STANLEY Rolling Workshop Toolbox, Detachable Toolbox with Drawers, Flip Bin, Back Pocket, 7″ Heavy Duty Wheels, 1-79-206
Weight: | 1 kg |
Dimensions: | 86.6 x 48.8 x 34.8 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | 1-79-206 |
Colour: | Multi |
Manufacture: | Stanley Black & Decker |
Colour: | Multi |
Well worth the money. Perfect for taking to race weekends and easy to remove the top pieces. Draws have adjustable areas to suit needs of drawers
Quick smooth delivery ideal mobile unit wheel on the run.
This is well thought out and is genuinely a boon for DIY stuff that you want to hand. My only gripe is that one of the small drawers started to jam soon after I bought it and I can’t see why or how to sort it.
Very pleased was more expensive than the cheaper versions available but on receiving it, it seems worth the extra money !
Bought for hubbys birthday as a sarcastic present because he has loads of tools and had lots of boxes. He took the mickey when he opened it thinking it was too big however he has filled it and it’s turned into his favourite box! Easy to move around and he’s now wanting another!
Bought for hubbys birthday as a sarcastic present because he has loads of tools and had lots of boxes. He took the mickey when he opened it thinking it was too big however he has filled it and it’s turned into his favourite box! Easy to move around and he’s now wanting another!
It’s made for your house and DIY. Keeps everything tidy but won’t last very long on a worksite.
It’s plastic but quite well engineered with sturdy boxes.
Great tool trolley. Could do with a tray in the top box.
Also you cannot open the top lid if the wheeling handle is raised.
Happy with the item works well for all me bits and peaces have not used it for wat its for but dose good for my use thanks
Ideal , great compartments, easy to use, compact , easy to transpo
To replace Stanley tool box that was not big enough.
This is a large multi storage box perfect for the man who has ever u tool going.
Only just got all i
good product. only niggle is bottom compartment a bit fiddly until you get used to it. But good value for money and does what I wanted
Good quality product. Got this as a gift for my boyfriend who is a builder and he said it’s perfect for his va
Almost one year on and its still as good as gold. Love it.
Love it.
We use it to transport production equipment on location. Lights, camera, audio. Plus tripods and stands and batteries etc. You need to pop the bottom of the carry handle off to extend it to its full height (other wise it bangs your ankles), but that’s easy enough.
This is got to be my best purchase,great price and quality .fits all my essential tools and screws with easy access straight into my va
Je suis artisan, c’est donc mon compagnon de tout les jours, dans le gros bac j’y met ma scie circulaire, ma meuleuse, ma perceuse visseuse et ma visseuse choc mais pas plus. J’ai du sacrifier ma scie sabre bien trop grande pour se loger dedans. Les autres compartiment sont galement bien pratique pour tout les accessoires comme disques de meuleuse, embouts de visseuse, chargeur de batteries, visse et cheville.
Trs satisfait de mon achats qui m’vite pas mal d’aller et retour dans mon Camion. Sa ne vaut peut-tre pas les servantes en mtal au niveau de la qualit, mais si on en prend soin elle pourra nous accompagner et nous rendre service un bout de temps.. Pour le prix sa vaut le coup n’hsitez pas.
Love the case hate the delivery! Received with a crack in the draw
Great chest, I’ve had this for about 2 years now and it’s fantastic
da un po che lo stavo osservando alla fine mi sono deciso a prenderlo. Devo dire che comodo soprattutto il fatto che modulabile, ho fatto un lavoretto in casa e ho portato solo il contenitore che mi serviva. Visti gli ampi spazi e c’ modo di disporre tanti attrezzi, sicuramente meglio di come li ho messi io. un carrello che va benissimo a livello domestico lo consiglio, da usarsi nei cantieri a livello professionale lo vedo un po precario.
Soy tcnico informtico y en casa siempre tengo bastante desorden con las herramientas, cables, tornillera, etc…
Lo tena todo desperdigado en varias cajas, estuve a punto de comprarme la tpica cajonera americana de metal rojo tipo taller mecanico, pero dado que en cualquier momento puedo necesitar moverla, he preferido esta, no es muy grande y se mueve con facilidad para limpiar la habitacin en condiciones, si se desmonta cabe en los asientos traseros del coche.
La he instalado justo al lado de mi escritorio, para tener a mano todo lo que necesito cuando reparo algun porttil o hago algo de bricolaje en casa.
En la caja superior caben sin problemas las herramientas bsicas que cualquiera pueda tener por casa.
En los 2 siguientes cajones estrechos las bridas, pistola de silicona caliente, un frontal, los cutters, un nivel pequeo, juego destornillador de precisin, fichas de empalme, llaves allen, pastas termicas, algo de alambre etc.
En el tercer cajn extrable la crimpadora, tester rj45, soldador estao, bolsa con cables atx/sata varios, cabezales, multmetro, lector discos duros.
En el cajn mas grande he metido 2 maletitas con toda la tornillera clasificada, botella de alcohol1L. 3en1 grande.
En la parte trasera la pistola de silicona, luz auxiliar, medio palo de escoba con todos los precintos, cables y alambres organizados.
Dira que de capacidad para herramientas elctricas, a ojo, entre la maleta superior y la inferior, pueden caber 2 y 2 (por ejemplo 2 radiales y 2 taladros).
No puedo decir nada sobre su resistencia dndole un uso fuerte por la obra o trabajar en alguna reforma tipo albail, herrero, etc.. .
Para el uso en casa, empresa, comunidad de vecinos, cualquier cuarto de mantenimiento, etc… a mi almenos me va de lujo, me ha quedado todo organizado en un solo lugar.
Fr den tglichen, professionellen Gebrauch ist die rollende Werkstatt von Stanley sicherlich nicht geeignet.
Hierfr ist die Gesamtkonstruktion (Rollen, Kunststoff, Schubladen,…) nicht ausgelegt.
Fr den Hobbyheimwerker, der etwas Ordnung in seine Werkzeugsammlung bringen will und diese auch im Haus herumrollen oder auch tragen (hier ist die Aufteilung in 3 Einheiten prima) mchte, ist die rollende Werkstatt ausreichend.
Good quality item although could be less drawers and more larger storage.
Ich benutze den Werkstattwagen um mein Equipment, welches ich auf die Motorrad-Rennstrecke mitnehme, “mit einem Griff” vom Keller in den Transporter zu rollen. Ideal ist, dass man den Werkstattwagen dann in drei einzelne, nicht allzu groe, Boxen zerlegen kann um diese im Transporter zu verteilen. (Tetris fr Fortgeschrittene 😉 ) Die Schubladen sind ein wenig hakelig aber ansonsten macht er einen sehr robusten Eindruck!
I wanted a tool box and came across this on my amazon web feed and I love it.
Je cherchais une servante plastique, mais solide pour mettre dans mon utilitaire, afin de transporter mes outils car je fais beaucoup de dplacements, elle m’a t livre trs bien emballe, aucuns soucis, griffes, choses bizarres, rien. Si je peux juste mettre une critique serais de ne pas avoir de porte outils dans la caisse. Mais je dois dire qu’elle n’est pas trop profonde. Enfin dommage de ne pas mettre la vente juste les tiroirs pour quiper plus la servante ;), ides rflchir…
I’m all look happy that I had a place to sort out all the tools I had collected over the years! I realize I might be in the minority of women getting excited over a tool box but it’s exactly what I wanted. I’ve got it in the cupboard under the stairs. It’s ideal to get at all my tools when I need them but also wheels about for those that need it to. Is strong and sturdy and you can remove each section of you don’t want to wheel it all around. Came very well packaged.
I’m all look happy that I had a place to sort out all the tools I had collected over the years! I realize I might be in the minority of women getting excited over a tool box but it’s exactly what I wanted. I’ve got it in the cupboard under the stairs. It’s ideal to get at all my tools when I need them but also wheels about for those that need it to. Is strong and sturdy and you can remove each section of you don’t want to wheel it all around. Came very well packaged.
alors cela va faire maintenant 2 ans que j utilise cette caisse a outils qui je dit bien et plus que parfaite!!!!!!!!!!!! trs bon rangement!!!!! la qualit et aux rendez vous !!!!!! super solide !!!!!!! roulette aux top niveaux!!!!!!!! les caisse se spare les une des autre!!!!! vraiment si demain je devrais m’en racheter je rinvestie sans rflchir dans cette caisse Stanley!!!!!!!!! je conseille fortement a vous les travailleur de mettre si vous tes dans le besoin de rang vos outils d’acheter cette caisse!!!!! perso je ne me dplace plus sans elle!!!!! je note 20 sur 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Endlich alles in einem… zumindest fast. Die Fcher sind kleiner als gedacht, das Innenma ist fr Werkzeuge etwas klein, groe Schraubenzieher, Hammer oder Feilem muss man quer legen und das ist nicht sind der Sache. Die Auenfcher sind auch eigentlich sinnfrei, wenn die ffnungen eine andere Form htten wre das von Vorteil. So kann man nur mal eben was rein stellen, aber zB. eine Silikonpistole passt leider nicht hinein. Sehr schade…aber ddr Angebotspreis ist om, den Originalpreis ist das gute Stck allerdings NICHT wert.
Ausserdem fehlten bei mir die Innenteilungen der Schubladen, da habe ich aber eine Rabattgutschrift zugesagt bekommen, mal sehen ob das auch klappt.
Habe mir den Koffer gekauft, um gelegentliche Montage vor Ort durchfhren zu knnen. Die Idee des Systems ist sehr gut, man kann unterschiedliche Teile unterbringen, man mu nicht immer den gesamten Koffer dabei haben, sondern es sind 3 veschiedene Systeme. Top.
Leider ist die qualitative Ausfhrung nicht ganz so top wie die Idee. Teilweise klemmen die Schubladen gewaltig. Daher den Stern Abzug.
I work as a Smart meter engineer and it carries everything I need in one go, no need for multiple trips to and from your van.
Only down side is no tray in top toolbox but managed to track one down online.
Ottimo prodotto…plastiche robuste e di manifattura discreta.
Cassetti e vani porta attrezzi di media dimensioni,ma disposti bene e di facile utilizzo.
Gli stessi scorrono bene nelle loro guide e nonostante il carico,tutto il carrello rimane stabile e in equilibrio.
La cosa per cui non confermo la quinta stella il manico con cui trasportarlo.
Dovevano curarlo un po’ pi nel materiale e fare in modo che si alzasse di qualche cm in pi.
Sono comunque contento della scelta fatta …per cui insieme prevedo grandi sforzi.
Grazie a tutti….!!!
This is rather large, I was hoping it would be slightly wider, however the build quality is good the wheels can take the wieght and the way Stanley have built little hiden storage in the back shows they had the consumer in mind at the time of design.
If like me this is for occasional use and mainly for storage then you should have no problem damage.
I do however wish It was wider and deeper!
This is rather large, I was hoping it would be slightly wider, however the build quality is good the wheels can take the wieght and the way Stanley have built little hiden storage in the back shows they had the consumer in mind at the time of design.
If like me this is for occasional use and mainly for storage then you should have no problem damage.
I do however wish It was wider and deeper!
BRILLIANT……..Only thing I didnt realize was how narrow it is but I can live with tha
Utilizzato subito per studio mobile in cantiere( sono ingegnere) mi permette di portatre attrezzi, strumenti di misura e cancelleria. Per il mio uso lo trovo ottimo, compresa la qualit e funzionalit delle ruote. Ritengo non sia il massimo per chi debba utilizzare al 100% attrezzatura pesante. Per usi tipo il mio o di attrezzatura media e minuta di un artigiano perfetto. Ottima la modificabilit per il trasporto in auto.
Ho risolto il problema di avere con me in cantiere tutto il necessari per rilievi ed indagini. Il piano superiore bel livellato, ottimo per tavolino su cui appuntare e scrivere documenti.Contento della scelta.
I have used this for a while now for decorating tool storage, it might not stand the test of time if used for heavier tools but it is adequate for me and keeps my tools etc organised.
Wir haben uns den Werkzeugwagen gekauft, weil wir als Husle-Besitzer immer irgendwo, irgendwas zu basteln haben. Und dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach irgendeinem Werkzeug. In welcher Kiste war das nochmal? Oben, im Keller oder im Schuppen? Wo und wann hatten wir es denn zuletzt gebraucht?
Ja es gibt Werkzeuge, die bentigt man quasi stndig und andere zwar nicht stndig aber doch regelmig. Und fr all diese Werkzeuge bietet der Werkzeugwagen auf jeden Fall genug Platz.
Jetzt gibt es einen Platz, in dem alle immer wieder bentigten Werkzeuge, inklusive Bohrmaschine, Akkuschrauber und Stichsge, ihren Stammplatz finden. Auch lange Gegenstnde, wie eine Wasserwaage, ein Brecheisen und sogar ein Bolzenschneider, lassen sich in dafr vorgesehene Mulden an der Rckseite unterbringen.
Schafft man es, die Werkzeuge thematisch zu gruppieren, knnen auch einzelne Teile des Werkzeugwagens als Trage-Box abgekoppelt werden. Ich wei, ich schaffe das nicht – aber schn, dass es mglich wre.
Einen Stern ziehe ich ab, weil die Schubladen oft haken, wenn man nicht auf Anhieb richtig zugreift. Auerdem kann man die Fcher, so wie sie angeordnet sind, kaum fr Standard-Schraubendreher oder Schraubenschlssel verwenden. Man kann zwar die Zwischenwnde in den Schubladen entfernen, wodurch dann auch lngere Werkzeuge passen, aber eben nicht versetzen, was wesentlich sinnvoller wre. So knnte man auch kleinere Fcher schaffen, in denen z. B. Dinge wie 08/15-Schrauben und Dbel Platz finden wrden.
Ansonsten kann ich den Werkzeugwagen ohne schlechtes Gewissen empfehlen!
die rollende Werkstatt ist rundum ein sehr hochwertiges Produkt. Die Schubladen funktionieren sehr gut. Die darin enthaltenen Teiler lassen sich individuell einsetzen oder auch nicht. Die Tatsache das es sich um einzelne Container handelt hilft beim Transport im Fahrzeug welche nur einen flachen Kofferraum haben. Eigentlich das einzige was mich strt ist das man keine Schubladen-Elemente nach kaufen kann. Eine groe oder 2 kleine wren schon hilfreich. Vielleicht kaufe ich aber noch eine zweite und setze sie so zusammen wie ich sie brauch. Vom Kostenpunkt ist das immer noch billiger als die Systeme anderer Hersteller.
Arrived on time. I was a bit wary ordering this because of a lot of complaints about the drawers being faulty. Mine arrived and the drawers were faulty. After checking it out, I decided to oersever and asked Amazon for a replacement. Amazon were great and sent the second one immediately and refunded the cost of sending back the first one. I am so glad I stuck with this unit. I fitted all my power tools in it and more. The big bottom drawer takes my circular saw and planer with all the bits and pieces. The next drawer above it takes my multi tool and all the batteries and chargers for all the power tools and a few other odds. The two smaller drawers have hammers and lots of bits and pieces for my diy. The movable sections makes these drawers flexible to change what I want to pack. The top section has no tray which for me is great. I have packed my jigsaw, hammer drill, two power drivers and the box of jigsaw blades and another box set with all the drill bits and screw driver heads. At the back on either side of the telescopic handle my clamps and set square and long metal ruler are stored. The only weak spot could possibly be the wheels, but I handle all my stuff with care so hopefully they will hold up. Otherwise the storage unit is sturdy and good quality for the price.
Great for trades or DIY enthusiasts! Solid build and good storage
wie bestellt geliefert, auch zgig. Soweit alles ok.
Der Werkzeugkoffer-Trolley ist aus Plastik und von daher hat er auch einiger Schwachstellen. Zu schwer beladen sollte man die einzelnen Komponenten nicht.. und als ich das komplette Teil – mittelschwer gefllt – am Griff oben – also am Topteil – anheben wollte, um es eine Stufe hochzuhieven, rutschte der Griff aus der Halterung. Ich konnte ihn aber wieder einsetzen und werde nun bei solchen Aktionen aufpassen und die “Turm” halbiert (also die beiden obersten Teile zusammen und das untere extra) die Stufen hoch oder runter tragen. Das wiederum klappt gut und ist durch die einzelnen Griffe an jedem der drei Teile problemlos mglich und gut gelst.
Die Schubfcher gehen “so lala” … eben Plastik, man muss etwas nachhelfen und gegendrcken… wie gesagt “etwas” – man kriegt den Boden schnell raus und dann passt es schon.
Der Teleskopgriff fr den Trolley ist ebenfalls ein wenig wackelig.
Ich hab den beladenen Trolley seit drei Wochen im Einsatz, auch schon ber Kopfsteinpflaster gezogen. Das alles ging einwandfrei.
Alles in allem tut er was er soll. Kleine Abstriche in der Verarbeitung. Ein hilfreiches Utensil.
Gewnscht htte ich mir eine Einlage im oberen Teil, wie man es kennt von “normalen” – also einfachen – Werkzeugkoffern, wo man kleinere Werkzeuge von greren trennen knnte.
very sturdy except for the wheels were wobbly! 🙁 returned i
I have bought two of these, not a single problem with either of them. Would be fantastic if the draws would lock, BUT this is not an issue for me. Superb buy.
My wife loves this for storing all her Sugarcraft tools and transporting them to various Sugarcraft sessions.
For me this is awesome, I am no builder or plumber just an IT engineer who needs somewhere to keep his tools at home with limited space and this is almost perfect, my only gripe if you could call it that is I couldn’t fix my DeWalt drill box straight in it as it was too wide so I’ve removed the drill from the original box and put it in the bottom compartment of this directly instead.
Next I would like another very similar but this time for mostly holding the small fiddly items, screws etc. so lots of little spaces please. 🙂
For me this is awesome, I am no builder or plumber just an IT engineer who needs somewhere to keep his tools at home with limited space and this is almost perfect, my only gripe if you could call it that is I couldn’t fix my DeWalt drill box straight in it as it was too wide so I’ve removed the drill from the original box and put it in the bottom compartment of this directly instead.
Next I would like another very similar but this time for mostly holding the small fiddly items, screws etc. so lots of little spaces please. 🙂
Brilliant, saved loads of space. Put 3 medium tool kits into this. Loads of storage.
servante tres pratique, les emplacements sont d’une bonne taille, les tiroirs sont pratiques et l’essentiel c’est que on peut dmonter les lments pour transporter sparment la caisse a outils dsire.
Dommage que Chronopost comme d’habitude m’as livr un produit abime, la dernire poigne est case et l’axe du tiroir basculant arrache.
On pouvait voir que la caisse tait carrment tombe de son emballage qui a tait rafistole par le transporteur.
La pice de la poigne case n’tait mme pas dans l’emballage.
Je n’ai pas renvoy le produit car besoin de la caisse pour le travail, je l’ai juste rpare moi mme.
En bref , zero pour l’emballage et le transporteur.
I had my eye on this toolbox for some time, and was almost put off by some of the reviews stating that the product was somewhat ‘flimsy’. Well, in my opinion, this is a strong toolbox that is great for home use. I specify ‘home use’ as I don’t think this would be strong enough to survive in a commercial setting for long, but there are far more expensive toolboxes out there designed specifically for that purpose. It is far from ‘flimsy’!
It has a nice big box at the top, with plenty of space for a lot of tools. A slide-out, sectioned drawer in the bottom of this can be used for the storage of smaller tools or components.
There is then a section with another small, sectioned drawer, and a deeper drawer.
Finally, at the bottom is another large, swing out box capable of fitting plenty inside of it.
The workshop can be split into 3 parts, making it easy to only grab the section you need for the current job.
One small note that has been mentioned in other reviews, is that it would be nice if this product had a tray insert for the top box.
All-in-all I’m really happy that I went ahead and bought this product, and I wholeheartedly believe that it is more than sufficient for any home DIY’er.
Come prima cosa guardatevi le foto: un’immagine vale pi di mille parole. Poi vi dico che il pacco arrivato ben confezionato e non ci sono stati problemi.
Destinato ad un uso hobbistico spinto, intendo dire che non solamente per gli artigiani della domenica: trovo che le plastiche siano di qualit passabile, buone anche le slitte in metallo, avrei per qualche dubbio a portare il trolley in macchina (berlina intendo) in quanto, oltre al sollecitamento della strada, bisognerebbe mettere in conto anche lo stress dovuto all’inevitabile sforzo per incastrarlo di qua e di la nell’abitacolo. Molto meglio per chi ha un furgone o una monovolume dove pu trovare alloggiamento in piedi o comunque in una posizione adeguata.
I due cassetti piccoli hanno gli scomparti smontabili ma a guida fissa, cio non si pu creare una sagoma a piacere; una volta chiusi i cassetti restano chiusi bene anche se il trolley viene ribaltato.
Altra osservazione che posso fare questa: non credo che sia opportuno riempire al massimo il trolley e caricarlo in una vettura, anche se ritengo sia fatto di materiale resistente credo che non ce la farebbe ad essere sballottato a destra e a sinistra con 10, 15 kg di materiale dentro.
Concludo dicendo che sono soddisfatto per il denaro speso: 75 euro..
Great sturdy box but some of the drawers are stiff. Easy to transport and the fact it comes apart easily is a bonus.
Excellent tool storage box, I had my tools in so many different containers and just got fed up with moving them all about so decided to look for a decent one, bought the Stanley stack tool box on wheels and it’s great handy draws and storage boxes, put all my tools in from my old tool boxes and threw them all away now I’ve only one and a lot more room.
You are a DIY guy – get one!
Higjmh quality product. Drawers open effortlessly, plenty of space, roller operates easily.
You can separate the sections and makes it practical to move around only the tools you need. Each drawer can be customised within.
Stanley ist mir von div. Arbeitspltzen als Markenname mit gutem Ruf gelufig. Daher habe ich wohl etwas zu unaufmerksam die Beschreibung gelesen. Die groen Fcher sind durch Wlbungen nicht so volumins wie das Produktfoto vermuten lt, im unterem Fach passt nur ein Heiluftgeblse und 2 Pneumatik-Bohrmaschinen – voll. In den Schiebladen sind einige Trennstcke herausnehmbar, aber nicht in anderer Lage wieder einsetzbar. Auerdem sind nur die kurzen Stege rausnehmbar, das verhindert eine freie Raumeinteilung. Trotzdem ein praktisches Produkt und ich bin mit dem Kauf zufrieden.
Einzig die wirklich RIESIGE Umverpackung fr den Transport war nervig – meine Frau kam nicht mehr in die Wohnung rein, weil der Paketbote die Sendung einfach vor die Wohnungstr gestellt hatte. Ich habe nach dem Auspacken 15 Minuten gebraucht, um die Pappe und das Knllpapier in den Papiergrocontainer zu stopfen…
Purchased this for our Dental office’s Pediatric dentist to take to his OR cases that are seen at the hospital. This tool box is a replacement for a similar model and brand that only lasted us 3 years. This Stanley Rolling Workshop is very sturdy and much higher quality than a different name brand cart we purchased locally (could not find a Stanley stateside). It snaps apart to make it easy for all of our assistants to be able to load it in and out of their cars with ease. It has sturdy casters and rolls with ease. We expect this tool box to last much longer than our last version. We were taking a chance on purchasing it from England and knew there was no returning it if we needed to. But we were very happy to see it arrive without a scratch. They wrapped it in bubble wrap boxed it then wrapped it in bubble wrap again. Super Fast Shipping too! Excellent seller and Stanley 1-79-206 Rolling Workshop product!
Ich habe die Rollende Werkstatt gekauft, weil es mir einfach auf die Nerven ging mein Werkzeug immer zusammen suchen zu mssen. Stndig vergisst man etwas und muss wieder in den Keller laufen.
Das man fr den Preis natrlich keinen Ferarri unter den Aufbewarungsmglichkeiten bekommt, ist ja wohl klar. Aber fr zuhause reicht das allemal. Ich bekomme mein Werkzeug unter und wenn ich mal was brauche, habe ich mit einem Handgriff alles wichtige dabei.
Auch bei mir fehlte leider im obersten Koffer die entnehmbare Trage. Diese wurde mir aber, nach einer e-Mail an den Hersteller, kostenfrei zugeschickt.
Zur Verarbeitung kann ich auch nichts negatives sagen. Hier und da klemmt vielleicht mal eine Schublade, das wohl aber meistens an nicht richtig plazierten Werkzeugen liegt.
Only just received this but my husband is very pleased with i
Ich habe einen Aufbewahrungsmglichkeit fr mein berall herumfliegendes Werkzeug gesucht. Ich brauche es nicht jeden Tag – aber wenn, dann wei ich wo es ist. Die Qualitt ist so, wie es der Preis erwarten lsst – aber nicht schlecht. Der Stanley ist schon stabil. Der ausziehbare Griff hinten wackelt etwas aber erfllt seinen Zweck. Praktisch sind die ausziehbaren Schubladen mit herausnehmbaren Unterteilungen fr Kleinzeugs wie gesammelte Schrauben. Die erste Bestellung kam kaputt an, die 2te war in Ordnung. Empfehlen kann ich den Stanley allen, die ab und an mal Werkzeug brauchen und es nicht schleppen mchten. Praktisch um das Sammelsorium an Werkzeug mal an einem Ort zu haben. Fr meine Zwecke also top. Fr den harten Einsatz in einer Werkstatt ist der Stanley, so glaub ich, wohl weniger geeignet.
Wie so viele Dinge im Leben hat auch dieser Koffer Licht und Schattenseiten.
Klare Zielsetzung war, so viel wie mglich Werkzeug, so bersichtlich als mglich zu lagern und bei Bedarf zu transportieren.
Der Transport beschrnkt sich auf die Strecken innerhalb der Werkstatt, zum Auto oder zum jeweiligen, ebenerdigen Einsatzort. Eine Treppensteighilfe hat der Apparat nicht. Die Kunststoffrollen sind recht klein und sicherlich nicht gelndegngig.
Zu Beginn war mir klar, dass ich in dem von mir fokusierten Preissegment einige Abstriche zu machen sind.
3 x einzeln nutzbare Einheiten die sich stapeln und zusammen rollen lassen
Die diversen Schubladen bieten ausreichend Platz
Schubladen mit Metallfhrung
Hinten am Griff sind Steckpltze fr lange Werkzeuge (Wasserwaage/Stativ etc)
Etwas labil, aber wie oben erwhnt, es sind Abstriche zu machen
Realistisch betrachtet eigentlich nichts.
Natrlich gbe es hier und da noch Potential, dann wre man aber vermutlich wieder in einem anderen Preissegment.
Einzig die Verpackung knnte man kritisieren. In der Umverpackung htte man bestimmt auch ein kleines japanischen Auto verpacken knnen.
Als meine vier einzelnen Werkzeugkoffer nach und nach den Geist aufgaben, habe ich mich entschlossen mir diese fahrbare Werkstatt zu besorgen. Sie ist nun seit einiger Zeit im Einsatz und hlt in jeder Hinsicht das, was sie verspricht. Sehr gute Aufteilung, genug Platz fr jede Menge Werkzeug und Zubehr. Bei mir ist von der Schraube ber Sge, bis hin zum Akkuschrauber alles drin. Hat momentan ein Gesamtgewicht von 27 Kilo und ist problemlos fahrbar auch ber Schwellen, Bordsteine etc. Selbst mit diesem Gewicht, ist die Werkstatt am oberen Griff komplett tragbar, ohne das irgend etwas ausreit. Allerdings, und dafr gibt es einen Punkt Abzug, sind die Griffe und deren Halterung der mittleren und unteren Box viel zu knapp bemessen. Bei hherem Gewicht drohen diese auszureien. Hier sollte dringend nachgebessert werden. Ansonsten ein empfehlenswertes Tool das Ordnung schafft, durchdacht aufgeteilt ist und einen fairen Preis hat.
Looks to be a good quality product but it’s not as good a design in some respects as the existing Stanley Rolling Workshop that I’m replacing, as although it’s bigger, it seems to hold less tools etc and they are not as accessible as in the older version.
Exactly what I needed and expected. Received it very quickly. Love all the drawers. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because the wheels really could be better, they are a little cheap for the purchase price. Of course, it’s not going to hold up as well as a steel toolbox, but if that’s what I’d needed, then I would have purchased that instead and spent many hundreds of dollars. Since it’s not metal, I’m not going to be as rough with it. But this is perfect for holding all my silversmithing tools as I travel from home to class and back again. And I love that it comes apart so easily to make transporting it a breeze.
The first toolbox was the wrong one, the second one was broken and the third was lovely, I use it to keep my craft items in, the only thing was I found it much cheaper on a different site but as they had been really good at replacing the first two I decided to stay with them.
excellent price, makes a difference to a having a lot of smaller boxes around the garage
Consegnato dal corriere hermes nei tempi previsti, puntualissimo!
Completamente impacchettato e protetto da pluriball, la confezione non era bella, ma efficacissima e questo lo scopo, l’imballaggio non ha compiti estetici, soprattutto per una scatola degli attrezzi.
Il carello come rappresentato e descritto, quindi nessuna sorpresa.
Non sembra effettivamente adatto ad un uso professionale, intenso, di quelli senza tanti riguardi.
La plastica, almeno per aspetto e consistenza, sembra di qualit, ma l’impressione che se ci si sta un po’ attenti meglio! Soprattutto al sistema di apertura e chiusura dei cassetti ed ai separatori interni dei cassettini. Non che sembrino fragili, piuttosto deformabili… Ma questa un impressione che solo l’uso nel tempo chiarirebbe.
Il contenitore superiore e senza il classico vassoio portacacciaviti, ma siccome sotto ha incorporato il cassettino, non cos profondo come ci si aspetta e quindi probabilmente non avrebbe avuto senso.
Le guide in acciaio dei cassetti invece vanno che un piacere.
Io non l’ho ancora caricato quindi non so cosa pu cambiare, ma ritengo che nel complesso non presenter sorprese.
Ottimi gli agganci fra i livelli ed il carrellino, ogni pezzo ha il suo maniglione per il trasporto e si pu spostare nella colonna come si vuole.
Il trolley comodo e viaggia bene.
Viste le differenze qualitative da quelli per uso professionale, ci sono da notare anche quelle nel prezzo, che, per chi lo usa in casa o in garage per bricolage, manutenzione varia e magari anche un uso assiduo, sono importanti.
In ogni caso il prodotto soddisfacente, lo ricomprerei.
I needed somewhere to hide away the little odd tool items I had which was portable and fitted nicely into the rear of my car going from job to job. This fits the bill nicely and was a very good price. It stands nicely and is strong in construction. Very pleased indeed !
Hallo, der Werkstatt- Trolli gefllt mir gut, er ist handlich, hat groe Fcher indem ich meine Bohrmaschine und meine Flex problemlos verstauen
Kann. In dem nchsten Fach bekomme ich den Akku- Schrauber mit Ladegert und zwei Akkus untergebracht. In dem obersten Fach habe ich
Hammer, Zange, Maulschlssel u.s.w. reingelegt. Durch das abnehmen der einzelnen Ksten, brauche ich nicht immer alles mitnehmen.
Kleines bel ist eigentlich nur das die Schubladen etwas klemmen knnen beim ffnen. Also Optimal fr Heimwerker mit wenig Platz.
After reading other reviews about this product, I was a bit sceptical to say the least, however I was pleasantly surprised. this unit arrived yesterday and is very sturdy, it is made from tough plastic, the draws have a small clip under which opens the drawers, and then prevents then from flying open, there are two small drawers with compartments and a slightly deeper one which is ideal for screwdrivers etc. the big pull down compartment at the bottom is great size I actually have my bosh drill & drill bits in there. the top box does not contain a tray but is deep, it can hold things like hammers etc, I also have my ratchet set in there too. and there is still loads of room for more stuff. there are two pockets at the rear which are ideal for tall spirit levels or maybe even pieces of wood?, the wheels are strong and feel great to pull around, the extending handle makes it ideal for moving around easy. I had another one like this ages ago that was no where near as good quality, Stanley is a name you can trust and rely on. forgot to mention only the top box can be lock with a padlock!. Yes I would recommend this product.
Bought as a replacement holder for my tools that I keep in the garden shed. Keeps everything together and allows you to remove top box on its own. Good for household use but not suitable for a professional. Would have liked it to have been made more substantially and the closing clasps to have been more robust, therefore only 4 stars.
This was just what I needed. Starting to collect storage for my new van and this has been perfect. Fastened to the bulkhead of my van by the sliding door for easy access. The draws slide and lock when opened and click when shut to stop them opening when on the move. The wheels are great to move my mini workshop on site when needed.
A great Stanley product !
Arrives in time and great conditions. Product was as described. Very satisfactory I would recommend it.
Really good my only negative comment is that on occasion the opening mechanism is a little tough and not so easy to use
I do not use it for tools. I use it as my “art chest”. I have tubes of paints and brushes in the drawers, bottles of different things in the top with other supplies and the bottom for extra canvases, books, pads and things like that. With the top coming off it easily transports to classes and I have everything together. For me it is ideal and seems to be made strong enough for the use I will give it. Rolling is easy an so far I find it to be a great hobby chest. It might be too light weight for tools and a work a day world. For construction and tools I might have my doubts but for the purpose I bought it for it seems ideal.
This was bought for my post grad daughter to store much of her art materials to save space in her small rented home. Although probably not the intended use, it serves the purpose well and is highly flexible. The ability to wheel the storage containers around is also very useful. It seems to be well made with positive action side clamps securing the 3 sections together. I should think it would serve equally well to house tools etc. Recommended.
Good product packaging very poor smal amount of damage on arrival also a handle not properly secured.
Was a present so not practical to retu
Il trolley, acquistato per regalo, come mi aspettavo. Solido e fatto con buon plastiche. I 3 vani sono separabili uno dall’altro, di varie dimensioni e con distribuzioni di diverso tipo. Il vano superiore ha un portello ed ha un unico spazio, il secondo ha 2 cassetti con distribuzione interna per minuterie (i divisori interni sono removibili) ed un cassetto pi grande con unico spazio di contenimento. Il terzo vano un corpo unico con la scocca del trolley ed costituito da una ribaltina per strumenti pi grandi. I vani hanno una maniglia antiscivolo incassata nel coperchio che si alza quando necessario.
Il primo vano ha una scanalatura sul coperchio (un “V” a 90) utile per appoggiare profili da segare.
Posteriormente vicino alle ruote ci sono 2 spazi che consentono l’inserimento di livelle o altro che tramite un elastico fissato al secondo vano possono essere tenute in posizione.
In definitiva un ottimo spazio di contenimento a castello, facilmente trasportabile e versatile per l’uso casalingo/semiprofessionale (probabilmente anche professionale).
Amazon come sempre veloce e precisa anche nell’imballo voluminoso.
Very pleased with this item. For my painting equipment it works very well
like first reviewer mine also arrived slightly damaged but more surprising is the lack of a top tray in the toolbox, the previous model had one. I have contacted Stanley (awaiting reply) to find if this is correct.
These are decent for the money, just ordered another as my other toolboxes are hard to find anything in. Great they can breakdown as a desktop drawer system and also holds your levels and handsaws at the back.
Ideal to keep all my loose tools. The vertical form saves floor space and all items easily accessible in drawers. The wheels make it easy to move around. Larger tools such as saws have to be stored elsewhere.
Great product, works well, delivered quickly and highly recommended seller.
Much better quality than I expected. B&Q sell a similar Stanley product which is really flimsy. This one was made in Israel and is a pleasure to own. Very fair value at 61 delivered to my door. Thank you.
Exactly as described, robust, intact and well packaged. Draw sizes and sections are well proportioned for tool sets
cette servante est parfaite pour ranger les outils , tiroirs tres pratique et tirage bien fluide , rangement en bas permettant de stocker les plus gros outils mais pas immense non plus !! voila pour le cot pratique , pour ce qui est de la matire par contre je trouve le plastique un poil lger (a ne veux pas dire fragile ) les roues aussi mriteraient tre plus robuste , maintenant a voit dans le temps car pour l’instant je suis satisfait !
I was so excited to get this! Much cheaper and more space than a similar Stanley set that is currently being sold at B & Q.
The bottom compartment fit my bosh drill, grinder, and planer. The saw could not fit in. I store bits and pieces in Two middle drawers. The top I have for hammers, spatulas, silicone gun, pliers and screwdriver. I would not do without it anymore and now thinking of buying another one to fit all my tools there. There is also useful space for saws and spirit leveller at the back
I now have all my tools in one place, first one arrived damaged, but was replaced immdiately without any issues.
was a gift and used for home storage. looks great.
Holds a great ammount of tools and so easy to pull around, very good quality and very well put together. Great price to..Perfect for DIY or the professional. Really handy for all trades. The top box is the only part with a locking loop, it has no way to lock the lower draws, What I have done is drilled a hole in line with the top box locking loop down inline through the lower draw handles and into the bottom edge. I then used a 10mm rod bar bent over at the top L shape, that threads through the holes and into the bottom edge hole, marked the rod just below the last handle, drilled a small hole through the rod and then put a small padlock through the bar and lock it down..It sounds complicated but it’s really quiet simple, the picture should explain how I have done this.
This is brilliant for what i want. It stores loads of stuff and is really sturdy. Comes apart to load into the car. Its great!
grundstzlich ein gutes ding, allerdings mit kleinen fehlern.
man bringt zwar jede menge werkzeug, material,… unter – jedoch wird auch einiges an platz verschenkt bzw. wirkt das teil grer als dann tatschlich platz hat.
eine lade klemmt etwas, die restlichen btw. das oberste und unterste fach schliessen aber einwandfrei.
habe die feder etwas bearbeitet, jetzt klappts auch mit der klemmenden schublade.
hhenverstellung am “fahrgriff” funktioniert bestens und die haltegummis verdienen diesen namen und halten wasserwaage,… am richtigen platz!
die verarbeitung ist ordentlich und der werzeugkasten ist ein ntzlicher helfer beim heimwerken bzw. ordnung halten.
der preis ist jedoch auch absolut am limit – fr einen plastikkasten mit laden.
It is very nice and there is a lot of space, I ordered 2 to be installed in my van so I can divide Metric from Imperial tools, however I am still waiting for the second one so right now I put all the stuff in one box and there is so much space that I was able to put inside also sprays, gas tools (blow torch, soldering irons and heat gun), files, brushes and so on, and I didn’t fill it completely yet.
If you plan is to store big tools or power tools this is not the box for you, I suppose the bottom box will fit a cordless drill, a drill and maybe a grinder (all without accessories) but nothing else. The accessories can be stored in the top box and maybe there will be some extra space.
The two small drawers can hold screws or terminals, maybe brushes or small tools, but nothing big. I tried to store some wrenches, but the vertical space is too tight (i didn’t measure but it is something like 50mm), while the bigger drawer can hold all the wrenches you like, since the depth is about 150mm.
I don’t know the toal weight I stored in this box, but right now I suppose it’s about 30kg.
There are also two slots on the back side where to store spirit level, saw, rulers, squares and so on.
About the trolley function, I didn’t test it since the scope of my purchase is to keep the boxes in the van and remove them just in case I need to give the van to someone else.
I bought this as a thank you for my son for all the hard work he does for me, and he was really pleased with the quality of the product, and how it comes apart to mobilise easily. Great thanks.
Good way of keeping everything together. Be aware can become heavy when full, back problems can be made worse. Still a great idea.
The tool box is made well enough but I was slightly disappointed because I was expecting more for the money It cos
Good toolbox, shame there is no insert for the top box!!
I needed something to hold lots of electrical spares and parts that would also separate into different modules if required.
First the bad news:
Cons – It arrived with slight damage – disappointing but not the end of the world and not worth the hassle of sending it back.
It wouldn’t survive being employed on a building site work for very long.
Works really well for me (domestic electrical work). Being able to separate into 3 modules is really useful when you don’t need the whole thing.
Drawers have fixed compartments and are useful sizes – screws, Wago boxes & connectors, rawl plugs etc.
Boxes will survive being tipped over with little migration of small parts.
Should the drawers stick (due to build up of general detritus), they can be pulled right out by operating the quick release mechanisms. Handy for cleaning too!
Plenty of room for general bits and pieces but the workshop is not that robust so don’t load it too much.
Once set up at the job, the workshop is excellent for presenting all your ‘stuff’ at a convenient height. The top box has a notch to help cut pipe etc. Top box also has a useful one-hand operation latch (opening and closing).
Looks very professional too.
So, if you need a lightweight three-section gizmo for holding most of your kit this is certainly worth considering. OK so it’s not robust enough for site work, but you won’t need a course of steroids to lift it either.
4 stars for convenience and usefulness – lost a star due to damage.
Die rollende Werkstatt von Stanley erfllt meine Erwartungen vollkommen!
Die Verarbeitung ist wertig und sehr funktionell. Insbesondere durch die Mglichkeit, den Trolley in drei Teilksten zu zerlegen, ist auch der Transport in einem Kofferraum (Kombi) ohne weiteres mglich.
Die groe Schublade kommt ohne Raumteiler, die ich aber auch nicht fr diese Schublade gebrauche.
Die beiden kleinen Schubladen haben eine Einteilung (gut geeignet fr Spritzen 1ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml und verschiedene Kanlen).
Der obere Kasten hat neben einer der beiden kleinen Schubladen ein groes Staufach, welches ich noch mit zwei Organizer-Boxen gefllt habe.
Der untere Klapp-Kasten bietet ein groes einteiliges Staufach. Das Fach ist gro genug, um einen normalen Ordner hochkant einzulegen (so hat man seine schriftlichen Unterlagen immer griffbereit). Zustzlich ist noch gengend Platz fr weitere Organizer-Boxen.
Ich benutze diese “rollende Werkstatt” fr meine veterinrmedizinische Ausrstung, die Medikamente sowie die Betubungswaffenausrstung.
Auch auf Weiden, unbefestigten Wegen und im sonstigen Gelnde lsst sich der Trolley gut handhaben.