Sennheiser HD 599 Around-Ear Open Back Headphones – Ivory

About Sennheiser
Sennheiser is shaping the Future of Audio â a vision built on a 75-year history of innovation and a continued drive for excellence that is woven into our companyâs DNA and culture. Around the world, our employees share this passion in the pursuit of the perfect sound, creating products that exceed expectations and set new benchmarks in audio.
Meet the Sennheiser HD 599
The best in class, remastered.
The HD 599 is a premium headphone for those seeking sophisticated sound, design and build quality. Powered by Sennheiser proprietary transducer technology and featuring the ‘Ergonomic Acoustic Refinement’ (E.A.R) design, the HD 599 represents a step into the world of audiophile sound reproduction. This open back, around ear headphone delivers an impressively natural tonal balance with outstanding spatial performance.
- Exceptional wearing comfort is provided by large ear cups fitted with plush velour ear cushions.
- Premium design cues; timeless ivory color scheme, brown headband stitching and matte metallic detail, communicate quality at first glance.
- Crafted to impress, the HD 599 is a solid choice for music listeners with sense of discovery!
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Premium ComponentsSennheiser engineered transducers use aluminum voice coils delivering high efficiency, excellent dynamics and extremely low distortion. | Open Acoustic DesignAround-ear, open-back design delivers an impressively ‘open’ spatial presentation to improve the listening experience. | Versatile ConnectivityThe HD 599 comes with two detachable cables: a 3m cable with a 6.3-mm jack for a home entertainment system and a shorted 1.2m cable with a 3.5mm jack perfect for use with phones, tables, and laptops. | Extreme ComfortLightweight yet robust design with luxurious velour covered ear cushions and padded headband deliver exceptional wearing comfort for long listening sessions. |
Weight: | 250 g |
Size: | Around-Ear |
Dimensions: | 20.57 x 10.03 x 26.04 cm; 249.97 Grams |
Model: | 506831 |
Colour: | Ivory |
Colour: | Ivory |
Size: | Around-Ear |
Title says it all. Excellent sound quality and definitely the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever owned.
I will be using these head phones to listen to my cd’s and vinyl records.
Ein Hammer Kopfhrer,Sennheiser eben,in allen belangen super, der Sound ist Sensatiole
Always a fan of this brand. These Did not disappoi
Calidad precio inmejorable. Dispona de unos audio Tcnica M50x considerados por muchos los mejores auriculares de gama media, pero los HD599 se escuchan muchsimo mejor, se escuchan detalles y matices que antes no se apreciaban.
Ive owned a few pairs of Sennheiser headphones, and these are up there with my favorites. Comfortable earcups, great seal, wonderful soundstage. But, if your short on cash, there may be some on par options for a better price.
J’utilise exclusivement pour couter des vinyles.
Le positif :
Son de qualit et le confort est au rendez-vous. Le fil est assez long.
Le ngatif :
Aucune possibilit bluetooth et aucune suppression du bruit. Le matriel est difficile nettoye
One of the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever had. The sound is great, really “fills” the space. If you’re looking for a decent mid-level set of headphones, give these a shot.
They handsome & they sound great. I like them much better than the Sony wireless set I own.
Comodos, ligeros, adaptables. La comodidad al usarlos es mxima .
En cuanto al sonido, proveniendo del hd 559, hay un salto cualitativo, sin ser un salto enorme si hay mucha ms escena sonora y profundidad, los he recibido esta tarde, por lo que es pronto para hacer evaluacin.
Repito, la comodidad es muy grande.
Ich nutze den Kopfhrer beim E-Gitarre spielen. Dafr perfekt geeignet. Fr unterwegs wre er mir zu gro, ist aber sicher Geschmacksache.
My last pair of Sennheiser headphones lasted 10 years of daily use, so I definitely wanted the same brand this time. So far this pair meets my expectations. Good sound and comfortable
Bought this based on the claim this is near audiophile sound quality, and as I have been happy with my Sennheiser CX 300 earbuds I thought I’d stick with the brand. They are comfortable, and compared to my Bose QuietComfort headphones I can immediately hear the difference with the open-back design. I only awarded 4 stars because there is occasionally some audible distortion.
Hallo Stereofreunde. Sennheiser HD 599 vs Sony MDR-XH300. Nach ber 10 Jaheren intensivem Gebrauch sind die Gummibnder der Kopfeinstellung gebrochen (wurde immer wieder repariert). Nun mute nach dem Sony ein neuer her, obwohl der alte immer noch in Gebrauch ist. Laut Bewertungen ist es der AKG 701 geworden. Super Verpackung, inclusice Stnder plus Kabel usw.- angeschlossen an HiFi Anlage(Bi Wiring usw.) dann Enttuschung. Der KH kann keine Tiefen und null Bsse, eingepackt und zurckgeschickt. Getestet Pink Floyd mit High Hopes, nur Hhen, die spitz und kreischend waren. Der Sony geschlossen hat pro Muschel Schieberegler Move , Sound Move und Musik (das funktioniert wirklich). Den Sennheiser angekabelt, selber Song, ich bin fast vom Sessel gefallen, Sony- Sennheiser fast identisch, Mitten, Hhen,Tiefe , das ist Musikhren.
Habe mir Neil Young(Eldorado),Babara Streisand/Celine Dion(Tell him), selbst Culture Beat (got tet it), Fleetwood Mac und Metal (Diesbelief, Dio usw.) angehrt. Fazit: Der Sennheiser eine Klasse fr sich, er klingt offener, weiter, der Sony kann das auch, aber halt geschlossen . Beide in einen Topf, umrhren, dann haben wir den perfekten KH. Fr mich klare Kaufempfehlung. Von vier Sternen, bekommt er 7.
” tu chiamale se vuoi, emozioni”,cantava qualche anno fa un cantante di successo. quello che cercavo, un suono chiaro, pulito, privo di fruscii e/o distorsioni. Non sono un audiofilo quindi non so dirvi nulla di tecnicismi vari, sono un consumatore di audiolibri e musica, ecc. Quando le ho indossate: BANG !
Di cuffie, ne ho avute altre, ma nessuna si avvicina per qualit, a questa. Sono felicissimo di averle acquistate.
NB. padiglioni molto ampi che non premono sull’orecchio ma lo inglobano, risultato : nessun affaticamento nemmeno dopo un uso prolungato.
Ok, prima che mi linciate dicendo che ci sono cuffie migliori, dico che a questo prezzo non si trova nulla di meglio. facile paragonarla a cuffie da 500 Euro, ma a questo prezzo secondo me non le batte nessuno! Anche molto bello il colore
Open back,no noise cancellation,but these headphones sound great and are extremely comfortable I am very happy with this purchase and recommend them highly.
Le cuffie sono belle esteticamente, leggere e le orecchie vengono completamente coperte dal padiglione che appoggia con tessuto morbido evitando quel fastidioso effetto sudorifero dei plasticoni. Il suono ben riprodotto ed abbastanza lineare trasparente, premetto che non le sto utilizzando con un amplificatore per cuffie per cui credo che il limite sia pi intrinseco all’uscita cuffie dell’ amplificatore (Maranz)
I’ve been using it since 2021 Feb, and I have no complaint about it what so ever with the build, sound quality, etc.
The only thing I COULD wish was that it was wireless, but I knew buying it this product is a wired product, so not really a complaint at all. Just wishful thinking in a “perfect” world scenario.
Anyway, I feel like it was worth the money I spent on it.
I can wear this for hours playing games or listening to music on my PC and I have zero complaints about it.
Amazon asked me to review the “noise cancellation” quality of it, but come on, its not a noise cancelling head phone… So I gave it a 3 star for that. Honestly it’s irrelevant to ask that rating on a non-noise cancelling headphone!! Hah..
love the color, love the sound, love the weight.
you can wear it for hours, and be just as comfortable as when you started.
der Kpfhrer sieht gut aus und auch die Hrqualitt ist gu
o be honest, this headphone is more like ear cover during winter… while the sound quality is good, it does little to none to cover the outside noise. only for indoor and its extremlly hot if wear for a long time during summer..
I bought these trying to replace some closed back Sennheiser headphones i had that were MUCH MUCH cheaper but also very old. I was very surprised with how light and comfortable they are to wear. The overall sound is quite good, even for the price range these outperform my over ear sony noise cancelling set that are twice as expensive (but also have NC and Blue tooth and wireless)
I also LOVE that you dont feel any pressure from the headset with the open back design. Sound seems to be able to move freely and not create any weird feeling pops. Plus i can hear when someone is talking to me while wearing them. Obviously, they can also hear what you are listening too so its not a headset to sot next to someone with.
I did notice the same set in just plain black were like 40$ cheaper after i got the ivory version, so, id highly recommend going that way
Non ho mai indossato delle cuffie cos comode. E’ vero sono un p piatte nei bassi ma per quanto riguarda gli alti ed i medi sono fantastici…la riproduzione dei suoni magnifica e sembra quasi di stare in live. Unica pecca secondo me si poteva tranquillamente aggiungere all’interno della confezione una custodia personalizzata sennheiser.
I’ve never had open back headphones before and initially, I was pretty put off by how much noise I could hear while using them around the house, since I’ve only ever used “normal” noise cancelling headphones.
The first night I wore these to bed and it was dead quiet is when it hit me just how amazing these headphones are. The sound quality is unbelievable and I’m noticing things I’ve never heard before in songs I’ve listened to for years.
I mainly bought these to use with my electric piano, but I find myself wearing them during the workday, since I can still hear anything that may be going on around me.
The ear pads are a bit stiffer than I thought they would be and I hope they soften up, but if they don’t, that’s okay.
Una volta entrati nel mondo delle cuffie aperte, non se ne puo’ piu’ fare a meno.
Audio stupendo, profondo e dettagliato sia per gli amanti della musica che del gaming, io personalmente le utilizzo insieme ad una DAC per il pc e sono perfette per qualsiasi esigenza. Consigliate!
I had several requirements when I was looking for a new set of headphones. They had to work well with my digital piano. They also had to work well with my computer/iPad/iPhone. They had to be ridiculously comfortable. And, most importantly, they had to do all of the above while I was wearing my hearing aids. These Sennheiser HD 599 open back headphones fulfilled all of my requirements perfectly. In fact, out of the many sets of cans I’ve bought over the years, these are without a doubt, the best sounding, most comfortable headphones I’ve ever owned. Yes, they’re open back so you’ll hear some external ambient sound, but it’s not excessive. And yes, you’ll have some sound loss but again it’s not excessive. To say I’m pleased with these would be an understatement. I’m actually delighted with them. If they ever die, I won’t hesitate to replace them with a new pair of the same thing.
Sono cuffie per lo pi in plastica robusta e leggera. I pad sono in velluto e sganciabili, mentre la headband foderata in foam e rivestita in morbida pelle: indossate risultano abbastanza comode e leggere. Le ho testate con musica liquida attraverso l’ iFi hip-dac2 + iphone 12 con decoder MQA in modalit bilanciata: il basso sorprendentemente materico, caldo e piacevolmente colorato, molto convincente, mai invadente. I medi sono equilibrati, piacevoli, convincenti, restituiscono la voce umana con piacevolezza e dettaglio tonale. La gamma alta a mio parere il punto debole: non male, ma non alla altezza delle gamme bassa e media. Nel complesso una cuffia comoda, piacevole, non difficile da pilotare, che suona in maniera morbida e calda senza perdere eccessivamente dettaglio. una cuffia ‘aperta’ pertanto nonostante la spazialit sonora ampia ed avvolgente, non isola completamente dai rumori esterni, comunque restituendo una pi che accettabile insonorizzazione. Infine, nella versione avorio, la cuffia davvero esteticamente accattivante!
Excellent headphones for the price.
Worth getting if you want to try out the audiophile side of things.
Tout d’abord ce casque n’a pas de micro et de tlcommande; c’est tout simplement le fait de pouvoir interchanger les cables selon ses besoins; pourquoi 4 toiles ,eh bien, je trouve tout de mme que le casque faisant le 0.285g ( balance professionelle) ,il pse un peu sur le dessus du crne du fait qu’il tire sur les cheveux ,mais bon, cela ne tient qu’ ce que j’ai ressenti….mme en rglant les oreilles ma taille. j’ ai donc d trouver une solution cela; j’ai ajouter une bande de papier bulle plastic sur l’arceau ,mme si celui-ci est entour de simili cuir…..Maintenant, tout va bien, le confort y est ,sur ce plan l; parlons du son, eh bien ,il y a rien en dire ,il est parfait; je suis connect sur cordon optique ,ce qui est trs bien ;de plus ,j’ai chang les oreilles en velours pour la texture en cuir ,ce qui n’a rien voir ; celle en velours me chauffaient les oreilles . J’avais hsit retourner le casque ,mais j’avais trouv une astuce cite plus haut.
Je conseille ce casque pour tout ce qui aime la qualit audio( son optimum) pour le cinma,musique ,tv et le confort ,on et bien . Ce modle est ouvert .
Excellent sound quality and sound stage.
Great quality build and amazing comfort.
I had these at the same time as the 559…I decided to try to buy something I could consider good enough, knowing there had to be better but also knowing there was a lot worse out there as well. Growing up, a buddy of mine had a pair of Koss headphones that came with a pretty nice walkman and I always loved them. He bought a pair of large pad (orange color) Sennheiser and I was jealous of both I guess because this was the brand that came to mind. Anyway, I paid $129 for the 559 and I got these on sale for $199 and not wanting to keep the ones that were supposed to be be better instead of the ones that actually were better for me, I played them both a lot on the same tracks in the week I had them and I ended up with these. They seemed clearer and cleaner and had a better overall punch to them. I doubt you could be disappointed with them, you would have to be in the headphone elite to even make an argument against them I think. They are pretty comfortable and play as well loud as they do low. Being open back, they do let a lot more sound in but for most of us that have to have the listening area away from the wife anyway, that is not a problem lol. As a thrifty person myself, I recommend saving the few more dollars, waiting the few more days or weeks or whatever and upping the cash for these. At $199, if you find anything better I would be very, very…very surprised.
Trs bonne qualit de son. Je ne suis pas un expert mais j’ai test pas mal de quipements audio et j’ai t bloui par la clart et le dtail, surtout aux aigus. Manque un peu de basses mais cela est normal vu que c’est un casque ouvert, et c’est trs minime. Ils sont donc assez neutres. Trs confortable, par contre si vous portez des lunettes ils gnent un peu mais trs lgrement.
These headphones look far more comfortable in the product photos than they are in reality. They’re quite heavy feeling despite being made of entirely plastic. The foam cushions are also quite firm despite their plush appearance.
I’m not an audiophile by any means but these don’t produce pretty decent quality aduio, but are by no means noise cancelling. I can hear basically all noise if it is being produce in the same room that I am, though there is some natural sound dampening.
Not totally comfortable but getting more so with time. Good overall sounds and good bang for your bucks
Non voglio prolungarmi troppo quindi sar sintetico cos chi ha bisogno sa tutto senza lunghe letture.
Le cuffie sono leggere e comode.
I cuscinetti in velluto sono morbidi e molto comodi. La fascia morbida e non crea fastidi forse, la spugna interna, poteva essere pi spessa e aumentare l’effetto cuscino.
Comunque dopo molte ore non si sento in testa e non danno fastidio in nessun modo.
il suono incredibile:
– alti medi bassi suona tutto bene, effetto palcoscenico notevole.
– credo di non aver mai provato cuffia aperta migliore senza amplificatore. collegate direttamente alla tv nessun problema di volume troppo basso.
– collegate ad un amplificatore le vostre orecchie avranno un’orgasmo. (naturalmente dipende dal contenuto)
– forse non sar la scelta per chi ha bisogno di cuffie analitiche per lavoro ma per chi cerca una cuffia d’ascolto e di intrattenimento.
– menzione particolare per i film e i videogiochi.
4 stelle per due motivi:
– i materiali sono in plastica, scricchiolano un p e il filo da 3 metri poteva essere di qualit migliore mentre il filo da 1,5 metri spazzatura pura.
– la cuffia non vale 200 di listino.
In promozione diventa quasi obbligatoria.
I was amazed by the sound wich really envelops you, and also the sheer comfort! These are like cloud pillows for your ears. More confortable with glasses than most headphones surprisingly. Ideal for movies, music or video games ***AT HOME***
Sadly, I had to return it because they were not ideal for what I intended to do with them. (Commuting, at work listening). If you want versatility in headphones, these are not the ones for you.
Gewiss sind Tragekomfort und Hrgenuss individuelle Faktoren
und jeder Mensch mag die Begebenheiten anders beurteilen.
Von daher kann mein Urteil nur sehr subjektiv ausfallen.
Ich mchte diesen Kopfhrer als sehr hochwertig bezeichnen wollen.
Klare Hhen und saubere, trockene Bsse sind gegeben. Diese Eigenschaften waren und sind mir wichtig.
Die Ohrmuscheln sind sehr angenehm gepolstert, was zum Tragekomfort beitrgt.
Den Kaufpreis von 134,52 (einhundertvierunddreiig) Euro im Januar 2022 habe ich als gnstig empfunden.
Ho acquistato queste cuffie per “sostituire” le mie Grado MS1 su alcuni generi di musica in cui queste ultime non mi soddisfano al 100%. Le Grado sono fantastiche e le trovo perfette per tanti generi musicali, ma rock duro, metal, grunge e generi simili, li soffrono e tendono a “impastare” un po’ la scena. Cercavo quindi delle alternative e avevo acquisto le Fidelio X2 della Philips ma erano semmai ancora meno adatte delle MS1 e anzi, rispetto a quelle anche peggiori nei generi in cui le MS1 (per i miei gusti) sono imbattibili.
Parliamo naturalmente di cuffie “fascia media” e quindi senza pretese esagerate, perci mi sono detto: perch no una Sennheiser?
Cos ho preso queste. E me ne sono innamorato. Non solo vanno bene (pi bene delle MS1) con quei generi l, ma non sfigurano nemmeno col resto, anzi.
Hanno una limpidezza di suono elevatissima, per quanto inferiore alle MS1 (che hanno toni medi e alti incredibili), ma sono pi corpose, con bassi cristallini, rotondi, presenti ma mai invadenti. Le voci a volte, soprattutto con alcuni pezzi, restano indietro e queste Hd599 soffrono un po’, ma uno scotto che sono ben contento di pagare, visto il confort estremo (e in questo alle Grado danno 8 giri) e l’ampia scena che comunque regalano.
Sono cuffie che fanno L’occhiolino ai piani superiori, a quelli dove bisogna fare un mutuo per una cuffia. Al prezzo di vendita a cui le ho prese (136), sono davvero una scelta azzeccata. Ho letto di offerte a 100 beh a quel prezzo non lasciatevele scappare per nessuna ragione al mondo, perch sarebbe un affare irrinunciabile. Sfido chiunque a trovare di meglio a quella cifra. E lo dico con convinzione estrema.
In conclusione posso solo dire che sono veramente felice di aver scelto Sennheiser, che si, d’accordo non sar pi la Sennheiser di una volta come dice qualcuno (perch produce in Cina? Bah, tutti lo fanno), ma cosa si pu volere di pi da una cuffia nel 2022 a queste cifre? Davvero, queste cuffie sono assolutamente incriticabili. I difetti che hanno (toni medi un po’ indietro, alti non perfetti, soundstage non amplissimo) sono davvero, ma davvero, delle inezie. Perch queste HD599 una volta indossate e premuto “play” fanno dimenticare qualsiasi sbavatura in un attimo.
Nb: hanno impedenza da 50ohm, quindi bisogna “pilotarle” con un ampli/DAC per cuffie altrimenti il volume risulter leggermente sotto. Non un difetto, anzi, ma una qualit. Se state cercando cuffie da usare con smartphone o PC (con scheda audio integrata), lasciate perdere, non le sfruttereste per quello che valgono. Andate sulle 559 o 569, che hanno impedenze minori e come qualit sonore sono abbastanza vicine alle top della serie 500 di sennehise
There are so many reviews of these that suffice it to say they sound good for the price-point when plugged into my HiFi playing LPs. I bought them for longer listening sessions and they don’t fail with that. The sound is warm and the velour pads are decently comfy and fit over my ears. I have a big head and the clamping force is more than the Beyerdynamic DT 990s I had previously which I found overall more comfortable. The extra clamping force means I’m always fussing with my glasses which wasn’t a problem with the DT 990s. The worst thing is the colour, which remind me of lousy old computers from the early 90s. I almost couldn’t get around this, they are really fugly but at least nobody will steal them.
I normally buy bose cheaper sets or edifier over ear headphones because i use them at work in construction. So they get messed up. I got these to watch moves and listen to music not just hear it cause its lonly at work. They dont cancel noise cause there open backs. With allergies i didn’t like the idea of noice cancel ones. I want to hear cars and peoe while enjoying crisp music.
These are Beautiful so clean crisp. Can hear every different drum hit perfectly on Nirvana in-utero. The cords are abit stiff and no case. But i never use mine anyways. I got the cream and brown one. Retro sexy colors. Theyhold on good and the ear muffs are soft. Very happy
I absolutely love these. The sound is great and super clear. I love playing games and listening to music with them. It’s a noticeable step up from my old headset, although I’m not a huge audiphile so I lack the vocab to articulate how.
Probably the biggest upside for me though is how comfortable they are. Most headsets push my ears against my head. For a couple hours that’s fine, but I work from home so at times I’ll go >7 hours with a headset on. Other headphones cause me horrible ear pain after that long, but these don’t even touch my ears directly. I wore them for a ~10 hour game session and barely noticed they were on. Highly recommend. I attach an Antlion Modmic Uni when I need a mic, so it’s perfect for private listening, work, or casual gaming.
Desde que lo sacas de la caja, te das cuenta de que tiene una calidad de acabado un pasito ms de lo normal, el producto viene con dos cables, un 6,5mm con adaptador de 3,5mm de unos 3 metros como tambin con un cable directamente de 3,5mm.
El sonido es muy “crispy” es decir muy cristalino y no sientes la cancelacin de ruido, pero una vez ests dentro de la multimedia, te olvidas.
El volumen es muy claro y los cascos son muy ligeros.
Recomiendo su compra, sobre todo de este acabado como marfil, es todava ms bonito que en fotos.
Unos muy buenos cascos, de verdad.
Picked these up for 90 during Black Friday, definitely worth the money.
These are the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever used. Incredible audio quality, build quality and sound stage.
The noise isolation on these is pretty much non-existent due to them being open back headphones. If you need a good sound isolating pair of headphones, I’d recommend Beyerdynamic DT 770.
Overall, incredible headphones.
Sintetizzo in punti, come di solito preferisco fare:
La confezione appare subito come quella di un prodotto ricercato. Bella immagine dei padiglioni in copertina e buona rigidit del packaging. La sorpresa avviene appena si aprono; le cuffie sono immerse in una gomma sagomata elegante, che gi da sola ti fa capire la differenza con altri prodotti.
Il materiale predominante la plastica, ma non una plastica poor, bens una variante comunque curata, accompagnata da padiglioni in soffice velluto e archetto superiore in simil-pelle. Nella confezione troviamo, oltre alle cuffie, un cavo con jack da 3.5, uno con jack 6.3 e un adattatore. Piccola manualistica ad accompagnare.
Ne ho usate tante di cuffie, e queste sono tra le pi comode sinceramente. Molto molto leggere, soffici sul capo e talmente poco invasive che sembra quasi di non avere accessori sulla testa. Davvero ben fatte; pratiche anche dopo ore di utilizzo.
Tutte le considerazioni che faccio sono ovviamente anche rapportate al prezzo. Questo prodotto ha un costo che rispetto ad altri prodotti, vale tutti i soldi spesi. Personalmente le riacquisterei senza ombra di dubbio.
Non sono un audiofilo, ma vi offro la mia impressione di un uso comune. Devo dirvi che appena ho provato una traccia su queste 599 sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso. Non sono cuffie con 3000 funzioni particolari o con App dedicate o roba del genere; sono cuffie che vogliono fare le cuffie, e lo fanno perfettamente. La resa davvero di qualit; la pulizia del suono di un altro livello rispetto alle cuffie chiuse, e anche paragonata a prodotti molto blasonati io le ho trovate migliori. Essendo cuffie aperte non riescono a raggiungere il rimbombo dei bassi in testa che raggiungono alcuni modelli chiusi, ma in queste cuffie rimangono piacevoli e udibili senza fastid. Senza troppi fronzoli io vi dico che personalmente la loro resa l’ho preferita a diverse cuffie: alle Sony M4, alle Bose 700, in parte anche alle Semnheiser Momentum 3 e in parte anche alle Airpods Max. Queste cuffie citate sono tutte tecnologicamente avanzate e suonano bene, ma la HD599 sembrano proprio di un altro passo come fedelt nella riproduzione.
Attenzione per, che sia chiaro; le 599 essendo aperte dovreste utilizzarle in ambienti tranquilli e senza troppi rumori, altrimenti rischiereste di venire disturbati dai rumori esterni e voi di disturbare chi vi circonda.
Certo che si. Io le cuffie le acquisto anche pensando al gaming; in questo periodo su PS5 e Series X. Su entrambe possono essere connesse al controller tramite il Jack da 3.5 e si pu iniziare a godere della qualit del prodotto che avete tra le mani. Il cavo in dotazione abbastanza lungo da non crearvi fastidio e durante il gioco non ci si fa caso. Come gi detto, quando sono a casa da solo preferisco giocare con queste Hd599, se poi invece capitano situazioni in cui non voglio essere disturbato da rumori esterni utilizzo le Airpods Max, sempre cablate.
Non mai facile dare un voto finale ad un prodotto quando non si ha modo di provare tutte le cuffie esistenti sul mercato, ma io posso dirvi che tra quelle che ho provato negli anni queste le metterei tranquillamente tra i primi posti. Darei un bel 8,5 come voto su 10. Non mi sbilancio oltre come votazione, perch sicuramente i modelli Aperti superiori di grado mi faranno, pi avanti, arrivare al 10! Se consiglio l’acquisto? Assolutamente si! Poi a 150/160 secondo me non c’ assolutamente di meglio!
I’ll start by stating that Sennheiser’s HD 560S are better sounding than the HD 599. These have a lot of annoying distortion and crackling sounds when particular frequencies are played in certain songs whereas the 560S does not at all. I guess the 599’s have more bass and are a bit louder than the 560S but that doesn’t really matter much when they start distorting and making crackling sounds when a certain type of sound is played through them. They definitely are good headphones but their predecessor the 560S are mildly superior in their clarity and ability to transmit a more subtle sound with zero distortion. So instead of getting these get the 560S as they are similar but superior in overall performance to these ones.
dont get me wrong, i wear these headphones for hours almost every day. they are comfortable to wear and sound great.
I bought these to replace a $80 RIG 700x headset that i had been using for a few years and while there is an improvement to sound quality and comfort, for most uses, these headphones do not justify the price.
that being said, I do edit videos, game, and make music with the 599s, so these are fine all around headphones. if you want them, get them, but you would be just as well off with cheaper wireless headphones.
A very well made pair of headphones. The sound quality is excellent along with frequency range. (a lot wider than other similar brands out there). Sennheisser were brilliant 30 years ago with my first pair and in my opinion still are with my most recent ones.
i have the HD 599 Paired with an EVGA NU Audio card and this is the most insanely awesome audio i have ever heard next to a system my father used to have (vintage). the stock freq curve is blech as people have mentioned but this is easily fixed with some EQing or even a minimum phase EQ (makes the curve flat on the final output)+ some post eq for taste (i leave it flat myself)…
the bass is super tight and reproduces the lows really good and it sucks me right into movies, the treble doesnt sound at all ear piercey (though the stock curve does a bit). everything sounds separated even when there is loads of bass im still able to hear the mids and highs clear as day and it doesnt become mushy like. the movie Imaginareum by Nightwish sounds freaking amazing because of the music being combined with seperate dialog and sounds, nothing smushes together.
overall the sound reproduction is awesome even at lower volumes.
def recommend to anyone looking for awesome sound. best to be paired with a good DAC AMP for full potential of them