Pejoye Foldable Toilet Seat Toddler, Portable Toilet Training Seat for Kids, Travel Toddler Toilet Seat in ABS Material with 8 Anti Slip Silicon Pads and 1 Carry Bag, Blue Panda

Travel Potty Training Seat
Your toddlers may have many fears with potty training. To help them get through it, try to understand their fears and use the right equipment. Pejoye foldable potty seat will be your ideal option.
This potty toilet seat keeps your kids comfortable, provides familiarity using unfamiliar toilets and don’t have to worry about hygiene of public toilet seats. It doesn’t take much space but is an option for a toddler to use the same seat that he is used to wherever you go.

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DimensionThe Unfold Size: 36*29cm/14.2*11.4inch. The Folded Size: 17.5*14cm/6.69*5.5inch. Featuring a smooth, sleek surface, our Folding Training seat can be used while on vaction, in your home or practically anywhere! | Easy to CleanThis foldable potty seat is easy to clean, just wipe it with a wet cloth or flush it with water.It’s made of non-toxic polypropylene material, which makes this potty seat durable and skin-friendly to child. A great idea to avoid direct contact with public toilets. | PackageProduct Specifications: high quaility ABS material with panda pattern. Package Includes: 1 x Foldable Potty Toilet Training Seat 1 x Splash Proof Parts 1 x Storage Bag. |

Weight: | 400 g |
Dimensions: | 31.2 x 20 x 3.6 cm; 400 Grams |
Batteries Required: | No |
Der Sitz passt gut in die Handtasche und ist super fr unterwegs.
Tutto ok. Portato in viaggio e piace tanto anche alla mi bimba
Es ideal para empezar a quitar el paal y que pierdan el miedo a sentarse en el WC, yo lo llevo cuando salimos de casa y as evito sentar al peque en WC ajenos que puede que no tengan la higiene adecuada.
Richiudibile velocemente in 4 parti, comodissimo da portare in borsa. Dotato di gommini ben stabile e non scivola. Mia figlia di 2 anni e mezzo completamente autonoma nella sua apertura e chiusura. Consigliatissimo!
L ho comprato principalmente perch ho tolto da poco il pannolino a mio figlio cos da evitare di portare in giro il vasino.
Molto comodo perch leggerissimo e una volta richiuso ha la sua confezione a bustina da mettere in borsa.
Facile da pulire. Inoltre rispetto ai comuni riduttori sembra piu grande. Lo consiglio.
We went to Disneyland Paris recently and it was the first time we were out all day without there being a child toilet seat easily accessible. We bought this for our daughter to give her some independence and not need us to hold her over the toilet constantly.
It worked really well, folds up nicely and comes with a bag you can put it in.
Excellent idea. Granddaughter and daughter love this and will be packing it on their holiday abroad.
So easy to use, works really well and for such a good price
My niece was a scared of the toilet and I order the pink one as it was the same colour of her potty. She loves it as its pink and has a face on it. She not scared to use the toilet anymore.
Brilliant happy niece now
Ordered this for my downstairs toilet, to save me from having to fetch the toddler toilet insert from upstairs. It fits the seat perfectly and folds away when not in use. Grandson is happy to use this, he even picked the colour. Would definitely recommend this as it folds away in its own little bag for travelling. Good value for money too.
Mein Sohn liebt den Sitz, da er so schn blau ist und er ihn auch selbst aufhalten ka
piaciuto molto a mio figlio e questo facilita la familiarizzazione col wc. Speravo per che evitasse la fuoriuscita degli schizzi di pip e credevo ci fosse la coppetta paraschizzi come ho visto dalle immagini nelle recensioni. Invece mi ritrovo con un terzo riduttore in casa ,ma senza aver risolto il problema degli schizzi tipico dei maschietti…. Peccato!
This is a very sturdy foldable seat. The exact size of a toilet seat but folds down neatly into a pouch small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Bought this to take on our vacation so yet to use it but so far I’m happy with the size and quality
Fr diesen Preis in Ordnung
Es sitzt nicht recht stabil am WC Deckel und rutscht immer weg, man muss es schon festhalten wenn sich ein Kind drauf setzt.
Aber der Kundenservice hat sich mit mir in Verbindung gesetzt, und wir haben uns geeinigt, Kundenservice ist top.
Great seat. Light weight. My toddler enjoys unfolding it and placing it on the toilet.
This is the only seat that would fit a square toilet seat.
Will purchase another one for travels.
Arrived very quickly and was just as described. It is a great hit with my Grandson who is a Panda fan! Fits well on the seat and is secure. He gives it a thumbs up!
Happy with product, however disappointed that it arrived with the box unsealed meaning the items could have easily fallen out in transit.
Ich hab den Sitz r meine 2 jhrige Tochter gekauft, damit sie unterwegs auf die Toilette kann.
Der Sitz ist sehr schn und passt prima in die Handtasche.
Gute Lsung fr Unterwegs.
We went on holiday and needed something that would pack down. This was ideal and we are very happy with the seat.
Cute potty training seat to go on top of the normal toilet seat. Our grandsons like the bright panda seat. The only comment is that the seat does not stick to the toilet seat properly because the seat moves and come off from the main toilet seat when our grandsons come off. It is a nuisant but not a big issue. We are happy with the product aa it does the job.
My toddler grandson is made up with this seat it’s very sturdy and folds up small really pleased with i
Der Toilettensitz ist sehr kompakt und leicht zu transportieren. Er erfllt seinen Zweck auch gut deshalb die positive Bewertung in Verbindung mit dem Preis.
Leggerissimo, non ingombra e non occupa spazio. Si monta (e si smonta) in un attimo e si pulisce molto facilmente. comodissimo da portare dietro quando si esce con i bambini (io lo tengo sempre in borsa). Un prodotto intelligentissimo e praticissimo. Superconsigliato!
Super fr unterwegs, unsere kleine liebt es und auch fr die Urlaubsreise war es perfekt und passt in eine kleine Handtasche.
Adatto a bambini piccoli. Ad un anno il mio bambino esprime pip ad ogni cambio e pup nel water grazie a questo riduttore perch adatto appunto di dimensioni anche a bambini cos piccoli. Poi si pu piegare nella sua comoda borsetta e portare dai nonni o altrove senza problemi.
Mia figlia di 3 anni lo adora. Facile da usare e portare in giro. Per questioni di comodit evitiamo di attaccare anche la parte centrale
Muy buena compra por comidad y por utilidad del producto. Recomendable 100%
Fr unser Kind super. Kein reinfallen in die Toilette auf Reisen. Klein, handlich, passt in fsst jede Tasche.
I’ve used it a couple of times and so far I have been really impressed with it. My little one loves it and it saves me to hold onto her while she is on the toilet.
As it is foldable I can easily take it everywhere. It also looks quite sturdy so I guess I will be able to use it for a while.
Quitando el paal al nio se adapta muy bien al wc es resistente recomendable
Il miglior acquisto di sempre mi ha aiutata tantissimo nella fase di spannolinamento per quando eravamo fuori casa e ovviamente anche dopo! Poi il disegno del panda ha aiutato ulteriormente per invogliare a fare i bisogni nel wc e non pi nel pannolino!
Got this for my little one as we are now day time toilet using and with all toilets not having stalls seats for toddlers this is great to use/have. I was using a nine fold able seat which was good but too much to take out as was too big for our backpacks.
Folds away small so fits in toddlers backpack, quick wipe clean and back in the store bag it also comes with. Totally will recommend this seat.
Would highly recommend for the ease of use when out with little ones. Cute animal design my granddaughter loves i
Comprato in occasione di un viaggio ma sicuramente lo user tutto l’anno, sia fuori che in casa nostra. Entra in una borsa. Comodissimo.