Sennheiser HD 559 Open Back Around Ear Headphone – Black/Anthracite

About Sennheiser
Sennheiser is shaping the Future of Audio â a vision built on a 75-year history of innovation and a continued drive for excellence that is woven into our companyâs DNA and culture. Around the world, our employees share this passion in the pursuit of the perfect sound, creating products that exceed expectations and set new benchmarks in audio.
Meet the Sennheiser HD 559
New to the HD 500 series product line is the HD 559, a headphone for those seeking exceptional value. Powered by Sennheiser proprietary transducer technology and featuring the âErgonomic Acoustic Refinementâ (E.A.R) design, the HD 559 provides the first step into the world of audiophile sound reproduction. This open back, around ear headphone delivers a natural tonal balance with outstanding spatial performance.
- This open back, around ear headphone delivers a natural tonal balance with outstanding spatial performance. Exceptional wearing comfort is provided by large ear cups fitted with velour ear cushions
- The HD 559 is the ideal choice for listeners wanting great performance
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Premium ComponentsSennheiser engineered transducers use aluminum voice coils delivering high efficiency, excellent dynamics and extremely low distortion. | Open Acoustic DesignAround-ear, open-back design delivers an impressively ‘open’ spatial presentation to improve the listening experience. | E.A.R Technology‘Ergonomic Acoustic Refinement’ design channels audio directly into your ears producing a more ‘in room’ like listening experience. | Extreme ComfortLightweight yet robust design with luxurious velour covered ear cushions and padded headband deliver exceptional wearing comfort for long listening sessions. |
Weight: | 680 g |
Size: | Around-Ear |
Dimensions: | 20.57 x 10.03 x 26.04 cm; 680.39 Grams |
Model: | HD 559 |
Colour: | Black/Anthracite |
Batteries Included: | 1 AAA batteries required. |
Colour: | Black/Anthracite |
Size: | Around-Ear |
I find them nicely lightweight, very comfortable to wear, and the sound quality is good. My only criticism is that they do not block out sound outside of headphones as much as I would have liked. Hence my 4 star rating rather than 5.
Der Kopfhrer passt perfekt, ist nicht zu schwer und sehr bequem. Benutze ihm zum Fernsehen und dafr ist die Tonqualitt wirklich super. Enttuscht war ich, dass es keinen Adapter zu 3,5mm Klinke dazu gab, deshalb ein Stern Abzug. Bei so einem hochwertigen Produkt sollte es eigentlich selbstverstndlich sein, dass es einen Adapter zur gebruchlichsten Steckverbindung gibt.
I always used over ear headphones before but now having used these headphones i would never go back. They are comfortable, the sound quality is great and the cost is reasonable
Very comfortable and clear on sound, good for extended wear. Good value
Switched from a gaming headset to these! Best upgrade tbh! I can literally here every noice made in the game precisely!
The 560s is an absolute must if you value purity and perfection.
Los cascos se escuchan perfectamente le pongo 4 estrellas por el simple hecho de que no traen adaptador para el aux y en mi caso lo uso en pc y me costo encontrar uno qe funcionar perfectamente, por lo dems ningn problema esta marca en relacin calidad precio es de las mejores
Kurz zusammengefasst: Fr diesen Preis ein exzellenter Kopfhrer – sehr guter Klang, hoher Tragekomfort!
Volle Empfehlung.
Als Normalverbraucher bentige ich keinen High End audiophilen Kopfhrer in der Preiskategorie ber 350,-
My son (14) tells me that the sound quality is as good as with much more expensive headphones.
He had tried several on at Best Buy (pre-Covid) and wanted these ones because apparently they are a bit larger than some; so more comfortable, he says.
Very worth the price, they sound very good, very comfortable though they do require a bit of adjusting on my head to get them in the right spot. I use a Minimum Phase EQ to flatten the freq curve, a custom HRTF and some post EQ, they sound very good and low volumes have the same sound has high volumes, nothing becomes overcrowded at higher volumes, and the bass remains just as punchy at low volumes and the highs dont disappear at low volume
For the price this headphone is absolutely amazing. It has that great Sennheiser sound signature which is nice and balanced with tasteful boosted bass. Everything is detailed with amazing clarity and because it is open back it has the most natural sound stage. Replaceable cable is a welcome addition and the comfort is to die for. Highly recommended!
Der Kopfhhrer ist jetzt schon ein paar Monate bei mir im Gebrauch.Die ersten paar Stunden hab ich ihn doch schon als etwas eng empfunden (ich habe eine schmale Kopfform),das kann ich aber mittlerweile nicht mehr sagen.Ich muss mich wohl dran gewhnt haben.Er sitzt jetzt angenehm “stramm”.Selbst beim lngeren tragen schwitz ich nicht da drunter wie ich das schon von anderen Kopfhrern erleben durfte.Den Klang empfinde ich als klasse,und er scheppert auch nicht wenn man seinen Lieblingtitel doch mal etwas arg lauter hren mchte.Von mir klare Kaufempfehlung.
Cmodos de llevar, no apretan como otros, son ligeros de peso y por la calidad-precio estn geniales.
Que decir de los auriculares Sennheiser, el sonido es magnifico, puedes llevarlos puestos durante toda la jornada (8 horas) o ms y no te cansas, ni molestan como otros auriculares. Los acolchados son muy logrados, y aunque sean de tela, no dan calor en verano y aislan bien del sonido externo.
Vienen muy bien embalados y la entrega fue muy rapido.
just get t these before they stop making em, best pair of headphones most ppl will ever buy
Funzionano ottimamente con un hifi io le uso con l home t. Molto male con lo smartphone ,vista l alta impedenza mi aspettavo un volume massimo piu basso invece una totale distorsione . sono comuque ancora in rodaggio ho letto occorrono 30 ore speriamo poi migliorino . Dopo 10 ore circa di utilizzo il suono decisamente migliorato.. ho fatto un buon acquisto
My only complaint is that if you wear glasses, the ear cups can press them against your head with a little bit too much pressure, and thus, my four-star rating for comfort.
Regardless, you can’t go wrong in buying these. They are a great bang for your buck and have sound that goes above and beyond.
Sound quality is awesome, they are really comfortable even for a person with big ears like me.
The only fault for me is that they don’t isolate at all, I can understand that it’s cause by open structure but i feel like I’m wearing both headphones and speakers. Definetly not recommended for going outside.
These are great. I am no audiophile but I like the sound, nice deep bass and very clear. They are also quite comfortable and fit right over the ear. I had to buy a 3.5mm jack adaptor was it is not included.
Le quito la estrella porque no trae adaptador jack normal. He usado los de los hd555 que tena. Sobre lo dems son iguales que stos pero con algo ms de graves.
El sonido tiene mucha calidad y no distorsiona. Todo se oye perfecto. Los uso para gaming y estn a otro nivel que cualquier casco “gaming” de 120
Lger et confortable .
C’est mon premier casque ouvert!
C’est juste bluffant !
Je comprends pourquoi les audiophiles ne jurent que par ce type de produit…
Le son est plutt bon. Trs claire dans les mdiums et les aigus, trs dtaills. Il manque un peu de punch sur les basses. Ils sont prsents, mais moins relevs que sur un HD8…
Pour le prix, c’est un trs bon casque hi-fi.
De ce que j’ai pu lire aprs coup, il aurait peut-tre fallu que je prenne le HD599, mais il est plus cher ! Donc pour un casque moins de 100, je pense que c’tait le bon choix !
Il serre un peu la tete au dbut, mais au bout de quelques jours, il devient plus agrable porter.
Le rembourage ne touche pas l’oreille, ce qui est trs bien pour l’hygienne et le confort.
Le rembourage est en “velour”. Ce qui est mieux que du simili cuir qui se dsagrge assez rapidement sans couter un bras comme le vrai cuir.
Je recommande pour une utilisation gaming de longue dure sur PC.
Il faut un DAC ou acheter un convertisseur pour la prise jack. Un convertisseur qui fait un peu rallonge de prfrence, pour ne pas mettre un gros poids sur la prise.
Ho sempre acquistato Sony come cuffie, ma devo dire che queste sono migliori sia come qualit e prezzo sia come resa sonora, veramente ottime e non stancano anche dopo diverse ore di ascolto. Consigliatissime per chi ascolta musica classica (in particolare).
Es fantstico. Es la primera vez que unos cascos no me hacen dao en la raz del pelo. Aunque los lleve varias horas seguidas. Adems el sonido es fantstico y al mismo tiempo se oye fuera para enterarte por ejemplo cuando tocan la puerta. Recomendadisimos
Una gran compra.
Todos sus componentes son de buena calidad, no fallan los conectores.
Tienen un sonido muy bueno, recogen perfectamente todas las frecuencias. En mi caso que los uso para tocar online he de decir que realzan el sonido de cada instrumento.
Despus de dos horas de uso continuado siguen resultando cmodos y los odos siguen descansados.
Recomiendo totalmente su compra, volvera a comprarlos.
If you’re like me and have a massive head and are worried if these will fit, they do. Extremely comfortable. I’m a music fanatic and I like to game as well, and it works great for both!
Un sonido a la altura de lo que se espera de Senheiser. Una claridad de sonido estupenda, una reproduccin de bajos magnfica. Cmodos incluso tras dos horas de uso continuado. Un precio muy correcto para esta calidad.
Sennheisser are my go-to for headsets and gaming headsets – I consider them the “Headset Titans”.
I bought this noise cancelling pair to drown out the surrounding sounds (I am a long term inpatient at a hospital) because my other pair (another brand) made my ears hurt after a while (especially while wearing a mask and glasses!)
This pair is super comfortable – I can wear them all day with no discomfort whatsoever! Also, the sound quality is great – and for the price it is a steal!!!
So I ordered these on the German site as they are slightly cheaper for 70 compared to 90 from the UK Amazon. For any of these prices these have incredible sound and comfort, I love the sennheiser sound signiture so much i have owned 3 different type of sennheiser headphones prior to these and they are rivaling my hd6xx in terms of comfort.
These have more bass compared to my other sennheisers considering they are open backs however they are not as high in terms of “resolution” but they still do a very good job!
You have to order an adapter as this product doesn’t come with one from 6.35mm to 3.5mm.
You could wear these all day with no problems at all! Since it is using velour earpads as well as the headband it is very soft and it let’s your ears breathe in long listening sessions!
I listened to music or any other media all day(8hours) and I felt no discomforts a bit warm ear but not sweaty.
Se oye fenomenal. Cmodo aunque acaba dando calor. Tuve que comprar adaptador Jack pues el que trae de serie es el grueso 6,3mm, y los quera para conectar a Jack delgado de 3,5mm.
El cable de 6m parece muy largo, pero me llega justito desde la televisin hasta el sof.
Son unos auriculares muy buenos, El sonido perfecto y son bastante cmodos. La nica pega a mi parecer es que vienen con el cable con conexiones 2.5mm en el auricular con un rebaje especial de shenheiser a 6.3mm (el grande, como para una guitarra elctrica) si lo quieres para el ordenador necesitas un adaptador de 6.3mm a 3.5mm (el tamao normal de salida para ordenador o una tablet) o comprar un cable nuevo. El problema es que el cable es muy difcil de encontrar, y los que he encontrado dan muy mal resultado, se rompen muy rpido. Que
el que el cable se pueda sustituir es una gran ventaja siempre y cuando sea fcil encontrar repuestos. si pones en el auricular un tamao poco habitual y encima con un rebaje haces muy difcil encontrar repuestos. ademas no he podido encontrar el cable de 2.5mm con rebaje a 3.5mm en la propia shenheiser.
Si fuera mas comn el tamao de la conexin del auricular le dara 5 estrellas sin problema.
El sonido es muy bueno, pero la comodidad no mucho, me ajusta demasiado la cabeza y su diseo no da muchas opciones es completamente rgido o te quedan bien o no. No recomendado para cabezas grandes.
Cercavo un bel prodotto non Wireless, ma da non spendere troppo e devo dire che son rimasto molto soddisfatto. Buona insonorizzazione e qualit del suono. Per ascoltare film e collegarlo al PC consiglio di acquistare l adattatore con jack da 3.5. Io lo uso anche con adattatore jack da 3.5 collegato ad adattatore USB e va molto bene. Il cavo parecchio lungo.
Angeschlossen, probegehrt…
Ist fr mich (wie auch schon in der Vergangenheit gehabte Sennheiser) perfekt.
Sehr schne Happtik
Sehr schnes Tragegefhl
Sehr schner Klang
Hab also mit dem Kauf alles richtig gemacht.
Wrde ich definitiv wieder kaufen.
The headphones sound good for their price range. Bass is very clear. Mids not so much. Treble is good. The only annoying thing is the cable and lack of adapter included.
Come indicato da parecchie fonti d’informazione, queste cuffie prediligono meglio le frequenze basse, senza dimenticare per i medi e gli alti che sono ben dettagliati e chiari.
Le consiglio assolutamente a chi come me ama sentire i suoni corposi nelle frequenze basse, per il resto comfort ecc sono di ottimo livello.
Molto soddisfatto, grazie amazon che in 1 solo giorno mi ha consegnato il pacco.
Der Klang ist gut, bequem sitzen sie auch, sind relativ neutral abgestimmt. Das Kabel ist lang genug, ersatzkabel kann man einfach umstecken. Nur ist beim Kabel am Ende ein 35mm Anschluss, sodass ich einen Adapter fr den 3.5 mm aux Anschluss des Fernsehers brauche. Es war ein Geschenk fr meinen Opa, er ist zufrieden. Wie hochwertig die Materialien sind, wird die Zeit zeige
The sound is great, as expected of the HD500 series. It also has a plastic build, but it seems durable enough and very light. My only issue is that they are just a bit too tight against your ears. I come from the HD518 which fitted loose enough so they would cause fatigue and tight enough so they wouldn’t fall off. Other than that I still can wear them for about 2 hrs before I feel fatigued and need to take a break.
Good imaging.
Great sound stage.
Warm bass with clean mods and highs.
(Good with and without an amp. Don’t use a tube amp though as makes the bass overpowering.)
Por su relacin calidad-precio estos auriculares abiertos son de lo mejor para el precio que tienen. De perfil clido, con buenos graves, medios muy presentes y agudos controlados este producto s de buena calidad. No s un auricular analtico, pero el “estilo Sennheiser” siempre funciona para un amplio perfil de usuarios.
NOTE: I am no audiophile, just a person who wants good headphones for daily use. These headphones were and still are amazing, beating out any “gaming” headset in its price range. Personally, I don’t use a DAC amp and instead bought a USB to headphone jack that works great. Sounds are great and the open-back design allows me to hear everything around me as if I’m not wearing them. These headphones are huge with cloth earcups that have held up great over the last 1.5 years of daily use. I would highly recommend these to anyone looking for a pair of gaming, video editing, or casual use headphones.
Man bekommt hier von der Tonqualitt nicht das beste paar Kopfhrer, dass sollte wohl jedem bei dem Preis klar sein.
Preisleistungstechnisch bekommt man hier aber einen Kopfhrer der sehr gut klingt und sich ber viele Stunden tragen lsst, ohne das es irgendwo drckt und sich somit stark von der Konkurrenz abhebt.
Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
Che dire, in questo caso il nome stato pure una garanzia: cercavo cuffie monitor (produco musica elettronica) e mi occupo da solo di farmi i mix, mi serviva una cosa non troppo costosa ma affidabile e ke rendesse bene sulle basse: ottimo acquisto, nitide anche ad alto volume, potenti e di buona costruzione, con cavo lungo e jack grande. Se cercate delle OPEN neutre che non falsano l’ascolto, x 80 euro non credo ci sia di meglio.
Sound quality and comfort are pretty good.
Note: No noise cancellation because they’re open back.
+ superbequeme Polster
+ leicht anpassbare Bgel
+ Materialgte und Verarbeitungsqualitt berzeugen
+ abnehmbares Klinken-Kabel
+ immer subjektiv, aber mir gefllt’s bei allen Musikrichtungen: Bass ist krftig, Mitten und Hhen ausgewogen, insgesamt sehr gefllig, um Spa am Musikhren zu haben
+ mit 50 Ohm Impedanz und hohem Schalldruckpegel auch keinerlei Einschrnkungen an Computer, Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone
Ich bin sehr froh, nicht mehr investiert zu haben, denn dieser Kopfhrer erfllt meine Anforderungen vollauf. Sehr empfehlenswert, wenn man im Preissegment um 100 herum nach offenen Kopfhrern sucht.
I use these to play computer games / listen to music, and the audio quality is great. Headphones are open backed so i can hear things going on around me (which i wanted specifically).
Would 100% use these again and plan on it.
I had the Cloud X Revolvers and was getting tired of hearing the metal of the headset creak when I moved my head. I ordered these which were recommended by my partner who does a lot of sound tech work. I am loving them. Super comfortable, sound is great already (they say it takes some time for the headphones to really hone in their sound).
I play Overwatch pretty frequently and have noticed the spacial awareness is a bit off, but I am hoping that as I use the headphones more they will get better.
Non sono un audiofilo , ma devo dire che anche questa Sennheiser non ha deluso . Audio ottimo per tutte le frequenze. A chiudere gli occhi sembra di essere in mezzo all’orchestra o immediatamente davanti al palco di esibizione . Non piccola per ugualmente leggera . E , cosa pi importante , pu essere tenuta anche a lungo senza affaticamento dell’orecchio e tanto meno eccessiva sudorazione o senso di caldo dello stesso. Tra l’altro verificata in una estate caldissima come questa ed in un clima umidissimo come quello pavese ! Comperata inoltre con sconto decisamente consistente durante amazon prime , il rapporto costo qualit decisamente elevato. Molto soddisfatto
Hatte vorher den AKG K702 ausprobiert. Der war mir zu steril und unmusikalisch. Fr den Preis von 66 macht man hier nichts falsch. Wer es lieber analytisch mag und Vorwiegend Klassik hrt, sollte einen anderen KH whlen.
Die Sache ist simpel. Wer einen Sennheiser HD558/598 einfach nochmal etwas dunkler und wrmer abgestimmt haben mchte, sollte ihn probieren. Wenn man dann kein Problem damit hat, das dieser Kopfhrer den Bass tatschlich etwas anhebt, wird hier sehr zufrieden sein.
Wem Sennheiser generell zu dster abgestimmt ist, der sollte die Finger davon lassen. Finde Sennheiser klingt in allen ihren Kopfhrern grundstzlich zu 90% gleich, die Basis wird selten verndert. Wo man beim HD800 einfach 10% in die Helle/Offene Richtung sich steigert, geht es hier einfach in die andere Richtung, ohne das fr mich solide Klangbild des HD598 zu zerstren. Man merkt welche Technologie den HD559 antreibt und das ist auch gut so. Nur eben hier mit etwas mehr Pepp im unteren Bereich.
Wer Metall, Rock und Akustik hrt wird hiermit im Schnitt mindest genau so wenn nicht mehr zufrieden sein vorallem fr Metall und Rock. Aber hiermit knnte man evtl auch ein paar andere Musikarten hren ohne das etwas fehlt. Elektro/Rap/Hip Hop/D&B etc (Hre ich nicht mehr aber wer es mag.)
Fr Klassiche Musik, Feine Streicher und wer nur Akustik hrt oder viel weiblichen Gesang, sollte mit dem HD598/HD660S besser beraten sein.
Der hnlichste Kopfhrer fr mich bei anderen Marken wre der Philips X2 und X1. Wobei der Philips nicht zu dunkel und rund klingt sondern etwas aufgeregter ist in den Hhen.
Fr die 66 Primeday Preis sollte sich jeder Mensch ihn zulegen der nicht gerade Kopfhrer verachtet. Fr den Originalpreis eine klare Kaufempfehlung fr jeden der sich in meiner Rezension wiederfindet.
Hoffe ich konnte manchen weiterhelfen bei der Entscheidung und hoffentlich einen Tick glcklicher und zufriedener werden lassen.
MfG Michele G. Iurlo
Only small gripe (not the seller’s fault) is that the 559 is advertised to come only with the headset, which connects with a 1/4″ plug NOT a 3.5mm as is the standard audio output of many phones, motherboards, etc. The 558 included a 1/4″ to 3.5mm adapter in the box, which was very convenient. For the 559 you have to go spend $3 or less at your local computer or electronics store, which isn’t very expensive but it’s just not as convenient. Otherwise though this product is great. Sounds great, extremely comfortable, excellent soundstage.
Only gave this product 4 stars due to the fact that it didn’t include 3.5mm adaptor. The initial clamping pressure can be more than desired, after two weeks of use clamping pressure is in an ideal place.
En cuanto a la comodidad, por un lado tiene las almohadillas para las orejas muy esponjosas y cmodas, pero por otro quiz aprieten un poco (muy poco, te acostumbras rpido), para muchas horas quiz llegue a molestar; yo he estado como 3 horas seguidas y sin problema.
El tema del cable es la nica pega que le veo, que necesitas un adaptador a 3.5mm, pero bueno, el mismo amazon te sugiere uno y bien de precio.
Muy contento
Bislang war bei meinen “alten Kopfhrern” immer das Problem, dass die Kabel nach 3 Jahren egal, was ich tat, immer
einen Wackelkontakt hatten. Der HD 559 hat nun, das ist die unterste Serie, ein wechselbares Kabel!
Danke an Sennheiser! Der Kundensupport ist einwandfrei! Danke auch dafr!
Ein kleines Manko: Warum kostet ein Kabel 16 und 2 Kabel 32? Bei Versendung von 2 Kabeln sollte der Preis
um die Transportkosten doch sinken?
Fazit: Sound und Verarbeitung Top!
The cable is nice and long so I was able to route it up my desk exactly how I wanted to. Drawback is that you need an adapter because it’s a 6.3mm jack on the cable. It protrudes quite far out of the back of my PC.
I dont use a headphone amp, and they are already plenty loud for me between levels 2-14 on Windows (music at 2-4, games set a little higher sometimes). I would say the sound is relaxed and has a pleasant bassiness to it.
I use them for hq music on spotify premium and gaming. Recommend the dolby atmos for headphones program for even better spatial sound.
I am about to start streaming some games, so I wanted to get a new set of headphones to wear while streaming. These are very nice, really comfortable, and pretty solid sound quality. I tend to not like having headphones on for too long cause they usually start to hurt my ears after so long. I’ve worn these for like 4 hours straight so far with no issues.
My previous 2 pairs of open backs are Grados. They’re good but I wanted to try something new. Both of my grados had cords that ended up breaking on me. I saw the cord on these can be changed. HUGE bonus, I’ll be able to just swap in a new cord when they break. But what I didn’t anticipate is how much better the build quality are on these. Also I find them more comfortable. The Grados are alright but I think I’m converted to Sennheisers.
Exactly what I was looking for. I’m really happy with the open back design. I can listen to TV or music while also hearing my smartphone, also.
Great price as a refurb. In fact the price offered was even better than on the big auction site. The packaging was open and a little dusty, but it cleaned right up with a little wiping. It didn’t come with a 3.5mm adapter, I’m not sure if one was supposed to be included, but I had one on hand from a previous setup.
The audio response and range is really nice, noticeably better than my older Sennheiser 280. In fact if anything it’s a little too nice, because you can hear every little defect in the audio stream. If the sound guy left in any clicks or reverb, you’ll hear it like a pro.
One of the best purchases I’ve made in a while. Highly recommend.
Despus descubr dos hechos importantes:
1) Tocan ms alto que mis antiguos auriculares (tambin Sennheiser de una gama ms baja) y cmo la calidad de sonido es mejor, no nos damos cuenta de que el sonido es ms alto. Si no coloca el volumen demasiado alto, no exageran los bajos ni distorsionan.
2) Algunos altavoces necesitan algn tiempo para funcionar hasta que se suelten y alcancen todo su potencial. Creo que estos auriculares tambin necesitan al menos unas 20/30 horas de funcionamiento para estabilizar el sonido.
En este momento, estoy “apasionado” por estos auriculares, que considero una excepcional compra por el precio de la promocin.
La nica razn que me lleva a dar slo 4 estrellas es que la Sennheiser ha tenido la “brillante” idea de poner en auriculares de esta gama un jack de 6.35mm y no uno de 3.5mm, y todava no incluiran un adaptador! Piensan que quien tiene muchos jacks de 6.35mm a su alrededor, utiliza auriculares de esta gama ??? Si desea conectarse al porttil o al telfono mvil, le aconsejo comprar un cable adaptador y no un bloque para no romper el conector.
Pido disculpas por mi lenguaje, pero no hablo castellano.
Al ser abiertos el odo respira mejor y disfrutas ms de tu escucha.
Quizs le sobren algo de graves ya que deberan de tener una respuesta plana.
Sin duda los mejores auriculares que he tenido hasta hoy.
Do be aware, the cord that comes with these has a 1/4″ jack on it, included in the package is an adapter down to 3.5mm. I purchased a replacement cord that had the opposite as most of my listening is done through 3.5mm.
Sehr gutes volles Klangbild. Satte Tiefen und knackige Bsse. Kraftvoll, ausgeglichen, hochwertig im Klangbild. Keine berzogene Hhen oder bersteuern. Bleibt auch bei hohen Lautstrken klangstabil und kraftvoll. Selbst im leisen Betrieb entfaltet sich das volle Klangbild.
Sehr zu empfehlen. Sind meine 2. Sennheiser in meinem Leben., bin treu geblieben .Durch Zufall mal in einem Naturkundemuseum auf gehabt und berrascht vom krftigen Sound. Dann habe ich mir welche gegnnt. Nach 10 Jahren jetzt diese. Die anderen gehen immer noch, aber bei den Ohrmuschelpolster lsen sich die ueren Schichten ab. Ansonsten immer noch funktional. Qualitt von Sennheisser eben.
Habe die Kopfhrer fr meinen Sohn gekauft, damit er diese am Ipad nutzen kann. Zur Tonqualitt kann ich nicht viel sagen, da ich das Ding bisher nur 2 Mal genutzt habe aber mir ist nichts negatives aufgefallen.
Die Kopfhrer sind robust genug fr einen 8-Jhrigen der es mit technischer Sorgfalt nicht so genau nimmt. Die Ohrmuscheln sind aus Schaumstoff und nicht Kunstleder und genau das war kaufentscheidend. Kunstleder brselt nach einiger Zeit und verursacht einen Haufen Dreck und die Hrer sehen aus wie aus dem Mll gefischt.
Der 6,3mm Klinke Anschluss ist leider Mist. Wenn jemand Studio Kopfhrer will, kauft er sich keine fr 80 sondern fr 800. Den Adapter htte man in diesem Fall beilegen knnen oder ganz auf 6,3mm verzichten.
Riproduce in modo fedele qualsiasi tipo di suono, senza enfatizzare la melodia o la canzone che si sta ascoltando. Questo significa che tutto quello che verr ascoltato sar cristallino, limpido e tutte le frequenze sia alte che basse saranno realistiche ed emozionanti.
La cuffia aperta circumaurale Sennheiser si presenta molto bene, il design accurato e offre gi al primo impatto comodit e leggerezza.
Il colore nero opaco, con inserti di colore grigio antracite. Il cavo lungo 3 metri ha i suoi pro e contro visto che bisogna sempre stare attenti a non ingarbugliarlo.
Il cavo si conclude con un connettore da 6,3 mm perch ideato per i professionisti del settore musicale. Questo ha sospeso per qualche giorno la mia recensione perch ho dovuto acquistare un adattatore da 3,5 mm.
E’ possibile estrarre facilmente il cavo originale e sostituirlo con uno universale ma di qualita’.
Ho fatto la prova ( in CD ) su un brano dei Queen a cui sono affezionata. THESE ARE THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES. La voce di Freddy Mercury talmente pulita che ha spaccato. A tutto volume sembrava di vivere in un sogno.
Chiudevo gli occhi e lo vedevo cantare davanti a me. Il trasporto emotivo che queste cuffie offrono va al di l di ogni immaginazione. Ogni nota vibra nella sua integrit nelle nostre orecchie senza alterazioni o distorsioni anomale.
Tutto voce e suoni liscio, fluido, arriva al nostro udito in modo perfetto e regala delle sensazioni incredibili senza contare che sveglia degli accorgimenti musicali che con una cuffia classica non avevo mai sentito in venticinque anni.
In poche parole ho riscoperto la musica.
Bon casque correct
Manque de detail dans le son et d’ouverture de la scne sonore
Headphones are great, I purchased these for the office so i can hear things other than my music and the open back is perfect. I think its odd these Senheiser headphones do not come with an adapter so you can use with a pc or phone.
I have been using these for a while now and they work perfectly, I still have to test them amplified, but my tastes for amps is expensive, so I don’t have a working one to test with. Using them un-amped they still have great quality and are super comfortable, I used them for 8 hours straight once and forgot they were even there. My only complaint about them is, they need to come with a better cord, I ended up buying a replacement cord that was longer, and had more plug options. I highly recommend these headphones.
La cosa che si nota subito il cavo: apparte che pi lungo, ma decisamente molto pi spesso e robusto.
I padiglioni auricolari, invece del classico tessuto delle precedenti, hanno la superficie vellutata e questo contribuisce ad un perfetto isolamento acustico dal mondo esterno, anche se non hanno un sistema attivo di riduzione del rumore.
Ovviamente suonano diversamente rispetto alle precedenti, quindi ho dovuto modificare un po’i parametri del’equalizzatore di sistema, andando ad aumentare sulle alte frequenze.
Per adesso non posso che dire che rispetto alle precedenti, sono veramente delle ottime cuffie 😉
The only reason why I’m not giving it 5 stars is because it didn’t come with an adapter to fit a 3.5mm jack. I would’ve been okay if Sennheiser charged a couple more bucks to include in the box. Otherwise the build quality is nice, comfortable, and the sound quality is very solid.
Avevo gi un’altra Sennheiser (HD448), che a confronto ravvicinato sembra una cuffia giocattolo!
Grandissima presenza dei bassi, apertura del suono elevatissima, veramente eccellente.
Unica cosa a cui fare caso: contiene solo il cavo con il jack “grande” (da 6,5), non adatto a smartphone e lettori (anche se sprecata con smartphone e lettori!!!) o alle casse da tavolo del pc, o alla scheda audio… Insomma, occorre comprare un adattatore da 6,5 femmina a 3,5 maschio (prezzo circa 1,50) e il gioco fatto.
Ottima la possibilit di staccare il cavo dalla cuffia: se il cavo si logora, sufficiente sostituirlo.
Amazon perfetta come sempre per i tempi di consegna: ci rimetto l’orologio, ormai!
Comparing these to their predecessor the 558, even though I removed the foam piece in those, the 559 is WAY more open back, a “true” open back if you will. I can hear myself speak at low to decent volumes but when the music is going I don’t even notice my tower fan on. As well, the leakage isn’t terrible either, at max volume you can’t hear the bass the headphones are producing, meaning you can wear these on the bus, just not in a library.
If you’re looking for good music or gaming headphones that will allow you to hear the space in whatever your doing, get these. Personally I use these for gaming, music, and video editing and I’m not changing or turning back, sennheiser4lyfe.
Ho preso le HD559 cuffie aperte (se non sapete cosa vuol dire cercatelo) a meno di 100 euro… Bh che dire, magari non sono le pi belle e ricercate sul mercato ma il suono, wow! Con un buon amplificatore riproducono frequenze pazzesche e sono ben bilanciate, forse leggermente verso ma i medio bassi che ad ogni modo pretty il mio gusto sono perfette!
A questo prezzo sono pazzesche
(ho acquistato a parte un cavo con il Jack cuffie per poterle usare anche con il telefono)
Non sono un’esperto, ok, ma amo ascoltare la musica con della qualit e devo dire che queste cuffie fanno al mio caso! Si avverte un discreto dettaglio ed equilibrato, senza esagerare con gli alti e con bassi coinvolgenti. Sono anche molto comode da indossare, potrei dire ergonomiche: una volta trovata la giusta regolazione non si sente pi di averle addosso n di spostano. Ottimo acquisto! Avrei solo gradito un adattatore Jack 3.5 in dotazione, ma giusto per essere certo che sia in linea con la qualit delle cuffie anzich cercarlo di altre marche.
Der Klang ist fr den Preis auf jeden Fall angemessen bzw. gut, aber das ist ja sowieso eher subjektiv.
Einziger Nachteil (Meiner Meinung Nach) ist das Kabel, bzw. eher die Anschlsse. Auf der einen Seite ist ein 6,3mm Stecker verbaut. Das ist fr einige vielleicht eher ein Vorteil, aber fr die, die den Hrer am Computer oder Handy verwenden wollen eher unpraktisch. Da es sich um ein abnehmbares Kabel handelt, dachte ich, ich knnte es einfach durch ein 3,5 zu 3,5mm Kabel austauschen. Hier offenbarte sich jedoch der wirkliche Nachteil: Am Hrer ist ein 2,5mm Anschluss verbaut. D.h., ich kann keine Standard Kabel verwenden. Also unbedingt einen Adapter mitbestellen (6,3 zu 3,5), da kein Adapter mitgeliefert wird.
Premetto che uso ampli vintage Technics SU V4X 65W per canale del 1983 che fa il suo ottimo lavoro con diffusori acoustimass 5. Ascolto prevalentemente Classic rock, RnR, Heartland; la Sennheiser HD 559 si difende nella gamma dei medi e degli alti. Sui bassi il suono talmente artefatto che sembra provenire da un’altra fonte sonora. La qualit del suono generale solamente buona con i vinili dove effettivamente si percepiscono dettagli che diversamente sono difficili da apprezzare. Con la musica digitale l’impasto sonoro deludente… Speriamo che si tratti solo di rodaggio e di abitudine al suono.
Torno a scrivere dopo alcuni mesi per onest nei confronti del prodotto. In questo periodo ho sempre lasciato la cuffia attiva anche durante l’ascolto con gli altoparlanti, per un totale di circa 100 – 150 ore.
Complice anche l’abitudine personale al suono, la cuffia oggettivamente migliorata. Pur rimanendo, a mio modo di sentire, una certo sbilanciamento verso i bassi, il suono overall decisamente pi pulito e corposo. Anche il precedente gap tra l’ascolto di supporti in vinile e digitali si notevolmente ridotto.
(This item was not purchased via Amazon so I cannot comment on delivery)
Sennheiser HD559:
After months & months of searching for a pair of headphones(online,YouTube,Amazon reviews,etc.),I opted for the Sennheiser HD 559.
The reason being is that I dragged my lazy a** to my local hifi specialist & audition (only two) headphones, these where the Sennheiser HD 559 & (the more popular & rated better)569 closed back version of 559. I mentioned what my budget & requirements were & those are the headphones the salesman chose. So I listened to some music via my LG v20 which has a 32 bit quad dac/amp combo & is able to drive headphones up to a massive 600ohms!
As I mentioned earlier the 569’s are supposed to be a better headphone but on the LG v20 & to o my ears,there was only one winner…the HD 559’s
The 569’s have a “V shaped” sound bar & sounded like I had cupped my hands over my ears while wearing the 559`s! Separation,imaging,bass,mids are on a higher level, treble (tops) where better on the 569’s but, that was with the supplied detachable(sennheiser)6.3mm cable, the aftermarket 3.5mm to 2.5mm android cable/s equalled that point out for me making the treble bit more pronounced(still a bit veiled though)just remember,you need good power to drive these & get them sounding their best, they’re super comfy to wear on a long term listening basis too.
For 130 or less(mine were 10 pounds less)these are a fine buy, mostly a flat response with slight warmth to towards the lower mids & bass(needed for some mp3’s though) there is a veil towards the treble end but,this can be corrected via a eq,the Sennheiser cable wasn’t to my liking probably because I have to use a 6.3mm to 3.5mm adapter,you going to lose sound quality.The fit & finish at the price is of a high standard & of course they give you the option of choosing a different detachable cable,4.5 Stars.
I forgot to mention that even when the volume is maxed out,these headphones have yet to distort what-so-ever on any of my sources &,carry on improving with time so I`m up grading my review to a full 5*`s……
Thank you for reading.
Je me suis donc renseign auprs de professionnels de l’acoustique et j’ai enfin trouv mon bonheur dans ce casque Sennheiser HD 559 que je recommande pour l’quilibre de sa rponse entre basses, mdiums et aigus qui me correspond merveille mais comme l’oreille humaine est unique, ceci n’engage que moi.
Merci Sennheiser et Amazo
Sennheiser recently introduced a number of new headphones and I was subsequently offered these Sennheisers HD559 to review. These join the mid-level 500 series, aimed at those seeking a comfortable home entertainment headphone at a modest price.
The 500 series headphones all share a similar design, with this particular headphone seemingly a refreshed 558. It’s a tried and trusted design which looks good. Much of the headphone is made of plastic, but it still manages to feel good quality. The cable is nice and long, although it can be unpractical for certain applications – It is detachable though, so it’s possible to use a shorter cable if required. The cable uses a 6.3mm jack, but unfortunately does not come with a 3.5mm adapter which is sold separately.
As expected, these are a reasonably comfortable set of headphones with the plush velour earpads perfectly sized to fit around my largish ears, providing good comfort. They do feel slightly firmer than my HD650 pads though, but like those, should soften overtime and contour to the ears better. The headband is also generously padded and whilst it is generally comfortable, I find the headband clamps a bit tight on my large head and eventually starts causing slight discomfort after a couple of hours.
Sound wise, I’ve tested these with and without my Graham Slee SOLO SRGII headphone amp – Sound quality is obviously better with the amp, but even without it, the sound quality is generally very good for the price. They have a relatively neutral sound signature and their open-backed design results in a lovely wide soundstage. Bass has decent slam and extends quite well, although it can sometimes appear loose and flabby. Anything below 30Hz is somewhat of a struggle, whereas my HD650’s keep going down to 20Hz. Midrange is elevated to an extent with a slight element of bloat noticeable, particularly in vocals. The higher frequencies are relatively mellow in texture but with good clarity and detail. If you enjoy long listening sessions without fatigue, these are a good choice. They are also excellent headphones for watching movies.
Overall, Whilst I do have some reservations about overall comfort due to clamping pressure, I’m not sure it is enough to deter me from recommending these headphones as they do sound very good.
First off the come boxed in packaging that doesn’t stray far from the Sennheiser norm. Inside you get the cans, detachable cable and warranty.
Built is ok, touch plasticky but otherwise ok. They fit well on my head without too much pressure but extended listening will need them coming off for some fresh air to your ears. Not unlike most though I guess.
Sound wise I’m no audiophile but they are perfectly fine for the price etc, although there are better options around this price bracket (Beyerdynamic DT990 PRO). Mine are used in conjunction with my pc and dedicated soundcard for games/music/movies etc however sound is a bit average to me.
There is no 3.5mm adaptor in the box which I find very odd. You can get around this by changing the cable or getting an adaptor.
Overall they are a good entry level general purpose set. They let themselves down a bit with being a bit average sounding and no adaptor but otherwise you could do far worst in this bracket.
Interestingly the Safety Guide leaflet states, under Intended Use, that: “These headphones are designed for use with portable devices and hi-fi systems”. The headphone lead is replaceable and uses the normal twist lock on a mini jack to connect in. As this is the same connection as the Momentum headphones use, I tried the lead from those to get a mini-jack connection but the flange is shorter so I could only get sound out of one earpiece and struggled to detach it again as it went a little too far into the recess. Maybe Sennheiser will make a mini-jack lead available as an additional option. One thing I was able to prove is that these phones are too much of a load for a phone – my iPhone 6 at full volume was not able to produce enough power to drive these.
The build quality is good, being all plastic but sturdy. The earpieces swivel through a narrow angle so they cannot be folded up or rotated to lay flat. As they are open backed each earcup has a material covering on the rear output. This is likely to attract dust over time so a storage bag might have been nice. The earpieces have a foam surround with a velvet feel to the material and the same stuff is used under the head band. I wear glasses and did find they pushed a little tightly on the arms but the earpieces do completely surround your ears (even mine and I have fairly large ears).
Normally for testing I would stream high quality FLAC files using Audirvana software and either an Audioquest Dragonfly or Chord Mojo DAC/headphone amp. Since both of these have mini-jack headphone sockets I had to use my Pioneer home cinema amp and CDs for all listening tests. I did give the headphones 3 hours of running in before listening but they may need more to sound at their best.
The only other open backed headphones I have are the AKG Q701s, which some people rate highly. I don’t, personally finding their sound too lightweight for my tastes so the comparison was an interesting one. Firstly, the HD 559 are easier to drive than the AKGs. Direct comparisons at the same volume settings showed the Sennheisers to be much louder. Secondly, the HD 559s are not lacking in bass either. Their sound was much fuller. Playing the Imperial March from the remastered Empire Strikes Back soundtrack, all the necessary menace was present. On the AKGs you’d be thinking “Darth who?” and waggling your fingers at the end of your nose. Playing some well recorded rock from Lynyrd Skynyrd, they sounded like a kick ass southern band on the Sennheisers and merely ass kicked on the AKGs.
I would describe the bass as a little too full and more of a soft thump than and solid bomp but this may change as they run in more. The stereo soundstage is wide and detailed though, which is the main benefit of open backed ‘phones. Playing classical albums, the sound expanded nicely and there was plenty of detail resolved. Playing rock music this is not as important (with the exception of Pink Floyd) so my Momentum over ears are still my weapon of choice for most music listening.
However there was very good clarity around voices so these would be good phones to use for listening to film soundtracks, with the wide soundstage as well. Similarly for classical, vocal or jazz genres. If those are your preference then these may be home headphones for you. I have a little reservation about the bass which is not what I would call hi-fi quality but I was not able to test with my hi-fi DACs to know for sure.
What I got is a set of headphones that are very comfortable both on the ears and head.
They are lightweight so you can almost forget you are wearing them.
Like the 558 they offer excellent crispness to the highs without harshness and an excellent wide soundstage.
They offer the typical sennheiser sound so what they are not are bass monsters. If want booming crushing bass look elsewhere, these are for a balanced crisp detailed sound for those who listen music not just as background noise.
The more expensive 599 offer more in overall sound quality with bass that is a little more defined, tighter, punchier, vocals a tad clearer and a soundstage that is a bit wider but like the 558 and 598 before them opinions vary and a pair of 559 wont dissapoint compared to their more expensive cousin the 599.
Infact i would say many won’t hear much difference between the 559 and 599 just like the 558/598 before them. I can an my equipment is not uber high grade (Onkyo 508 AV receiver and Denon X1200W).