New Higher Resolution 320 x 240 IR Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera. Model HTI-19 with Improved 300,000 Pixels, Sharp 3.2″ Color Display Screen, Battery Included. Lightweight Comfortable Grip.

Weight: | 0.83 Pounds |
Dimensions: | 22.4 x 9.1 x 8.4 centimetres |
Brand: | Hti-Xintai |
Model: | HT-19 |
Part: | HT-19 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 22.4 x 9.1 x 8.4 centimetres |
Qualit prezzo imbattibile va benissimo, fa il suo lavoro di sicuro c’ di meglio ma costa 6 volte
Die mitgelieferte Software gibt dann noch Mglichkeiten zur Bildbearbeitung.
Ich habe bisher nur Nahbetrachtung ca. 2-.5 m Abstand gemacht.
Fr mich war es bisher die perfekte Wahl!
air leaks around windows and doors and checking wiring for hot spots
J’ai pu rgler quelques problmes d’isolation insouponn (joint de menuiserie, grenier)
Sur la dure avec l’conomie largement rentabilis.
Et en plus je m’en sert pour d’autres usages … lectronique (composant HS qui chauffent ou pas)
Retrouver mon chat dans le noir.
jetzt auch in der Pandemie eingesetzt. Mit der Temperaturanzeige muss man sich etwas spielen, zeigt auf der Stirn nur 34 Grad a
Ottimo prodotto rapportato al prezzo. Testato all’esterno con temperature molto rigide conserva un elevato contrasto termico.
Thie camera is good for my purposes. However, there are better and more expensive alternatives. It can be used for several purposes: detecting heat leaksi, over heated electrical installations, etc. However, the picure quality is so low that you do not want to post them on the Internet.
It is a workhorse but nothing to brag about.
The case does not close properly. As a result, I have dropped the camera already twice.
Correspond mes attentes pour le moment
Semble de bonne qualit.
Ottimo rapp. Qualit prezzo facilit di uso e molto intuitiva non l’ho usata moltissimo fino ad ora tutto ok
Have to say very impressed with this, has been a life saver helping me find a central heating leak and excellent for finding hot spots in electrical equipment.
Va molto bene ed affidabile; io la uso per delle misurazioni edili di prima valutazione (non certifico) e lo strumento va davvero bene per il prezzo che viene chiesto.
Optik ist in diesem Bereich und mit diesem Gert wesentlich besser als Handy-Thermal-Camera-USB-Wachel-Installationen.
Auch ist die 9Hz-Performance, wirklich besser als Handy-Thermal-Cameras, weil diese Handy-Dinger meist unter der eigenen Software-Bremse leiden, und haben oft nur 1Hz-Standbild-Wechsel-Performance.
Deshalb scheint es fast so als wenn die 9hz-Performance der HT-19 wesentlich besser ist.
Auch ist der interne Bildspeicher sehr gro und vertrgt viel Bildmaterial.
Nur die Beschriftung der Tasten ist gewhnungsbedrftig, weil die “Enter-Taste” rechts auen eigentlich die Beschriftung ESC (Escape) von der Funktion her tragen mte.
Aber wenn man es wei, dann ist das Men gut bedientbar.
Resme: TOLLES GERT !!!
facile d’emploi.
une toile en moins pour notice en anglais.
et les langues sur le detecteur. Italien. Anglais.Chinois. Allemand
Acheter les yeux ferms.
I am so impressed about Thermal camera. The resolution is great.
esegue il lavoro x me in modo buono direi eccellente
Daher hab ich mich entschieden es mal mit dieser Kamera zu probieren. Ich hab andere Modelle angeschaut. Was mit zu diesem Model gebracht hat ist das Preis Leistungsverhltnis. Bei Leistung im speziellen die Auflsung.
Bei den anderen Features unterscheiden sich die Kameras nicht sehr.
Ein wenig enttuscht war ich zunchst von den “Mischbildern”, wenn man das IR Bild mit einem Bild der “normalen” Kamera berlagert. Da die Objektive nebeneinander liegen kommt es natrlich zu einer Verschiebung der Bilder zueinander. Bei greren Entfernungen kein Problem, aber gerade im Nahbereich sehr rgerlich. Meine Enttuschung hat sich aber gelegt, weil die Kamera eine manuelle Korrekturmglichkeit hat.
– Stecker-Atapter auch fr deutsche Steckdosen dabei, aber auch ber USB ladbar.
– Ladekabel einfach an PC anstecken und die gemachten Bilder knnen sofort angezeigt werden
– berlagenrung von Wrmebild und norm. Bild/Foto in 4 Stufen
– eine Deutsche Anleitung wurde mir nach Anforderung in 2 Tagen zugesand. Sie ist verstndlich und gut lesbar
– selbst erklrende Menfhrung (auch ohne Anleitung)
– alles funktioniert tadellos, wie beschriebe
Es ist befremdend, dass ein solches Gert ohne deutsche Bedienungsanleitung ausgeliefert wird. Gerade Wrmebildgerte bedrfen einer genauen und verstndlichen Anleitung. Diese wird nur online auf ausdrckliche Nachfrage nachgereicht, sonst htte ich direkt retourniert.
Man darf die dann selber drucken. Unmglich fr einen Hndler, der in Deutschland Umsatz machen mchte.
Bisher war nirgend ersichtlich und zu entnehmen, ob und wo es in Europa eine Servicestation gibt, falls der Reparaturfall eintreten sollte. Die Cam wre ein wenig zu teuer, um diese zu verschrotten.
Versand nach China zu teuer und zu aufwndig.
Es beginnt bei dem Verschleissteil Akku. Man kann diesen wohl tauschen, es wre aber nicht schlecht zu erfahren, wo ich das Teil herbekomme.
Ein an sich gutes Gert, bei dem nur der Service im Versorgungsfall fraglich erscheint.
Und wie langlebig die Cam ist, wird sich erst zeigen.
Nach nun einiger Einsatzzeit mchte ich behaupten, fr den Preis unschlagbar, verglichen mit anderen in hnlicher Preislage. Eine deutsche Anleitung wurde per Mail nachgeliefert. Auch weiss ich nun, wie man den Akku tauschen kann.
Wollen wir hoffen, den Service nie in Anspruch nehmen zu mssen.
Aber die Cam ist super.
Produit est bien emball et correctement protg.
Pas de mode d’emploi en Franais.
Pas de prise secteur en version Franaise, j’ai pris un chargeur de tlphone Samsung, mme tension et amprage en sortie.
Mise en service simple et assez intuitive.
Les boutons pour aller dans les menus ne semblent pas de trs bonne qualit, il faut appuyer ni trop faiblement ni trop fortement sur les boutons au risque de les coincer.
Aprs quelques jours d’utilisation la camra fait le travail.
Prix intressant face la concurrence.
Manque une fonction WIFI pour envoyer les photos vers un PC sans devoir connecter.
J’ai essay de connecter mon tlphone SAMSUNG la camra avec un cble USB pour pouvoir dcharger les photos dans le tlphone…ca ne fonctionne pas.
Bildbertragung zum PC geschieht ber einen USB Anschluss. Die Kamera wird als USB Massenspeicher erkannt, und die Bilder knnen einfach kopiert werden. USB3 war dabei hier kein Problem, Erkennung und Anbindung unter Linux ebenfalls nicht (xubuntu 18.04).
Massiver Kritikpunkt: Es wird kein Netzteil mit Eurostecker mitgeliefert, sondern irgendein (asiatisches?) Netzteil. Die Kamera kann aber ber einen USB Anschluss aufgeladen werden.
Facile pour visualiser les sources de chaleur, prendre les crans en photo et charger les photos sur un PC via une prise USB. Il me reste valuer les performances pour lesquelles l’appareil a t achet : la bonne visualisation des tuyaux de chauffage dans les planchers chauffants dans mon immeuble collectif. En effet, la saison de chauffe s’est termine trop tt cette anne pour cela !
Buon prodotto , la uso in officina regolarmente. Utile per diagnosi
Diese Kamera bietet genau die Ausstattung wie ich sie brauche und ist obendrein sehr preiswert.- Deshalb habe ich sie doch wieder bestellt, trotz des frher von mir beanstandeten Fehlers. Aufgrund meiner Fehlersuche stellte ich jetzt fest, da der Bildtransfer nur via USB 3.x unsicher ist; mit USB 2.x funktioniert er ausgezeichnet; bin jetzt sehr zufrieden mit dieser Kamera.
Keine USB Verbindung zum Rechner; deshalb war der Bildtransfer nicht mglich…
Pratica e facile da usare. Molto comoda nelle valutazioni degli edifici in ristrutturazione o risanamento
Gran calidad, facil uso, lo he utilizado para busquedas de fugas de agua de calefaccin.
Todo un acierto.
Producto totalmente recomendable.
Es una cmara para lo que es. No esperes funciones extravagantes ni mens raros.
En la pantalla siempre te marca los puntos con mayor y menor temperatura y, si quieres, la temperatura en el punto central de la imagen.
– Muy intuitiva, aunque el manual lo explica todo y no hace falta romperse la cabeza.
– Puedes mezclar la imagen real con la trmica en 5 porcentajes diferentes.
– Tienes opcin de desplazar la imagen real si no coincide 100% con la trmica.
– La resolucin. A ver si encuentras otra cmara con esta relacin de resolucin/precio.
– A nivel profesional se puede echar de menos algn software para el estudio/anlisis de las fotos trmicas.
– No graba video.
We purchased this camera to assist us with our Home Inspections (Heat loss in houses) ……We have been using thermal imaging for 12 years in building inspections. We also have a $15,000 Flir Infared camera…. This small camera works great for what we are doing. ….Our larger unit is used for more commercial and industrial applications…..The small Unit seems to be the one our Home inspectors grab to do the work. This Unit stopped working 3 months after we purchased it….Not sure why……We contacted the supplier (XT Instrument) and they replaced the unit for us. We are pleased with the Unit and pleased with the service :”XT Instrument” provided. If you want a camera for Home Inspections….to detect heat loss or moisture behind walls….I highly recommend this unit…. No need to buy a camera worth thousands of dollars more….Cheers
Will it ever save me money? Don’t think so but it surely has the potential to reveal infrared secrets well out into the future.
I find the detail level to be fine for my needs which are circuit board repair, general house inspections and rv refits. Love my HTI-19.
I recently purchased a cheaper model and was disappointed with the resolution. This is more than I wanted to pay but the detail produced is far better and more usable than a previous model.
The instrument is easy to understand, responsive to changes of temperature .
I will purchase another for another job in the near future.
Prompt delivery
Intuitiva nell’utilizzo
Ottima risoluzione
Durata batteria
Robusta e solida
Assenza software post elaborazione
Connettivit solo con cavetto USB
Assenza di certificazione europea quindi va usato buon senso nell’utilizzo per scopi professionali (es. perizie termografiche etc…)
I like the price for this fairly good quality high resolution device. It arrived quickly and it is easy to use.
It’s sensitive enough that, wearing socks, you can see your footprints behind you as you go through the house. You can instantly see what devices on the wall or around the house are heating up while off (some are surprising). You can instantly see studs in the wall when there is a temperature difference. Very nice.
The HTI-19 should also be valuable to test the operating temperature of inverters, converters, and charge controllers based on the ambient temperature of the installation site.
I have just started my own beta-testing for the product to ensure it will meet my needs.
In my first test, I aimed the camera at a panelboard to determine if there were any hot spots (indicating excessive temperatures due to loose connections on the bus bar or wiring on an attached breaker). I did find a loose AFCI breaker attachment to the bus-bar that resulted in tempertures that were 21 degrees fahrenheit higher than any other areas in the panelboard.
The second test I did was in a junction box that houses control circuitry and a contactor that feeds a 2000 watt heating element in a hot water heater. I was surprised to find that the camera was able to detect temperatures in the 140-144 degree range in this junction box. The HTI-19 was detecting the temperature of the coil which is below all wiring on the contactor. The coil is responsible for the electromagnetic field the allows the contactor to be energized to allow 240 volts to the 2000 watt hot water heating element.
The third test I did was to see if I could locate metal trusses that are in the ceiling above my office that serve as both floor and ceiling joists. It was rather easy to differentiate the metal studs from the rest of the structure due to the temperature differential (the studs were 9 degrees cooler that the rest of structure).
My only issue that I have encountered so far is the lack of the ability to attach a lanyard to the actual camera (not the case) as I will be using this camera on rooftop installations and in commercial panelboards where I do not want the possibility of inadvertently dropping the camera.
The HTI-I9 will also be valuable to assess a site prior to commencing work to ensure their are no thermal issues in existing equipment before work is started. A famous adage in the electrical industry is the last electrician in to a site will get blamed for the sins of previous installations.
FYI, I have been looking for an IR Camera for the past 2 years and the cost of the usual suspects (Flir, Fluke, Etc.) has led me to acquire the HTI-19.
So far, so good, but I will update this review if I encounter any issues that make my use of the HTI-19 limited due to deficiencies.
Matthew Corona
La risoluzione 320×240 molto buona e permette di leggere le immagini in modo preciso e nitido.
Strumento performante, semplice ed intuitivo, che trova impiego per molte svariate esigenze.
The ability to superimpose a photo view helps in many instances to provide context like electrical panel for example. With a higher resolution 320×240 IR sensor, technologies like FLIR’s MSX is less relevent. MSX is helpful if you have a 80×60 IR sensor.
Due to the distance between the sensor and camera, the super imposed images are sometime misaligned depending on distance. The HT-19 has ‘parallax’ adjustment in the menu to align the IR with the photo.
I initially wanted a USB smart phone based Thermal Imager, but ended up deciding on a more durable stand alone device that I can abuse and drag thru a crawl space or attic.
One thing I wish the HT-19 can do is user settable temperature range. The temperature scale (color) is relative to what is in the frame, so it keeps changing colors depending on the high and lows. This makes it impossible to compare photos of adjacent areas.
Overall, battery life is very good, Having to plug in to a computer USB to transfer photos out of device is a bit inconvenient, but I have no issues if it means keep the device affordable. Refresh rate is a bit slow.
Recommended for anyone working on energy efficient remodels and new construction; also great for locating radiant floor tubings.
Don’t get it if you just want a thermal image of your cat or dog, its cool but gets old pretty quickly. However, I have used it to find my old dog who ran after some wild critters into the woods.
Resolution is good. Not sure how many pictures per second it does but way better than flir.
Facile da usare, men anche in italiano, subito pronta appena arrivata. Definizione 320×240! Manca lo zoom che aumenterebbe la definizione soprattutto per le immagini vicine, questa funzione riservata a dispositivi di fascia pi alta. Non economicissima ma nel rapporto prezzo prestazioni comparato con quelle sul mercato risulta vincente.
I know very well what I get this unit for, didn’t expect to watch movies or take clear pictures on it, I build homes quite often and it does a lot of work for me on that regards.
Nr one reason I got it, I had an expensive unit (won’t mention brand) that got stolen and in my latest house, my hardwood installer covered one of the heat registers in one of the bedrooms and didn’t want to go on a fishing expedition and try to find it blindly, this unit makes that work a smooth experience since will give you the difference in tem, mind you, will not read thru material like drywall or hardwood, but will tell you the difference in temp with regards to these materials.
Also, I happen to keep bees as well, and again, while it can’t read temp thru the hive box, will tell me the difference in temp with regards to any location of the box, hence allowing me to see where the bees are clustered without me opening the lid and cool their environment and force them to overwork to reheat their cluster, this toy does that for me and that is of great benefit to me.
Hope that helps, yeah, there are people out there that might feel that they’ve been cheated with regards to description, but unless you know what you wanted for the value of it, don’t complain for the wrong reason.
No tech phone number or email to contact
The camera is excellent, but for this USB cable.
Need new cable to Upload
My macro lens holder can be found on Thingiverse as a “BunnyScience” project
ZnSe lens to enable macro work is here on Amazon at
Very pleased with the purchase. Only niggle was the microusb jack being so far inset that most of my plugs won’t reach it. Had to trim plastic off my micro-use cable plugs to fit into camera. Other than that, it’s worked perfectly.
No video nor thermographic data in images, but I can do everything I need with the JPEG output.
Researched it online, bought it and very happy with the results. Our company uses it for inspections of equipment control panels, detecting problematic hotspots in advance. As an example of the resolution, if you press your hand against a wall for 5 sec, the camera clearly picks up the ‘heat-print’ left behind.
same for the walls i have heard of workers who have cheated people out of insulation but that wouldn’t happen with one of these as proof. it made it easier to know what would be needed and to budget for it without surprises.
It is easy to use. I do recommend watching some demonstration videos if you have never used one. There are methods of framing the image to maximize the image that you are after. I have already located a ground fault plug the needs investigation, and a furnace vent that needs insulation.
I would be very interested to use this unit alongside an equivalent resolution FLIR model to see if there is any real difference other than the price tag. The videos I’ve watched on using thermal imaging in home inspection sure haven’t shown any difference.
This is my first imaging camera, and while I read up on them quite a bit, I’m still a newbie at using one. And it’s also not like I’ve had one before, so I don’t have any personal experience of features that I liked or didn’t like.
I had read that the higher resolution of this one at 320×240 would show detail that would lessen the need for a feature that blends a visible light image with the IR image. This camera does have that feature, but I find I rarely use it. It works, but I find that I get all the detail I need without it.
I’m happy with the spec, and the documentation that comes with it is adequate, but I would have liked to have had more detailed specs before I bought it. When I looked at the outside of the box, the shortest focal length for this unit was listed as 2meters and that of the HT-18 at 0.5 meters. I was concerned at this, but I find I don’t have any difficulty making out detail at half a meter away, so no concerns there.
So like I’d imagine many people are, I’ve just got this, and it’s a fantastic new toy that’s already been useful, so i’m 5 star happy with it. I’ve only given it 4 stars because even if I plan to be more expert in using one, I’m not yet. It has some features that others have complained about in other reviews. it won’t record video; that doesn’t seem like a problem to me. If it did, it would need more storage, and then it would cost more. I’ve seen complaints about the button sequence to store an image, but I really don’t have a problem with it. Maybe if I knew more i would have.
It seems real resolution has been improved quite a bit in comparison with HTI-18 (advertised as 320×240).
Note, min focal distance is 1.5-2m.
– Good resolution, but noisy (see comments below)
– Pretty good price
– Relatively small
– Noisy in low-temperature regions (probably due to small sensor and lens)
– No video
– JPEG as output, no raw data
– No custom/fixed scale – auto-scale only
But sensor and lens are pretty good – most cons could be fixed in software, but don’t think they will upgrade firmware for this model though.
See several examples attached, all images were taken with no real-image blending, just IR:
1. Yamaha receiver
2. Kitchen with hot kettle in the top-left corner and heat vents on the right side
3. Car outside (Black-White mode)
4. Car’s engine (Black-White mode)
5. Car’s front seats with turned on heating
6. Water heater with hot and cold pipes
7. House outside
8. Outside wall
9. Wall with visible studs