Neato Robotics D7 Intelligent Robot Vacuum – Compatible with Alexa – Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Charging Station, Wi-Fi and App

Intelligent Robot Vacuum

Neato D7 is the best robot vacuum in our line-up. It has all of our newest features including zone cleaning, multiple floor plan mapping, and No-Go Lines, so your home will be cleaner than it ever has been.

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    With zone cleaning, you can target trouble areas in your home more frequently.

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    Tell your robot where not to go while helping prevent it from getting stuck.

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    Your Neato robot can clean all floor types including carpet, tile, laminate and hardwood floors

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    Get up to 120 minutes of battery life, perfect for flats and smaller homes

D7 – High-End Model

Our Neato products

No-Go Lines

Multi-Floor Plan

Quick Boost

Up to 120 min

Runtime per charge

Up to 120 min

Manual remote

Turbo mode

Zone Cleaning

No-Go Lines

Multi-Floor Plan

Quick Boost

Up to 120 min

Runtime per charge

Up to 75 min

Manual remote

Turbo mode

Zone Cleaning

  1. D650 – Premium Model
  2. D450 – Entry Model

Weight: 3.4 kg
Dimensions: 32 x 34 x 10 cm; 3.4 Kilograms
Brand: Neato Robotics
Model: D7
Colour: Silver/Black
Colour: Silver/Black

227 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ adore….
    Ce robot est fantastique :
    trs facile a installer, vous le brancher, vous tlcharger l’appli, vous suivez pas a pas les indications et c est tout bon…. (si jamais vous n’arrivez pas a vous connecter la premire fois, il faut rteindre et relancer l’appli). La premire fois que vous lui demanderez de ntoyer il dcouvrira tout seul son environment et circulera entre les pices et les couloirs pour retourner se ranger bien sagement.
    Si vous voulez lui demander de ntoyer une pice en particulier, pareil, trs simple soit vous lui indiquer la zone nettoyer via l’appli (mais il faudra au pralable crer une carte d’tage). Soit vous le poser l’endroit en question et lui demander un netoyage de zone, il vous rendra alors 4m nickels.

    Concernant la puissance d’aspiration, bluffant galement ( mais effrayant, je n’avais pas conscience de la quantit de poussire qu’on accumule chaque jours.). En mode prcaution, il prend environ 50 min pour 45 m. (avec beaucoup d’obstacles).

    Enfin concernant les obstacles, il se dbrouile plutot bien sauf avec certaines chaises si jamais leur ouverture entre les pieds est trop similaire la largeur du robot (dans ce cas il risque d’avoir du mal s’en sortir, mais jusque la il a toujours trouver la solution…)

    L’appli enfin est pas incroyablement intuitive mais on fini toujours par s’y retrouver .

    Seul point ngatif, il n’est pour l’instant pas disponnible sur google home ( contrairement a ce qui est indiqu) et il faut passer par un protocole IFTT…

    Si vous avez trouver ce commentaire utile, n’hsitez pas le dire 🙂

  2. Erin says:

     France 🇫🇷

    … ce que la base tombe en panne et ne recharge plus le robot … SAV en cours … mon avis s’adaptera au rsultat du SAV le robot date de novembre 2018 …
    Sinon le robot en lui-mme est top ! Il ne se bloque pas entre les pieds de chaise, il passe partout mais comme tous les robots il ne fait pas le petit coin au fond difficile d’accs !
    La cartographie des pices est trs bonne.
    L’application est simple et complte.
    Je suis anti-Alexa et autre produits de ce type donc aucun avis sur le fonctionnement avec ces “machines”.
    Il reconnait bien sa base, aucun souci de se cot l.
    Le seul point problmatique est quand la connexion internet est perdue alors qu’il tait en action, parfois il galre un peu revenir sa base.
    Il est bruyant c’est une certitude, mais comme il fonctionne quand je ne suis pas l, cela ne me drange pas.
    La fonctionnalit manuelle avec le tlphone est un gadget inutile.

    Avant la panne de la base, tout allait bien, je vais donc tester la qualit du SAV et de la prise en charge.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDavvero notevole!

    Fa lo stesso casino di un tagliaerba a motore ma in compenso pulisce come un’aspirapolvere a corrente.

    Ha potenza da vendere ed una spazzola molto efficace che lo rendono efficacissimo persino sui tappeti a pelo lungo (ne abbiamo uno by Ikea alto 2.5cm e va via che una bellezza)

    Il software abbastanza evoluto e permette tante cosine interessanti (che per il momento non ho sfruttato) ma ha uno algoritmo tutto suo per decidere come pulire casa:
    passa dal bagno alla sala alla cucina cos, quasi x noia, per poi doverci tornare x finire…mah?

    A breve prover anche la mappa multipiano anche se non ho capito se serve tassativamente la base aggiuntiva.

    Fino a qualche mese fa avevo un Roborock S50 (che mi si rotto dopo 3 mesi e la garanzia Gearbest mi ha fatto maramao 🙁 ) e devo dire che dal punto di vista pulizia il D7 vince a mani basse, mentre per quanto riguarda la deambulazione l’S50 aveva davvero una marcia in + (il D7 direi che soffre di labirintite)

    Col senno di poi ritengo che il D7 sia davvero un ottimo acquisto (che rifarei) che consiglio vivamente.

    Leggo che la spazzola del Folletto Vr100 (che sono sempre Neato. O meglio Folletto ha acquisto Neato) in grado di ridurre notevolmente il livello di rumore del D7 (che, ripeto, davvero importante).
    Sto valutando se acquistarla…

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 445 From Our UsersJ’ai reu mon robot hier et j’ai pu le tester immdiatement.
    Trs bien emball tout d’abord, c’est aussi trs trs simple de le connecter au wifi.
    Aprs l’avoir positionn correctement j’ai lanc le robot pour qu’il “cartographie” la pice. Alors oui il est plutt bruyant et on dirait qu’il va dcoller au dbut mais honntement je le fais tourner que quand je ne suis pas l le reste du temps donc il suffit de le supporter juste une fois (et il y a pire aussi hein).
    Une fois la cartographie faites, il retourne sa base parfaitement et se remet charger.
    La cartographie est vraiment nickel je n’ai rien a redire l-dessus.
    Ensuite vous pouvez via l’application dessiner avec votre doigt les endroits o vous ne voulez pas qu’il accde (personnellement vers le bureau pour viter qu’il passe dessous l o il y a tous les cble et souvent la chaise qui bloque l’accs). Bref ensuite on programme les jours et heures avec possibilit de mettre des horaires et des jours diffrents. Le top !
    Ce matin, pendant que j’tais au taff, une petite notification comme quoi il a fini le taff et me montre la cartographie avec les endroits o il est pass. Aucun endroit oubli et toute la maison en un temps record (mais au final il pourrait bien y passer 2h vu que je ne suis pas chez moi je m’en fou).
    Je compare et recompare et rerecompare toujours 1000 fois avant d’acheter (surtout un produit ce prix). Au final il est affich 800 chez Boulanger contre un peu plus de 500 chez Amazon. Aprs avoir hsit avec les Roomba et notamment le 980, j’ai regard des vidos de comparatif sur internet et le Neato gagnait 6 0 face au Roomba.
    Je verrais dans le temps comment il gre et je mettrais un nouveau commentaire si je regrette cet avis (sinon un pour confirmer d’ici 1 an ou 2).
    En attendant n’hsitez vraiment pas et ne tenez pas compte des commentaires ngatifs, les soucis peuvent arriver et le service client de Amazon est vraiment au top pour grer si soucis. Mais je ne peux que recommander ce super aspirateur robot qui aspire super bien peluche de poussire, sucre en poudre, petite poussire ou l’inverse terre ou bout de gteau.

    N’hsitez pas signaler si mon commentaire vous a t utile 😉

  5. JosefinZ02 says:

     United Kingdom

    Love my neato, it was bought as a gift. It is a superb vacuum and cleans thoroughly.
    I have no downside to talk of. I was very surprised that it works so well. I have owned mine for over a year and wouldn’t be without it now.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great on hard floors. good on short pile carpet but the dust bin fills up with a lot of wool on the carpet.
    Really good machine, navigates well, very impressed.

  7. LuigiOchoa says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersEigentlich wollte ich mir den iRobot Roomba i7+ kaufen aber nun bin ich froh, dass ich fast 900,00 gespart habe!
    Der Neato kann sich nicht selbst entleeren, was zwar praktisch wre, aber bei unseren vierbeinigen Freunden kommt so viel Schmutz, Staub und Haare zusammen, da wre die Absaugstation auch nach 1 Woche bestimmt schon voll. Und fr 900,00 weniger mache ich auch gern mal den Staubbehlter leer. Ansonsten kann er alles war der Roomba auch kann.

    Also als mein Neato D7 ankam, war ich noch skeptisch. Nach der ersten W-LAN Einrichtung & Update, musste ich den Neato noch einmal zurcksetzen, da es die bekannten W-LAN Probleme gab…

    Das Zurcksetzen hat aber alle Probleme beseitigt und nun luft er einwandfrei. Die Karten wurden aufgezeichnet und ich konnte meine Wohnung in Zonen einteilen! Alles ganz simpel! Super!
    Die Reinigungsleistung ist beeindruckend! Nach der ersten Reinigung war der Staubbehlter randvoll.

    Ich kann den Neato wirklich nur empfehlen, selbst mit Kabeln hat er kein Problem.

    – Ein kleines Manko gab es leider trotzdem, ich hatte einen neuen Neato Botvac D7 bestellt, aber leider war das Modell was ankam schon einmal wohl gelaufen. Amazon schickt nun ein neues Gert zum austauschen.
    Vielleicht etwas pingelig, aber ich htte gern ein wirklich neues Gert, wenn ich ein neues bestellt habe. –

    PS.: Im Video kommt die Lautstrke sehr viel lauter rber als er ist. Man kann ihn tatschlich auch gut mal saugen lassen wenn man zu Hause ist.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    More update: customer service is brilliant and they fixed the unit quickly. It s working fine

    I own quite a few smart home gadgets but this is my favourite. It a like part of the family 🙂

    The cleaning is very good (i own a flat with carpet and tile surfaces) and you can easily notice the cleaning. Dont own a pet so i can’t say much about dog/cat hair or snake skin…

    The mapping is excellent. There is a special cleaning which you do when you first install it and it maps the whole house. Once thats done, you use the app to mark each room. After whole process all done. Send neato to clean the kitchen, the hallway wherever you made a mess…

    Obstacle detection is great too. Cqn climb over a lim laptop, legs of a rocking chair…

    It moves in a proper line pattern, not an erratic or random movement…

    I use it with alexa. Instructiom for whole house cleaning is easy but sending neato to clean only kitchen is not something i managed to do yet. Maybe that feature is not enabled. On the plus side the app has scheduling optuon. So you can set it to clean everyday at specific times.

    Noisewise it’s quite but as reference our hoover is a miele! If you havent seen one miele literally peels the carpet off the flooring at max power. The carpet loses it s colour…

    In summary it really feels like you own a robot.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI set the vacuum on a daily clean schedule while I’m at work and I’m really impressed with its ability to negotiate the nooks and crannies in my apartment.
    Battery life is really good, the self charging is a great feature too.
    Highly recommend.

  10. Corinne Reichert says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAprs 5 jrs d’utilisation, le premier bilan est trs positif ! J’avais un peu peur aprs une trs mauvaise exprience d’achat d’un balai aspirateur excessivement onreux d’une clbre marque dont je tairai le nom. Ce robot s’avre tre trs efficace au regard de sa taille. Je l’ai longuement observ pendant qu’il uvrait, totalement hypnotique, et j’avoue tre stupfaite. Il est effectivement beaucoup plus efficace lorsque la pice est bien dgage d’obstacles et que les meubles sont hauts. Soyons honntes, on ne peut pas lui demander de bouger les meubles ! Je travaille 12h par jour, je suis maniaque, j’ai un chat et aujourd’hui je suis bien heureuse de ne plus avoir passer l’aspirateur tous les jours. Du temps de vie gagn, que du bonheur ! Je prcise qu’il me semble trs silencieux en comparaison du balai aspirateur voqu prcdemment et mme beaucoup plus facile nettoyer. Donc je recommande ce produi

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBot is the best thing since sliced bread. I ask him to clean when I want. He just goes and does his vacuuming without a fuss. I move everything g for him first so he has a clear run. 35 square meters in 30 minutes. If you hate vacuuming as much as me. Get the D7 Neato as it connects to your 5g WiFi. The others don’t. Absolute LOVE my Bo

    Awesome, love my Bot. The future is robots to help us

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Neato Robovac D7 Connected

    I wanted to hold off writing this review for a time as the product had just been released and I was awaiting several upgrades that would allow it to do everything I wanted. Firstly let me say that this is a top end robot vacuum and that is heavily reflected in the price. I have a lot of floor space to cover and decided that for the amount of time it would save me I could justify the price over a couple of years. I am astounded by how well the physical item performs and how well the updates allow it to function. I should also add that I have purchased a second charging base for around 30 to allow it to clean on a second level. Without this it would not be possible and would severely affect my review. Let me do a full breakdown.

    Suction and cleaning – On a hardwood floor and tiles this vac is very good. it struggles to meet some edges and corners but does improve with time. If it weren’t for this I would never have to get the traditional vacuum out again but I do still clean with traditional vac once a week. String and Cables are the enemy of this robot cleaner but that’s an easily avoidable problem.
    On medium pile carpet this Vac also does a very solid job, and the edge and corner problem is much less noticeable.

    Navigation – The map system used allows this cleaner to navigate with ease around a home in no time and the more it is used the quicker it gets. It deals with unexpected obstacles very well but to get the most out of it I would say that the more you can prepare your house beforehand the better clean you will get. The software (which I will get to next) allows for No-go lines to be drawn which do away with the need for magnetic strips to cordon of areas or rooms, and this works exceptionally well. I do still use a magnetic strip at the top of the stairs but this is out of sheer paranoia rather than necessity. It finds it way back to the charging dock every time without fail.

    Software – Following numerous updates which solved all of the niggles I had initially the software is now excellent. It allows for multiple floor plans across different levels of the house, No-go lines to be drawn and also allows for Zones to be created so that problem areas can be cleaned more regularly. I also allows for multiple users across multiple devices as long as they are all logged in to the same account. This updates all devices and shares maps and settings very well. It also allows for the cleaner to be used when you or anyone else who is “connected” is out of the house and have a nice clean floor to come home to.

    Battery and Dirt Bin Capacity – I shall begin by saying that I am using this vac across a good 1000sqft of floor space on each level and the downstairs is open plan which is where it really shines BUT and its a very large but I have never had it need to return to its base for a recharge during a clean. There is no more that needs to be said unless you are using it for an office space. If used regularly the dirt bin is quite adequate but this maybe different if you have pets (which I do not) and will need emptying after every clean. If not used for a few days the extra dirt picked up really pushes the bins capacity but it is so simple to empty that it’s not really that much of an issue.

    Pros – Its suction and mapping are so good that if have wooden or tiled floors and if you used a broom around the edges and you could easily have this as your only vacuum cleaner. I mean that genuinely.
    Even on carpet you aren’t going to be vacuuming anywhere near as often.
    Exceptional battery life and good dirt bin capacity
    Its connectivity to devices not only allows for remote cleaning but will notify you if it gets stuck or if bin becomes full.
    Its wonderfully simple to empty and maintain and comes with a handy maintenance kit.
    No-Go lines and zone cleaning are great additions as is multiple floor cleaning (with purchase of additional charging dock.)
    Once you are used to it the Neato App is great to use.

    Cons – Its at the higher end of the price scale for a robot cleaner.
    Using the manual start button turns off all of its clever features and renders it effectively a “dumb” cleaner. So having a smart phone or tablet is imperative!
    The manual cleaning using app based remote control and also spot cleaning are total nonsense and shouldn’t even be included as options.
    People who are less technically minded may struggle at first with initial setup and again if there are any connection or Wi-Fi issues. There is plenty of online and video support though. Sometimes software updates require complete remapping so one has to start from scratch. This can get annoying if a lot of updates are released close together.
    If you do not have Wi-Fi it simply will not work!

    All in all I am incredibly pleased with The Neato D7 Connected and would recommend it to those who can afford it.

  13. PreciouLlamas says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI pondered a long time before buying the D7. I am very annoyed at myself that we did not purchase it sooner. It made a huge difference in our lives. We have a large area that is tiled and the D7 cleans it every day without fail. I bought a 2nd base and the D7 cleans downstairs at 2am and upstairs in the mornings.

  14. CarmenXqyozgjyx says:

     United Kingdom

    Like some others, I have in mind a dancing partnership. Fred, my Neato is a superb mover. He tip toes around my home like an Astaire. Waltzing from room to room with fancy footwork he collects unwanted dust and debris. The app works brilliantly as long as someone doesn’t move the charging base and apart from the odd stumble around my kitchen stools, he makes a perfect foot pattern around the home. A great piece of kit and if Neato ever does a mopping cleaner then Ginger would be my first purchase. Oh yes and their customer service agents have been brilliant when I had an issue resetting Fred as my wife moved the charging base not knowing what it was!

  15. DeenaArreguin says:

     United Kingdom

    The cleaner does a good methodical job and is easy to set up and use. It’s great to be getting on with other things and hearing it doing the cleaning upstairs!
    I’ve had the Botvac for over 2 months now and I have not had any problems. It’s obviously important to empty the dust box after each use but this only takes a few seconds to do. It’s also necessary to clean the rotary brush regularly. This is again quite quick and easy using the special tool provided.
    The botvac seems to clean very methodically and I was impressed to find that it picked up dirt that my normal vacuum cleaner didn’t. I tested this by cleaning an area with the normal vacuum first and then running the botvac immediately afterwards.
    Having said all that, it won’t do small awkward corners and little spaces, although the side brush gets out most of the dust from the edges of the room. It doesn’t like rugs with fringes so unless you fold the fringes under you have to lift the rugs. Rugs without fringes or with very short fringes are fine. I don’t think the vacuum would be much help in cluttered spaces and it doesn’t of course do the stairs.
    The instructions say that the sensors will prevent the botvac falling down stairs but I haven’t tested this. I prefer to use the magnetic strip provided just to make sure!
    The botvac app works well on my iPhone and you can start it remotely so it will do the cleaning before you get home, which is great.
    The vacuum needs a fair bit of wall space near a power point to work from the docking station. However, provided it is recharged regularly it can be used without keeping it permanently on the docking station.
    The botvac is great for cleaning under bedsteads and is excellent on both carpets and hard floors. It will move satisfactorily from one to the other.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat product that just works. Its surprising what it can climb over and it is very good at getting out of sticky spots. Very rarely it has got stuck somewhere but really thats unusual and you can define no go areas. I have seen other cheaper products and this is so much better.

  17. WilmerHarper says:

     United Kingdom

    I have wanted a Roomba for a while, but the D shape of Neato’s products seems far more practical. The connect D7 is winning me on all fronts. It navigates our flat, which is a bit on the small side, with relative ease. The app is very easy to use, and cleaning it is hassle free. Our cat, who is typically very timid and scared, is dealing with it well. He’s still a bit wary, but he will no doubt get used to it over time. Very happy purchase so far!

  18. ShelbyFairchild says:

     United Kingdom

    It works as described, it seems smart that it can find its way around all my binning room chairs, once it has mapped out your house it will know better where to go and fast.
    It does not bump into things as much as I thought, you can set a daily schedule and forget about it.
    It does get stuck sometimes under a couch, so it will shut down and the app will tell you.
    When the battery level goes down it will return to its base and recharge.
    It does pick up well and gets into most corners.
    But I feel it is a gadget and will probably end up in the back of a cupboard in a few months time once the novelty wears off, time will tell.

  19. Violette66M says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHay veces que temes lo peor. Compras un producto de mucho dinero y no sabes si “habras acertado”. Cuantas ms reviews lees ms confuso ests, porque al final a no todo el mundo le va bien una misma cosa. Que si el robot no va en linea recta, que si se encalla, que si no limpia del todo…
    Pues no. Pues este no es el caso.
    Estamos delante una maravilla tecnolgica. Un robot que circula por el laberinto de tu casa, con todo respeto. El robot ve. No choca. Sabe donde debe ir. Y traza muy bien. Como programador informtico que soy se que estas cosas cuestan, y a menudo critico los algoritmos de los ascensores dobles, por ineptos. Pues este robot est muy bien programado. Yo no lo sabria hacer mejor. Bravo.
    Adems limpia y muy bien. Siempre encuentra cosas, siempre vuelve a su base con trofeos que mis hijas de 2 y 6 hubieran podido pisar o respirar.
    Lo tenemos programado 3 dias a la semana para que el suelo siempre est limpio y como complemento de la asistenta del hogar que viene 3h a la semana. Fantstico. Adems la asistenta ya no aspira con la Dyson Ciclone ‘lo fcil’, donde pasa el robot, sino slo en aquellos recobetos estrechos como por ejemplo detras de una puerta o entre el WC y el videt.
    A las 9.15h entra en marcha dia si dia no. Yo dedico 3 min antes en recoger del suelo cables de cargadores de movil, algun juguete o calcetin, subo las sillas del comedor a la mesa y abro todas las puertas para que lo limpie todo. Y bien que lo hace.
    La app es una maravilla y te da control total del plano de tu casa. Ya he mapeado el piso y creado 7 estancias por si solo quiero que limpie una. Tambin he podido crear una super estancia llamada medio piso derecho que se superpone a las estancias que hay en ella, para cuando quiero limpiar la zona de no dormitorios, cuando la familia duerme.
    La eficiencia de limpiado es de 1metro cuadro por minuto. Nuestro piso de 75m cuadrados al final suele tener un piso libre de 45m2, por lo que en 45min acaba y aun tiene el 65% de bateria libre.
    El producto denota mucha calidad y est muy pensado. Se nota la experiencia de Neato en estos productos.
    Hay cosas que te dan la sensacin de estar en el siglo XXI: el Chromecast para enviar videos del mvil con 1 click, las smarttv con sus apps tipo Netflix, un ventilador Dyson que regula su caudal de aire en funcin de lo cargado que est el ambiente… Este D7 entra por la puerta grande en este club selecto de electrodomsticos inteligentes.

    Vale cada euro de lo que cuesta

  20. Luke says:


    Uns gefllt der Roboter echt sehr und er macht seine Arbeit perfekt.
    Er fhrt alles grndlich und sauber ab. Die Wnde fhrt er gerade und ebenfalls sauber dahin:
    Nach einer Zeit hat man das Gefhl, man sollte die Reifen einmal schmieren. Man hrt manchmal leichtes “quietschen” wo ich denke, das kommt von den Reifen

    Was sehr schade ist:
    Der Roboter kennt seine hhe und denkt er passt unter unsere Couch aber der Laserkopf passt leider nicht mehr darunter und er versucht es trotzdem unter die Couch fahren zu knnen. Nach 2 oder 3 mal merkt der Roboter dass es nicht geht und versucht es an andere stellen macht aber anschlieend einfach weiter.
    Meine Lsung:
    Ich habe in der App eine “No-Go Linie” eingerichtet und somit fhrt er nicht mehr dagegen und unter der Couch sauge ich mit der Hand.

    Ansonsten echt sehr zufrieden, fall er irgendwo was eingezwickt hat dann meldet er sich und sendet dir eine Nachricht auf deine Handy.
    Was noch verbessert werden kann ist der Filter. Der Filter ist mit einem Netz geschtzt, aber bei mir kommt Staub durch das Netz und verdeckt somit den Filter nach einer langen Zeit. Man kann das Netz auch leider nicht abnehmen um den Staub zu entfernen weil das Netz angeklebt wurde.
    Ansonsten echt zufrieden.

    Reinigt sehr sauber und ordentlich ;-)

  21. Doug says:

     United Kingdom

    Cant seem to programme in, so just switching it on manual. Preferred older model where you didn’t have to go online to programme in.

  22. MosesHarwood says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic robot vacuum. Easy to setup and then leave it to do its thing. Amazed at how much it picks up and easy to clean the bin. Room mapping is brilliant and accurate. Highly recommend as do the online reviewers.

  23. CletaN45udkzdi says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIf you think your floor is clean, get one of these. The amount of muck and hair they pick up is immense. Each run on the same area seems to pick up 60% of what the previous run picked up, and it soon adds up! I recommend getting one.
    You do need to pick up things that it can get stranded on, like wires, but the cleaning it does is excellent.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI got this on black Friday at a good discount, so am reviewing it based on that price.

    It takes a while to clear the floor in every room so that you can ask it to map, but after this the virtual “no go” lines that you can draw on the map work well. The cleaner picks up a good amount of dust and so I would say that it cleans well. Battery life is good.

    It’s pretty noisy but the idea is to set it as you leave the house. Overall a good improvement on the previous Botvac which we had. Works with Alexa but the virtual “no go” lines only work if you commence cleaning via the app.

  25. Vera says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI previously had a cheaper model of robot vacuum by another manufacturer, but it stopped working 3 months ago.
    I am disabled, so having this robot to help with daily cleaning is great.
    Friends and Family are always surprised by the dust Neato is able to find, and most of the time it is dust they didn’t even notice.

  26. James Limbach says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 35 From Our UsersPrima di recensire il Neato D7 ho voluto metterlo alla prova per bene per essere assolutamente certa della valutazione, quindi premetto che queste non sono prime impressioni.
    Il robot arrivato nella sua confezione perfettamente imballato, e le istruzioni per connetterlo alla app sono abbastanza intuitive. La app di per s uno spettacolo; si evita, usando le linee di demarcazione, di dover attaccare al suolo le barriere fisiche, inoltre recentemente hanno aggiunto la pulizia a “zone” dove puoi creare ambienti come “cucina”, “salotto” ed indicare al robot di pulire solo quelle, fenomenale. La app funziona quasi sempre bene, chiaro che va anche tenuta in considerazione la potenza del segnale wi-fi e della linea internet vera e propria. Purtroppo con la pulizia iniziale di mappatura del piano non sono riuscita a fargli mappare tutte le stanze, ne ha lasciata indietro una, ma risolvo accendendo il robot in quella stanza alla “vecchia maniera”. La batteria ha una buonissima durata, circa 2h30, il rumore c’ ma non terribile, anche se non ho termini di paragone essendo il mio primo robot. L’unica pecca la necessit di cambiare spesso il filtro; il mio dopo il primo mese di utilizzo era pieno di polvere e non riuscivo piu a farlo tornare pulito, nella confezione originale ce n’ soltanto uno di ricambio; ho optato per quelli non originali perch quelli originali costano una follia. A parte questo neo, acquisto meraviglioso, lo ricomprerei subito!

  27. Garrett Hulfish says:

     United Kingdom

    This is great and really has changed my life. I used to live in a dirty midden because I could not be bothered vacuuming sufficiently.
    I bought one of these and have it set to vacuum downstairs every day when I am at work. The suction is great, and it reaches 95% of the floor space.
    The handy map in the app shows you where the vacuum has missed, and I can get these bits myself with a handheld vacuum cleaner.

  28. DianneEGFA says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersCannot rate this product any higher. Its amazing. I picked up the d7 on black friday for half price. This produxt really is first class. Integrated into SmartThings too. 🙂

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersLet me start by saying I like this robotic vacuum a lot. It cleans both carpets and hard floors very well and is relatively quiet (it is a vacuum though so some noise has to be expected) but not quiet enough to use during the night. I don’t have any mats to test but it has absolutely no problems crossing door thresholds with a 1cm drop. The first few times I used it, and while trying to create the maps for no-go lines, it did get confused a couple of times and ended up doing circuits around the bedroom. That said I haven’t experienced any navigation problems since then. I also like the way it cleans. First it goes around the edges of an area and then it fills in the area by going up and down in rows rather than the randomly bouncing around that other robo vacs seem to do. When it’s finished it will return to the dock and start recharging. I normally empty the bin after it has cleaned the whole house but you can set a timer in the software to remind you after x number of minutes use. When cleaning I use the Extra Care cleaning mode which means it goes a little slower and tries to leave a slight bigger gap between it and walls, furniture, etc. It does a pretty good job of not bumping in to things but occasionally will thump something, normally when reversing out of a tight spot. If you have really expensive furniture then can I suggest you get a cleaner instead :o). The D7, unlike D5 or D3, can be set to clean either in Turbo or Eco modes. Eco mode is supposed to make the battery last a little longer by reducing the cleaning performance slightly and be a little quieter too. When I tried Eco I couldn’t hear any difference and as it cleans my whole house on one charge I’ll stick with Turbo mode.

    The no-go lines maps are very good in that they allow you to block off areas where you don’t want the vacuum to go e.g. pets feeding bowls, expensive furniture, etc., without having to use physical barriers such as the provided magnet strip. The D7 and D5 support up to 3 no-go line maps where the D3 supports 1. However, I am disappointed in that to use no-go line maps you have to start cleaning with the robot sitting on a dock. Not a problem on the floor that has the included dock installed but to use your no-go lines on other floors you will have to either move the dock every time you clean or buy more docks at 50 each. You are not told this in the info above or on Neatos website. Naughty. When it starts it moves forward off the dock by about 1ft and then scans the room to identify the map so why does it need a dock? Maybe it’s needed if it has to recharge part way through cleaning.

    With the latest software update you can now divide your maps up in to zones e.g. kitchen, dining room, etc, and have it clean a single zone. I don’t have any use for this but others may find it useful.

    Another useful feature is the ability to schedule automatic cleans while you are at work or the kids at school but it can only clean the floor it is on, it can’t climb stairs obviously, and if I had pets I wouldn’t clean with schedules just in case they had had a little accident (don’t even think about it).

    So would I buy the Neato D7 again knowing what I now know? No, I would save loads of money and buy a D3 instead. Buy it when it’s on sale and you could even buy two, one for each floor, for less than the price of the D7.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works really well. Navigates around systematically, without bumping into things. Have had this for a year now, and have not had a single problem with it, thinking about getting a second one for downstairs!

  31. Adam Poltrack says:

     United Kingdom

    The laser mapping system is what makes this a must buy. Really Like the app

  32. AlvinPinedo says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m extremely impressed by this little vacuum. It’s a whole lot better than the last ones of these type of devices I had a few years ago. The vacuum is really great and picks up so much more than I expected it to. The light radar system it has seems to work really well as it navigates with ease on rounded corners etc.

    – Very good quality, feels very premium
    – Alexa integration is very good
    – Automatic schedule works a treat
    – Slim so fits under sofa etc
    – Picks up a surprising amount and the beater is very strong
    – The dog doesn’t mind it as its not that loud
    – App is very easy to use and updates often

    – would love it to somehow work on the stairs!
    – it can be a little expensive at full price ( I think its still worth it though)

    Very impressive bit of ki

    Pleasantly surprised

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works well and a great improvement from the earlier model

  34. Cassandra Szklarski says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt provides a real help with cleaning the house. There are all kinds of small details, which ensure it: sensor if the rubbish bin is full, sensors underneath the robot to prevent it from falling down the stairs, ability to control the robot from the App and schedule cleaning for a whole week.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo prodotto per il mio appartamento.
    Si installa facilmente e si connette ad un ottima App che viene frequentemente aggiornata con nuove funzioni. Utilissima quella appena uscita che permette di selezionare l’area (esempio la stanza) senza bisogno di mettere e togliere ogni volta barriere fisiche o virtuali.
    La forma a D permette il montaggio della spazzola davanti all’apparecchio invece che al centro come nei robot rotondi, migliorando la capacit di aspirazione negli angoli e negli anfratti.
    La potenza di aspirazione buona e adatta per chi ha animali a casa. Ha un filtro per le polveri sottili e lo svuotamento del serbatoio dello sporco facile cos come quello della spazzola laterale (che si aggancia a calamita) e di quella principale.
    Il sistema di guida laser, attualmente la migliore tecnologia, molto preciso e lavora anche al buio. Il D7 ha le ruote motrici che si sollevano e gli permettono di superare piccoli ostacoli, si blocca solo se la spazzola cattura ad esempio fili elettrici che ne impediscono la rotazione.
    Insomma al momento il robot sul mercato pi avanzato.
    Difetti? Come tutti questi apparecchi, meno ostacoli incontra, meglio e pi velocemente lavora, pertanto consigliabile preparare un p la stanza da pulire. La stessa cosa che si farebbe passando un aspirapolvere classico. Ci sono poi modelli leggermente pi piccoli e bassi, le dimensioni sono sempre una scelta frutto di un compromesso, ma si rinuncerebbe a molti dei pregi che si trovano nel D7.

  36. EverettPerea says:


    Provengo da anni di Roomba e da un’esperienza ECOVACS. Il NEATO primeggia assolutamente per il livello di pulizia e per il filtraggio di polveri sottili. La pulizia di filtri e spazzole risulta facile ed essenziale. Rumorosit contenuta nella modalit “ECO”. Rispetto al ECOVACS sussiste ancora un gap relativamente il software. Con l’ultimo aggiornamento ora si pu programmare la pulizia suddivisa per zone (locali), ma ho dovuto penare per riuscire a capire come fare ad avere la possibilit della pulizia parziale, mantenendo anche la possibilit della pulizia di tutta la casa. Nell’Ecovacs si vede, durante la pulizia, la posizione della macchina nell’app dedicata, come anche si pu decidere al momento la pulizia di una zona ridotta.
    A distanza di 1 anno e mezzo modifico la valutazione ad 1 stelletta, non tanto per la qualit de robot, che ritengo sempre eccelsa, ma dell’assistenza, sia diretta Neato ma specialmente di quella fornita da Amazon in Italia. Senza dilungarmi troppo in dettagli esprimo solo che, per un banale guasto, da un mese che sono senza l’aspirapolvere.
    Aggiorno il mio parere. A distanza di due anni confermo quanto gi espresso, ovvero che lo strumento ottimo. Peccato l’assistenza estera lasci molto a desiderare, mentre quella fornita da Amazon sia lenta.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just replaced my Neato XV after 6 years where it has worked without problems and still works. Even though the XV was very good, my new Neato D7 cleans even better and is really smart with no-go lines, zones etc. + mobile app.

    Have always been happy with Neato as it just works, which was not the case for my previous vacs from iRobot, which didn’t last long and started to behave strangely after 1-2 years by going in only one direction or completely failing. Neato is also much better and faster as it vacuums in regular patterns.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Dj, un aspirateur robot qui ne cartographie pas, c’est nul. a ne couvre pas la surface, c’est alatoire, c’est stupide. J’en ai eu un.
    a nous laisse avec les Roomba 900, Xiaomi et Neato d7. Xiaomi est chinois, iRobot et Neato sont amricain, pour certains la diffrence est importante (support, localisation, garantie…)
    Quand le d7 et les roomba 900 tait 1000 c’tait difficile. Maintenant avec le d7 entre 450 et 600 selon les offres, difficile de justifier l’achat d’un modle sans cartographie.

    L’application est bien faite. La configuration facile. Forcment il faut un wifi qui fonctionne peu prs bien. Il est possible de l’envoy aspirer une zone prcise (autour du sapin pour ramasser les aiguilles), ou de lui tracer des limites directement dans l’application. Bien plus pratique que les plots physique placer vendu une fortune par d’autres marque.
    On peut dfinir des zones (rectangle qu’on ajuste sur le plan), pour faire des planifications plus fine, comme les chambres le matin, le salon dans l’aprs midi, par exemple.

    Sinon pour les aspirateurs robot en general, je suis trs content. Un passage journalier – meme si c’est imparfait – permet d’viter l’accumulation. Avant il fallait chaque week-end passer un grand coup de balai et d’aspirateur pour enlever toute la poussire accumule la semaine. Depuis l’arriv du d7 la maison le coup d’aspirateur se limite au coin inaccessible au robot (et donc o a s’accumule un peu) et la frquence a t divise par 2 ou 3.

    Pour ce modle, il passe sans se bloquer sous tout ce qui est 10cm du sol (meuble TV IKEA et mon canap), trs pratique.

    Bref je suis trs content. Comme toute nouveaut il faudra voir dans le temps comment a volue – l’application, le firmware, le support, la dure de vie du robot et des accessoires, le cot de remplacement des filtres, batteries et autres lments dit d’usure qui sont gnralement le point noir de ce genre de gadget.

    Un des seuls modèle qui vaut le coup - un vrai gain de temps

  39. EileenBishop says:

     United Kingdom

    Wife and me love it. So satisfied to have this little vac cleaner. Only one thing which I do not like. No connection with google at the moment. I hope in the future they sort this out.

  40. WilheminaBollin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 49 From Our UsersThe Botvac connected D7 is fabulous! We decided to buy one to keep on top of the hair shed from our two rough collies and ginger cat. Both my wife and I were a little sceptical that a robot vacuum would keep on top of the pet hair as opposed to a conventional vacuum we thought it was worth a try.

    Our expectations have been greatly exceeded! Our robot (Simon!) cleans everyday at 10am and when we get back from work the carpets are spotless. There isn’t a pet hair in sight and the carpet looks like brand new! The navigation is superb as it’s ability to get it self out of tight spaces when it gets stuck. The robot will lift itself up and wiggle around if it gets into a tight spot.

    The new zone cleaning feature introduced in a recent software update is very useful and allows different rooms to be cleaned on different days.

    All in all the robot is excellent and already 3 of our friends have purchased one on our recommendation. They have been equally pleased with their purchases.

    It is a bit on the expensive side but we got ours on black Friday with nearly 300 off! That said this is a very well made, quality product and we would have been happy to pay full price for it.

    One thing that is worth considering is adding some felt pads to the front bumper and side panels (taking care not to cover the sensors). This stops is making too much noise if it runs into doors / skirting board / furniture etc. We bought these ones ( from Amazon and I’ve attached a few pictures. The additional of these pads doesn’t hinder it’s performance in anyway.

    Hope this helps!


  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 56 From Our UsersEasy to set up by following the instructions. Just need to install the app on Android or iPad/iPhone, it’s serial number (on base) to register it, plus the network password and it does the rest. For a basic run, just press one button and it sets off on its little cute route.
    I’ve a complex house layout.Living room has a central staircase, an office with boxes, the Xmas decorations are up, several trolleys and bits of furniture etc. The only consistent problems it had were with wires or laundry on the floor (my fault). I’ve had no problems with WiFi connection dropping out so far.
    It’s firmware is pretty amazing, it rotates, tips etc if it senses it’s stuck, to extricate itself. I loved it that it did the vacuuming under my desk (and under various bits of furniture) which is always a pain.
    Changing room layout, eg moving chairs about, doesn’t seem to phase it. It appears to recognise newly open bits and cleans them fine.
    Noise, it makes a typical vacuum noise but not as loud as any regular one I’ve owned and I was able to blank it out while working from home. Rosie (the dog) doesn’t come running when it’s working tho she’s met it just once and was a bit barky. She’ll be fine if we don’t make a fuss.
    I managed to get it to lose itself by moving it out of the laundry room and into the kitchen. It tried its hardest to find its way home but gave up. I was alerted by the mobile app. If it’s stuck then it should be carried back to base or just moved within a foot of the problem area.
    After downstairs, I moved the whole kit to my bedroom to test it there. It did a lovely job except when it got stuck under my shower (my fault, I couldn’t replace the tray cover after flooring was installed). It really got jammed under there and needed digging out of the corner. It did recognise the room as a new floor plan automatically. After that I used the included barrier strap.
    Re floor plans and zonal cleaning. When trying to set this up in the app, even though it’s done several runs and returns a report and floor map it seems that one needs to run a separate, special mode to build tha map for zoning purposes. I’ve not tried this yet.

    2nd Jan 2019. Update (pardon the geekiness, but I’m a software dev. Very impressed by the programming)
    Floor plan took 2 attempts to set up because the unit got stuck first time round and needed manual carry to base. Perfect floor plan was created on the second attempt.
    I’ve got 2 zones set up. The main area has its NW corner ignored because the unit keeps getting stuck under a dining chair. I’ve defined the hallway as a separate zone for cleaning. The whole downstairs is set as one area and is cleaned 2 days per week, the hallway zone is cleaned daily. Works perfectly.
    Cons for this are that the options don’t seem to get stored reliably. But they’re so easy to set up it’s no biggy.
    I may be wrong but when the unit get’s stuck it always seems to turn in one direction in its attempt to fix. e.g. anticlockwise. Maybe the firmware should also try clockwise.
    Also, complaining just because Im a nerd/geek, it would be nice if the firmware checked for getting stuck under things (ie, in my case, when it got stuck under the shower tray rather than backing off)
    Family increasingly embrace the robot, and we’d love to be able to personalize it with furry ears and a little nose 🙂

    Easy to use. Love it!

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a game changer for those with busy lifes. Totally reliable, and cleans the house better than you can. Very easy to install and use. Love it!

  43. RodrigoDEJV says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this as we have 2 dogs and I use it for in the week in-between my main house hoovering …. I am always amazed how much stuff / hairs it picks up and definitely love having it! ….

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Everything about my Neato Botvac D7 was easy and intuitive, and it does a great job, every night, to keep my tiled floor dust free. One extra thing I would onward recommend is to add a single ply of toilet paper (2 sheets’ worth of single ply fits perfectly) over the filter each day. This keeps some of the heaviest dirt off the actual filter and makes it much easier to clean – saving both money and hassle in the long term. I love that I only have to spend 30s each day emptying the dust tray to have a permanently well-kept floor. Brilliant!

  45. JesseCalderone says:

     United Kingdom

    This has got to be one of the best consumer robots on the market. It has one job; to hoover your house and it does this exceptionally well. Admittedly, you do get the occasional gremlin which can usually be easily fixed but all in all this is a fantastic robot hoover and probably my best purchase of 2018. I don’t think it’s a direct replacement for your standard hoover because you can’t do the stairs with this and there are certain areas where the robot simply won’t fit but it’s is a fantastic companion that really helps reduce the time you spend hoovering and maintain a clean house. Strongly recommended.

  46. JuanitaBenjamin says:

     United Kingdom

    Great time saver for a busy household. Only little glitch is an intermittent issue connecting through alexa. Sometimes alexa commands don’t work.

  47. DonnellVrm says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s very easy to use and overall very good. The vacuum power is ok… But even in Turbo mode it doesn’t clean as much as the traditional vacuum cleaner I have. But it’s worth due to how easy it is to use. Sometimes it doesnt return to the base correctly.

  48. LynwoodWeiss says:

     United Kingdom

    The Robot – Herbert – cleans better than a person with a normal vacuum cleaner I suppose that the waste box is necessarily small but it is a little irritating sometimes. It could be made clearer which password goes where – WiFi, email and app for when changes become necessary.

    Over all, very happy with Herbert!

  49. CarmineBasaldua says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHave recently upgraded my neato (the ‘old’ one now lives upstairs). Have always been very impressed with Neato, I use it daily. HAving two pets in the house it makes a big difference. Very easy to use and realiable. This D7 has an app which is great, I can now set zones and ‘no go lines’, so no more battles with the christmas tree!
    Best robot vacuum on the market I think (and i did a lot of research)

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is my first robotic vacuum cleaner and I bought the Botvac D7 after researching several reviews. It is an intelligent robot and is quite easy to set up and operate. It is also quite feature rich without being confusing and I like that Neato keeps constantly updating its features. It is a good regular cleaner but will need to be supplemented by a regular cleaner for corners and hard to reach places. It is a little expensive but grab a deal during the sales, and it represents a great way to keep your floors clean with minimal hassle.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have read some reviews on Amazon claiming theirs broke down, but so far I have been fortunate – in that mine is still working well. I use it a 3 or 4 times in my converted garage with wooden floors and it is amazing how much dirt it picks up. The android app works great and it has mapped the whole room and works flawlessly to help cut down my cleaning work every week. I got it on sale too at half price during a lightning sale so I am pretty chuffed as it is very expensive.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    great product, easy to use, sucks as well as my dyson hand held cleaner.. good work Neato robotics!!

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased this during Black Friday and it cost 400, absolute bargain. I have it upstairs and it’s used everyday and it copes with the complicated layout really well (I have a different robo vac downstairs). The syncing with Amazon Alexa is a piece of cake. Love the way it sends you a message when it’s finished cleaning and you can see where it’s been. I just love this machine and cannot believe it’s taken me so much time to get one.

  54. BerniceOrdell says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sono molto soddisfatta dell’acquisto fatto. Il robot funziona perfettamente, lo programmo con l’applicazione per le pulizie della settimana. L’applicazione uno dei suoi punti di forza a mio parere, permette di aggiungere linee di demarcazione per evitare zone particolari ed in costante aggiornamento, infatti da poco stata aggiunta la pulizia a zona. Nonostante abbia due piani riesco con una sola base a gestire il tutto, ho dovuto solo acquistare un amplificatore del segnale Wi-Fi per il secondo piano, perch il segnale era debole e non riuscivo a comandarlo dall’applicazione. Anche senza segnale Wi-Fi il robot parte lo stesso per la pulizia, ma non in grado di elaborare una mappa della zona in cui si muove. Il serbatoio della polvere va svuotato quasi tutte le volte, se non lo faccio alla seconda pulizia mi segnala che devo comunque farlo. A fine pulizia invia una notifica sull’app che ha finito di pulire, con la mappa del piano e il tempo impiegato. Al primo utilizzo mi si incastrato sotto un water, ma con le linee di demarcazione aggiunte non ci passa pi sotto e il problema stato risolto. Mi capitato di notare che a volte salta qualche angoletto nel suo passaggio, ma la cosa completamente irrilevante a confronto del risparmio di tempo e di fatica che si ha nell’utilizzarlo. Non ha grandi difficolt nel passare tra le sedie, ma se ho tempo le metto sul tavolo cos da farlo lavorare pi facilmente. La spesa abbastanza alta, io ho approfittato del Black Friday, ma ne vale la pena. I modelli pi blasonati che possono competere per caratteristiche con questo robot sono anche pi costosi. Sono stata incerta fino alla fine tra vari modelli, ma penso di aver fatto la scelta giusta…Insomma, lo consiglio vivamente!

  55. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Dballage: parfait, rien dire
    Installation: trs simple mettre en place (Connection au wifi ultra simple, Programmation ultra simple partir de l’appli,etc…)
    Aspiration: vraiment trs bien
    Notifications: ds que le robot a termin sa tache, il envoie un mail automatiquement, avec la carte de ce qu’il a aspir, gnial !!!

    Autres: la limite de ce robot est sa hauteur (10 cm), et chez moi, j’ai un canap qui fait 9,5cm de hauteur. Une partie du robot arrivait passer sous mon canap, mais le robot se bloquait au niveau de la tourelle ronde situe sur le dessus.
    J’ai contact le support de Botvac, qui m’a conseill de mettre en place des lignes virtuelles pour viter que le robot se cogne, car la tourelle contient les capteurs lasers et qu’ long terme ces chocs risquent d’endommager le robot.
    J’ai donc dcider d’acheter des PATINS qu’on mets sous les pieds de chaises, que j’ai empils et colls sous les pieds de mon Canap.
    Depuis, le robot passe intgralement sous le canap.
    Ayant un chien qui perd normment ses poils, le robot est programm tous les 2 jours 10H30, et je peux vous dire que a nous a chang la vie !!!
    J’attends toutefois de voir la longvit du produit (entretien des filtres et autres consommables), mais en conclusion, je suis trs satisfait du robot D7 connected.

  56. JuanitaBEJ says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHallo,
    nachdem ich auf Amazon zuerst die negativen Bemerkungen gelesen habe, wollte ich den D7 schon fast nicht mehr kaufen. Da ich aber unbedingt die No-Go-Linien und Map Funktion wollte, habe ich mich doch dazu entschieden und es bisher nicht bereut.
    Nun zieht er seit 3 Wochen fast tglich seine Linien durch die 110qm Wohnung.
    Ja, die No-Go-Linien funktionieren nur, wenn man mit der laufenden App startet und wenn er von der Base aus losfhrt. Wer also mehrere Stockwerke hat, muss die Base versetzen, oder weitere kaufen. Nun gut, ist halt mal Stand der Technik.
    Zur Lautstrke: Es gibt einen leiseren ECO Modus und einen lauteren Turbo Modus.
    Bei mir luft er im ECO, dass reicht. Ja, er macht Gerusche, nebenbei Fernsehen ist nicht so toll, aber es ist halt auch ein Staubsauger, mein Dyson war jedenfalls lauter.
    Von mir empfundene besondere Vorteile des D7 gegenber anderen Herstellern:
    No-Go-Linien, eine Reinigungs Map, jetzt auch Intensiv-Reinigungs-Zonen, da der Filter mit so einem feinen Gitter berzogen ist, kann man Ihn mit einem Pinsel leicht vom Staub reinigen, die Walze ist sehr breit und fr Flieen (mit Lamellen) und Teppich (mit Brsten) geeignet, da er den Raum wohl mit Laser ausmisst, ist es gegenber andern Herstellern nicht ntig Licht in den Rumen zu haben, er also kommt auch im vlligen Dunkeln zurecht, er hat bisher auch aus dem letzten Raum immer zur Ladestation zurckgefunden
    Sehr schn ist auch, dass man eine Benachrichtigung bekommt, wenn er sich mal wo festfhrt, die Benachrichtigungen kommen bei mir sogar auf die Samsung Uhr.
    Schn auch, dass er nicht mit Vollgas gegen die Wnde ect. fhrt, sondern vorher abbremst und sich langsam annhert.
    Nachtrag von 01/2019
    Weihnachten gab es ja wieder ein Update. Ich finde es toll, da hier weiterentwickelt wird, andere Hersteller arbeiten hier leider nach dem Prinzip “Sell it and forget it.”.
    Also man kann jetzt jedenfalls auch von unterwegs das Reinigen mit No-Go-Linien starten, was ja oft bemngelt wurde.
    Auch ist es nun mglich einzelne Zimmer zu definieren und den Roboter nur dort hin zu schicken.
    Das weckt natrlich schon wieder neue begehrlichkeiten, so wre es schn mehrere Zimmer auszuwhlen und die Zimmer feiner zu definieren. Bei mir hat der Gang und Wohnzimmer eine L-Form. Am besten wre die Auswahl durch “Ausmalen”.
    Ansonsten meiner Meinung nach immer noch das beste Gert in dem Bereich.

  57. AshtonMccutcheo says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic piece of kit, bit pricey but worth every penny. Set schedules, rooms to clean and all whilst i enjoy a bee

  58. VelvaParedes says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEste es mi 4 robot (en muchos aos) (el tercer modelo de Neato). El ltimo era el ms alto de gama de Roomba y al final he vuelto a NEATO.

    El algoritmo para optimizar la limpieza de la superficie es mucho mejor. El limpiado y mantenimiento del robot, ms fcil, y el nivel de aspiracin es similar.

    Este modelo tiene mucho mejor filtro que los anteriores de Neato. Mucho ms fcil de limpiar y deja salir menos polvo. El cambio de y de posicin y ampliacin de tamao del deposito de basura tambin ha mejorado muchsimo. Y la aplicacin y conectividad estn muy bien. Ya no hay que actualizarlo conectando por USB a un ordenador y haciendo tediosos procesos en el pc. Te avisa solo en el telfono, y lo puedes actualizar desde la calle, si quieres, por la wifi, sin tener que hacer nada ms.

    El reconocimiento del plano de la casa me ha sorprendido por lo eficaz que es. Las paredes virtuales que se pueden poner simplemente pintando lineas es muy cmodo. Ya no hace falta poner ningn tipo de barrera fsica (ni las bandas magnticas aunque an las trae por si lo quieres usar).

    Los nicos inconvenientes son que le veo son: la aplicacin del telfono esta muy verde. Acabo de instalar la ltima actualizacin, y tiene fallos (por ejemplo al cambiar el nombre de las habitaciones) y cosas elementales que le faltan (poder unir zonas para crear una zona ms amplia o con una distribucin ms compleja. Pero supongo que es el efecto de las prisas por sacarla al mercado…. y espero que la mejoren poco a poco. Por otro lado, tengo la sensacin de que este modo es ms “agresivo” con los obstculos que los anteriores. Es decir, choca ms. Supongo que por eso le han incluido un nuevo modo para dejar ms distancia con los obstculos y que no se acerque tanto a los muebles.

  59. Anonymous says:


    J’ai dcid d’acheter ce robot sur un coup de tte. Un chien qui perd ses poils et qui me remplit un Dyson chaque jour (je grossis le trait, mais ce n’est pas trs loign de la vrit !), des enfants qui jouent comme des enfants, un temps pourri qui fait entrer de la terre dans la maison (bien souvent par les pattes de Monsieur Toutou qui perd donc aussi les poils), qui aprs schage, devient de la terre disperse dans toute la maison… Coupl cela de bosser temps plein, le burn-out n’tait pas loin.

    J’avais dj test deux robots aspirateurs : un d’une marque totalement inconnue, qui m’avait t offert = calamit. Un e-zicom pet quelque chose = passez votre chemin aussi. Ce dernier e-zicom tait d’ailleurs toujours branch mais je ne lanais mme plus.

    Bref, je me plaisais depuis quelques semaines baver devant ce Neato D7 ou l’quivalent Roomba, cumant les forums, blogs et avis de clients. Puis arrive le Black Friday et une norme promo sur ce modle. Gentil-mari, qui en avait lui aussi ras-le-pompom de passer l’aspirateur, l’achte.

    Et nous voil recevoir le D7, avec ct, la brosse spciale animaux (tout en plastique).
    Premire impression : le colis est super lourd ! Et en le dballant, ce robot pse un sacr poids en effet (comparativement ce que je connaissais). Une finition au top aussi.
    L’installation est simple : enlevez les plastiques protecteurs, branchez la base, posez l’aspirateur (et dans mon cas, j’ai donc chang la brosse pour celle “animaux”).

    Tlchargement de l’application et l : catastrophe. Impossible de finir la synchronisation du robot. Je n’ai toujours pas la rponse, mais la connexion aux serveurs Neato n’a jamais fonctionn. En revanche, avec le tlphone de Gentil-mari, a a fonctionn du premier coup (mme modle de tlphone, mme os… pas cherch comprendre). Nous utilisons le mme compte, donc j’ai pu juste entrer mes codes sur l’appli, et le robot m’est apparu, bien synchronis avec mon compte. Le robot fonctionne donc avec nos deux tlphones portables, sans besoin de le synchroniser de nouveau (contrairement ce que j’ai lu sur un commentaire).

    Je lance donc le D7 pour sa premire opration de nettoyage, et je monte l’tage. Je redescends 30 minutes aprs, et l, chaque marque que je descendais, je dcouvrais un sol propre, sans poil de chien, sans miette, sans rien. Et le robot tait bien beau sur sa base en train de se recharger. J’avais reu sur mon tl sa carte de nettoyage.

    Pour quelqu’un qui devenait folle de passer l’aspirateur jusqu’ trois fois par jour, j’ai eu un vritable sentiment d’euphorie. Ca peut paratre totalement exagr, mais je suis convaincue que d’autres se reconnatront dans ce mini-tmoignage. J’adore mon chien, mais ses poils, oh secours la panique ! Il lui suffit de marcher dans la maison pour que l’on puisse le suivre la trace rien qu’en regardant les poils au sol. Alors voir qu’en un passage, 30 petites minutes, ce robot ds sa premire utilisation a aspir la totalit de mon rez-de-chausse, franchement, j’en aurais pleur.

    Nous l’avons maintenant depuis 15 jours et je ne m’en passerais pour rien au monde. Il est programm pour se lancer peu avant que l’on arrive, de sorte qu’il vienne de terminer son nettoyage quand on rentre. La maison est juste nickel.
    Je n’ai pas encore test le multi-cartes (pour paramtrer plusieurs tages) mais je n’ai aucun doute sur le fait que ce sera tout aussi bien.

    Il est noter qu’il nettoie parfaitement les coins, les pieds de table, de chaises, etc. Il se cogne trs peu, il se repre parfaitement, n’a pas de dplacement alatoire, il vite les obstacles et sais retourner sa base de faon simple et pragmatique : en ligne droite ! Il ne passe pas sous mes meubles cause de son tlmtre (la partie ronde sur le dessus), pour autant, il avance assez sous chaque meuble pour nettoyer le plus loin possible, sans cogner le tlmtre. Il russit monter sur les tapis ( poils courts) et les aspire mieux qu’un Dyson.

    Un bmol cependant : il arrive que l’appli ait un message d’erreur de temps autre. Il suffit d’attendre et a finit par revenir, a vient des serveurs Neato. Et en attendant, vous pouvez toujours lancer le nettoyage en appuyant directement sur le robot.
    Sans mentir, sans exagration, a nous change compltement la vie. Il nous enlve un stress et un nervement que nous avions chaque soir en rentrant. Et si j’avais su plus tt quel point ces engins sont efficaces, j’aurais saut le pas depuis bien longtemps !

  60. KishaStLedger says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have had this robot hoover for around 2weeks now and it might possibly be the best purchase I have ever made. Before actually buying this I did quite a bit of research about these devices and I was particularly worried about the navigation algorithm these things use.

    I can confirm that this thing actually has a system in place to work its way around the room/house. It enters a room and does a scan, then it works it’s way around the perimeter then fills that gap in.

    I have a 2 bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms and this thing finishes in around 40 minutes, this meant I could have the hoover on “High” settings which picked up a lot more fur from my Japanese Akita which seems to be molting all day every day. I bought this during the Black Friday deal but I wouldn’t pay 800 for it but 399 was definitely worth it, it saves so much time and the house is so much cleaner throughout the week.

    The robot seems to be made of pretty good quality parts, its easy to clean and the replaceable parts are easily taken off. The rotating brush struggles a little bit on carpets but it seems to cope with everything pretty well and finds its way back to the dock every time.

    The downside of this is that its a bit fiddly when you place it on the dock, it needs to just be touching, ever so slightly. Dont just jam it on as far back as you can otherwise the app will not be able to start it and you’ll have issues when you want to push updates to the hoover.

    Note: Zone clearing has just been released so you’ll be able to clean specific rooms now. (I haven’t tried this yet.)

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It does navigate around without too much of an issue and can get out if stuck in most of the cases. Thou I had an issue when it drove itself under the dining chair and failed to get out.

    It cleans great, thou can miss bits near edges. It is super easy to clean it and remove hair or any debris that stuck around the brush. Really brilliant design.
    Was super easy to setup and get it going.
    I love the software part with ability to see room and where it have been. Ability to set virtual boundaries is superb.
    And just have received that they have added ability to set zones and clean specific zones.
    So it is getting better and better.

    To wrap it up. I love it, software makes it brilliant, but can benefit if navigation logic is improved. Like cleaning under a chair should be trivial for it.

  62. RichelleDupont says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove the vacuum. Excellent cleaning capability. I got it when half price

    Get it if you ca

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersBefore this bot, I bought an iRobot R691, which didn’t quite do the job for me (details in my review), and struggled with my room layout. So I returned it, and I bought this as a replacement, which ironically was cheaper on the Black Friday deal.

    To compare each bot is like comparing a Bently to a Ford; different beasts as represented by the prices (ignoring the one-off deal), but even then, I’m impressed by how much better this bot is

    It maps out the area, and efficiently covers every corner; it handles the transfer from lino, to the carpet and onto rugs absolutely no issue whatsoever. The first day I used it, It did get stuck when it tried to climb onto my fireplace, but this was solved simply by the magnetic strip they send (could also be solved by the app “no go” lines, but TBH, I found the magnetic strip an efficient solution)

    The cleaning efficiency and ability is awesome; I have two cats and this thing gets every hair. I take it upstairs once a week and it trotters about as I do the choirs and avoids the stairs efficiently.

    A solid week on and I couldn’t be more impressed; I use it on a timer for before I get up and has the downstairs spotless for that day. Anyone who says that this is a gimmick has no idea; it is a time saver and a great assistant; of course, it doesn’t replace the main vacuum cleaner, which will be needed occasionally too deep clean and get under the furniture, but for a day to day vacuum it is brilliant; if you are like me and tend to get behind with the choirs (for me it is due to the day job), then you will notice a real difference, and personally it is a great feeling to get up and come home to a clean floor

    The app is easy to use and has some great features; every morning I look at the map to make sure it hasn’t missed. Some features I will never use but can see how they can be useful

    I’ve never seen the battery fall below 50%; the capacity seems fine (and a daily routine means it is more than big enough for a 3 room downstairs clean every day.


    1. The edge cleaning isn’t as good as the iRobot; it is the only point it falls short on aginst that bot; the side brush is smaller, and although the D shape helps for the edges, you can see the odd spec directly under furniture where it missed; it is only minor

    2. Set up was harder than I thought it should be; instructions say that you connect it to the base and then should hear some noises, but in reality, nothing (no noises, no lights) happens for 15min making you wonder if it is faulty; you can’t set it up until it strikes up, but after which it is fairly straightforward, and only a one time operation

    3. The price – I know it is good; it’s top of the range, but I just couldn’t justify recommending it at 800. Wait for the deals; I got this in for 400 on Black Friday 2018.

    Conclusion; I bought this as a bit of techie fan, maybe in the back of my mind I was expecting a gimmick, but far from being a gimmick, I have found the bot to be efficient and timesaving. 10/10

  64. ColumbusLarge says:

     United Kingdom

    Unbelievably smart robot vac, very thorough and easy to use, will be getting rid of the wife now.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 61 From Our UsersJ’ai longuement hsit entre un Neato D7 et un iRobot 960.
    Mon choix c’est finalement port sur le Neato, pour sa navigation ultra prcises grce son tlmtre laser (mme dans le noir), son intelligence relativement impressionnante et son logiciel interne volutif !
    Mais aussi parce que chez Neato pas de camra filmant 24h/24 votre vie prive comme sur le iRobot 960 !

    Aprs quelques rglages, des petites squences de nettoyages, et une grande premire utilisation dans toute la maison, le rsultat est impressionnant !

    – Navigation trs prcise.
    – Pas trop brusque dans ses dplacements.
    – Nettoyage de zone en zone : le robot se concentre sur une grande surface prcise avant de passer la suivante.
    – La programmation du nettoyage par slection de zone est prvue pour bientt sur le D7 (info sur le site de la marque)
    – Retour la base intelligent : il connais le chemin pour rentrer.
    – Dure de la batterie excellente ! de plus si la batterie est trop faible pour finir le travail, il retourne se charger (juste la charge ncessaire) avant de repartir terminer son Job. Cette dernire fonction est uniquement disponible sur le D7 ce jour il me semble.

    Quelque cheveux on tendance s’enrouler autour du balais brosse, mais cela me semble logique est invitable pour tout type d’aspirateur robot quip d’un systme de balais rouleau rotatif.
    Un petit inconvnient qui ne me drange pas et presque invisible face la performance incroyable de l’aspirateur maintenir des surfaces propres !
    NB : Le nettoyage du balais brosse (dmontable) est trs simple.

    L’application est galement simple et intuitive avec une cartographie du nettoyage trs prcise.

    Une table basse (avec tagre) trop basse de quelques centimtre ? Des tampons pais sous les pieds et le tour est jou ! Il est impratif d’adapter votre maison un minimum votre aspirateur robot (en le regardant faire sur les premires cycles de nettoyage).

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My boyfriend brought this as a Black Friday deal. We didn’t need a new vacuum cleaner. He doesn’t vacuum anyway. I rolled my eyes at the price of 400 (on offer).

    Ok so I was wrong. We have called it Dave and I am now a massive fan of Dave. He manages to remove dust under the beds that I have wasted time and effort failing to get at and it is worrying how much dust he picked up the first few days we sent him out, we had obviously been missing this. He gets under furniture easily and despite getting in a flight with our blinds he generally does very well avoiding objects.

    A negative is his small storage box and it does need to be emptied after every clean (depending on house size).

    Overall I’ve gone from thinking this was a silly purchase to thinking that if there was a comparable mop version Dave might be getting a brother or sister.

  67. ModestaGoldsbro says:

     United Kingdom

    I honestly bought this as bet, given my previous experience with one of this “random” walk robot years ago, as it was “only” for 400 during the Black Friday deals. I couldn’t be more impressed. My previous robot got stuck in cable, socks, curtains, couldn’t climb 3cm thick carpet, return to its base…and most of all, CLEAN! This Neato D7 is a gem of AI, not only managed to do all the above…but it managed to remove an incredible visible amount of pet hair from the carpet in the bedroom. The suction is very impressive and the navigation software is truly remarkable. But mostly, I’m very impressed how it managed differently floor (laminate and carpet). I have a faux fur carpet that even my 1200W hoover get stuck into as it’s very thick (10cm hairs). the D7 climbed it start to clean it and got stuck. It smartly backed up and kept cleaning all around the edges. I’m truly amazed! Don’t’ get me wrong, it’s a very expensive toy but worth it. I can safely say it’s going to be a great help keeping the flat cat hair free and save a couple of cleaning session a month!

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLight years better than any other robot vaccuum it will go over small obstacles as well, extremely easy to empty i

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A robot hoover. Something we were all dreaming of when we watched Back To The Future II back in the 80s. Now it is a reality. If you are tech savvy this is pretty simple to set up. You like the vacuum to you phone of tablet, configure the space it is to clean – the hoover sweeps across the surface to assess how big the space is – then you are away.
    Every time you come to hoover, the robot remembers the space and just gets on with the job.
    In terms of ease of use this is a 10/10. In terms of cleaning, obviously this does not have the suction power of say a Dyson, but the results are still incredibly impressive.
    We currently have this configured to hoover the upstairs of our house, and we are very impressed with the results.
    The only downside, compared to other vacs, is the price. But you are paying for convenience. This would be ideal for a home with big open spaces.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI dont want to write one of those long winded reviews as its only been a week, but what made my mind up is justifying the price and the way i did this was to minus the price of a good quality vacuum then what was left was what i classed as wages for paying someone to clean, i think that if Neato D7 is great value. As for operation im in a standard 3bed semi with extension and Neato does her work in 30mins and does a fantastic job. Lazyness well if your home while she’s working you tend to do chores aswell. App easy to operate did have an issue with schedule but seemed to resolve itself. Remember that this does need filters to be replaced each 1- 2 months amoungst other bits so check those cost. Am i pleased ? Yes ! Wife please ? Yes recommened ? Yes !

  71. Jordan Gerblick says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m reviewing the Neato Robotics Botvac D7 Connected Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Intelligent Memory Mapping – Alexa-ready Smart Home Vacuum Robot- here are my thoughts:

    I really like the new version of this robot vacuum cleaner: Neato D7 . I’ve had a few of these and over the years there is a vast improvement from the days where I literally hated this company! Now I’m finding they’re not just good, but the best and everything they think of for these machines just gets better and better.

    So what’s new? There’s a new and improved app, which works to monitor all of your vacuums if you have more than one. This app is a must, because you just cannot use these effectively without them.

    You can now set Virtual No-Go Lines to tell it where not to go, which is great, as there are places in my house i do not want it to go, because of wires on the floor etc. So in the past I’ve had to either make sure that room was not included in the sweep when I was not at home, or I’ve had to lay down that thick metal strip to barricade it from those areas, but with other people, kids, animals, these strips can get moved, and there’s no guarantee the wires won’t get touched. This new feature does guarantee it, and it’s brilliant!

    LaserSmart(tm) mapping and navigation combined with CornerClever(tm) technology track down dirt, hair, and allergens – certainly works very well. You do need to keep a check on when the dust collector needs emptying, (via the app) and regularly cleaning things like hair out of the brush to keep it free and moving. To me this is all expected maintenance for a machine that works whilst you’re away. It’s great to see it in action, but it’s also great to see it working via the app when you’re not at home.

    I’m happily surprised how much the vacuum works when the dirt container is pretty small. I find regular usage really helps keep the floor looking clean, and in my case, non-furry. My carpets always have that just freshly hoovered look.

    You do need to make sure you have everything off the floor, but even then, (as long as it’s not something that can get tangled up in) the vacuum just bumps into it and moves it around and eventually goes past it and continues with it’s journey.

    I love that his also gets plenty of software updates where new features are constantly added. Top marks from me!! I’m a huge fan.

  72. IleneBarbosa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat product. Does the job. Not a huge upgrade from the old botvac connected though. Seams much louder to me than old product. Does the job really well though

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought the device via Amazon Warehouse as a previous customer return, in hindsight probably a mistake the vac itself would often reboot itself and then strand itself in the middle of a room. We reread the other reviews and decided to return and replace the item with a new one, in hindsight our best decision.
    It is frankly awesome, the device is really smart and gets everywhere. It does an amazing job and is quieter and more efficient than others I have seen. Because it moves in a very deliberate way, and definitely slower than I would vac a room, it does a MUCH better job than our very expensive Miele vac. I can’t recommend it highly enough, just make sure you buy a new one!

  74. QWOMindaddex says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUse it all the time – scheduled three times a week. Tried a room a and returned it as my wool rug kept clogging it up. Never had this problem with the Neato.extremely intelligent and very good app.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Neato unit is the first robot vacuum cleaner I’ve come across that actually works, and it does surprisingly well. However, it does have a few issues, so it’s worth bearing these in mind before purchase.

    Setup: This is one of the things that’s great about Neato. It’s easy to set up and use, and I had it up and running within five minutes. You just turn it on, install the app and connect it to your wifi network. It then gives you the option of doing a mapping run, which is recommended as it allows you to define all your no-go areas etc and specific room boundaries from the start. Only issue is that I made the mistake of not doing this and then couldn’t find the option to re-run it anywhere in the app, so in the end I completely reset Neato, which prompted me to run the mapping run and it worked fine.

    Suction: Neato has much better suction that I thought, and is completely fine as long as it’s run regularly. If you want to quickly vacuum the living room before guest come round it’s not quite as effective as a regular vacuum cleaner, but it still does a good job.

    Navigation: Neato’s navigation is excellent, and the app works really well. However, Neato does manage to get caught on something quite often – probably around 50% of cleans are interrupted by Neato getting stuck, particularly on chair legs and on the piano. I don’t really have the confidence to set it off when I’m not in the house, but actually this works out OK, as I use it to do vacuum cleaning while I do some tidying, and that way I’m on hand if there are any problems.

    Other features: The app itself is great, aside from the issue of not being able to re-do the mapping run. Neato also works with Alexa, which is really cool. You can’t rename Neato to whatever you like (I had fantasies of saying “R2D2, please clean the house”, which is a shame, and I couldn’t get it to do specific rooms, you have to just ask Neato to do some cleaning and it will clean the whole floor or wherever you have defined in the app.

    Overall: A great, helpful device that makes the keeping on top of the cleaning a much easier task.

    Very clever and helpful, not without flaws

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a brilliant little gadget! It’s not cheap but it does exactly what it says and cleans the whole ground floor of my house while I am out walking the dog! It seems to be particularly good for picking up dog hair….
    It learns its way around the house within a few days And doesn’t seem to have a problem if a piece of furniture has been moved

  77. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 68 From Our UsersSo, nachdem ich meinen neuen Helfer jetzt ausgiebig getestet habe, schreibe auch ich meine Erfahrung, um anderen bei der Entscheidung zu helfen!
    Als erstes vorab:
    Die Aussage, dass der Roboter sich nach meiner Wohnung richten muss ist Quatsch! Wenn ich per Hand putze muss ich auch den Blumenkbel beiseite schieben, den Vorhang anheben und die Waage im Bad verrumen, um darunter wischen zu knnen…
    Wer dann (im kleinen Rahmen!) seine Wohnung so logisch gestaltet hat, so dass man selber als Mensch wischen/saugen knnte, der hat das bestmglichste getan, um Robi freie Fahrt zu geben!

    Bei mir hngt der Robi brigens ber das 5Ghz Netz am WLAN und seitdem hat er kein einziges Mal sein WLAN wieder verloren!

    Leider hat er doch das WLAN mal wieder verloren…

    Ansonsten fhrt er wirklich logisch die 75qm Wohnung ab und bleibt NIRGENDS hngen! Dauer ca. 55-60 Minuten.
    Falls er mal ein Hindernis anfhrt ist es wirklich eine sanfte Berhrung und ein sofortiger Stopp!
    Muss er mal zurck fahren, um aus einer Situation wieder heraus zu finden, so kann es schon mal passieren, dass er leicht aufsteigt/hochfhrt, dadurch ist aber noch nie was zu Schaden gekommen. Deshalb fr mich nichts negatives!

    Wichtig ist nach der Ersterkundung des Saugroboters die No-Go-Linien einzuzeichnen, um zu bestimmen, wo er nicht hindarf!!! (Habe ich ber mein Tablet gemacht und hat prima funktioniert). Dabei kann ich einfache Striche ziehen, aber diese auch verbinden, um z. B. ein Viereck zu erhalten…
    Funktioniert 100% zuverlssig…

    Die Lautstrke des Roboters im Normal-Modus ist vollkommen in Ordnung, da ein normaler Handstaubsauger auch kein Flsterer ist.
    ber die Lautstrke zu meckern, ist meiner Meinung nach einfach nur dumm.
    Wahrscheinlich haben diese Leute selbst noch nie gestaubsaugt…

    Mittlerweile kann der Robi auch einzelne Zonen, die ich selbst definiere anfahren, da er die Zonenreinigung spendiert bekam! Sehr coole Sache.
    Da wre das einzige Gemecker, das es selbstverstndlich sein sollte, dass ich diese Zonen mit frei definierbaren Formen anlegen kann! Knnt aber bestimmt beim nchsten Update!
    Und wenn man den Robi evtl. ber die App komplett ausschalten knnte, um einen sogenannten Deep Sleep Modus zu aktivieren (dadurch knnte man Akku sparen…).
    Aber das ist jetzt Jammern auf hohem Niveau!

    Im Groen und Ganzen ist der Neato D7 mit Sicherheit der beste und zuverlssigste Robi, denn es zur Zeit am Markt gibt…
    Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!

    P. S.: In irgendeiner Rezension habe ich gelesen, dass der Robi nicht im Dunkeln fhrt, dass ist milde ausgedrckt absoluter Bullshit!
    Selbstverstndlich fhrt er auch im stockfinsteren Raum!

  78. Oilang Maui says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve owned Bucky for a month now and overall I’m happy with him.
    I lost my rag with him a couple of times to start with as he kept getting stuck, not docking and not finishing floor plans.
    You’ve got to change a few things to make him reliable. To me, this just meant moving my tub chair off the rug so he can hoover underneath and making sure my cats toys are put away.
    I’ve also changed his settings to ‘Turbo’ and switched off ‘extra care’ and I haven’t had any of these issues since (it could be a coincidence?)
    I’ve asked my Alexa to remind me each morning he cleans to pick up my ‘mess’ so Bucky has no real obstacles too.
    I have laminate floors and a thick, chunky rug which he has no issues climbing on to clean.
    He’s really good as picking up crumbs and cat fur. I have Bucky clean 3 times a week, and it’s still suprising (and gross) how much he collects in his bin.

    I’ve only tried the boundry marks once as i’m pretty happy for him to yo vacuum everywhere and it seemed to work fine.

    Overall, I think he does a good job, he’s my first robot vacuum and I wish i’d gotten him sooner as I hate vaccuming (I still have to do my stairs and sofa though!)
    I’ve only given him 4 stars as he’s ridiculously expensive and he’ll still miss the odd crumb in the middle of the kitchen floor…

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMine lasted just over two years, though after a year the rubber o ring that is used to drive the side brush failed – I simply replaced it with a rubber band that lasted. (requires specialist tools to open a D7) When it finally failed it simply said ‘reboot me’ and refer to customer service. I did not bother with CS and decided to replace (bought something different with favourable reviews)

    Other than the brush episode it worked well with daily cleaning of over 40m2. The D7 worked well with lips between rooms, rugs and pet hair. It was also very easy to maintain – every few days emptying the dust bin and every couple of weeks removing anything snagging the rolling brush. Battery life was fine the entire time I had it. And device always returned to the dock.

    BTW Re the software updates – don’t use them – once it cleans for you well, stay well alone form any software updates: stop the app from updating the device – after the first update for us, the D7 stopped cleaning outside corners very well – clearly the algorithm was changed as it made no attempt to delve back into corners like it used to, instead giving a couple of inches berth to an outside corner – a tad annoying. For me the the software updates were the reason to try something different.

    A final note that may be of use I bought mine on a prime day so got it for half price – significant savings given its price at the time of almost 800.

  80. Erin Lawrence says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReally good bit of kit. Updates with new features still coming. Had initial frustration with connectivity but clearing up my wifi signals around the house made all the difference (Too many). Only one month in. See how long the brushes and filters actually last. Nice and quiet when running. Superb movement patterns around obstacles. Loving it so far. Will update in 6 months.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am disabled and permanently in a wheelchair. because my hands have very little function hoovering my flat was becoming impossible . I did a lot of research and finally settled for this amazing little machine. I can now keep my flat as clean as when I was able bodied. the only problem I have with him is that when I’ve removed no go Lines he doesn’t recognise the fact so now there are places he won’t clean. it’s not possible for me to empty him but I have help once a fortnight and the waste container just about last that long. he’s not a luxury for me but a means by which I can retain independence. I wouldn’t pay this much for a vacuum cleaner and wouldn’t pay this much if it was just a gadget.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic product. I needed help to set it up but I’m loving it now. Takes up less space than a normal vacuum cleaner and is much more fu

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Users“Rosie” is the best. Very good quality cleaning. Whiever remember the Jetsons, will recall Rosie.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAfter purchasing an Amazon Echo, I discovered that I could use Alexa to control ‘smart devices’. I’d previously seem robot vacuums advertised and thought that they were just a gimmick, but I was particularly intrigued by the Neato Botvac D7. I researched the various models from Neato and other manufacturers and came to the conclusion that if I were to purchase a robot vacuum, the D7 would probably be the best option. Considering the price is much higher than traditional vacuum cleaners, I wondered whether I would quickly regret my decision to purchase what might be considered a novelty item.

    I’m delighted to say that I’m very impressed with it so far. I’ve had 2 little glitches so far – the first one was when it didn’t dock itself after cleaning. The second fault was a little more worrying, as the vacuum appeared to be completely lifeless and wouldn’t operate at all. The customer service support was fantastic, and they guided me through all possible scenarios until I was able to establish that the vacuum hadn’t docked itself correctly. To be fair, it had been knocked slightly and therefore unseated from its docking position which caused the vacuum to lose its charge overnight. After re-seating it properly against the docking station and leaving it a couple of hours to charge up again, it’s been fine ever since.

    The vacuum cleans thoroughly, picks up (almost) all cat hair, and the carpet and floors look really clean after it has finished. The dust compartment isn’t enormous, but it’s big enough to capture dust in our reasonably sized apartment. I still haven’t got past the novelty value of watching it work, but when I leave it to get on with it’s job, it cleans very well and in theory at least, it gives me time to do other things. Controlling it via Alexa provides the additional versatility to allow my disabled wife to ask Neato to clean the house, which she would have found impossible to do from her wheelchair using a conventional vacuum. I would highly recommend this product for anyone considering a robot vacuum who can justify the expense. For me, it’s been a very worthwhile purchase.

    Software has just been updated in December 2018 to allow specific rooms (or zones as they call them) to be cleaned. I received an email yesterday about the update, and today I was able to update the app and the robot vacuum easily. Creating the zones is a piece of cake, and I’m delighted to say it works perfectly. I can now clean single rooms of my apartment, rather than it cleaning the whole area. This is a vast improvement for when you just want to do a quick clean of a particular area of your home. Neato are obviously listening to their customers, and I’m really pleased I purchased the D7. Neato treat their customers well with great backup support when required, and I’m convinced that this as been the best purchase I’ve made this year. Thank you Neato.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersGetting setup was REALLY simple. Remove from box, plug in base station, place robot in front of the station and push gently into the charging contacts and let it boot up with some glowing LEDs.

    Whilst it does so, get your phone out and download the app. Follow the instructions (complete with videos) there and voila, 5 minutes after opening the box you’re sitting there like an over excited child with a new toy on Christmas day.

    To use the ‘no-go’ lines on the app you need to let the bot do a clean first. It comes with the ‘old fashioned’ magnetic tape to allow you to quickly mark a no-go area for one off cleans or if you need to re-map an area. Off the bot trundles, powering up and heading around the edge of the room first. When it reaches a doorway it’ll head through it and back, finishing the first room and then the other rooms one by one.

    Now, for the important parts… can you leave it to its own devices?

    I have a rug with tassels in the middle of my lounge floor and I’ve got to say… I’m impressed with how it handled it. It would suck them up, immediately realise and you hear the blades stop spinning, the suction stops and the bot reverses back to free itself and tries again from a different angle. Once it’s worked out the edge, it simply seems to avoid the problem area.

    Most of my furniture is either quite high (eg coffee table) that it can happily navigate around or low (sofa) that it cleans right up against. The exception is a treadmill which is the exact perfect height from the floor that the bot can get underneath right up to the laser range finder unit that sits about 1cm proud from the top. And this is where you find a flaw… the lasers work by detecting the reflection back, simple physics… but when they hit something reflective the laser doesn’t scatter and get picked up, it will bounce like a mirror… the edge of the treadmill is black, shiny plastic and it doesn’t seem to detect it properly.

    So the bot trundles under the treadmill and gets about half way in before it starts to jam. It sits there, realises it’s not moving after about 4-5 seconds and backs up, again then trying from a slightly different angle. It still doesn’t get itself fully jammed, nor need human help. It figures out that something isn’t right and attempts to correct.

    So in the lounge, it’s happily handled random boxes left on the floor, my slippers, trainers, the aforementioned tassels and a 1cm floor height difference between my lounge and kitchen. Sometimes it gets up that little step, other times it hits it and stops dead in its tracks. Again it realises, backs up and tries at an angle with each wheel then able to get a purchase on the lip and off it goes. In the kitchen it’ll happily work itself around clothes airers etc I may have out on any given day.

    So navigation is sorted, it has yet to get itself stuck with no help requested from me.

    So cleaning…. summed up, pretty damn good. I have two cats who I swear shed their body weight in fur every month. My Dyson regular cleaner is pretty good at getting stuff up but of course that requires me to use it, which is a flaw in any design 😉 I hadn’t vacuumed for the week before getting the D7 (I knew it was coming so wanted a good test!) so wasn’t too surprised when the bin was absolutely rammed full after it’s first sweep of my lounge/kitchen. I emptied the bin and set it off again, this time getting about another 2/3 of a bin from the two rooms. With a daily schedule now setup it keeps on top of the fluff, perhaps getting 1/4 to 1/3 of a bin on each of the daily runs. I can therefore empty it every 2-3 days without worrying.

    Biggest downside – it doesn’t climb upstairs 😉 You can just pick the bot up, place it on another floor and hit the go button. It’ll figure out the rooms and do a normal clean. It’ll send you its usual cleaning map of where it’s cleaned at the end of the cycle as normal but it won’t be able to do its no-go lines. Those only work on the floor where the base-station is. You would need multiple units if you wanted otherwise but these are far too expensive for that!

    I love this bot. It does a great job, my carpets are clean, my kitchen tiled floor is clean. It’s quiet enough you can watch TV in the room it’s currently cleaning. Two cats watch it from a distance without going all ninja on it. It’s navigation seems to do a good job.

    Downsides? The price, it’s at least 2x the price it should be and that’s coming from someone who absolutely loves it. I’d buy another for my upstairs but as it stands I could only just justify the cost for downstairs that has more foot traffic and for keeping it clean for visitors etc and even then, not at retail price (aka wait for a GOOD sale!). I’d have never have bought it at regular price… even now knowing how good it is. Older models are almost identical, same laser navigation, same decent cleaning power – yet the top of the range units are 2x the price now compared to just a few years ago. If it lasts anything less than 5 years I won’t even consider replacing it with another Neato as that’s the absolute minimum I’d expect something of this price to last.

    Will a robot replace your main vacuum? Not entirely but pretty damn close...

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I honestly bought this device with a high degree of scepticism. As a techy I expected to be reasonably impressed with its ‘smartness’ but disappointed with it’s cleaning ability… I was completely surprised on both counts.

    The device – feels robust and well made
    The app – is slick, simple to setup and intuitive
    The navigation – simply awesome. I have a bicycle in my hallway and it delicately navigated around it, just nudging one of the wheels once
    The cleaning – stunning! I’d not hoovered for a while on purpose. The carpets were grubby and had tons of hair on them. The brush did get a bit clogged but the hoover lifted all visible signs on the first pass (turbo mode). A couple of days later it is *still* filling its little box. I haven’t hoovered for a while admittedly, but this device is clearly lifting dust that my previous hoover (a Miele) wasn’t touching!

    The downsides – be prepared to lose a bit of time following it around watching it for the first couple of days – just because it’s fun to watch!!

    I rarely review (good or bad) and generally avoid superlatives 😉 – this device is brilliant!

  87. Richard Trenholm says:

     United Kingdom

    The only time it got stuck was on the 1st run it did to map the room

  88. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersDavvero un prodotto senza eguali (almeno per quanto riguarda le mie necessit).
    Partiamo dalla spedizione, che purtroppo non stata puntuale rispetto a quanto promesso dal servizio Prime.
    A parte questo piccolo disguido il prodotto in s davvero notevole, di seguito premesse, pro e i contro:

    – esperienza precedente con un Samsung Powerbot vr9259
    – appartamento di c.a. 70m
    – cane di grossa taglia e pelo lungo
    – presenza di molti ostacoli fissi e mobili (cavi, buste, sedie, ecc)

    – sin dalla prima mappatura, il robot non ha avuto nessun problema a destreggiarsi tra sedie, tavolini, scarpe ecc
    – grazie al suo spessore ridotto (10cm) riesce tranquillamente a passare sotto al letto, mentre il suo predecessore non passava
    – utilizzando assieme la navigazione turbo e gentile si riesce ad ottenere una grande potenza di aspirazione ed evitare scontri troppo forti con le
    – anche con la potenza settata a “turbo” riesce a pulire tutta casa senza doversi mai fermare per la ricarica, finendo con la batteria a circa il 60%
    – l’approccio molto pi delicato rispetto al Samsung, che spesso andava a sbattere con violenza contro superfici trasparenti come vetro ecc.
    – la tecnologia laser gli permette di muoversi agilmente in tutte le condizioni di luminosit
    – l’applicazione funziona perfettamente (a differenza di quella Samsung che da mesi ormai non era pi compatibile con iPhone)
    – le linee di demarcazione virtuale sono veramente di una comodit assoluta
    – il serbatoio della polvere spazioso e facile da svuotare e pulire
    – futura compatibilit con alexa e google home

    – prezzo di listino elevato (899), ma comunque inferiore alla concorrenza. (Io l’ho poi trovato qui in offerta a circa 670 euro quindi ad un ottimo
    – non essendo i filtri lavabili (come invece per il samsung), mi aspettavo qualche accessorio extra
    – non presente un telecomando fisico (non assolutamente un problema per me)

    In conclusione mi sento di consigliare assolutamente questo prodotto che, a parer mio, molto pi efficiente e tecnologico di marchi pi cari e famosi.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI have waited quite a while to purchase a robotic vacuum. I tested the Dyson 360 eye (good suction but terrible navigation so back it went). I also tested an early roomba (before they got intelligent navigation) and that went back as well. I always thought having to lay out magnetic strips (older Neato’s) or beacons (Roomba) was a poor solution so when the D7 came out with no-go lines I took the plunge…read on for my 1 month review.

    Unboxing and setup
    Not overly packaged and no assembly to complete other than removing a moisture absorption pack and a few protective films. Setup was very straightforward via the app. Make sure you site the charging station so that the robot has a good connection to your Wi-Fi. If you want to start cleaning cycles or communicate with the robot during cleaning cycles from the app the robot needs a strong Wi-Fi connection and it supports both 2.4 and 5GHz bands. It will clean without a Wi-Fi signal (I have 1 dead spot in my home) but you wont be able to communicate with the bot via the app.

    The navigation on this unit is excellent. On its first trip out it pauses a bit to scan the rooms as it enters new ones but I found its edge cleaning accuracy, obstacle avoidance and general ability to work a series of rooms in a methodical fashion impressive. It didn’t miss any areas. Once you have done your first clean and you have a map saved you can add no-go lines. I had to do these a few times to get the exact placement correct (testing with a cleaning cycle after each change) but once I got them right the robot is very good at skirting around them. Note you can only store 1 map (edit 2 Aug 2018 – you can now store up to 3 maps, each with their own no go lines but always need to start cycle from a charging station which you can now buy separately) so you can only store no-go lines for that single stored map. I have a 2 story place (and don’t want to purchase another bot) and set it all up for the lower floor but I then just carry it up to the upper floor and initiate cleaning cycles using the button on the unit. When its done I just return it to its charging station on the lower floor. Note that the no-go lines ONLY work when you initiate cleaning from the app. I use the ‘extra care’ navigation option which means it runs a little slower to get around the space (around 7%) but is gentler in terms of when it touches obstructions. The unit gets under most furniture in my place – the Dyson 360 eye was quite tall so poor at getting under most units. When the clearance is on the boundary of the advertised height it sometimes get stuck but only where there is a variable height on the underside of a piece of furniture (i.e. where a sofa sags a bit towards the middle). Watch it on the first run and use no-go lines to keep it out of areas where there is potential for it to get stuck.

    One thing it does experience a bit of trouble with is some narrow, angular chair legs…it tries to climb them for a while before giving up.

    Suction is very good in both eco and full power modes. I use eco mode which is sufficient – unless you have pets or just lots of stuff to pickup its probably fine for most houses and uses less battery – do a few runs and experiment. I also tried the full power mode but for me it didn’t really pick up much more and it was a little louder and used approx. 20% more battery.

    I use a handheld mini-vac to clean the filter after 2-3 runs (will depend on how quickly you fill the bin) and also take out the brush to clear out hair caught up in it – it’s a 6-7 min job once a week. Its worth doing this regularly if you want this to run efficiently. I do wish the filters were washable (Neato – if you are reading this please consider this as a future feature request!) as they are on the Dyson. Filter replacements are relatively expensive 20+ for 2 original Neato filters and you are recommended to replace every 2-3 months. You are also advised to replace the roller (25) and side brush (12.99 for 2) every 6-8 months depending on usage – just consider these costs when looking at total cost of ownership.

    I have to say I was reticent about buying the unit, thinking it would not meet expectations and have to go back. I’m pleased to report its a keeper. It wont work for all houses, particularly very cluttered places or places with lots of deep, loose pile rugs (the roller will get stuck on these) but for me it has genuinely made life easier (some ‘smart’ gadgets just seem to end up being a pain in the butt but not this one).

    This probably wont completely remove the need for your primary home corded/ cordless vacuum but I haven’t had to use mine in a month on the floor the D7 is being primarily used on.

    Spend the time on setting it up properly, utilize the no-go lines (game changing feature) and maintaining it and it will work a treat. Recommended.

  90. AngelikaAyp says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersRezensionen schreibe ich nur, wenn ich total berzeugt bin: Positiv oder negativ.
    Der Neato D7 berzeugt mich tglich positiv. Es ist die reine Freude, zuzusehen, wie er nach zwei Stunden das letzte Stck, das er noch nicht gesaugt hat, findet und reinigt. Wir haben einen Teppichboden mit 1 cm hohem Flor. Darauf sieht man alle Bahnen, die der Roboter saugt ganz genau. Dieser Sauger ist der vierte, den ich teste und der einzige, der seine Vorgaben und die Ankndigungen der Werbung voll erfllt.
    Er verbindet sich problemlos mit dem Internet. Dabei bertrifft er die anderen bereits, da er bei 2,4 und 5 GHZ luft. Es war teilweise sehr
    zeitaufwendig, mein Smartphone auf die 2,4 GHZ zu trimmen. Hier der erste Pluspunkt.
    Er ldt sich in hchstens drei Stunden auf, andere bentigen vier Stunden, um danach nicht einmal eine Stunde am Stck zu saugen. Er saugt
    zwei Stunden przise und sehr genau. Kein Teil wird ausgelassen. Er hat auch keine Probleme mit Sthlen und anderen Hindernissen, wie z. B.
    ungewhnlichen Sesselbeinen oder Tischen, die einen runden Glasfu haben, der fr alle anderen Roboter nicht zu bewltigen war. Dieser Roboter meistert alles problemlos und beeindruckt mich bei jedem Lauf. Seine Lautstrke ist akzeptabel, vor allem, weil ich ihn wirklich alleine
    saugen lassen kann. Er ist der erste, der zuverlssig arbeitet und danach wieder an die Ladestation fhrt, ohne irgendwo hngen zu bleiben. Er saugt, im Gegensatz zu den Vorgngern, auch nichts doppelt. Problemlos zieht er seine Bahnen und arbeitet daher uerst effektiv. Ich kann hier nur loben und eine unbedingte Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.
    Ergnzung nach drei Monaten:
    Ich bin noch immer begeistert. Natrlich bentigt ein Roboter gewisse Voraktionen. Ich entferne Bodenvasen, DekoArtikel auf dem Boden (groe Kerzen usw), aber das ist mein Interesse, weil dann das Saugresultat um so besser ist. Ich wrde ihn sofort wieder kaufen und habe ihn schon mehrmals im Bekanntenkreis empfohlen.

  91. Lori says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEasy to install and use and did a fine job. 😉

  92. RondaSasaki says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 124 From Our UsersMany moons ago I purchased a Samsung NaviBot SR8855 robot vacuum back in 2011. It was a major disappointment. Not once did it ever manage to clean the whole house without beaching itself on something, sucking up a rug or cables, or find some other method to commit robot suicide in order to avoid vacuuming. It came with only two “virtual fences” to stop it from going somewhere it shouldn’t. But if you’re like anyone normal, you’ve got all sorts of things in your house that would cause an issue, such as rugs, cables, furniture and so on, to the point where you’d need at least 10 of these things. I could never being myself to throwing it away, so it just sat there unused. It put me off the idea of a robot vacuum completely. Then I saw the Neato D7 on Amazon deal of the day – and actually just a little over what I paid for the Samsung bot some 7 years ago. I was very skeptical and expecting it to be a nightmare but decided to give it a try. One of the features I found interesting was the virtual “no-go lines” you can draw on to a floor map, avoiding the need for any physical barrier.

    For fun, while waiting for the Neato to be delivered, I plugged my old Samsung Navibot in and timed how long before it managed to beach itself on something and stop, calling for help. I intended to them trying the Neato and see how long that lasted (expecting it too would fail at some point). Well, the Samsung lasted all of 9 seconds. As soon as it undocked from the charging bay, it went straight for a deep pile rug, cimbed it and got stuck, started to panic, beeped and shutdown. I chuckled to myself, unplugged it and put it away. Just what I expected.

    When the Neato arrived, I put it to work straight away. I had my timer out to see if it could beat 9 seconds. Well, 45 minutes later, it had cleaned the whole house and returned it its charge base and put itself back on charge. It sent me a push notification to my phone to say it had finished and then offered to show me a floor map, showing exactly where it had been. I could see from the map that, although it had mapped by main bathroom, it had not actually cleaned it. On inspection I realised I had left the door partially closed – so although its laser could peak in and map the room, it couldn’t physically squeeze through – so it wasn’t the fault of the robot!

    The point it, it just worked and I was shocked. I had dome some preperation of the home, by lifting up some stray cables etc. For example, under the bed there are charging cables so I moved these out of the way. After it had mapped the home, I then placed a no-go line (or box in this case) around where the charging cables normally are. I put the cables back where they were and set the robot off for another clean to see if it would obey. And obey it did. It kept away from the charging cables with no issues at all.

    The other thing that struck me was the power of the suction itself. This isn’t a quiet machine and, I must be honest, the eco mode vs the turbo mode didn’t seem to make much difference. But that noise is because this thing really does pick up everything. I don’t mind the noise as the whole point is that I can schedule this to run when we’re out at work. It did its first scheduled clean this morning and again, it managed it no problem at all.

    I’m now a convert. I just can’t believe it actually works with no hassle! I will still need to manually vacuum every now and again, but this will make such a huge difference in keeping on top of it! I can’t recommend it enough.

  93. KaseyBellingsha says:

     United Kingdom

    Living in a 2 bedroom flat means that I don’t have any stairs. That is quite a good thing when it comes to the Neato D7 as, like Daleks before him, he is defeated by them. In a single level home, though, the Neato D7 (or Bucky, as we’ve christened him) is a fantastic help.

    Setting up the app and getting the D7 cleaning is simple, and the app really is a great thing to have. It means I can turn Bucky on, send him back home, get notifications when his bin needs emptying, and even get SOS messages on the rare occasion he gets stuck or swallows one of the cat’s toys.

    In terms of vacuuming performance, Bucky does a great job. The aforementioned bin needs emptying every half hour or so, as he gobbles up so much dust. Compared to a traditional vacuum cleaner he may not be quite as thorough, as he can’t get into all the nooks and crannies, but I’ve found that running Bucky once or twice a week and then supplementing that with a quick go over with the cordless vac once a month is perfect. It should be said that my wife and I aren’t clean freaks but nor are we dirty birds we’re somewhere in the middle and thus Bucky suits us well.

    As mentioned before, the D7 does sometimes get stuck, but overall he is quite adept at manoeuvring around or going over small obstacles so it doesn’t happen too often. Just giving the flat a quick glance over, picking up small objects and moving things that are easily knocked over (the longboards in the hallway, for instance) is enough to give us peace of mind. Bucky is also quite gentle. There’s the occasional bump or small crash, but so far he hasn’t done any damage.

    The last thing I’ll mention, which isn’t as far as I’m aware mentioned in the marketing material, is that watching Bucky make his rounds is a genuinely fun form of entertainment. The cat loves following him around as well, though gets a bit upset when he goes right at her, but so far they are getting on well.

    Overall he’s a welcome addition to the family.

  94. JanSturgis says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersAfter several months of ‘coming soon’ assurances on the Neato web site the Botvac D7 Connected cleaner has arrived and is in stock at As a user of other Neato cleaners I had no hesitation in placing an order as I have found them to be thorough and effective in keeping the house clean. I am convinced that a daily automated clean preserves not only the look but also the life of a carpet.

    On opening the box I was pleased to see a Customer Care sticker with contact details for UK customers if they require assistance. I have found in the past that owning a Neato cleaner is great until there is need for a repair and the process is then cumbersome to say the least. Long and repetitive phone calls do result in a replacement being provided but the system is far from customer friendly and lacks efficiency and speed. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction. It is also worth noting that the D7 comes with only a 12 month guarantee for UK customers which seems short to me for such an expensive and hi-tech machine. Fortunately Amazon customers can overcome this limitation by purchasing an Amazon Protect Insurance which, although an additional expense, avoids potential problems for 3 years.

    Those who like to admire the appearance of their Robot cleaners will not be disappointed. It looks neat and smart, though I have reservations about the various indicator lights which seem to me to be less useful than the on screen messages found on earlier Neato models. I do not want to have to refer to the handbook to find out the meaning of flashing lights though I acknowledge that they enhance the appearance. I guess its a matter of style over functionality.

    Setting up the D7 Connected is straightforward enough though it does seem to require a stronger WiFi signal than the Botvac Connected. I placed the D7 in our kitchen where there is a moderate signal (and where the Botvac Connected has operated from without problem) and could not connect at all. It was only when I placed it much closer to the router that I was able to make the connection.

    The big step forward with the D7 is the no-go lines. Having performed an initial clean I was able to add lines to the floor plan to prevent it from going to certain areas. We have armchairs that are just the wrong height for a robot cleaner and our Botvac Connected would regularly get stuck beneath them until I put down some of the provided magnetic strip to keep the cleaner away. Our TV cabinet has push-open glass doors at floor level and this also required a magnetic strip. Although this method is effective it is a bit unsightly and I am pleased that with the D7 I can limit its area of cleaning with no visible barrier whatsoever. It is a system which seems to work very well and is the real justification for selecting the D7 over other models.

    All the Neato cleaners that I have used have been excellent in their primary role of getting up the dirt and dust. The D7 is no exception and with it you have the additional options of an eco or a turbo clean (they both seem to work well though we have chosen the quieter eco option for scheduled night time cleaning) and a ‘Extra Care’ mode which is particularly gentle with navigation. This may be useful (I have turned it on) but Neato cleaners all seem to be much kinder to furniture than some of their competitors anyway.

    All in all I would thoroughly recommend the D7 connected. It is expensive but is, in my opinion, worth every penny.

    A Footnote: Browsing through the handbook I noticed that it is recommended to replace the new Lithium ion battery with a Neato Genuine replacement every 12-18 months. I wondered what this would cost and so, out of curiosity, found it under ‘Accessories’ on the Neato web site and clicked the ‘Get yours today’ button. I thought that his would probably take me to Amazon but instead it came back with this message: ‘Retailers for Neato Botvac Connected High Capacity Li-Ion Battery. It looks like there aren’t any distributors in your country’. This is unimpressive to say the least and really is something that Neato need to sort out!

  95. ErrolM26xxwutq says:


    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersProvengo da un robot Neato D85, un ottimo aspirapolvere robot che purtroppo per ha avuto dei problemi dopo tre anni di onorato servizio in una casa di 160 mq pulita tutti i giorni. Essendo possessore di due gatti ed un cane sono praticamente dipendente dal mio robot e cos, nell’attesa della riparazione ho deciso di comprarne un altro.. appunto il D7. Che posso dire.. se il D85 mi piaciuto, il D7 entusiasmante quindi cercher di vedere e dirvi pregi e difetti ..
    Difetti: io personalmente implementerei anche una diversa logica di funzionamento per poter scegliere. mi spiego.. Il D7 come il D85 prima di tutto, con il laser mappano l’area e dopo la dividono in settori di cui prima puliscono i bordi e successivamente, tramite passate parallele, puliscono l’interno. Implementerei anche un sistema che non dividesse la stanza ma semplicemente prevedesse il passaggio per strisce parallele su tutta la superficie. Non un difetto, solo una implementazione che a volte farebbe comodo perch magari farebbe prima essendoci meno cambi di direzione.
    altri difetti? non saprei.. tecnicamente lo trovo perfetto e non lo cambierei ma forse aggiungerei solamente sul paraurti frontale due rialzi a livello del laser in modo da evitare il passaggio sotto quei mobili a filo con la scocca ma troppo bassi per il castello.
    Pregi: che dire.. aspirazione potente abbastanza da rimuovere tutti i residui in terra quali briciole, polvere, peli di animali ed anche piccoli oggetti quindi a mio avviso non serve una “pompa per il vuoto spinto o un aspiratore industriale” come aspirapolvere ma come forza aspirante basta ed avanza quella di questi aggeggini che vi assicuro non poca.
    Navigazione: il punto pi delicato della questione.. Come navigazione migliorata molto rispetto al D85, la trovo pi precisa nel riconoscere gli oggetti, il software elabora le informazioni e prende le relative decisioni pi velocemente quindi ne deriva un movimento con meno intoppi e sbattimenti vari. C’ anche la funzione chiamata “gentile” con cui mantiene una distanza di meno di due cm dai vari bordi di muri, sedie ed oggetti il che si traduce nel robot che non sbatte pi su nulla ma di conseguenza anche i bordi e gli angoli rimangono sporchi. Io personalmente preferisco non usarla perch comunque il paraurti morbido e non rovina nulla ma c’, quindi la cito per gli interessati.
    Altra cosa importante.. riconosce le variazioni di mappa. Mi spiego, se il laser mappa una stanza e successivamente si mette una sedia, si sposta qualche cosa o si chiude una porta, lui non tenta di passarci attraverso come un mulo ma vede la variazione e si comporta di conseguenza aggirando il nuovo ostacolo.. funzione da non sottovalutare, fidatevi!!.
    Connesso al WiFi serve? boh.. non saprei dire sinceramente.. c’ e lo trovo molto comodo sia per farlo partire che soprattutto per programmarlo. funzione importante a mio avviso legata all’app la possibilit di creare muti virtuali. Normalmente si usano delle semplici strisce magnetiche da appiccicare con il biadesivo al pavimento ma le trovo scomode e soprattutto antiestetiche da lasciare perennemente in terra e se devo costruire e smontare un percorso tutte le mattine in casa prima di uscire lascio perdere. Con i muri virtuali, dopo la mappatura dell’intera casa si possono memorizzare cos da trasmetterli al robot che di conseguenza eviter certe parti della casa in automatico senza bisogno di costruire un percorso ad ostacoli ogni volta.
    Per concludere posso dire che malgrado sia un prodotto di nicchia con il relativo prezzo non proprio basso una volta posseduto non se ne pu pi fare a meno. Certo non adatto a chi spolvera casa tre volte al giorno perch comunque la pulizia non perfetta ma per tutti i giorni, secondo me, va pi che bene. In sostanza non pu sostituire del tutto un aspirapolvere da passare manualmente ma sicuramente invece di farlo tutti i giorni baster farlo una volta a settimana se non due ve lo assicuro. Per me una comodit a cui ormai non posso rinunciare.

  96. VioletteKovar says:

     United Kingdom

    We have called ours Geoff. He was easy to set up (we live in a flat) … We have had to learn how to store things off the ground because Geoff has an appetite! He has tried to eat a coat hanger, cable ties, cables, long curtains, bits of clothes and toys. Fortunately, once he has sent a text to say he is stuck and a map to show you where (under the coffee table or the bathroom unit!) he is easy enough to unravel bits from his brush. He also texts to say when he is done cleaning and when you need to empty him…you can change how much suck he has in the app and also how hard he bumps into things or tried to go over them.

    My house only looks cleaner when I get the big hoover out to go around the edges when my mum is coming to visit! We have set him up to go every day at the same time. 9 year old and her friends have a great time with him. We plan to put googly eyes on him…

    I’m not sure what we will do if he dies! We wouldn’t be without our robot friend but he costs a months wages!

  97. LaraBunker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI was very skeptical about whether a robot vacuum cleaner would be any good. This is a top-end, expensive model, so if anything was going to allay my skepticism then surely this was the one. It did not disappoint.

    # First impressions and setup #

    The Neato arrives in a neat little box which feels reassuringly heavy. Inside you find the robo-vac itself, the charging dock, two mains cables including a UK one, a quick start guide and a main instruction manual.

    The vac itself looks really good in a dark grey and silver and again feels reassuringly heavy and solid when removing it from the box. Not to heavy, but heavy enough to feel well built.

    The charging dock is a little deeper, front to back, than I expected but, again, not too deep to be a problem.

    Once the two parts are unpacked you need to work out where you are going to position the charging dock. The quick start guide days you need 1m clear to each side and in front of the dock to allow your robot to find its way back after cleaning or when it needs an extra charge. This could be a problem for some people depending on the layout of rooms and furniture.

    I found this requirement to be excessive, however. As you can see in the attached photo I have positioned the dock with the required clear space in front but only about 5cm clear on each side. The vac has so far had no problem finding its way back – and it does a funky little bum dance when settling back into the charger (I see you, baby, shaking that…)

    Once the dock is positioned, place the robot curved edge against the duck and make sure it’s making good contact, don’t power the dock up just yet, though.

    Before pushing anything up, if you are going to use the Neato app or Alexa to control your robot then you need to install the app and create a Neato account of you haven’t already.

    You can use the robot without the app but it is the connected features of the D7 that make this a stand out piece of kit – and this is also where the vac is likely to improve over time.

    Once your account is set up and you have logged into the app then power up the dock.

    Your robot will then power up and do a bit of beeping etc.

    In the app you then choose to add a new robot, you’ll be asked to select your WiFi and to enter the WiFi password. You’ll also be asked to give your robot a name – a cute feature that will only really be of any practical use of you intend to become a multi-robot household. Still, I gave mine a humanising name just for fun.

    That’s it… You’re ready to go.

    The first thing the D7 wants to do is explore your property to build a floor plan. Once this is done it will be able to clean more efficiently as it will know where to go. Now, the are a few obvious missing features here that I will detail a bit later, but suffice to say your first cleaning cycle probably won’t be representative of future cleaning cycles – this first cycle should take a bit longer.

    Before you create the floor map make sure all doors are open to rooms/areas you want your robot to clean and it’s a good idea to pick up any temporary clutter (shoes, kids toys etc) to give the robot a better idea of the space it should be cleaning.

    Creating the floor map is simply a case of telling your robot to start cleaning via the app – if fact the app will be prompting you to create the floor map once you have added your robot.

    And off it will go…

    # First Clean #

    There’s something a little spooky and disconcerting watching the vac explore your home. It moves with what can only be described as ‘purpose’ seeking out rooms and suites and corners and actually looking around with its laser scanner. Spooky, but quite cool and mesmerising too.

    Once the first clean is done your robot will play a little tune of beeps again and you’ll get a notification in the app that your floor plan has been created. Your robot will also have returned to its charging dock. (In fact about 20 minutes into its first clean and floor plan mapping run my robot returned to its charging dock for a while as out of the box it was only partly charged).

    At this point you can add virtual ‘no-go’ lines to your floor plan to mark out of bounds areas – a nice feature that means you don’t need to put magnetic strips around your house to mark these boundaries. For example adding a virtual no-go line to your front door will prevent your robot from escaping into the street if you leave your front door open in the summer.

    You also have the option of setting up a cleaning schedule trying your robot which days of the week and at what time you would like it to clean. Again, there is room for enhancements to the software here that I will detail later.

    # Floor plan zones #

    As of the December 2018 robot software and app update you can now also create ‘zones’ on your floor plan. These not only allow you to create and name a zone for each room, but zones can actually overlap. This overlapping is a great feature, for example I have created a zone for my hallway, dining room and kitchen, but I have then created a overlapping zone that covers all of the hallway and one end of the dining room and names this ‘Walkthrough’. This routes gets more foot traffic than anywhere else in the house and can now be cleaned more frequently than anywhere else and can be cleaned in isolation whenever needed.

    # Performance #

    I ran the first clean cycle a couple of hours after the whole area had just been vacuumed with a high performance ‘pet hair’ Dyson. We don’t have pets, but these vacs tend to have better cleaning performance than non-pet-hair versions. The Neato robot, however, still managed to finish will a two thirds full dust compartment – i.e. it actually seems to clean better than a manual vac’ing with a good Dyson! That surprised me – this robot vac really performs well in its primary job.

    The vac actually manages to lift the pile of carpets and leaves neat parallel tram lines that give a carpet a freshly cleaned look (albeit freshly cleaned by a manic neat freak!)

    That dust compartment only has a 0.7 litre capacity and will need to be emptied every cleaning cycle. The filter will also need to be brushed off a bit when emptying the dust compartment to keep the performance up, but this is a quick, trivial job as the compartment just lifts out of the top of the robot.

    One thing to note in comparison with what seems o be the main competition (Roomba) is that the Neato does not have a dirt sensor. Where the Roomba will go back over an area until it’s dirt sensor indicates that the area is clean, the Neato vac relies on its methodical approach to ensure that the area is clean. Obviously this means that particularly dirty areas may not get a completely effective clean. That said, in testing I have had no problems as yet and the Neato seems to reliably achieve a good clean

    # Noise #

    With performance comes noise. There is a movement motor and a vacuuming motor in the robot and you can clearly hear them both start up and wind up to full power when the robot starts a cleaning run. It’s not massively noisy, but unfortunately it is too loud for the vac to be run overnight.

    # Agility and obstacle avoidance #

    The robot had a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to navigating obstacles. First of all the is there laser scanner that maps out the rooms and find doorways etc. This is fine fur the bigger picture, but when it comes to chair and table legs, radiator pipes and other random stuff that you may have on the floor the robot uses bump sensors.

    The bump sensors and subsequent maneuvering are actually very effective. We have a dining table and chairs that have lots of fiddly metal legs and the robot find its way around everything only missing two tiny spots which were actually too narrow for it to fit into – see the attached photo and floor plan image.

    If the robot does manage to squeeze itself into to tight a spot it had one more trick up its sleeve – it can grow taller! If after trying to wriggle out of a tight spot it finds itself still stuck, the robot can actually raise itself up a centimeter or two to try to free itself. Again this seems pretty effective.

    If everything fails, though, and the robot had got itself in a situation it can’t get out of it will stop and cry (beep) for your help. You’ll need to step in and either free the robot to carry on its cleaning (presumably without the full benefits of the floor plan navigation as you will potentially have moved the robot) or return it to it’s charging dock.

    # Damage #

    Unfortunately the robot actually managed to damage a piece of our furniture (see attached picture). Most of the impact areas of the robot are rubber coated and it send pretty good at not knocking into things too hard but the back of the robot is harder plastic.

    It tried to fit between the legs of a foot stool we have that were a little too close together. Rather than get stuck the robot jacked its back end up and down a couple of times to free itself. As the back of the robot is hard plastic, and as there is a job in the plastic at this point it managed to scrape the posting off one of the legs!

    The D7 does have a ‘gentle navigation’ option that claims to protect against damage, but I honestly don’t think this mode would have made any difference in this case – I was running without that mode switched on – as it was not a normal navigation maneuver that resulted in the damage, it was more of an escape move.

    # Use on other floors #

    The D7 is at its best when working from the charging base as it makes a floor plan and uses that to calculate the most efficient cleaning route. You are, in fact, warned not to move the charging station after creating the floor plan as this will confuse the robot.

    It is possible, however, to use the robot on a different floor in manual mode. Simply carry the robot to any point on the floor that you wish to clean (I have the robot set up downstairs so I carried it upstairs and put it in a bedroom). Press the start button – single push for room clean as opposed to a spot clean – and your robot will head of to clean the whole of that level. Obviously you’ll need to open any doors to rooms you want cleaning again. (Update October 2018: As of this summer, you can now create multiple floor plans for different floors. To make best use of this feature you will need a second charging dock – available direct from Neato or from from Amazon )

    As the robot does not know the layout of this level so it will take longer to clean and it will take some pretty random routes until it’s done. When it is done, however, it will return to the spot where it started.

    As I tried this upstairs it gave me an opportunity to observe the D7’s drop sensing. The were a couple of precarious moments where the robot appeared to be heading off the top of the stairs and appeared to get very close to getting of balance while hanging over the top step, but all was well in the end. The robot did not get airborne at any point!

    # Alexa Integration #

    At the moment, Alexa integration is pretty basic. You can start a cleaning run – “Alexa, ask Neato to start cleaning”; pause a run = “Alexa, ask Neato to pause cleaning”; resume a run – “Alexa, ask Neato to resume cleaning”; and stop cleaning – “Alexa, ask Neato to stop cleaning “. DO NOT use his last instruction to cancel a cleaning run, though!

    If you ask Alexa to ask Neato to stop cleaning the robot will stop where it is. If you start the clean run again it seems to start afresh from where it is and may not remember where it has cleaned already as in theory the robot does not know where it is (you could have moved it while stopped).

    There is another Alexa Neato instruction, though. If you want to cancel a cleaning run simply say “Alexa, ask Neato to return to charging dock.” With this instruction your robot will stop cleaning and return to the charging dock where it will be ready to start a new cleaning run when you like.

    One other thing to be aware of on the Alexa side of things. If you say “Alexa, ask Neato to stop” or “Alexa, stop Neato” you will actually exit the Alexa Neato skill and your robot will carry on doing what it was doing! This is one way to really get things confused and should really be addressed in the skill.

    Note that currently if you start your robot via Alexa, no go lines are not enabled. Neither can you start zone cleaning from Alexa (yet?).

    One good thing about Alexa skills is that they can be upgraded at any time. Hopefully Neato will improve the skill over time. I’d love to see the ability to say “Alexa, ask Neato to clean the Kitchen”, for example – see below.

    # Top Tips #

    – Do not ‘stop’ a cleaning cycle as the robot will be unable to return to the charging dock automatically – you’ll need to carry out back!
    – If you want to cancel a clean mid-cycle use the app (or Alexa) to tell the robot to return to the dock (“Alexa, ask Neato to return to the dock”). This will stop the cleaning and the robot will know where it is.

    # Ideas for future enhancements / missing features #

    – Create floor plan without cleaning. (If you need to recreate the floor plan fur some reason – for example you have relocated the charging dock – you may not need the robot to clean while it is recreating the floor plan. This could be a quicker and quieter operation of the vac motor was not running at the time and the robot head not trying to clean at the time).
    – Scheduling cleaning every n days, e.g every 3 days or every 5 days etc.
    – Naming rooms in the floor plan with virtual room boundaries so that you can clean just one room at a time. (Update December 2018: This feature has been launched and is brilliant!)
    – Better Alexa integration. It is quite easy to get the robot confused or into a ‘stop’ state when using Alexa currently. With named rooms support Alexa could become very handy.
    – Ability to spot clean an area by tapping that area in the floor plan.
    – Option of purchasing multiple charging docks and creating multiple floor plans so that a single robot can be used on different floors – at 800 I suspect there will be very few multi-purpose robot homes so this would be an extra sales opportunity for Neato. (Update October 2018: These are now available and with the new multi-floor-plan functionality this makes perfect sense – buy an extra dock for each floor and Neato will work just as well everywhere!!!)

    # Summary #

    This is a very clever and very effective and efficient piece of kit. What it does it does very, very well.

    Where there is room for improvement is in the software and Neato can update this at any time (update downloads are prompted in the app – when I first powered up and connected my robot it updated to the version which added support for virtual no-go lines).

    Alexa integration is basic at the moment but this also reflects where there is scope for improvements in the robot software in general.

    If Neato implement any of the missing features I’ve listed above then this will be a killer robot without malice. (See embedded updates – Neato seem to be really good at adding features in response to user comments. Thank you Neato!)

    # Update October 2018 #

    It seems that the recent software updates have improved the D7s navigation. Previously the robot would sometimes get lost on the way back to the dock and either park up short or skewed. Since the last software update it has docked every time, absolutely bang in the middle of the dock!

    I was skeptical, but have to say I am convinced!

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is the first robot vacuum we’ve ever used so I can’t compare it to its direct competitors. However, at 800, I am inclined to compare it with what it’s replacing* – us using the Miele Miele S5261 2200 Watt Cat and Dog Turbo Bagged Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner, Red (which I would award 6 stars if possible). So, the Neato’s got to be way more convenient than manually vacuum cleaning the house, and significantly good at vacuum cleaning. Challenge one – Passed. But only after an abortive first three attempt; I followed the instructions to let the Neato clean its way around the whole ground floor, with all doors open, so it could map out the layout. The laser guiding did well to negotiate around chair and table legs, but then the whole thing got stuck underneath our tv stand, which seems to be the perfect height for the Neato to think it can limbo under, but can’t – the protrusion on the top got wedged and the Neato had no way out. Atempt two – Neato got stuck on the (admittedly very) deep pile rug – it managed to climb aboard, but then floundered. Attempt three – having removed the rug and placed barriers around the tv stand, it managed to make its way all around the ground floor and then back into its charging dock. SUCCESS! And it sent me notification through the Android app to let me know it was done, and would I like to look at the areas it had cleaned on the floorplan. Well, yes, I would. And then disappointment – it had mapped out the edges of the floorplan, but had chosen for some reason not to vacuum the whole floor in the hallway – just the edges.

    So, no fear of Cyberdyne systems taking over the planet just yet. However, this seems to be required training – for the Neato and the new user. Once you have learned what it can do and it has learned the floorplan of the house, it gets on does it. Eventually. The first run, with this needlessly spinning top, can be frustrating.

    How does it compare with the Miele? On every dimension of vacuum cleaning performance – not well. It’s not very powerful (well, the motor’s tiny compared with the 2200W Miele); despite the low power, it’s really quite noisy and it’s not very versatile (it will go to the edges of the room, but it can’t take the stairs, or clean sofas and curtains – obviously – nor can it handle the one rug we have, so that needs to be removed before we start the run). In terms of convenience, it takes considerably more frequent emptying (which is fair because who wants larger unit?); it advises replacement of consumables on much more frequent basis which is both annoying and expensive. So, this robotic thing isn’t cheap either in initial outlay nor on-going costs. However, it is convenient to be able to set the Neato to vacuum while the house is empty, and not have to worry about taking care of that job when you get home. It does take a few minutes’ prep, to remove the rug, open internal doors, and place the barriers around the tv stand/create a no-go zone, but that literally is no more than a few minutes’ work. Challenge two (cleaning) – Passed, kind of.

    Overall, this a product of convenience. It can’t replace a dedicated vacuum cleaner because there’s a lot it can’t do. But for 80% of the time, it does enough, and given that that can be done while you’re away from home, the noise is irrelevant. I’m still in the novelty phase, but I imagine that the Neato will be a useful addition to the house. I feel the overall cost of ownership is very high, but if you value your convenience, a robot vacuum cleaner is pretty… er… smart.

  99. Jonathan Evans says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSetup:
    Mostly Easy. Unpack, plug in the charging bay, put the cleaner on the bay, download the Neato app, login, give it your wifi password, and follow the instructions. You don’t need to use the included magnetic strips to setup boundary lines because you can setup them up virtually from within the app. That makes it easy to change your mind about where you want it to clean, even when away from home.

    Do I have to have wifi and/or the app?
    No, it will clean if you just press its start button, but you would have to use the magnetic strips if you want to have no-go areas without shutting doors.

    Does it clean well?
    Yes, surprisingly so. It picks up bits, hairs, fur, fluff and lifts the pile. If you have a lot of pet hair to pick up, you would be emptying the tiny bin every 5 minutes though.

    Can you schedule cleaning?
    Yes, from the app you can set a time of day and which days of the week. E.g 10am on Tuesday and Saturday. You can’t say “every n days”. If you are going to schedule cleaning, you need to remember to leave doors open, and tidy up if necessary.

    Empty the bin and clean the filter after every use – quick and easy. Keep the brushes free of hairs, dust it’s sensors occasionally. Replace the filter every 1-2 months. However according to Neato, there are no suppliers of the filters in the UK as of 27/3/18. Hopefully Amazon will stock them soon.

    Does it use bags?

    Where to keep it:
    Not as straightforward as you might think. The instructions says that it needs 3 feet/1 metre of clearance in front and to both sides of the charging base, so that it can find its way home. Actually, I think it would cope with a bit less than that. Also, I didn’t want it where it might be a trip hazard, or get shut accidentally into a barely-used room, and that made it quite tricky.

    It can lift over small changes in height, like thick rugs. It looks like it might cope with higher than that as it does try to lift over obstacles and you can see it lifting itself a couple of inches. But won’t go over a proper step, so no danger of it falling down the stairs.

    Will it cope with a big house?
    Yes, they claim it will do up to 460 square metres in one cycle. One floor of our house is 34 square metres of cleaning area, according to the app. Obviously, if there is loads of mess to pickup, then it will need its bin emptying more often. The limiting factor will be if you have a lot of steps, or nooks and crannies where it won’t fit, or stuff gets left lying around.

    This cleaner comes in a remarkably small box, so no surprise that the unit itself is quite light. Most of the packaging is cardboard and therefore recyclable.

    It stopped working after 14 minutes on the first time of use, and the app told me to contact customer care (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm), then the cleaner went offline and wouldn’t come back. The fix was to delete it from the app and start from the beginning. So far I’ve only had to do that once. Most of the time, if it says it can’t start, re-seating it on its stand will fix it. That has happened twice in a week.

    Is it worth the money?
    If you can afford it and you don’t like vacuuming, yes it is. It does a better job than me, and maintenance is quick and easy. And it is entertaining!

  100. DenaOlivas says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersNeato Robotics have really excelled themselves with this amazing vacuum cleaner.
    I am a very skeptical person and very discerning on new modern inventions but I can honestly say I have no reservations at all with this little robotic vac.
    I read all the instructions before first use then downloaded the app. I followed all instructions from the app and that was the beginning of a great experience. Opening all doors and moving obvious obstacles from its path I pressed start. The machine went from my kitchen into my living room then hall and front room. It removed so much dust and dirt that I had to empty it 3 times. The app tells you when to empty or when to remove obstacles. It tells you that the cleaning is done and also if it is returning to base to be charged. The app told me to clean the brush and shows a video on how to do this too. My carpets look as though they have a new lease of life because the pile is puffed up and very clean. I cannot fault this machine in any way because it does exactly what the manufacturer says it will do. I can imagine that it would be great in a large hall or bungalow with minimum furniture but even so, it still does an excellent job. accessories for this machine are available at reasonable prices. A lot of thought and great technology has gone into this machine so I do understand it being pricey, however, if you can afford it you’ll find it a big help in the home.