TIGERXBANG SUP Board Stand Up Paddle Board |320x80x15cm | for Adults/Kids| ISUP Surfing Complete Ki

Size: | 320x81x15cm |
Dimensions: | 89.6 x 44 x 20.5 cm; 14.56 Kilograms |
Colour: | Black&White 320cm |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | TIGERXBANG |
Colour: | Black&White 320cm |
Dimensions: | 89.6 x 44 x 20.5 cm; 14.56 Kilograms |
Size: | 320x81x15cm |
Ha venido en tiempo, caja previamente usada, tena otra direccin y no me qued tranquilo hasta que comprob que todo estaba bien. La he abierto en la terraza, viene todo tal y como se describe en la pgina, tambin el asiento con anclajes (fue mi gran duda al comprarla porque era una oferta y en la foto no se vean) la he inflado sin problemas, se ve robusta y es muy bonita, tambin se desinfla bien y coge todo bien en la bolsa. Espero no tener problemas con el uso.
Por poner pegas, ias instrucciones no vienen en espaol y tienes que estar con el traductor. Y estara bien una bolsa impermeable para llevar cosas y el mvil.
Tras recibirlo y usarlo cuatro veces estoy muy contento con la compra, me parece q tiene una relacin calidad-precio muy buena. Para merecer las cinco estrellas slo le falta incluir un remo de doble pala tipo kayak, o mejor an q el propio remo de paddle fuera convertible. Ya q incluye el asiento lo normal sera q trajera TB el remo correspondiente para no tener q comprarlo aparte. Por lo dems perfecto, completo y sensacin de muy buena calidad en todas sus partes
I never usually write reviews but for this one, I will. We were extremely impressed by the quality of this product and how much fun we had. So simple to get started and to pack away, I love it!
El vendedor ha sido muy amable, se puso rpidamente en contacto y me envi una nueva TIGERXBANG Tabla de Sup Stand Up Paddle Board, hoy la he recibido, adems en los contactos anteriores que tuve con l me di condejos para el uso en climas algo ms extremos como es mi caso en Andalucia, inflar slo a 10 psi tratar de no dejarla al sol sobre la arena durante largos perodos y si es as desinflar un poco hasta su nuevo uso….Estoy muy contento con la rapidez y el trato, este fin de semana pondr en uso todas sus recomendaciones y a disfrutarla.
Producto que cumple con las especificaciones y muy buena atencin al cliente y servicio postventa
El producto cumple con lo esperado, kit muy completo. Mi mala suerte fue que me llego defectuoso ya que perda aire.
Das board eignet sich wunderbar fr nfanger. Man braucht aber viel Krperspannung
No problems whatsoever, used it 5 times at least now and always reliable
Was initially very happy with it then seam split on second use.
Bought as a beginner and have used it in lakes and the ocean an it was suitable for both. Solidly made and high quality.
Sono generalmente contenta del prodotto. Aggiusterei solo due dettagli:
1. Non ci sono indicazioni su come ripiegare bene il sup (in tanti altri modelli c’)
2. Non c’ modo di fissare la parte alta del remo in asse rispetto alla pala, per cui va raddrizzata ogni volta che si allunga/accorcia.
3. Non c’ nemmeno una tasca nello zaino (per portafogli, telefono, varie ed eventuali).
Paid 200 for this, awesome bit of kit. Everything you need to get SUPing. Feels really well made.
Really nice board. Feels good out on the water. I use it mostly out at sea and never felt like it is flexing or unstable.
5 STAR ALL THE WAY! I’ve had mine for over 3 months now. Treat it well and you won’t have any issues. I use mine almost daily on the sea and haven’t had a single issue. More recently I have been leaving the board inflated and just putting it in the back of my car and having it tied in with the boot open as I only live a couple of minutes from the beach. Each time I check the air pressure but it hadn’t lost any at all. Love this board, the quality is spot on and the fin set up is so much better than a lot of other boards around the same price. As I said earlier, treat it well and you won’t have any issues, walk in to knee height before you get on as you don’t want the fins to be touching the floor, they will snap, as with any other board. Postage and packaging was also spot on. 100% recommend THIS board!
Love this paddle board. Easy to inflate (bought an electric pump for quickness). Sturdy and stable. We have used them several times now and they are great.
Fast delivery and arrived really well packaged.
I have only been out on it once and I am a complete beginner at paddle boarding but I it was fantastic and looks great too. The carry bag it a great size and everything fits in (plus a lot more room) and easy to carry on your back. My sister in law is a very experienced paddle boarder and went on mine and said it was extremely sturdy! All in all I would most definitely recommend this board to anyone. 10/10 from me so far.
We use this board mainly on our local beach, very good when sea is calm, and OK when sea is choppy..like all boards, need to be careful in windy conditions. Easy to inflate, very sturdy. And would recommend this board to all
La tavola ed il resto del kit corrisponde a quanto ci aspettavamo.
Usata, va benissimo.
L’unica pecca che il manometro della pompa non funziona e non si riesce a capire se gonfia a sufficienza
Deliberately left it a couple of months before reviewing.
What’s not to like, the pump works well, takes a while for the pressure gauge to register because it takes a good amount of pumping to get enough pressure to show.
The paddle is OK, but after a couple of months corrosion is starting to show, I use the board on the sea so salt water would be harsher.
The board itself is fairly sturdy, I’m 5′ 9″ and 100kg and it holds me with no issues.
I’ve paddled 2 miles on the sea standing up and there is no flex or sink, it’s solid as a rock.
The clip that holds the fin has snapped this week, I’m not too concerned as the fin is a snug fit and I can’t see it coming out.
I can’t work out how to put the seat on, but tbh, I use it standing up so the seat will just gather dust then get binned.
All in all I’m happy with it, I think it is great value for what I paid for it.
Nice roomy well made bag with shoulder straps.
Board is solid when inflated to 15psi.
It seems capable of sustaining knocks and scrapes.
The pump seems to be of good quality and works well.
The anti slip top is ace as it’s like your feet are glued to it.
The paddle is not great, showing corrosion after 2 months of use.
The seat seems pointless.
In my opinion, it’s a great starter board and I can see me having fun on it for a few years to come.
Farblich extrem schnes Board in sehr guter Verarbeitung. Zubehrteile komplett und beinahe leicht zu Hndeln. Um den geforderten Druck beim Aufpumpen (grner Bereich) zu erreichen, bedarf es schon etwas Kraftaufwand. Fr Anfnger, wie mich. ein Superboard.
Happy with the paddleboard. Easy to inflate and stable in the water.
the seat is absolute rubbish it snapped in 1st 5 mins, so get one with metal clips but i found it better with out a seat.
the board is very good quality, but like all the other boards at this price range, cant expect the best accessories else you have a cheap board, probably have to buy better accessories but only the seat has failed me so far.
as for people moaning about the paddle or valve like any board if you dont clean the sand and other bits of dirt course it will jam so just look after it . but the seat is terrible.
El producto es tal cual aparece en la descripcin. Vino en buenas condiciones y traa el inflador (se tarda 5 minutos en inflarse), asiento kayak, remo ajustable segn altura (es remo para paddle surf, no para kayak), tobillera para engancharte a la tabla, kit de reparacin (slo trae parche y llave para la vlvula, no pegamento). En cuanto a la longitud (en casa parece grande pero cuando estas en la playa, el tamao es adecuado), ancho y grosor lo considero idneo, genera suficiente estabilidad en el mar, es cmo estar sentado y de pie, la mochila es grande donde cabe todo y la tabla se puede transportar tanto hinchada como deshinchada y el peso no es excesivo. En principio, no ha habido incidencias tras usarlo un par de veces. En caso de incidencias, modificar el comentario para ponerlo en conocimiento pero, por ahora, estoy bastante contento con las caractersticas y la utilidad.
Love my new SUP. Been out on it around 10 times and now got the hang of standing up on it. Very sturdy. Pumping it up is a cardio workout in itself. Can get it inflated to 11 psi in around 5 minutes of hard work.
The seat is a useful addition.
Overall, very pleased
I like the paddle board but I had to go and purchase a new paddle as the clip on mine was broken and I did not want to send the paddle board back and kids love i
Seems to be well made,easily coped with my son and I combined weight120k. Seat is comfy if you dont want to stand, bag is big enough to store everything. At home on river or reasonably calm sea. Only gripe the pump works ok but doubt it will last, gauge broke first use. I guess the best testament is after first time out we bought a second one two days later. If you fancy a go and its still discounted doubt you will find much bette
+ . Todo
-. el barmetro del hinchador no funciona! Fallo enorme por su parte
Segn llego, la infl para probarla y al da siguiente se despegaron las costuras.
El producto est defectuoso.
A priori parece muy buena tabla, pero es una pena que est defectuosa.
Actualizacin: Despus de poner una reclamacin, el vendedor se puso en contacto conmigo y me mando otro tabla. Lleva tres das inflada y todo bien. Espero que haya sido un producto defectuoso. Cambio la valoracin a 5 estrellas aunque solo sea por el servicio de atencin al cliente
Nach dem Auspacken starker Gummigeruch, aber wenn man es an der Luft lsst (was ja ohnehin der Falls ist), vergeht dies. Stabiles Board, allerdings bei der zweiten Nutzung fiel auf, dass das Ventil undicht ist. Ob dies schon beim ersten Mal so war, kann ich nicht sagen. Leider mussten wir somit das Board zurck geben. Aber ich werde es auf jeden Fall nach Rckerstattung nochmals kaufen, denn die Bedienbarkeit und Standhaftigkeit ist kinderleicht und es ist insgesamt im Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis sehr stark. Allerdings werde ich das Ventil genau beobachten!
Update: Das im Nachgang erhaltene zweite Board funktionierte einwandfrei und ist wirklich ein perfektes SUP, im Vergleich zu anderen sehr leicht und mit viel Zubehr.
So I’ve used this board about 6 times when going out with friends that all have different makes/ sizes and I have tried them all out. The tigerx bang tends to be my personal favourite as its so stable and tracks really well compared to some of the others. U have the extra hoops and string to tie things down easily and confidently.
Also looks grea
Easy to inflate, albeit a short workoutabout 10 minutes. Good quality product with a decent carry bag.
Super Board.. Qualitt.. stabil auf dem Wasser.. hlt locker 2Personen.. daumen hoch
Wie schon geschrieben, hat knapp ein Jahr gehalten. Das ist zu kurz fr den Preis
Ist ein tolles sup.
Als ich es Ausgepackt hatte, roch es dolle nach Plastik aber der Geruch ist dann nach einigerzeit verflogen.
Wir sind begeistert vom sup.
Only used it once so far but it seems very well built and pretty easy to use. I’m going to buy another one to use.
It was a present for my son he loves it .