Philips Hue Play White and Colour Ambiance Smart Light Bar Single Pack Base Unit, Entertainment Lighting for TV and Gaming (Works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit), Black
Ich habe die Lampen bei mir hinter den Monitor gestellt um eine Ambiente zu schaffen, auch, wenn ich am PC bin. Sie werden gut hell und lassen sich Hue-Typisch einfach einrichten und installieren.
Have it placed behind my monitor, works great with hue sync. It can get very bright and also works to illuminate me during my meetings while working from home.
This product is very versatile when selecting or creating light patterns. A great abient addition to any room. This can be set as bright or dark as the mood requires and can be controlled via a mobile phone app.
I bought the two light Play pack when it was bundled with the Play extension in three light bundle ob offer for 136. It is utterly brilliant and transforms the way you think about lights. It is not cheap but it is well worth it in my opinion.
When I was researching this I took a gamble in how I thought they would work was correct. It turns out I was right and so I repeat these points below to prospective buyers.
1. To get this pack to work you also need a Philips Hue bridge. This small device plugs into your wifi network and the bridge speaks the the Zigbee protocol that the lights use and it “bridges” between wifi protocol that your phone uses and the Zigbee protocol that the lights use. This allows you to change colours etc from the app on your phone or via Amazon Alexa. Without this bridge you cannot do this. Philips sell all manner of lights and you only need ONE bridge per house that can control dozens of lights. So you need to but this bridge. They come in a bundle with the bridge and two Philips Hue white lights for 39. I bought this bundle at the same time as these play lights.
2. The bundle contains ONE power supply that has THREE outputs and this comes with the 2 x lights pack. So this bundle (i.e. the 2x pack of lights PLUS the extension) uses all three of the power supply outputs of the power supply that comes with the 2 x lights pack. Each play light has a 2m power lead. This means the extension has to be used in the vicinity of the two main lights. Philips also make a five meter power extension cable so it can be further away. I also bought this power extension lead. Crazily, Philips do not sell the power supply separately, and only ever provide the PSU with a light. This is madness IMO. Also Philip use a proprietary connector so you cannot make your own cables. I am knocking a mark off of my review score because of this issues of power supplies and cables and for no other reason.
3. All three lights on the pack can be different colours and brightnesses if that’s what you want. They are each completely independently addressable and controllable. If you want to group them together and control them collectively you create a zone in the app and then put the lights in a zone.
All in all I am very impressed. They are beautiful and high quality items. As I said, I dock a mark for the stupid practise of not being able to buy a separate power supply and the crazy price – 15 – of a simple extension cable.
Excellent lighting. I’m particularly happy that Google assistant has discovered the light so I can control it via Google. My echo on the other hand refuses to recognise the lights although it is listed in the Alexa app. Also the hue app is an ideal way of controlling the lights.
Ich sag gleich dazu, ich habe gleich 2 Doppelsets gekauft. Habe 3 im Hochformat auf meinem Schreibtisch platziert und eine auf meinem Fensterbrett installiert (siehe Fotos 1 und 2). In einem Set sind 2 Leuchten, ein Netzteil mit 3 Steckpltzen, UK und EU Stecker und 2 Flache und 2 Hohe Befestigungen, inklusive Schrauben und Klebepads.
Leuchten sind easy angesteckt und montiert, wer eine HUE Bridge hat, die ich wrmstens empfehle, fgt die Lampen mit 2 Klicks hinzu und hat dann sofort direkte Kontrolle ber die Lampen.
Etwas was mich direkt gestrt hat, weswegen ich einen Stern abziehen ist, ich habe die Lampen absichtlich in wei gekauft und habe eigentlich erwartet, dass diese komplett wei sind, JEDOCH sind die Lampen auf der Rckseite schwarz, und da man meine Lampen an der Vorderseite eh nicht sieht, ist es also vllig egal, welche Farbe man bestellt. Die Halterungen sind ebenfalls schwarz… sehr rgerlich. Der Preis ist ebenfalls sehr hoch, aber das ist man von HUE gewohnt.
Wer Razer Equipment hat darf sich ebenfalls freuen, dass es eine Anbindung zwischen Razer Synapse 3 und der HUE Bridge gibt, es ist somit mglich, die Leuchten an Razer Chroma anzubinden und dadurch auch zu steuern. Dadurch knnen die Rainbow Effekte oder auch Audio Visualiser bertragen werden und das schaut echt genial aus.
Ich werde definitiv weitere kaufen, wrde mir aber wnschen, dass komplett weie Lampen ebenfalls auf den Markt kommen wrden!
Its a great product
The only issue i would have that the lead is not that long , struggled to put on on the side table an one on the back of tv, wouldve like to put it a bit higher on the tv but only reached at the bottom,
Dont know if they sell power adapters on their own
Looked but couldn’t find
This is another great addition to my Hue home lighting. I use a couple with my PC and use the Hue Sync software which works great. I also have a couple one a 65″ TV, but I don’t have the synch box yet as it’s a bit pricey like all of the Hue lighting solutions. Will be picking up a 3rd for the TV as well as 2 isn’t enough for the size of TV. Overall a great product which I recommend.
Like all Philips hue lights, they are 3 times the price they should be, however they just work perfectly every time without hassle and I still give Philips my kidneys for the privilege and will continue to buy hue lights. Why, because I like them!
This was purchased for my kids bedroom, to go one their bunk bed to shed some light when they are reading or sleeping. This works very well.
They are not big, but they are bright enough for most situations, coupled with a few sensors and switches they are perfect.
Setting up was done in a few seconds. My only main concern with spending all this money on smart tech is if they suddenly change the way these work, currently with Zibee but rumours are around regarding Chip or Choip systems in the future.
Meine Meinung:
Ich habe mich nach einer langen Zeit entschieden, ein Produkt von Phillips zu kaufen. Fr mich war es eine lngere Zeit zu berlegen, da man fr Phillips Hue schon ein bisschen mehr Geld zahlen muss. Aber jetzt nach einer Zeit, kann ich nur sagen, dass es keine Fehlentscheidung war. Es macht super viel Spa, die Farben und Funktionen von den Phillips Play zu testen. Das Beste, was ich an den Phillips Play finde, ist es, die Synchronisierung zu nutzen. Es ist kinderleicht, die Synchronisierung zu starten, z. B. ber das Programm am Computer. Es ermglicht eine schne Hintergrundbeleuchtung zum passenden Hintergrund z. B. am Computer beim Netflix schauen. Ich kann nur sagen, dass es sich lohnt, die Phillips Hue Play zu kaufen, allein an den Funktionen, wo diese bieten. Ich finde die Farben sind sehr intensiv und gesttigt. Besser als an anderen Smart-Home Lampen.
Natrlich gibt es einige guten Alternativen, die mithalten knnen. Aber wenn man ein bisschen mehr Geld ausgeben mchte, sollte man unbedingt auf Phillips Hue umsteigen. Diese sind sehr hochwertig verarbeitet und lohnen sich zu kaufen.
Allgemeine Dinge:
Das Produkt kommt super eingepackt und mit verschiedenen Steckern fr andere Lnder. Das ermglicht es, die Lampen auch in anderen Lndern zu nutzen.
Ich kann es nur jedem weiterempfehlen, diese Lampen zu kaufen.
Great product if you are into home automation and looking to back light your desk or television. Highly recommended, although could be considered a bit expensive!
I sistemi di illuminazione Philips Due non hanno bisogno di presentazioni. Sono sempre stato resto a comprare le luci del sistema Hue per via del loro costo ma grazie ad una offerta a tempo Amazon ho potuto ottenerle ad un prezzo pi ragionevole.
Soddisfatto dell’acquisto e del prodotto che pu essere utilizzato in tantissimi modi, nel mio caso ho migliorato l’illuminazione dello studio posizionandole dietro i monitor, in modo da avere una illuminazione pi adatta per lavorare.
La luce viene diffusa in modo uniforme e si possono impostare combinazioni illimitate di colori e temperatura, sembra una banalit ma impostando tonalit differenti nel corso della giornata si ottiene maggiore confort e meno fatica agli occhi. A differenza di altre lampade, l’impostazione dell’intensit di luce veramente precisa, fino a sfumare a soglie bassissime.
Funzionano con il gateway Zigbee Philips, che era compreso nel kit. Facilissimo da configurare in pochi passaggi, tramite app si possono programmare scene o automatismi, inoltre il sistema Hue si integra alla perfezione con i sistemi di Home Automation come Alexa e Apple Home Kit oltre che open-source, come Home Assistant. Con questa integrazione e qualche linea di codice ho potuto utilizzare le lampade per creare avvisi luminosi, ad esempio un breve lampo rosso per confermare l’accensione del riscaldamento di casa.
Nel mio studio sono posizionate dietro i monitor, le utilizzo anche durante il giorno per migliorare la visibilit e durante le videoconferenze in modo da illuminare il volto con tonalit pi naturali.
Ho posizionato l’hub Zigbee in un locale tecnico, separato da due pareti, il collegamento wireless rimane ugualmente stabile e affidabile, mai perso un colpo.
I bought my first OLED TV recently, the new LG CX and decided to get those Hue Play bars after seeing some videos on YouTube and Reddit, I thought it looked really cool.
You will need the Hue Sync box to get it synched with your TV’s content and it’s very expensive but in my opinion if you have already invested in an expensive TV you can make the experience even better with the Hue Play lights.
The setup is fairly easy, you need to connect them to your current Hue hub if you don’t have one then it’s something else that will add up to the costs unfortunately.
You also need to download the Hue Sync app where you can setup your Hue HDMI Sync box and manage the Play bars brightness, intensity etc. Note that the latest update will have to be installed and it took approx 1h for me. It was really frustrating, it’s ridiculous that it takes that long but once installed everything worked flawlessly.
I’ve been using the Play lights for the last 2 days and I absolutely love it. Our TV is already huge but those lights kind of make the screen even bigger! It’s also perfect for bright TVs at night, having more lights help with the eyes, you don’t have to change the TV’s brightness all the time.
The colours match perfectly with what’s on screen and change instantly. I’ve noticed that the lights follow some things moving on screen like a car a night, a lamp torch etc. it’s actually insane, I can’t believe how good it is!
I also got it working with the Harmony remote and no problems so far, everything works well. For those who have it, you have to add a new device called “Philips AV Switch” then add it to your existing activities and set your TV to the HDMI port where the Hue Sync HDMI is plugged then set the HDMI for each device connected to the Hue Sync Box in the Harmony app.
Highly recommended for people who want to upgrade their setup and improve their movie experience.
My current setup is:
– LG CX Oled 55″
– 3 Hue Play Bars (Left, Right and Top)
– Hue HDMI Sync Box
– Harmony Ultimate Remote
– Improve cinema experience
– Colours are beautiful, changing perfectly according to what’s on screen
– Easy and quick to setup
– HDR / Dolby Vision (fixed via firmware update recently) compatible
– Expensive
– Fairly small bars. Some people with bigger screens might need more than 3 Play bars (that said don’t underestimate their size, these things can get very bright)
En cuanto al producto, es de muy buena calidad y los detalles estn muy cuidados. Los colores y la cantidad de luz que proporcionan es muy buena. Sobre todo en ambientes no muy claros ya que se llega a poder apreciar todo su potencial; aun as con luz solar consiguen destacar. La aplicacin de Hue es una maravilla y se sincroniza perfectamente con Alexa (es necesario tener el Hue Bridge).
Tanto las opciones de montaje en el televisor y los pies para colocarlos en la mesa o de manera horizontal estn muy bien acabados, el adhesivo que se incluye en la caja es de muy buena calidad, pudiendo despegarlo y pegarlo varias veces.
La nica pega que he encontrado es que al sincronizar las luces con el Android TV, para ser una extensin de la televisin en aplicaciones como YouTube funciona sin problema, pero en Netflix, Prime Video no funcionan. La app para sincronizarlas es Hue Stream. Previamente hay que configurar en la aplicacin del mvil un rea de entretenimiento.
Recomendacin personal: En la aplicacin de Hue, existe la seccin Hue Labs donde se pueden encontrar mucho modos diferentes de luz ambiente, simulacin de puesta de sol, … El modo “Cozy home living scenes” es espectacular (luz ambiente), merece la pena probarlo.
La primera vez me llegaron con un dao esttico y el servicio de Amazon me los reemplazo sin ningn problema.
I bought it to mount it on top of my screen so I can use it to lighten my face when videocalling. It works great! Since the light is spread across the bar, it doesn’t blind you while still having a source of light directly pointing at you.
Philips Hue Play Barra de luz regulable es un pack formado por dos barras de iluminacin led que nos permitir dar un toque de luz ambiental en cualquier espacio de casa.
El kit incluye dos barras de luz, cada una con su cable, el transformador de corriente con 3 salidas de conexin (posibilidad de aadir una barra extra) y 2 pares de soportes para poder colocar las barras en posicin vertical o horizontal para mantenerlas estables.
la verdad, soy usuario de Philips que en casa y dispongo de gran cantidad de dispositivos inteligentes en casa todos ellos controlados mediante Siri. Adquir estas barras para darle un toque ambiental a la zona trasera de mis plantas del saln y el resultado ha sido muy bueno, dandole toque de luz por las noches y pudiendo personalizarlas con colores y luminosidad.
****REQUIERE: Antes de nada decir que, estas barras requieren de una base Phillips que para poder controlarlas y esta base debe estar conectada a internet en el caso de que queramos realizar cambios desde fuera de casa. Una vez dispongamos de puente podremos controlar todos los dispositivos que queramos de Philips HUE.
Philips nos permite controlar la iluminacin mediante los asistentes de voz Siri, Alexa y Google, adems de poder cambiar la configuracin en cada momento cmodamente desde la aplicacin Home (casa) de apple.
Estas barras disponen de un precio elevado, pero dada la calidad, personalizacin y la durabilidad de los dispositivos Philips, no he dudado en comprarlas, aunque he de decir que me esperaba que fueran algo ms grandes, an as dan bastante luz en todos los colores.
Iluminación ambiental inteligente y compatible con Siri, google y Alexa
I bought 8 of these to hook up to an HDMI Sync Box. The sync box was pretty awful so I ended up getting an Ambilight TV instead. As I still had these play bars I hooked them up to the TV using the Ambilight+Hue
They are pretty flawless, I struggle to find a way to get them to turn off completely during dark scenes but to be honest it doesn’t actually make that much difference.
I can control them using the app or with Alexa but these are in a movie room so only really come on when we’re watching a movie.
May not be cheap but there definitely the best RGB light bars for gaming, easily mount behind any monitor and with the hue app on PC you can setup screen sampling to make an amazing experience.
1 x Samsung TV 65″
3 x Philips Hue Lightbar ( 1 x 2er Set + 1 x Erweiterung )
1 x Philips Hue Lightstrip
1 x PHILIPS Hue Play HDMI Sync Box
Wir wollten eigentlich vor Jahren einen Philips TV mit Ambilight kaufen. Damals war der Samsung aber um lngen gnstiger und Philips lie sich das Ambilight anfnglich frstlich bezahlen.
Die Lightbars und der Lightstrip im Zusammenspiel mit der Sync Boc sollen im Endeffekt die Beleuchtung eines Philips Ambilight TV simulieren…Betonung liegt auf sollen…
Wer schon Leuchten von Philips Hue sein eigen nennt, findet sich eigentlich Megaschnell zu Recht. Wir sind wie folgt vorgegangen :
Zu erst haben wir die Lightbars auf die Rckseite des TV montiert. Dazu liegt jeder Lightbar eine entsprechende Aufnahme, Inbusschraube und Inbusschlssel bei. Man hat dabei die Wahl, ob man die Lightbar hinstellt oder hinter dem TV anbringt. Wer die Lightbars hinter dem TV anbringen mchte, kann die Leuchte entweder so ausrichten, das diese die Wand hinter dem TV direkt anstrahlt ( So haben wir das gemacht – Siehe Bilder ) oder die Lampen werden so angebracht, das diese die Zimmerdecke anstrahlt, bzw. Rechts und Links in den Raum strahlen. Das anbringen ist simpel – die Leuchten werden auf den jeweiligen Sockel angeschraubt und dann mittels 3M Klebepads an die TV Rckwand geklebt ( Leider gibts pro Lightbar nur ein Klebepad – zum rumprobieren etwas wenig und deswegen haben wir noch ein paar Tesa Stripes bis 2Kg dazu gekauft ). Anschlieend haben wir dann die Kabel zum Netzteil verlegt. Bei der Montage an der TV Rckseite sollte man beachten, das man wenigstens 6 cm Platz zwischen Wand und TV bentigt.
Das mitgelieferte Netzteil hat Anschlsse fr insgesamt 3 Lightbars und sobald man die Lightbars ins Netzteil steckt und das Netzteil in die Steckdose, leuchten die Lightbars wei.
Danach ruft man dann seine HUE APP auf und lsst die Leuchten in der APP suchen. Wenn die Leuchten installiert sind, muss man noch in den Einstellungen den Entertainment Bereich festlegen
Anschlieend widmet man sich der Sync Box.
Diese wird ebenfalls mittels Netzkabel an die Steckdose angeschlossen, anschlieend kann man seine HDMI Gerte ( Bis zu 4 Stck ) an den jeweiligen HDMI Eingngen der Sync Box anschlieen und von der Box zum TV geht dann ebenfalls ein HDMI ( Die Box hat 4 HDMI Eingnge und einen HDMI Ausgang ).
Anschlieend bentigt man eine weitere Philips App – nmlich die Philips Hue Sync App. Auch diese kann man wieder recht intuitiv einrichten. Diese wird dann einmal per Bluetooth eingebunden und per Wlan im heimischen Netz.
Funktion + Fazit
Also vorweg – die Box und die Leuchten machen ganz genau das was sie sollen und es sieht auch gar nicht sooooo schlecht aus.
Die Lightbars geben im groben die Beleuchtung wieder, die gerade auf dem TV zu sehen ist. Genial ist das, wenn man z.B. einen Film schaut, wo grne Wiesen zu sehen sind oder Unterwasseraufnahmen – dann erleuchtet das Wohnzimmer in einem schnen grn oder blau. Was man dabei aber unbedingt bedenken sollte – die Beleuchtung ist nicht dynamisch. Das bedeutet, wenn z.B. Im oberen drittel des TV ein schwarzes U-Boot links zu sehen ist und der Rest dunkelblau zu sehen ist, dann ermittelt die Sync Box EINE passende Farbe. Ich wei nicht genau wie diese errechnet wird aber in diesem Beispiel leuchtet die Lightbar oben am TV in einem blauen Licht.
Wenn man einen Philips Ambilight TV hat, dann wrde das Ambilight in verschiedenen Farben Leuchten. Pro Lightbar wird also immer nur eine Farbe wieder gegeben.
Was uns persnlich auch nicht so gut gefallen hat – die Lightbars sind ja eher klein, bezogen auf die Rckseite des TV. Wenn dann die Lightbars im dunkeln hinter dem TV leuchten, dann reicht die Lichtstrke der Lightbars nicht, um den jeweiligen kompletten TV Rand zu beleuchten. Bei unserem 65″ TV reicht die Lichtstrke um den Rand des TV links und rechts halbwegs auszuleuchten aber die Lightbar an der langen oberen Seite des TV beleuchtet vielleicht die Hlfte des TV Hintergrundes ( Siehe Bilder ) – auch dies ist ein Nachteil Gegenber dem Philips TV mit eingebauten Ambilight.
Was ein weitere Nachteil dieser Konstellation ist – man kann in der Sync App die Intensitt der Beleuchtung einstellen und entweder wechseln die Farben der Hintergrundbeleuchtung dann eher geschmeidig die Farbe bzw. Die Farbbergnge sind weich oder die Farbe wechselt wie bei einer Lichtorgel bzw. Die bergnge sind abrupt und schnell…beides hat uns nicht gefallen.
Was aber das wirkliche KO Kriterium gewesen ist…der Preis…
Bei Amazon liegt ein Philips TV inkl. Ambilight in der 65″ Klasse bei um die 800 Euro rum. Wenn ich dagegen 3 Lightbars kaufe, die Sync Box, den Lightstrip unter dem TV und vielleicht noch 2 HUE Leuchten auf dem Sideboard rechts und links neben dem TV hinstelle, dann liege ich bei rund 550 Euro…dann kann ich wirklich lieber meinen alten LED verkloppen und gehe mir dann einen neuen Philips mit Ambilight kaufen…
Also…es funktioniert, sieht cool aus, ist und bleibt aber in meinen Augen ein gewollt und nicht gekonnt Lsung, die meiner Meinung nicht an das von Werk aus eingebaute Ambilight rankommt.
Queste lampade dal design minimale sono fatte con buone plastiche, robuste e non “economiche” al tatto (il retro in piacevole plastica gommata antiscivolo). Si possono montare a muro o dietro alla TV (se la avete appesa a muro badate che servono almeno 6 cm di distanza tra la TV e il muro) tramite un supporto con nastro biadesivo oppure possono essere appoggiate su un mobile orizzontalmente o per mezzo di un supporto verticale. Una nota a mio avviso negativa che tale supporto, nonostante la lampada sia bianca, nero. Avrebbero potuto prevedere sia il retro della lampada che il supporto di colore bianco, sarebbe stata pi elegante. La lampada si connette tramite hub Philips e funziona bene: i colori sono vividi e la luminosit discreta. Non pensata per illuminare una stanza bens per creare atmosfera. Io la uso collegata al pc tramite l’app HueSync: mimando i colori presenti sullo schermo del computer crea uno sfondo luminoso piacevole che permette di non stancare gli occhi quando si lavora al pc (ho allegato un video in cui mostro una dimostrazione di questa funzione). Da notare che la spina di alimentazione piuttosto ingombrante (permette di alimentare tre lampade in contemporanea).
Nel complesso questo oggetto buono, a mio parere non il pi riuscito della linea Hue e forse un po’ troppo caro per le funzioni che offre.
Goodness what to say but absolutely utterly beautiful and so nice. Brighten up your living room with these twins. Put them under a coffee table with the attachment provided and enjoy the light thru the 16 million options
I love the Phillip’s hue range, originally used to help support my autistic son when he was struggle to cope, we would change the colours and he would settle down. Worked so much we have them all over the house. This was a extension to the home cinema system that connected to the movies to change colour as they play. We absolutely love film time this way. The products are expensive but great when purchased on amazon prime day or black Friday sales.
A good novelty though not particularly useful if someone didn’t have the entire setup (which all cost extra). All sub-colours are very “samey” and becomes less “wow” after a short time.
I already had three of these filling up one power adaptor so I plugged this into the power adaptor that came with my Hue Sync box and it works well. As I have all of mine postioned out of sight this is a fairly minor quibble but I do wish Philips would put a white back on the white light bars.
I use this with the PC app, the light is behind my PC monitor. It complements the colours on screen, which is great when gaming. Note however it does not work with Netflix due to the protected content.
Bought two lights and Mounted the lights on either side of the TV. Very atmospheric when connected to the laptop via the WiFi as they change colour instantly to match what’s on the tv but sadly this function only works with media being streamed via the laptop. Lights on their own are great and we use them as the rooms main lights although it would be better if they were a bit brighter.
Really look great as bedside table lights. Create nice relaxing environment and perfect for lazy bones who like to stay under the duvet and not have to get up and switch on or off the lights!
Great product, really easy to install. Watch out as some products are sold without adaptors as they are designed to utilise existing adaptors. Additional adaptors are very hard to find.
These are amazing I got them when on offer so worth it screw them to back of tv or up light a wall, not as big as you’d imagine so these can easily sit out of sight, these are now one of many hue products I own now, when black Friday comes around again I’ll get more hue products.
These lights are great. I waited for the discounted price to include the extension. I love the hue lighting. I have it all over the house now. It’s an expensive hobby but it is very practical as well.
Continually expanding my Phillips Hue collection, I bought this Hue Play pack to try and light up some of my walls more fully. Previous iterations I’ve used with bulbs and floor lights just haven’t been bright enough – though this was about to change.
First impressions were good as these lights are sturdy and can be orientated either way thanks to a provided stand and a couple of screws. Potentially slightly annoyingly for some, while the two can be controlled individually only one plug is provided which up to three can go into but means they can’t be too far apart.
The real benefit though of these versus some of the previous editions is that they are much brighter and can be used more to “paint” the walls. The range and definition of the colours is excellent, while the app is improving quickly. I’m looking forward to also trying this with the Hue HDMI Sync Box for going along with TV viewing when that becomes available.
Overall therefore, these make for a great addition to my Hue setup and one I’d recommend to any fan who wants to add a splash of colour to their walls – well worth a go.
If you want cheap RGB light, these might not suit for you. But if you choose quality over price then this philips hue play was one of the best rgb light in the market.
If you’ve already got a Hue lighting setup, these little guys are a great addition. We bought a pair in the black friday sale and after a week bought 3 more of them.
At 530 lumen, these are obviously designed as ambient lighting, so if you’re looking for something that will light up your whole room, these aren’t for you. For pops of colour or warmth behind your tv or computer, they’re perfect.
– Wonderful diffused, ambient light source.
– Ample light for such a small size.
– Great design that allows all kinds of positioning to best suit your setup.
– Comes with mounting attachments and adhesive stickers.
– Can be paired to your computer/games console
– Easy to install or add into your current hue setup
– Feels exceptionally well made
– comes with one plug, so they must be installed together (you cannot buy an extra plug from Phillips afterwards)
– Syncing doesn’t work with TVs, only consoles and computers
– Like most hue lights, it’s slightly overpriced. Wait for prime day/black friday to get some discounts.
I bought these lights to go behind my tv so i could sync the lights with the desktop hue app to work with the colours of my tv. I have to say I am extremely impressed and it makes watching movies and playing games so much more immersive. The Hue app to control the light is easy and quick to set up. If you have the spare cash this product is a definate purchase.
What can I say? Works amazing. Wish it were somewhat wireless and less pricy but an amazing product. Easy integration with alexa and is crazy bright. Can plug in quite a few hue lights into one socket provided. 2 pin and the UK plug comes with it and 4 attachments to stand or either lay flat. Stickers to mount to whatever u choose.
Nice looking lights with a white case but the backs and the stands are black which is disappointing. I imagine that, like me, a lot of people will point these to the wall for a lighting wash and you see just black. The stands were awkward to screw in in the vertical as the cable is pinched. I feel the hue range is somewhat overpriced for what they are an effective lighting option.
Bought 6 light bars, three for the home theatre pc and three for my main gaming PC. Initially I had almost returned the whole order but later decided to keep them. The main reason was the price, I got the light bars on a sale and still they were very expensive, the light bars with hub cost almost 300.
The Software:
You have to install the app on your mobile and also an app on your PC. Confusingly you have to use both, the PC app controlling mostly sync related lighting and the mobile app for setup, light positioning, timers etc. Both apps work well, but there is some room for improvement. The good thing is that Philips hue have a large client base, so the software should continue to improve and mature.
The latency:
In my setup there is almost no discernable lag between what is happening on my monitor and when the lights react, I would estimate around 20-50ms. I am connected directly to my router via a lan cable and I am around 5m away from the hue hub. This can very quickly turn in to a different story if you are on slow wifi or worst yet, try to wirelessly cast/mirror your laptop display onto a TV. I think most complaints about latency online is with ppl doing exactly that. I did notice an option in the software to mitigate the issue, but did not need to use it. There is no substitute for a hard wired connection.
It works like this. The app on your PC analyses the screen space and calculates average light values based on your lighting setup. This gets sent to the hue hub via your local network. The hue hub then sends the signals to the lights via the Bixby wireless protocol.
The light bars:
These are rather small but can produce a good amount of light. Rather than the amount of light, it is the quality of the light that surprised me. The warm and cool white light is amazing and it is obvious that some attention was given to colour reproduction. They must have RGB and two different kinds of white light LEDs inside. The diffuser is excellent quality too, I am not able to discern any individual spots of light inside the bar. There is nothing quite like starting up DOOM and having the whole room go a deep red colour! Quite nice indeed.
There is one annoying aspect of the light bars, at full brightness they emit an electric buzzing sound. The buzzing sound is reduced in line with the brightness setting. This should not be an issue when seated a few meters from a TV or if there is any other noise in the room, but when sat at a desk close to the lights it is noticeable. To mitigate the issue I placed the light bars as far away from my seating position as possible and have them set to around 30% brightness when doing work or just browsing the net in a quiet room. If you are using headphones or have any other noise in the room then you can’t hear any buzzing even at 100% brightness. To give you an idea, it is reminiscent of some older and cheaper type monitors that emit a buzzing sound because of PWM dimming.
The hub:
Nothing much to say here, find a decent spot for it and switch it on, have not had any issues with it.
PC performance:
There is overhead associated with analysing the screen space, calculating average colours and sending the data to the hue hub. I have a top spec PC with a 2080ti GPU, and using a gaming benchmark I noticed about a 5-8% performance decrease with hue sync enabled. For me this is not an issue, but it could be an issue on weaker hardware. Hue sync can be disabled or enabled on a game to game basis in the software as profiles.
The competition:
Asus Aura Halo works by adding LED strips to the back of the monitor. I like Asus but they have a way of not updating their software, and when they do it will usually only work on the newer hardware. I don’t trust them to improve the software or even fix it if potentially a windows update breaks it. The RGB light will be harsh with no diffuser or dedicated white leds.
NZXT Hue 2 V2 Ambient, they seem a bit more invested in the tech with a v2 released recently, but again this is all controlled with their CAM software which has a terrible reputation. The same RGB strips are used with no diffuser or dedicated white lights. Since these light strips are addressable they offer a higher resolution as only some leds can be triggered to onscreen events, but this to me just seem to make them even harsher on the eye.
In both cases the competitions software and features are lacking as compared to the Philips implementation. The lighting is also harsh, which is why I decided to go with Philips hue sync. With philips you can also add lighting at a later point and you are free to place the lights where you want.
The lighting should add to the ambience of a gaming session, not be a distraction.
UPDATE: Some months have passed since my last review and thought this detailed review could do with an update. In my living room setup I have added another light bar to my rear top left on a bookcase behind a nice Alien statue, and a E27 colour ambiance bulb to my tall lamp on the rear right. This is now my primary way of lighting the living room. I also stuck a Hue dimmer switch close to the couch so we can control brightness easily. Gaming and movies is awesome, although Netflix still does not work with Hue play. Works best with movies that have lots of colour and action.
My gaming setup also got another Hue play bar for a total of 4, and a dimmer switch. I missed some light under my shelf and that has now been remedied. My lights are set to switch on via a timer on weekdays to help me get up, and they also switch of automatically when I leave the house.
It is not a cheap echo system, but I would miss the ambient light during gaming if you took it away right now. During the past few months there has been one update to the sync app, validating my theory that the ecosystem is larger than the competition, and Philips is actively developing for it.
We live in rented accommodation, where it is not practical to paint a wall. This light makes the home feel more cosy. To this end the light adds character and atmosphere to what would otherwise be a plain wall.
The hue entertainment function is not as effortless as it needs to be and therefore impractical, as I still haven’t figured out how to integrate with Xbox, Apple TV or Tele.
However, you can set a scene on the app to give a mood for movies vs gaming vs documentaries.
Bought for hubby for his gaming, he is very pleased and they do look great. They adjust colours to any game he plays/ film he watches, or can leave on one continuous colour.
See one of my previous reviews for using these with the HUE app with dynamic lighting, bought more as the most recent hue sync update now also acknowledges height of the lights and not just basic position.
Now have six of these around a projector screen and they look amazing.
Just wish as others have mentioned the sync app was more readily available on smart TVs and consoles rather than just PCs and Macs
Update: Philips have listened! The HUE Sync capability is soon to be available via a dedicated hardware solution – Philips HUE Sync Box which allows you sync your lighting with up to 4 HDMI devices, it’s only recently been announced (October 19) and not on Amazon yet…
Looks stunning against a white wall. I love this product. Shame it has a (surprisingly) tiny cable, so I can’t use it in my new place in any useful place – it requires proximity with the power plug.
Love this lights, easy to setup as per all of the Hue range, the cables are thin so makes it easier to hide them, not too badly priced either. Only wished they sold a white extension cable, unfortunately looks like you can only get black.
Makes my front room look like a cinama room, when placed behind my TV! Mind you, you do have to get a few more Hue Philips lights to get the right ambiance! And then Boom, your room is transformed!!!
These are fantastic! the flexibility to place some bight Hue lights anywhere makes such a big difference. Coming with two lights and the ability to add another on the same plug is a nice addition as is being able to mount them horizontally or vertically.
Go on, treat yourself.
Love these hue play bars. Colours are vibrant and bright, have them behind the sofa shining up onto the wall. Well worth the money for the extra hue build quality
As with everything from the Philips Hue range, they’re expensive but high quality. Setting up requires a Hue Bridge and if setting up for the first time can be a bit frustrating. Once in it’s as smooth as anything. A really nice light from both units.
I’ve been using bulbs from Hive for over two years and they’re great, but the lighting choices are limited. I bought these lights with a Hue Bridge and set up was very easy.
First thing to note is that while they are white, the backs are black. This is hidden pretty well in the pictures.
The main difference for me was the vibrancy compared to the Hive coloured bulbs. The Hue Sync application is great too, being able to sync them with games/videos/music is a really neat feature. Note that you can’t hook these up directly to your TV, the Sync application runs on a PC, so that’s a definite negative.
I have far too many Hive bulbs to start again, but in future I’ll definitely be buying Hue instead. Overall it’s four stars because they’re a little bit too pricey, and no direct sync to a TV.
Absolutely recommend these lights – bought two to fit in long living room (one either end) and they are perfect. The choices in colour scheme and the ease of use with the Hue app is fantastic.
Great light just like the rest of the range. Looks great set just below the top of my tv stand and when sat in front of the tv look great. I use it mostly on manual colour adjustment as the app needed to set the light to match the tv scene requires a PC and won’t work via Apple TV or the tv direct which is a bit of a shame but I knew this buying it and usually just set it to a colour I like and I’m happy with for that, would be nice if they made the app for Apple TV and maybe android tv so it could sync without running media, films etc through a laptop or pc which no one does really.
Trs satisfait de ce produitinstall de chaque cot de ma TV
.Dj quip en gamme Philips Hue, pas de soucis pour l’ajouter mon pont.
La chose INDISPENSABLE faire pour que le produit prenne tout son intrt et sa valeur en dehors d’un clairage ambiance : il faut installer HueSync sur votre ordinateur et vous crez votre “espace de loisir” avec votre Hue Play (vous pouvez ajouter d’autres clairages Philips comme un Lighstrip derrire le canap s’il vous en dit).Et alors l vous ne serez pas du du rsultat:
-vous diffusez de la musique: ouvrez HueSync et choisissez “musique” puis “dmarrer la synchronisation” et vous avez votre HuePlay qui ragit la musique (ambiance discothque, effet garanti).Cela fonctionne que vous coutiez avec VLC,Deezer,Spotify…
-vous diffusez un film: choisissez “vido”, “dmarrer la synchro” et vous obtenez l’effet Ambilight (diffusion des couleurs de chaque cot de votre cran en accord avec les couleurs diffuses l’cran), l’effet est bluffant! Au dbut je pensais un gadget mais l’on y prend vite gout, cela ajoute vraiment l’immersion (pour peu que vous soyez quip en 5.1…)
J’ai lu que certaines personnes ne parvenaient pas grer cet fonction Ambilight avec leur TV: possesseur d’une Nvidia TV Shield, d’un modle TV Samsung qui date , vous ouvrez votre film sur votre ordinateur, pas en plein cran mais dans une fentre avec VLC par exemple (mais cela fonctionne aussi avec Kodi et Plex pour ceux qui connaissent). Vous ouvrez Chrome,dans l’angle suprieur droit cliquer sur les “3 petits points” et slectionner “caster”puis trs important “caster le bureau” puis slectionner (dans mon cas) Shield. vous allez donc vous retrouver avec votre cran PC cast sur votre cran TV.En clair ce qui est sur votre cran PC est sur votre cran TV. Il ne vous reste plus qu’ mettre en plein cran sur votre PC (et donc sur la TV), lancer votre film, (teindre l’cran PC) et installez vous dans votre fauteuil et regardez votre film avec l’effet Ambilight. Seul “inconvnient”, la gestion du film (retour arrire, pause, avance rapide…. doit se faire au niveau du PC bien videmment.La gestion du son est gre au niveau de la tlcommande.Et il est possible que cela demande une bonne connexion/dbit internet (fibre).
Une fois le film termin , il vous suffit d'”arrter le caster” sur votre ordi et vous retrouvez votre programme TV sur l’cran TV
En esprant que cela vous soit utile pour ceux qui galraient pour utiliser l’Ambilight autour de leur TV.
Bought this as a gift but it’s in my house so I use it. Really brilliant! Makes the room so much more luxurious and I also bought some bulbs for lamps and the ceiling to go with this so I’d recommend that too. A really great purchase. It looks good behind the TV shining on the wall.
Really happy with this purchase (I’ve actually gone ahead and ordered another pack!).
Super bright and small, the usual simplicity – plug it in, open the app and find the devices. Currently have 1 either side of the TV and adds a really pleasant ambience. I have ordered another pack so I can have a central light also (I’ll find somewhere else to put the 4th!).
Good build quality that I’ve come to expect from Philips Hue. Not the cheapest product, but certainly one of the brightest I have seen… I can think of multiple uses,
but certainly works well as a TV backlight.
Good but expensive. Bought it when it was 72 euro. Would never pay more for these
Ich habe die Lampen bei mir hinter den Monitor gestellt um eine Ambiente zu schaffen, auch, wenn ich am PC bin. Sie werden gut hell und lassen sich Hue-Typisch einfach einrichten und installieren.
Have it placed behind my monitor, works great with hue sync. It can get very bright and also works to illuminate me during my meetings while working from home.
This product is very versatile when selecting or creating light patterns. A great abient addition to any room. This can be set as bright or dark as the mood requires and can be controlled via a mobile phone app.
When I was researching this I took a gamble in how I thought they would work was correct. It turns out I was right and so I repeat these points below to prospective buyers.
1. To get this pack to work you also need a Philips Hue bridge. This small device plugs into your wifi network and the bridge speaks the the Zigbee protocol that the lights use and it “bridges” between wifi protocol that your phone uses and the Zigbee protocol that the lights use. This allows you to change colours etc from the app on your phone or via Amazon Alexa. Without this bridge you cannot do this. Philips sell all manner of lights and you only need ONE bridge per house that can control dozens of lights. So you need to but this bridge. They come in a bundle with the bridge and two Philips Hue white lights for 39. I bought this bundle at the same time as these play lights.
2. The bundle contains ONE power supply that has THREE outputs and this comes with the 2 x lights pack. So this bundle (i.e. the 2x pack of lights PLUS the extension) uses all three of the power supply outputs of the power supply that comes with the 2 x lights pack. Each play light has a 2m power lead. This means the extension has to be used in the vicinity of the two main lights. Philips also make a five meter power extension cable so it can be further away. I also bought this power extension lead. Crazily, Philips do not sell the power supply separately, and only ever provide the PSU with a light. This is madness IMO. Also Philip use a proprietary connector so you cannot make your own cables. I am knocking a mark off of my review score because of this issues of power supplies and cables and for no other reason.
3. All three lights on the pack can be different colours and brightnesses if that’s what you want. They are each completely independently addressable and controllable. If you want to group them together and control them collectively you create a zone in the app and then put the lights in a zone.
All in all I am very impressed. They are beautiful and high quality items. As I said, I dock a mark for the stupid practise of not being able to buy a separate power supply and the crazy price – 15 – of a simple extension cable.
Excellent lighting. I’m particularly happy that Google assistant has discovered the light so I can control it via Google. My echo on the other hand refuses to recognise the lights although it is listed in the Alexa app. Also the hue app is an ideal way of controlling the lights.
The product has amazing brightness compared to syncing to music and syncs great to beat.
They just bring a new atmosphere to my room, good value for money
Ich sag gleich dazu, ich habe gleich 2 Doppelsets gekauft. Habe 3 im Hochformat auf meinem Schreibtisch platziert und eine auf meinem Fensterbrett installiert (siehe Fotos 1 und 2). In einem Set sind 2 Leuchten, ein Netzteil mit 3 Steckpltzen, UK und EU Stecker und 2 Flache und 2 Hohe Befestigungen, inklusive Schrauben und Klebepads.
Leuchten sind easy angesteckt und montiert, wer eine HUE Bridge hat, die ich wrmstens empfehle, fgt die Lampen mit 2 Klicks hinzu und hat dann sofort direkte Kontrolle ber die Lampen.
Etwas was mich direkt gestrt hat, weswegen ich einen Stern abziehen ist, ich habe die Lampen absichtlich in wei gekauft und habe eigentlich erwartet, dass diese komplett wei sind, JEDOCH sind die Lampen auf der Rckseite schwarz, und da man meine Lampen an der Vorderseite eh nicht sieht, ist es also vllig egal, welche Farbe man bestellt. Die Halterungen sind ebenfalls schwarz… sehr rgerlich. Der Preis ist ebenfalls sehr hoch, aber das ist man von HUE gewohnt.
Wer Razer Equipment hat darf sich ebenfalls freuen, dass es eine Anbindung zwischen Razer Synapse 3 und der HUE Bridge gibt, es ist somit mglich, die Leuchten an Razer Chroma anzubinden und dadurch auch zu steuern. Dadurch knnen die Rainbow Effekte oder auch Audio Visualiser bertragen werden und das schaut echt genial aus.
Ich werde definitiv weitere kaufen, wrde mir aber wnschen, dass komplett weie Lampen ebenfalls auf den Markt kommen wrden!
Great light! Reliable, works perfectly with other Hue lights. The white is white and the colours are vibrant! Got two but want more.
This is an add on so if you haven’t already got a hue play, then you require the starter set first.
If you’ve already got the starter set. Then this is another hue play light like the one you’ve already got.
Its a great product
The only issue i would have that the lead is not that long , struggled to put on on the side table an one on the back of tv, wouldve like to put it a bit higher on the tv but only reached at the bottom,
Dont know if they sell power adapters on their own
Looked but couldn’t find
Was expecting this to be a but brighter then it was. But good product all round
This is another great addition to my Hue home lighting. I use a couple with my PC and use the Hue Sync software which works great. I also have a couple one a 65″ TV, but I don’t have the synch box yet as it’s a bit pricey like all of the Hue lighting solutions. Will be picking up a 3rd for the TV as well as 2 isn’t enough for the size of TV. Overall a great product which I recommend.
Amazing light, great value for money, can be used as a great ambient ligh
I bought this as a present for our son-in-law and after having seen it in action I had to have one as well, I love it and very easy to set-up.
Brightness is second to none, I use 2 of these as streaming lights and they work really well and are also bright and make for good decor too 🙂
This was purchased for my kids bedroom, to go one their bunk bed to shed some light when they are reading or sleeping. This works very well.
They are not big, but they are bright enough for most situations, coupled with a few sensors and switches they are perfect.
Setting up was done in a few seconds. My only main concern with spending all this money on smart tech is if they suddenly change the way these work, currently with Zibee but rumours are around regarding Chip or Choip systems in the future.
I would recommend these lights for now.
Sehr gutes Produkt lohnt sich zu kaufen!
Meine Meinung:
Ich habe mich nach einer langen Zeit entschieden, ein Produkt von Phillips zu kaufen. Fr mich war es eine lngere Zeit zu berlegen, da man fr Phillips Hue schon ein bisschen mehr Geld zahlen muss. Aber jetzt nach einer Zeit, kann ich nur sagen, dass es keine Fehlentscheidung war. Es macht super viel Spa, die Farben und Funktionen von den Phillips Play zu testen. Das Beste, was ich an den Phillips Play finde, ist es, die Synchronisierung zu nutzen. Es ist kinderleicht, die Synchronisierung zu starten, z. B. ber das Programm am Computer. Es ermglicht eine schne Hintergrundbeleuchtung zum passenden Hintergrund z. B. am Computer beim Netflix schauen. Ich kann nur sagen, dass es sich lohnt, die Phillips Hue Play zu kaufen, allein an den Funktionen, wo diese bieten. Ich finde die Farben sind sehr intensiv und gesttigt. Besser als an anderen Smart-Home Lampen.
Natrlich gibt es einige guten Alternativen, die mithalten knnen. Aber wenn man ein bisschen mehr Geld ausgeben mchte, sollte man unbedingt auf Phillips Hue umsteigen. Diese sind sehr hochwertig verarbeitet und lohnen sich zu kaufen.
Allgemeine Dinge:
Das Produkt kommt super eingepackt und mit verschiedenen Steckern fr andere Lnder. Das ermglicht es, die Lampen auch in anderen Lndern zu nutzen.
Ich kann es nur jedem weiterempfehlen, diese Lampen zu kaufen.
Great product if you are into home automation and looking to back light your desk or television. Highly recommended, although could be considered a bit expensive!
I sistemi di illuminazione Philips Due non hanno bisogno di presentazioni. Sono sempre stato resto a comprare le luci del sistema Hue per via del loro costo ma grazie ad una offerta a tempo Amazon ho potuto ottenerle ad un prezzo pi ragionevole.
Soddisfatto dell’acquisto e del prodotto che pu essere utilizzato in tantissimi modi, nel mio caso ho migliorato l’illuminazione dello studio posizionandole dietro i monitor, in modo da avere una illuminazione pi adatta per lavorare.
La luce viene diffusa in modo uniforme e si possono impostare combinazioni illimitate di colori e temperatura, sembra una banalit ma impostando tonalit differenti nel corso della giornata si ottiene maggiore confort e meno fatica agli occhi. A differenza di altre lampade, l’impostazione dell’intensit di luce veramente precisa, fino a sfumare a soglie bassissime.
Funzionano con il gateway Zigbee Philips, che era compreso nel kit. Facilissimo da configurare in pochi passaggi, tramite app si possono programmare scene o automatismi, inoltre il sistema Hue si integra alla perfezione con i sistemi di Home Automation come Alexa e Apple Home Kit oltre che open-source, come Home Assistant. Con questa integrazione e qualche linea di codice ho potuto utilizzare le lampade per creare avvisi luminosi, ad esempio un breve lampo rosso per confermare l’accensione del riscaldamento di casa.
Nel mio studio sono posizionate dietro i monitor, le utilizzo anche durante il giorno per migliorare la visibilit e durante le videoconferenze in modo da illuminare il volto con tonalit pi naturali.
Ho posizionato l’hub Zigbee in un locale tecnico, separato da due pareti, il collegamento wireless rimane ugualmente stabile e affidabile, mai perso un colpo.
Love these lights… Shame about the price Philips set them at, but they are good quality.
You will need the Hue Sync box to get it synched with your TV’s content and it’s very expensive but in my opinion if you have already invested in an expensive TV you can make the experience even better with the Hue Play lights.
The setup is fairly easy, you need to connect them to your current Hue hub if you don’t have one then it’s something else that will add up to the costs unfortunately.
You also need to download the Hue Sync app where you can setup your Hue HDMI Sync box and manage the Play bars brightness, intensity etc. Note that the latest update will have to be installed and it took approx 1h for me. It was really frustrating, it’s ridiculous that it takes that long but once installed everything worked flawlessly.
I’ve been using the Play lights for the last 2 days and I absolutely love it. Our TV is already huge but those lights kind of make the screen even bigger! It’s also perfect for bright TVs at night, having more lights help with the eyes, you don’t have to change the TV’s brightness all the time.
The colours match perfectly with what’s on screen and change instantly. I’ve noticed that the lights follow some things moving on screen like a car a night, a lamp torch etc. it’s actually insane, I can’t believe how good it is!
I also got it working with the Harmony remote and no problems so far, everything works well. For those who have it, you have to add a new device called “Philips AV Switch” then add it to your existing activities and set your TV to the HDMI port where the Hue Sync HDMI is plugged then set the HDMI for each device connected to the Hue Sync Box in the Harmony app.
Highly recommended for people who want to upgrade their setup and improve their movie experience.
My current setup is:
– LG CX Oled 55″
– 3 Hue Play Bars (Left, Right and Top)
– Hue HDMI Sync Box
– Harmony Ultimate Remote
– Improve cinema experience
– Colours are beautiful, changing perfectly according to what’s on screen
– Easy and quick to setup
– HDR / Dolby Vision (fixed via firmware update recently) compatible
– Expensive
– Fairly small bars. Some people with bigger screens might need more than 3 Play bars (that said don’t underestimate their size, these things can get very bright)
It’s exactly what it says. It’s amazing.
But – for a dispensable fixture like this (you can’t do anything ones their LED is out, the price is ridiculously and prohibitively high.
En cuanto al producto, es de muy buena calidad y los detalles estn muy cuidados. Los colores y la cantidad de luz que proporcionan es muy buena. Sobre todo en ambientes no muy claros ya que se llega a poder apreciar todo su potencial; aun as con luz solar consiguen destacar. La aplicacin de Hue es una maravilla y se sincroniza perfectamente con Alexa (es necesario tener el Hue Bridge).
Tanto las opciones de montaje en el televisor y los pies para colocarlos en la mesa o de manera horizontal estn muy bien acabados, el adhesivo que se incluye en la caja es de muy buena calidad, pudiendo despegarlo y pegarlo varias veces.
La nica pega que he encontrado es que al sincronizar las luces con el Android TV, para ser una extensin de la televisin en aplicaciones como YouTube funciona sin problema, pero en Netflix, Prime Video no funcionan. La app para sincronizarlas es Hue Stream. Previamente hay que configurar en la aplicacin del mvil un rea de entretenimiento.
Recomendacin personal: En la aplicacin de Hue, existe la seccin Hue Labs donde se pueden encontrar mucho modos diferentes de luz ambiente, simulacin de puesta de sol, … El modo “Cozy home living scenes” es espectacular (luz ambiente), merece la pena probarlo.
La primera vez me llegaron con un dao esttico y el servicio de Amazon me los reemplazo sin ningn problema.
I bought it to mount it on top of my screen so I can use it to lighten my face when videocalling. It works great! Since the light is spread across the bar, it doesn’t blind you while still having a source of light directly pointing at you.
Amazing lights and works perfectly with the Alexa. I used mine behind the tv. Hundreds of colours to choose to light up your room. Highly recommended.
Amazing Product if your aiming to build your Philips hue collectio
Philips Hue Play Barra de luz regulable es un pack formado por dos barras de iluminacin led que nos permitir dar un toque de luz ambiental en cualquier espacio de casa.
El kit incluye dos barras de luz, cada una con su cable, el transformador de corriente con 3 salidas de conexin (posibilidad de aadir una barra extra) y 2 pares de soportes para poder colocar las barras en posicin vertical o horizontal para mantenerlas estables.
la verdad, soy usuario de Philips que en casa y dispongo de gran cantidad de dispositivos inteligentes en casa todos ellos controlados mediante Siri. Adquir estas barras para darle un toque ambiental a la zona trasera de mis plantas del saln y el resultado ha sido muy bueno, dandole toque de luz por las noches y pudiendo personalizarlas con colores y luminosidad.
****REQUIERE: Antes de nada decir que, estas barras requieren de una base Phillips que para poder controlarlas y esta base debe estar conectada a internet en el caso de que queramos realizar cambios desde fuera de casa. Una vez dispongamos de puente podremos controlar todos los dispositivos que queramos de Philips HUE.
Philips nos permite controlar la iluminacin mediante los asistentes de voz Siri, Alexa y Google, adems de poder cambiar la configuracin en cada momento cmodamente desde la aplicacin Home (casa) de apple.
Estas barras disponen de un precio elevado, pero dada la calidad, personalizacin y la durabilidad de los dispositivos Philips, no he dudado en comprarlas, aunque he de decir que me esperaba que fueran algo ms grandes, an as dan bastante luz en todos los colores.
They are pretty flawless, I struggle to find a way to get them to turn off completely during dark scenes but to be honest it doesn’t actually make that much difference.
I can control them using the app or with Alexa but these are in a movie room so only really come on when we’re watching a movie.
May not be cheap but there definitely the best RGB light bars for gaming, easily mount behind any monitor and with the hue app on PC you can setup screen sampling to make an amazing experience.
Very good product that is bright and easy to set up. Excellent choice!
1 x Samsung TV 65″
3 x Philips Hue Lightbar ( 1 x 2er Set + 1 x Erweiterung )
1 x Philips Hue Lightstrip
1 x PHILIPS Hue Play HDMI Sync Box
Wir wollten eigentlich vor Jahren einen Philips TV mit Ambilight kaufen. Damals war der Samsung aber um lngen gnstiger und Philips lie sich das Ambilight anfnglich frstlich bezahlen.
Die Lightbars und der Lightstrip im Zusammenspiel mit der Sync Boc sollen im Endeffekt die Beleuchtung eines Philips Ambilight TV simulieren…Betonung liegt auf sollen…
Wer schon Leuchten von Philips Hue sein eigen nennt, findet sich eigentlich Megaschnell zu Recht. Wir sind wie folgt vorgegangen :
Zu erst haben wir die Lightbars auf die Rckseite des TV montiert. Dazu liegt jeder Lightbar eine entsprechende Aufnahme, Inbusschraube und Inbusschlssel bei. Man hat dabei die Wahl, ob man die Lightbar hinstellt oder hinter dem TV anbringt. Wer die Lightbars hinter dem TV anbringen mchte, kann die Leuchte entweder so ausrichten, das diese die Wand hinter dem TV direkt anstrahlt ( So haben wir das gemacht – Siehe Bilder ) oder die Lampen werden so angebracht, das diese die Zimmerdecke anstrahlt, bzw. Rechts und Links in den Raum strahlen. Das anbringen ist simpel – die Leuchten werden auf den jeweiligen Sockel angeschraubt und dann mittels 3M Klebepads an die TV Rckwand geklebt ( Leider gibts pro Lightbar nur ein Klebepad – zum rumprobieren etwas wenig und deswegen haben wir noch ein paar Tesa Stripes bis 2Kg dazu gekauft ). Anschlieend haben wir dann die Kabel zum Netzteil verlegt. Bei der Montage an der TV Rckseite sollte man beachten, das man wenigstens 6 cm Platz zwischen Wand und TV bentigt.
Das mitgelieferte Netzteil hat Anschlsse fr insgesamt 3 Lightbars und sobald man die Lightbars ins Netzteil steckt und das Netzteil in die Steckdose, leuchten die Lightbars wei.
Danach ruft man dann seine HUE APP auf und lsst die Leuchten in der APP suchen. Wenn die Leuchten installiert sind, muss man noch in den Einstellungen den Entertainment Bereich festlegen
Anschlieend widmet man sich der Sync Box.
Diese wird ebenfalls mittels Netzkabel an die Steckdose angeschlossen, anschlieend kann man seine HDMI Gerte ( Bis zu 4 Stck ) an den jeweiligen HDMI Eingngen der Sync Box anschlieen und von der Box zum TV geht dann ebenfalls ein HDMI ( Die Box hat 4 HDMI Eingnge und einen HDMI Ausgang ).
Anschlieend bentigt man eine weitere Philips App – nmlich die Philips Hue Sync App. Auch diese kann man wieder recht intuitiv einrichten. Diese wird dann einmal per Bluetooth eingebunden und per Wlan im heimischen Netz.
Funktion + Fazit
Also vorweg – die Box und die Leuchten machen ganz genau das was sie sollen und es sieht auch gar nicht sooooo schlecht aus.
Die Lightbars geben im groben die Beleuchtung wieder, die gerade auf dem TV zu sehen ist. Genial ist das, wenn man z.B. einen Film schaut, wo grne Wiesen zu sehen sind oder Unterwasseraufnahmen – dann erleuchtet das Wohnzimmer in einem schnen grn oder blau. Was man dabei aber unbedingt bedenken sollte – die Beleuchtung ist nicht dynamisch. Das bedeutet, wenn z.B. Im oberen drittel des TV ein schwarzes U-Boot links zu sehen ist und der Rest dunkelblau zu sehen ist, dann ermittelt die Sync Box EINE passende Farbe. Ich wei nicht genau wie diese errechnet wird aber in diesem Beispiel leuchtet die Lightbar oben am TV in einem blauen Licht.
Wenn man einen Philips Ambilight TV hat, dann wrde das Ambilight in verschiedenen Farben Leuchten. Pro Lightbar wird also immer nur eine Farbe wieder gegeben.
Was uns persnlich auch nicht so gut gefallen hat – die Lightbars sind ja eher klein, bezogen auf die Rckseite des TV. Wenn dann die Lightbars im dunkeln hinter dem TV leuchten, dann reicht die Lichtstrke der Lightbars nicht, um den jeweiligen kompletten TV Rand zu beleuchten. Bei unserem 65″ TV reicht die Lichtstrke um den Rand des TV links und rechts halbwegs auszuleuchten aber die Lightbar an der langen oberen Seite des TV beleuchtet vielleicht die Hlfte des TV Hintergrundes ( Siehe Bilder ) – auch dies ist ein Nachteil Gegenber dem Philips TV mit eingebauten Ambilight.
Was ein weitere Nachteil dieser Konstellation ist – man kann in der Sync App die Intensitt der Beleuchtung einstellen und entweder wechseln die Farben der Hintergrundbeleuchtung dann eher geschmeidig die Farbe bzw. Die Farbbergnge sind weich oder die Farbe wechselt wie bei einer Lichtorgel bzw. Die bergnge sind abrupt und schnell…beides hat uns nicht gefallen.
Was aber das wirkliche KO Kriterium gewesen ist…der Preis…
Bei Amazon liegt ein Philips TV inkl. Ambilight in der 65″ Klasse bei um die 800 Euro rum. Wenn ich dagegen 3 Lightbars kaufe, die Sync Box, den Lightstrip unter dem TV und vielleicht noch 2 HUE Leuchten auf dem Sideboard rechts und links neben dem TV hinstelle, dann liege ich bei rund 550 Euro…dann kann ich wirklich lieber meinen alten LED verkloppen und gehe mir dann einen neuen Philips mit Ambilight kaufen…
Also…es funktioniert, sieht cool aus, ist und bleibt aber in meinen Augen ein gewollt und nicht gekonnt Lsung, die meiner Meinung nicht an das von Werk aus eingebaute Ambilight rankommt.
Ich habe hier ein paar Bilder eingestellt.
Nel complesso questo oggetto buono, a mio parere non il pi riuscito della linea Hue e forse un po’ troppo caro per le funzioni che offre.
This one comes with an extra power plug.
Goodness what to say but absolutely utterly beautiful and so nice. Brighten up your living room with these twins. Put them under a coffee table with the attachment provided and enjoy the light thru the 16 million options
What’s not to like! Other than these like all HUE are overpriced! Thing is when you are a fan of HUE you tend to accept the premium as they just work!
I love the Phillip’s hue range, originally used to help support my autistic son when he was struggle to cope, we would change the colours and he would settle down. Worked so much we have them all over the house. This was a extension to the home cinema system that connected to the movies to change colour as they play. We absolutely love film time this way. The products are expensive but great when purchased on amazon prime day or black Friday sales.
A good novelty though not particularly useful if someone didn’t have the entire setup (which all cost extra). All sub-colours are very “samey” and becomes less “wow” after a short time.
Works perfect with the rest of my lights in my home
Set these up with a Hue Sync box and it really does make watching movies immersive!
I already had three of these filling up one power adaptor so I plugged this into the power adaptor that came with my Hue Sync box and it works well. As I have all of mine postioned out of sight this is a fairly minor quibble but I do wish Philips would put a white back on the white light bars.
I use this with the PC app, the light is behind my PC monitor. It complements the colours on screen, which is great when gaming. Note however it does not work with Netflix due to the protected content.
Another great (if slightly expensive) Hue product. Works well with the rest of the setup and is easy to add/control
Had the on Black Friday deal make my tv look great and over 16000 colours so fit in any room
It great smart lights but i wish they were cheape
Really look great as bedside table lights. Create nice relaxing environment and perfect for lazy bones who like to stay under the duvet and not have to get up and switch on or off the lights!
Bought two of these for my son as a Xmas present for his bedroom. He sync’s these lights with the sound of his games/tv system which work a treat.
Great even the wife like them. Siri finds them quickly to turn them on etc.
Great product, really easy to install. Watch out as some products are sold without adaptors as they are designed to utilise existing adaptors. Additional adaptors are very hard to find.
These are amazing I got them when on offer so worth it screw them to back of tv or up light a wall, not as big as you’d imagine so these can easily sit out of sight, these are now one of many hue products I own now, when black Friday comes around again I’ll get more hue products.
Coupled with the hue sync, this is just a must for movie and gaming lovers. It takes takes your viewing experience up a whole new level.
These lights are great. I waited for the discounted price to include the extension. I love the hue lighting. I have it all over the house now. It’s an expensive hobby but it is very practical as well.
Great range of colours. Easy to add to existing google home/hue lighting group
I NEED ANOTHER PLUG SOCKET FOR It, product is good but we’re do I get one from
Continually expanding my Phillips Hue collection, I bought this Hue Play pack to try and light up some of my walls more fully. Previous iterations I’ve used with bulbs and floor lights just haven’t been bright enough – though this was about to change.
First impressions were good as these lights are sturdy and can be orientated either way thanks to a provided stand and a couple of screws. Potentially slightly annoyingly for some, while the two can be controlled individually only one plug is provided which up to three can go into but means they can’t be too far apart.
The real benefit though of these versus some of the previous editions is that they are much brighter and can be used more to “paint” the walls. The range and definition of the colours is excellent, while the app is improving quickly. I’m looking forward to also trying this with the Hue HDMI Sync Box for going along with TV viewing when that becomes available.
Overall therefore, these make for a great addition to my Hue setup and one I’d recommend to any fan who wants to add a splash of colour to their walls – well worth a go.
If you want cheap RGB light, these might not suit for you. But if you choose quality over price then this philips hue play was one of the best rgb light in the market.
Bought on offer to add to the evergrowing collection of hue lmaos and bulbs.
These are probably my favourites great behind the and monitors.
Amazing product. Could have been a bit brighter tbh. Overall it works well when connected to Philips TV
Love these, a bit pricey but really add ambience to my room. Coupled with a Philips ambilight TV the effect is stunning
At 530 lumen, these are obviously designed as ambient lighting, so if you’re looking for something that will light up your whole room, these aren’t for you. For pops of colour or warmth behind your tv or computer, they’re perfect.
– Wonderful diffused, ambient light source.
– Ample light for such a small size.
– Great design that allows all kinds of positioning to best suit your setup.
– Comes with mounting attachments and adhesive stickers.
– Can be paired to your computer/games console
– Easy to install or add into your current hue setup
– Feels exceptionally well made
– comes with one plug, so they must be installed together (you cannot buy an extra plug from Phillips afterwards)
– Syncing doesn’t work with TVs, only consoles and computers
– Like most hue lights, it’s slightly overpriced. Wait for prime day/black friday to get some discounts.
I have quite a few hue lights and these are my favourites
Great moodlighting, love these have them as part of my AV setup juat add to the mood when watching films
What can I say? Works amazing. Wish it were somewhat wireless and less pricy but an amazing product. Easy integration with alexa and is crazy bright. Can plug in quite a few hue lights into one socket provided. 2 pin and the UK plug comes with it and 4 attachments to stand or either lay flat. Stickers to mount to whatever u choose.
Nice looking lights with a white case but the backs and the stands are black which is disappointing. I imagine that, like me, a lot of people will point these to the wall for a lighting wash and you see just black. The stands were awkward to screw in in the vertical as the cable is pinched. I feel the hue range is somewhat overpriced for what they are an effective lighting option.
The Software:
You have to install the app on your mobile and also an app on your PC. Confusingly you have to use both, the PC app controlling mostly sync related lighting and the mobile app for setup, light positioning, timers etc. Both apps work well, but there is some room for improvement. The good thing is that Philips hue have a large client base, so the software should continue to improve and mature.
The latency:
In my setup there is almost no discernable lag between what is happening on my monitor and when the lights react, I would estimate around 20-50ms. I am connected directly to my router via a lan cable and I am around 5m away from the hue hub. This can very quickly turn in to a different story if you are on slow wifi or worst yet, try to wirelessly cast/mirror your laptop display onto a TV. I think most complaints about latency online is with ppl doing exactly that. I did notice an option in the software to mitigate the issue, but did not need to use it. There is no substitute for a hard wired connection.
It works like this. The app on your PC analyses the screen space and calculates average light values based on your lighting setup. This gets sent to the hue hub via your local network. The hue hub then sends the signals to the lights via the Bixby wireless protocol.
The light bars:
These are rather small but can produce a good amount of light. Rather than the amount of light, it is the quality of the light that surprised me. The warm and cool white light is amazing and it is obvious that some attention was given to colour reproduction. They must have RGB and two different kinds of white light LEDs inside. The diffuser is excellent quality too, I am not able to discern any individual spots of light inside the bar. There is nothing quite like starting up DOOM and having the whole room go a deep red colour! Quite nice indeed.
There is one annoying aspect of the light bars, at full brightness they emit an electric buzzing sound. The buzzing sound is reduced in line with the brightness setting. This should not be an issue when seated a few meters from a TV or if there is any other noise in the room, but when sat at a desk close to the lights it is noticeable. To mitigate the issue I placed the light bars as far away from my seating position as possible and have them set to around 30% brightness when doing work or just browsing the net in a quiet room. If you are using headphones or have any other noise in the room then you can’t hear any buzzing even at 100% brightness. To give you an idea, it is reminiscent of some older and cheaper type monitors that emit a buzzing sound because of PWM dimming.
The hub:
Nothing much to say here, find a decent spot for it and switch it on, have not had any issues with it.
PC performance:
There is overhead associated with analysing the screen space, calculating average colours and sending the data to the hue hub. I have a top spec PC with a 2080ti GPU, and using a gaming benchmark I noticed about a 5-8% performance decrease with hue sync enabled. For me this is not an issue, but it could be an issue on weaker hardware. Hue sync can be disabled or enabled on a game to game basis in the software as profiles.
The competition:
Asus Aura Halo works by adding LED strips to the back of the monitor. I like Asus but they have a way of not updating their software, and when they do it will usually only work on the newer hardware. I don’t trust them to improve the software or even fix it if potentially a windows update breaks it. The RGB light will be harsh with no diffuser or dedicated white leds.
NZXT Hue 2 V2 Ambient, they seem a bit more invested in the tech with a v2 released recently, but again this is all controlled with their CAM software which has a terrible reputation. The same RGB strips are used with no diffuser or dedicated white lights. Since these light strips are addressable they offer a higher resolution as only some leds can be triggered to onscreen events, but this to me just seem to make them even harsher on the eye.
In both cases the competitions software and features are lacking as compared to the Philips implementation. The lighting is also harsh, which is why I decided to go with Philips hue sync. With philips you can also add lighting at a later point and you are free to place the lights where you want.
The lighting should add to the ambience of a gaming session, not be a distraction.
UPDATE: Some months have passed since my last review and thought this detailed review could do with an update. In my living room setup I have added another light bar to my rear top left on a bookcase behind a nice Alien statue, and a E27 colour ambiance bulb to my tall lamp on the rear right. This is now my primary way of lighting the living room. I also stuck a Hue dimmer switch close to the couch so we can control brightness easily. Gaming and movies is awesome, although Netflix still does not work with Hue play. Works best with movies that have lots of colour and action.
My gaming setup also got another Hue play bar for a total of 4, and a dimmer switch. I missed some light under my shelf and that has now been remedied. My lights are set to switch on via a timer on weekdays to help me get up, and they also switch of automatically when I leave the house.
It is not a cheap echo system, but I would miss the ambient light during gaming if you took it away right now. During the past few months there has been one update to the sync app, validating my theory that the ecosystem is larger than the competition, and Philips is actively developing for it.
The hue entertainment function is not as effortless as it needs to be and therefore impractical, as I still haven’t figured out how to integrate with Xbox, Apple TV or Tele.
However, you can set a scene on the app to give a mood for movies vs gaming vs documentaries.
We added these Hue Play to the kitchen to add ambience and they work seamlessly. Nice product and a good addition to our Hue’d up home.
A good light I put behind my computer, im in the Philips hue ecosystem and it fits perfectly.
I found it funny that in the box there was also a bottle of fake tan which I didn’t order so that’s great as It came was a free fake tan I guess
Now have six of these around a projector screen and they look amazing.
Just wish as others have mentioned the sync app was more readily available on smart TVs and consoles rather than just PCs and Macs
Update: Philips have listened! The HUE Sync capability is soon to be available via a dedicated hardware solution – Philips HUE Sync Box which allows you sync your lighting with up to 4 HDMI devices, it’s only recently been announced (October 19) and not on Amazon yet…
Looks amazing in my office. When syncing with games makes the whole experience better with these being my monitor lighting the wall
I really like the lights where I have put them at the back of the TV.
Great little light to add that bit more to your room.
Looks stunning against a white wall. I love this product. Shame it has a (surprisingly) tiny cable, so I can’t use it in my new place in any useful place – it requires proximity with the power plug.
Love this lights, easy to setup as per all of the Hue range, the cables are thin so makes it easier to hide them, not too badly priced either. Only wished they sold a white extension cable, unfortunately looks like you can only get black.
Love this when watching or playing games kept behind tv nice visual effec
Makes my front room look like a cinama room, when placed behind my TV! Mind you, you do have to get a few more Hue Philips lights to get the right ambiance! And then Boom, your room is transformed!!!
Very handy to have, but alot smaller than I anticipated.
These are fantastic! the flexibility to place some bight Hue lights anywhere makes such a big difference. Coming with two lights and the ability to add another on the same plug is a nice addition as is being able to mount them horizontally or vertically.
Go on, treat yourself.
Love these hue play bars. Colours are vibrant and bright, have them behind the sofa shining up onto the wall. Well worth the money for the extra hue build quality
Good product but need the bridge to use this. Unbelievable colou
As with everything from the Philips Hue range, they’re expensive but high quality. Setting up requires a Hue Bridge and if setting up for the first time can be a bit frustrating. Once in it’s as smooth as anything. A really nice light from both units.
Another great bit of kit from the Philips Hue range
Partner wanted these and loves them, no faults easy to do/use
First thing to note is that while they are white, the backs are black. This is hidden pretty well in the pictures.
The main difference for me was the vibrancy compared to the Hive coloured bulbs. The Hue Sync application is great too, being able to sync them with games/videos/music is a really neat feature. Note that you can’t hook these up directly to your TV, the Sync application runs on a PC, so that’s a definite negative.
I have far too many Hive bulbs to start again, but in future I’ll definitely be buying Hue instead. Overall it’s four stars because they’re a little bit too pricey, and no direct sync to a TV.
Easy set up, handy for background lights, put this one behind my headboard in the bedroom
Absolutely recommend these lights – bought two to fit in long living room (one either end) and they are perfect. The choices in colour scheme and the ease of use with the Hue app is fantastic.
Work amazing with movies yet so bright and accurate, best to have these on the left and right side of your TV to give you the best effect.
Excellent bit of additional kit thats easy to set up
.Dj quip en gamme Philips Hue, pas de soucis pour l’ajouter mon pont.
La chose INDISPENSABLE faire pour que le produit prenne tout son intrt et sa valeur en dehors d’un clairage ambiance : il faut installer HueSync sur votre ordinateur et vous crez votre “espace de loisir” avec votre Hue Play (vous pouvez ajouter d’autres clairages Philips comme un Lighstrip derrire le canap s’il vous en dit).Et alors l vous ne serez pas du du rsultat:
-vous diffusez de la musique: ouvrez HueSync et choisissez “musique” puis “dmarrer la synchronisation” et vous avez votre HuePlay qui ragit la musique (ambiance discothque, effet garanti).Cela fonctionne que vous coutiez avec VLC,Deezer,Spotify…
-vous diffusez un film: choisissez “vido”, “dmarrer la synchro” et vous obtenez l’effet Ambilight (diffusion des couleurs de chaque cot de votre cran en accord avec les couleurs diffuses l’cran), l’effet est bluffant! Au dbut je pensais un gadget mais l’on y prend vite gout, cela ajoute vraiment l’immersion (pour peu que vous soyez quip en 5.1…)
J’ai lu que certaines personnes ne parvenaient pas grer cet fonction Ambilight avec leur TV: possesseur d’une Nvidia TV Shield, d’un modle TV Samsung qui date , vous ouvrez votre film sur votre ordinateur, pas en plein cran mais dans une fentre avec VLC par exemple (mais cela fonctionne aussi avec Kodi et Plex pour ceux qui connaissent). Vous ouvrez Chrome,dans l’angle suprieur droit cliquer sur les “3 petits points” et slectionner “caster”puis trs important “caster le bureau” puis slectionner (dans mon cas) Shield. vous allez donc vous retrouver avec votre cran PC cast sur votre cran TV.En clair ce qui est sur votre cran PC est sur votre cran TV. Il ne vous reste plus qu’ mettre en plein cran sur votre PC (et donc sur la TV), lancer votre film, (teindre l’cran PC) et installez vous dans votre fauteuil et regardez votre film avec l’effet Ambilight. Seul “inconvnient”, la gestion du film (retour arrire, pause, avance rapide…. doit se faire au niveau du PC bien videmment.La gestion du son est gre au niveau de la tlcommande.Et il est possible que cela demande une bonne connexion/dbit internet (fibre).
Une fois le film termin , il vous suffit d'”arrter le caster” sur votre ordi et vous retrouvez votre programme TV sur l’cran TV
En esprant que cela vous soit utile pour ceux qui galraient pour utiliser l’Ambilight autour de leur TV.
Bought this as a gift but it’s in my house so I use it. Really brilliant! Makes the room so much more luxurious and I also bought some bulbs for lamps and the ceiling to go with this so I’d recommend that too. A really great purchase. It looks good behind the TV shining on the wall.
Bought as present for my son (king of ambiance lighting) and he loves it.
Bought these lights to backlight the television, easy set up and really bright, great lights
Super bright and small, the usual simplicity – plug it in, open the app and find the devices. Currently have 1 either side of the TV and adds a really pleasant ambience. I have ordered another pack so I can have a central light also (I’ll find somewhere else to put the 4th!).
Good build quality that I’ve come to expect from Philips Hue. Not the cheapest product, but certainly one of the brightest I have seen… I can think of multiple uses,
but certainly works well as a TV backlight.