The 90-degree(L-shaped) cable end design provides better flexibility to avoid bending for a longer service life.That also makes you more stable and comfortable and not easily damaged while playing | This QUEST 2 link cable transfer data to and from all your USB-C devices at a speed up to 5Gbps. It makes Oculus quest into Rift S with amazing zero lag graphics. | Made with reinforced braided nylon jacket and aluminum housing for its excellent quality. It can withstand over 10,000 bending tests and withstand years of use without any damages. |
J’adore la longueur et le faite que le bout soit sur le ct qui s’abme bcp moins que les autres.
Je recommande x10000
Personnellement je n utilise pas ce cble USB pour un casque je m en sers pour branche une webcam, pour faire des visios avec la famille sur la tl.
Jusqu ici je ne trouvais pas de cble plus long que 3 m capable d assurer une bonne liaison vido.
Ce cble assure un excellent flux de donnes, il profite galement d une conception de qualit, il inspire confiance par une belle finition. Les connecteurs sont mouls dans un alu gris , l’assemblage est trs bien fini. Le cble est quip d’une tresse de nylon ce qui lui permet de ne pas tre sensible au coupure tout en restant assez souple.
Le connecteur USB-C est coud pour tre angle droit pour un casque c est bien pour d autres applications c est parfois gnant.
En conclusion ce cble d une longueur de 5 m ne fait aucun compromis sur la performance et profite d une belle qualit de finition.
Ob fr die VR-Brille oder fr andere Gerte: Mit diesem Kabel klappt es.
Die Lnge ist mehr als ausreichend, die Qualitt und Verarbeitung sehr gut (Besser, als ich es bei dem gnstigen Preis erwartet htte.).
Die Leistung ist sehr gut und fr die meisten VR-Brillen mehr als ausreichend und frderte im Test keine Probleme zutage.
Angeschlossen hatte ich meine Quest 1, die sofort in der Software “Grn” signalisierte.
Auch eine Festplatte mit USB-3.0-Anschluss wird durch das Kabel nicht ausgebremst.
Sehr gute Qualitt und Verarbeitung, gnstig und sehr gute Geschwindigkeit: Hier bekommt man Alles. Ich lege mir noch ein weiteres als Reserve zu und einen Kauf kann ich Ihnen nur empfehlen.
Dieses Kabel macht auf mich einen wirklich robusten und langlebigen Eindruck. Auch die Geschwindkeit stimmt mit der angegeben berein.
Ich kann hier nur eine klare Kaufempfehlung raus geben.
Cble usb-c.
Longueur 5 m.
Semble solide.
Bien fait.
La prise usb-c sur le ct c’est pratique.
La longueur vois permet de brancher votre tlphone ou autre un peu partout.
Pas de message d’erreur lors de la charge.
Transfert de donnes sans soucis galement et assez rapidement.
Le cble pour le moment tient ses promesses.
Il faudra nanmoins attendre quelques mois afin de vrifier sa solidit.
Cble USB-A vers USB-C d’une longueur de 5 mtre. Fonctionne parfaitement pour la charge et les donnes, je recommande
J’ai eu peur qu’avec cette longueur la charge ne soit pas aussi rapide mais il n’en est rien. Le chargement est rapide et la longueur du cble me permet d’utiliser la prise qui se trouve loin de mon canap. Par contre je n’aime pas le systme de port usb-c en latral. Au lieu d’avoir le fil qui va vers le bas, le fil va droite ou gauche depuis le bas de mon tlphone et a me gne. Je ne vois pas l’intrt.
Das Kabel garantiert eine gute und schnelle Datenbertragung. Auch das Laden klappt wunderbar schnell.
Ich habe es bestellt, weil wir auf der Terrasse fter mit dem Tablet arbeiten und nun knnen wir auch praktischerweise nebenbei laden, wenn der Akku schon schwach ist.
Wir sind zufrieden mit der Leistung. Genau was wir gesucht haben.
Cble trs long. Fonctionne parfaitement pour le moment, voir dans le temps s’il ne dconne pas.
C’est un cble USB vers USB-C d’excellente qualit. Sa gaine tresse et ses connecteurs (USB-C angle droit) sont parfaitement raliss. Utile essentiellement pour les connexions loignes du fait de sa longueur inhabituelle (5 mtres).
Tres pratique , long et solide sans etre trop lourd !
De plus la fiche coud est un confort supplmentaire bien agrable a l’usage .
Le cble est beau , et le tarif reste raisonnable finalement .
Bon achat a 17e
Nous avons 1 cble USB-A > USB-C angle d’une longueur presque de 5mtres
La qualit est constate, le cble est tress, les embouts sont renforcs et disposent d’une scurit supplmentaire.
Pour alimenter la camra arrire de ma voiture, ce cble m’a t trs utile avec la longueur offerte.
Le voltage transmis est respect et permet ma camra de fonctionner.
J’aurai aim un adaptateur USB-C> USB-A
Satisfait, je le recommande
Geliefert wird das Kabel in einer aufflligen Luftpolsterfolie, die ich auch weiterhin zur Aufbewahrung nutze. Von der Verarbeitung und der Passform der Stecker, USB-A auf USB-C, her gibt es absolut nichts auszusetzen und auch das Nylongeflecht macht einen wertigen Eindruck.
Der Datendurchsatz erfllt all meine Erwartungen und auch die Ladefunktion wird voll Untersttzt.
Die Lnge des Kabels betrgt exakt 5 Meter, von der Spitze der Stecker aus gemessen. Wenn man kleinlich sein wollte, knnte man sagen das Kabel sei zu kurz, aber kleinlich sind wir nicht, schon gar nicht bei einem Preis von nur 18,00 Euro.
In der Summe hat sich dieses Kabel eine Bewertung mit 5 Sternen redlich verdient.
Ich nutze das Kabel an meiner CNC Frse, welche einen USB-C Ausgang am CNC XPro V5 Controller hat. Mein Rechner, auf welchem CNC.js luft ist dabei drei Meter weit weg. Mit diesem Kabel kein Problem und ich habe weder irgendwelche Datenverluste, noch andere Probleme damit gehabt. Kann ich somit als langes USB-C Kabel von guter Verarbeitungsqualitt empfehlen.
Trs grande longueur de 5 mn, un ct usb-a et un ct usb-c.
Je n’ai pas encore test si ce cble peut servir la charge des appareils, en tout cas il sert pour le casque.
Le cble est, la base, dsign pour les casque virtuel mais peut aisment servir pour tout type d’usage car c’est un USB C.
En ce qui me concerne, j’avais besoin d’une grande longueur pour recharger ma tablette et mon tlphone. Et je suis ravi !
Le cble fait bien 5m, est tress. Les connecteurs ont l’air de trs bonne qualit.
Un bon cble de grande taille !
Un cble usb-c de 4.98 mtres, pratique pour les transfert de donnes avec des appareils loigns.
Mais aussi pour charger batterie, smartphone, tablette quand on sait que les chargeur sont souvent loin.
Un cble tress gris, rigidit correct, fait pour dure si on en prend soin (logique !!)
16.98, ce prix pour la longueur faut en avoir l’utilit sinon a peut tre encombrant.
un rapport qualit prix trs correct.
C’est un trs bon cble qui nous est propos ici.
Le cble est entirement tress mais souple et ne gne pas les mouvements. Il mesure bien 5 mtres de long (connecteurs compris).
Sa compatibilit avec les casques de VR comme le Quest 2 est parfaite du fait de son connecteur USB coud cot casque.
Au niveau des performances, c’est galement excellent pour un cble de cette longueur qui permet des vitesses soutenues de transfert de donnes.
Le dbit est bon et je n’ai not aucune perte d’image ni de distorsion au niveau du son.
Il est quip d’un cot d’un connecteur USB 3.0 de type A et de l’autre d’un connecteur coud 90 de type C.
Je recommande ce cble pour sa longueur de 5 mtres et son bon niveau de performance.
La qualit de fabrication de ce cble est exemplaire : la finition bi tons des connecteurs est agrable l’il, la grosseur du cble inspire confiance.
Long de 5 mtres, ce cble est du coup trs polyvalent et conu pour tre utilis avec les casques VR afin de disposer d’une amplitude de mouvements optimale. D’autant plus qu’il est lgrement raide, ce qui est un atout pour gner le moins possible pour ce genre d’utilisation.
Mais il peut aussi rester trs souple, lorsqu’on le droule il se met pratiquement tout droit malgr sa longueur, et ce sans risque potentiel de faire de nuds comme c’est le cas sur un cble classique.
Je n’ai pas de chargeur rapide avec un connecteur USB-A pour le tester, mais en 2A, a passe sans souci.
Son connecteur angle droit est un atout vident dans de nombreuses situations pour gagner un peu d’espace.
C’est un excellent cble de bonne qualit de fabrication.
Tres bon cable.
Aucun problme de transfert.
Aucun problme de jeu en live sur pc.
Tres long.
Bien fait.
Pas cher.
Das USB Kabel mit USB C-Anschluss ist 5m lang und sehr robust.
Ich nutze es zurzeit fr meinen Controller, da man so mit dem lange Kabel den Weg zur Couch gut berbrcken kann. Auerdem nutze ich es zum Smartphone laden, weil 1 Steckdose bei der Arbeit weiter entfernt ist und hierfr das Kabel perfekt ist, um die Lnge zu berbrcken. Es kann fr jedes Gert verwendet werden, dass einen USB C-Anschluss besitzt.
– 5m Lang
– sehr robust
– flexible
– Gutes Material
– Preis Leistungsverhltnis
– Winkel am Anschluss
– nichts
Das USB Kabel mit USB C-Anschluss ist fr Gerte perfekt, die ein langes USB Kabel bentigen.
Das Kabel ist sehr robust und stabil und hat dabei noch ein sehr gutes Preis Leistungsverhltnis.
Ich kann das USB Kabel mit USB C-Anschluss nur empfehlen, da es sehr hochwertig ist und gut verarbeitet.
5 von 5 Sterne.
Ich bin mit diesem Kabel sehr zufrieden. Die 5 Meter ermglichen die entsprechende Flexibilitt um auch beim Zocken den “Raum” nutzen zu knnen.
Die Verarbeitung ist tadellos. Robuster Kabelmantel, sauber verarbeitete Stecker mit guter Passform.
Egal ob schnelles Laden oder eine stabile Datenbertragung. Mit dem Kabel hatte ich bisher keinerlei Probleme. Kann ich empfehlen.
Article tout fait conforme mes attentes ainsi qu’au descriptif du vendeur.
Cble tress du genre indestructible et long comme prvue , avec un connecteur solide , qui se fixe bien sur mon xiaomi redmi 9 et ne bouge pas.
Pour l’instant impeccable, je viendrai modifier mon avis si ncessaire.
Das Head Set Kabel kann ich nur empfehlen. Die Verarbeitung ist top
Auch der USB-A und der USB-C Stecker sind sehr gut verarbeitet und passen Perfekt. Besonders der abgewinkelte USB-C Stecker bietet im Einsatz viele Vorteile.
Man bekommt hier also ein absolut hochwertiges USB-A auf USB-C Kabel, welches sehr vielseitig einsetzbar ist. Von mir gibt es eine klare Kaufempfehlung und 5 Sterne.
Un cble USB-A vers USB-C de grande longueur (5 m) donc pour des usages particuliers comme les casques virtuels ou pour avoir une totale autonomie malgr un loignement important des prises. Il peut servir tous les usages, c’est du standard.
Ils fonctionne en charge compatible charges rapides sous 90W maxi (3 A).
Le transfert de donnes en en USB-C v3.0 (5 Gbps), ce qui est pas mal sur une telle longueur et permet des applications exigeantes (et non pas v3.2 comme indique le descriptif).
Il a une conception de qualit, il inspire confiance par une belle finition. Les connecteurs sont mouls dans un alu gris sobre et classique, l’assemblage est trs bien fini. Le cble est pais, quip d’une tresse de nylon renforant sa solidit, la composition semble particulirement robuste tout en restant souple.
Le connecteur USB-C est coud pour tre angle droit sur les casques.
En conclusion : Un bon rapport qualit/prix, il fait le job sans souci, robuste, pour ceux qui ont besoin de longueur, un rapport qualit/prix tout fait correct.
Je m’en sers pour alimenter une webcam de surveillance.
Efficace, et raisonnable au niveau cot.
Un bon choix
En plus de ces 5m qui facilite la vie. Ce cble est d’une qualit exceptionnelle.. le prix est trs raisonnable au vu de sa qualit. Je suis ravie. Il est ultra solide et tient bien.. conforme la description… Vous pouvez y allez les yeux ferms.
I got the official Oculus Quest 2 cable for my son as a birthday present, but it barely lasted a month. It wasn’t really a fault with the quality of that cable, rather it getting pulled about, or stepped on in the throes of a VR game. At 90 a go, I was worried this could get expensive very quickly.
There are so many USB cables out there which say they are compatible with the Quest 2, but I’m aware that USB cables over 3m that aren’t ‘actively powered’ might have issues. Although I couldn’t see anything about the cable being active, it looked like it was of a decent quality with some flexibility built into the end connectors.
I’m pleased to say that after a months use the cable is still intact. These cables may not be as fast as the official Oculus one, but they are much, much cheaper. I’ve not heard any complaints about the cable causing lag or getting in the way, so if this one gets broken I’d happiliy get another to replace it.
I bought this as my phone/speaker runs out when I’m out on the patio relaxing. It saves the need for the extension cables and is a decent quality and is quick charging.
Oculus Quest Cable – 5M.
This Oculus Quest compatible cable from LcueGuk is excellent. The build quality of the cable is first class. The connectors are also first rate and are securely fixed. The 5m length is perfect for my needs. The price at time of writing is 16.98. This makes the cable excellent value in my opinion. The performance is just as good of the OEM original.
The cable is long, durable and sturdy. It’s real value for money and it handy when tried and not able to walk to the socket, then you will enjoy the long used of this cable just like me. Be curious too, it can be a trip hazard.
This is quite simply a high bandwidth USB-C cable that is good enough to support the Oculus Quest 2, but will also support any other USB-C device.
Unfortunately I have an issue where my Oculus isn’t quite compatible with my PC’s hardware, and I will need to upgrade, but the cable itself does not appear to be the problem.
I connected this up between my device and PC and it is very long, so for VR it’s best to hook it up high somewhere so that you don’t end up tripping on it which could be very easy to do.
The cable itself is very good quality and will likely last for years of use and regular bending.
For the cost it’s pretty good compared to a proper link cable and any of the big name brands.
This is a high quality cable, It is well made and has great touches. Seems a bit expensive, but when you use it you can appreciate why it costs so much. It works well and I don’t feel any latency when playing games.
The inner and outer parts of the cable seem to somehow be slightly disconnected, which allows the cable to untwist itself and prevents it getting twisted up and kinking. However, the cable itself does seem to have a proclivity for getting wound up/tangled though so make sure you straighten it out before each use.
These features are so important when your moving around with your VR headset on, you just don’t get tangled up in this cable like you do with some other alternatives.
Also the length is great, easily long enough for most room scale experiences, unless you have an unusually large play space.
Overall very good quality cable and well worth paying as works without any flaws.
A really nice braided 5 metre cable that looks far nicer than the basic plain plastic cable alternatives. I have no concerns over the durability of this cable, it’s strong and bendable enough for my uses.
It operates at the full 3.0 USB speeds, connections never drop and the port ends are secure and don’t fall out. Great for both Oculus use or general charging/data transfer use.
I found this cable to be really stiff and not much flexibility the stiffness could cause the usb c connector end to fall out if not secured properly as in fixed down before the point of connection as the rigidness acts like a lever where if the was more flexibility the cable will just move around this stiffness is because its a thick strong braided cable and here’s the issue it’s a good strong well made cable that will last a long time (maybe it will loosen up after a bit of use) the connectors on the ends look good to in respect of they look sturdy and good quality.. one end is the usb A and the other a right angled usb C connector it’s 3m in length with a braided outer cover.
This is being used in the car to power a phone for the children in the back.
As its in landscape mode, its important to have a right angled plug.
Cable is hard wearing and the plugs are well moulded to the braid. You’ll be able to be really rough with this without much of an issue. for me its kids kicking the cable constantly.
Good cable.
This 5M Quest cable is perfect for use with my Quest headset. The cable is nylon braided giving it a good level of protection and premium feel. The 90degree design means the end of the cable won’t bend when plugged in the headset and the 5M length is perfect for allowing you to play without worrying about pulling the wire out and also allows for if you wanted to droop the wire from the ceiling or run it around the room. It’s priced very reasonably and does the job just as expected.
Excellent quality and value for money. Instantly connects to devices and holds signal/communication well. Seems well made and set to last.
Excellent quality and value for money. Instantly connects to devices and holds signal/communication well. Seems well made and set to last.
Great cable and very robust, charges my phone up quickly however i have to take my case off in order to charge my phone because of the fact that the cable is 90 degrees rather than straight. other than that its a decent cable and the 5M length is good for reaching where it needs to be.
As soon as you take this cable out of the bubble envelope you know it’s a class above.This cable is built to last and dragging it around the living room for hours at a time you know it ain’t going to let you down.It can be used for a number of tasks not only your oculus head set but laptops phones I also use it for a WiFi bedroom lamp which it works a treat.For the price you are getting one quality made to last type c cable.
A great five metre cable, ideal for using the Oculus Quest. The actual cable is of a braided pattern, unlikely to break with constant flexing and the right angled USB C plug is perfect. The length of the cable allows a good degree of flexibility for the user and the connections are tight, ensuring no break in transmission or pixelation of the output. This should last a long time. The cost, at just under 20, is a bit high compared to other cables but it’s good quality and you have to pay for that. Buy cheap and you get cheap. Highly recommended.
This is very much a typical USB 3.2 to USB-C nylon braided cable, although it is slightly different in that the USB-C connector is set at 90-degrees.
The quoted transfer speeds for this cable are slightly confusing, as on the Amazon website is says that it is up to 5GBps and then in the “about this item” section is saying “the tested transfer speed can be over 1333 Mbit/s”. Which is 1.33Gbps. The thing is with a lot of these cables is that the 5Gbps is what is called “theoretical” and not actually what you get when using day-today, as this depends on many variables. As the stated max transfer rate is 5Gbps, then this is going to be a USB 3.2 Gen 1 cable — Gen 2 is twice the speed.
With regards to the cables charging performance this was a bit of a let-down. I connected the cable to a 61W fast-charger and my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (with 35% battery charge) and it was only getting 0.58A — I did double check this with a USB digital test meter. Fast charging is considered anything equal to or higher than 2.4A and was some way off the 3A in the spec. If you are going to use it for charging devices as well as a Quest, you may need to be mindful of the shape of the USB-C housing and whether you have a case on or not.
The cable looks to be durable and is has a small amount of rigidity to it. By that I mean if you stand the end up at 90-degrees they will not stay there but neither will they drop down flat. Both connectors are well finished and the rubberised sleeve that goes down onto the cable is perforated. Allowing the cable to flex without putting undue strain on the wiring inside.
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative, and useful. Thanks for reading.
NB. For a sizing guide, squares in photos are 1cm.
This cable is good and strong with a bend on the cable where it connects to your headset which prevents the cable from bending while you are using it. Having a 5m length means you can easily dance around away from your computer without having to worry about pulling it off your table. Very happy with this cable. good value for money.
5m data transfer cable for the oculus quest link 2. This cable is ultra long which makes it perfect for the quest. The cable itself is braided and which makes it very durable and also look cool too! Then having metal connectors also makes it feels like a quality item which will last. This item works perfectly overall and arrived in nice packaged. Set at an average price for Amazon!
Less than 20 for a 5m wire is a steal!
It comes in a protective bubble wrap bag so comes in a great condition.
The cord feels strong and durable. It’s so sturdy it almost feels as if it can be shaped and hold the position you give it.
The wire also has a Velcro cable tidy included which holds the wire together and is super useful.
I know this is for a head set, but I got it for my phone so it reaches from the closest socket to the bed. It’s also great for having my phone on charge inside and feeding it through the window so I can still have my phone in the garden.
Would definitely recommend
While marketed with a particular product use in mind, which I am sure it performs well to do, I saw this as long USB A to C cable, with excellent performance.
The construction is good, nylon provides a more robust cover than plastic that can become brittle with ate and especially sun/UV light.
The connectors are well made and overall the cable feels very good quality.
The right angle C male connector is obviously advantageous for use with a device like VR glasses, but for your phone or tablet the right angle connection is also an improved experience, it places less stress on the device’s USB C socket, when you are connected and or charging and using the device a the same time.
The cable length means it can connect into an adaptor at a wall socket, and will more than likely track around to your preferred place of repose, be that in bed or in your living room.
I am very happy with this cable.
LcueGuk’s USB-C cable lets you connect your laptop, switch, or even Oculus Quest to your computer, TV and projector.
The cable has a length of 5 meters and has a 90-degree angle design that prevents the cords from bending. It is covered with tinned copper and PVC wire to keep it from heating and keep your devices from any harm and unsafe conditions. It is high-quality, super durable and can withstand more than 10,000 times of bending.
Furthermore, this cable is not only designed for Oculus Quest, you can also use this to charge your device and transfer files. It is compatible with devices such as Switch, MacBook Pro, Samsung Galaxy S8 / S9, Note 10, and Moto G7 G6. It can be also used to extend the connection of USB device interfaces of HD cameras, virtual reality devices, HiFi amp speakers, mobile hard drives, WIFI and other USB-C compatible devices.
I must say that this cable is the perfect length especially if used for VR devices like Oculus Quest. With its length, I can freely move without worrying the cable will be disconnected. As for the quality, I am very impressed since the cable itself is thick and feels durable. It is also plug and play so I don’t have to install any driver or software for this to work.
For my overall thoughts, I am very satisfied with this USB-C cable. It is well priced and has a very impressive quality.
This cable is of excellent construction and made with decent connectors.
Comes with a handy cable tie to tidy up unwanted lengths of cable.
Used with a VR headset it is long enough to cope with movement and remains connected throughout gameplay.
No issues with quality when in use, no buffering or pixelated images just fast moving content without breakup.
Highly recommend.