This is one of the better value for quality shotgun mics on the market. With this mic, you can get great high quality sound as long as you understand some of the basics of mics and sound. This is more geared towards moderate to advanced users to really get the most out of it. But new users can learn the basics quickly too.
J’ai pu comparer ce Videomic NTG avec le NTG 4+ de la mme marque branch sur un zoon h6 et le constat est surprenant. Le videomic ntg est mieux dfini dans l’ensemble des frquences et beaucoup plus lev niveau sonore. La possibilit de l’utiliser directement en usb sur un tlphone,tablette,ordinateur etc… sans carte son est une trs bonne ide et le volume l’arrire du micro un clair de gnie. Super pratique compact et de trs bonne qualit, je suis bluff par mon achat. C’est du Rode !!!
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
After watching dozens of YouTube reviews of all kinds of different shotgun mics for DSLR cameras to educate me for my purchase, I eventually decided to grab this one as I thought it would be a high quality mic that would alone give me high sound quality right out of the box as soon as I attach it to my camera and hit record. I was somewhat nave to think that.
Not only this mic, but just about any mic you choose will not significantly or even somewhat improve your audio quality by just attaching it to your camera and hitting record. The room you’re recording in will need to be acoustically treated to maximize sound quality of your audio and you will likely need to edit the sound in post processing in order to get the best sounding audio from the mic.
It doesn’t really matter if you buy a $100 mic or a $2000 mic, the results will likely sound about the same if you’re recording your video in a room that is not acoustically treated, if your camera audio settings are not correctly adjusted, or if you haven’t done any post processing on your audio in Final Cut or Premiere Pro, or another video editing software like that.
This is a good mic, it definitely helped me with being able to increase the booming effects of my voice, increasing the gain of the sound of my voice as it was picked up, and increasing the volume of my voice, however the mic on it’s own likely won’t help your audio quality become cleaner, more refined, and reduce background noise without extra work on your part.
Was this mic worth it? I still think so. With some solid video and sound editing, and understanding what camera settings are needed to get the best audio possible, and understanding the mic’s audio settings and knowing which settings would be best for the sound of your own voice; you can get some great results with this.
compared to my Rode ntg 3 , the NTG has more noise floor compared to the NTG3
But the NTG is more compact and shorter and doesn’t required phantom power , plus It works with phone
it has a very powerful option to do a safe channel at lower -20 db as a back up
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
Man muss es richtig einstellen und platzieren dann ist es mega. 75 Hz Filter immer an und los geht’s. Eine Videorezension folgt auf YouTube. Mir fehlt ein Kabel. Damit es ber dem Kopf hngen kann mittels Mikrofon Stnder bentigt man das richtige Kabel. Im iPhone gibt es kein 3,5 mm Klinke Anschluss daher am besten das Rode SC19 Kabel dazu bestellen. Das ist USB-C zu Lightning. Also besser als zustzlicher Adapter von 3,5 mm Klinke auf Lightning. Ja das Kabel kostet auch Geld aber wenn du schon ein Mikrofon fr 250 kaufst dann sollte das richtige Kabel schon drin sein. Nur meine Meinung. Kenne leider keine gnstige Alternative fr Audio.
El audio es muy complejo, el mejor micrfono no grabar adecuadamente en condiciones no favorables. Tu fuente est pegada a paredes? Muchas reflexiones. Ests en la calle? Mucho bleed o contaminacin. Entendiendo eso puedo decir que el micrfono mejora mucho los sonidos de mis filmaciones que antes haca con celular. Acostumbrado a grabar en estudio con otros micrfonos puedo decir que es muy competitivo; adems, como tipo escopeta, es ms recomendable al aire libre. Para microfoneo cercano es perfecto cuidando ciertos detalles, muy buena calidad.
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
Improves Gopro hero 10 Black audio a lot used with Media mod
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
Improves Gopro hero 10 Black audio a lot used with Media mod
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
Improves Gopro hero 10 Black audio a lot used with Media mod
Langlebig, robust, Mglichkeit zur Verwendung mit spiegellosen / DSLR-Kameras und mit USB-Kabel kann es als Mikrofon zum Computer verwendet werden. Die Klangqualitt ist hervorragend mit einer zustzlichen Option, um die Empfindlichkeit des Mikrofons selbst zu erhhen oder zu verringern.
Meiner Meinung nach das beste Multifunktions Mikrofo
Designtechnisch und von der Verarbeitung her ist es gut durchdacht und passt perfekt zur LUMIX S5. Auch die Kombination mit einer Deadcat ist optisch gelungen und vermeidet status quo jegliche Windgerusche.
Nach meinen Recherchen (Mitte 2021) bietet dieses Mikrophon die beste Performance der Preisklasse und auch den hchsten Komfort (automatische Aktivierung und das Aufnehmen mit einer zustzlich -20 db Audiospur).
Unbearbeitet ist ein Rauschen bei Aufnahmen ohne viele Umgebungsgerusche hrbar, was nach meinem Geschmack vertretbar ist.
La qualit molto alta anche se non si sanno gestire al meglio le sue funzioni. riuscito a registrare un dialogo ad una distanza di 6 metri, che non serviva nelle riprese e non sarebbe stato usato in montaggio anche perch molto sporcato dai rumori ambientali (stavamo girando in strada in mezzo al traffico) e che ad orecchio non era percettibile.
Davvero difficile trovargli difetti. Forse la batteria che ricaricabile e non sostituibile? Forse, ma qui ce lo dir il tempo, nel frattempo tutto il resto di altissimo livello 🙂
Ich habe das Mikro mit einer Nikon D5500 und mit einer Blackmagic Production Camera 4K sowie als USB-Micro an meinem Macbook Pro benutzt. Alles hat gut funktioniert, die Tonqualitt ist spitze und die Richtcharakteristik eignet sich auch gut fr Voiceovers. Erfllt alle meine Erwartungen ^^
Funciona muy bien, y feliz con la compra. No retoco mucho el sonido, y quera algo que no tuviera que retocar, no soy un tecnico de sonido. Queria de lo mejor del mercado y estaba entre el Deity y esta. El Deity fue mucho ms barato en EEUU que en Espana y me dio coraje pagar aqui mucho ms por un micro que costara mucho menos en EEUU, as que pagu un poco ms pero es un micro que merece la pena y su calidad-precio en Europa y EEUU es parecido.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
Have an inexpensive parabolic dish that normally uses a tiny microphone and a zoom F1. Have now upgraded to this microphone and the sound has improved. Will keep all the spare, unused parts in case I later decide to use this on my camera for videos
All in all satisfied with the quality and results
Rode VideoMic NTG dont need any review every one know its must have mic.
I bought it for my youtube channel and it replaced my Rode wireless go.
Two main reason i boguth VideoMic NTG beside its sound quality
1: Don need to turn it on and off, it turn on and off automatically as soon as you turn on or off the camera
2: Auto-sensing 3.5mm output interacts seamlessly with both cameras and mobile devices
Ho diversi microfoni a casa per diversi utilizzi da lavaier a omnidirezionali e ho provato altrimenti prodotti meno costosi di rode e devo dire che questo pu batterli tutti e ha tutto quello che serve. Ovviamente per qualcuno di nuovo nel settare questi microfoni ci vuole un pochino di studio e test perch il manuale che arrivo insieme non si capisce ma molto semplice dopo e davvero versatile. Per ovviamente un po’ come settare una camera. Non c’ un’impostazione che va SEMPRE bene, ma bisogna adattare i settaggi del microfoni alle diverse situazioni.
can i get seller number please. only one channel is working in my microphone i want to get it done. but i dont know and iam not at all aware of how to get it repaired and where to get it done.
please help me its urgent.
Sicuramente il prezzo non economico e pu spaventare. Finch non viene provato. Infatti il rapporto qualit/prezzo ottimo. Un microfono che riesce a comportarsi ottimamente in tutte le situazioni, usato da shotgun, usato da boom o addirittura se collegato al computer al posto di un microfono a condensatore. Rode questa volta si superato.
I am very happy with this purchase! it is a bit pricey compare to other competitors, but the quality is best! I use it along with my Canon M50 MK2 in my gimble setup, very please with sound quality. If you still undecided, I would say go ahead! the old saying “you pay for what you get” is always true for a reason!
I am very happy with this purchase! it is a bit pricey compare to other competitors, but the quality is best! I use it along with my Canon M50 MK2 in my gimble setup, very please with sound quality. If you still undecided, I would say go ahead! the old saying "you pay for what you get" is always true for a reason!
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
Confrontato con altri microfoni direzionali in mio possesso, risultato superlativo. Qualit del suono veramente ottima. Comodissima la funzione di accensione automatica con la camera. Utilizzabile praticamente come scheda audio in entrata e uscita collegato con un cavo usb al pc.
E’ vero non costa poco ma la qualit e la resa del suono molto alta. Potete usare questo microfono montato sulla macchina come microfono direzionale, attaccato al pc e usarlo come microfono (tra registratore o micorofono per semplici videochiamate) oppure si pu addirittura attaccare ad un’asta e usarlo cos(magari attaccato ad un rode wireless go che trasmette il segnale senza fili in camera). Unica pecca che il range di cattura audio non troppo esteso, la resa migliore si ha da molto vicini fino a 3-4 metri di distanza al massimo: pi vicino meglio rende.
Le funzioni sono fantastiche, il taglio delle bande per ridurre il rumore di fondo, registare su 2 canali in modo diverso per salvare l’audio in caso di clip, ecc.
P.S. il suo deadcat, che in caso di forte vento credo sia essenziale, il WS11.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
Was soll ich sagen? Ein Klasse Mikro!! Habe jetzt 2 Kurzfilme damit gedreht und bin echt begeistert! Der eingebaute Pre-Amp funktioniert tadellos, ob Lowcut oder einfach nur die Lautstrke einstellen, alles schnell auf Knopfdruck einstellbar. Schaltet Problemlos ein, sobald die Kamera eingeschaltet wird, so vergisst man das auch nicht:)
Ottima qualit migliorato tantissimo le mie registrazioni
ci sono molte cose da imparare ma usandolo diventa pi semplice pi si impara pi si riesce ad avere una qualit del suono superiore
I have been using this for some filming outdoors in some pretty windy conditions with lots of leaves rustling in the trees, traffic and people noise in the background, etc. It’s delivering exactly what I was hoping for, excellent audio from the subject with diminished background noises. I added the Rode WS11 windscreen (dead cat) and I’m loving this mic.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
I expected a lot regarding its versatility after having watched a lot of reviews … and actually the Rode VideoMic NTG is what I really needed for good audio quality Skype/Teams and Zoom Meetings.
Es kann mit USB und auch AUX genutzt werden. Sehr gut Stimme Qualitt besonders bei “-20dB”. Nur ein Nachteil, dass Windschutz nicht so gut funktioniert.
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
Absolutely Amazing. The sound quality is INCREDIBLE! I’m using this Microphone for my Commercial Voice Over work and I’m able to compete with the Big Boys in Voice Over! Never an issue with Sound Quality.
I debated over this mic for quite a while. I liked the idea of being able to use it analog, connected directly to my field recorder, camera or phone – plus the ability to connect it directly to my computer digitally via USB. However, my primary use is connected to my field recorder, and I would have much preferred an XLR connector vs the 3.5 mm trs/trrs jack. I just so happened to own a Rode VXLR+, which adapts XLR to 3.5mm, and converts phantom power to ‘plug-in power’, so I figured I would give the mic a try.
At first it did not work, and I almost returned the mic. The mic is intelligent and can switch between trs (camera) and trrs (phone – combo headphone/microphone jack) connectivity, using the provided trrs/trrs cable. The VXLR+ on the other hand… not so intelligent. It is designed for trs connectivity, not trrs. Connecting it via trrs did not work. But, before I boxed the mic up and sent it back, I figured I would try a trs/trs cable… and Voila!
The mic sounds incredible! Really good gain, really low noise. While it definitely has a proximity effect, it maintains warmth/depth when booming at around 18″. I made some quick test recordings this way, then A/B tested the unprocessed audio against some of the more professional sounding YouTube channels out there. I honestly think mine sounded better! 😉 Using it in a podcast/voice-over fashion, 3″-6″ away, plugged directly in to my computer, sounded equally amazing. My phone even recognizes the mic via USB! As an “on-camera” mic… meh. But the traditional NTG mics, or even the almighty MKH-416 would sound “meh” used as an on camera mic. It is just not what you do, if you want good quality audio! IMHO.
Unk dei migliori microfoni direzionali che Rode abbia mai prodotto. Raccoglie l’audio in maniera impeccabile ed ha delle funzionalit davvero molto utili.
Microfono di una qualit eccezionale. Grande nota di merito anche al rivenditore Foto Diego che nonostante i tempi ha spedito il pacco con due giorni di anticipo. Il microfono in se si presenta benissimo sia per qualit costruttiva dei materiali che per funzioni. Sono possessore di diversi microfoni Rode (video micro, video mic pro, wireless go, nt1) questo li batte tutti in termini di qualit e versatilit. Ottimo in accoppiata con il sistema wireless go.
The button interface on the top is incredibly easy to use, and the USB computer connector on the top allows you to use this mic to double as a computer microphone. pretty awesome!
This is a great mic! I just wanted to point out one thing for everyone purchasing on amazon.
On Rode’s website, they explicitly say that anything sold on amazon is NOT an authorized seller and you will not be able to register for the extended 10-year warranty on these mics. That being said, Kellards, on their own IS an authorized seller so even if you purchase via Amazon, as long as it is through Kellards, the 10-year warranty will be honored. At least this is what happened in my case. I just wanted to let others know since I only saw this warning on Rode’s website after purchasing the mic. I am sure other sellers on amazon will probably also work, but I can only vouch for Kellards specifically. Hope this helps!
Absolutely amazing. Replaced my NTG2 paired with a Tascam. Now my audio setup is WAY lighter, but just as effective. I’m extremely impressed! Highly recommend. Hoping a windshield for it will release soon.
I needed an on-camera mic for YouTube Vlogging – and the Rode Video Micro seems to be pretty much a universal choice among YouTubers.
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
I needed an on-camera mic for YouTube Vlogging – and the Rode Video Micro seems to be pretty much a universal choice among YouTubers.
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
I needed an on-camera mic for YouTube Vlogging – and the Rode Video Micro seems to be pretty much a universal choice among YouTubers.
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
I was asked to do photos and video at a friends wedding as I am a bit of an amateur photographer. I have a Canon EOS 60D camera with a variety of lenses, I only mention this to give you an idea of the spec level of my bag. I knew I would not be able to get very close to the couple and, honestly, the mic on the camera body is not great.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I was asked to do photos and video at a friends wedding as I am a bit of an amateur photographer. I have a Canon EOS 60D camera with a variety of lenses, I only mention this to give you an idea of the spec level of my bag. I knew I would not be able to get very close to the couple and, honestly, the mic on the camera body is not great.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I was asked to do photos and video at a friends wedding as I am a bit of an amateur photographer. I have a Canon EOS 60D camera with a variety of lenses, I only mention this to give you an idea of the spec level of my bag. I knew I would not be able to get very close to the couple and, honestly, the mic on the camera body is not great.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I was asked to do photos and video at a friends wedding as I am a bit of an amateur photographer. I have a Canon EOS 60D camera with a variety of lenses, I only mention this to give you an idea of the spec level of my bag. I knew I would not be able to get very close to the couple and, honestly, the mic on the camera body is not great.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
Bought to upgrade the sound on my Sony AX-53 camcorder. I’ve been using a Rode Videomicro which was great but I always felt that there was room for improvement.
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
Bought to upgrade the sound on my Sony AX-53 camcorder. I’ve been using a Rode Videomicro which was great but I always felt that there was room for improvement.
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
Bought to upgrade the sound on my Sony AX-53 camcorder. I’ve been using a Rode Videomicro which was great but I always felt that there was room for improvement.
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
The rode videomic pro is a improvement over the built in mics on a dslr or videocam,
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
The rode videomic pro is a improvement over the built in mics on a dslr or videocam,
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
The rode videomic pro is a improvement over the built in mics on a dslr or videocam,
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
Arrived in plenty of time and worked a treat. The instructions are well worth reading correctly so that you put the VideoMicro microphone on the Rycote Lyre Shock Mount the right way. Excellent purchase for my Canon EOS-M and for ‘B’ roll camera/Vlogging.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.
Arrived in plenty of time and worked a treat. The instructions are well worth reading correctly so that you put the VideoMicro microphone on the Rycote Lyre Shock Mount the right way. Excellent purchase for my Canon EOS-M and for ‘B’ roll camera/Vlogging.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.
Arrived in plenty of time and worked a treat. The instructions are well worth reading correctly so that you put the VideoMicro microphone on the Rycote Lyre Shock Mount the right way. Excellent purchase for my Canon EOS-M and for ‘B’ roll camera/Vlogging.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.
I have tried no end of microphones on my camera and on a boom pole fed into the camera, including some very expensive long shotguns. Mostly, I think people are trying pick up people speaking and not wanting to pick up traffic and background noise. This microphone would be my preferred choice for both a boom pole and a camera mounted microphone. Long shotguns deaden the background noise only a little bit more than this but they also take out the ‘liveness’ of an actor or speaker making their voices seem too artificial. This microphone is a really good way of fading down background noise but keeping voices fairly realistic. Nothing… i said nothing… not even 700 pound microphones can eliminate background noise. If you hear traffic, every microphone you use will hear traffic. if want no background noise at all, you have to record in a soundproof studio, pick a location in the middle of a desert, or simply use ADR to put dialogue sound onto video. So, in my mind, this is the best microphone I have used for someone who cant do that. Mine had a different mount which used a set of rubber bands. I have tried this kind of mount now used here, both can produce the same issue if you fumble the camera you will hear it. If you hold a camera steady and with a light firm grip, and don’t whisper or breath too loudly, its great. If you wanted to put it on a boom pole, you’ll have to get a hot shoe adapter (a few quid) and away you go. i’ve had mine 4 years now and it still works perfectly. Get a dead cat muffler for outside work though. It also works well with most Zoom and Tascom recorders I’ve tried it on. My bes first choice of all mics I’ve used. They got it right with this one. mol
I have tried no end of microphones on my camera and on a boom pole fed into the camera, including some very expensive long shotguns. Mostly, I think people are trying pick up people speaking and not wanting to pick up traffic and background noise. This microphone would be my preferred choice for both a boom pole and a camera mounted microphone. Long shotguns deaden the background noise only a little bit more than this but they also take out the ‘liveness’ of an actor or speaker making their voices seem too artificial. This microphone is a really good way of fading down background noise but keeping voices fairly realistic. Nothing… i said nothing… not even 700 pound microphones can eliminate background noise. If you hear traffic, every microphone you use will hear traffic. if want no background noise at all, you have to record in a soundproof studio, pick a location in the middle of a desert, or simply use ADR to put dialogue sound onto video. So, in my mind, this is the best microphone I have used for someone who cant do that. Mine had a different mount which used a set of rubber bands. I have tried this kind of mount now used here, both can produce the same issue if you fumble the camera you will hear it. If you hold a camera steady and with a light firm grip, and don’t whisper or breath too loudly, its great. If you wanted to put it on a boom pole, you’ll have to get a hot shoe adapter (a few quid) and away you go. i’ve had mine 4 years now and it still works perfectly. Get a dead cat muffler for outside work though. It also works well with most Zoom and Tascom recorders I’ve tried it on. My bes first choice of all mics I’ve used. They got it right with this one. mol
This is one of the better value for quality shotgun mics on the market. With this mic, you can get great high quality sound as long as you understand some of the basics of mics and sound. This is more geared towards moderate to advanced users to really get the most out of it. But new users can learn the basics quickly too.
J’ai pu comparer ce Videomic NTG avec le NTG 4+ de la mme marque branch sur un zoon h6 et le constat est surprenant. Le videomic ntg est mieux dfini dans l’ensemble des frquences et beaucoup plus lev niveau sonore. La possibilit de l’utiliser directement en usb sur un tlphone,tablette,ordinateur etc… sans carte son est une trs bonne ide et le volume l’arrire du micro un clair de gnie. Super pratique compact et de trs bonne qualit, je suis bluff par mon achat. C’est du Rode !!!
Solid build quality, all metal construction, sound is clear and concise. Battery life is higher than expected – 50 hours at medium gain setting.
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
I have had “gun mics” before and needed something that used “plug in power” rather than button cells. Liked that this unit can work either with a camera or via a TRRS adaptor with a phone. The mic seems to be quite sensitive and with a decent polar pattern, not as narrow as the bigger, longer units but for what I wanted something a bit broader was ideal.
The only fault I could find with it is that the single, elastomeric mount allows the mic to wobble around a great deal when hand held with only the lead dampening down movement. It never felt like it would detach itself but I would expect that under some circumstances it could lead to some amplitude flutter with point sources as they move around the polar pattern. This is why I dropped one star.
Not only this mic, but just about any mic you choose will not significantly or even somewhat improve your audio quality by just attaching it to your camera and hitting record. The room you’re recording in will need to be acoustically treated to maximize sound quality of your audio and you will likely need to edit the sound in post processing in order to get the best sounding audio from the mic.
It doesn’t really matter if you buy a $100 mic or a $2000 mic, the results will likely sound about the same if you’re recording your video in a room that is not acoustically treated, if your camera audio settings are not correctly adjusted, or if you haven’t done any post processing on your audio in Final Cut or Premiere Pro, or another video editing software like that.
This is a good mic, it definitely helped me with being able to increase the booming effects of my voice, increasing the gain of the sound of my voice as it was picked up, and increasing the volume of my voice, however the mic on it’s own likely won’t help your audio quality become cleaner, more refined, and reduce background noise without extra work on your part.
Was this mic worth it? I still think so. With some solid video and sound editing, and understanding what camera settings are needed to get the best audio possible, and understanding the mic’s audio settings and knowing which settings would be best for the sound of your own voice; you can get some great results with this.
compared to my Rode ntg 3 , the NTG has more noise floor compared to the NTG3
But the NTG is more compact and shorter and doesn’t required phantom power , plus It works with phone
it has a very powerful option to do a safe channel at lower -20 db as a back up
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
I have no idea why Rode would gimp themselves by putting all their mics on one page. The vast majority of reviews are useless because they respond to a different product. So to be clear, this is for the STEREOMIC PRO.
While odd looking, this is an amazing stereo microphone. High quality, great pickup pattern…it just works. The globe layout gives a great impression of full stereo ambience even through two channels.
Want a mic for wild track, ambience or even a cheap option for recording concerts? Here’s your partner in crime.
Man muss es richtig einstellen und platzieren dann ist es mega. 75 Hz Filter immer an und los geht’s. Eine Videorezension folgt auf YouTube. Mir fehlt ein Kabel. Damit es ber dem Kopf hngen kann mittels Mikrofon Stnder bentigt man das richtige Kabel. Im iPhone gibt es kein 3,5 mm Klinke Anschluss daher am besten das Rode SC19 Kabel dazu bestellen. Das ist USB-C zu Lightning. Also besser als zustzlicher Adapter von 3,5 mm Klinke auf Lightning. Ja das Kabel kostet auch Geld aber wenn du schon ein Mikrofon fr 250 kaufst dann sollte das richtige Kabel schon drin sein. Nur meine Meinung. Kenne leider keine gnstige Alternative fr Audio.
El audio es muy complejo, el mejor micrfono no grabar adecuadamente en condiciones no favorables. Tu fuente est pegada a paredes? Muchas reflexiones. Ests en la calle? Mucho bleed o contaminacin. Entendiendo eso puedo decir que el micrfono mejora mucho los sonidos de mis filmaciones que antes haca con celular. Acostumbrado a grabar en estudio con otros micrfonos puedo decir que es muy competitivo; adems, como tipo escopeta, es ms recomendable al aire libre. Para microfoneo cercano es perfecto cuidando ciertos detalles, muy buena calidad.
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
I purchased the rode videomicro to improve the audio of my gopro hero 10 black as they are not renowned for their audio quality.
I’m using it with the gopro media mod , it’s very easy and straightforward to use , it attaches to the top of the media mod by slotting into the cold shoe and twist the tightening wheel tight for a secure fit.
The audio is improved considerably, it picks up on the slightest of sounds and movements and my voice sounds a lot clearer and louder so it would be a good vlogging mic for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms.
It also picks up on nature sounds , makes them sound a lot louder , birds singing , flowing water , crunching snow and leaves, it’s not ASMR quality but it certainly enhances nature sounds and is a huge improvement on the built in gopro mic and the media mod mic.
The rode mic does wobble a tad when moving the camera around but that doesn’t have any impact on the sound.
I’ve tried using the dead cat with the mic and the dead cat is sometimes visible on screen , especially if pointing the camera down , the deaf cat will come into view , I not sure if there are smaller versions of dead cats wind mufflers available for the rode videomicro but it would be great if there was.
The dead cat does stop wind noise really well though but I’m a tad disappointed that it comes into view a lot , I’ll have to find a way to stop it doing it during filming.
The rode videomicro is small and compact , lightweight and easy to install and set up , I runs on the power from the camera itself so it may drain the battery a little faster than usual when using it.
Once attached just go into your gopro settings and select mod settings, click on standard mic or standard mic + and you are up and running.
If you are looking to improve the audio quality of your gopro then this is a great budget option, you will see an instant improvement in sound quality, I purchased this for 44 , I think that’s good value for a decent, capable microphone that improves the gopro sound quality a lot.
I hope you found this review helpful in some way.
Great mic, used for event videography this mic is fantastic with heaps of features.
Langlebig, robust, Mglichkeit zur Verwendung mit spiegellosen / DSLR-Kameras und mit USB-Kabel kann es als Mikrofon zum Computer verwendet werden. Die Klangqualitt ist hervorragend mit einer zustzlichen Option, um die Empfindlichkeit des Mikrofons selbst zu erhhen oder zu verringern.
Designtechnisch und von der Verarbeitung her ist es gut durchdacht und passt perfekt zur LUMIX S5. Auch die Kombination mit einer Deadcat ist optisch gelungen und vermeidet status quo jegliche Windgerusche.
Nach meinen Recherchen (Mitte 2021) bietet dieses Mikrophon die beste Performance der Preisklasse und auch den hchsten Komfort (automatische Aktivierung und das Aufnehmen mit einer zustzlich -20 db Audiospur).
Unbearbeitet ist ein Rauschen bei Aufnahmen ohne viele Umgebungsgerusche hrbar, was nach meinem Geschmack vertretbar ist.
La qualit molto alta anche se non si sanno gestire al meglio le sue funzioni. riuscito a registrare un dialogo ad una distanza di 6 metri, che non serviva nelle riprese e non sarebbe stato usato in montaggio anche perch molto sporcato dai rumori ambientali (stavamo girando in strada in mezzo al traffico) e che ad orecchio non era percettibile.
Davvero difficile trovargli difetti. Forse la batteria che ricaricabile e non sostituibile? Forse, ma qui ce lo dir il tempo, nel frattempo tutto il resto di altissimo livello 🙂
Ich habe das Mikro mit einer Nikon D5500 und mit einer Blackmagic Production Camera 4K sowie als USB-Micro an meinem Macbook Pro benutzt. Alles hat gut funktioniert, die Tonqualitt ist spitze und die Richtcharakteristik eignet sich auch gut fr Voiceovers. Erfllt alle meine Erwartungen ^^
Rode…ha sempre lanciato sul mercato prodotti di alto livello… penso che questo sia un Microfono eccellente, con una qualit del suono…direi perfetta
Funciona muy bien, y feliz con la compra. No retoco mucho el sonido, y quera algo que no tuviera que retocar, no soy un tecnico de sonido. Queria de lo mejor del mercado y estaba entre el Deity y esta. El Deity fue mucho ms barato en EEUU que en Espana y me dio coraje pagar aqui mucho ms por un micro que costara mucho menos en EEUU, as que pagu un poco ms pero es un micro que merece la pena y su calidad-precio en Europa y EEUU es parecido.
Couldn’t have expected better value for money. Better utility than MH 416 and get comparable results. Use it believe it.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
I initially thought this was broken as one channel was coming into my camera at a very low signal (almost inaudible). I then discovered the safety channel feature and realised I had accidentally set this. So if you think this is broken be sure to check this setting!
Something else to watch out for – the hotshoe mount has a thread in it, allowing it to be mounted onto mic stands. Unfortunately this doesn’t sit flush with the bottom of the mount but protrudes slightly, meaning it won’t sit on my Sony a6600. The solution is to remove the thread using a large flat head screwdriver. It’s a slight annoyance but otherwise the mic is great.
I have it mounted on my desk using the rode desktop stand and I use it for zoom calls amongst other things. Very versatile and well made.
Have an inexpensive parabolic dish that normally uses a tiny microphone and a zoom F1. Have now upgraded to this microphone and the sound has improved. Will keep all the spare, unused parts in case I later decide to use this on my camera for videos
All in all satisfied with the quality and results
Rode VideoMic NTG dont need any review every one know its must have mic.
I bought it for my youtube channel and it replaced my Rode wireless go.
Two main reason i boguth VideoMic NTG beside its sound quality
1: Don need to turn it on and off, it turn on and off automatically as soon as you turn on or off the camera
2: Auto-sensing 3.5mm output interacts seamlessly with both cameras and mobile devices
Le son est un peu trop port sur les basses frquences mais avec l’option d’amplification des aigus c’est bon. Utilis sur une camra Sony.
Un ottimo microfono con un ottima risposta sonora e pulizia del suono
Lo straconsiglio
Ho diversi microfoni a casa per diversi utilizzi da lavaier a omnidirezionali e ho provato altrimenti prodotti meno costosi di rode e devo dire che questo pu batterli tutti e ha tutto quello che serve. Ovviamente per qualcuno di nuovo nel settare questi microfoni ci vuole un pochino di studio e test perch il manuale che arrivo insieme non si capisce ma molto semplice dopo e davvero versatile. Per ovviamente un po’ come settare una camera. Non c’ un’impostazione che va SEMPRE bene, ma bisogna adattare i settaggi del microfoni alle diverse situazioni.
Such a great Mic, ir woks with everything
Phone, laptop, PC,camera, external recorder etc
It is the perfect hybrid mic for content creators
Almost perfect fot it’s price
A battery warning indicator is missing.
please help me its urgent.
Sicuramente il prezzo non economico e pu spaventare. Finch non viene provato. Infatti il rapporto qualit/prezzo ottimo. Un microfono che riesce a comportarsi ottimamente in tutte le situazioni, usato da shotgun, usato da boom o addirittura se collegato al computer al posto di un microfono a condensatore. Rode questa volta si superato.
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
This is a great microphone, buy it!! OK, I could end there, but that statement is fine for me, I’m just into video for recording life events in vlog style snapshots, not at all professionally BUT I’m always OTT in that I want to achieve near proffessional standards with budget kit (yeh, I do expect a lot out of the DJI Pocket 2 and a Panasonic FZ2000 I’ve teamed this mic up with, but it works for me). Sound is important in video, possibly more so than the already excellent imaging I get from my cameras and, for me, it’s been an expensive learning curve. Tried a Rode videomicro, a Zoom H1n. Both good in their way but I wanted ambient capture the mono of the Videomicro fails to achieve and I kept forgetting to press record on the Zoom (just feeding the camera with the monitor output of the recorder, until it would power down for energy saving my stupid fault). The Rode Stereo Videomic Pro gives me the sound quality I need feeding the cameras with the ambient depth stereo provides, the clarity is fantastic, IMHO better than the Zoom recorder, with some minor tweaking in Davinci Resolve it blows me away picking up distant bird song and the sounds that put you right back in the moment whilst keeping base noise levels very manageable. Rearward sound rejection is very good, not as absolute as the mono Videomicro but then it’s designed for ambient sound more the directional. If I want vlog style live narration I actually point yhe Zoom rearward and sync the separate audio, (works for me). The Rode stereo videomic pro, seems well made given that the rycote suspension system by its nature is a delicate wobbly affair, my only criticism would be that the cable is captive (so damage it and you’re stuffed!) and the cable clip that stops an unsecured cable introducing unwanted sound is a bit lame. This latter problem I have overcome by securing the cable to my bracket with small rubber bands. For my pocket this has been pushing the limit but I do believe it’s been a good investment, I hope with care it will do me good service, time will tell on that, but allegedly with registration it’s got a ten year warranty! I also bought the Rode Dead Kitten I’ve fitted on it but not had chance to test it in really windy conditions to see how well it copes, but then from past experience I’m keeping expectations realistic, there’s only so much you can attenuate, and even the wind is ambiance.
Confrontato con altri microfoni direzionali in mio possesso, risultato superlativo. Qualit del suono veramente ottima. Comodissima la funzione di accensione automatica con la camera. Utilizzabile praticamente come scheda audio in entrata e uscita collegato con un cavo usb al pc.
E’ vero non costa poco ma la qualit e la resa del suono molto alta. Potete usare questo microfono montato sulla macchina come microfono direzionale, attaccato al pc e usarlo come microfono (tra registratore o micorofono per semplici videochiamate) oppure si pu addirittura attaccare ad un’asta e usarlo cos(magari attaccato ad un rode wireless go che trasmette il segnale senza fili in camera). Unica pecca che il range di cattura audio non troppo esteso, la resa migliore si ha da molto vicini fino a 3-4 metri di distanza al massimo: pi vicino meglio rende.
Le funzioni sono fantastiche, il taglio delle bande per ridurre il rumore di fondo, registare su 2 canali in modo diverso per salvare l’audio in caso di clip, ecc.
P.S. il suo deadcat, che in caso di forte vento credo sia essenziale, il WS11.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
As you may have check beforehand in Youtube (or probably not), this maybe the only mic you will ever need.
In term of simplicity and versatility, I don’t think you will find anything like it. Yes, Deity may have something quite similar in construction, perhaps almost on par in term of sound quality, but no…the RODE Videomic NTG have something thats not many other mini shotgun mic have…and thats the ability to connect directly via USB as a desktop microphone. Straight out of the box! No need to get audio interface, no need to find an XLR cable, no need to fuss about settings or whatever, just plug it in and it run just like that. In fact, you can connect this thing to any kind of devices you have (not your rice cooker or vacuum cleaner of course). You can connect it directly to your smartphone, you can connect it directly to your portable recorder. And the good news is, it still sounds fantastic. You need a mic with XLR output? I am pretty sure you can connect it via adapter.
There are a lot feature to mention about it but I think the most important feature is that it will automatically turned ON and ready for recording when you connect it to a device/camera.
The build is all metal, perhaps aluminum, but it doesn’t make it prone to audio interference, and robust enough to handle tough job. Came with Rycote shock mount which is looking nice and perhaps the best shock mount in the market.
I think this is the best sounding and overall versatility Vlog mic, and it doesn’t sound bad at all for interviews, podcast or voice over work, at a relatively affordable price (I bought mine at a good bargain of 154). Definitely, highly recommended.
Was soll ich sagen? Ein Klasse Mikro!! Habe jetzt 2 Kurzfilme damit gedreht und bin echt begeistert! Der eingebaute Pre-Amp funktioniert tadellos, ob Lowcut oder einfach nur die Lautstrke einstellen, alles schnell auf Knopfdruck einstellbar. Schaltet Problemlos ein, sobald die Kamera eingeschaltet wird, so vergisst man das auch nicht:)
Ottima qualit migliorato tantissimo le mie registrazioni
ci sono molte cose da imparare ma usandolo diventa pi semplice pi si impara pi si riesce ad avere una qualit del suono superiore
I have been using this for some filming outdoors in some pretty windy conditions with lots of leaves rustling in the trees, traffic and people noise in the background, etc. It’s delivering exactly what I was hoping for, excellent audio from the subject with diminished background noises. I added the Rode WS11 windscreen (dead cat) and I’m loving this mic.
This is a quality mic. I it attached to a boom in my office. It does however pick up all ambient noise, so you will need a quiet environment.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
After using the Rode Video Micro for my YouTube and client videos, I thought it was time to upgrade my audio. I needed a high-quality audio source that would help me produce better content with my Canon M50.
One of the most common issues I’ve found with previous microphones is forgetting to turn them off and then batteries run out. This is why I love the automatic power feature which turns the microphone on and off when the camera is turned on and off.
With the power for the mic you have several options with either the rechargeable battery, AA’s, or constant Micro USB power. This is really useful as it means there will be very few opportunities where the mic is out of power.
I also really like the variety of features that the mic has. This includes the high pass filter, gain modes, and safety channel. The best of these for me is the +20dB mode as my camera doesn’t have the best preamps. This gives me the opportunity to have really good quality sound.
Overall, this is a really good, professional microphone with some great features. I’m yet to find something that I’m not a fan of with this microphone and look forward to using it for several years. This is certainly a microphone that I would recommend to others.
It works the best of any camera mounted microphone that I have used. Just wish there was a way to determine how much battery power is lef
Great mic for rich video audio recording. Highly recommend this product. I’m glad I spent the e tra dollars on the NTG instead of the cheaper series!
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
If you vlog and film a tonne using a DSLR or phone this is an absolute must for. I use this a bunch with my nikon d5500 and huawei honor 10 and i must say the results a very good for the price range. If you are running this mic on a phone setup i do recommend purchasing SC7 cable since the mic won’t function on a phone without it. It’s the only drawback from an otherwise great product.
The VideoMicro functions very similar to the video mic go as you simply plug it in adjust you’re devise settings and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t run on batteries, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but the sound production pre processing is still top notch. For those who don’t know most mics with built in batteries have a better quality sound since they also come with built-in pre-amps and high pass filters. Though it’s not necessary, these are for reducing noise, hisses and interference further and leaving a much crisper sound. These issues can easily be fixed since it’s just changing the camera settings on you’re device so unless you’re a pro wanting absolute control over sound design you shouldn’t worry too much about.
The mic comes with a hot shoe mount that has a stabiliser for vibration compensation and it stays level with the device you’re using . It even comes with a wind shield if you’re working outdoors. It’s well worth the investment and is a great entry level mic since it’s portable and easy to use.
Absolutely Amazing. The sound quality is INCREDIBLE! I’m using this Microphone for my Commercial Voice Over work and I’m able to compete with the Big Boys in Voice Over! Never an issue with Sound Quality.
At first it did not work, and I almost returned the mic. The mic is intelligent and can switch between trs (camera) and trrs (phone – combo headphone/microphone jack) connectivity, using the provided trrs/trrs cable. The VXLR+ on the other hand… not so intelligent. It is designed for trs connectivity, not trrs. Connecting it via trrs did not work. But, before I boxed the mic up and sent it back, I figured I would try a trs/trs cable… and Voila!
The mic sounds incredible! Really good gain, really low noise. While it definitely has a proximity effect, it maintains warmth/depth when booming at around 18″. I made some quick test recordings this way, then A/B tested the unprocessed audio against some of the more professional sounding YouTube channels out there. I honestly think mine sounded better! 😉 Using it in a podcast/voice-over fashion, 3″-6″ away, plugged directly in to my computer, sounded equally amazing. My phone even recognizes the mic via USB! As an “on-camera” mic… meh. But the traditional NTG mics, or even the almighty MKH-416 would sound “meh” used as an on camera mic. It is just not what you do, if you want good quality audio! IMHO.
Buy it!
I am really impressed by how good this mic sounds. Easy to use, and the shock mount is excellent.
I really like this mic, great quality and amazing sound.
Unk dei migliori microfoni direzionali che Rode abbia mai prodotto. Raccoglie l’audio in maniera impeccabile ed ha delle funzionalit davvero molto utili.
A bit pricey, but a quality microphone which has proven great in a variety of challenging situations.
Very versatile. Small enough to throw in my “run and gun” bag. Plugs into everything.
The button interface on the top is incredibly easy to use, and the USB computer connector on the top allows you to use this mic to double as a computer microphone. pretty awesome!
This mic is great!! I can use it with my GoPro and Sony a6500. And in the Studio I find it fun to record audio for vocals since it’s so easy to use.
Make sure you update first, there was some noise in the higher frequency pre-update.
Comparabile to the rode NTG2!
On Rode’s website, they explicitly say that anything sold on amazon is NOT an authorized seller and you will not be able to register for the extended 10-year warranty on these mics. That being said, Kellards, on their own IS an authorized seller so even if you purchase via Amazon, as long as it is through Kellards, the 10-year warranty will be honored. At least this is what happened in my case. I just wanted to let others know since I only saw this warning on Rode’s website after purchasing the mic. I am sure other sellers on amazon will probably also work, but I can only vouch for Kellards specifically. Hope this helps!
Sound quality is great. Working very well on Sony A7Riii
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
I’m using this with a Canon DSLR – and it’s pretty much plug and play. The shock mount work well and the included ‘dead cat’ is great in outdoor situations.
In terms of sound quality – there’s really nothing to fault. It’s so good that I prefer it to using a Lavalier mic for ‘talking head’ pieces.
Great mic and dead cat.
Good sound outdoors. Some mention audio gain required. Not so far.
No batteries required.
Needs an extra cable sold separately for my mobile phone Vlog rig. See images.
Very happy with my purchase.
Great mic and dead cat.
Good sound outdoors. Some mention audio gain required. Not so far.
No batteries required.
Needs an extra cable sold separately for my mobile phone Vlog rig. See images.
Very happy with my purchase.
Great mic and dead cat.
Good sound outdoors. Some mention audio gain required. Not so far.
No batteries required.
Needs an extra cable sold separately for my mobile phone Vlog rig. See images.
Very happy with my purchase.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
It’s a great mic. but buy a deadcat with it.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
It’s a great mic. but buy a deadcat with it.
This mic is a great partner with the Rode Videomic Pro+. The Pro+ is mono only and has its own rechargeable battery. Great for isolating the subject, where this one picks out a little more from the front while giving much more a sense of the space. Stereo staging is very natural and it has a more etched sound than the Pro+. As a combo, they’re great because you get the choice.
The Rycote mount is quite soft so the mic does move about if you walk around with it attached. It has a little more self noise than I’d like but it’s insignificant in most situations. The 20dB boost is very welcome and boosts the audio cleanly which means less noise from your camera preamp. I’ve even used it with my GoPro and it sounds great.
I like its sound. It’s natural and you can plainly hear where anyone speaking is in the sound stage. It’s not too wide and does open up the ‘feel’ of your videos. Of course, there’s nothing to stop you combining channels or even using just one in post production if you want mono and this works well for central speech. Sometimes I record twice. Once for speech in mono and then ambience separately. This means you can get the mic close to the speaker and add ambience at any volume you like later giving you a mono track planted inside a stereo ambience track. This gives both a great sense of space as well as a clear sense of where the speaker is with a stereo ambience track.
It’s a great mic. but buy a deadcat with it.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I was asked to do photos and video at a friends wedding as I am a bit of an amateur photographer. I have a Canon EOS 60D camera with a variety of lenses, I only mention this to give you an idea of the spec level of my bag. I knew I would not be able to get very close to the couple and, honestly, the mic on the camera body is not great.
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
I picked this mic as it is from a good manufacturer but also because it needs no batteries! It gets powered from the camera body itself, so no more worrying about charging an extra item or carrying around extra batteries. It simply mounts onto the camera body and plugs into the mic input of the camera.
The sound quality is very good. I was amazed by how clear the speaking was, and I was a fair distance from the ceremony. There is also a cover for the mic to reduce any wind or other ambient noise.
At this price, you definitely need one of these in your bag!
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
The VMP+ is that improvement, and what a significant improvement it is.
There’s hundreds of reviews online so I don’t need to mention the operation or sound quality except to add that in this era of YouTube it’s the audio that can make or break your footage. If you’re serious about video then don’t skimp on the microphone.
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
It is a good mic but your subject needs to be close to it to get the full benefit and sound quality from it.
It is very good the closer you are to it, more depth and clarity over the built in mic on my dslr but the quality gets less and less the further away you are from it.
The battery cover is fiddly to get back on and is not the easiest to see which way to put the battery in.
There is a small sticker on the inside of the battery compartment showing which way to put the battery in but this could be easily missed if you did not know it was there, there is also a image on the back of the battery cover showing battery position as well. This mic is more suited for interviews and vlogging etc, it will pick up noise from behind and sides but this will not be as clear as what is in front of the mic as this is what it is for. If you were looking for a more ambient sound of the area you are in then the rode videomic stereo would be better for this purpose. If you purchase this mic you will also need to get your self a 9v battery as there is not one supplied with the mic, overall i am happy with this purchase.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.
The base of the Lycote lyre Shock Mount had snapped. I got in contact with Rode and they sent a replacement from their England base in London. There is a 2mm bolt which need a 2mm Allen wrench to remove it. I have 1 year left on my warranty so they replaced it free of charge. If you haven’t already make sure you register your Rode microphone for its 2 year warranty. Still fantastic for the price.