POWERUP 4.0 The Next-Generation Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane Kit, RC Controlled. Simple to Fly with Autopilot & Gyro Stabilizer.

- Turn any paper plane into a powered, remote-controlled flying machine.
- Use the in-app controls to barrel roll and hammerhead with ease.
- Create and test new designs from paper, light balsa wood or foam.
- Fly even when the weather isn’t perfect.
- Durable carbon-fiber construction means you can enjoy peace of mind while flying.

- Bluetooth enabled: range of 230 ft /70 meters
- Smartphone controlled: download the POWERUP 4.0 app for iOS or Android
- Weight: just 19 grams with a 2:1 thrust : weight ratio, Speed: up to 20mph (or 9m/sec), Measurements: 8.6 in/ 220 mm long.
- Flight time: up to 10 minutes of flight time. Battery: 150 lipo quick charge – easy to replace. Charging time: 25-30 minutes for a full charge.
- Smart: the onboard flight computer, autopilot and gyro accelerometer prevent nosedives and reduce choppiness.

- Use your smartphone, no batteries or bulky controllers required.
- Rear pusher propeller, designed to sustain multiple crashes.
- Quick charging technology within 30 minutes.
- Fly even when the weather isn’t perfect thanks to auto stabilizer gyro.
- Create and test new designs from paper, light balsa wood or foam.
POWERUP 4.0 Accessories – Available on Amazon
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PowerUp Paper Airplane Book
| PowerUp Paper Airplane Templates
| PowerUp Spare Parts Kit
PowerUp 4.0

Explore the limits of aerodynamics by creating unique planes that push your creativity to the limit.
What is the POWERUP 4.0?
The POWERUP 4.0 is a propeller module, power source and flight computer that makes paper planes capable of independent flight. You can add it to any paper, light balsa wood or foam plane. To control the plane, download the POWERUP 4.0 app.
Can I really attach the POWERUP 4.0 to any paper airplane?
Yes. As long as it weighs under 20 grams. While its predecessors (the 3.0 and the 2.0) worked best with very precisely folded planes, the 4.0 is powerful enough to fly all kinds of models.
Will the POWERUP app work on my phone?
We support any iOS or Android device that has Bluetooth 4.0 and a gyro.
What happens if I fly my plane out of range?
The POWERUP 4.0 has a range of 240 feet. If you go beyond that, your plane will land. In case you can’t see it after it lands, a find-my-plane feature will guide you to your plane.
What kind of weather can I fly my POWERUP 4.0 in?
Thanks to the onboard flight computer and stabilizers, you can use the 4.0 in less-than-perfect weather. If you’re flying a paper plane, it’s still best to avoid rainy days though. And for the smoothest flights, aim for clear, sunny, calm days.
Dimensions: | 19.05 x 1.8 x 3.8 cm; 19 Grams |
Model: | 500-050BB |
Material: | Paper |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Age: | 14 year and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Material: | Paper |
Our child and all their friends got these for the holidays. They had a blast flying them at the park.
Technical setup is easy, and if you’re already good with paper airplanes that will be a huge plus.
To have the best time, fold a few airplane carefully at home watching the YouTube instructions.
Then go on a nice day to a big area—soccer field or bigger. Practice short flights unpowered and take the time to adjust your paper airplane. Then it’s all about learning the feel of flying. Just do big gentle circles until you can get your air times up!
We bumped ours a little too hard and their customer support was amazing. Even with a crack the airplane impressed, still working perfectly until we got a replacement hood. We can’t wait to try out more different models when the weather clears!
My 11 year old saved up for this and is obsessed with it. The included plane bodies are easy to use, but my kid loves experimenting designing his own. It’s pretty durable, but I would recommend keeping in on the grass. Lots of fun for kids, and a reasonable run and charge time.
My 7 year old always liked paper planes and
made his own designs, but he always got
frustrated by their limited flying range.
Not anymore.
With Power up 4.0 he is not only able to fly
longer it also has teached him the dynamics
of flying, what flaps are for and what they
do, etc …
He learned so much on his own that he was
chatting to a plane mechanic the other day
and the guy got impressed on how much
knowledge my boy had about aerodynamics
and flying.
Amazing toy. I highly recommend it!
Once I had folded the paper plane, the plane flew well on the third attempt. But it kept going higher while I struggled to work out how to turn off the power. Then a lazy return to earth only to lodge high in a tree. Powerup4.0 needs a lot of space.
The most affordable way to get into RC planes. Folding the different paper plane designs are fun and easy with the free YouTube videos. The PowerUp 4.0 module then clips to your latest design and pairs with your smart phone via the PowerUp 4.0 app. Flying with the app is intuitive and a super fun challenge as you progressively get better and try different aircraft designs. Highly recommended.
I originally recieved one as a gift since I didn’t want to spend money on yet another “as seen on TV” thing to just be dissapointed. After having it for a few years I am pretty impressed with how well it works and how durrable it is.
I finally had buy another one because my kid litterally stepped on it. It seams that beside out right stomping it the toy holds up to a lot of abuse.
Other positives are that the app is well supported and being improved. One of my favorite parts is the active community. There is a facebook page that is always sharing ideas and having competitions, which is fun.
If you are on the fence like I was then I would recommend getting it. If I had known what I know now I would have bought it a lot sooner.
Finally, I have one tip to save some time. My phone (S20 FE) doesn’t work with the app/plane unless I turn on the GPS. The instructions didn’t mentioned this, maybe it does now, but it was the only source of frustration when I started.
Full disclosure, he is also into aeronautics, rocketry, space-travel etc etc. But yeah, this did the trick on his birthday! The product works well, although it took us several tries to get it flying. Very quickly the model becomes a sort of iterative testing and experimenting platform, where the goal is to keep it flying the longest, or perhaps the highest. No accidents so far as we only fly in a nearby paddock, away from trees and roads. It crashes a lot, but we’ve had a lot of fun!
One of the best things about the POWERUP 4.0 kit is how much fun it can be, especially for kids. The ability to control and fly a paper airplane using a smartphone app is a unique and exciting experience that can provide hours of entertainment for the whole family. Additionally, the kit is an excellent DIY STEM tool that can help children learn about aerodynamics and technology while having fun.
Another great aspect of this product is the seller’s responsiveness to requests. They are highly responsive to customer inquiries and are always willing to help out with any questions or issues that may arise. This level of customer service is impressive and adds to the overall positive experience of using this product.
Overall, I highly recommend the POWERUP 4.0 Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane Kit for anyone looking for an easy-to-use and enjoyable way to fly paper airplanes. It’s a great product for kids and adults alike, and the seller’s responsiveness to requests is an added bonus.
Since I have gotten this, I have loved it. My longest flight was 9 minutes with the Invader model. I love that during flight it will tell you when you have flown for 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc. I am watching the plane and don’t really look at how much time I have been in the air, so that’s a really good feature of it. And I love that they have other planes that you can fold and you just choose that plane in the app and it also tracks which plane you have flown and also you can see each flight that you have done and the duration of each flight. Just make sure that you fly it on grass because if you fly it near concrete, and you land on it, you will possibly break a propeller, so I would buy the spare propellers if you are going to be flying near a hard surface like a basketball court or other hard surface.
Hallo Leute
das macht viel Spa aber ihr soll trodem aufpassen. Bei uns ist ein Teil kaputt gegangen aber der Hersteller hat sich schon gemeldet. Ich werde bald die Ersatzteile erhalten.
Aprs un mois d’utilisation, le Powerup 4.0 fonctionne toujours trs bien, c’est trs amusant et mon fils de 10 ans s’clate avec. Le pilotage est ais. Effectivement, il ne faut pas trop de vent, un peu d’espace (terrain de foot ou pairie). Petit bmol : la batterie s’puise vite. Mais bonne nouvelle, elle se recharge aussi trs vite avec une petite batterie externe. Plusieurs modles d’avion sont tester, avec pour chacun les explications de fabrication (en Anglais), ce qui varie un peu les sances de vol. Trs sympa, je recommande.
Cet engin est juste fabuleux ! C’est comme une baquette magique qui transforme un simple bout de papier en engin volant !
Il est bien sr possible de suivre les explications vido que l’on trouve partir de l’appli pour faire diffrents modles d’avions en papier (pas que d’ailleurs) mais il est aussi possible de faire voler vos propres crations. Des vols de plusieurs minutes sont possibles si les conditions sont idales. Aprs 5 vols avec mon propre modle et quelques rglages, j’ai russi dpasser les 2 minutes de vol. Ca aurait pu tre plus long si la batterie n’avait pas t vide au moment de ce vol.
Il semble que l’avion reoive assez rapidement les commandes de vol (acclration, dclration, virages) mais les conditions mtos doivent tre idales (pas humide, pas de vent ou trs peu)
A noter quand mme quelques dconnexions intempestives du smartphone, mais rapidement reconnect.
Wonderful and exciting airplane.
My daughter got it from Santa Claus.
She was so excited and went to school ground with great glee to try it on Christmas morning.
School ground is surrounded by bamboo trees.
We should have watched the video offered by manufacturer before we tried.
After 10 minutes of trial, we needed to say goodbye the plane on the top of a bamboo tree.
The plane has still been there.
On every recess time, she sees it.
He stayed with us for the week and his dad took the gifts home. Dad then thought the plane was cool and flew it around the house and crashed into the fridge and broke it. BUT he glued it back but it is funny that the SIL broke it before it was played with by the 13 year old.
It’s a bit tricky to fly but really cool. My son loves it so much. We had the 2.0 but this steps up the tech meets analogue fu
Mais attention il ne faut pas le moindre vent.
Challenging, but lots of fun once you get the hang of the controls and plane setup. Plan on needing a big open field area to practice and crash alot until you do. I was surprised at how rugged the device was especially after several crashes. Simply pick it up bend back the paper into shape and off you go. Note: this may not be true for areas that are humid. Paper will probably get soggy faster and require frequently being changed if you crash often.
Flies great. For me up to a full minute. The nakamura is really easy fold and fly. Also great customer service. A great new hobby.
i like this paper plane, but it was not easy to control it by mobile pone.
You can quickly learn how to control your plane through the Powerup phone app. It’s easy to do and a lot of fun to fly!
We love these kits so much we are running a school challenge with them and sending them out to 30 schools across Scotland! Amazing to teach and demonstrate principles of flight and iterative design by adding your own wings made of anything at all! Easy to set up, use and fly. Highly recommend.
When you initially get it it feels very light but if you think about it there’s a reason for that it’s the fact that everything has to weigh very little in order to fly as best as it can. The packaging includes a full set up including four invader model templates in paper, a complete propeller unit which is Bluetooth capable, a spare set of propellers, and a stabiliser bar, all of these we used in my very first build which was the invader model.
So if you like me you want to jump straight into this build without doing any research however I would advise that you jump onto their online videos which are plentiful and follow the instructions to create the correct folds at least for the first two or three planes that you decide to fly, this will give you the chance to learn how the planes fly and how to control them through the power up app.
The main propeller body itself is the part that connects via Bluetooth to your mobile phone, you just open up the app press find your plane washed your plane is switched on, wait a little while until you hear the engine vroom, then it should open up to give you the controls for your plane these can be either the standard setup or you can use a joystick setup, me personally I prefer the joystick setter as it makes it a lot easier to control with one hand. Make sure you give the main body a charge with the included micro USB cable though, as although it doesn’t drain quickly, it’s still a limited size battery so you’ll want to make good use out of every flight and its battery capacity.
Learning to fly this as you can possibly see by the video I also included takes a long time and the initial video I made shows it crashing straight away for a few reasons. The first reason is the fact that I hadn’t set the trim on the plane nor did I have enough open space to become intuitive with the controls themselves, so do yourself a favour and find a nice open outdoor space to make the most of the distance this can fly.
The folding videos that I found online are really good and very complete they give you a step by step instruction on how to do it so if I can do it anybody can, although I do think in the future I’ll be designing and building my own planes just to see what can be done. If I was to say that any improvement needed to be made, it would be two things. The first would be a step by step instruction when you initially connect the plane on how to trim, and the second would be to allow a landscape view of the controls which would allow for better videos of the plane flying as you are able to record flights through the app itself which is a great feature. Other than that no other improvements could be made.
I bought this on a whim direct from the manufacturer, and, while it took a while to make its way from the US to the UK, I was getting very excited.
The kit itself comes in a very tiny box, but includes everything you need to get started. The POWERUP 4.0 itself is surprisingly rigid and very well made. You also get a cross piece (used to give extra rigidity to your designs), a couple of spare propellers, a short charging cable, and a template for making a basic paper aeroplane.
Mine arrived fully charged, and, within 5 minutes, I was ready to test it. Warning: you will underestimate how far/high this thing can go; make sure you have *plenty* of space.
Initial pairing with my Android phone was easy and, after a couple of poor launches, I got the hang of controlling and flying the POWERUP. Personally I found the “two-stick” method of control easier than tilting my phone to roll.
The only issue that I have experienced is that, once it is at range (100m+) the connection will drop as soon as the POWERUP lands/crashes. It can take a few moments for it to “handshake” with your phone and sometimes required a quick on/off cycle to effectively reset it and get it talking to the phone again. Another minor issue is that, occasionally, when doing a particularly smooth landing, the POWERUP reports that it’s already landed and cuts the power!
We found that the POWERUP’s battery gave around 10 minutes of enthusiastic flight, which translated to around 30 minutes of fun (recovering the ‘plane, discussing how to improve it, modifying it, moving around the field we were in for the best wind, etc. etc.). I’d recommend bringing a powerbank with you when you go flying so that you can charge on the go; a full charge from empty takes around 20 minutes.
The sheer adaptability of the POWERUP is staggering and the demos shown in the video are not hyperbole. This thing is *desperate* to fly and will try to do so no matter what you do to the paper aeroplane.
While seemingly expensive for what it is, it’s a little engineering marvel that’ll inspire your kids (or even you!) to experiment and learn a little bit about aerodynamics. I guarantee that you’ll have hours of fun with this.
I have a bit of time off work, and wanted to buy myself a new toy to have some fun with. I love to tinker, so this seemed perfect.
Once I got a decent plane folded and mounted, it ended up being the most fun I’ve had for ages! I was itching to go again after I had run out of battery, but I was running out of daylight as well. It had to wait until the next day. Today is day four, and I’ve had it out multiple times every day. It’s quite exciting to see your plane continue flying on beyond what a paper plane should, and very cool to see it turn with a twist of the wrist. It has attracted a few interested spectators too, who seem equally impressed.
The only downside is it is coming into winter, and the grass is wet. So, before a session is over, my plane is basically trashed. I’ve folded up a few spares now, so I can keep going but I’m keen to build one out of something more durable (balsa?).
It still feels like a bit of an extravagance to spend so much on motorising a paper aeroplane, but now that I’ve tried it, I have no regrets. I’ll definitely be getting enough enjoyment out of it to warrant the expense.
I watched a few YouTube videos before buying, and liked the look of the Nighthawk Tornado so I built one.
The motor unit hooked up to my iPhone with no problem. I found it easier to fly the plane with the joystick screen. A bit easier than trying to fly using the tilt method. Only downside is not being able to swap out the battery when it’s flat. Otherwise it’s great.
(From my son) This is a really unique remote controlled plane as not only is it really tiny but you can either fold or build a fast jet design or a slow glider. It is essentially 2 planes for the price of one. They have a youtube channel with various experimental designs and tutorials as well as contests. The customer service is very responsive as they shipped me a replacement part after proof of purchase. They also seem to be updating the app regularly. This solves the problem of large planes that are not easily portable and allows you to fly countless designs made of any lightweight material. I would recommend this to anyone who likes to create but does not want to have to worry about installing all the electronics and needing to buy expensive transmitters.
My son, whose turning 13 this week, absolutely loves the power up 4.0. It took making paper airplanes to a whole new level. For his birthday, all he’s asking for are new propellers, the glow in dark assecory so he can fly at night, and any other assecory he can use with the plane. It was definitely a hit when he received this for Christmas and the best thing is the novelty hasn’t worn off like almost every other toy he’s ever received. My only suggestion is to make sure you fly it over soft surfaces (lawn) as it recommends to do. My son has learned the hard way flying it on our street. But he loves this thing so much I have no problem buying the replacement propellers for him. I would highly recommend this product! Fyi: I never write reviews but feel like this deserves one.
Good flight computer, good app, and the powerup itself too! It consists of 2 motors, but my issue is that the propellers are too weak, requiring you to keep on buying replacement propellers or else you can’t fly as easily, what are these propellers made of nothing? it crashed twice and 1 blade was missing, not very good.
I like the landing gear though, and especially the flight computer, it keeps it flying in a very straight line and makes the powerup turn very well. Great thing to fly, will recommend.
It is difficult to control but loads of fun. Make sure you are flying in and open area because it can get up on a tree easily.
Awesome toy great for beginners can fly anytime suggest learning in a huge open field but once you get the hang of it lots of fun great for microflights,learning how to build small aircrafts for all ages
Spent money for nothing !
I am mad !
Does Not fly
Sucks !
It definitely adds fun to flying paper airplanes. I haven’t tried many different types of plane but the Onslaught will in the direction of the slightest breeze. Even though the propellers are in the back, they break easily. I purchased a spare parts kit with extras.
It works. As advertised which is rare these days most toys don’t. But this thing is great flies so well even in a light wind. Would recommend to anyone.
Acquistato come regalo di Natale per il nipote, zio e nonno ci hanno giocato per ore litigandoselo come bambini…
Consigliatissimo. I bambini vanno un po’ assistiti perch la messa a punto richiede dedizione.
Si imparano bene i principi dell’aerodinamica divertendosi moltissimo.
Don’t fly indoors as you will break it flys wel out side it’s quite fast too
Don’t fly indoors as you will break it flys wel out side it’s quite fast too
Gave this as a gift. Looks fab, but haven’t had any feedback from user yet- will update this review in time
Gave this as a gift. Looks fab, but haven’t had any feedback from user yet- will update this review in time
Sicuramente un prodotto da acquistare, diverte e sorprende chiunque lo veda. Carina l’app ma non vi aspettate grandi voli mai se ci dovesse essere vento
Regalato a un adolescente, ci abbiamo giocato parecchio anche provando diversi tipi di carta. Si pilota bene, usa l’accelerometro del cellulare
Loved it we have a Drone but this is much easer to control once you’re use to the handling of the phone and we also can get creative with making our own paper plane desig
LOVE the entire concept of these assemble yourself planes! Such a great learning experience to share with children and adults alike! I bought this for my son who pilots his own plane, but also loves to tinker. No doubt, this will keep him amused this winter.
Wonderful customer service!
Hi, I recently ordered a Powerup 4.0 on Amazon, and after trying it out for the first time, the left propellor on the plane broke in half. I don’t think that the propellor is supposed to break so easily, maybe there was a problem in manufacturing or while shipping? Could I have a replacement propellor?
My first flying experience was not very successful. There was some wind, but I honestly did not understand the importance of changing power settings while flying. Once I understood how to manage attitude (pitch) by changing power settings it made controlling the aircraft much easier. The “Invader” design that comes with the unit is actually pretty stable. I ended up making a replica using cardstock and made a few minor design changes. The unit is really light and surprisingly hardy. After about 20 rough landings the soft nose piece became damaged but a small amount of glue from my glue gun fixed it perfectly. I also damaged one propeller after about 15 flights. I recommend having more than just the one set of replacement propellers (included) on hand. Overall, I’m really happy with this little thing and can’t wait try it with a balsa airplane too (I bought the accessory kit with the adapters for balsa and other designs).
Mittlerweile besitze ich schon 2 und habe ber 8,5 Stunden Flugzeit mit den beiden Gerten.
Mit dem Power up 4.0 sind die Papierflieger einfach und intuitiv zu steuern. Mein lngster Flug war sagenhafte 12 Minuten lang. Sogar bei etwas mehr Wind war das Steuern wegen der Stabilisatoren kein Problem. Macht einfach Spa und man kann den Kindern schon Grundlagen der Aerodynamik erklren.
Mittlerweile besitze ich schon 2 und habe ber 8,5 Stunden Flugzeit mit den beiden Gerten.
La scatola piena di QR code e vi consiglio di seguire bene tutti i link
Se lo farete, piegare il modello all’interno sar semplicissimo. in 5 minuti l’aereo sar pronto.
scaricate l’APP (C’ un QR code) e sarete pronti
L’ho messo sul supporto, ma non provatelo lasciandolo libero sul tavolo della cucina o vostra madre o il vostro partner avr qualcosa da ridire: parte a razzo.
Un’altra cosa importantissima: seguite BENE le istruzioni dei link proposti e non fatevi prendere dalla fretta di provarlo o vi troverete come me a doverne acquistare un’altro.
2 cose sono importanti:
1- il vento in quota sempre pi forte di quello al suolo (i video dei link lo spiegano)
2- l’aereo non ha timoni di profondit e scende solo per mancanza di spinta (cosa pretendete con 70?)
Se lo prende un vento in quota un po’ troppo forte, potete dirgli addio: pesa talmente poco che anche a motore spento se ne va.
Il mio salito oltre i 15 metri e il vento me l’ha portato via
La scatola piena di QR code e vi consiglio di seguire bene tutti i link
Se lo farete, piegare il modello all’interno sar semplicissimo. in 5 minuti l’aereo sar pronto.
scaricate l’APP (C’ un QR code) e sarete pronti
L’ho messo sul supporto, ma non provatelo lasciandolo libero sul tavolo della cucina o vostra madre o il vostro partner avr qualcosa da ridire: parte a razzo.
Un’altra cosa importantissima: seguite BENE le istruzioni dei link proposti e non fatevi prendere dalla fretta di provarlo o vi troverete come me a doverne acquistare un’altro.
2 cose sono importanti:
1- il vento in quota sempre pi forte di quello al suolo (i video dei link lo spiegano)
2- l’aereo non ha timoni di profondit e scende solo per mancanza di spinta (cosa pretendete con 70?)
Se lo prende un vento in quota un po’ troppo forte, potete dirgli addio: pesa talmente poco che anche a motore spento se ne va.
Il mio salito oltre i 15 metri e il vento me l’ha portato via
I have done one flight and I am very happy. Flew very well and was easy to control.
I would recommend this item to anyone interested in aerodynamics. This plane is of great value since it allows you the creativity to design your aircraft. The controls are easy to use, but it can be tricky to get used to. Luckily the app will help you find the plane if it gets lost. However, it relies solely on you wandering in range of the aircraft. Overall I highly recommend this item.
The app sometimes is not connecting. I figured out that after the Android mobile rebooted it works.
The battery is not replaceable this limits the time of playing with it outside.
We purchased a balsa wood frame that flies nice. A bit hard to control but big fun to run after.
The app sometimes is not connecting. I figured out that after the Android mobile rebooted it works.
The battery is not replaceable this limits the time of playing with it outside.
I’ve followed this product since it was on KickStarter. I love the idea and the engineering behind it. So cool. This one flys so well. Keep it up!
My Experience:
My son and I had already attempted to create some prop powered paper planes with rubber bands, and though they were good fun together and great learning, they didn’t quite give the result I wanted.
This product was exactly what I needed to continue that lesson and draw my kids in. They loved chasing it around and bringing it back when I crashed. My oldest (3 years) got to try and launch the plane. I am excited to try and build different planes with him and him to be able to watch something he created take flight.
The product:
The controls took a minute to understand, a bit more clarification on how the controls work would be great. It took a minute to figure out that the phone gyro was controlling left and right, and the slide was only throttle. Once I figured that out I was able to fly pretty well continuously, Even got it to do a sort of loop at one point. The controls are very simple and easy, had no problems flying at all after I understood them.
Battery life:
It’s advertised at 10 min, I felt like I got closer to 15 but wasn’t running full throttle hardly at all.
I would like an auto flight mode, something like it just Flys in a set pattern (ie. Circle, figure 8, etc) that probably requires more sensors that are not on board, but would be nice in a future product.
Solid product, I would purchase again and recommend to others. I plane to purchase some of the wood/foam kits once I get more confident in my flight abilities.
I read a lot of negative reviews, a lot talking of easy breakage, most of them sound like user error. The product is solid, and doesn’t seem to break easily with controlled use, but as with any product with small parts you can’t expect to slam it into the ground and it survive unscathed.
Purchased to use a a fun learning tool with my kids, as well as fun for me (wink).
My Experience:
My son and I had already attempted to create some prop powered paper planes with rubber bands, and though they were good fun together and great learning, they didn’t quite give the result I wanted.
This product was exactly what I needed to continue that lesson and draw my kids in. They loved chasing it around and bringing it back when I crashed. My oldest (3 years) got to try and launch the plane. I am excited to try and build different planes with him and him to be able to watch something he created take flight.
The product:
The controls took a minute to understand, a bit more clarification on how the controls work would be great. It took a minute to figure out that the phone gyro was controlling left and right, and the slide was only throttle. Once I figured that out I was able to fly pretty well continuously, Even got it to do a sort of loop at one point. The controls are very simple and easy, had no problems flying at all after I understood them.
Battery life:
It’s advertised at 10 min, I felt like I got closer to 15 but wasn’t running full throttle hardly at all.
I would like an auto flight mode, something like it just Flys in a set pattern (ie. Circle, figure 8, etc) that probably requires more sensors that are not on board, but would be nice in a future product.
Solid product, I would purchase again and recommend to others. I plane to purchase some of the wood/foam kits once I get more confident in my flight abilities.
I read a lot of negative reviews, a lot talking of easy breakage, most of them sound like user error. The product is solid, and doesn’t seem to break easily with controlled use, but as with any product with small parts you can’t expect to slam it into the ground and it survive unscathed.
Way cheaper, cooler and more challenging than a drone. Took me a long time to get decent. Highly recommending using with Guillow’s Balsa Wood Sopwith Camel
Product is incredibly durable. Might seem pricey but kids will play with it for hours. Huge hit in open spaces. Have bought 3 of them and they haven’t disappointed as gifts or toys. Kids of all ages.
This worked well, and was easy to assemble/use for my 14 yr old. We just struggled finding a place large enough to fly this. It is not a hovering drone, it will go up and forward. It enjoys roofs and trees, especially if you are a novice pilot.
Great product, easy to use and fly. My young bloke can do it, no problem.
Whats better than their product is the customer support. After a bird attack (yeah, I’m not kidding. It was a pretty sick dog fight though) that damaged some the parts, the powerup team replaced them free of charge. Legends! Highly recommended. My son loves it!!
It arrived as promised in perfect condition. I followed the video and built the invader using the furnished template. It worked on the first try. My one negative comment has more to do with me as the pilot. I flew RC planes and you pull back on the stick to go up. “Pulling back” on the control redcuces power causing the plane to loose altitude and control as all control is through the twin motors. The plane is very slow to respond so it takes a lot more room to fly than I imagined making running out of range very possible.
Fathers Day gift that is well appreciated. He likes it, the cats like it. Everyone is happy!
Das Flugzeug habe ich nach Videoanleitung gefaltet.
Es fliegt wie vorgesehen. Man braucht allerdings reichlich Platz.
Ich finde die Ersatzteile (z.B. Propeller) sollten entschieden preiswerter sein.
I cut leading edge slats for more lift, it works great!
The carbon rod for wing support is not dihedral and the nose clip needs a wedge under it to angle the wings upward slightly for better natural stability..
I might 3D print some parts of my own!
Caught on tree the first 5mins of playing it 🙁 i was really excited having this product it just breaks my hea
This is a stunning “toy” offering true wonderment to old and young. Having always wanted a remote control airplane I now have many and can fly them with ease. Every father and grandfather needs one of these
I am now two months into owning one and it never fails to disappoint. I have used both the foam F22 glider from Flitetest and the Tornado Balsa Model from Nighthawk gliders.
It took me a while to get used to the controls – my first Nighthawk glider was splintered so many ways when I was starting out. I snapped the fuselage, broke off the wings etc. But a bit of glue sorted it out and even though there was asymmetry after all the repairs, the Powerup 4 flight computer handled it fine.
To begin with, I was happy with a 30 second flight. Then a minute became the benchmark, and now, I can comfortably stay aloft for the entire time of a full charge and can even manage the power to extend the duration of the flight. I am now at the point where I am fine tuning the plane’s flight settings within the app to improve flight cjaracteristics.
After many crashes, I decided to build a balsa Tornado Glider using the template that accompanies the laser cut model (as well as some balsa sheets from the internet). It flies fantastically well and better balanced than the first. My children (10 and 11) are both able to handle the controls comfortably and I think this highlights the success of this amazing piece of kit. Be sure to fly on a still day or with winds in single figures for the best results.
I honestly love this – it is robust enough to take crashes, not so expensive that you daren’t risk flying it and has me checking out the nearby wind turbines the moment I get home for wind speed and direction. The next step is model paper planes. I can’t wait.
I am now two months into owning one and it never fails to disappoint. I have used both the foam F22 glider from Flitetest and the Tornado Balsa Model from Nighthawk gliders.
It took me a while to get used to the controls – my first Nighthawk glider was splintered so many ways when I was starting out. I snapped the fuselage, broke off the wings etc. But a bit of glue sorted it out and even though there was asymmetry after all the repairs, the Powerup 4 flight computer handled it fine.
To begin with, I was happy with a 30 second flight. Then a minute became the benchmark, and now, I can comfortably stay aloft for the entire time of a full charge and can even manage the power to extend the duration of the flight. I am now at the point where I am fine tuning the plane’s flight settings within the app to improve flight cjaracteristics.
After many crashes, I decided to build a balsa Tornado Glider using the template that accompanies the laser cut model (as well as some balsa sheets from the internet). It flies fantastically well and better balanced than the first. My children (10 and 11) are both able to handle the controls comfortably and I think this highlights the success of this amazing piece of kit. Be sure to fly on a still day or with winds in single figures for the best results.
I honestly love this – it is robust enough to take crashes, not so expensive that you daren’t risk flying it and has me checking out the nearby wind turbines the moment I get home for wind speed and direction. The next step is model paper planes. I can’t wait.
After some trial and error due to my own impatience have to say this thing works really well. Make sure you Follow the instructions to a tee especially a wide open field on a calm day. Find the direction of what ever light wind there is and Throw it gently into it. All of this is very well explained. I really enjoyed the “thermal “model paper airplane. Could keep it up in the air for 10 plus minutes without landing. I have 3 of these things now.
It flies way further than my son (13) expected. It also corrects easily if the wind misdirects it. It’s easy to use, but also challenging enough to keep him engaged and working to fly higher/longer/ straighter. The best part of all that with the paper it saves the plane, and even if you have a pretty serious crash it doesn’t break!
My 11 year old son got this for Christmas this year. He has obsessed over airplanes since he was little and makes paper airplanes constantly. He spent hours building planes for this awesome attachment for them and loved watching them fly. He loved flying it outside once it was warm enough, learning and improving. After a month or so of flying it, the antenna became weak and it would disconnect from the phone after about 5 feet. I contacted their consumer service and they quickly sent us a new one with improved thickness and protection for the antenna. Its been a great value for the money we spent and we were thankful and grateful they were willing to help improve their product and share a new version with us to continue to enjoy!
Coolest toy!! Would be great for kids or men! It really does fly!! I couldn’t believe it! Seriously I would buy one for everyone! Easy to use, our 8 year old figured it out in a few tries!
Very fun, and surprisingly easy to fly. (You must have zero wind.
Easy to set up and control. The MOST fun I have ever had.
Awesome little airplane, can’t wait to build a few an fly em!
Easy to set up and control. The MOST fun I have ever had.
The only thing that was frustrating was the fact that the paper was already pre folded. Makes it hard to fold the paper into the airplane. Other than that I really like it.
It’s a novel idea and it works as expected by turning old fashioned paper airplanes into something more useful. Getting the right design and weight balance on the plane is quite difficult though. It takes some time to figure out.
it’s pretty amazing my son loved it to be honest I was pretty skeptical about the purchase but wow this thing flies incredibly well and it allows him to fly different designs he makes
Best version yet. Get the extra accessories kit that allows more mounting options.
Ordered this for Christmas, I flew it once, though it was hard to master. On the second day, i tried another plane design, perfectly folded, and it flew a little and then suddenly went into a spin straight at the ground. This happened over and over so i modified the plane. It still nosedived.
The next day (I flew it and skimmed a tree. when the plane came down, one of the propellers was broken.
I replaced the propeller that broke and then, when i tried to fly it again, the new prop didn’t work right. So then i replaced the other prop and it didn’t fly. i gave it full throttle and tossed it repeatedly, but it just went down, unpowered.
Tip if you’re going to get this: the Wide Glider design found on youtube and the app is my favorite design, as it is easy to use for beginners.
Overall this is the best invention i have ever encountered, and i cannot wait to get my free replacement to get flying once more!
Arrived as described and fast. Purchased for older brothers in their 30’s. They seemed to be super excited to use i
Nothing but amazing, quick customer service. The instructions that come with the plane are easy to follow and it’s keeping my husband busy for hours! 10/10 would recommend for someone you are not sure what to get them but love to build things and “toys!”
When I first tried POWERUP 4.0, I was extremely impressed. The onboard flight computer makes flying super easy as it is smart enough to correct for random atmospheric upsets to keep the plane level. The app gives you plenty of freedom to fine tune things like pitch, roll, and yaw settings.
This product opens the door for anyone who loves to experiment has a desire to design their own unique aircraft. POWERUP 4.0 opens the door wide open for creativity. Even an imperfectly-designed aircraft has an incredible chance at flying!
NOTE: This product come with one paper mounting clip. But, if you will be flying balsa or foam board, you’ll also need to get the (POWERUP 4.0 Accessory Kit) or the (POWERUP 4.0 DIY Bundle.). Those will include the different size clips necessary to mount your DIY balsa/foam aircraft.
If you think the cost of this is a wee-bit on the pricey side, think of this… You don’t need a special flight controller— just download the free App on your smart phone. Also, you can source your construction materials right out of your recycling bin. Literally, almost anything will work— cereal boxes, egg cartons, milk jugs, junk mail (card stock), etc. Paper is cheap, foam board can be found at your “dollar store,” and with just a couple sheets of balsa you can make at least 3 airplanes.
I highly recommend flying at a decent-sized park just so you can stay clear of buildings and trees!
All in all, this thing is a blast. I love it and you will not be disappointed in the amount of fun and joy it brings!
Enjoy flight & enjoy life, my friends!
Nighthawk Gliders
It is my passion flying and building model airplanes. I found that power 4.0 was a great success in introducing rc flying at a reasonable price to my nephews. The autopilot stabilizing technology is amazing, flying is super easy even for beginners and on windy days. It is an awesome way for talented kids to get in touch with our hobby. I was surprised how sturdy the module was, just be sure not to fly on tarmac. We flew it in our neighborhood park and could not see any damage even after many crashes. Highly recommended.
When I first tried POWERUP 4.0, I was extremely impressed. The onboard flight computer makes flying super easy as it is smart enough to correct for random atmospheric upsets to keep the plane level. The app gives you plenty of freedom to fine tune things like pitch, roll, and yaw settings.
This product opens the door for anyone who loves to experiment has a desire to design their own unique aircraft. POWERUP 4.0 opens the door wide open for creativity. Even an imperfectly-designed aircraft has an incredible chance at flying!
NOTE: This product come with one paper mounting clip. But, if you will be flying balsa or foam board, you’ll also need to get the (POWERUP 4.0 Accessory Kit) or the (POWERUP 4.0 DIY Bundle.). Those will include the different size clips necessary to mount your DIY balsa/foam aircraft.
If you think the cost of this is a wee-bit on the pricey side, think of this… You don’t need a special flight controller— just download the free App on your smart phone. Also, you can source your construction materials right out of your recycling bin. Literally, almost anything will work— cereal boxes, egg cartons, milk jugs, junk mail (card stock), etc. Paper is cheap, foam board can be found at your “dollar store,” and with just a couple sheets of balsa you can make at least 3 airplanes.
I highly recommend flying at a decent-sized park just so you can stay clear of buildings and trees!
All in all, this thing is a blast. I love it and you will not be disappointed in the amount of fun and joy it brings!
Enjoy flight & enjoy life, my friends!
Nighthawk Gliders