obtenir l’poque…..
Awesome. Slightly different to the original & all the better for it!
Not sure why I never saw these in stores. I love the “origins” line. (The others? Not so much)
A booth in my local flea market is trying to sell these for several hundred bucks.
If you’re on the fence about buying one of these, do it now.
Lleg perfectamente embalado en otra caja ms grande, sin daos en la caja original.
Rpido y perfecto.
Ottimo. Si avvicina molto a quello degli anni 80 ,in alcune cose migliorato. Dovrebbero riprodurre anche la cittadella del serpente , sarebbe il TOP.
Et voil il est arriv, que dire de cette immense boite avec le Dessin somptueux qui est dessus. Sans mentir j’ai bien pass 1h sur la boite a regarder chaque petit dtail et a me remmorer chacun de ces personnes. Je ne regrette pas de l’avoir achet. J’ai reu le choper 79 Frais de port compris. J’avoue que a fait une sacr diffrence avec le prix de l’ancien mais bon qui se situait l’poque vers 25 plus ou moins . Mais la qualit est bien suprieure maintenant ce qui explique le pris sans doute. On a droit a du plastique dur ou lieu du fin de l’ancienne version. Le seul truc qui m’avait un peux perturb tais les autocollants plus petit ,en particulier les monstre en prison qui ma l’air petit . a c’est moi qui chipote sans doute. Sinon je le recommande vivement comme cadeau anniversaire ou mm St Nicolas, Nol . Rendra heureux petit et grand .
superbe reproduction du clbre chateau des ombres en proie aux assaults rptes du terrible skeletor . Assez bien dtaill dans l’ensemble , le jouet est quip de multiples gadgets , comme les trappes , lances missiles , cartes , chelle….Vraiment iconique des maitres de l’univers , cette reproduction ravira les fans de l’poque .
Precio perfecto unos 60 euros y llego perfecto y completamente protegido y ningun golpe un diez por Amazon,para regalo o coleccionar es perfecto una buen chute a la nostalgia y los acabados muy Buenos en todos los aspectos…si mo quieres pagar lo que vale el retro esta es la mejor opcin, Amazon un diez por hacerlo llegar en perfecto estado
Im Groen und Ganzen eine gelungene Neuauflage der Vintage Grayskull. Einige Dinge wie zum Beispiel die Sturmleiter und das Geschtz wurden verbessert. Leider gibt es auch Kritik. Der Waffenstnder ist nicht mal halb so ausgerstet wie bei der Vintage. Und die Sorceress ist wirklich billig geworden. Alles in allem aber fr den Preis okay.
As an avid fan of He Man and the Masters of the Universe in the 80s I have been following this ultimate of toys for decades, so I was incredibly happy when this new version was released! I never got to own the original 80s model, so I cannot truly compare it like for like, but what I can say is that this is a robustly build piece, it looks and feels of high quality, clearly made with modern technology yet able to retain the 80s vintage feel that I remember. Don’t hesitate for a moment, you will not be disappointed
Impresionante, un viaje de retorno a mi niez. Gran calidad
Para quem est em dvida ainda de adquirir este castelo de grayskull , no fique !! Pois incrvel bem melhor que o antigo mais reforado peas que eram de papel agora so de plstico ! Nota 10 indispensvel para quem viveu est poca !!
Fue un capricho de mi marido, y le ha encantado a l y a mis hijos. Rememorando viejos tiempos
Consegu el castillo en mil pesos con descuento y envo incluido, lo estaba buscando desde que sali, pero su precio en promedio es de 1500 pesos y aprovech la oportunidad; lo positivo es que lo envan con caja externa del fabricante Mattel, entonces la caja del producto no lleg maltratada y al ser una pieza de coleccin ms que un juguete, result en algo bueno. Incluye sus accesorios y una figura edicin limitada de Sorceress que slo se consigue con el castillo, excelente para la nostalgia!
En perfecto estado. Sper completo. Lo nico que es muy difcil meterlo todo en la caja una vez se ha sacado.
A remake of the original Castle – came with 0 damage, marks or dents which was amazing, the art work on the box is awesome. Such a great price considering how big the castle is, all the components and additional figure and art stickers to decorate the castle with. Absolutely Awesome! 😀
A remake of the original Castle – came with 0 damage, marks or dents which was amazing, the art work on the box is awesome. Such a great price considering how big the castle is, all the components and additional figure and art stickers to decorate the castle with. Absolutely Awesome! 😀
El castillo esta muy bonito, el material es resistente, hecho de un plstico resistente a diferencia del de los 80 que era mas quebradizo, incluye la figura de Sorceress que esta muy detallada, excelente para coleccionistas y para los mas pequeos del hogar, incluso la caja es muy bonita, le pongo excelente calificacin por que lo adquir de oferta por $999.00 pesos mx
El envo fue rpido y la caja tiene detalles que ameritan usarla de pster, el acabado y los detalles son increbles, de hecho mucho mejor que el que tuve hace 35 aos, no solamente me encant sino que capt la atencin de mis hijos, tanto por su originalidad de concepto como el diseo porttil, tamao y jugabilidad, recomendado!
Hermoso juguete que hace recordar nuestra niez y crea nostalgia para los que tuvimos la suerte de vivir su lanzamiento original 80s
Productos entregados en muy buen estado de proteccin y seguridad. Ampliamente recomendable
El precio fue de lo mejor, el envo rpido y a buena hora. El empaque tambin muy bien ( no llego maltratado o roto) Acabo de comprar 3 artculos ms, espero que me lleguen en las mismas condiciones
Es muy similar al vintage, esta muy padre y me trajo muchos recuerdos.
estaba dudoso de comprarlo, pero estaba a buen precio y resulto una gran compra, bien protegido y llego rapido, es muy similar al ochentero, pero mas ligero y detallado, ademas la figura que trae( sorceres) le da un plus al castillo.
Bello,migliorato nelle plastiche e nelle giunture( unito da una piccola stecca di metallo) anche i perni per tenerlo chiuso sono cambiati a mio avviso migliorati,anche tutti gli oggetti presenti nel nuovo come nel vecchio sono fatti con plastiche e finiture migliori,pi alto dell originale f una figura bellissima ancor meglio giocato con i figli
..all interno presente un edizione speciale(bianca) di Sorceress
Totalmente recomendable, sobre todo si lo encuentras por menos de 70 como fue mi caso.
Grab it when it’s on sale, MOTU continues to be a popular toy 40 years later.
Got this as a present for our 7yr old son for Christmas, to replace the one which he played with (my old 80s one). Fantastic updated version. Good quality improved features. Great to have origins out there for the new and old fans!
Got this as a present for our 7yr old son for Christmas, to replace the one which he played with (my old 80s one). Fantastic updated version. Good quality improved features. Great to have origins out there for the new and old fans!
Che prezzo ha la nostalgia? La qualit notevole per un pezzo riprodotto, imballo perfetto e doppia scatola a protezione, facile da montare. Bella anche la Sorceress bonus dentro. Mio figlio di 7 anni ha avuto modo di rivivere degnamente la magia degli anni 80.
This is amazing I had one in the early 80s and this reproduction of the 80s castle is perfect from the outer box and the super artwork to the playset itself I would have thought for this kind of nostalgia I would have been paying well over 100 I got mine for 69.99 and considering it comes with a limited edition sources figure that you would normally pay 15 for makes the even more of a bargain. Great for collecting old and new
La boite est fantastique, ce qu’on ne peut pas nier sur la gamme origins c’est que le choix des artistes sur les artworks et les covers sont parfaites !
Elle est magnifique mais la taille est trs imposante et peu pratique pour une exposition ou une mise en avant.
Ayant aussi le grayskull 80, la comparaison n’a pas lieu d’tre, l’intention est trs louable de ressortir un playset si emblmatique, j’espre que ca va continuer, il y en a tellement d’autres !
What did I use this product for? Amazon asks To bring back the 80s and my youth! And it’s magic
Thank you Mattel, thank you Kevin Smith.
This is a beautiful piece of moulded plastic.
Great detail, impeccable accessories, amazing size! And the price, even when not on sale, is so good for a toy like this!
And the pice de rsistence? The white Sorceress She is just mint.
Like Cringer, just dew it!
Simplesmente sensacional!! Comprei com um mega desconto na Black Friday, a entrega ocorreu antes do prazo e o produto e excelente.
Some slight improvements from the original. I personally like the originals paint better. Or at least one of the originals as there where 2 paint variations. The flag won’t fall apart like it did on the original
Chegou muito bem embalado, a caixa externa parda estava amassada, mas a interna intacta.
I will be comparing it to the original from 1981.
Firstly, the illustration on the front of the box is of the 1980’s original. The new Origins one in the box is considerably different. The 80’s one was much more ‘three-dimensional’, with a more shapely skull, protruding helmet-thing and more shape to the towers, including the window and it’s sill. In comparison this new one looks very flat.
The skull shape and dimensions are completely different, but that’s part of the point of this new line. ‘Origins’ is so called because it features a number of variations based on how things appeared elsewhere, such as prototypes (Lords of Power figures for example), and comic-book versions.
This Castle Greyskull is based more on how the castle appeared in the earlier mini-comics that were packed in with the orginal figures, prior to the awful Filmation revamp with all it’s secret identity nonsense and insulting moral lectures (yes, I was offended by it as a 7yr old). As such, it does a very nice job of capturing the look. Which one you would prefer is open to personal interpretation, but the new Castle is very nice regardless of which one you like best. This time around the jawbridge is painted on the outside (although lacking in molded detail compared to the original), and the floors inside are sculpted with floorboards. You also get two printed-frabric internal banners to hang from a number of places, and the ladder can slot into a number of dedicated ports. The weapons-trainer is much nicer with this one too. There’s pegs on the floors for figure feet.
There are negatives compared to the original though. The weapons rack on the original came with 9 weapons, this gives you only 4, although there are the places for holding things such as the shield that doesn’t come included this time. There’s also a second weapons rack with this, minus any weapons. There was a cardboard cutout of a full rack with the original. The plastic is overall cheaper and flimsier compared to the original, meaning that the floor will sink a little if you put a few figures on it.
The centre-floor and computer (plastic, not cardboard this time) meet up with each other when it’s closed, as the dimensions clearly weren’t sorted out, meaning that you have to force it closed, which could eventually lead to the hinges splitting at some point. There’s no robot with the computer this time. The cardboard robot has been replaced with a proper plastic figure, but it’s not included with the castle, and could only be obtained as an American convention exclusive, which is very frustrating.
There’s a bit less floor space due to the ‘flatter’ design of this one. Also this one is designed to be played with fully opened out, whereas the original was designed to have the castle walls at a right angle when the back is opened out. As such you get no ‘side wall’. You can of course leave it at the old style right angle, but if you do so, the centre floors overlap with one another, meaning that the trap-door can’t be used and one of the ladder areas doesn’t work either.
Overall it’s better in some ways, worse in others. Is it worth having? Definitely, no doubt about it. It is really nice, and the box, like the original, has some fantastic art on it. Mattell really should release posters of some of the MOTU box arts from over the years.
When you consider that there’s a figure included (15 value approx), then you’re getting this castle (at today’s price) for about 65, which is pretty good.
I will be comparing it to the original from 1981.
Firstly, the illustration on the front of the box is of the 1980’s original. The new Origins one in the box is considerably different. The 80’s one was much more ‘three-dimensional’, with a more shapely skull, protruding helmet-thing and more shape to the towers, including the window and it’s sill. In comparison this new one looks very flat.
The skull shape and dimensions are completely different, but that’s part of the point of this new line. ‘Origins’ is so called because it features a number of variations based on how things appeared elsewhere, such as prototypes (Lords of Power figures for example), and comic-book versions.
This Castle Greyskull is based more on how the castle appeared in the earlier mini-comics that were packed in with the orginal figures, prior to the awful Filmation revamp with all it’s secret identity nonsense and insulting moral lectures (yes, I was offended by it as a 7yr old). As such, it does a very nice job of capturing the look. Which one you would prefer is open to personal interpretation, but the new Castle is very nice regardless of which one you like best. This time around the jawbridge is painted on the outside (although lacking in molded detail compared to the original), and the floors inside are sculpted with floorboards. You also get two printed-frabric internal banners to hang from a number of places, and the ladder can slot into a number of dedicated ports. The weapons-trainer is much nicer with this one too. There’s pegs on the floors for figure feet.
There are negatives compared to the original though. The weapons rack on the original came with 9 weapons, this gives you only 4, although there are the places for holding things such as the shield that doesn’t come included this time. There’s also a second weapons rack with this, minus any weapons. There was a cardboard cutout of a full rack with the original. The plastic is overall cheaper and flimsier compared to the original, meaning that the floor will sink a little if you put a few figures on it.
The centre-floor and computer (plastic, not cardboard this time) meet up with each other when it’s closed, as the dimensions clearly weren’t sorted out, meaning that you have to force it closed, which could eventually lead to the hinges splitting at some point. There’s no robot with the computer this time. The cardboard robot has been replaced with a proper plastic figure, but it’s not included with the castle, and could only be obtained as an American convention exclusive, which is very frustrating.
There’s a bit less floor space due to the ‘flatter’ design of this one. Also this one is designed to be played with fully opened out, whereas the original was designed to have the castle walls at a right angle when the back is opened out. As such you get no ‘side wall’. You can of course leave it at the old style right angle, but if you do so, the centre floors overlap with one another, meaning that the trap-door can’t be used and one of the ladder areas doesn’t work either.
Overall it’s better in some ways, worse in others. Is it worth having? Definitely, no doubt about it. It is really nice, and the box, like the original, has some fantastic art on it. Mattell really should release posters of some of the MOTU box arts from over the years.
Sorceress came with hardened glue smeared on her, other than the quality control on her the castle was perfect.
Produto chegou em otimo estado, veio na caixa parda, em excelente condio e ainda bem rapido. O castelo muito bonito, bem feito e remete demais ao da infancia. Recomendo
Me fascin el precio, el detalle, el arte de la caja y la figura includa. Un maravilloso set que ha sido remasterizado a su vieja gloria vintage con aires modernos. No debe faltar en tu coleccin.
Muito top, feiticeira ficou show e o castelo muito bonito e resistente!
O item chegou dentro do prazo e a caixa em perfeitas condies. A caixa veio dentro de uma outra caixa da de papelo da Mattel, muito legal para a conservao da caixa mesmo, que tem uma belssima ilustrao e vale muito a pena expor e guardar. O castelo remete muito ao clssico da dcada de 80. Os recursos e acessrios sao os mesmos. O material um plstico fino mas resistente. Fora isso uma pea excelente para colecionadores e para crianas brincarem. Preo na amazon muito melhor do que em qualquer outro lugar. Recomendo!
Bought as a present for someone so can not really answer the questions other than to say the person was happy with the present.
Bought as a present for someone so can not really answer the questions other than to say the person was happy with the present.
Brilliant it’s like the original one i had when I was a massive he man fan in the early 80s but it seems more robust with some improvements, just buy i
This playset is great if you are a fan of the original 1982 toy line. They bring back a sense of nostalgia but combines modern collector sensibility. The Sorceress action figure was a nice addition to the playset. A must have for any MOTU fan!
Llego en excelentes condiciones, se entrega en caja de Mattel sellada, da mucha confianza recibirlo as directamente.
El playset es un clsico y si coleccionas motu origins es un must adems que la figura de sorceres vale la pena
Me lo regal mi esposa y me encant. Tiene El mejor precio del mercado en Mxico, muy bonito, pero el control de calidad de la linea Origins no es perfecta y es cuestin de suerte. La figura de Sorceress tiene la cadera floja y el sticker del interior vena un poco arrugado. Aparte de esos detalles todo bien, viene con el mailing box de cartn original para proteger el empaque.
Chegou rpido, bem embalado e o melhor, mais barato que comprar na loja. Nostalgia pura e apresentando pro meu filho uma de minhas animaes favoritas da infncia.
Tem esse probleminha. Tem dois braos direito. Gostaria que efetuassem a troca. Por favor. S a boneca da feiticeira que preciso que troque
Esta impresionante….pens que no me iba a emocionar tanto como cuando fui nio y me equivoqu….Lo amamos!!!….mis sobrinos tambin estn felices.
Llego mur rpido y bien empacado la caja trae unos detalles pero al parecer en general bie
Excelente producto a excelente precio, ademas llego muy bien protegido
Desde el arte de la caja con sus personajes y esos colores geniales que usaron, hacen todo un deleite visual.
Estuve literal cazando el castillo para que me lo vendiera Amazon a un precio razonable y no de revendedores y vali la espera. Increble que en menos de media hora que hice el pedido, de los 30 castillos disponibles alcanc uno. Ya que todos volaron !!! Mattel nos ha hecho felices a muchos. Ahora estoy cazando a algunos personajes que me faltan.
No fica devendo em nada para o vintage, uma nova proposta com um visual e funcionalidades atualizados. Praticamente a mesma escala do antigo gostei bastante.
Tudo veio perfeito!
Um brinquedo que certamente ir divertir a famlia toda.
Fhlt sich sehr weich und dnn an. Auch hatte das Gemuer flecken und man sieht berall Plastikgusspunkte. Ob die 30-40 Jahre wie die alte hlt, bleibt abzuwarten. Auch die Kanone ist nicht so schn wie das original aus den 80igern.
Htte so auch gut 10 Euro weniger kosten knnen. Trotzdem im groen und ganzen fr Sammler eine ganz klare Kaufemfehlung
Retroartwork, Hammer geile Figuren, top Preis. 89 fr ein Castle Grayskull inkl Zauberin? Einfach Hammer. Aber wichtig: Kauft nicht bei Scalpern und wartet bis die Sachen normal lieferbar sind, die Preise sind zT massiv berzogen.