Reolink 360° View PTZ Solar Security Camera System Outdoor, 1080P Wireless CCTV WiFi IP Camera with Rechargeable Battery, Waterproof, PIR Motion Sensor, Time Lapse, 2-Way Audio, Argus PT + Solar Panel
Reolink Argus PT with solar panel, 100% wireless swiveling 2.4GHz WiFi camera for indoor and outdoor use
1080P Wireless Solar Swiveling Outdoor WiFi Camera
Compatible Micro SD card
- Capacity: Up to 128GB
- Read and Write Speed: Class 10 or higher
- Format: FAT32
- After the intail setup with internet connection, the home security camera can work WITHOUT WiFi. It will still detect motion, give audio alarm and record locally to the SD card.
- Simultaneous live view for up to 8 users.
- Solar Panel is included.
- Privacy Mask is supported.
Warm Notice
- Only supports 2.4GHz WiFi.
- DOES NOT support 24/7 recording.
- Only works with Reolink APP & Client.
- DOES NOT support NVR or third party software.
- The rechargeable battery is not removable.
Dimensions: | 12.2 x 9.8 x 9.8 cm; 1.2 Kilograms |
Model: | Argus PT+SP |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Reolink |
Dimensions: | 12.2 x 9.8 x 9.8 cm; 1.2 Kilograms |
Cette camra d’excellente qualit se connecte trs facilement sur un rseau Wifi 2,4/5 GHZ condition bien entendu d’avoir un signal suffisant (prvoir rpteur si ncessaire). Couple en extrieur un panneau solaire, elle maintient correctement la charge en utilisation normale.
Excellent matriel rapport qualit prix, trs dissuasif grce sa sirne. Il ne s’agit pas de matriel professionnel et ses capacits restent toutefois limites sur la distance de dtection. A placer au maximum 3 mtres de hauteur pour une dtection optimale (6 10 mtres de rayonnement du capteur). A ce prix, ce matriel est plutt performant avec une appli REOLINK, simple d’utilisation. Alertes dtection efficaces sur smartphone et montre connecte. Je recommande.
Nachdem ein Paket nach einer Abstellgenehmigung vor meiner Haustr gestohlen wurde, blieb ich auf den Kosten sitzen. Nach erteilter Abstellgenehmigung verlieren Sie alle Rechte! Aus dem Grund dachte ich ber eine Videoberwachung nach. Es dauerte bis ich die richtigen Kameras, die meinen Anforderungen entsprachen, gefunden hatte. Mittlerweile habe ich hier 5 Reolink-Kameras im Einsatz, um meine Immobilie zu sichern. Die Installation war sehr einfach. Wenn ich das kann, knnen Sie das auch.
Diese Kamera untersttzt 2,4GHz & 5GHz WLAN.
Die Videos sind durch eine hohe Auflsung von 2560 x 1440 Pixel besonders scharf. Auer Autos und Personen erkennt sie auch Tiere. So wurde bei mir eine niedliche rotbraune Katze aufgezeichnet, die gemtlich ber mein Grundstck lief.
Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die 355 Schwenk & 140 Neigung, wodurch Sie die Kamera per App egal wo Sie sich befinden bequem per Handy oder Computer steuern und fast jeden Winkel berwachen knnen.
Durch 2 Wege-Audio knnen Sie durch die Kamera sprechen, vom Kameramikrofon hren und sich in beide Richtungen zu unterhalten. So knnen Sie Anweisungen geben, und es ist auch mglich, die Sirene ertnen zu lassen, um unerbetene Besucher zu vertreiben.
Die Kamera ist hervorragend, aber die 6 Infrarot-LEDs reichen bei totaler Dunkelheit nur bis 2 m. Die Strke der Kamera ist eher die sehr klare Aufnahme am Tag, die mir persnlich wichtiger ist.
Die Schrauben und Dbel waren fr mein eher dickes Mauerwerk leider nicht geeignet, so dass die Halterung etwas wackelte. Daher habe ich sie durch grere ersetzt.
ber die Reolink App knnen Sie die Kameras sehr bequem einrichten und steuern. Sobald die Kamera aufgezeichnet hat, bekommen Sie eine Push-Nachricht binnen Sekunden. Empfehlen kann ich eine Mail-Adresse von Was viele leider nicht wissen, damit das Mail weitergeleitet und nicht abgewiesen wird, muss ein App-Passwort in Google erstellt werden:
Bei Google anmelden und auf Sicherheit” gehen.
Dann scrollt man runter auf App-Passwrter” und klickt auf das Zeichen >”.
Danach mssen Sie sich noch einmal im neuen Fenster einloggen.
Das erhaltene Passwort mssen Sie sich merken. Schreiben Sie es sich auf!
Wenn Sie spter in der App Ihre Mail-Adresse angeben, mssen Sie dieses Passwort einsetzen.
Die Videos oder auch Schnappschsse werden auf einer micro SD-Speicherkarte aufgezeichnet. Ich habe mir eine 128 GB SanDisk Extreme micro-SDXC-Speicherkarte mit einer Lesegeschwindigkeit von 190 MB pro Sekunde und einer Schreibgeschwindigkeit von 90 MB pro Sekunde gekauft. Achten Sie auf die Angaben A2, C10, V30 und U3.
Easy set up,works great but as usual a few seconds delay in detecting a perso
It is exactly what they say on the package. Absolutely fantastic thank you.
Die Kamera erfllt alle meine Forderungen. Einfachste Installation meiner bisher 6 Kameras. Nachtsicht ist bei vlliger Dunkelheit mglich. Zoomen funktioniert, allerdings nicht im Vollbildmodus.
I was looking for a solar powered security camera so decided I would try this. It’s well made and easy to set up and monitor via the app, or Alexa. The free cloud storage is useful too and allows for easy review and deletion of recorded files. The solar panel seems to be more than capable of keeping the camera operating on a daily basis without additional charging via USB port. The sensitivity of the camera can be fine tuned and the direction of camera easily controlled remotely by app.
It is easy to setup and install.
Please note,
Has to be within range of Wi-Fi
Has to be in a position where solar panel can get light
Cable from solar panel to camera is about 3m long
Needed to reboot mine after setup to get it working correctly.
More than one camera on the cloud storage requires a paid subscription. One camera is free.
Absolutely love this camera once you get to grips with it.
Easy to fit and connect to the wifi. pretty straightforward to connect computers, pads and phones to view the live streams. The solar panel is a good option to keep the battery topped up.
Il prodotto ha avuto un upgrade software notevole, la risoluzione migliorata, ancora da migliorare la connessione wi-fi 5Ghz
Motion detection misses lots of action. Night vision is very good. Good playback of videos. Good pan, tilt and zoom but does not track. With the solar panel is virtually maintenance free. I love this and it’s fairly priced. Still the best I know tho..
Trs bon matriel qui donne entire satisfaction jusqu’ maintenant. Taux de charge avec solaire toujours 100%.
Because my wife is dual band (2.4/5.0 ghz) I can only use certain cameras. Most cameras are 2.4ghz only. I already have an internal Reolink camera so adding this one to my app was pretty straightforward. The alerts are very good and I like the fact that it tells you if it a person, or a vehicle or both. It is easy to review the alerts. My cats don’t set it off which is a plus. Picture quality is good and the solar charging is working well. Overall I’m pleased with the purchase. Does exactly what I wanted it to do.
his cctv i really love i have cctv but iv have updated to roil e coz i find their cctv is so good i love ther cameras i will be getting this again as i have got 4 their cctv but only downside tht i found is tht the 128 sandusky sd card did not work well in the camera so if u goin buy this i would buy the reolink sd with it coz it work good over all i am so happy and im no cctv expert i am happy easy to use as well and to set up 100/100
Wir haben die Kamera nun seit 8 Monaten in Betrieb. Fazit: Tolle Lsung mit dem SolarPanel!Die Kamera ist leicht zu installieren, auch die Anbindung ans WLan klappte gut. Ebenso die Integration in Alexa. Die WLan Reichweite ist ok. Die Bildqualitt ist ausreichend um auch bei Dunkelheit Personen, Nummernschilder etc. gut zu erkennen. Zusammengefasst: Preis- Leistung sehr gut.
P.S. bis vor 2 Wochen lief alles gut, dann wurde die Kamera ber das Solarpanel nicht merh geladen.
Also Mail- Kontakt mit Support-Reolink aufgenommen und was soll ich sagen, nach 2x Email in der einige Tipps gegeben wurden und Details abgefragt wurden, hat ReoLink das Panel anstandslos und kurzfristig ausgetauscht. Toll wenn auch der Service klappt.
Diese habe ich mir gekauft damit ich auch eine Cam hinter dem Haus habe.
Die Batterie mit Solarpanel machen einen guten Job, bist jetzt wurde die Batterie erst einmal von mir nachgeladen, da es nicht genug Sonne gab. Was micht bei fast jeder Cam strt st die Bildqualitt, wenn man die Person kennt, dann weiss man auch immer sofort wer da ist. Wenn es ein Fremder ist, und man ran zoomen muss. Ist das Bild einfach nur schlecht.
Schlecht oder sagen wir, was mich strt ist dass die Cam langsam ist. wenn ich den Befehl zu drehen gebe, kommt dieser recht spt, so verlangsamt sich das Bedienen der Steuerung sehr und das nervt ein wenig.
Ich denke auch dass es fr den Preis Cam’s gibt die eine Person verfolgen so dass man sie lnger im Blick hat, diese macht das nicht.
Aber im Grunde, bin ich zufriede
If you use the HD function it struggles a bit to control while panning and frame rate isn’t great. Don’t say it’s because of my Wi-Fi because I have 250mb fibre and everything in the house runs seamless. Also the PIR seems a little hit and miss even after trying lots of different sensitivity settings. Other than that it does the job and coupled with the solar panel means no need to worry about powe
Ideal for outdoor use as solar powered and no need for power supply. Built in microphone and siren could be a bit better as siren not very loud and microphone sound pickup not very loud. This is my second outdoor solar powered cam. Using cam in Africa to monitor property. Once the 3G/4G LTE prices go down a bit, will use those instead. Good camera overall
I previously had hard wired CCTV in my last home and wanted CCTV in my new house. The hardwired professionally installed version was a bit too much . After a reasonable bit of research I decided on this wireless option. To be upfront It is not as good as a hard wired system, some delays on motion detection and some speed issues on the replay. That all said would I buy it again – a resounding Yes. I am now considering a fixed position model to cover the rear of the house.
Setup was reasonably straight forward, there are tutorials on youtube if you are not 100% sure of what to do.
Wir nutzen die Kamera zum berwachen des Gartens. Die Qualitt der Aufnahmen/ Videos ist recht gut, der Schwenk funktioniert tadellos und auch die Stromversorgung ber das Solarpaneel funktioniert wider Erwarten sogar bei schlechtem Wetter. Die Kamera erfllt sehr gut ihren Zweck. Trotzdem gibts kleine “aber”!
Nicht immer gibt es beim Alarm mit Aufzeichnung eine Warnung und manchmal ist die Verbindung nicht mglich, obwohl die Kamera im Netzwerk angemeldet ist und angezeigt wird. Auch ist die Bedienung ber die App bissweilen etwas Hackelig- liegt vermutlich an der Internet/ Netzwerkgeschwindigkeit- da es mit hherer Bildrate schlimmer wird. Will sagen- eine schnelle Internetanbindung ist zwingend ntig, wenn die Kamera nicht direkt im Netzwerk berwacht werden soll. Der Bewegungssensor und auch der Erfassungsbereich sind fr unseren Zweck gerade noch ausreichend. Privatsphrenbereiche sind leider nur rechteckig mglich und werden von der Kamera mitgezogen, decken also immer einen Bildbereich ab und nicht einen Erfassungsbereich.
Die “aber”- Punkte sind wirklich schade, weil das Produkt an sonsten ein super Preis-Leistungsverhltnis bietet!
The only criticism is night vision isn’t as clear as the day image
Wir haben uns die Reolink-Kamera gekauft, um unser Haus zu bewachen. Es ist inzwischen die 3. von Reolink.
Wir sind mit diesem Produkt mehr als zufrieden. Einen Stern habe ich jedoch abgezogen, weil es keine Mglichkeit gibt die Kamera in schwarz zu erwerben, geschweige denn eine schwarze Hlle oder hnliches zu kaufen (wie bei anderen Reolinkmodellen).
Am sich ist Reolink eine sehr anwenderfreundliche Kamera. Die Montage ist sehr leicht. Fr die bentigten Bohrungen fr die Halterung der Kamera sind Bohrschablonen enthalten.
Eine Decken- als auch Wandmontage ist bei diesem Modell mglich. Beide Halterungen werden mitgeliefert.
Die Installation ber die Reolinkapp ist wirklich einfach und innerhalb krzester Zeit gemacht. Eine genaue Beschreibung zur Montage, als auch Installation liegt bei.
Ein schnes Giveaway sind auch die Aufkleber mit dem Hinweis: 24h Kameraberwachung.
Die Solarpanels benutzen wir hier fr alle unsere Kameras. Bisher funktioniere immer alles einwandfrei und ein “Nachladen” war nie notwendig. Kleiner Tipp: Hin und wieder mal das Panel von Dreck befreien mit einem feuchten Lappen 🙂
Die Argus PT lsst sich super schwenken, die Bildqualitt ist mega, die Nachsicht anstandslos. Wir haben vor dem Haus nunmehr alles bewacht. Der Bewegungsmelder funktioniert reibungslos. Hier kann man sich auch entsprechende Empfindlichkeit eigenstndig einstellen. Erstaunt hat mich bei dieser Kamera, dass man sogar Zeitraffer erstellen kann …. nun zur berwachung nicht notwendig, aber eine Spielerei. Werde diese Funktion aber noch ausprobieren.
Es gibt ber die Reolink App die Mglichkeit einer kostenlosen Garantieverlngerung auf 2 Jahre. Hierfr muss man einfach nur sein Produkt einmal online registrieren und alles ist schick.
Also wer auf der Suche nach einem bedienerfreundlichen Kamerasystem ist mit dem man auch nicht umstndlich noch vorab Stromkabel verlegen muss, wird mit diesem System sehr zufrieden sein.
So I Bought 2 reolink cameras Both With Solar Panels as they are in areas without Power. So easy to Setup in the app and the Solar panels are keeping the Cameras full and working. It was -5c last night and they still done the Job.
My only slight gripe is frost formed on one of the lenses so didn’t have a full picture. But this is the weather and the camera position is quite Exposed to the elements.
(I recommend wiping the lense with antifog glasses wipe)
The picture is as Clear a Whistle!
You can stream in Low or High def.
I have set up alerts direct to my phone. Which work well.
You can listen in aswell as look
My overall outlook at this Camera is Great. Compared to other cctv which need a harddrive lots of cable etc.
This is the Future!
Haben schon seit uwei Jahren so ein Modell in Betrieb. Hat bisher sehr gut Wind/Regen und starke Strme ohne Ausflle berstanden. Akku mit Sonnenpanelen immer top. Ausser an Tagen mit wenig Licht und viel Allertmeldungen, da war es bisher zwei mal zu wenig.
Schade ist, dass man nur anschauen kann worauf die Kamera regiert.
Bei einigen, die wir haben (z.B. xiaomi 360) kann man in der Timeline alles einsehen, auch wenn nicht speziell eine Bewegungsallert etc. gab.
Leider sind das nur IndoorCams.
Ist sehr hilfreich, da ja Aufnahmen nach Alert nur kurz sind und so kann man aber in der Timeline noch weiter schauen/hren was los war.
Wre toll wenn Reolink das verbessern knnten.
Messa in prova da una decina di giorni, di cui gli ultimi 3 in ambiente montano.
Collegata alla rete sia tramite wi-fi che con modem con SIM (mondalit 2G come indicato): sicuramente pi stabile nel primo caso tuttavia funzionante anche con semplice modem nemmeno troppo prestante – necessario insistere con la prova di riconnessione ma questo potrebbe dipendere da diversi fattori non strettamente correlati alla webcam/App.
Sto monitorando i cosumi in termini di kB che non sembra eccessivo se usata con parsimonia.
Molto valido anche il pannellino solare che – pur essendo in fase di test – sembra tenere la batteria sufficientemente carica anche se il sole diretto manca per diversi giorni.
Consegna con Prime, al solito, nei tempi
All aspects are good, but motion detection could be a little bette
This is our second purchase of a Reolink camera. This new addition for home was easy to set up on the app and get active once the mountings were attached to our home. The addition of the solar panel to charge the camera is brilliant and helps to contribute towards lowering our carbon footprint as a household. Highly recommended and really great value for money.
Easy to set up and view footage from the app. The only feature I would have liked is for it to self move to follow any motion. It also seems to start recording a little late. Otherwise totally satisfied as was easy to install and so far very happy with its preformance and picture quality
Works perfectly, had outside where I could not get my cat6 cable. Easy setup and install
Excellent picture quality, day or night. Easy to set up using the App. The talking facility on the camera is very quiet, but the alarm function works well and loud enough. All in all, a good deterrent and definitely worth the money.
Easy and reliable, I have 7 reolink cameras and they are fantastic
Ich habe mir die berwachungskamera eigentlich angeschafft zum streamen. Leider kann man damit nicht streamen. Aber sie erfllt ihren Zweck. Der Akku hlt ca. 3 Wochen, je nach dem wie oft man auf die Kamera zugreifen mchte. Das tolle dabei ist, sie lsst sich sehr gut schwenken (mit leichter Verzgerung) und man kann auch einen Zeitraffer erstellen (individuelle Zeitangabe). Nachteil ist, das es keinen richtigen Zoom hat, sondern nur einen digitalen Zoom. Hinzu kommt, dass je nach Internetverbindung, eine relativ schwache Zugriffszeit hat. Mein WLAN-Router ist ca. 25 m von der Kamera entfernt. Es befindet sich auch nur eine Hauswand dazwischen, trotzdem dauert der Aufbau auf die Kamera teilweise sehr lang. Ich vermute das dort noch kein aktuelle WLAN 6 oder WLAN 5 verbaut wurde.
Ansonsten eine tolle Kamera, die ich auf jeden Fall behalten werde.
This is an excellent quality camera for the money. Picture quality is fantastic. It is in my completely dark garage and the night vision on 1080p is brilliant too. I saw feedback from one person who said night vision was non existent ?? But I am glad I bought it anyway. I can only imagine that either the camera or the buyer was faulty. 10 out 10 and I have just ordered another.
Easy installation & set up, have recommended to friends . Solar panel charger excellent, even though daylight hrs are limited now no problems with battery life
Like the camera it has good clear images and is easy to reposition so that you can change the area covered quickly and easily. App is easy to install and use. Only downside I have found so far is that if you need to re-set it you need to take it down to do it. fortunately this has not needed to be done often but was needed when we upgraded our wifi router.
This reolink PT camera with solar panel has been operating for 3 weeks now. Motion detection is v good, with no false alerts. The PT function works well, there is sometimes a few seconds lag before the image shifts. Obviously you would want to leave it pointing towards the main area of interest, and move it to scan the other areas if required. Night vision is acceptable, it may be helped with extra lighting, but works ok on the built in IR LEDs. Wi Fi signal is important, I needed a range extender to give a reliable connection. The solar panel fully charges and maintains the battery.
In summary then, this Reolink PT cam is easy to install, does not false alert, and produces good images. If you wanted to add a cost effective reliable cam for extra security this works very well.
The camera is pritty good but the pir sensor does pick up movements but doesn’t follow them, that part is manual. I was on the understanding that the camera followed up on movement but doesn’t. So really it’s a static camera unless you pan it round manually from the app on your phone.
Set up took less than 5 minutes, night vision is good. Small body size means it’s barely visible against soffits.
PIR detection is adjustable and sent push notification to my mobile (same wifi) within 2 seconds.
Have yet to try siren – will update once tried
What do call a dear with one eye?.. No eye-dear.
Picture quality pretty good considering the mp of image sensor.
See video, put full footage on as it is pretty dam cool, quite impressed me.
Would be nice to have ability to record full time, but understandable as don’t charge time would keep up with usage time.
Currently using the time-lapse mode to record for a year at every 5mins for 2hrs over mid day… what I would like to see how long it records for. Is it just a snap shot? Or is it based on the post recording after trigger? In this case 30 secs – this being the max amount of recording time after movement trigger… should be user customised in my opinion.
So apart from the little quirks, for the price, it’s pretty good.
This camera gives a great view and moves quite easily to scan the area.
Very happy with it.
Reasonable quality though it keeps asking to switch to a lower than 1080p resolution as it doesn’t seem to be able to sustain a strong WiFi link, even though it’s only 6 metres from the modern fibre optic router.
Not only that, it’s very slow to notify of an activation, often taking up to ten minutes. Additionally, anyone walking, even at a reasonable pace across the beam, is often not even picked up and recorded, since the camera appears slow to activate.
Sono un fan di questo brand, che realizza prodotti ottimi a prezzi ragionevoli. Questa telecamera si avvicina alla perfezione, ma non ci arriva. E’ comunque mille volte superiore alle cinesate presenti su Amazon.
Dir brevemente cosa mi piace: costruita bene, bella ed elegante, facile da montare e configurare, ricca di accessori di montaggio. Insomma, tutte le qualit a cui Reolink mi ha abituato.
La funzionalit a batteria per il momento mi ha pienamente soddisfatto. La telecamera ha una batteria che le dovrebbe consentire un autonomia di qualche giorno anche in assenza di sole, come pu accadere in inverno in giornate piovose. Nel mio caso, per il momento per testato solo in estate, la batteria praticamente sempre al 100%, anche di notte.
Il flusso video, sia quello live che quello di eventuali registrazioni, non fluido, ma subisce dei rallentamenti e delle piccole interruzioni. Non un problema di registrazione, in quanto la registrazione presa da Micro SD fluida e senza interruzioni, quindi proprio un problema di streaming. Ipotizzo sia un problema della connessione al WiFi, ma nel mio caso la telecamera installata molto vicino al router, quindi in posizione ideale. Inoltre ho altre telecamere, sempre Reolink ma modelli differenti, anche pi lontane dal router, che non soffrono di questo problema.
Item was damaged, the solar power cable was faulty. Reolink are sending a replacement. Everything was easy to set up and really is quite impressive but I did however struggle with WiFi been an issue and both of my desired locations couldn’t receive WiFi (my phone had full bars)
Im also having trouble with the motion detection not working – im trying it for a couple of days but will be returning for an exchange.
Maybe I’ve just got unlucky however beyond my bad start the camera itself is really good.
Motion settings are spot on. Always has full battery. Clear image and audio. Very impressed.
Long set up but got there in the end.
A very versatile device which has multiple applications including voice link.
I have used it for garden wildlife and security surveillance on my property.
Truly ‘wireless’ and easy to install and set up. Flex with Wifi freq / channel selection would be great and so would be the ability to ‘patrol’ (functionality not present). I have also been having issues with the mounting and formatting of the SD card (both mechanically and digitally unstable). Picture quality sufficient as is PIR function. Night vision good.
Nach einem Monat Betrieb fllt positiv auf: Gute Bildqualitt bei Tag und Nacht, Infrarot und Aktivitts-LED sind abschaltbar. Sehr gut auch die Mglichkeit begrenzt nach oben zu schwenken oder dass genau nach unten nicht Schluss ist.
Skeptisch war ich gegenber dem Akkubetrieb aber der Akku ist immer voll, sodass ich gespannt auf den Winter warte. Die Bewegungserkennung ber Infrarot ist hier der Grund fr den geringen Stromverbrauch. Deshalb sind auch keine Bereiche fr die Erkennung ausblendbar.
Anders als bei vergleichbaren Kameras gibt es hier eine aktuelle Software fr verschiedene Plattformen. Das war mir sehr wichtig.
Das Schwenken geht flott.
Hier steht sich die Kamera manchmal mit einer insgesamt langsamen Datenbertragung auch im Heimnetz im Wege. Auch die Verzgerung beim Zugriff und ffnen von Videos ist rgerlich. Vielleicht hilft hier mal ein Update? Die Firma stellt Updates auf der Website zur Verfgung bzw. gibt es auch eine Autoupdate Funktion fr die Firmware.
Warum keine Schwenk-Positionen abzuspeichern sind, ist unverstndlich. Die Kamera kann bei erkannten Bewegungen nicht folgen.
Schlecht gelst ist auch, dass die ausgeblendeten privaten Bereiche komplett gelscht werden, wenn man sie verndern mchte.
Die Kamera hngt bei uns in der Hofeinfahrt ca. 20m vom WLAN Router entfernt. Ich verwende nur eine Kamera.
– lange Akkulaufzeit. Ich habe die Kamera nach ca. 3 Monaten das erste Mal geladen. Sie hatte da noch 23 Prozent Ladung.
– gnstiger Preis fr vernnftige Kamera
– Bedienung ber die App ist sehr einfach und benutzerfreundlich.
– gutes, flimmerfreies Nachtsichtbild
– stufenfreies drehen und neigen durch Fernsteuerung (ber die App)
– keine Zoomfunktion
– der WLAN-Empfnger knnte strker sein. Die Verbindung reit bei mir fter Mal ab
– Die Meldung, dass sich etwas im Alarmbereich der Kamera bewegt kommt manchmal erst 15 Minuten nach dem Ereignis.
– Filmaufnahmen starten manchmal zu spt. Es passiert, dass eine Bewegung erkannt wird, die Aufnahme aber erst startet, wenn der Postbote schon wieder auer Sicht ist.
– um letztgenanntem Problem entgegenzuwirken habe ich die Kameraempfindlichkeit ganz hoch gesetzt. Es funktioniert jetzt ein wenig besser, filmt aber jetzt auch, wenn Katzen oder unsere Hunde vor der Kamera herumlaufen.
Fazit: auf jeden Fall eine vernnftige Kamera fr kleine zu berwachende Bereiche. Fr den normalen Hausgebrauch ausreichend.
Bei akkuter Einbruchgefahr oder bei Gewerbe-Immobilien wrde ich ein zuverlssigeres System verwenden (was jedoch auch wieder teurer wre)
Easy to install and use. Best of all as its wireless in every sense!
Easy to use – playback is excellent.
Highly recommend.
Value for money no recharging once fitted with Sola power uni
Video Garden Reolink PT Camera #2, Hedgehog Race.. Do not blink they are fast.
Reolink Argus 2, how many birds can you count? Camera is that clear.
I have bought 7 reolinks now. Mainly to stick with a 1 brand solution. From a 4g sim card cam to an internal wired cam. 3 have been this model that can be panned using the app.
Easy set up
Easy share of camera with others so they can use app and see
Picture on 1080p setting good
Feel well made
Any support questions have been responded to
App is OK for our use with multi camera view, battery level etc.
Night vision ok
Pir doesn’t detect all movement and requires a lot of fiddling to get camera in place to do that
Sound OK. Talk poor at best
WiFi connection ok. This is likely our WiFi as that is on a 4g router although has great signal.
Not so good
Bracket quality poor. Feel like they are too thin.
Metal joints corroded in a year and cannot undo
Setup initially was easy but seems for some reason to take time finding wifi now for each additional camera
Could do with auto pan and follow when movement detected
Likely buy more as they do the job, just!
Relatively easy to set-up. The solar unit gives virtually 100% battery efficiency. Excellent pan and tilt and very clear quality camera pictures and video. Considering buying another Argus PT.
Absolutely LOVE these cameras, I have one at the front and back of my house, apart from sometimes the odd occasional lag they work PERFERCTLY. I can see whose been at my house, I know when deliveries have been made etc.
I also like the siren function that I use for the garden cameras, everything is crystal clear even on fluent settings. I love the PTZ option now also thank you Reolink.
Very professional company. I ordered two cameras from Reolink. I am very happy with both. The best security and the best cameras at all. Thanks.
La cam di per s non male, alimentata a batteria quindi senza dover spendere per fare una canalina per la corrente, il pannello solare sembra funzionare anche se non ho capito come si vede se la sta caricando, le notifiche del PIR con tutto che impostata l’opzione per diminuire i falsi rilevamenti causati da foglie o altre cose in movimento, sembra non avere effetto poich le notifiche arrivano con la stessa frequenza, i framerate arrivano massimo a 15 che non il massimo rispetto ad altre CAM, con un prezzo inferiore sarebbe una buona cam, ma fra le caratteristiche che possiede lo ritengo un prezzo troppo alto.
Problemi relativi alle registrazioni con rilevamento, non si sa per quale oscuro motivo, le registrazioni vengono mantenute solo quelle degli ultimi 10 giorni, nonostante abbia una Scheda SD da 128GB inserita e riconosciuta dal sistema, contatto la Reolink, che dopo avermi chiesto versione fw sotware, email, ecc… per assurdo mi chiede il codice UID col quale potrebbero entrare.
Contrariato fornisco UID, aggiorno, dovr aspettare qualche giorno per vedere se rimangono memorizzate le registrazioni.
Modifichero’ ulteriormente la recensione, dopo aver testato la memorizzazione per piu giorni su Scheda SD.
Found it quite hard to set up. Thought it rotated continuously. Siren is annoying and feel there should be other sounds to choose from.
Reolink reacted very quickly when CCTV developed a fault. Replacement on its way after 1 day email. Great response and responsibility.
Spoke to customer support, they. We’re pretty responsive and helpful.
I had initial setup issues, but in all honesty that was me overthinking the steps. I kept reading about WiFi set up under the QR code picture ( when being prompted). All I needed to do was let the camera look at the code.voila, easy oeasy connection.
I did my other cameras in under 2 minutes each.
So far the solar panels keep the battery topped up and the night view is really good with no external light source.
I’m that impressed I’ve purchased more cameras.
Liked it so so much I recommend it to my daughter who bought one which I fitted this week.
Very easy and quick to install, works very well. Picture recording can be a little slow to start, but I’m guessing that is a power saving issue. Camera failed after 9 months (during a thunder storm). Customer services were incredibly good, replacing camera immediately. Software is good and easy to use too.
Very easy to install and the picture quality on both day and night vision is brillia
Really pleased with this. Easy to instal and set up. Easy to connect to wifi and the unit is responsive. Excellent images.
I bought this outdoor pan/tilt battery wi-fi camera with solar panel to avoid having to run a cable for the power. I already have two Reolink E1-Pro indoor pan/tilt cameras, so I had high expectations of this camera. It was easy to install and setup using the Reolink App and provides a reasonable 1080 quality video under day and night conditions. The battery life is good and can go for a long time without a solar charge from the panel, when the weather is bad. The IR lights for night vision only come on when the camera detects motion, so that improves battery life considerably. Overall it’s a very good camera at this price.
Bought this camera in December 2020, so wanted to wait until I wrote a review.
I did a huge amount of research and finally landed on this camera. It is utterly superb.
Great picture quality, both day and night. I was concerned about the solar charge and have only taken it down once to give it a full charge again about two months ago. It’s now at 100% and steady with the sun charging the batteries.
There’s a bit of a delay when you pan and tilt, but this is minor.
I’ll likely get another one. I probably won’t need it, but I just want another.
Buy it.
Yes there’s cheaper camera’s out there, but this is worth the extra, bought for my mum and she loves it, she loves the rotating camera head as she has a nosey up the street etc lol.
Fitted at Christmas, the lead to the panel is long enough to position a good distance away from the camera to get the best sun spot (as I fitted my mum’s to the front of her house and the sun is to the rear) only had to recharge it once and that was because my mum was draining the battery playing around with it 🙂 Now she leaves it more static and the panel tops the battery up perfectly 🙂
Needs a good WiFi connection but an excellent piece of kit. Allows me to keep an eye on my elderly relative remotely.
So easy to install and use. Great quality images both day and night.
Easy to use and connect , nite vision is not brilliant from what I’ve used up to now
Always buy the camera with the solar panel you can then forget about charging the battery . Great camera for the price
Nach etwa 6 Wochen im Einsatz kann ich eine erste Einschtzung abgeben. Die Kamera macht sehr gute Bilder und Videos. Der Bewegungssensor knnte jedoch etwas frher auslsen, das ist in dieser Preisklasse aber wohl normal.
Fr mich war das Solarpanel sehr wichtig, da im Auenbereich keine Steckdose in unmittelbarer Nhe zur Verfgung stand und ich keine neuen Stromleitungen verlegen wollte.
Die Kamera ist unter dem Dachberstand in knapp 3 Meter Hhe installiert, die genaue Ausrichtung des berwachten Bereiches ist mittels der App sehr einfach.
Das Solarpanel hatte ich anfangs ebenfalls unter dem Dachberstand montiert, aber dort konnte die Sonne es nicht voll aufladen. Jetzt ist es an der Hauswand befestigt und wird auch im Winter bei etwas Sonnenschein immer voll aufgeladen.
Das Live-Bild der Kamera kann ich mir auf meinem Echo Show ansehen, wenn denn eine Verbindung zustande kommt. Das ist leider die Schwche dieses Gertes, was wohl aber viele andere Gerte auch haben: Die WLAN-Verbindung.
Der Access-Point meines Devolo Netzwerkes ist nur etwa 2-3 Meter von der Kamera entfernt und es gibt keine Hindernisse dazwischen. Dennoch klappt der Verbindungsaufbau oft nur nach mehrmaligen Versuchen. Dies ist leider etwas nervig. Ich habe aber keine Erklrung, warum die Verbindung manchmal sofort mglich ist und warum manchmal nur nach mehrmaligen Versuchen.
Der Reolink Support konnte mir hierzu leider auch nicht wirklich weiterhelfen.
Ansonsten kann ich den Support nur loben: Er antwortet sehr schnell und i.d.R. sehr hilfreich, dies ist bei einigen anderen Anbietern nicht selbstverstndlich!
Da ich mit der Kamera und dem Solarpanel trotz dieser kleinen Schwche bisher sehr zufrieden bin, vergebe ich 5 Sterne.
The camera was easy to install and add to my other reolink cameras
Brilliant outdoor camera. Very easy to install and use. Picture quality extremely good with colour night time as well.
It is a really great camera. Easy installation and easy to use! Great value for money!
Easy to install, super vision and also good to be able to move the camera around. Picks up on the slightest movement. Very happy with it. Don’t forget to order a SD card to go in i
Very happy with camera , once GDPR rules in EU gets sorted we can then get the cloud usage, big disadvantage without that at moment though.
Used so we can view an adjacent field, the camera works well and as intended. Only downside is that the wifi pickup isn’t that great, swapped the aerial for a longer one to increase the signal gathering and all works fine now.
(Eightwood External WiFi Antenna 2.4G/5G/5.8G 12dBi RP-SMA)
also put a weather shield over the top to give it more protection from the rain.
Very easy to setup and install,really good picture quality in the day, obviously not as good at night but the night vision is better then I expected.. it does help I have a street light opposite my house tho.
je n’ai pas encore utilis ma camra je viens juste de la mettre en fonction car j’ai eu un problme pour la synchroniser avec mon wifi, pourtant tous les paramtres semblaient bons , j’ai alors contact le support technique par mail rsoudre le problme.
Ils m’ont fais vrifier tous les points par tapes, au fur et mesure vu que le problme persistait, en me demandant par exemple de leur envoyer une vido de ma procdure de synchronisation pour voir si je la faisais bien, elle paraissait parfaite, nous sommes pass autre chose , n’ayant toujours pas de rsultats ils ont revisionn la vido que je leurs avais envoy et c’est grce cette vido qu’ils ont trouv la faille qui semblait pas vidente , en fait quand je saisissais le mot de passe de mon wifi ils ont remarqu qu’avec la saisie automatique un espace se saisissait automatiquement la suite, ce qui est logique en fait mais je ne le voyais pas, et c’est cause de a que je ne pouvais pas connecter ma camra mon wifi.
nous avons chang pendant plusieurs jours avec des rponses qui ne sont pas immdiates compte tenu du dcalage horaire mais ils rpondent, je veux dire que vraiment c’est un support au top , ils ont t l’coute, trs prcis, consciencieux, trs observateurs… du moment ou on leur donne des informations prcises. bravo merci Reolink !
dsol un peu long mais l’histoire du mot de passe a peut rendre service, et le service aprs vente Reolink mrite une trs bonne note, flicitations merci
After purchasing one of these cctv cameras with solar panel from the manufacturer, I decided to go for the deal Amazon we’re doing for the same setup to use at the rear of my property. It’s a great system and works well. I can make these comments as I have been using it for a couple of months now and it’s performing as it should. Relatively easy to install and set up using the app. Great picture quality even on night vision. Happy customer.
Day or night crisp images and once the sensor picks something up playback is perfect. you receive notification and can see immediately what triggered it. It’s up to you how sensitive you want it to be the zoom function and the rotation on it to carry on looking around is very good.
I had a few questions and the costumer service is what you would always want and expect from a service. As well as the warranty is not questioned like a 3rd degree its honoured so just so you know for peace of mind. Definitely worth it!
There are times when some companies don’t respond to the problems in the way that they should. I had problems with the camera firmware not working as I expected. I thought that I would remain dissatisfied with the product because I couldn’t resolve it myself. However I emailed the Reolink support section and since that time have received a very quick response with advice on how to improve the performance of the camera. Considering that there is 8 hour difference in time between us, I have been impressed by the promptness of the replies, even received one on a Sunday. I do believe that the service that I have had is First Class and that the company is genuine in its attempts to rectify issues.
The camera is well made and once the firmware is correctly installed works well.
Comprato due camere da montare in una abitazione singola con giardino, montate una da un lato e l’altra nel lato opposto. Ottima telecamera, ben costruita e pesante dimostrando la qualit costruttiva della telecamera. Si configura in modo molto facile. Si deve scaricare la app reolinc dal play storie. Dopo essersi registrati basta scansionare il QR code della Camera e poi fare leggere il QR code della app e successivamente inserire le password del WiFi a cui volete connetterla e il gioco fatto, risponde bene e copre quasi completamente la visuale. La batteria ricaricabile ma per evitarvi problemi vi consiglio di comprare la versione con pannello solare incluso e devo dire che funziona molto bene, ho installato le telecamere ad agosto 2020 e ad oggi 10 novembre la batteria sempre al 100%. Si pu montare una SD da 64 giga. Ai filmati si pu baccedere tramite app, ma non al momento presente un Cloud dove salvare i filmati. Nel caso ci fossero dei filmati rilevanti ti permette di scaricare i video su cel in locale. I video sono in full HD 1080p di buona qualit anche se quando si zumma sul dettaglio tipo la targa di un’auto un po’ distante tende a sgranare e a rendere non leggibile la targa. In notturno la visuale molto buona e con gli infrarossi ma sui dettagli vale la cosa citata prima, tende a sgranare. Si pu impostare un allarme a voce che si attiva appena vede dei movimenti ed inizia a registrare. Si possono poi impostare l’invio delle mail per ricevere mail sul movimento rilevato. Riguardo a questo per c’ da fare una considerazione. Si pu impostare la sensibilit del sensore di movimento. Se lo si lascia molto basso il filmato filma solo un pezzo del movimento rilevato e non riesci a vedere realmente ci passato. Se lo si lascia pi sensibile filmer in modo pi preciso ma arriveranno anche pi mail di avviso di falsi movimenti anche se impostata la riduzione dei falsi movimenti. Comunque in conclusione ottimo prodotto e di qualit. Con il caricatore a pannello solare forse la telecamera un po’ cara ma ne vale la pena. Se volete una registrazione su Cloud non il prodotto che fa per voi. Spedizione precisa e veloce
This is a little bit fiddly to set up but once up and running you won’t regret it ,best cameras I have ever had no wires to mess on with,highly recommended.
Great product easy to install and use and have stayed 100% battery power with solar panel. Only addition I could improve on is the ability to mask areas for movement detection it does so for privacy recording but not triggering movement so have to have movement triggers turned right down but would like it to work on specific areas such as drive without pavement pedestrians setting it off.
Easy to install, nice and light to handle. Good range of vision, good in the dark. I have no problem with this product and would recommend to anyone.
Seems to be of good quality, nice finish, weighty i.e. not flimsy quality and easy to set up.
We needed a camera to cover our driveway for the cars and the side of the house for our motorbikes plus the front door, we can do all this with just one camera. The ability to record and see who is at the door is amazing.
Clear footage both during the day and night. We thought that the PIR light we have at the door may interfere with the quality of the picture as it is bright but fear not,
Clear concise footage!
I bought this camera as I was having a few issues with some neighbours it’s very easy to install although the bracket is quite thin considering the size of the camera. Onscreen screen you have a little cursor that you can move the camera around or you can do it manually. I got the solar panel which actually charges from sun but of course in bad weather that doesn’t really help, it doesn’t charge that well so every now and again have to bring the camera and charge it via an ordinary plug which is not a major issue. it’s got very poor night vision its virtually dark . It doesn’t work at all in night vision but that’s ok because my problems during the day. so I persevered with it. You can record whilst watching an incident I don’t like the way it’s saved you can’t delegate where you wanted the recording to go and that’s a bit irritating really because sometimes it can be hard to find the playback. The quality is very good. You can hear everything very clear during the day. it’s got brilliant Vision. Has a mute option as well so and audio alert. a good camera to have but at night-time it’s just completely black so you can’t really see anything at all
Camera works well , I had an issue with app and Reolink were excellent in helping me sort the problem . The night vision is very good .If I bought again I would get a mains powered version as the solar panel isn’t getting enough sun at the moment to keep it charged up .
I can honestly say there is no dislike about these cameras. Just brillia
I really like this camera. I work upstairs and have arthritis so it takes quite long to get downstairs. This camera advises me before someone rings the bell so that I can communicate with them and tell them that I’m on my way downstairs. I found it really valuable to check out relative videos on Youtube.
Excellent product. No need for wired to a power source.
This camera was bought to provide security at a holiday home for monitoring when back at home. The phone app and laptop client both work well to ensure that I receive notifications and can check alerts pretty much straight. Despite an initial connectivity problem the support from Reolink was fantastic and all problems were remotely resolved. First class support!
This item is positioned at my entrance door,and I can see who’s there wherever I am and can speak if necessary. It’s perfect for my needs.
This camera is for security. This make is fantastic, the solar panel keeps the battery charged at 100% all the time even in cloudy days.
It works great with the phone app.
The detection is good with notifications coming through to my phone.
Fully moveable in all directions.
The other day at 5.00 am the alert went off only to find a deer in the vegetable garden. A shout through the speaker soon cleared it off!
Omg 10/10 honestly was very worried about buying this because I wasn’t going to spend anywhere near as much as the ring cameras but this ticks all the boxes I will be buying another again for my other doo
Purchased a camera for front drive was impressed by the ease of set up good quality picture and not only that I can now leave the door open as you get an alerts if someone is around the app is very good and easy to use The camera and solar panel was easy to fit to the building I liked it so much I purchased one for the rear of the house also
It would be great if you were able to reduce the length of the cable to the solar panel as the one at the front of the house needed the cable supplied and the one to the rear needed under a half meter had to bunch it up at the rear of the solar panel
This product is superb, good quality manufacturing, packaging and set up. It is so easy to use and has excellent picture quality – the customer support is efficient and helpful, I’m a Reolink fan and will be buying more. It was our first purchase of security cameras and we watched lots of reviews because we didn’t really know what we were buying or whether things would work – we have been pleasantly surprised and now for our second camera there’s only one make we will buy! Thankyou Reolink – you’ve got this right!!
Love this camera, after buying several different cameras we’ve finally found the best one. It picks up the internet, it’s wireless and has tilt and zoom just a great camera.
Testing this unit for a Neighbourhood Watch project. Seems to work really well although from about 10m it’s not possible to read a number plate or see facial details. Great build quality, everything in box to get started and you just need the micro SD memory card. Solar panel charges in a shaded area most of the time. App works really well.