Spigen Slim Armor Pro Case Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G – Black

Dimensions: | 6.35 x 1.27 x 16.51 cm; 56.7 Grams |
Model: | ACS03078 |
Manufacture: | Spigen |
Origin: | Korea, Republic of |
Dimensions: | 6.35 x 1.27 x 16.51 cm; 56.7 Grams |
Model: | ACS03078 |
Manufacture: | Spigen |
Origin: | Korea, Republic of |
It’s an expensive case for an expensive phone. It’s great but only thing is you can’t lay it flat when you have it in unfolded form.
I saw quite a few negative reviews on this case, some about price, with which I agree, and others about the quality.
I have to say, it fits the phone perfectly imo, make sure to apply any screen protectors before sticking it in the case, once it’s in it won’t do it any good to be keep removing it. The phone doesn’t move within the case at all, it’s a solid construction with a quality feel. The hinge is protected which was an absolute must for me, the hinge cover also acts as a ideal place to hold the phone. The phone is bulky anyway but if anything it’s easier to hold in the case.
All in all this case gives me confidence when carrying the phone around, can recommend.
It’s overpriced for sure, but then so is the phone, imo…
The case is very durable and and isn’t as bulky as I thought it’d he but it’s very difficult to type on the front screen because of the raised edges
It’s obviously expensive but it definitely useful. I actually sent my phone for repair due to the hidge wearing out so from expirence it worth having some protection for i
5 stars. Rare to get from me but this was a great fitting case. Folds very nicely.
+ Case has a good feel. The textured surface allows for solid positive grip, it’s less likely to slip from your hands than say, a smooth finished case.
+ Good protection at all sides, even small folded screen is protected by a slightly raised lip.
+ Hinge is fully protected, opened or closed.
+ Fit’s snug inside the case.
– No S-Pen storage.
– Case does not sit flat, unless phone is placed face down. The raised protective crown (raised molding) around the camera lens is the reason. Not that big of an issue, but if you want to be picky; I’d prefer flat.
– Case is NOT slim or thin, don’t be mis-lead by the advertised name-sake. Measures 0.8″ or almost 1 inch.
– Not really worth the price, should have incorporated S-Pen holder.
I purchased this case to replace a different case I originally purchased with this phone. People complain about the price of this case but I spent nearly the same thing on the original case and it was no where near as solid as this one. I especially like the fact that the hinge is protected where most cases do not offer that. Yes, the case makes the phone feel a little bulky but the phone itself is a little bulky when folded. Overall I highly recommend this case if you’re looking to buy one.
Essendo moltro protettiva come cover occupa pi spazio. Non una cover da tasca ed il copri cerniera laterale un po scomodo nel apertura del telefono
This case is perfect it protects the phone it is well made and does not feel cheap. It does add a little bit of bulk to your phone but in my opinion it makes it easier to hold. Either way it’s a awesome case by a great brand I just wish they made a screen protector for my Sony xperia 1 III.
Excellent phone case. I gave 4 stars because the price is very high but definitely the best case for this phone
Hallo Leser/innen,
habe mir bewusst drei Hllen bestellt fr das Handy , um mich dann, meiner Meinung nach, fr die Beste zu entscheiden.
Da ich mir jedes Jahr das neue Modell hole, war fr mich wichtig, dass das Handy rundrum geschtzt ist und alle Funktionen gut zu erreichen sind, damit ich es wieder gut verkaufen kann.
Das ist mit diesem Spigen Case der Fall.
Leider kann man bei diesem Case keinen Stift unterbringen, wie bei der Samsung Hlle,
allerdings nutze ich den Stift nicht so oft und somit ist mir der Rundumschutz wichtiger.
Eine Noname Hlle habe ich auch bestellt, war auch fast perfekt, man konnte einen Stift unterbringen , das Handy war auch rundum geschtzt, aber das Problem war , das runterscollen der Frontseite war nur bei mehrmaligen Versuchen mglich, da die Hlle nicht, wie bei der Spigen Hlle , eine kleine Aussparung hat, um vernnftig nach unten zu wischen.
Die Spigen Hlle muss man verkleben, damit das Ganze richtig hlt , das ist schade, so kann man nicht ab und zu mal die Hllen wechseln.
Das ist aber bei den meisten Hllen, bei denen das Scharnier verdeckt ist, der Fall.
Ich gebe trotzdem 5 Sterne fr die Spigen Hlle, weil sie robust und edel aussieht.
Liebe Gre
Case fits great, looks good, and seems to be of good quality. I have no complaints just curious how it will hold up over time.
Got my fold3 about 2 weeks ago and had a different case for most of that time but just wasn’t confident about that one so replaced it with this one. I put this new case on a few days ago and was happy with how easily it went on and how robust it felt. Finally a case I was confident enough with to use the adhesive strips to attach to my shiny new phone more permanently.
Others have made the point that this case is a little pricey and I definitely agreed at $80 but decided to go ahead and give it a try and I am extremely glad I did. Last night I managed to drop my phone on my driveway from around waist height. It was closed but fell flat down on the front screen side, bounced and skidded under a parked car. I was certain that it was done for. Picked it up, ready for the worst but had no need to worry. Two very small scuffs on the case and absolutely no damage to my phone at all.
Only feedback I have for Spigen is maybe see about adding the capability to hold the s-pen somehow?
Best case on the market for the Fold 3. I previously bought a cheaper case for my phone and after 2 weeks I dropped it on the fold and chipped the outside of my phone. Then after that I looked around for a case including fold protection and this was the only one I could find. It’s a very sturdy case and has saved me on a few occasions and still keeps the phone relatively slim. The only downfall of this is the very steep price
This case has handled life fantastically! I’ve dropped my phone at least 3 or 4 times now and aside from scratches to the case there has been no damage. The case was spendy but when you are protecting a $2000 phone you want to make sure it’s safe. I love the hinge cover. That was my problem with other cases, no hinge protection. Highly recommend.
Have always purchased Spigen cases from the Galaxy S2 Onwards and always have been impressed by the quality and effectiveness of the protection given.
However; never have I come across a case so exorbitantly priced by the manufacturer for what amounts to a hinge, plastic and adhesive! They really ARE milking the consumer here!!!! To add insult to injury; I got a free s-pen with my phone but I have nowhere to put it! I feel with very little effort that they could make the hinge protector into a s-pen holder which would justify the price.
Saying that the case is excellent and provides full hinge protection, so for me there was no other acceptable option for such an expensive phone. Having cracked the screen on my S8 and scratched the one on my S10; I also invested in Spigen Glass protectors for the front screen and cameras on the back which pair well and hopefully mean the phone will still be worth something next millennium when my contract ends.
The hinge DOES rub against the phone but if sand etc. would get in there I can see it scratching an unprotected hinge (glass protector for the front screen includes film hinge protector). The manual for the phone however basically says sand is the devil – you shouldn’t allow it near your phone with or without a case!
I first off purchase the Samsung silicone case for 30 however decided around a week later I needed more protection!
I bought this case because of the hinge protection, that was the main reasoning. After watching countless YouTube videos and reading many reviews it seemed this was my best option.
After around a month of using the case, I love it, however. If you are using on the primary screen I find it very hard to touch the corners in games, if you are playing anything with setting buttons on the sides it will be a struggle.
The case is perfect however and that is my only nit pic other than the price! The case is raised at the front and also has a camera bump to protect your cameras, the inner screens are fully protected and so is that hinge!
I recommend this case to anyone who works in a tough environment! At the end of the day, 90 on a 1600 phone. Well worth i
The only negative is that it doesn’t allow your phone to lay flat when “unfolded”. That is not an issue worth risking this expensive piece of tech over. 95% of cell phone owners have a ring, mounting plate or card holder on the back of their phone anyways that would keep the phone from laying flat regardless of the case. Personally, I like that it tilts my phone up a few degrees when unfolded. Even if I didn’t like it, there are so few options on the market for this phone and, even less that offer reliable hinge protection. I’ve researched every case on and off Amazon and, if you can put a little trust in me, you will be making the right decision to put your Fold3 in this case. In a perfect world, this case is not optimal (though close to it). In the real world with the scarce options for clothing your Fold baby, this case is optimal.
I love this case! It makes the phone just a little thicker (obviously, all cases do) but anyone who is purchasing a ZFold 3 shouldn’t be worried about imo, because someone who is purchasing a ZFold 3 is buying it knowing it is a big phone. The reason I love this case so much is that it makes my fragile ZFold 3 very secure….and this is coming from someone who has already cracked a screen (front screen, literally cracked it in my pocket some how….got a new phone through insurance) on their phone, before this case came in. I was worried by the adhesive tape being what holds the case on, but really the case snaps on very securely even without the adhesive. I think the adhesive is just a safety precaution more than the main source of attachment. I would highly suggest this case to anyone who has a ZFold 3 and is looking for a way to keep that investment safe.
En effet peu de coque protgent cette partie qui est pourtant assez sensible aux chocs et pour avoir souvent vu tomber mon smartphone de mes poches au travail, je suis trs satisfaite.
Personnellement je trouve la coque sobre, discrte et pas si encombrante par rapport a d’autres modles du mme genre ou preque, protegeant moins bien le tlphone.
Surtout, j’apprcier que la charnire, pice matresse de l’appareil, soit entirement envelope et l’extrieur en plastique de cette dernire soit l’abris des raflures et impacts, au dtriment de poser l’appareil plat sur une surface pour visionner un film sur le grand cran.
Les saisies de texte sur l’cran externe, au niveau du contour de la coque sont moins precises mais c’est encore un moindre mal compar la protection intgrale gagne en utilisant cette coque.
Le principal dfaut c’est la colle des autocollants de la coque, moins efficaces force de retirer le smartphone de l’tui, mme s’il y en a de rechange, il est impossible d’en racheter individuellement… dommage pour une coque ce prix
Love it allot as its been months since I have this case on my phone holds on well and it made to fold the phone easier open and close! So durable and it has a hinges protective cover too!
Je n’irais pas jusqu’ le faire tomber pour tester sa rsistance mais pour un usage quotidien ou la phablette est souvent ballot dans la pochette avec divers accessoires coupants, tranchants, mtalliques lourds a fait le job.
Personnellement je trouve la coque magnifique et je prfre la savoir paisse que toute fine pour un smartphone ce prix, dont peu de coque de protection fiables existent et sont connues… et j’apprcie que la charnire pice matresse de l’appareil soit entirement envelopee et l’extrieur en plastique de cette dernire soit l’abris des raflures dues aux frottement, tant pis si l’appareil ne peut tre pos compltement plat sur un support.
A voir dans le temps si elle tient malgr les retraits et les insertions excessifs du z fold 3 de la housse…
Taper avec l’cran secondaire est moins pratique mais au regard de la protection presque intgrale apport c’est un moindre mal
This case may be expensive but worth every penny it’s so protective and secure I’ve dropped my phone countless times and no problems
A lot of people get this, the glass camera protector and screen protector togeather, tbh I did as well and after first putting the case on which to me wasn’t that hard if you followed the instructions made me wonder if others put the screen protector on first.
The case is a very tight fit especially on the front glass, that tiny added bit of thickness from the screen protector would make it much more discount to put on.
Also if you do buy a screen protector you can only really put it on the big inside screen as the case covers too much around the sides for the protector to be put on afterwards.
I like everything about this case. Very well made, looks good, good protection what more can I say. As others have stated icons along the edges are a little harder to select, but it is easily dealt with. I highly recommend this case. It is also as slim as you can go an still protect the device. The hinge cover is very functional.
A little bit pricey, but the best case by far for this phone, actually protects the fold on the side of the phone
Though the quality of this is questionable I feel like for a phonecase I’ve hyped up getting for months, I’m content with what came. Matte touch makes me actually use the phone one handed without fear of dropping it. Works with screen protectors. I Enjoy how bulky is tho cuz it makes the phone feels more rich for some reason. It’s maybe worth 34-55 dollars at best tho wait out till it gets cheaper if you ca
-provides 360 degree protection including the hinge
-sturdy and thoughtfully built
-grooves on the sides helps phone opening and closing
-precise cut outs
-Matt soft touch finish
-internal adhesive tapes are strong and they dont damage phone and dont leave any marks on phone
-Hinge protector allows holding phone with signal hand in open condition
-adds bulk to the phone
-no cut out for Sim slot i.e. Case has to be removed to take out sin card
Case look very nice and durable. But why it covered up the sim tray? For International travelers, I would not recommend get this case. At least Samsung’s case does not cover sim tray and comes with stylus and stylus holder.
Overall the quality and fit is amazing with this case. It adds bulk but the reality is I want it to protect the phone and it does just that. Only minor thing I find slightly annoying is when using the small front facing screen the case interferes with the slide menu function from being accessed easily.
To be honest, there was only half a minutes worth of hesitation by myself as I was holding my 1800 z fold 3 in my hand before I pressed buy now on this case. The phone is amazing, a true work of art and this case, although it adds considerable bulk to the handset. Only enhances and protects the beauty for me.
Yes so what it’s a penny short of 90 quid. But if you want to have a piece of technology real estate that’s worth more than the average second hand car to most people, then that’s the price you should expect to pay to keep it pristine!
Love my case, and would recommend it to anyone!
Es gibt keinen besseren Rundumschutz!
Verarbeitung ist absolut Top! Wie immer bei Spigen.
Panzerglas von Spigen passt perfekt!
Der Preis, ist wirklich enorm, aber man sollte berlegen was das Z Fold 3 kostet…
Die Hlle, kann, wenn gewollt auch am Gert mit vorinstallierten Klebestreifen befestigt werden. Ich selber habe die Hlle OHNE zu “verkleben” angebracht und nutze es jetzt seit 2 Monaten so. Keine Probleme!!! Hllt auch ohne die Streifen Tip Top!
Bevor man hier schlecht bewertet, sollte man sich einen Artikel genau ansehen.
Fakt ist:
Wer einen Perfekten Schutz fr sein Z Fold 3 sucht, ist hier trotz des hohen Preises von aktuell 90, sehr gut bedient.
Would be nice if there was a hole to attach lanyard /wrist strap. Overall a Great product, very well designed.
Ich persnlich finde die Hlle sehr gut aber sie ist ziemlich teuer und die kanten sind sehr fett auf dem vorderen Display. Zudem staubt das Handy extrem in der Hlle was das fold ja eigentlich nicht gern hat. Alles in allem bin ich zufrieden wrde diese aber wahrscheinlich nicht nochmal kaufen. Ich suche noch die perfekte Hlle
This is a solid case that will protect your big investment provide the cover is closed when it falls. It will double the thickness of your phone, making it hard to get into a pair of jeans. Never use the pen holder if you want to keep your pen. But it’s a strong case. I put glow in the dark tape on mine so I could find it in the dark but that was a big waste of money. If the size of the phone doesn’t faze you, this is a sturdy case…provided it’s closed when it falls. There’s no real magnetic mechanism to keep it closed, and that’s a bummer. It keeps a decent case from being a very good case. UT given the dearth of cases for this phone, this may be a good bet. It comes from a decent brand, always a plus.
The case is extremely sturdy and one of the only ones that offers protection for the spine/hinge of the phone. The limitations: When fully open (because of eh spine protector) the phone will not lie flat on a table. If you want to type on the phone keypad it is quite awkward. The other limitation is when trying to reach the letters on the keyboard when the phone is closed in the portrait configuration. The edges of the case become a hinder. So how do I use this case: I have a Samsung sleeve leather case which I use majority of the time and it offers good spine coverage. However when I go on a hike into the woods or I will be in an environment where a drop of the phone is more likely, I switch to the Spigen. It is a bit of an effort to change, but it is worth it given the cost of the phone and potential consequences.
Been holding up well. Dropped the phone in the case and no scratch or damage. Love the case. Only down side for some i can see is that the hinge covering part makes it so the device is not flat when fully open. But you can just close it or have it half open. If its fully ope. It works in a stand or you can hold it.
Appears to provide full protection. Adds bulk but you’re protecting your 2G investme
Also ich muss sagen ,es ist die beste Hlle fr das fold 3 . Es ist echt bombe und hat sich absolut gelohnt . Das fold ist nackt fr mich zu glatt und einfach zu schmal . Mit der Hlle Rutsch fest und hinten die Wlbung super passend fr die Finger und dem grip.. nur zum empfehlen ,auch mit dem hohem Preis..
Das Case ist fr mich das Beste zur Zeit auf dem Markt.Sehr gute Verarbeitung,ich habe es ohne Kleber in Benutzung,es hlt perfekt!Der Preis ist sicher heftig,aber das Fold kostet auch keine 200 EURO!Wer bereit ist,1800 Euro fr das Teil zu bezahlen,sollte die 89 Euro doch verschmerzen knnen.Und der Stift???Samsung bietet ihn ja gar nicht an,nur als Extra.Und das Case,Kunststoff,kostet dort auch 73 Euro.Aber dann liegt das Fold richtig schief.
I LOVE the fact that this case covers the spine of the phone. I don’t know why they don’t make more cases that do that. So many cases don’t cover it and before I got this case, my phone fell right on the spine so it just makes sense not to have any part of the phone exposed. It’s not cheap BUT neither is the phone.
Absolutely brilliant case, nice and slim, able to use my phone just as easy with the case on as I could without it only I feel much safer with the case on my phone and it is definitely protected now
man this thing is by far the best case out there for the z fold 3. it may not house an s pen but this thing is comfortable in the hand and feels like it will protect your phone. easy access to your volume buttons and finger print. it doesn’t add any bulk and the phone opens really easy. I also got the spigen camera screenprotector and that thing is badass too. highly recommend getting both.
This is the 2nd case I have tried for my Z fold 3. The first one I had was the clear one from Spigen. While it worked fine, I really wanted the hinge protection. The slim armor pro has a very high quality feel to it and looks amazing. I like that it covers the entire phone, makes it look more uniform while folded compared to other cases. The hinge protector when unfolded is actually nice to have something to rest my fingers against in landscape orientation. As others have said, it is a crazy price…but you already shelled out $1800…what’s another $80 to protect your device, and with style.
I own several cases, and my current daily driver is from casemate. The spigen has superior quality materials, but the hinge is only attached to the front face. The casemate hing is attached to the front and rear pieces, but is made with inferior plastic and slighlty bulkier.
I was wanting a Urban Armor Gear case so bad until I saw their lazy, cheap offering and decided to go with Spigen. This and the Pro Armor are truly nice cases that protect the spine of your phone. Word of warning DO NOT ADHERE THE STICKER THAT IS OVER YOUR 5G ANTENNA (located above the volume rocker). I’ve seen users complain that when they needed to take off the case the antenna came with it . I just left the sticker cover on that part and adhered the rest of the stickers so that the case doesn’t move when opening the phone. Great stuff Spigen!
I am shocked at how little additional but the case adds and the spine when open makes for a good hand grip.
Complete protection when dropped closed.
Only issue with the spine is that it makes it harder to wireless change in tablet mode, small sacrifice in the grand scheme of thins
Well worth it. Solid case, hinge protection. Nothing else like it out there at the moment. Must purchase.
Dislike : to hard take off the case , maybe riff off 5G antenna on the phone right corner and no slot for change SIM card. Not convenient for every time change SIM card, need take out the case
This is equivalent to having an Otter Box Defender on your iPhone or Galaxy phone only better. It looks fantastic and has a great feel in the hand. It adds a considerable amount of bulk but it still pulls off a stylish appearance. The hinge protection is awesome, pure, plain,and simple. My biggest gripe is that I do feel it is grossly over priced by about $20-30. Spigen may not want to hear it and I know they are in it to make a profit, but for what you get, it’s just not reasonably priced. However, my reasoning for getting it is that I wanted the best protection I could get without a folio over the front display and this is most definitely it.
The only thing that would make this better (besides an adjustment on the price), is a slot or place for the S-Pen. I wrote them regarding this very thing and asked if they could get to work on it. Then I could better justify a higher price.
Case is 100% solid. I feel like I could run my fold3 over with a tank and have full protection. Never purchased spigen cases before but will from now on.
This comes as 2 separate pieces, a front screen with spine protector and a back piece. The spine protector is like a hinge, you can lift it up. I think it added a significant bulk and weight to the phone but the phones a hefty sum of money so I deal with it to keep the phone safe. It does take up a decent amount of the already small front screen but again, I just want my phone safe. I end up using the inside screen majority of the time anyway. Overall I would recommend to start with until theres more variety of cases to choose from. I think it was a bit pricey for a phone case but theres really not much for options right now, especially ones that protect the spine and elevate the camera to not hit the table when you set it down. Someone had said something about the spine protector scratching the phone so i put a clear screen protector underneath but i haven’t noticed it doing anything or sharp spots.
Wenn es um den Schutz des Folds geht, ist diese Hlle Richtigste. Sie bietet einen umfassenden Schutz inkl. Scharnierschutz. Jedoch das Fold mit Hlle zusammen ist extrem dick geworden. Meine Frau hat sich negativ berrascht und hat gesagt, dass die Hlle den Wert des Folds vermindert. Ich bin leider mit der Aussage meiner Frau einverstanden. Einen Tag nach erstem Gebrauch der Hlle habe ich entschieden, diese zurckzuschicken.
Wenn euch die Gesamtdicke nicht strt, seid ihr richtig.
The cost is a bit costly. Regardless the cover gives sufficient protection to the phone. The case also has protection for the spine of the fold 3.
This is a very good case. It fits well, it stays on and it protects the phone. It does add a little bulk but that is to be expected. The price is the only thing that let’s the case down.
Expensive for what it is but a small price to pay for protecting an expensive device.
Some say it adds size to a already sizeable product but in my opinion I don’t think it is too bad.
It’s easier to grip, easier to open and in general just feels a lot more robust.
If you’ve got a z fold 3 wrap it in this!
par ailleurs, la charnire empche de le poser a plat sur une table ou un support plat, c’est logique, mais c’est gnant !
et le prix bien sur….
par contre, il semble bien protge
Yes i agree too, it’s way to expensive. But I had to buy it as it was the only proper case out there to give me piece of mind.. however be Aware.. you might need to put black electric tape at the ends of the moving corner flap from the inside to prevent the flap from rubbing against the top and bottom edges of the hinge. Also when you install it keep in mind that there has been reports online about the super strong glue on top of the corner that damage the 5G antenna when case is removed (just above the volume rocker).
Now you can prevent this by not using the adhesive above the volume rocker.. just cover it with something really thin or just don’t remove the tape what comes installed by factory.. on the event you have already installed the case as intended by spiegen I’d heat that corner before I remove so the super strong glue doesn’t rip out the antenna.. look on YouTube you will see videos explaining this.
However, the case proved more fragile then the phone in the end. My phone fell out of my pocket while kneeling on the floor cleaning up a mess from one of my kids. Drop distance between 1-2 feet tops. Phone made out well, Spigen tough armor??? Not so much.
The case cracked in the corner near the hinge. No longer a snug fit and for some reason gorilla glue just won’t stick.
Ultimately I now recommend a pass on this case and suggest waiting for an OtterBox or something more robust to come out.
Yes I want my phone protected but I also want to case to hold up as well.
Can’t recommend this now
Spigen came through and is sending me a replacement. I didn’t realize how easy it was to submit a ticket to them on their website. After a couple pictures and two emails I now have a replacement on the way. It’s still appears to be a fragile case but I’m happy that they’re sending me a new one.
If you need such protection, then it is worth it but otherwise, for a fearly mundane use of the phone, It’s overpriced and too bulky.
– The fit is perfect. No movement from the case even without using adhesives to secure it.
– Really big lip around the front screen, the folded screen and the cameras. Nothing should get to them easily if dropped.
– Feels good in the hand, very solid and confidence inspiring. Exactly what you need when handling a 2k $ phone in a heavy machinery environment.
– Accommodates a glass screen protector for the front display with ease.
Cons :
– obviously expensive
– might be too bulky and heavy for some (you need to rely need such protection to justify the downsides of handling this much bulk daily)
– The spine/hinge protection, while arguably the best feature, is also a dust magnet. It needs to be lifted and cleaned daily with compressed air. (I also work in a fearly dusty and muddy environment but even on weekends, it gathers dust easily)
Happy with my purchase, just make sure you really need this before spending your hard earned money.
Excellent protection for the very expensive phone.
But….. the price for what you get is extortionate. Don’t get me wrong the case is a must for the z fold 3 but it’s just massively overpriced. Disappointed with spigen on that fro
Very good case, excellent fit great protection and not over the top styling. My only quibble is the price as it’s very expensive for what it is, but hopefully worth it (which having brought Spigen cases in the past it should be).
It was extremely easy to fit and gives me peace of mind that the hinge especially is now properly protected. The bonus of this case is that if you use Spigen’s excellent tempered glass screen protector and camera lens protector as well, the fit is absolutely perfect. Very highly recommended.
The case is well made & covers the phone from acidentle damage, its very expensive but if your rocking a 1700 phone then you’ll need a good case.
Provides protection and a solid grip when holding the phone. The hinge protection that pops out is a good convenient place to hold/grip the phone. It makes feel light and easy to handle.
Feels premium.
Worth the money no doub
The shipped installation guide is crap – I used a Youtube video instead.
+ Nevertheless, the installation of the product is very easy (after viewing Youtube video)
+ The product feels well und somehow even improves the look of the Fold3 (in my opinion)
+ I have the feeling, I now have more grip on the mobile than before
+ Fits perfectly to the Camera lense cover of Spigen (which I also bought)
+ Has a huge covering frame on the front which might be one of the weakest spots of the Fold3 (according to Fold3 drop video)
+ Hinge protection looks stable and long-lasting
+ Dropping the phone (with cover) while jogging on around 80 cm height to earth did not make any damage to cover or phone
+ The construction design of the Hinge cover further reduces the risk of Sand coming into the phone
+ In the future, there will be an additional front glas cover by Spigen, which will, when combined with this cover and the lens cover, make it a full 360 protection for the outside of the phone
– Huge framing cover on front makes it difficult to call the top menu (with bluetooth, Wifi, .. options) – by swiping from up to the middle of the screen because the finger cannot make contact with the very upper part of the cellphone front
– This also applies for letters on the keyboard on the very right side
– Price, price and price
– The hinge cover feels good, but still I am unsure if it will last (if it will auto-close) for multiple years
– Seems like the cover uses glue (“adhesive tapes”) .. unsure what will happen if I need so switch sim cards
– The mechanical / moving items for the Hinge protection are connected to the front, which decreases a bit the look of the cove
Nachdem Tough Armor von Spigen zurck gegangen ist wegen einer Beschdigung, entschied ich mich nun trotz des stolzen Preises hierfr, und ich bereue keinen Cent. Das Frontdisplay ist super zu bedienen, das Cover wirkt wertig und fhlt sich super an. Der Klappmechanismus scheint erstmal in Ordnung.
Natrlich muss das Handy wieder per Sticker festgeklebt werden, das liegt aber am Fold, und ist auch bei Samsung Hllen so.
Das einzige was schade ist, ist die Tatsache dass das Handy nun nicht mehr flach auf dem Tisch liegen kann, aber das ist der Preis des Schutzes denn man bekommt.
Ich hatte vorher die Spigen Tough Armor, da mir diese Hlle zu teuer ist.
Damit gab es leider Probleme wegen der Konstruktion, weshalb ich jetzt doch zu der deutlich teureren Alternative gewechselt habe.
Mit der Spigen Armor Pro sind alle meine Plagen der Tough Armor verschwunden. Der Schutz ist hier nochmal besser im Ganzen, ohne das das Fold 3 monstrser wurde. Der Schutz des Scharniers ist viel besser und es gibt keinerlei Probleme mehr beim Ausklappen des Fold 3. Dazu kommt, das man es angenehmer und sicherer in einer Hand halten kann. Legt man das Fold 3 flach auf den Tisch, schaukelt es zwar von links nach rechts, dreht man es allerdings um 90 (Kameraseite oben), kann man viel besser auf das Display schauen, da es zu einem geneigt ist. Bringt man auch ein Hllenfreundliches Panzerglas auf das Frontdisplay, ist die Bedienung, im geschlossenen Zustand super.
Deshalb 5 Sterne, auch wenn der S Pen keinen Platz findet und der Preis heftig ist.
This cover is definitely the best protection for th3 devic3 so far i have come across.. Materials are very high end it feels more of a rubberized fl3xible plastic.
More over good grip the hinge protection is the whipping you need.
Ich finde die Qualitt, die hier abgeliefert wird, absolut berragend.
Wer sich ber den Preis beschwert, der kann sich ja eine Billighlle bestellen. Diese Spigen Hlle erfllt alle Komfortstandards (auer einer Stifthalterung, die das Handy aber dann auch mega fett machen wrde).
Der Scharnierschutz ist einzigartig und ein muss. Wer ein 1800 Euro Handy schtzen will, hat auch noch 90 Euro brig, fr die Hlle
Der Preis ist in Anbetracht der Qualitt vllig gerechtfertigt.
Great grip, sturdy material, quick delivery. If you have sweaty hands like me, you might get some marks at the back but it’s not a big deal. So happy that the hinge is protected. Overall, very satisfied with the product.
The product is great and protects my z fold 3 fantastically. The problem is it doesn’t stay on well without the adhesives but once on I am concerned when removing the case the adhesive may damage the phone. Has anyone else experienced this ?
Strong, sturdy, resilient, good all around protection including the spine, good looks, accessibility to all ports
Bulky, sim slot not accessible, difficult to remove after application, camera shutter lacking at this cost, way too costly, obstructs typing on front screen
1 star taken out due to cost, bulkiness and non-accessible Sim slot
P. S. – Apply screen protector on front screen after applying this cover to phone.
But over all product is good and there is no alternative of it .
This is a great quality case and I feel comfortable knowing that if I were to drop my very expensive phone that it could be protected securely. After reading many criticism regarding the adhesives, I made sure to remove adhesives on the top right corner where it is covering the 5G antenna as well as where the sim card tray is located on the top left. Hopefully, removing those adhesives would mean less of a hassle to remove the case from the phone with damaging the surface. Overall, this is a case I would definitely recommend those select few who have purchased this one of a kinda foldable phone.
For the price, it may look expensive but keep in mind that it is like paying for 2 cases due to the size of fold 3 and this innovative hinge cover. It is worth it to fully protect a $2k plus device.
Just remove the sticker on the part above the volume button slot. For some device that has the rectangular part, which I believe for antenna or whatever, the sticker can pull that part out.
Just got my case and installed it. Case is very sturdy and grips the phone tightly. Test open and close several times and it did not losen up or fall apart. No need to be gentle with the phone. Game controller can still hold onto the phone with no problem.
Have it for a month now an still sturdy and strong. Don’t know about the negative reviews here, they must have a defective product or maynot know how to put it on.
Still the best case for Zfold 3 and fold 2, price should be brought down a bit but aside from that its awesome. keep in mind while the hinge part does cover the phone hinge it also collects dust and debris alot more that uusal.
Only reason for a 4* overall review is that the hinge covershould be attached to the rear cover to make this cover a perfect sleek desig
If you have the Galaxy Fold 3. This is the case you need to ensure that your super expensive device has a smaller chance of breaking. Outside of it being on the pricey side, it’s definately better than having to pay repair/replacement costs.
After getting my Fold 3 (first foldable) I realized that the phone was way too slippery without a case. When it’s on the backside of the phone the camera bump scratches up against the surface it’s on. And the front screen was way too exposed.
Reviews online recently have shown that the adhesive on the upper right hand corner of the bottom half of the case seems to be pulling off the 5G antenna cover. So I would just avoid using that adhesive as the bottom case stays on well even without the adhesive. The top part of the case does slide due to the hinge protection but the adhesive does a very good job preventing that from happening once used.
This case was backordered when the fold 3 came out, so I had to deal with the Samsung flip cover case for 2 weeks, and boy let me tell you that case SUCKED! Got this in and I’m writing this the day I got it and I absolutely love it! It feels sturdy. It’s grippy but not that gross rubber feel. The raised lip will definitely protect the front and the cameras. The hinge protection feels sturdy and works great with the spring. It’s awesome that it also helps opening and closing the phone. I know this case is expensive, but you obviously want the best protection for such an expensive phone. And it’s WORTH EVERY PENNY! This case feels great open or closed. Highly recommend!
This thing will protect your Fold 100%. My issue lies with the difficulty of using the front screen with the “raiseivity” on the case on the edge of the front screen. I’m constantly doing incorrect swipes, swipe to text errors, and just flat out can’t hit certain keys around the edges of the screen in apps.
Do not like the price at all but the protection appears to be the best on the market as of now. Good, solid case.
Partiamo dal principio: questa cover , ad oggi, la migliore disponibile per la Z Fold 3. Migliore nel senso che robusta, che protegge anche la cerniera, che non infastidisce particolarmente n usando il telefono da chiuso, n da aperto.
Certo, costa cara, ma se pensiamo al prezzo delle custodie originali, che non sono neanche altrettanto protettive, mi sembra un esborso tutto sommato tollerabile per un telefono da quasi 1900 euro.
Unico neo, alcune finiture avrebbero potuto essere realizzate diversamente.
Die Aussparung um den Fingerabdruck Sensor und die Lautstrketasten sind durchdacht. Bisher hat mich bei der Bedienung nichts gestrt.
Die Hlle lies sich einfach anbringen. Das Scharnier ist durch die flexible Klappe ebenfalls gut abgedeckt.
Die Lautsprecher und Mikrofon haben ebenfalls eine guten Ausschnitt.
Es gibt eine kleine Sache die mich strt am auen Display. Die Hlle ist auf der linken Seite etwas hher , dadurch ist es mir nicht mglich von der linken Seite mit dem Daumen der linken Hand die zurck Geste/Wischen durchzufhren. Da ich Rechtshnder bin strt es mich minimal.
La charnire est protg intgralement.
Le tlphone gagne en paisseur et perd de son identit mais il faut savoir faire un choix…
Une fois la coque mise en place (autocollants l’intrieur de la coque enlevs afin qu’ils jouent leurs rle c’est dire l’adhrence du tlphone la coque) cette dernire ne bouge plus, tlphone ferm ou ouvert.
Attention la bordure de gauche est plus leve que celle de droite (du fait des charnires prsente) ce qui peu occasionner une gne si l’on veux accder au bord gauche de l’cran.
Le gros soucis est LE PRIX !!!.
Mais pour le moment, pas d’quivalence.
Prodotto consigliato.
Der Stift hlt so extrem bombenfest, wenn ich mit der Klappe schnalze rhrt sich absolut nichts. Und das trotz der 0.2mm Carbon Platte drauf.nIch war damit auf extremen Holperstrecken mit auf dem Fahrradlenker montiertem Handy unterwegs. Sitzt ohne wenn und aber. Ich bin 1000% sicher, dass das DIE Lsung schlechthin ist, sofern man bereit ist, eine klobige Hlle in Kauf zu nehmen. Aber sie schtzt halt auch toll. Ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen: der Stift ist absolut kein Thema mehr fr mich, er ist einfach immer zur Hand und strt null..eher im Gegenteil, das Ganze wird griffiger.
Ursprnglicher Text:
Das ist die Hlle, die den besten Schutz bietet. Dass Klebestreifen erforderlich sind, liegt nicht an Spigen, sondern an der Konstruktion des Fold als solchem, und dem Scharnierschutz, der beim ffnen unweigerlich Druck auf den oberen Deckel
ausbt und ihn daher ohne Klebestreifen verschieben muss. Das transparente hybrid ohne Scharnier Schutz bentigt keine Klebestreifen.
Ich habe die Hlle und den Stift so abgendert, dass sie die Funktionalitt bieten die man sich wnschen wrde.
Das ist die Lsung, und ich weiss nicht, warum weder Spigen noch Samsung das so oder hnlich anbieten..
Ok, ich habe Magneten in den Stift gemacht, den beweglichen Rcken ausgeschnitten und mit einer 0,1mm Stahlplatte unterlegt. Das ist DIE Lsung fr den Stift schlechthin, er fungiert so auch als Griffleiste fr einhndige Bedienung. Spigen kann natrlich nicht von einem magnetischen Stift ausgehen, aber sie knnten problemlos den Rcken um eine wie auch immer gestaltete Stiftaufnahme erweitern..sei es ein Clip oder ein Einschub. Die Stifthlle von Samsung ist einfach nur peinlich und tragisch… Und warum Samsung nicht auf diese Idee gekommen ist…die htten den Stift ja mit Magneten ausstatten knnen…
Was man noch auf den Bildern sieht: die rechte Hlfte steckt in der Spigen hybrid Hlle und da klebt eine SP Connect Halterung drauf fr Auto und Fahrrad.
Amazing Quality case which provides your beautiful Samsung Fold with some much needed protection.
Yes the Case is Expensive and yes it’s worth EVERY penny !
This is a premium case for a premium phone.
why / how does this case differ from cheaper alternatives and versions… that’s simple it has a very unique mechanism for protecting the Fold 3s beautiful spine.
whether the phone is closed / half open or out in all its glory and slendor … this case has it all protected. Very easy to fit and feels superb in hand.
If you have a Fold 3 ….. THIS IS THE CASE YOU NEED FOR IT !
ps – No this version doesn’t have a slot for the s pen
– Fantasiian –
A great case that offers very good protection to phone and hinge area, very comfortable in the hand open or closed. But its very, very expensive! I’ve given 5 stars for case irrespective of cost as in my opinion its the best case available for the Galaxy z fold3.
Received my case today. Fold 3 looks amazing in it. Feels amazing and it isn’t as bulky and heavy as I feared. Only “downside” that you cannot fit s pen into the case however nothing else to complain about. I love it!
I guess for the type of phone it’s going onto it needs to be separate pieces the hinge cover is articulated to slide over the hinge but not connecting either side to each other. You also have to stick your phone in using the adhesive tabs where you also get spares for but how long it will last I don’t know, but 4 stars purely not knowing if its up to the task and oh yes the 90 quid price tag is not cheap but then again neither is the handset.
I originally purchased the tough armour case and whilst it is a very similar case to this one it didn’t offer the full hinge coverage, and (for obvious reasons) this was my main concern due to the fact that Fold3 doesn’t have any dust penetration rating.
I ended up sending the tough armour version back for a full refund and purchased this one instead. Yes it’s twice the price but in my honest opinion due to the full hinge coverage it offers twice the protection.
The phone isn’t exactly cheap so I feel the price of this case is a small price to pay for that added peace of mind.
Also noticed the Z fold 3 version of this case holding in hand, is slimmer and sleeker which I like!