Turtle Beach VelocityOne Flight Universal Control System for Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One | Windows 10/11
Flight Management Display
The full color display with dedicated controls helps you learn and configure the system for Microsoft Flight Simulator, and easily switch between profiles for different aircrafts.
Flight is equipped with 12 analog axes for precise control or essential control surfaces, two POV switches to intuitively change view and two 4-way HAT switches.
Top of the line for anything aviation sim! Turtle beach constantly updates this too. Highly recommend this to anybody looking for the best of the best.
I’m usually cheap and wait for sales, but decided otherwise for this. Excellent purchase, no lag with the input and easy to configure. Works on MSFS2020 and Xplane 11 and 12.
I'm usually cheap and wait for sales, but decided otherwise for this. Excellent purchase, no lag with the input and easy to configure. Works on MSFS2020 and Xplane 11 and 12.
Was supposed to be here on a Tuesday and got here two days early on a Sunday. Box was a little beat up but package was brand new and everything inside is in perfect condition. Haven’t plugged in yet but will leave an updated review.
Despus de la actualizacin de este mes ya funciona completamente, tanto la pantalla cmo los indicadores, la experiencia jugando no tiene nada que ver a la de usar mando.
I am having a blast with this controller. It’s a lot of fun however my only complaint is that you have to use assist features is FS when you’re flying. It is not responsive to small movements of the joystick.
Ich benutze den Flugsteuerrung am Windows 11 PC in Verbindung mit dem MSFS2020. Die Steuerung wird Treiber los erkannt und luft sofort. Das SIP funktioniert auch seit Version 1.2 problemlos. An der Steuerung selbst kann man den Xbox oder PC Modus einstellen, die Farben ndern und die Modus fr Einmotorige oder zweimotorige Maschinen umstellen, so das man mehrere schubregler hat. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt zumal ein Lenkeinschlag von 90 mglich ist was einer wesentlich feineren Steuerung zugute kommt. Die meisten Konkurrenzprodukt lassen hier nur ein Lenkeinschlag Hardwareseitig von 45 zu der dann von der Software auf 90 interpretiert wird.
I have used almost every flight control on the market and this is the best value for performance ratio. Great response, solid feel and so many features. The profiles are fantastic and the trim wheel is the best I have felt. I use it on a PC and X-plane 11. I looked at a lot of reviews and with the updated software many of the issues they make have been solved.
Trs bon Yoke pour un dbutant comme moi dans le monde de la simulation du nouveau FS2020.
Il est trs fonctionnel et le faite d’avoir plein de possibilit de paramtrage des touches est trs pratique. Il est trs agrable prendre en main et la qualit des matriaux est vraiment bonne. Je recommande !
This is my very first flight yoke and I love it! I know a lot of people complain about the yoke being sticky but that goes away in a short time. It also helps if you lube the shaft with a lubricant like I did. I sprayed some Teflon flavored WD-40 on a paper towel and wiped it on the shaft and it almost entirely got rid of the stickiness. Yeah it’s a little expensive but if your wanting a more realistic feel to your flight sim experience honestly this is the best way to go. My only gripe is not having enough room for this and my flight stick and throttle which I use as well for Flight Sim and other things. Nice Job Turtle Beach!
Der Yoke ist super, der Quadrant allerdings fhlt sich einfach wie ein Kinderspielzeug an(Schubhebel gehen viel zu weich und fallen fast von selbst um). Wenn man an den Tisch rempelt kommt man von Vollschub in den Leerlauf, das ist das einzige aber grte Problem. Die Verarbeitung ist toll, aber fr mich ein Grund um es zurckzugeben aufgrund der oben genannten Thematik mit den Schubhebeln. Schade!
Le titre est moins grandiloquent qu’il n’en a l’air, tant donn qu’il s’agit du seul yoke compatible xbox actuellement, mais vous n’y mprenez pas, il n’en reste pas moins excellent et propose un package particulirement complet, qui intressera les utilisateurs Xbox comme PC !
Mon ressenti en 10 points :
Les + :
– Propose un ensemble complet et versatile, qui se suffit lui mme lors des vols. Nul besoin d’acheter d’autres produits afin d’avoir un rendu immersif, mme sans palonnier les gchettes permettent un contrle relativement convaincant (un palonnier Turtle Beach arrive cependant bientt sur le march). Le fait d’avoir le manche, les commandes de gaz, de volets, ainsi que des boutons personnalisables, tous inclus dans un seul et unique package est trs agrable l’utilisation.
– Le V1F n’est pas avare de commandes personnalisables : que ce soit sur le manche directement ou prs des commandes de gaz, il y en a une flope. Cela permet de limiter au maximum le recours la manette ou au clavier/souris pour effectuer certaines actions, on peut rserver ces derniers des action trs spcifiques avec des boutons assigns.
– Les boutons “hatswitch” sont trs pratiques, ils permettent un maniement facile de la camra et donc une meilleure immersion. En assignant correctement ces boutons, on peut vraiment arriver se sentir libre dans le cockpit.
– La roue de trim est absolument fantastique, je n’avais encore jamais vu a sur un systme comme celui-ci, et c’est trs russis au niveau du ressenti : un ajout trs apprciable tant donn la forte utilisation qu’on fait de celle-ci dans le cockpit.
– La prsence de commande de gaz faon aviation gnrale, un ajout gnial. Cela ne rend pas les commandes du dessus inutiles pour autant lorsque l’on pilote un avion type Cessna 152, on peut facilement les configurer pour autre chose (par exemple la commande des volets).
Les – :
– Les configurations de base sont utilisables ds la premire connexion, mais trop gnrales. Il reste pleins de boutons non attribus. Vous devez donc prendre le temps de configurer diffrents profils en fonction des types d’avions que vous souhaitez utiliser.
Pas de panique, il existe plein de ressources sur Youtube pour vous accompagner dans la configuration. J’ai personnellement utilis une video de SimHanger Flight Simulation, et cela fonctionne merveille.
– Le panneau d’affichage SID fonctionne sur PC mais pas encore sur Xbox. Cela arrivera trs certainement, mais impossible de savoir quand exactement.
– Au dbut, le manche fait preuve d’une certaine friction dans l’axe avant/arrire (profondeur), cependant cela s’estompe avec le temps. Pour acclrer ce processus, vous pouvez bouger le manche d’avant en arrire pendant les temps de chargement.
– Les manettes de gaz du dessus n’ont pas beaucoup de friction. Ce n’est pas drangeant dans l’absolu tant donn qu’une fois positionnes elles ne bougent pas, mais c’est moins immersif.
– L’cran sur le manche n’est pas trs utile en pratique, il permet simplement de naviguer dans les paramtres et pourquoi pas mettre un chronomtre.
J’ai essay de trouver autant de points ngatifs que de points positifs, mais il est clair que les moins sont minimes par rapport tout le positif. Pour la plupart ils sont seulement temporaire, et n’entacheront pas votre exprience sur le long terme.
Je ne peux que vous le conseiller, d’autant plus que le support est trs ractif et l’coute, avec notamment un serveur discord ddi. Les FAQ sont aussi bien fournies.
Ce n’est pas donn, mais avec d’autres marques cela reviendrait plus cher d’acheter sparment les modules afin de constituer un ensemble avec les mmes fonctionnalits que le V1F.
Bei einfacher Flugsteuerung ist alles Top. Bei Simulation ist die Men-Umschaltung zwischen normaler Sicht, der Instrumentensicht und der Checkliste notwendig, die am PC mit der Maus wohl gut funktioniert. Der Umschalter am linken Steuerhorn funktioniert bei dem Tasten-Test, nicht jedoch im Spiel auf der X-Box.
Schade, denn ansonsten ein sehr gutes Gert.
his controller works well and has the majority of the functionality that you need. The unfortunate part is that you cannot include a set of rudder pedals (at least with the xbox). Also, I find that when I attempt to use the xbox controller to select items in MSFS20 to manipulate, the xbox does not respond very well with both the controller and this flight controller actively applying inputs.
Overall, a very nice flight controller, but expect some small interactive issues.
For an all-in-one the flying this is fantastic I’ve used it with Microsoft flight simulator 2020 I’ve actually separated the throttle from the yoke and mounted the throttle on a separate mouse mat pad that I can attach to my desk for better location.
I wouldn’t worry about the throttle resistance I think it’s just right I was considering adjusting the throttles to give a bit more resistance but there’s no need it’s all so great having the vernier controls the trim will can play on some aircraft but generally works fine without a problem.
I’ve met all of my buttons using my SIM hangers YouTube video which is absolutely fantastic.
I purchased this to use with Microsoft Flight Simulator on my Xbox Series S and it is absolutely brilliant. The Velocity One was ready to use after a very quick setup and update and the device profile was already on Flight Sim. I have been using both the default and the twin jet profile and the controls are incredibly accurate and realistic. Having a throttle quadrant really makes a difference to the sim experience along with an accurate feeling yolk. The buttons are all fully programmable and there is a huge amount of stickers included to customise the buttons to your own preferences. The only criticism I have is the description talks about the status indicator panel which is curently not supported on xbox. All in all this is a brilliant bit of kit and takes Flight Sim to a whole new level on Xbox
I just received my VelocityOne yoke yesterday (5/3/2022). Despite reviews about the yoke sticking, it works fine, and seems very smooth to me.
Update 5/26/2022 – Having flown now for a few hours, the yoke is not as smooth as I originally thought. Fine movements in and out are not fluid, rather a little choppy as the tube sticks, ever so slightly, during fine adjustments, resulting in over-correction when attempting to maintain a level course. I’ve adjusted the XBOX sensitivity settings which helped, but did not completely resolve the issue.
Fr den Preis finde ich den Controller vllig in Ordnung. Es ist ein bissen schwierig den in den Spielen einzustellen. Die zustzliche Software hilft garnicht, weil es dort keine Funktion gibt das Teil besser einzustellen.
Auch etwas schwierig bzw. Schade ist, ist dass die Lenkung nicht durchgehend flssig ist.
Aber fr den Preis in gegensatz zu Konkurrenten, finde ich das akzeptabel, wenn man nicht grade ein voll ausgestattetes Cockpit haben will.
The fundamentals of the yoke are fine but there’s still knowledge needed to use with MSFS as the relationship between the Turtle Beach documentation and MSFS over button numbers will have you tearing your hair out. The quadrant levers are a little light and care has to be taken when moving one that you don’t brush against another as it will move. There’s more work involved getting the status lights working (they only function on computer) and using the quadrant lever detents for reversers. Overall a good product for the price but you will have a stiff learning curve if you are not already well versed in setting up MSFS.
Everything about it is really good, especially the trim wheel. The one complaint I have which stops it from being a 5/5 for me is to start with the yoke is a bit sticky and precise adjustments are a bit tricky but according to all other reviews this fixes itself with time! I’ll update soon.
First impressions. It’s very very nice. However, I wish that at least one of the hat sticks was analog instead of a 4 way switch. For all of its faults the XBox game controller made moving my view anywhere in the plane easy. I can’t figure out how to change height, move up or back to look over the nose. I end up using a wireless mouse and my Xbox gamepad a lot to alleviate the pain points even when actually flying using this.
It’s also a bit of a pain when dropping in mid flight to get the throttle to just where the sim intended you to be at. You have to look down at it, and then move the throttle to match it as best you can which of course means you might suddenly speed up or slow down. Not sure what can even be done about that, tho. Things just sync when you move the physical controls. Just something to be aware of. Rudder pedals as triggers are a little difficult as the brakes are right above them so steering while braking is….challenging. I might move the brakes elsewhere so I can brake and steer more easily.
Overall it’s a very sweet setup.
Yoke sliding is is a little sticky (for now) but lifting up just slightly rather than letting the weight of my hands pull it down helps it slide better.
I was waiting for the Honeycomb XPC and it never came in Q1 like they said, updates went dark. So I got this and I’m very pleased so far. Firmware updated without any issues. Makes flying a Cessna A LOT more realistic compared to the controller or keyboard. Very happy with this purchase, although not my wife 😀
Its a great addition to any flight sim, looks great too,
Negatives, the product isnt fully working on xbox, and the throttles are way too lose, the elevator is sticky meaning tiny adjustment are pretty hard to do, i feel the POV arnt set up perfectly, meaning your thumb doesnt move left/right naturally on the, as if they need twisting another 10 degrees
It took me a while to decide on purchasing this controller and I was a little hesitant after seeing all the reviews, however, I am not disappointed. My biggest concern was the loose throttle levers and I am still concerned that these will loosen further with more use, but so far, they are working fine. The latest firmware update and utility software that has been released in Feb 2022, has fixed a number of the issues, and reverse thrust is now working with the changes to the setup in MSFS, as recommended on the support website. The display panel with the warning lights is also working but the utility software needs to be installed for this, and please note, this is only working for the PC version for now. In comparison to other more expensive controllers, yes, the build quality is not perfect but it is still good and has some advantages. The pull levers were my main reason for getting this controller to simulate the controls that are in most prop engine aircraft, this is not found on any other controller. The trim wheel works perfectly too. Overall, this is great value for the price and I am 100% happy with it. I am also only using this controller on my PC and not on my Xbox.
Turtle Beach is amazing at producing products for gamers. The look, the feel of this yoke is amazing. So, why only 4 stars? I wish, and I’m sure many out there are the same, would like to get a complicated piece of equipment like this with a easy mode out of the box. The preset buttons are great but not labeled and the programming is a little vague. Thank goodness for You Tube! However, once you get into it and start understanding the features…..I am absolutely IMPRESSED! It is a bit pricey but worth every penny.
My CH yoke broke after many many years…and after shopping for Logitech and Honeycomb I had a very hard time finding a Yoke that was modular, fit on my desk and didn’t take up space below it for my keyboard tray. This was it! The movement is smooth as silk, the buttons and sticker templates are awesome. Note…it seems to actually have forcefeedback! Which is why some people may think it was sticking. A++
This is an amazing piece of equipment. The fact that it was literally conceived to compliment MS Flight Simulator 2020 was all I needed to know. I have added a set of rudder pedals, but I’m thoroughly enjoying this. It worked great right out of the box and I’m thrilled with my choice. You can spend less and you can spend more. Hinestly, I think this is the sweet spot.
Great for flight sim 2020.
They are adding updates to improve it and the reverse thrusts are now included in the latest up.
I use this on the Xbox series x.
Always turn on , set profile on the V1 first to single , twin engine and then load up flight sim 2020 as sometimes the controls wont function like the reverse thrust.
Really a great looking interactive yoke! With the unit powered up and all this backlights on people walk in the room and immediately say “whoa dude that’s awesome!” Before they even know what it is! I can’t wait until turtle beach makes rudder pedals to go with it! I’m also patiently waiting for the update for the panel behind the yoke to be programmable on an XBOX platform!
Received mine on Sunday. Very, very well packaged and protected. Very easy to assemble and connect. I had been using a HOTAS and it is just not the same. This unit I must say, WOW!, what a pleasant surprise. Very complete set up with oh so many options and customizations. I read a few reviews where people complain about it ‘feeling cheap’, sticking and not being smooth. It is extremely sensitive, yes, but smooth and precise. I am not experienced with higher end equipment, but this unit definitely does its job properly and feels really good.
This is an amazing yoke and throttle quadrant set. The nice thing is it’s pretty compact and you get a lot of features in a small package. Granted at this point the SIP doesn’t work right, but everything else is amazing. I can now land my aircraft in MSFS without setting fire to my brakes thanks to the throttle levers. It’s very well built and with a little more time it should integrate seamlessly with any flightsim.
Das Gert mache einen echt guten Eindruck und funktioniert tadellos.
Besonders gut gefllt mir die Gre, es ist nicht so riesig und lsst sich dadurch Self leicht auf dem Schreibtisch bei Seite schieben wenn man es nicht bentigt.
Das SIP panel funktioniert mit einem Zusatzprogramm auch schon auf dem PC aber es ist nich in der Testphase und Xbox spiele Kissen sich noch etwas gedulden.
Der Umkerschub ist auch schon aktiviert aber in MSFS muss man ihn noch Manuel belegen da Asobo mit dem Update hinterher hngt.
I finally found a controller for Microsoft Flight Simulator that delivered what I was looking for without spending thousands of dollars. It will only get better with updates in the future, but as delivered it was easily better than the other controllers I have purchased. The setup documentation was good, but the configuration documentation could have been better. I personally would only use it with an Xbox Series X. The trim mechanism is a bit sensitive, but as I previously stated, compared to the other 2 controllers I purchased it is the without question the best controller overall.
A must have for flight simmers . Not yet fully integrated with MSFS but the Velocity one has already had one update since release and MSFS are working to fully implement all aspects of the yolk etc ..
Bought it for my Xbox Series X. Takes MSFS2020 up a notch in realism. Best yoke & throttle I’ve used. Plenty of potential customisation of the various buttons & switches although I’ve found even the vanilla default set up works just fine.
Der turtle beach veocity one ist eine Bereicherung fr den FlugSimulator. Es macht richtig spass damit zu fliegen. Das Gert arbeitet sehr przise. Die Tasten lassen sich wunderbar fr die persnlichen Bedrfnisse programmieren.
Durch ein Malheur ist mir das Teil mit den schubregler kaputt gegangen. Ich habe den Support kontaktiert und war begeistert wie unkompliziert das Teil ersetzt wurde.
Der Support war und ist genial!!!
Ich wrde den turtle beach velocityone sofort wieder kaufen.
Using this on an X-box x series with FS2020 – its a fantastic yoke setup, probably the best option out there at present, a little expensive but the build quality is very good. Excellent clamping system and the feel of the axis are all good and smooth.
The quadrant axis are a little on the loose side but not terribly so, a small felt pad on each lever improves the action noticeably for pennies – this should be fitted at the build stage.
It all integrates 100%, I created new profiles for it so i know exactly what does what, and have recently added a pedal set from another well known maker to complete the cockpit 🙂
Gnial! C’est le seul quadran qui propose deux styles de pilotage et cela renforce normment l’immersion dans le simulateur. C’est ce qui manquait sur le honey comb et qui a pes dans la balance… le yoke et son cadran lcd en vaut lui aussi le coup! Foncez, vous ne le regretterez pas!
Voller Neugier habe ich dieses tolle Steuergert fr den Flugsimulator bestellt und auch geliefert bekommen. Es handelt sich um ein sehr komplexes System, wo man vielleicht auch dann mal denkt, was habe ich falsch gemacht, da die Anzeige nicht dem entspricht, was auf der Verpackung dargestellt ist. Nach tagelangem Testen und Einstellen am Gert und im Flugsimulator bin ich zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass das Gert defekt ist. Der Umtausch ging wie immer bei Amazon absolut problemlos, was auch fr mich mit ein wichtiger Grund ist, bei Amazon zu bestellen.
Innerhalb von ein paar Tagen kam schon der Austausch und es ging wieder ans Installieren und Testen. Nach vielen Stunden des Tests am PC und Xbox war ich mir sicher, nichts falsch gemacht zu haben. Aber warum sind im Netz nur immer die Bilder der verschiedenen Farben der LEDs zu sehen und bei mir nicht???
Nach den Feiertagen habe ich dann den Kontakt zu Turtlebeach aufgenommen und erhielt folgende Antwort:
Wenn das Statusanzeigefeld (“SIP”) nicht aufleuchtet, um den Vorgngen in Ihrem Spiel oder Ihrer Flugsimulation zu entsprechen, liegt dies daran, dass das SIP zum Start (November 2021) noch nicht in der Lage war, auf Flugsimulationsereignisse zu reagieren da es zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht aktiviert war. Dieser befindet sich derzeit in der Implementierung und wird nach Test und Bereitstellung per Firmware-Update ausgeliefert.
Sobald dies implementiert wurde, funktioniert das Statusanzeigefeld wie folgt:
Das SIP besteht aus zwlf LEDs, die auf Ereignisse im Microsoft Flight Simulator reagieren sollen. Wenn eine Kraftstoffmangelwarnung ausgelst wird oder Sie den Status Ihres Fahrwerks berprfen mchten, kann Ihnen das SIP mitteilen. Der SIP-Modus kann auch auf Umgebungslicht gendert werden, um den restlichen LED-Farben des Produkts zu entsprechen.
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Geduld und Ihr Verstndnis, whrend wir daran arbeiten, diese Funktion vollstndig fr Sie zu implementieren.
Ich habe also nichts falsch gemacht! Es ist eben noch nicht implementiert.
Purtroppo le illustrazioni ingannano. Le spie dietro al manettino rimangono costantemente accese senza segnalare nessuna funzione attiva o chiusa. Il colore di queste spie e uniforme, non come appare di diversi colori.
I was looking at this yoke for a while and have seen several videos and reviews.
I had a 3 concerns but i fill the 1st two are not a big deal and im sure the 3rd will be corrected in future updates
1, The yoke is Stiff this is mentioned in several reviwes (this does get better with usage as it wears in and is nearly gone)
2, The thruttle controls have virtually no resistance at present i dont find this an issue as there not likely to get hit when playing not sure how this will be in years to come but if i find issues i will just slide a felt pad on the arms.
3, the SID panael behind the yoke at present do not change colour to show issues or status of items this is ment to be corrected in a future firmware update and work from microsoft lets hope that happens.
I have only used this on a PC and love it looking forward to the rudder peddles that they have mentioned in several turtle beach videos but there is not much else mentioned or on there website will see what happens over the next few months or i will have to buy an alternative set.
I am new to flight sims, I started with the Thrust Master xbox series x stick control, which is much cheaper than this, but even with my limited experience the Turtle Beach kit is more comprehensive and realistic to use and improves the sim experience. For setting up unlike the Thrust Master it works correctly from the box and since I have adopted the setting recommended by Simhnager on You tube. The kit is great to use.
Hopefully they don’t get sleepy on the software updates but. This product is the best if you are using or were in my case the Saitek/Logitech, far superior where ever you want to compare to even that plastic feel is less cheap and more comfortable. Is not cheap but it does make a run for your money I am sure you will be happy as well.
Comprata per uso su xbox series x, senza dubbio la miglior periferica per fs2020. I punti di forza sono l’estrema sensibilit della cloche soprattutto in virata, i 10 bottoni programmabili con i quali accedere alle funzioni pi utilizzate in fase di navigazione vfr o ifr e il trim analogico indispensabile per avere sempre un assetto equilibrato dell’aereo. Il pannello frontale dei led di avviso dovrebbe essere un’altra grande cosa ma per il momento non ancora funzionante, verr implementato in futuro con un nuovo firmware, cos come il cronometro automatico che si setta da solo in base al piano di volo (c’ comunque quello manuale).
Difetti: sensibilit migliorabile della cloche per il controllo del beccheggio soprattutto vicino alla zona neutra, ma si pu ovviare aumentando la zona morta nei settings di gioco e soprattutto questa maggiore resistenza/attrito dovrebbe ridursi nel tempo.
Mancanza di pedali ma risultano comodissimi i 2 trigger analogici per il controllo del timone.
Buon volo a tutti
Went through all the hassle of unboxing, checking instructions and hooking up. The basic controls are smooth and work fine. BUT, whenever the unit is plugged in, it kills the sound dead. I concluded that there was a defective headphone input plug that was telling the computer that a headphone was plugged in – when it wasn’t. Unfortunately, I returned the unit for a refund…
Using on msfs, works great once all buttons programmed to my liking. Had no problems with loose levers as others have reported, mine are fine. This has everything you need to fly any kind of plane, from single prop to 4 engine airliner. I have clocked up 200hrs so far on msfs with the Velocity One, loving it .
Update: I feel it shouldn’t be legal to manufacture something and claim that it does X, Y and Z when only X and Y work. For example, the warning lights behind the yoke look great, but they’re all permanently lit and don’t seem to do anything. Chatter around the Internet is that Turtle Beach are yet to get these functions working!! So you’ve made a product and it doesn’t do what you’ve marketed it as doing?? That’s misleading and surely not legal. That, along with the sticky yoke (it’s just not smooth moving back and forth and jerks a little, but I hear it’s something that fixes itself over time)……….is the only reason I don’t like this system. But there are 100 reasons I do it like also….. Original review below…
I’ve wanted this for ages. It was released but sold out quick, then it came in stock yesterday so I didn’t hesitate any longer to buy! Glad I got it! Came earlier today. The set up is easy to follow but takes time because you have to find a suitable place for it to go and then you have to connect cables. Then after plugging into Xbox you’ll end up tweaking some of the controls to suit your needs. For example, on the customisable panel on the throttle quadrant you can programme around 10 buttons I think to do what you want. I set to things like flaps up/down, landing gear, auto pilot, switch from external view to cockpit view etc. so the set up took a while.
The flying itself takes a little getting used to if like me you’ve just moved away from using the Hotas One joystick. It’s like learning to drive in a Mini and then buying a Porsche. So many buttons to customise and memorise. But it’s awesome and feels very much like a real plane. Makes this whole set up feel less of a “game” and more of a real flying experience.
I can’t recommend this enough. It works on PC as well as my xbox series S. no hassles at all setting up or using. The mrs wanted me to wrap it up for myself for Xmas day. She’s mental! it got opened and used right away and you will too like a kid on Christmas Day! Enjoy
Zunchst mal zum Yoke selbst. Ich spiele den MS-Flightsimulator auf der XBOX Series X. Die Steuerung wurde sofort erkannt. Dazu war allerdings eine kleine Einstellung am Steuerhorn selbst ntig. Wie das geht, wird im kleinen Quickstart Guide, und im groen Faltblatt beschrieben. Der Velocity One ist sehr gut verarbeitet. Da wackelt nichts, oder bleibt hngen. Naja, fr den Preis sollte das wohl auch so sein. Das Steuerhorn reagiert sehr przise auf die Steuerungseingaben. Ganz cool ist das Trimmrad, was sich, auch whrend des Fluges, sehr gut und przise bedienen lsst. Auch die drei Regler fr Throttle, Propeller und Gemisch auf der Vorderseite sind klasse. Gerade fr einmotorige Maschinen sehr gut zu gebrauchen. Nur die vier extra Schubhebel sind etwas zu leichtgngig. Ich habe das mit ein paar kleinen Filzklebepats gelst, die ich zwischen die Hebel und das Gehuse geklebt habe. Und das fllt noch nicht mal negativ auf!!
Der Preis ist natrlich schon ziemlich heftig. Aber ich glaube, wenn man gerne und oft mit dem Flightsimulator “unterwegs” ist, so wie ich ;-), lohnt sich die Ausgabe auf jeden Fall.
Noch ein letztes Wort zur Inkompatibilitt. Dieser Controller ist direkt fr die neue XBOX Generation
(X und S), und auch fr den PC entwickelt worden. Die Aussage, dass das Gert nicht erkannt wird, kann so nicht stimmen. Der einzige, die hier eine Abmahnung verdient htte, ist Microsoft, weil man sich fr die neue Konsole wieder was neues kaufen soll. Schelm, wer dabei Bses denkt.
Tolles Gert fr Flugsimulatoren und die XBOX! KLARE EMPFEHLUNG! VOLLE PUNKTZAHL!
Pnktlich zum Abflug wurde das Paket mit dem velocity one Steuerhorn geliefert. Anstndig verpackt und einfach auszupacken. Die Leute von Turtle Beach haben sich wirklich Mhe gegeben, das neue Steuerhorn lsst sich ganz schnell und einfach an einem Tisch befestigen. Danach werden noch 2 mitgelieferte Gabel angeschlossen, eins geht dann direkt zur Xbox .
Diese startet automatisch und erkennt die neue Hardware. Je nach Flugmodell kann man unter dem Punkt Steuerungsmen Einstellungen verndern, oder Programmieren.
Meine Erfahrung: es fhlt sich alles sehr przise an, also kein Vergleich zum. herkmmlichen Controller.
Die Anwendung ist am Anfang etwas umstndlich, passt aber irgendwie zum ganzen Flight Simulator.
I could easily have bought a different setup IF I was playing on PC, but on Series S/X (I have both) this really is the best option.
Well packaged, colour coded cables and an excellent fitting system. No bits sticking out under the table once the built in clamps are anchored. Really neat.
Smooth operation of all parts except the push/pull yoke has stiff spots. Not an actual issue, as we have assurances from the manufacturer that it beds in and smooths out, confirmed by one YouTuber yesterday after he used it for two weeks.
The prop engine controls work very well (Throttle, Prop and Mixture) and feel like a real prop plane. The jet engine levers will allow you to fly a quad engined plane smoothly. On prop planes they double the other controls and add a flaps lever. For that, they feel a little “loose”, but I already have a fix in mind with a simple rubber sheath to increase the drag on them.
The Trim Wheel is fantastic, closest I have seen to the real thing, just make sure you’re not on “EASY” level on all settings, because FS2020 auto trims for level flight to help beginners. Easy to find and turn it off.
The many buttons, twin hats, additional 4way hats, and full set of Series X buttons are all fully configurable. There are two presets in the Flight Sim already for Prop or Jet, but you can make as many new ones as you like.
I use the XBox controller or a mouse for the FS2020 menus, just because the sim is designed that way, but once in the plane, you don’t need to take your hands off the yoke rig.
The initial yoke stiffness and slightly floppy levers are the only reason I took one star off an otherwise excellent rig.
I may buy some pedals in the future togo with it, but coping well with the responsive triggers on the yoke.
Currently working my way through the tutorials, landing challenges and so forth, with some free flights gradually learning where the default controls are before messing with them. The buttons are illuminated (your choice of colours) and stickers and spare panels are provided, with more functionality to be added in future updates.
There’s also an XBox app to let you update the Firmware without a PC.
I think that covers most of it. Worth the purchase price in my opinion.
Leider wurde es von der XBox nicht erkannt. D. h.es wurde berhaupt nicht als Eingabemglichkeit erkannt.
Der Turtlebeach Support arbeitet nur Mo-Fr 9-5 war aber sehr untersttzend!
Es half letztlich eine Neuinstallation des MSFS 2020! Seitdem funktioniert alles einwandfrei!
Jetzt kann ich mein Weihnachtsgeschenk doch behalten.
Durch die Neuinstallation wechselte die MSFS 2020 Version von der alten Standardversion auf die Game of the year Edition. Ob das ein Grund war, wei ich nicht. Der Neuinstallationsaufwand war jedenfalls erfolgreich. Daher habe ich die Bewertung von einem auf fnf Sterne angehoben.
Es ist in der Beschreibung und im Internet deutlich erwhnt, dass nicht alle beschriebenen Funktionen (vor allem die Statusanzeigen) bereits verfgbar sind und auf weitere Firmware- und MSFS 2020-Updates warten. Dies sollte jedem Kufer bewusst sein.
Update 1
Ich war vom Support durch Turtle Beach trotz der begrenzten ffnungszeiten sehr angetan. Sie haben direkt am ersten Werktag geantwortet und auch alle weiteren Anfragen sptestens am nchsten Tag bearbeitet. Nach der Lsung des Problems haben sie sich erneut gemeldet und weitere Einzelheiten zur Eingrenzung der Probleme mit dem MSFS 2020 abgefragt.
Update 2
Obwohl nach der Neuinstallation alles funktionierte habe ich einige Tage berlegt, den Controller zurckzusenden, da der zentrale Steuerhebel sehr deutlich an einigen Stellen hakte und exaktes Hhehalten unmglich war.
Wie auch in einer englischen Bewertung zu lesen ist, hat sich dieses Problem nach ein paar Tagen gegeben und alles ist “ohne Reibung”. Das einzige, was mich jetzt noch (etwas) strt, ist das Knatschen des Steuerhebels bei Reinschieben und Rausziehen.
Very comfortable and linear. Two throttle sticks. Lots of buttons to customize. PC and X-box native.
Best paper weight I have so far and most expensive couldn’t have had a better experience opening a broken dream thanks Amazo
Incredibly robust well made and very well integrated with MSFS 2020.
Top of the line for anything aviation sim! Turtle beach constantly updates this too. Highly recommend this to anybody looking for the best of the best.
Was supposed to be here on a Tuesday and got here two days early on a Sunday. Box was a little beat up but package was brand new and everything inside is in perfect condition. Haven’t plugged in yet but will leave an updated review.
Despus de la actualizacin de este mes ya funciona completamente, tanto la pantalla cmo los indicadores, la experiencia jugando no tiene nada que ver a la de usar mando.
Equipo de alta calidad y precision perfecto con Xbox s
Good price, good quality feeling control and a good amount of programmable buttons.
I am having a blast with this controller. It’s a lot of fun however my only complaint is that you have to use assist features is FS when you’re flying. It is not responsive to small movements of the joystick.
Havent flown much since I got it but noticed yoke action could be a little smoother. Good enough though
I have used almost every flight control on the market and this is the best value for performance ratio. Great response, solid feel and so many features. The profiles are fantastic and the trim wheel is the best I have felt. I use it on a PC and X-plane 11. I looked at a lot of reviews and with the updated software many of the issues they make have been solved.
Trs bon Yoke pour un dbutant comme moi dans le monde de la simulation du nouveau FS2020.
Il est trs fonctionnel et le faite d’avoir plein de possibilit de paramtrage des touches est trs pratique. Il est trs agrable prendre en main et la qualit des matriaux est vraiment bonne. Je recommande !
Don’t skip tutorials and proper (long) setup. Wonder device but challenging to learn.
Amazing product! Great and seamless integration with the xbox and highly customizable.
This is my very first flight yoke and I love it! I know a lot of people complain about the yoke being sticky but that goes away in a short time. It also helps if you lube the shaft with a lubricant like I did. I sprayed some Teflon flavored WD-40 on a paper towel and wiped it on the shaft and it almost entirely got rid of the stickiness. Yeah it’s a little expensive but if your wanting a more realistic feel to your flight sim experience honestly this is the best way to go. My only gripe is not having enough room for this and my flight stick and throttle which I use as well for Flight Sim and other things. Nice Job Turtle Beach!
I’ve been using this controller for about a month,I love it. Works great nice and smooth no problems, tons of features.
Der Yoke ist super, der Quadrant allerdings fhlt sich einfach wie ein Kinderspielzeug an(Schubhebel gehen viel zu weich und fallen fast von selbst um). Wenn man an den Tisch rempelt kommt man von Vollschub in den Leerlauf, das ist das einzige aber grte Problem. Die Verarbeitung ist toll, aber fr mich ein Grund um es zurckzugeben aufgrund der oben genannten Thematik mit den Schubhebeln. Schade!
Mon ressenti en 10 points :
Les + :
– Propose un ensemble complet et versatile, qui se suffit lui mme lors des vols. Nul besoin d’acheter d’autres produits afin d’avoir un rendu immersif, mme sans palonnier les gchettes permettent un contrle relativement convaincant (un palonnier Turtle Beach arrive cependant bientt sur le march). Le fait d’avoir le manche, les commandes de gaz, de volets, ainsi que des boutons personnalisables, tous inclus dans un seul et unique package est trs agrable l’utilisation.
– Le V1F n’est pas avare de commandes personnalisables : que ce soit sur le manche directement ou prs des commandes de gaz, il y en a une flope. Cela permet de limiter au maximum le recours la manette ou au clavier/souris pour effectuer certaines actions, on peut rserver ces derniers des action trs spcifiques avec des boutons assigns.
– Les boutons “hatswitch” sont trs pratiques, ils permettent un maniement facile de la camra et donc une meilleure immersion. En assignant correctement ces boutons, on peut vraiment arriver se sentir libre dans le cockpit.
– La roue de trim est absolument fantastique, je n’avais encore jamais vu a sur un systme comme celui-ci, et c’est trs russis au niveau du ressenti : un ajout trs apprciable tant donn la forte utilisation qu’on fait de celle-ci dans le cockpit.
– La prsence de commande de gaz faon aviation gnrale, un ajout gnial. Cela ne rend pas les commandes du dessus inutiles pour autant lorsque l’on pilote un avion type Cessna 152, on peut facilement les configurer pour autre chose (par exemple la commande des volets).
Les – :
– Les configurations de base sont utilisables ds la premire connexion, mais trop gnrales. Il reste pleins de boutons non attribus. Vous devez donc prendre le temps de configurer diffrents profils en fonction des types d’avions que vous souhaitez utiliser.
Pas de panique, il existe plein de ressources sur Youtube pour vous accompagner dans la configuration. J’ai personnellement utilis une video de SimHanger Flight Simulation, et cela fonctionne merveille.
– Le panneau d’affichage SID fonctionne sur PC mais pas encore sur Xbox. Cela arrivera trs certainement, mais impossible de savoir quand exactement.
– Au dbut, le manche fait preuve d’une certaine friction dans l’axe avant/arrire (profondeur), cependant cela s’estompe avec le temps. Pour acclrer ce processus, vous pouvez bouger le manche d’avant en arrire pendant les temps de chargement.
– Les manettes de gaz du dessus n’ont pas beaucoup de friction. Ce n’est pas drangeant dans l’absolu tant donn qu’une fois positionnes elles ne bougent pas, mais c’est moins immersif.
– L’cran sur le manche n’est pas trs utile en pratique, il permet simplement de naviguer dans les paramtres et pourquoi pas mettre un chronomtre.
J’ai essay de trouver autant de points ngatifs que de points positifs, mais il est clair que les moins sont minimes par rapport tout le positif. Pour la plupart ils sont seulement temporaire, et n’entacheront pas votre exprience sur le long terme.
Je ne peux que vous le conseiller, d’autant plus que le support est trs ractif et l’coute, avec notamment un serveur discord ddi. Les FAQ sont aussi bien fournies.
Ce n’est pas donn, mais avec d’autres marques cela reviendrait plus cher d’acheter sparment les modules afin de constituer un ensemble avec les mmes fonctionnalits que le V1F.
Bei einfacher Flugsteuerung ist alles Top. Bei Simulation ist die Men-Umschaltung zwischen normaler Sicht, der Instrumentensicht und der Checkliste notwendig, die am PC mit der Maus wohl gut funktioniert. Der Umschalter am linken Steuerhorn funktioniert bei dem Tasten-Test, nicht jedoch im Spiel auf der X-Box.
Schade, denn ansonsten ein sehr gutes Gert.
his controller works well and has the majority of the functionality that you need. The unfortunate part is that you cannot include a set of rudder pedals (at least with the xbox). Also, I find that when I attempt to use the xbox controller to select items in MSFS20 to manipulate, the xbox does not respond very well with both the controller and this flight controller actively applying inputs.
Overall, a very nice flight controller, but expect some small interactive issues.
For an all-in-one the flying this is fantastic I’ve used it with Microsoft flight simulator 2020 I’ve actually separated the throttle from the yoke and mounted the throttle on a separate mouse mat pad that I can attach to my desk for better location.
I wouldn’t worry about the throttle resistance I think it’s just right I was considering adjusting the throttles to give a bit more resistance but there’s no need it’s all so great having the vernier controls the trim will can play on some aircraft but generally works fine without a problem.
I’ve met all of my buttons using my SIM hangers YouTube video which is absolutely fantastic.
I purchased this to use with Microsoft Flight Simulator on my Xbox Series S and it is absolutely brilliant. The Velocity One was ready to use after a very quick setup and update and the device profile was already on Flight Sim. I have been using both the default and the twin jet profile and the controls are incredibly accurate and realistic. Having a throttle quadrant really makes a difference to the sim experience along with an accurate feeling yolk. The buttons are all fully programmable and there is a huge amount of stickers included to customise the buttons to your own preferences. The only criticism I have is the description talks about the status indicator panel which is curently not supported on xbox. All in all this is a brilliant bit of kit and takes Flight Sim to a whole new level on Xbox
Update 5/26/2022 – Having flown now for a few hours, the yoke is not as smooth as I originally thought. Fine movements in and out are not fluid, rather a little choppy as the tube sticks, ever so slightly, during fine adjustments, resulting in over-correction when attempting to maintain a level course. I’ve adjusted the XBOX sensitivity settings which helped, but did not completely resolve the issue.
Fr den Preis finde ich den Controller vllig in Ordnung. Es ist ein bissen schwierig den in den Spielen einzustellen. Die zustzliche Software hilft garnicht, weil es dort keine Funktion gibt das Teil besser einzustellen.
Auch etwas schwierig bzw. Schade ist, ist dass die Lenkung nicht durchgehend flssig ist.
Aber fr den Preis in gegensatz zu Konkurrenten, finde ich das akzeptabel, wenn man nicht grade ein voll ausgestattetes Cockpit haben will.
Great bit of kit to help make the whole flight sim better.
The fundamentals of the yoke are fine but there’s still knowledge needed to use with MSFS as the relationship between the Turtle Beach documentation and MSFS over button numbers will have you tearing your hair out. The quadrant levers are a little light and care has to be taken when moving one that you don’t brush against another as it will move. There’s more work involved getting the status lights working (they only function on computer) and using the quadrant lever detents for reversers. Overall a good product for the price but you will have a stiff learning curve if you are not already well versed in setting up MSFS.
Everything about it is really good, especially the trim wheel. The one complaint I have which stops it from being a 5/5 for me is to start with the yoke is a bit sticky and precise adjustments are a bit tricky but according to all other reviews this fixes itself with time! I’ll update soon.
First impressions. It’s very very nice. However, I wish that at least one of the hat sticks was analog instead of a 4 way switch. For all of its faults the XBox game controller made moving my view anywhere in the plane easy. I can’t figure out how to change height, move up or back to look over the nose. I end up using a wireless mouse and my Xbox gamepad a lot to alleviate the pain points even when actually flying using this.
It’s also a bit of a pain when dropping in mid flight to get the throttle to just where the sim intended you to be at. You have to look down at it, and then move the throttle to match it as best you can which of course means you might suddenly speed up or slow down. Not sure what can even be done about that, tho. Things just sync when you move the physical controls. Just something to be aware of. Rudder pedals as triggers are a little difficult as the brakes are right above them so steering while braking is….challenging. I might move the brakes elsewhere so I can brake and steer more easily.
Overall it’s a very sweet setup.
Yoke sliding is is a little sticky (for now) but lifting up just slightly rather than letting the weight of my hands pull it down helps it slide better.
Its a great addition to any flight sim, looks great too,
Negatives, the product isnt fully working on xbox, and the throttles are way too lose, the elevator is sticky meaning tiny adjustment are pretty hard to do, i feel the POV arnt set up perfectly, meaning your thumb doesnt move left/right naturally on the, as if they need twisting another 10 degrees
My CH yoke broke after many many years…and after shopping for Logitech and Honeycomb I had a very hard time finding a Yoke that was modular, fit on my desk and didn’t take up space below it for my keyboard tray. This was it! The movement is smooth as silk, the buttons and sticker templates are awesome. Note…it seems to actually have forcefeedback! Which is why some people may think it was sticking. A++
This is an amazing piece of equipment. The fact that it was literally conceived to compliment MS Flight Simulator 2020 was all I needed to know. I have added a set of rudder pedals, but I’m thoroughly enjoying this. It worked great right out of the box and I’m thrilled with my choice. You can spend less and you can spend more. Hinestly, I think this is the sweet spot.
I love it. Adds an whole new dimension to flight simming. Great value for the money.
Ce contrleur est super pour Fs2020. je le recommande tous.
Great for flight sim 2020.
They are adding updates to improve it and the reverse thrusts are now included in the latest up.
I use this on the Xbox series x.
Always turn on , set profile on the V1 first to single , twin engine and then load up flight sim 2020 as sometimes the controls wont function like the reverse thrust.
Really a great looking interactive yoke! With the unit powered up and all this backlights on people walk in the room and immediately say “whoa dude that’s awesome!” Before they even know what it is! I can’t wait until turtle beach makes rudder pedals to go with it! I’m also patiently waiting for the update for the panel behind the yoke to be programmable on an XBOX platform!
Received mine on Sunday. Very, very well packaged and protected. Very easy to assemble and connect. I had been using a HOTAS and it is just not the same. This unit I must say, WOW!, what a pleasant surprise. Very complete set up with oh so many options and customizations. I read a few reviews where people complain about it ‘feeling cheap’, sticking and not being smooth. It is extremely sensitive, yes, but smooth and precise. I am not experienced with higher end equipment, but this unit definitely does its job properly and feels really good.
This is an amazing yoke and throttle quadrant set. The nice thing is it’s pretty compact and you get a lot of features in a small package. Granted at this point the SIP doesn’t work right, but everything else is amazing. I can now land my aircraft in MSFS without setting fire to my brakes thanks to the throttle levers. It’s very well built and with a little more time it should integrate seamlessly with any flightsim.
Well thought out and really works with Microsoft Flight Sim
Besonders gut gefllt mir die Gre, es ist nicht so riesig und lsst sich dadurch Self leicht auf dem Schreibtisch bei Seite schieben wenn man es nicht bentigt.
Das SIP panel funktioniert mit einem Zusatzprogramm auch schon auf dem PC aber es ist nich in der Testphase und Xbox spiele Kissen sich noch etwas gedulden.
Der Umkerschub ist auch schon aktiviert aber in MSFS muss man ihn noch Manuel belegen da Asobo mit dem Update hinterher hngt.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr begeistert.
A must have for flight simmers . Not yet fully integrated with MSFS but the Velocity one has already had one update since release and MSFS are working to fully implement all aspects of the yolk etc ..
Bought it for my Xbox Series X. Takes MSFS2020 up a notch in realism. Best yoke & throttle I’ve used. Plenty of potential customisation of the various buttons & switches although I’ve found even the vanilla default set up works just fine.
Der turtle beach veocity one ist eine Bereicherung fr den FlugSimulator. Es macht richtig spass damit zu fliegen. Das Gert arbeitet sehr przise. Die Tasten lassen sich wunderbar fr die persnlichen Bedrfnisse programmieren.
Durch ein Malheur ist mir das Teil mit den schubregler kaputt gegangen. Ich habe den Support kontaktiert und war begeistert wie unkompliziert das Teil ersetzt wurde.
Der Support war und ist genial!!!
Ich wrde den turtle beach velocityone sofort wieder kaufen.
falta q lo actualicen para q todas las luces del panel repondan acorde a las alertas del FMD , por lo demas perfecto
Using this on an X-box x series with FS2020 – its a fantastic yoke setup, probably the best option out there at present, a little expensive but the build quality is very good. Excellent clamping system and the feel of the axis are all good and smooth.
The quadrant axis are a little on the loose side but not terribly so, a small felt pad on each lever improves the action noticeably for pennies – this should be fitted at the build stage.
It all integrates 100%, I created new profiles for it so i know exactly what does what, and have recently added a pedal set from another well known maker to complete the cockpit 🙂
Gnial! C’est le seul quadran qui propose deux styles de pilotage et cela renforce normment l’immersion dans le simulateur. C’est ce qui manquait sur le honey comb et qui a pes dans la balance… le yoke et son cadran lcd en vaut lui aussi le coup! Foncez, vous ne le regretterez pas!
Works as intended but the lack of haptic feedback was a big drawback for me.
Innerhalb von ein paar Tagen kam schon der Austausch und es ging wieder ans Installieren und Testen. Nach vielen Stunden des Tests am PC und Xbox war ich mir sicher, nichts falsch gemacht zu haben. Aber warum sind im Netz nur immer die Bilder der verschiedenen Farben der LEDs zu sehen und bei mir nicht???
Nach den Feiertagen habe ich dann den Kontakt zu Turtlebeach aufgenommen und erhielt folgende Antwort:
Wenn das Statusanzeigefeld (“SIP”) nicht aufleuchtet, um den Vorgngen in Ihrem Spiel oder Ihrer Flugsimulation zu entsprechen, liegt dies daran, dass das SIP zum Start (November 2021) noch nicht in der Lage war, auf Flugsimulationsereignisse zu reagieren da es zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht aktiviert war. Dieser befindet sich derzeit in der Implementierung und wird nach Test und Bereitstellung per Firmware-Update ausgeliefert.
Sobald dies implementiert wurde, funktioniert das Statusanzeigefeld wie folgt:
Das SIP besteht aus zwlf LEDs, die auf Ereignisse im Microsoft Flight Simulator reagieren sollen. Wenn eine Kraftstoffmangelwarnung ausgelst wird oder Sie den Status Ihres Fahrwerks berprfen mchten, kann Ihnen das SIP mitteilen. Der SIP-Modus kann auch auf Umgebungslicht gendert werden, um den restlichen LED-Farben des Produkts zu entsprechen.
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Geduld und Ihr Verstndnis, whrend wir daran arbeiten, diese Funktion vollstndig fr Sie zu implementieren.
Ich habe also nichts falsch gemacht! Es ist eben noch nicht implementiert.
Perfetto attacchi e giochi
Puoi impostare ogni pulsante e leva a piacimento.
Lo uso su xbox e funziona benissimo
I had a 3 concerns but i fill the 1st two are not a big deal and im sure the 3rd will be corrected in future updates
1, The yoke is Stiff this is mentioned in several reviwes (this does get better with usage as it wears in and is nearly gone)
2, The thruttle controls have virtually no resistance at present i dont find this an issue as there not likely to get hit when playing not sure how this will be in years to come but if i find issues i will just slide a felt pad on the arms.
3, the SID panael behind the yoke at present do not change colour to show issues or status of items this is ment to be corrected in a future firmware update and work from microsoft lets hope that happens.
I have only used this on a PC and love it looking forward to the rudder peddles that they have mentioned in several turtle beach videos but there is not much else mentioned or on there website will see what happens over the next few months or i will have to buy an alternative set.
I’ve been using this for the last week on my Xbox and it’s really enhanced my sim experience. It feels like an extremely high quality product.
Highly recommended!
I am new to flight sims, I started with the Thrust Master xbox series x stick control, which is much cheaper than this, but even with my limited experience the Turtle Beach kit is more comprehensive and realistic to use and improves the sim experience. For setting up unlike the Thrust Master it works correctly from the box and since I have adopted the setting recommended by Simhnager on You tube. The kit is great to use.
Difetti: sensibilit migliorabile della cloche per il controllo del beccheggio soprattutto vicino alla zona neutra, ma si pu ovviare aumentando la zona morta nei settings di gioco e soprattutto questa maggiore resistenza/attrito dovrebbe ridursi nel tempo.
Mancanza di pedali ma risultano comodissimi i 2 trigger analogici per il controllo del timone.
Buon volo a tutti
I’ve wanted this for ages. It was released but sold out quick, then it came in stock yesterday so I didn’t hesitate any longer to buy! Glad I got it! Came earlier today. The set up is easy to follow but takes time because you have to find a suitable place for it to go and then you have to connect cables. Then after plugging into Xbox you’ll end up tweaking some of the controls to suit your needs. For example, on the customisable panel on the throttle quadrant you can programme around 10 buttons I think to do what you want. I set to things like flaps up/down, landing gear, auto pilot, switch from external view to cockpit view etc. so the set up took a while.
The flying itself takes a little getting used to if like me you’ve just moved away from using the Hotas One joystick. It’s like learning to drive in a Mini and then buying a Porsche. So many buttons to customise and memorise. But it’s awesome and feels very much like a real plane. Makes this whole set up feel less of a “game” and more of a real flying experience.
I can’t recommend this enough. It works on PC as well as my xbox series S. no hassles at all setting up or using. The mrs wanted me to wrap it up for myself for Xmas day. She’s mental! it got opened and used right away and you will too like a kid on Christmas Day! Enjoy
Der Preis ist natrlich schon ziemlich heftig. Aber ich glaube, wenn man gerne und oft mit dem Flightsimulator “unterwegs” ist, so wie ich ;-), lohnt sich die Ausgabe auf jeden Fall.
Noch ein letztes Wort zur Inkompatibilitt. Dieser Controller ist direkt fr die neue XBOX Generation
(X und S), und auch fr den PC entwickelt worden. Die Aussage, dass das Gert nicht erkannt wird, kann so nicht stimmen. Der einzige, die hier eine Abmahnung verdient htte, ist Microsoft, weil man sich fr die neue Konsole wieder was neues kaufen soll. Schelm, wer dabei Bses denkt.
Tolles Gert fr Flugsimulatoren und die XBOX! KLARE EMPFEHLUNG! VOLLE PUNKTZAHL!
Diese startet automatisch und erkennt die neue Hardware. Je nach Flugmodell kann man unter dem Punkt Steuerungsmen Einstellungen verndern, oder Programmieren.
Meine Erfahrung: es fhlt sich alles sehr przise an, also kein Vergleich zum. herkmmlichen Controller.
Die Anwendung ist am Anfang etwas umstndlich, passt aber irgendwie zum ganzen Flight Simulator.
Vorab erstmal 5 Sterne !
Well packaged, colour coded cables and an excellent fitting system. No bits sticking out under the table once the built in clamps are anchored. Really neat.
Smooth operation of all parts except the push/pull yoke has stiff spots. Not an actual issue, as we have assurances from the manufacturer that it beds in and smooths out, confirmed by one YouTuber yesterday after he used it for two weeks.
The prop engine controls work very well (Throttle, Prop and Mixture) and feel like a real prop plane. The jet engine levers will allow you to fly a quad engined plane smoothly. On prop planes they double the other controls and add a flaps lever. For that, they feel a little “loose”, but I already have a fix in mind with a simple rubber sheath to increase the drag on them.
The Trim Wheel is fantastic, closest I have seen to the real thing, just make sure you’re not on “EASY” level on all settings, because FS2020 auto trims for level flight to help beginners. Easy to find and turn it off.
The many buttons, twin hats, additional 4way hats, and full set of Series X buttons are all fully configurable. There are two presets in the Flight Sim already for Prop or Jet, but you can make as many new ones as you like.
I use the XBox controller or a mouse for the FS2020 menus, just because the sim is designed that way, but once in the plane, you don’t need to take your hands off the yoke rig.
The initial yoke stiffness and slightly floppy levers are the only reason I took one star off an otherwise excellent rig.
I may buy some pedals in the future togo with it, but coping well with the responsive triggers on the yoke.
Currently working my way through the tutorials, landing challenges and so forth, with some free flights gradually learning where the default controls are before messing with them. The buttons are illuminated (your choice of colours) and stickers and spare panels are provided, with more functionality to be added in future updates.
There’s also an XBox app to let you update the Firmware without a PC.
I think that covers most of it. Worth the purchase price in my opinion.
Leider wurde es von der XBox nicht erkannt. D. h.es wurde berhaupt nicht als Eingabemglichkeit erkannt.
Der Turtlebeach Support arbeitet nur Mo-Fr 9-5 war aber sehr untersttzend!
Es half letztlich eine Neuinstallation des MSFS 2020! Seitdem funktioniert alles einwandfrei!
Jetzt kann ich mein Weihnachtsgeschenk doch behalten.
Durch die Neuinstallation wechselte die MSFS 2020 Version von der alten Standardversion auf die Game of the year Edition. Ob das ein Grund war, wei ich nicht. Der Neuinstallationsaufwand war jedenfalls erfolgreich. Daher habe ich die Bewertung von einem auf fnf Sterne angehoben.
Es ist in der Beschreibung und im Internet deutlich erwhnt, dass nicht alle beschriebenen Funktionen (vor allem die Statusanzeigen) bereits verfgbar sind und auf weitere Firmware- und MSFS 2020-Updates warten. Dies sollte jedem Kufer bewusst sein.
Update 1
Ich war vom Support durch Turtle Beach trotz der begrenzten ffnungszeiten sehr angetan. Sie haben direkt am ersten Werktag geantwortet und auch alle weiteren Anfragen sptestens am nchsten Tag bearbeitet. Nach der Lsung des Problems haben sie sich erneut gemeldet und weitere Einzelheiten zur Eingrenzung der Probleme mit dem MSFS 2020 abgefragt.
Update 2
Obwohl nach der Neuinstallation alles funktionierte habe ich einige Tage berlegt, den Controller zurckzusenden, da der zentrale Steuerhebel sehr deutlich an einigen Stellen hakte und exaktes Hhehalten unmglich war.
Wie auch in einer englischen Bewertung zu lesen ist, hat sich dieses Problem nach ein paar Tagen gegeben und alles ist “ohne Reibung”. Das einzige, was mich jetzt noch (etwas) strt, ist das Knatschen des Steuerhebels bei Reinschieben und Rausziehen.
Great product. The cheat sheet was really helpful too. The logotech version came with nothing