WiFi & Bluetooth Music Streamer Receiver | Arylic S10 | Airplay DLNA UPnP | Multi-Room Sync | Spotify, Tidal, TuneInRadio, iHeartRadio, Deezer etc | LAN Connection | 24bit 192kHz Decoding

Arylic S10 | WiFi & Bluetooth Music Streamer

How does it work?
The S10 connects to traditional HiFis, Speakers or Sound Systems and converts them into a wireless streaming system. You can enjoy high quality lossless music wirelessly streamed from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop & PC.

What can you stream?
- Stream audio that is stored on your phone/tablet without the need for an internet connection.
- Stream music from intergrated online services such as Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, TuneInRadio, iHeartRadio, VTuner, Deezer, Napster, QoBuz and more…
- Music is streamed directly from the internet to the S10 and not through your phone, leaving you free to move about your home with your phone in hand.
- Stream using Airplay, DLNA, UPnP, NAS drives and other network music sharing services.
- The Bluetooth connection can be used to stream from any sources that are unavailable through WiFi (This sound can also be transmitted through the multiroom feature)

Multiroom Audio Streaming
- Connect multiple S10s (and other devices from the Arylic range) around your home and stream synchronised audio in every room
- Choose to play different tracks in each room or set up zones/groups all from one phone or tablet using the dedicated App.
- Multiple units can even be set up in separate Left and Right channels to create a true surround sound experience
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Streaming CapabilitiesConnecting your devices to any of the Arylic range is simple. With Integrated Online Services, Airplay, DLNA, UPnP, Bluetooth and our Dedicated App – streaming your favourite music has never been easier.
| High Fidelity AudioEnjoy High Res Lossless audio streamed from any device. FLAC, WAV & APE files supported Decodes audio up to 24bit 192kHz. | Quick & easy one touch setup!The S10 is set up using WPS technology. Simply press the WPS button and enter your home Wi-Fi password to integrate the S10 into your home network and begin streaming music within 30 seconds! |
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LAN ConnectionThe S10 can be connected to your home router via ethernet cable. This will instantly integrate it into your network and provide a more stable performance compared to WiFi | IR RemoteFor those times that you cannot find your phone or want music instantly you can use the included remote control. Simply tap the Play button to resume the most recently played album, playlist or station without using your phone | Dedicated iOS & Android AppOur “4Stream” App is available on both iOS and Android. Control all the features of your Arylic device as well as receive regular firmware updates. Save custom playlists and radio stations for quick access to your favourite music and customise your EQ settings for the perfect soundscape. |
Dimensions: | 11.5 x 6.5 x 2.2 cm; 500 Grams |
Model: | S10 |
Manufacture: | DigiFunk |
Gutes Klangbild, Fernbedienung leider nur kurze Reichweite. Kann man drauf verzichten da alles auch ber die App funktional abgebildet wird.
In exasperation I purchased the Arylic S10 as other bluetooth units did just not perform with loss of signal and interference.
The S10 arrived very quickly but I could get it to connect to my Wi Fi and contacted DigiFunk’s customer services who were most helpful. I feared my lack of technical expertise (I’m 72) was the cause of the problem but after exhausting all avenues I was asked to return the unit for testing and it was found to be defective.
A replacement was sent to me poste haste and I was able to set it up with my laptop Itunes in a couple of minutes. The sound quality of the S10 is superb and being able to adjust bass, treble, loudness and even pause and skip to the next track with the remote control is amazing.
I wish that from the outset I had spent a little more and purchased the S10 instead of wasting my time with poor quality bluetooth units.
As they say you get what you pay for and I thank Digifunk for providing such a good overall service.
Acquistato per recuperare un vecchio impianto stereo. Facile da collegare. Ha daro buonissimi risultati e facilissimo da configurare con la sua app. Molto sodfisfstto dei risultati ottenuti.
Remote control developed a fault within 3 months: product returned; excellent customer service and new product sent within a few days. Good service!
An und fr sich ist es ein gutes Produkt und macht genau das was es soll, nmlich Musik streamen. Das Handling bzw. der unkomplizierte Umgang mit Einstellungen und Presets ist aufgrund der migen App 4Stream jedoch getrbt. Man findet sich zurecht aber das hat an vielen Stellen nichts mit look and feel zu tun. Fazit: Qualitt des Streamers ist gut und bislang (nach so kurzere Nutzung) kann ich nichts negatives sagen aber die zur Bedienung bentigte App ist grenzwertig und somit ergeben sich in Summe vier Sterne.
J’ai eu un soucis technique, le service client est aimable et ractif.
Had been looking for a streamer for a little while, wanted to upgrade from my trusty Amazon Echo to somethimg with higher quality.
What a cracking little streamer this, is very easy to setup and get working the quality really is very good. I run it through a old NAD 310 with some Q Acoustic 3030i speakers on stands.
The app is pretty solid a bit basic in that it dosent have any “bells & whistles” but it really does do what it says on the tin!
Im not a “HiFi” buff but “I know what I Like” and this streamer really does fit the bill.
Ottimo ed economico molto semplice l’applicazione audio ottimo vale almeno 3 volte il suo prezzo
Erg handig voor afspelen van je audio bestanden of het streamen daarva
Took a chance on this as it looked too good for the price… but when it is connected up and the app on your phone.. it works just as they say … at last I can use my big hone speakers and retro 90s amp without the hassle of a cd .. recommended 100 perce
I found following the instructions to set up the device straightforward – no problems. The device works well and allows me to stream Spotify into my rather old, but good, HiFi via WiFi. By downloading the suggested program I can now also stream music directly from my PC. Very pleased with this device.
Sehr kleiner Preis, Klang bei Tidal-Streaming ber Teufel-Anlage dennoch sehr gut. Installation tatschlich einfach.
Excellent little box, really easy to setup. Seem less integration to Spotify, can now stream via my amp to quality speakers as well as other connected devices
Good little system. However 4stream app that is recommended has a tendency to crash or become unresponsive. I’m currently using an alternative which does the same job minus the crashing.
Ik ben nieuw in het streamen van muziek.normaal luister ik na de radio via mijn KPN tv kastje na mijn focal dimension met sub.ik ben heel erg te vrede erover.
het geluid lijkt mij iets beter en ruimtelijker over te komen dan met het KPN tv kastje.
De app is zelf voor mij toegankelijk en dat wilt iets zeggen.
Mijn vriendin luister vooral na Spotify en kan zich niet beklagen over het gebruik en mogelijkheden van de S10.
Ik heb ze ook al eens aangesloten op de nubert nubox a 125 en ook daarop is het alleen maar feest wat eruit komt.
Het enige min punt is dat je goed moet richten met de afstandsbediening.
Voor mij is de arylic S10 een super apparaatje voor alle manieren van muziek te beluisteren.je zult er geen spijt van krijgen en zeker niet voor dat geld nog geen 70 euro
Das Gert sollte einen Bluetooth Empfnger ersetzen und die Verbindung eines iPhones per AirPlay mit der Stereoanlage sicherstellen. Dieser Zweck wurde voll und ganz erfllt.
Die Inbetriebnahme stellt kein Problem dar und erfolgt anhand der (englischen) Betriebsanleitung in wenigen Schritten. Die bertragungsqualitt ist deutlich besser als bei der Bluetoothbertragung. Sehr positive berraschung: Direktes streamen von Musikdiensten ber die 4STREAM App fhrt zu einer weiteren hrbaren Qualittsverbesserung. Die App ist einfach aufgebaut und verbindet direkt mit allen bekannten Streaminganbietern. Die beigefgte Fernbedienung ist etwas fummelig geraten, funktioniert aber tadellos.
Bei Trennung vom Netz dauert es eine gewisse Zeit, bis das Gert hochfhrt. Betriebsbereitschaft wird zuverlssig durch Dauerleuchten einer LED und einen gesprochenen Hinweis signalisiert.
Zusammengefasst: Fr kleines Geld eine Menge Gegenleistung.
Piccolo streamer di rete (wifi,lan e bluetooth) con telecomando per la gestione delle opzioni (volume, cambio brani, scelta della sorgente di streaming).
Software 4stream per ios/android semplice ma completo, supporta i maggiori servizi di streaming e la lettura dei file sul NAS.
Connessione immediata appena allacciato alla LAN casalinga, ha subito riconosciuto il NAS ( server DLNA) e, una volta inserite le password, streaming via Tidal e Amazon Music.
Presentazione audio del DAC ben equilibrata e neutra. Limitato nelle connessioni di output (solo un connettore 3,5mm). Questo streamer economico pensato per essere utilizzato solo con il proprio convertitore D/A interno, quindi se hai bisogno di uno streamer digitale da accoppiare con un altro DAC, dovrai cercare altrove.
Rapporto Qualit Prezzo imbattibile, sicuramente non ha le funzioni di un Node Bluesound o di un Volumio Primo ma costa una frazione del prezzo: con la stessa cifra possibile acquistare diversi S10 per sonorizzate tutta la casa (il software predisposto per lo streaming multiroom su pi device).
Habe viele WLAN Boxen ausprobiert mit verschieden Apps, immer wieder gab es ruckler. Jetzt mit der Kiste gibt es keine Probleme mehr, Boxen anschlieen ber Audio in, Netzwerkkabel rein. App starten und ohne ruckler im gleicher Qualitt hren.
Had a few reservations on buying this as i wanted to Wi-Fi my streaming music rather than bluetooth for it, but wondered if i’d hear a difference – you can! Setup took two goes, but connected quite easily…remote control is easy to work out and a joy to use. As soon as i started streaming from Amazon music i could hear the difference in quality.
Be good to have Amazon HD on 4 stream though !
Works exactly how it should. The dac inside is better than my dragonfly black.
The Arylic S10 is a for the money you pay a great streamer, top notch sound! Although I only use Spotify in combination with Bluetooth the device has many other connectivity options, Wifi, Airplay, network, multiroom etc. Very handy is that you get a great remote control included, I have not seen that much with other streamers in this price range. There is an app called 4stream which you can use but I did not need it because I play everything directly through Spotify. I am very happy with this streamer, especially the good sound and flawless operation!
Allows your older non-networked sound system to stream locally stored and streaming service audio. Works well with Spotify. Doesn’t play local files gapless, but that’s a minor set back. Sound quality very good. I don’t use the remote control that comes with the device; I use the 4STREAM app on my phone which does everything I need. The device also acts as a sound card if plugged into the USB of a PC with a data cable (the cable supplied only provides power).
I have not made a lot of listening yet, but primary I am satisfied, especially with ratio price/quality.
I have to note some moments.
1)There was not noted output voltage for device. This is useful information for matching power amplifier.
Unfortunately, this is common problem and such info is not often noted also for other devices.
2)As I have MAC filter in my home router, I had to use exact MAC address of device for connecting.
Unfortunately, there was not possible to connect with address, noted on sticker. I had to turn off MAC
filter, look in recognized address and use it. Seems this could be a problem with non-experience user.
Totally brilliant, high quality streaming via an amp aux port for 50
Excellent device for price.
Only real quibble, the EQ on the remote is useless, but the d.bass delivers well.
Easy set up and easy to use and the 4Stream app is OK as well.
Worked straight away – uses 4STREAM and I have that in my other streamer so it makes it easy to use. It plugs into a Temple Audio amp and Mission 760is and sounds really good. I’m really impressed and for the money it is a massive bargain.
Facile da installare e funzionale.
Costo contenuto.
Con file di qualit la resa ottima, nulla da invidiare ai tanti blasonati.
I have a ceiling audio system in my apartment so I bought this product for wireless streaming. Very easy for Apple devices. You can stream any sound source through Airplay. A little bit unfriendly for android devices but doesn’t bother me too much. Also, the Bluetooth connection is very stable and you can connect with even all types of devices.
Very pleased with this connected to my amp. very easy to set up excellent sound quality and a good price
Connect sur l’entre TAPE/CD d’un ampli classique HIFI, il transforme compltement l’utilsation de ce dernier en donnant accs la musique MP3 stocke sur un NAS par exemple. La communication se faisant par WIFI ou RJ45, pas de perte de signal ou de qualit constate et surtout, avantage norme, pas besoin de laisser l’appareil qui commande la musique, connect (Ce qui est obligatoire en Blue Tooth). L’application fonctionne galement trs bien et offre des possibilits de diffuser des Web Radios … parfait, surtout ce prix !
I bought this to allow me to stream music to a decent separates hi-fi system from Amazon Music and also my personal music stored on a local NAS drive. For Amazon Music I stream from my iPad using Airplay and the sound quality is very good. It is superior to a wired connection from my Echo Show, suggesting that the DAC in the S10 is superior to that in the Echo Show. It is also superior to Bluetooth from the Echo Show. The sound quality from the NAS is also excellent. It supports WAV, MP3 and AAC which I have music stored as. The only negative is that it does not support gapless playback. This could be the S10 or my NAS DLNA software (WD MYBOOKLIVE and Buffalo). My Denon DNP720 attached to a different hi-fi does support gapless playback so I suspect the S10 is at fault. If this was fixed it would be a five star rating.
Took me some time to get it sorted but that’s me and not the product but now able to listen to music on spotify through my Amp and speakers via my phone. Not tied other music devices but that was all i wanted it fo
A great little streamer. The quality and sound is a lot better than I expected. I didn’t use the power supply, I used a linear power supply that is from Topping (P50). Set up was so easy, that I thought, “that can’t be right”, and started over. I only used the remote to turn it on, everything else with my phone. I bought it as a test, to see if I wanted to spend 500 to a 1000 on a name brand and if I wanted to start streaming. I do and this little Arylic S10 will be staying in my system for the foreseeable future. Only one little niggle, no digital out so that I could use my DAC. Otherwise perfect.
Simplesmente extraordinrio.
Comprei este “Network Streamer/DAC” sem grandes expectativas. Que esperar de um aparelho que oferece tanto por to pouco dinheiro? Se cumprisse com o anunciado, j seria bom. A qualidade sonora provavelmente seria sofrvel, ou at mesmo m. Mas no!! Alm de cumprir com tudo o que anuncia a sua performance igual ou superior a outros que conheo bem, alguns em minha casa, outros em casa de familiares e amigos, que custam 5 ou 6 vezes mais. Classifico este aparelho com de categoria Hi-Fi. Alm disso fcil de configurar e operar e a APP muito melhor que a de algumas marcas cujos aparelhos custam vrias centenas, ou mesmo milhares de euros. A este nvel de preo no encontro nada de negativo. H melhor? Sem dvida que h melhor, mas ter de gastar acima dos 500,00 para encontrar alguma coisa que realmente se destaque deste ano. Parabns.
Een hele hele goeie verbetering van het geluid ten opzichte van een chromecast streamer. Redelijk eenvoudig aan te sluiten.
Voor het geld een goed product.
ottimo con chiavette superiori ai 15G ha dei problemi ,ma ottimo consigliato audio fenomenale
Was looking to stream from my iphone to my old amplifier and this bit of kit was exactly what I wanted! Can stream over Wifi, Airplay or bluetooth with absolutely great quality. Haven’t had any issues with wifi drop out etc. and can’t hear any interference from the power (maybe my ears or my system just aren’t as good).
Set up was so easy, I downloaded the app the day before and got that ready. As someone else said, if you connect to your amp first, you’ll hear audio prompts etc. through your speakers.
Das Gert macht von der Verarbeitung und Lieferumfang einen sehr gute Eindruck. Soundqualitt ist auch in Ordnung, kaum Eigenrauschen, kein Brumm, Pegelbereich passt. Nur beim Einschalten eine kurze, leise Rauschbegrung und beim Ausschalten ein leiser Knacks. Die Fernbedienung hat umfangreiche Funktionen und nur darber kann man den Equalizer steuern, aber nimmt man eh nicht her (FLAT Taste vorhanden) aber mit d.Bass kann man schon einem Rums erzeugen. Die Reichweite mit 7m scheint O.K. man muss aber immer gut zielen, bei 45 seitlich sind es weniger als 4m. Das WLAN hat normale Empfindlichkeit, wie mein Smartphone. Sehr erfreulich ist der geringe Stromverbrauch von nur 1W mit streaming in meiner Konfiguration. Wenn per FB Ausgeschaltet 0.15W. Bluetooth ruckelt am Anfang kurz, aber geht dann vom Smartphone 9m ohne Problem.
Die 4stream App ist funktional aber einfach, die FW des Arylic ist nicht die stabilste, aber O.K. Wenn man ein Setup hat was funktioniert, dann auch stabil.
Eine sehr positive berraschung war das vorhanden sein eines Hotspots, was mir sehr geholfen hat. Der S10 hngt am LAN und spannt ein WLAN Netzwerk (10.10.10.xxx) auf ber das er ber die APP gesteuert wird, das Streaming luft ber LAN. Aber auch Internet hat man im Hotspot. Sehr praktisch im WLAN schwachen Dachgeschoss. Ein WLAN AP gratis dabei. In dieser Konstellation sucht allerdings das System die NAS/UPnP/DLNA Server auch nur im Hotspot WLAN, was daran liegt, da die App sucht und nicht das Gert, wie mir der bemhte Service erklrte. Eingebunden im eigener, guten WLAN Umgebung luft alles bestens.
Ich wollte meine MP3 Sammlung (~5000 Songs) auf USB Stick abspielen. Um es kurz zu machen, es funktioniert NICHT. Abstrze, langsam, Limit von 2000Songs, keine ID3Tags, keine Sortierung sondern FAT32 Reihenfolge usw. Der Service hat das mit “needs improvements” besttig und gelobt Besserung. Workaround ist nun ein Laptop mit dem USB Stick (da auf dem NAS im Keller kein UPNP/DLNA luft) mit serviio.org Server, da das Medienstreaming unter Windows10 eines USB Stick nicht funktioniert (auch nicht mit der Pfadnderung in der Datentrgerverwaltung). Mit dem serviio geht es sehr gut.
Weitere Enttuschung war das Amazon Prime Music nur mit US Accounts untersttzt wird. Der Service meinte, das wird im Q2 2021 auch fr EU Accounts mglich sein. Spotify aber nur Premium (ber dessen App/Web) und Deezer funktionieren. Unendlich viele Radio streams sind auch vorhanden (ohne “RDS Text”) mit Podcasts aber alles mit viel Gesuche verbunden und versteckten Favoriten Ordner. Bis zu sechs, knnen auf die FB gelegt werden.
Unterm Strich bin ich froh, das meine gute alte Anlage zu neuen Ehren mit dem S10 kommt, wollte wegen der USB und Amazon Enttuschung erst nur 3* vergeben, aber das wre unfair denn an sich ein gutes Konzept vor allem weil diese gnstige Variante etwas kann, was das teure Denon HEOS System bei DLNA/UpnP und USB nicht kann, das springen innerhalb eine MP3 tracks. Dazu noch Multiroom fhig, was ich nicht getestet habe. 4 Sterne mit Potential, wenn USB, Amazon und Stabilitt kommt, dann 5*.
######## Update 30.03.21
Wie vom Service versprochen, nun wird auch Amazon Music in Deutschland untersttzt. Top!
Very versatile and compact unit, sound quality is good for the money, 4Stream control app very easy to use, decent remote.
Dies exactly what i need it to do. The software app is decent too
4 star’s because won’t work with Today’s own app & won’t work with Amazon music over WiFi.
For Bluetooth and over WiFi great streamer dac . Sound is punchy and clear. Good quality in little box. Recommend.
Fonctionne parfaitement
Simple mettre en route
Pour ce prix c’est vraiment le top
Ce que l’on me conseillait chez les vendeurs spcialiss tait peu prs 4x plus che
Produit parfait ,presque parfait ca marche bien sauf la rception!! pas d’antenne extrieur
et connectique en Jack3.5mm pas de RCA , par contre livrer avec sa tlcommande et le tout dans un mini boitier et un prix trs comptitif ( livrer sans alim.)
my dad has a node 2i installed on his hifi and i was impressed with it and wanted 1 but i needed some thing a bit cheaper so i got this i have it hooked up to a pair of wharfdale diamonds 9.0 and a auna amp and it sounds great my dads entire set up cost around 15/20 thousand pounds and mine 500 pounds im no audiophile but for love nor money i cannot tell a difference in sound quality and hes on the highest bit rate compared to my 320
What an absolute bargain, there is no streamer out there at this price and this much functionality. Since writing this review(Jan 2021) everything on my device works, Bluetooth is good but I don’t really use it due to it quality limitations, Airplay works faultlessly, Internet Radio is great, NAS Streaming FLAC files just sounds so good at this price. I have been mainly using this hard wired but tried WIFI and that works great too. I love the built in equaliser with remote control, it’s such a bonus to add. The 4STREAM app works perfectly for me, I’ve had no issues so far. I’d really like to see what the S50 model is like and will be purchasing one once I can get my hands on it. One thing I can’t comment on is the MultiRoom fiction as I only have one device but I’m sure it is good.
Likes: Price, sound quality for the price and size.
Dislikes: There upto 10 presets but only 6 on the remote. Remote really needs to be straight on for the remote to be responsive. Uses 3.5mm jack rather than RCAs.
For the money this is a great 1st streamer, I use mine with my Sotify and ripped CDs on my laptop using iTunes and Airplay. Getting it to work with iTunes and Airplay wasn’t “out of the box”, needing some tweaking but works well once set up. It supports Apple’s Lossless Format, as well as many others.
Finally accepted streaming as the future. Researched the subject and decided to invest in this item. The value for money against other far more expensive streamers has been the biggest positive. I set it up in a matter of minutes. The quality of the sound is excellent in fact apart from turning up the volume slightly I could be listening to a cd or vinyl. I enjoy the access to internet radio through my hi fi via the streaming app. There is no broadcast or music playing information on this small box. You will rely on your phone or computer to view the 4stream app. For me that has proved fine. There’s a bit more to discover but I cannot honestly say anything negative at this stage. Thoroughly recommended.
The S10 box is a good bit of kit. Sound quality for the price is great. Wanted it to stream my own collection of music. Setting it up on the network was a real pain — took several goes and involved multiple reinstallations of the app. Gave up on the WiFi; found it worked best with a wired connection. Works well with a miniDLNA server hosted on a Linux box.
The 4Stream app is kludgy. Keeps dropping connection to the box, or the network; sometimes just hangs so you have to close it down and start again. Inconsistent on different smartphones. Documentation poor. There is a (minimal) API document for download that is just about decipherable.
After a download of the “4stream” app and a bit of mental gymnastics during set up, even with good instructions, the unit came to life and produces excellent results on both wi-fi and bluetooth. It outputs to my amp and speakers as described via either a 3.5mm jack or RCA red and white audio inputs to spare “aux” sockets on my old hi-fi. Both these cable options are provided out of the box. I use it to stream Spotify on wi-fi and Amazon Music on bluetooth. Connection to Spotify is within the set up dialogues, but not yet for Amazon Music which requires the smart phone app and talks to the Arylic S10 on a bluetooth pairing. Sound quality is excellent for my purposes, including control of the sound profile and a dynamic bass option all from the remote as well as on the hi-fi amp. Great buy for a cheap conversion of my old hi-fi system to a streaming machine but allow time and concentration for initial set-up.
Brilliant way to add Internet radio to an existing hifi or TV soundbar. For music streaming it looks like a free Spotify account doesn’t work. Other options on the supporting phone app also need you to have premium accounts and the likes of amazon music isn’t an option.
I believe it can be used to stream music from local network storage but haven’t yet tried.
If the 4stream app was to be enhanced this would make a perfect package.
Proves that sometimes great things come at affordable prices!
This is a great piece of kit, the sound quality of the streams is excellent. I bought it to use with a small hifi, and also a standalone speaker with built-in amplifier. I am only using it for Spotify, it connects directly via wifi and you use your phone as a Spotify Connect remote. Considering that Spotify is not a HD source the sound quality is excellent.
I did however have a problem with an audible pulse from the power supply as referred to by other reviewers. You can manage this somewhat depending on your system. On the speaker I made sure that the volume if the stream was as high as possible, i.e. phone volume was set to max, as this allowed the speaker volume to be lower and the power supply noise was barely audible. However, on another system this trick did not work, and the noise pulsing was still audible over the music.
Luckily both of these system are secondary systems, one in the kitchen, and another in our snug. There is absolutely no way I would put this anywhere near my hifi system unfortunately. The stream quality is excellent but the audible noise would be a major issue for me.
I’m no electronic expert so do not have the ability to knock up my own 5V power supply like the other reviewer. I’ve tried alternative micro usb power supplies, and also purchased a different 5v supply but have not been able to fix it. I have also emailed DigiFunk, I have received a response, but been referred to their engineer for a solution. I’ll update if I get one.
It sounds great for what it is, and is an excellent streaming unit, but the noise problem when connected to certain pieces of kit is a problem.
Perfect – had a 3k quote to replace old sound system – instead added this in literally 5 mins and works like a dream. Connected to amp and stream Spotify through speakers already installed throughout the house – works like a dream. Highly recommend i
After last app update it works really fine. It is worth more than it costs.
I wanted a device that would allow for the easy streaming of music and connect up my 2 sets of speakers in different rooms. After some searching I found The S10, so I bought 2. The device looks nice and fits with the other audio equipment I have. The ease of streaming is its major success. After an easy set up to my home Wi-fi, using the companion App, It just worked. There was the named device on both Spotify and Airplay. The 2nd device was set up with ease. Mulitroom works great with no delay even on Wi-fi. You can even assign playlists to hot key buttons on the remote.
Great device, great price gives you the freedom to use current audio setup for streaming.
Mit Amazon Musik whre noch besser aber sonst vom Funktionsumfang genial
Wow.. this piece of kit is just incredible.. I’m using this to run music through a PA system via Traktor and the sound is outstanding. I now can walk around in the garden while changing tracks as before the phone was wired.. just buy one!!
I am so far very happy with this unit. I did have one or two problems getting foobar2000 to work in order to play files from PC but in the end I got it working fine. The unit provides a wide variety of possible ways to send files to hifi and speakers.
I like the sound quality and ease of use once it’s set up. It comes with a remote control, which is essential as it has no buttons. I’ve used it to cast audio from my Windows PC. The instructions to use wifi with Foobar2000 didn’t work for me – the device was undiscoverable – but I managed to get it to work via Bluetooth with Windows Media Player 12. The volume controls work but the bass and treble ones don’t – at least I can use WMP’s graphics equaliser.
I integrated the s10 with my NAD 320BEE, Pioneer CD player and Turntable and I have to say I’m very impressed with it, especially the sound quality which is key for me.
I use primarily to stream high quality audio from Tidal, I have it connected via Ethernet cable and have had no connectivity issues.
One thing to note Customer service is brilliant, I had an issue after Tidal made an update which Arylic addressed in about 2 hours!
Would highly recommend especially at this price!
Was using a little MPOW bluetooth receiver to listen to Spotify through my hifi. All good, but was limited by BT sound quality, and then my phone was connected, so if i wanted to jump on a youtube video, I didnt want the sound coming through the speakers etc.
Using this S10, I can just have Spotify coming through, directly to the box but still controlled from my phone. I dont have to have the bluetooth switched on at all, this is revolutionary. Also my wife can jump on there and play stuff too.
Great little product. Easy to set up…a real alternative to Sonos. Not just as slick but for the price unbelievable. Alexa Google home control is missing but not a deal breaker for me. App is easy and gives you access to all music providers.