Skullcandy Venue ANC / Wireless Vice/Gray/Crimso

Dimensions: | 6.35 x 25.91 x 20.83 cm; 436.58 Grams |
Model: | 414-059-8241 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | SKULLCANDY |
Dimensions: | 6.35 x 25.91 x 20.83 cm; 436.58 Grams |
Model: | 414-059-8241 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | SKULLCANDY |
The headphones are scratched and the leather is cracked and broken even if the headphones are good is not worth the price.
he noisecancelling is pretty good fore the price point. they look good and sound good too.
Excellent product! I have never had any problems, I bought them before cuz I dropped them and broke them, not because they’re fragile but because of me being careless, lol, but they sound AMAZING for playing guitar, general noise cancelation, the whole nine yards!! They could be the most obnoxious color on earth and I’d buy them (again)
Only failures I’ve had, are from being EXTREMELY rough on them (and I mean way careless, lol..and they STILL lasted over a year…if you take care of them, they will last god know how long.. even ones I’ve broken still work great!) ..oh and you can buy replacement pads for them if you want!
…but the value mixed with the comfort, sound quality, ergonomics, etc. etc. (and I’ve NEVER had a problem with them connecting to Bluetooth) is WORTH EVERY PENNY…whether you pay the regular price or get a good deal…or if you are playing music or an instrument through them. AWESOME (and beats paying HUNDREDS for BOSE.
Definitely recommend!!
Buen producto, buena calidad, solo que la caja venia muy maltratada, pero en si el equipo es muy funcional y viene completo.
Muy buena relacion calidad precio, el sonido es una pasada.
Bought these as a first “Venture” into wireless noise cancelling headphones. Sound quality is good for the price, and they seem to stay charged forever. No complaints and overall quality for price is good. Sound cancelling is not the best but once again for the price a great option.
Se escuchan genial, cancela muy bien el sonido, tambin son muy cmodos
I bought these headphones specifically for working from home as a video editor. They’re amazing and I’m obsessed with them. For $100 – the noise cancellation is honestly amazing. I can’t hear a thing and my roommates have to tap me on the shoulder to let me know they need me because I can’t hear them knock at my door or yelling at me.
– sound quality is clear and crisp
– comfortable on head to wear for 5+ hrs straight
– best noise cancellation for this price range
– a little bulky
– battery life is good but i dont think as long as whats advertised
– not good for working out/running
Los audfonos estn muy cmodos pero solo para las personas que tiene cabeza pequea y para las personas que tiene una cabeza grande no sern cmodos ya que la diadema es muy pequea.
Estos audfonos son para escuchar la letra de las canciones ya que no tiene mucho bajo.
La cancelacion de ruido es aceptable ya que no asla mucho el sonido.
Los Materiales son algo delicados por lo que recomiendo mantener constante mente dentro del estuche para que no se desgaste
I’m going to preface this by saying I know nothing about tech devices or sound engineering. But I am a neurodivergent person who struggles with sensory and auditory processing. I desperately wanted a pair of noise cancelling headphones and I am so glad I bought these. So far I’ve only tried loop earplugs and luxe ear buds and they both were awful and didn’t do what I needed. These are amazing. They filter out the noise I don’t want and still allow me to hear conversations. I don’t have to listen to all of the electronics in my house buzzing anymore. I only just got them and turned them on to make sure they work, so I don’t have a more detailed long term review about battery life and sound quality and durability but so far I am ecstatic with what I have and that I didn’t have to pay $300+ to get it.
This headset has been better than expected. Great sound quality and noise cancelation too. When I’m talking to someone they can’t hear any background noise. Its super easy to pair with both my phone and laptop and I can easily go into other rooms with no signal issues. Also super comfortable! I wear glasses and usually headphones start to hurt after a while but these are very cushioned.
Eh utilizado por mas de cinco dias los audifonos, lo utilizo aproximadamente 4 horas por dia, me duro la bateria completamente cargados como una semana, la ausencia de ruido es otra cosa, los recomiendo totalmente
Buenos das, tuve unos audfonos con cable de la marca skullcandy, estos nuevos audfonos inalmbricos estn geniales, los utilizo tanto para la laptop como para mi celular, buena adquisicin.
Great sound quality and noise cancellation. This is proven whenever I drive a tractor as I am a farmer. Microphone is hit or miss with phone calls. Zoom meetings the microphone works well. However, this was purchased solely for music and noise cancellation which meets my expectations.
The ANC is cool as it get most things as The batter is more then I expected but I would like to add a suggestion is that since my last one broke when I was in bed on my side they make it a little me flexible or durable it seem like a crime I can’t lay on my side and watch a good movie
It has great sound it cancels noise out great and they have great sound I mean they are the best sound I’ve ever had I have gotten several products from Skullcandy I’ve had best product best battery life and two they may be made properly but at least when you put protection plan on them they work longer but with me in this case I just buy a different one later and get one I like and I did find this one I liked a lot better than the other one I bough
Me flipa el ANC, conectndolo se escucha sper bien (de volumen y sin sonidos que molesten) , ahora sin ANC no se escucha casi nada la msica volumen muy flojo
Liked ease of use and good fit for large persons
** updated I tested the Mic out at work and my team told me it was the clearest mic they had heard, they were pretty certain if someone across the room from me farted or made a noise they would hear it.**
Bought at 70 and found this to be great value. ANC isn’t perfect but very good at cutting out low background rumbling sounds. Great sounds quality.
La verdad es un producto de excelente calidad aunque creo que algo caro.
La cancelacin de ruido es muy buena pero siento una especie de vaco que me hace sentir incmodo.
My son is so pleased with them. He says they are amazing
La calidad de sonido es buena, sin embargo, se siente muy fragil al tacto.
Si cuidas tus cosas es una buena opcin, si eres descuidado mejor busca otros.
These are great headphones, I’ve used them for a few months now without any problems, just that it takes time to adjust using the volume control, and also when switching between phone calls and listening to music, but that could very well be me, and not the headphones. They are worth the price!
Ho preso queste cuffie dopo aver reso un altro modello di cuffie wireless, modello che non mi aveva soddisfatto perch sostanzialmente quando le mettevo sentivo lo stesso tutti i rumori esterni. Le Skullcandy Venue sono decisamente di un altro livello. La resa acustica buona, anche se probabilmente non sufficiente per chi voglia sentire musica in alta fedelt. L’isolamento acustico soddisfacente, anche senza utilizzare ANC.
Fits most sizes of head from child to adult, easy to use. Compact and comes in a great case for travelling.
Cuffie bellissime! Isolano veramente dal rumore. Sono stata estremamente soddisfatta di questo acquisto
Los compre con algunas dudas ya que no son el modelo ms famoso de la marca, pero por el precio y sus caractersticas decid comprarlos, por un precio de 2,200 pesos mexicanos tienen una excelente calidad de audio, una cancelacin de ruido muy respetable y la calidad de los materiales son regular, pero si no les das un uso rudo se mantienen en muy buen estado. Los recomiendo sin lugar a dudas por menos de 3,000
Son buenos para escuchar msica. Pero lo malo son para contestar llamadas, y tiene un pequeo ruido, desactivar la cancelacin de ruido se escucha bajo el audio. Los recomiendo comprar si quieres probar algo nuevo.
These are the best head phones for the price. I’ve gone through many many pairs! Needed headphone for work and gym. Needed it to pair to multiple devices simultaneously which these are the first pair without spending$500 that do that.
Only con for me this far is the joints in the mechanisms to allow expansion or rotation catch my hair often and they don’t comfortably fit around your neck when not in use (to tight and I have a little neck)
Other wise world 100% recommend!
Utilize this with Sat Radio App or Wifi off compute Laptop with app from distances of 50 ft within my house. Have large 30 ft family room and office so it gets its greatest use there as neighbors may be outside doing lawns while I am doing work. Have worked Great during this pandemic except a little too muddled in Sound for my teastes but for $80 am not complaining too ,much, If I wanted perfection I would have to pay $300+ to get it… This is Good for my needs and looks Good too.
For 200$ I wish these were a touch louder or more bass but decent .
Quite good headphones. Paid 120$ for them (Prime Day) and I am quite satisfied with the product. I don’t think I would have if I had paid the full price.
En mi opinin muy buenos auriculares, en mi opinin en lo que pecan mas es que parecen frgiles mas que nada por los materiales y que SkullCandy podran crear su app para poder ajustar el sonido a tu gusto, pero de por si se escuchan de maravilla.
jai tester plusieurs meme des sony a 100$ ne bat pas cette qualit je vous les conseil et la batterie me dure 4 jours avec coute intensif je nais pas compter mai un peut plus que 24h
Pros. El diseo es bonito y cmodo, el sonido es de calidad, los bajos son suaves. Viene con una maletn que protege a los audfonos durante el viaje, el diseo del maletin es rgido y de buena calidad. pero se siente frgil.
Contras. Yo esperaba la potencia de bajos de un Crusher pero los bajos son muy suaves, el problema es con al subir el audio al mximo llega llega a or una distorsin. El diseo se siente algo frgil. El sistema de cancelacin de audio no alcanza a encapsular el audio lo suficiente en mi opinin. La batera llega a durarme unos tres das usndolos de manera moderada.
They’re not Bose or Sony, but they are quality. I own a top of the line pair of both and they are spectacular. My wife “lost” my QC35’s on a business trip and my daughter confiscated my Sony’s which now live in student housing. I saw a review on less expensive than top of the line, wireless, noise cancelling headphone cans. These were up there in reviews, so I bought them think if they weren’t that great, I could always return them and shell out the $400 for another set of Bose. I am really surprised by the quality of the product. Noise cancellation, not the best, but pretty darn good. I can still hear some ambient noise, but not enough to be a distraction, even in quiet parts of movies. The Sound quality follows along with the noise cancellation, not the best, but really good for the price. What really satisfies me with this purchase is the battery life. For ~$90, I get more time than my “lost” Bose or Sony WH-1000XM4. This comes with a Tile location capability which is pretty handy. My wife really appreciates that tool. If I’d had that with the Bose, they wouldn’t be lost. The bottom line, regardless of the money savings, the Skullcandy Venue do a really good job at everything I’ve asked of them.
I can’t give them a 5, but I’d give them a solid 4.5 if I could.
We purchased these Skullcandy Venue Wireless headphones for my teenage son for his birthday. He loves them! He says the sound quality and noise cancellation are great. We have some more expensive noise cancelling headphones from another manufacturer. Their noise cancelling properties are probably a little better than these. But for the price, he has been pleased with the venues. He has also been impressed by the battery life. In his words, the battery “lasts forever” on a charge. He says the headphones are comfortable to wear for long periods of time. We would not hesitate to purchase these again.
Me costaron 2700 pesos mexicanos en Amazon de oferta y estoy satisfecho
Pros: cancelacin de ruido buena (casi premium pero menor), buena compatibilidad con tile, sonidos de medios,altos y bajos equibilibrado(los bajos no son super brutales pero son buenos), viene con estuche y eso se agradece, tiene el modo monitor y eso me encanta, la compatibilidad es buena y en trminos generales es bueno.
Contras: Los materiales no son tan asquerosos como los Hesh 3, pero tampoco son tan buenos como los Crusher ANC, las almohadillas se giran para enfrente y no haca atrs, no son 100% plegables, pero si se pueden girar las almohadillas.
No he comprado muchos audfonos pero estos son los mejores sin duda. Son cmodos, en estos tiempos de cuarentena los uso casi 7hrs diarias y NO me llegan a incomodar.
En el apartado del sonido no soy ningn experto pero para mi tienen un excelente sonido y volumen.
La batera tienen una buena duracin ya que me ha llegado a durar ms de 10 das con una sola carga de 2hrs aprox
En cuentin de materiales, no son lo mejor que hay pero con un uso normal duran 1 ao son ningn dao, los mos se han roto de un lado del plstico donde va el tornillo en la diadema pero ha sido por un descuido y sobre esfuerzo al abrirlos, pero nada que un poco de cinta no arregle.
Yo los he comprado hace 10 meses por $1600 pesos mx as que los considero excelente compra a ese precio.
I feel these are the best skullcandy headphones that I have had. The active noise cancellation is decent, not the best, but decent. Sound is pretty much what you would expect from Skullcandy. Battery life is great and I like the button layout.
Overall the headphone is good quality, really good sound on bluetooth from the tv and listening to music. The earcups could be a bit larger as they get pinchy after a while. I would give five stars except for mode that allows you to suspend noise cancellation and hear ambient sounds started to emit a loud hiss and is unuseable. But by going back to cancellation mode it returns everything to normal. Added 2 days later—- Fixed the white noise hissing by taking apart left earphone and gently moving several soldered wires which have long bare lengths on the ends. I presume that the bare wires were touching or near something on the circuit board that caused the noise. Works perfectly now. Five Stars.
Great headphones on every aspect: sound, mic, battery, noise cancellation
Really tight fit since not expandable enough, had to return since gave me headaches
I’ve been using the SkullCandy Hesh 3 for about 4 years now, and I liked them so much that I bought a second pair when I lost the first. Then I decided to get the SkullCandy Venue for their active noise cancelling feature which works pretty good in my opinion. As a truck driver, it’s great to cancel out the road noise in my cab while driving such as the engine, tires, and wind. Sound quality is excellent as expected from SkullCandy, and I was happy to see that the controls are very similar to the Hesh 3’s that I’m so used to. My only complaint would be that people complain about my microphone quality on phone calls. They tell me it sounds “so 2006” whatever that means.
The size is perfect for my daughter, but tight for me (size 7 3/8 hat size). The sound quality and noise cancellation are good. They are not as sturdy as the more expensive brands. It’s nice to have a 3.5 mm cord for devices that doesn’t have Bluetooth or if the battery is dead. The charging connector is a micro-USB. For the price, they are a good buy.
These headphones are comfortable and paired well with my iPhone but won’t pair with my PS4
I bought two pairs of these for when my husband and I fly. We take some long 9-10 hour flights. They work really well when watching a movie in the seat back. You don’t hear the engine noise, its like watching a moving on your TV at home. When the captain or attendant comes on with an announcement it comes right through the head phones so you don’t miss it. One of my kids spent $300 on a pair from a different manufacturer and they don’t sound any better but they do have a nice feature this one doesn’t. This one you have to click a switch to turn it off and on while wearing them. Some more expensive ones you just tap one side of the headphones with your hand or finger which is more convenient but not necessary. I think this one is a better value.
Noise cancellation is amazing for the price.
Battery is very good and it has fast charging also.
Sound is bass heavy and may cause problem to those who dont like bass but not that much.
Build is solid and looks dashing.
These are a great purchase. The noice cancellation is 80% as good as Sony or Bose and compared to those these are half the price and half the weight so you can actually wear them for a longer period of time. And if I’m not mistaken these are the only headphones with built in Tile and I can hear the headphones make a alert noise when I’m looking for them but the room has to be really quiet in order for me to hear it.
I’ve been using these for 3 hours how and they dont hurt my head or ears at all. They are super comfy and the sound is amazing. My only issue is the noise cancelling isnt amazing, it’s kind of weak and the anc although they are mics and you can hear them active when listening to music the anc just turns the music up.
These headphones are phenomenal. Outstanding battery life and incredibly easy to connect to. The noise cancelling is brilliant too, making my long commute on the bus much more pleasant and quiet.
Was a little concerned at first of committing to these just because the price point was so low I didn’t believe the quality could be so good.
Well I am completely surprised. The quality of sound and product compared to price is a steal. I have a pair of wired Bose headphones that are amazing and these come close to matching the quality of noise cancelling in those. The ANC is a little loud and there is some hiss from time to time that is noticeable depending on what you are listening to, but for the price this is somewhat expected.
I have had these for a little less than a week but so far I am very pleased.
Looked and listened to several brands before deciding on these. I’m not a musician but LOVE music. These charged rather quickly out of the box. Paired quickly to all my devices. Haven’t tried tv yet but that is not an area I planned to use them for. A little snug around the ears and hoping this will ease up after using more. I also wear glasses and it takes a little time TO find the best placement so ears are not hurting. Again, these are brand new and haven’t been on heads of all sizes like the ones in the stores. ANC works great inside my home. Outside and the gym are other test areas that still need to be done. Bought primarily for my trip to CA in June. Plane rides in the past very noisy even with ear buds. That will be the true test. Anyway, buttons take getting used to, pretty stiff but it’s new. Sound is AMAZING! I can hear all instruments; something I wasn’t hearing through ear buds (not expensive ones). Used on a phone call and could hear perfectly although, volume topped out and I would have liked it a little louder. Person I was speaking to could hear me clearly. Maybe the volume is a safety feature or, my phone(old OS system). I bought a new phone with 9.0 Pie so will try music & phone call again to see if sound is louder. Good thing about this since I could hear myself talking, was my speaking volume was normal. I’ll try to come back to review airplane experience and out in louder surroundings. Overall, these are great for the price and I’m looking forward to reguarly using them.
Headphones are good and cancels noise
Sound is good
Good for conference calls
Found it at lighting deal so at 10k price features are good
Battery lasts for 2 days
You need to always have ANC feature on to hear anything else sound is not at all good.
A bit bulky
You guys nailed it..
Noise cancellation should be better but still it’s upto the mark.
Giving 4 star because bass and noise cancellation can be better.
Bought these as a knock around set for daily commute to keep my Bose for travel. So far these have exceeded my expectations. I did some research for anc sets under about 150 and these seem to own the space especially when they get as low as 120.
Rtings ranking rabk these pretty favorable against most anc headsets they aren’t Sony or Bose.
I do get some random drop outs from time to time where it seems the sets go into monitor mode for about 3 seconds m this has been a recent phenomenon as it didn’t happen during the first few weeks of use.
The sound is about average with some boomy bass but average for general music that doesn’t thump.
Also wish they hugged a little closer to my head as using them when active they do tend to move a bit; in fairness they aren’t really advertised for gym use.
They also do not feel extremely sturdy, and do creak a bit when flexing. For the price point however I don’t think there are a better set available.
These are just as described. I gave a 5 overall because of that and 4 for every feature because they are still a lower end headphone set. Great beats for your buck! Even better on a warehouse deal!
lo que es grandioso es la durabilidad de la bateria, el ajuste, aun que despues de varias hrs, duelen un poco las oirejas, materiales muy comodos pero la precion que hacen, no es tan confortable, la reduccion de ruido fenomenal, y el sonido…. si no ocupas mucho bajo, no estan mal… pero si necesitas bajos potentes esta no es la opcio
ot quite as loud or Bassey as crushers but nice anc headphones not very loud with anc turned off
los mios me salieron mal, hacian un ruido extrao. pero no me quejo de nada, el empaque es genial, vienen con su estuche y varios cables, su sonido es muuuy bueno, materiales buenos, nada que pedir a los sony mas caros
Queste cuffie sono bellissime e funzionano benissimo. Le raccomando senza esitazioni!
– graves de calidad
– no se saturan graves y agudos con volumen alto
– para edicin de video y grabar audio son excelentes con la cancelacin de sonido
– para uso cotidiano son aceptables, solo un poco incmodos por tiempos prolongados
Cumple con la caracterstica principal que es la cancelacin de ruido, aunque si desactivas la funcin el sonido es muy bajo.
Los materiales son cmodos aunque un poco frgiles lo cual se compensa porque incluye un estuche rgido que los protege de golpes.
Me encant el hecho de que son audfonos de alta calidad por un precio bastante razonable, sin embargo, por estos mismos hechos no son perfectos, ya que la cancelacin del ruido manejada de manera digital tiene ciertas deficiencias en ciertas frecuencias, lo cual hace que uno dependa del aumento del volumen para lograr una mejor inmersin, hecho que no es exactamente beneficioso para la salud auditiva.
Esta ha sido una experiencia de audio completamente diferente con respecto a mi ltimo set de audfonos, y por eso me encantan! Adems del hecho de que tienen una excelente vida de batera.
Great sound, comfortable for the most part other than the space for your ears is too small in my opinion. Definitely hard to wear for long periods of time. Noise cancellation works great. Microphone works awesome as well.
Excelentes auriculares.
La cancelacin de ruido es muy buena.
Lo nico malo es que al apagar la cancelacin de ruido tambin lo hace el audio de los auriculares y tienes que subir al mximo el volume
Los audfonos son de muy buena calidad, el armado es excelente y con buenos materiales, en lo particular, tuve los Crusher Wireless, y decid cambiarlos por estos ya que los Crusher Eran ms pesados y en viajes largos podan llegar a molestar, a lo que los Venue llegaron a beneficiar, son ms ligeros, adems de que el ANC es una ventaja enorme, eso s, no esperes los mismos bajos que el Crusher, sin embargo El sonido es excelente.
Cabe destacar que la calidad de sonido mejora sin el ANC activado.
Good headphones. Cannot be compared to the bose or sony ones. The sound cancellation is decent and can cover up noises on planes and other midly crowded places. The battery life is incredible. Gives around 15 hours with ANC on. The design is neat and they’re comfortable on your head. They can be worn for hours and you won’t feel anything.
The venue is the best headset I’ve ever used noise cancellation actively cancels most if not all ambient noise , most traffic noises and dialogue on the underground the aesthetics are great (white) and most importantly the sound, the sound is amazing and takes you away it might not match the crusher’s haptic bass and all but it still packs a very strong punch and the sound is very clear which makes it good to listen to any type of music And the battery is just outstanding especially
that 10 minute 5 hour use thing which really saves your hide out there when commuting however I took one star off for 2 reasons
1. There is a bit of a creaky sound when moving the ear cups the whole thing is very sturdy but still i don’t like that
2. There is a bit of bleed in the noise when using ANC and on max volume
It has been a year with this headset and it’s quality is still holding up and tbh it still eclipses any other headset in the same price point and now it even has a 50% off it’s a steal and the anc still goes fine over cancelling traffic and unwanted noises and the build is still fine and not a dent or a scratch is on it but to be honest don’t get the white and red one because it gets dirty easily and dirt isn’t just like low-key since it is white it is also very pronounced
I got these for around $130 and they definitely met expectations. Granted I’ve only used these for one day so far so hopefully they hold up over time. The noise cancellation is solid. I take the metro to class and to work every day and my commute is 1-1.5 hours each way so I like having something that’s able to allow me to just relax and listen to music. These are the best pair of ANC headphones I’ve owned (the only other pair I’ve owned were anker soundcores) but it isn’t perfect. However, I don’t need it to be perfect just good enough to drown out the metro sound and small chitchat around me. Sound quality is solid as far as I’m concerned (I’m not an audiophile). I listen to mostly kpop, american pop and EDM. Battery life has been good so far.
Es una excelente opcin para personas que buscan calidad, y disfrutan la msica. A m parecer suenan mejor que audfonos el doble de caros.
Love these headphones! Highly recommend! These are the second pair we bought in three years!
Everything is “Really Good” with this headphones but just not “Top notch”. Scores 4 stars atleast, in all the features it promises compared to the much expensive ones out there. Actually a really good one at this price point I must say. Just feels a little heavy though.
Noise Cancellation : 4.5/5.
Sound Quality: 4.5/5
Battery: 4/5 but quick charging is just so good. 15mins for 5hrs is like too good and came in quite handy for me at times. I’m a heavy user of bluetooth headphones and I use them mainly for taking calls or listening to podcasts and sometimes for music. This one have been really good for me so far.
Updating my ratings after trying out few models from Bose. I felt Noise cancellation is really good for this price. If Bose gets 100 this should get 85 in my opinion after trying out both side by side in one of my Airplane travel.
Son geniales, tienen una excelente cancelacin de ruido, adicional se escuchan muy bien, la batera dura mucho tiempo, estoy muy conforme con la compra.
Overall the headset works great no major complaints. I bought the headset for airplane travel and calls. I would call the noise cancelling, noise quieting as you can still hear a good bit of background noise. I would not compare to Bose. But I also wouldn’t compare the price. What I have learned to like most about the headset is the Bluetooth phone capabilities and battery life . It is very clear and mic works well. The battery is great 30+ hours on a charge. I haven’t listened to slot of music, but the few times I did so felt the quality was solid. I would also like to comment briefly in the comfort, I was skeptical when thinking I would wear these for 8-12 hour + a day. They are very light, comfortable, and no stress on the neck.
Works perfectly with the phones, we had to send back as we couldn’t pair to our stereo. But with the phones they work great, lightweight and much cheaper than Bose!
This is the first attempt of Skullcandy with High end and top shelf kind of quality with Headphones to compete with the names like Sennheiser and Bose. So this is what i feel about this particular product.
1. Sound Quality – This is really improved from the previous versions of Skullcandy as they have paid attention to overall sound quality instead of just the heavy bass which we often associate with Skullcandy. So kudos to them on this front. You will really find a soothing and balanced sound, for all kinds of music.
2. Noise Cancellation – With the feature of Active NC, Skullcandy has upped the ante. The ANC is just a click away in your headphones and you can easily differentiate the change. Moreover, the monitor mode is really one good feature. You can just click once, and you can easily speak or listen to someone without removing your headphones or halting the music. Overall they can still improve on Noise Cancellation. But for this price, it is worth every penny spent.
3. Packing – These headphones come with a Hard protective case which easily conceals your headphones and the Charging and Aux cable. This way you are always carefree about it while travelling.
Other than this, the headphone took less than 2 hours to completely charge with my Samsung S8+ charger. I charged them 5 days back and i use it neary 2 hours everyday. Still the battery is more than 60% and Im continuously using on Bluetooth and ANC mode. So battery won’t disappoint you.
Overall i can say that this product is worth buying for all the money they are asking. Nice sound quality, Noise cancellation works just fine and the overall comfort and usage is just outstanding. Go for it.
Best headphone in this price range.
Sound quality is really good.
Tile feature is an additional advantage which helps you to track the headphone.
Really satisfied.
Muy buena cancelacin de ruido, buen sonido y equilibrado, resistentes, cmodos, y un diseo muy elegante.
This past weekend I actually went to Best Buy and bought a pair of Bose headphones for $230 and returned them an hour later. They sounded awful and weren’t worth $230.. Now, these are worth the full price you pay for them and I highly recommend them! I ordered them Monday at 2am and received them Tuesday around 10:30am. They block out a good amount of noise, affordable, sound great, very comfortable and they stand out at the gym since everyone goes for name brand Beats or Sony.
Not the best for noise canceling.
Overall the price and sounds quality is well worth it!
My son uses these everyday. Attaches them to his phone. Loves them.
Die Venue haben mich echt positiv berrascht. Bei den Kopfhrern mangelt es an gar nichts! Die wohl auffallend strksten Attribute der Kopfhrer ist der Sound und die Akkulaufzeit. Auch die ANC-Funktion hat einwandfrei funktioniert.
Bin mega zufrieden!
Great headphones, noise reduction is great, packaged well came quickly.
Cmo siempre Skullcandy no defrauda.
Petit bemol: micro non integr au casque lors des appels telephoniques
Cot droit deffectueux qui gresille demande de retour faite
Can’t really afford to spend another 120 on another pair of headphones.
Does anyone know what the warranty is on these? Surely this price, for 8 months… it’s quite upsetting.