STANLEY Rolling Workshop Toolbox, Detachable Toolbox with Drawers, Flip Bin, Back Pocket, 7″ Heavy Duty Wheels, 1-79-206

Weight: | 1 kg |
Dimensions: | 86.6 x 48.8 x 34.8 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | 1-79-206 |
Colour: | Multi |
Manufacture: | Stanley Black & Decker |
Colour: | Multi |
Had this several years still going strong and very useful
Scheggiato dopo un mese, quando lo si porta in giro fa troppo rumore. Bisogna mettere qualcosa di comma alle ruote perch sono di plastica. Ogni tanto si bloccano i cassetti.
Wir haben diese Box nur beschafft um alles was mit E-Technik aus dem groen Werkzeugwagen auszulagern.
Funktioniert einwandfrei.
Estoy contento con la compra. Se le ve resistente y es cmodo de llevar, aunque para mi gusto le falta algo ms de capacidad.
Molto capiente e comodo.
Solo una pecca: talvolta il meccanismo di apertura dei cassetti si inceppa.
Per i tempi di consegna, mi corre l’obbligo di segnalare che mi arrivato con 3 giorni di anticipo rispetto a quanto dichiarato dalla stessa Amazon!
Es una manera cmoda de tener la herramienta ordenada. Los cierres entre cajas son de plstico. Eso quizs es lo q menos me ha gustado
Regalata a mio marito per il compleanno. Regalo super apprezzato, riesce a tenere le sue cose tutte in ordine e super utile
Da portare in giro
Ottimo per chi come me fa parecchi lavoretti, con questo carrello ho tutto a portata di mano e gli attrezzi ben ordinati.
Cassetta per gli attrezzi comoda e robusta, i cassetti scorrono bene e c’ abbastanza spazio
Perfecto para almacenar toda la herramienta. En el deposito inferior cabe incluso la taladradora en su propia caja.
Quiz en deposito superior podria ser algo mas espacioso. Pero esto es cuestion de gusto
zur ntzlichen Anwendung:
*Ideal fr Handwerker die grere Auftrge haben und mobil sein mssen.
*Auch super, wenn mal kein Parkplatz in der Nhe eines Auftrages vorhanden ist. Somit kann man bequem mit den Koffer mit Rder zum Auftrag laufen, rollen.
*Empfehlung auch wirklich nicht unntig immer alle 3 Kofferteile mit zu schleppen, da vor allem bei Treppen steigen etwas aufwendiger. Fr Treppen Transport, Empfehlung mit einer Hand ganz unter dem Koffer greifen und die andere am oberen Griff des Kofferteils!
+Was am praktischsten ist, ist die Mglichkeit die Einzelnen Kofferteile aufeinander zu stapeln bzw. Getrennt mitzunehmen oder aufzubewahren. Bei kleineren Auftrgen reichen auch mal nur 1-2 Kofferteile.
+Super fr gute Organisation. Dadurch, dass ich feste Pltze fr bestimmte Werkzeuge im Koffer habe, ist jeder Werkzeug in Sekunden zu finden.
+Vollkommen ausreichend Platz vorhanden
+Nach bisher ca. 1 Jahr Nutzung (Nov.2020) keine Schden oder Probleme
+Design und Farbe Modern und schn
-die Fcher wirkend nicht sehr Robust und stabil ( bisher aber gut gehalten und keinen Aufwand bereitet)
-Hinterher Griff ist etwas wackelig, funktioniert aber
(sollten weitere Positive oder Negative Eigenschaften auffallen, werden diese hier selbstverstndlich ergnzt ).
Klare Empfehlung, vor allem fr Handwerker die auch kein Auto haben und Mobil sein sollen. Auch wenn einige Menschen in den ffentlichen Mitteln etwas irritiert gucken, als wenn man einen Transformers dabei hat
Gesamt verdiente 5
Danke fr Ihre Zeit!
Ich hoffe die Fotos, das Video oder Rezension waren Ihnen etwas ‘ntzlich’ und hilfreich, wrde mich darber freuen
Beste Gre & Bleiben Sie Gesund
Bought this as a gift for my step father. When he relocated homes, he went from a very large fully equipped shed to a small shed with little room. This was a perfect storage solution for him and allows him to take a selection of tools when required in the separate compartme
Bought this as a gift for my step father. When he relocated homes, he went from a very large fully equipped shed to a small shed with little room. This was a perfect storage solution for him and allows him to take a selection of tools when required in the separate compartme
Resistente e pratico
Si pu trasportare da per tutto, si pu anche smontare d dividere in pi parti
Sono soddisfatto
+Stauraum fr Wasserwaage und lange Dinge wie Teleskopstange
+ Latten schienen mhelos schneiden in Gehrungslade im Deckel
+richtige Gre
– es ist nicht fr den harten Einsatz, aber wenn man sachlich damit umgeht sollte es das aushalten. Klar ist es Kunststoff aber man muss ja keine Treppen oder solche Dinge fahren.
Ich persnlich bin absolut ein Fan von
Fahrbaren Dingen! Spart Zeit,Kraft,nerven!
Und dadurch wirkst du unglaublich Professionell vom Auftritt!
Villt kommt noch nen zweiter frher oder spter
Bilder gibt es genug schon und daher lass ich das.
Dank geht raus an Amazon & Stanley
Oggetto fatto bene, comodo abbastanza robusto. Migliorabile nel sistema di chiusura e nella maniglia telescopica per lo spostamento.
Buenas, ya s a lo mejor es una tontera, pero el producto no ha venido completo. Le falta las tiras o pegatina de iluminacin para de abajo que no viene en el carro. Que se puede hacer con esto que no viene y en el carro, segun pedido y foto est? Os lo marco en rojo.
Esperava ms pero cumple sus funciones. Deberna estar mejor explicados todos y cada uno de los compartimentos.
Da tempo ero alla ricerca di un sistema modulare comprendente almeno una cassettiera da lasciare sul bancone smontata ma agganciabile ad un sistema trolley per il trasporto . Altri sistemi apparivano piu’ modulari , ma piu’ costosi e senza componente trolley. Ho girato parecchi bricocenter per poterlo vedere ma non lo tratta nessuno (obi, Leroy Merlin, bricocenter, ecc.). L’ho comperato quindi “al buio” e a prima vista sembra discreto, ma piu’ piccolo come spazio interno di quanto ci si puo’ aspettare vedendolo chiuso.
prezzo amazon migliore di tutti quelli trovati in rete per quel prodotto
Strong and study, very durable. There’s so many spaces to store things and everything will be kept safe and all in one place. Easy to move around and isn’t weighed down too much but it’s contents.
Das Teil ist einfach super, ich hab 2 Werksttten, das ist die Lsung mein Main Werkzeug von einer in die andere zu bringen. Hab in etwa 50kg drin, kein Problem.
Genial la verdad, me a venido de sper bien para organizar el desastre que tena muy cmoda de llevar a todos sitios
These Stanley roll cabinets are really quite strong if treaty properly, I have two now well loaded with Mechanics tools and for the money are great value and don’t rust, much easier to move around than heavy metal toolboxes and can be broken down to transport in sections so easy to load in the van.
These Stanley roll cabinets are really quite strong if treaty properly, I have two now well loaded with Mechanics tools and for the money are great value and don’t rust, much easier to move around than heavy metal toolboxes and can be broken down to transport in sections so easy to load in the van.
My only complaint is that the storage capacity is not enuff to fit multiple power tools, but i love the trolley, it does help around the house with my mini DIY gadgets and screws, plus the price was a bargain under 100.
Always wanted somewhere that I can put the power tools together with manual ones and all the other bits & bobs that accumulate. This had just the right combination of deep sections for the power tools with shallower sections for the screw drivers, etc. and then shallow tray for the blades & bits. Only trouble is I really want to buy another one as I have so many tools and it is quite bulky 🙂
Always wanted somewhere that I can put the power tools together with manual ones and all the other bits & bobs that accumulate. This had just the right combination of deep sections for the power tools with shallower sections for the screw drivers, etc. and then shallow tray for the blades & bits. Only trouble is I really want to buy another one as I have so many tools and it is quite bulky 🙂
Robusto comodo e versatile e molto capiente, ottimo acquisto lo consiglio.
This was a supposed to be a gift for my husband. The wait was long but extremely worthwhile. I don’t have tools and I am in love with this box while my husband is on cloud nine! It is firmly built, the individual boxes are adequate for its storage purpose and they are easily removed with no struggle to put back into place. The compartments can fully accommodate a large amount of tools and they are small to large sections for a variety of sized screws tools etc. Overall it is good quality and value for money. Thanks to the seller.
Trs pratique avec beaucoup de rangement ! A voir si a tiens dans le temps !
Could not be happier with this bit of kit. You need to make sure it stays stood upright due to draws and compartments but my god it’s good. Only had one small issue but was an easy fix. Goes everywhere with me and it holds so much.
Es perfecto, es un plstico duro y muy resistente, solo que no tiene tanta capacidad como esperava, y le faltara compartimentos para cada llave, si no le pones tu separadores los tienes que dejar all mezclados!
Bon produit. Dommage que ds le dballage en regardant d’un peu plus prs un lastique lcher. Mme pas eu le trois de mettre des outils qu’il a fallut que je dmonte un tiroir pour remdier au problme. A part a rien a dire a fait son travail. A voir dans le temps
Un carro de herramientas hecho totalmente en plstico pero ms resistente de lo que aparenta.
Molto capiente, e comodo da portare in giro, ma ovviamente fatto di plastica quindi resistente fino ad un certo punto. Nota negativa: mi arrivato con tutte le maniglie rotte negli angoli, immagino colpa del corriere che lascia il pacco e scappa 5 stelle e una stella al corriere
Der Koffer/Trolley ist praktisch. Die Schubladen sind praktisch und die Schienen sind aus Metall. Ich nutze ihn nicht jeden Tag.
Abzge gibt es fr einen penetranten Geruch zu Beginnn und weil schon leichte Kratzer an der Oberflche waren: OK, dafr gab es Rabatt im Warehouse; aber da der Koffer OV ankam vermute ich dass das Material an sich nicht besonders robust ist.
Tena uno ms pequeo y que tena que desmontar para acceder a compartimentos inferiores. Este funciona muy bien. Es robusto. Me han sorprendido los “bolsillos” posteriores que no vi cuando lo compr, van muy bien para herramientas pesadas (maceta, llave inglesa grande, …).
Really helped me to clear up my garage and put my tools etc. into some kind of order.
Functional works well. Seems solid enough for my (home) use.
Molto robusta. Unica pecca manca un cassetto no estraibile “vassoio” la cassetta superiore la so pu aprire solo se estratta dalla base
This is a really flexible, portable and strong unit for home use. It takes an awful lot of tools and bits and pieces, once you’ve thought it through a little. I’ve had it now for a few months, I do a bit of handyman work so it goes in and out of the boot regularly (in 3 pieces). It breaks down into 3 boxes so just take whichever you need, or if you’re doing a few jobs in the house or at the car it’s great to roll all the tools to where you are and work away. Very handy, sturdy, flexible and great value.
Flexible to use as it splits into three individual units, so depending on how the user allocates the Storage space you can select the whole unit or individual units to suit each job.
El producto esta genial, para un uso NO profesional, yo lo uso por mi trabajo para ciertas cosas puntuales y bien lo cojo entero o quito partes, digo lo del tipo de uso porque si bien es bastante bueno y para este precio no creo que se pueda pedir que sea perfecto, no lo veo lo suficiente robusto para un trote intenso, los organizadores estn muy bien y esta perfecto para tenerlo todo junto o casi todo.
I bought this to house my tools and assorted screws, washers and bits etc. Other than a slight initial stick on the draws this has proved a very useful and sturdy addition to the shed/workshop. All the modular design has also been great when only needing a few bits from one section to come with me for jobs around the house. There are adjustable spacers in the three draws which has also been good for organising smaller tools and attachments.
I bought this to house my tools and assorted screws, washers and bits etc. Other than a slight initial stick on the draws this has proved a very useful and sturdy addition to the shed/workshop. All the modular design has also been great when only needing a few bits from one section to come with me for jobs around the house. There are adjustable spacers in the three draws which has also been good for organising smaller tools and attachments.
El producto est bien hecho y disedo. Pero no deja de ser de plstico (tanto el carro como ruedas), por lo que no creo que est destinado para profesionales que requieran de su uso diario.
En cambio para tenerlo como “mini taller” por falta de espacio para un particular como yo, es ideal. Realmente es variado en cuanto a uso (tiene 2 cajones para artculos pequeos (tornillos, tuercas, etc) y 3 compartimentos amplios.
En la parte trasera dos huecos para poner objetos largos.
Muy prctico
I know we are in difficult times but it really took a very long time to arrive even though it said it would only be 3 days, when it took 9ver a month I started chasing it. Delivery really let it down but the product is ok
I am so pleased with this tool box I just had to review it. This is the best tool box I have ever owned. The compartments are generous with extra storage for hammers etc at the rear.
The wheels are strong and the tool box is easily turned, the handle is a great addition and set at a good height, the compartments are detachable with secure fixings so the compartments don’t detach from each other when the tool box is being pulled. I have no regrets about this purchase.
Received today and have to say very impressed especially for the price! Really sturdy and plenty of storage
I am so pleased with this tool box I just had to review it. This is the best tool box I have ever owned. The compartments are generous with extra storage for hammers etc at the rear.
The wheels are strong and the tool box is easily turned, the handle is a great addition and set at a good height, the compartments are detachable with secure fixings so the compartments don’t detach from each other when the tool box is being pulled. I have no regrets about this purchase.
I use this for all my electronics components and tools, and take them with me when I want to build gadgets away from home.
It is robust, capacious, and very practical. I might buy anothe
Hallo, endlich hatte ich ein System gefunden, wo ich mein komplettes Fahrradwerkzeug inklusive Ersatzteilen handlich verstaue kann. Ausschlaggebend war fr mich auch, dass man einzelne Teile des Koffers abnehmen kann und quasi mit fhren kann fr gegebenenfalls Radtouren wo das ntigste Werkzeug mit dabei ist.
Leider hatte ich Pech mit der ersten Lieferung, da Teile des untersten Koffers gebrochen waren. Bin mal gespannt auf die neue Lieferung. Ansonsten wunderbar.
Le hice este regalo a mi chico por Navidad y qued encantado.
El es un manitas y con cualquier herramienta es feliz. Como tiene tantas herramientas y yo no entiendo de herramientas, pens en regalarle algo para tener las herramientas bien ordenadas y poderlas transportas de forma fcil. Las ruedas no estn nada mal, si que creo que si pones mucho peso pueden petar pero, vaya, que por el precio que tiene es genial. Las guas de los cajones estn muy bien.
Despues de probar con multitud de maletas para herramientas, este carro tiene muchsima mas capacidad, pudiendo transportar todo lo necesario de una sola vez y con bastante organizacin.
Material muy robusto , resistente y profesional. La nica pega es que por sus dimensiones y, en consecuencia, peso resulta algo molesto para subir si no disponemos de ascensor. Por lo dems muy facil y comodo de transportar en vehculos ya que se pueden particionar los mdulos.
Best bit of kit ive bought ideal for traveling on trains to work
Great tool box lots of compartments which suits me perfectly, would highly recommend
Present for my son and he was well impressed with everything about i
So I got this. Comes with a bottom storage box that opens up like a bin, handy for small power tools. I keep my heat gun in there but haven’t found much else to fit inside it. Up from that is a large drawer, enough room to store around 7 tubes of silicone sealant. Second drawer is quite small with compartments, can maybe store screwdrivers and small hand tools in there. Third drawer is the same size but connected to the toolbox on top. Top tool box is detachable with its own handle which is handy. I’d say you could store about 7 hammers in there. (Not that you would need 7 hammers, just giving the idea on size).
Overall I’m relatively happy, smaller than I thought it was going to be, but in hindsight, it’s better being smaller otherwise it wouldn’t fit in my van. Now I need to rearrange my racking in my Vivaro to accommodate this minibeast.
Love this. Very handy and easy to access all my tools
Bought for my husband to let him have all his tools in one place and save space. He loved it!
Consegna puntuale come sempre, l’articolo arrivato con la confezione aperta da un lato ma nessun riscontro di urti o altro, ma controllando i contenitori e i cassetti mi accorgo che il cassetto medio grande completamente inutilizzabile, le guide erano strappate e i cuscinetti completamente fuori dalle sedi.
I materiali sono robusti ma non penso ideali all’uso che se ne possa fare, sono un p delusa pensavo di meglio, cio pi spazio, cmq soddisfatta dell’acquisto, ma purtroppo restituito.
Fr den Preis htte ich ein wenig mehr Erwartet, vor allem das es mehr durchdacht wre. Leider ist es aber nicht wirklich durchdacht und somit bleibt die Kiste ehr zu Hause stehen, als wie im tglichen Einsatz mit zu kommen. Sie bleibt im Auto nicht Stabil stehen. Die Fcher sind zu klein und haken sehr oft, wenn man sie Raus ziehen muss. Ehr was fr den Hobby Gebrauch, als fr den Arbeitseinsatz.
Schubladen funktionieren einwandfrei, genau wie das untere Klappfach.
Mal schauen ob das lange so bleibt…
Alles lsst sich prima bewegen und die verwendeten Kunststoffe sind gut ausgearbeitet und auch sehr hart/fest, was darauf schliet, das es wohl recht lange halten wird.
Auf den Koffer / Trolley kann man auch zustzliche Kisten drauf packen und sie mit Expander oder der gleichen besfestigen, was sehr lobenswert ist !
just what i was after, got all me tools where i can find them.
Perfect item was sick of carrying loads of toolboxes item fit everything in with plenty of space sturdy and easy to assemble
Bought 2. These are quite good for storing tools. Boxes can be separated.
Useful and easy to use. However cheaply made not sturdy
J’en avais marre de trimballer des caisses outils ou de faire des aller-retour pour un tournevis. Il y a assez de compartiment et de tiroirs pour ranger la plupart des outils courants et en organisant bien les tiroirs, a reste rang pendant les transports. Par contre a devient vite lourd et pnible manipuler dans les escaliers. Heureusement, comme les parties se sparent, elles peuvent tre montes sparment. Bon produi
Thanks it’s really good and great item. Fit all DIY tool in one box I give you five
Fantastic little rolling workshop perfect for storing and transporting all my year if I had need for another I would definitely buy this again, (edit) over a full year on and with regular use still performing as it did say one have not regret this purchase
Die Werkzeugboxen wurden fr den privaten Gebrauch angeschafft. Fr ab und zu mal rausholen oder auch whrend einer Renovierung absolut ausreichend. Bisher keine Probleme.
Fr den geschftlichen 24/7 Gebrauch, kann ich mir diese Boxen nicht vorstellen. Ist doch relativ viel Plastik. Aber das muss ja nichts heien. Fr den privaten Gebrauch hat es auf jeden Fall ausreichend Stauraum und hlt auch nach 7 Monaten vollbepackt weiterhin was es verspricht.
Richtig cool, finde ich die obere Box, die man abnehmen kann. Wir nutzen sie fr kleinere Sachen, wie Hammer, Schraubenzieher usw. Praktisch um sie mal bei der Nachbarschaftshilfe oder in einem anderen Stockwerk zu verwenden ohne den mittlerweile sehr schweren Werkzeugwaren zu schleppen/transportieren.
Not had this long but already impressed with the way it works. Drawers are well constructed and feel sturdy. Handle at back feels a bit weak with a full load of tools but could to early to decide.
Overall very good buy