Zoom Binoculars for Adults,10-24×50 HD Professional/Waterproof Binoculars ï¼Durable & Clear BAK4 Prism FMC Lens Binoculars for Birds Watching Hunting Traveling Concerts,

Zoom Binoculars for Adult

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Superior BAK 4 prism for clearer vision and no ghosting | HIGH-POWERED LARGE EYEPIECE BINOCULARS: binoculars have 10×24 magnification, allowing you to see objects 18x’s closer with clarity that strikes envy into the heart of your bird watching friends. | Green FMC lens greatly reduce reflected light, improve luminousness and further make you view brighter and clearer. |
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Lightweight and durable Easy to carry, very durable, just feel free to enjoy bird watching, hunting, hiking, camping, travelling, wildlife, scenery, etc. | Designed with 10-24X power magnification, 50mm extra large objective lens can help you see the target’s every detail clearly in a wide filed of view | Waterproof & Fogproof 100% Nitrogen filled make it fog proof and waterproof in order to withstand tough weather conditions. |

Dimensions: | 22 x 21.5 x 8.7 centimetres |
Brand: | SOTAE |
Part: | Binoculars |
Reference: | binoculars |
Very clear when looking through binoculars. Steam up a bit so have to wait to de-mist
Overall would highly recommend for the price paid
The product is excellent. Light enough and very clear. Will be back if I require another pair.
Die Verarbeitung wirkt deutlich besser, das Bild ist extrem klar, scharf und hell (fr mich, der keine wirklich teuren Fernglser kennt).
Frei Hand halten ist gerade noch so mglich, was das Fernglas zu einem idealen Begleiter fr Ausflge, Vogel Beobachtung oder sonstige schne Naturerlebnisse macht.
Ich finde, eine gelungene Mischung aus hnlichkeiten zum sehr gnstigen Modell, die es durchaus gibt, und einer ordentlichen Verarbeitung mit sehr guter optischer Qualitt.
Durch Corona ist ja nun wenig bis gar nichts mit Treffen mit Freunden. Das Landschaftsschutzgebiet gleich bei uns ldt dann immer zu Spaziergngen ein. Dieses praktische Fernglas, dann nicht zu gro und in der Tasche auch nicht zu schwer zum Schultern, kommt dabei immer wieder gerne zum Einsatz.
Sicher mag es bessere Fernglser geben, aber fr unsere Anwendungsflle des Beobachters von Vgeln in einer gewissen Entfernung, ist diese Fernglas wirklich sehr gut. Klare Bilder, gute Vergrerungsmglichkeit, selbst, wenn es anfngt zu Dmmern, holt das Fernglas noch viel Licht raus. Dazu hat das Fernglas Grip, so dass es nicht aus der Hand gleitet.
Fr unsere Hobby-Exkursionen in die nhere Landschaft ein tolles Equipment. Und klar, das macht natrlich Conrona nicht vergessen und die vielen Einschrnkungen, aber es hebt deutlich die Stimmung!
Das Fernglas kommt nicht nur mit Tasche, Gurt und Reinigungstuch, sondern sogar mit einer Anleitung, die es einem ermglicht, in weniger als einer Minute das Fernglas indiviuell einzustellen.
Ich muss gesten, dass ich ohne die Anleitung niemals auf die Idee gekommen wre, das Fernglas so zu justieren, wie es justiert werden muss. Aber nun habe ich einen perfekten Blick dadurch und kann Vgel oder Eichhrnchen bei uns im Garten beobachten. Fr den Hobbybedarf ist dieses Fernglas absolut ausreichend und ein praktischer Helfer. Mit etwas Glck habe ich sogar ein Musesnest damit aufgesprt.
Auch im Hinblick auf den Preis von knapp 80 Euro verdiente 5 Sterne.
These are great value for the money… if you’re OK with “heavy” and bulky old fashioned Binos. They remind me of my Grandads prized possessions, some 50 years ago. The view is clear, sharp and bright, but they’re not light weight.
The strap is cheap. The case is cheap, thin neoprene… but both are functional.
I think they’re great value for the image quality and cool if you like retro… Functional not Showy!
Das Fernglas kam gut und sicher verpackt bei mir an.
Mit dabei waren eine Anleitung, Putztuch, Tasche und Gurt. Also alles dabei was wichtig ist!
ber die Bildqualitt bin ich sehr positiv berrascht. Echt scharfe Bilder bekommt man hier zu sehen.
Ich nutze es gerne Abends auf der Terrasse. Wir wohnen direkt an der Dahme. Hier ist eine groe Anzahl an Vgeln zu beobachten. Die richtige Einstellung ist schnell gefunden. Kein langen drehen notwendig.
Von mir alle Daumen nach oben.
– Fernglas
– Putztuch
– Tasche
– Gurt fr den Hals
– Anleitung auf Deutsch
Ein gutes Fernglas. Ich habe zwar selbst eine recht gute Sicht mit meinen Augen, aber auf der anderen Seite des Parks auf dem Balkon kann ich zum Beispiel nicht sehen, aber das Fernglas schon. Das macht ja auch den Unterschied. Man kann auch aus weit entfernten Zielen noch eine richtig gute Sicht haben. Fr den Preis finde ich die Qualitt, Glser und Umsetzung voll in Ordnung, obwohl mich die Gummibeschichtung (Kappen) der Glser stark gestrt hat, was aber zum Glck nach 2 Wochen besser wurde. Man muss zwar ein paar Abstiche zu hheren Fernglsern im Kauf nehmen, aber im Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis berzeugt das Fernglas und bietet eine gute Qualitt, welche ich bei dem Preis nicht erwartet htte. Perfekt fr unterwegs und Wasser macht den Fernglas auch nichts aus.
High quality binoculars, sharp clear vision. Lightweight with well balanced grip. Focus ring well graduated with good ergonomics and ideal for wildlife watching.
I am so happy with these pair, they are so powerful I can see a good distance away and very clear. Brought the scenery in very close! Extremely sturdy, well made.
They look good and they feel good in your hand. Small, robust, easy to set up and adjust and quick to focus in and out. The magnification is strong, the view is bright. I’m glad I can adjust the focus of each lens independently.
Excellent binoculars, but they require a steady hand at 20×50. Also at 20×50 the exit pupil is quite small, so these are best for daytime use.
These porroprism binoculars are equipped with FMC multilayer-coated lenses and a BAK4 prism, which provides good light transmission, for bright, clear and sharp viewing. Magnification is 10X and the objective lens diameter is 40mm; which provides a wide field of view and the ideal binoculars for adults bird watching.
I like the rubber coating texture as it feels good and looks well finished in matt black. They have a diopter eye adjustment on the right eye cup so you can adjust to suit your vision. Further more they are waterproof and fog proof with lens caps as well as eye caps. Overall they are very well designed though I have so the logo does spoil the look of them a bit.
As such they come with a case shoulder strap and a cleaning cloth. They have a focus knob in the middle and the distance viewing is as good as my Olympus binoculars so these at almost half the price still very good for the money.
They weigh in around 800g, offer powerful sharp images, are very compact with a great build quality and robust housing ideal for outdoor use.
By way of specification highlights they are 20 x 50 which means the lens nearest the eye offers 20 x magnification and the larger objective lens on the other end is 50mm allowing a lot more light in for a clearer brighter image. The lens themselves are fully multicoated to provide excellent light transmission and reduce loss of light due to reflection which combined with a great BAK 4 prism lens system gives you stunningly sharp image quality.
In order to make them waterproof and fog proof the manufacturers fill the internal chambers with nitrogen and seal it in. This is is important to me as here in Scotland we get a lot of rain and much as much as it does not stop me going out I still want to look after my expensive equipment like my binoculars and cameras.
To ensure a good grip in all weather conditions the binoculars have a very good rubber grip on the main body wheel which not only provides a very positive grip but frankly the finish in matt black rubber not only feels good but also looks great. I also like that I the focus nice and sharp without the need to wear my glasses due to the built in diopter adjustment on the right eye piece.
There are front and rear lens covers and soft silicon rubber eye cups that sit very comfortably around the eyes making these binoculars suitable for extended use. In addition there is a strap included of course so you can wrap these lovely binoculars around your neck between uses as well as a nice neoprene padded carry case.
It’s worth mentioning that you can mount these on a tripod by removing the cap in front of the focus wheel and using a binoculars 1/4″ tripod mount adapter. Very useful while bird or animal watching.
Frankly I was stunned by the clarity and close up detail through these binoculars produce while walking out in the Scottish hills and it really adds to my enjoyment of the hills and the magnificent views here. In use my opinion and like for these binoculars has only strengthened.
If you are looking for a pair of great value premium quality binoculars with superior magnification, stunning clarity and bright images you will not be disappointed in these binoculars.
Good pair of binoculars.
Sharp image, easy to adjust and set up and will provide great experience.
High quality of image through lenses and whichever object you want to watch it will look super sharp and clear.
These are massive and a bit heavy so rest after couple of minutes will be required as hands start to be shaky.
Comes with really nice case, lens wipe and strap.
Price is a bit higher but still can explain quality and reason behind it.
I am very happy with these Sotae binoculars. The binoculars came very well packaged and presented, included with the binoculars is a storage bag, which is very durable and will definitely help protect them. These binoculars are extremely clear, they have a fantastic vision on them. The dial on top is great for focusing the field of vision so it is perfectly clear. They do have quite a weight to them, but they’re not to heavy. Overall I am very impressed with these binoculars and would recommend to others.
These 10-24X50 S zoom binoculars in this range offering zoom from 8x – 16x with a thumb lever by the right eye piece. Ideal for watching sports games or nature and then zooming in when you want a much closer look so quite versatile
The large 50mm objective front lenses do their job really well and let in lots of light in providing beautiful bright sharp colour accurate images. Frankly I was really pleased by the clarity of the images through these binoculars while walking out in the hills and it really added to my enjoyment of the walk and views.
The binoculars have a really nice soft touch silicon rubber feel finish to them that makes them feel very secure and comfortable to hold while carrying or in use . They fare quite heavy but they are after all high power zoom lenses built with a durable, water proof design so the robust housing is ideal for outdoor use.
There are front and rear lens covers and really soft silicon rubber eye cups that sit very comfortably around the eyes making these binoculars suitable for extended use. In addition there is a strap included of course so you can wrap these lovely binoculars around your neck between uses as well as a nice simple padded carry case.
I liked these binoculars from the first moment I picked them up and if you are looking for a pair of good value powerful pair of zoom binoculars I highly recommend considering these.
HD Professional/Waterproof 20 x 50 Binoculars with Low Light Night Vision
The binocular is not too heavy or light, very comfortable to hold and feel made of excellent quality build material. Images are bright and clear, suitable for sports or watching animals in a local park.
There is a screw thread for a tripod mount at the front of the centre axis, but there is no information on the tripod mount on the Amazon description page or leaflet manual. It comes with a good quality case to store when you are not using it.
The attached optic cover is smooth to click in and out; the cover for the eyepiece not connected with the binocular, but there is a slot where you can easily insert the shoulder trap and make it secure.
Overall, this is good quality binocular for this price, and I like it a lot.
Box Contains :
1 x Binocular
1 x Shoulder Strap
1 x Instruction Leaflet
1 x Cleaning Cloth
1 x Carry Case
I hope this review is helpful for you to make a purchasing decision.
These are massive! Very heavy and hard to hold and need to take rest every couple of mins.
On the other side they provide super sharp image and super zoom!
No problems with adjusting and it can be done very fast so they are ready for spying.
These can reach couple of streets away and are great for looking at small objects.
Comes nicely packed with all required accessories and transporting bag.
Gerade zum Wandern oder Fotografieren auf greren Touren nehme ich immer gerne ein Fernglas mit, falls ich irgendwas auf dem Weg entdecke. Hatte dort sonst immer ein kleineres Fernglas dabei, da ich mein groes teures Markenfernglas nicht mitnehmen wollte. Somit wird dieses mit meinen halb so teuren kleineren und doppelt so teueren Markenfernglas verglichen.
Das Fernglas kommt in einem Karton verpackt an und hat zustzlich noch eine Tasche, eine Anleitung einen Gurt und ein Microfaser-Tuch dabei. Sehr klever gelst finde ich die Schutzabdeckungen. Die vorderen zwei sind am Fernglas festgemacht und man klappt sie quasi nach unten. Die hintere hngt mit im Gurt. Bei meinem groen Fernglas sind es jeweils einzelne separate Abdeckungen, die man auch schnell mal verliert. Witzig finde ich die Aufdrucke auf dem Fernglas, welche in Kyrillisch (ich vermute Russisch) geschrieben sind.
Haptisch fhlt sich das Fernglas ganz gut an. Nicht zu schwer und nicht zu leicht. Das Verstellrad luft sehr gut und flssig. Die Augenpolster sind etwas strrisch und besitzen bei mir eine etwas unangenehme Kante. Diese habe ich mit einem Bastelmesser entgratet. Was mir zudem nicht so gefllt ist der Geruch. Hier stinkt leider das Plastik ein wenig. Dieser verging jedoch bereits nach wenigen Tagen ausgepackt. Diese Sachen hatte ich zum Beispiel an meinem Markenfernglas nicht, aber der Preisunterschied muss auch von etwas kommen.
Die Abbildeleistung ist gut. Klar hier kann man keine high end Glser erwarten fr den Preis. Gerade hier ist doch etwas die Chromatische Aberration (Abbildungsfehler), sowie eine geringere Schrfe zu erkennen. Fr den Preis aber vollkommen vertretbar. Zu meinem gnstigeren ist ein deutlicher qualitativer Unterschied bemerkbar, zu meinem teureren deutlich weniger. Also von der Abbildungsleistung. Gerade die Abbildungsfehler sowie die geringere Schrfe ist im direkten Vergleich mit dem teuren zwar bemerkbar, aber fr den Preisunterschied doch gut in Kauf zu nehmen.
Alles in allem ist es fr den derzeitigen Preis von 71 Talern (stand Bewertung) echt gut und kann damit nichts falsch machen. Gerade wenn man ein besseres/greres Fernglas haben mchte, aber der Geldbeutel zu keinem high end Markenfernglas rt.
Daher von mir auch volle Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
We’re very fortunate that, while living quite close to a city in a suburban location, we have a great many garden visitors. All the usual suspects stop by to fill themselves up at our various feeding stations. Robins, sparrows, finches, tits, blackbirds, pigeons, foxes, hedgehogs, bats etc. We also have the occasional cuckoo that hammers the heck out of our fir tree. Between a pair of binos and the 300mm lens on our Nikkon DSLR we can spend many hours watching them from the comfort of our back room.
These 10×40 binos are a great addition. They feel solid and chunky, sit nicely in your hands and softly against your face. The first time I used them I felt as though they were giving an odd 3D image but it’s just the clarity and depth of field that they give. There are adjustment wheels on the centre and on the right eyepiece, which were within easy reach of my grip. They work very nicely and you won’t be disappointed.
Pricing wise they seem pitched as a mid-range product. A quick scan of Amazon reveals there are similar products at a similar or slightly higher cost, before a big step up to the name-brand binoculars. If you’re looking for the very best and have the budget to stretch that far, you’ll perhaps feel more comfortable sticking with what you know. But, if you’re like me and more of a jobbing amateur and value for money is almost as important, these cheaper binoculars should do you well.
These have variable magnification. At 10x it gives a 5 mm exit pupil – this means they are fairly bright (with the 50 mm objective lens) and therefore good for starters in astronomy. If you are older and your pupils don’t dilate as much, you can get away with higher magnification without much loss, but otherwise the higher magnification will be good for daytime, as long as you can keep them steady.
The image is clear and the binoculars are comfy.
They are heavy, so not the sort to take to a sporting event.
Die Linsen dieses groe Fernglas sind wirklich super. Richtig eingestellt bieten sie ein extrem klares und scharfes Bild, welches auch farbecht bleibt. Die beiliegende Gebrauchsanleitung erklrt einfach und umfassend die Einstellung des Fernglases. Im Lieferumfang befindet sich zudem eine Kunststofftasche, einen Hals Gurt sowie ein Mikrofasertuch zur Reinigung der Linsen.
Der einzige Nachteil: Nach dem Auspacken riecht die Ummantelung des Fernglases stark nach Gummi-/Kunststoff. Das verfliegt nach ein paar Tagen auslften, ist aber dennoch unntig, wie viele andere Produkte beweisen. Daher einen Stern Abzug.
These appear and look well made, with a study feel and are easy to handle. They adjust well to the eye with the added addition of correction for those, like me, who need it. (No need to wear your glasses.). They are easily focus by the central wheel, which has good tension. (Not to tight, but holds the setting) They are well presented with a neck strap and a carrying case. The image is clear with no noticeable distortion. These binoculars work well for the price, you will have to pay considerably more (x5?+) to see improvement.
Great set for the money. Easy to hold and focus and picture quality is excellent.
High quality binoculars.
Come in a nice packaging with storage bag cleaning cloth and instructions how to set up.
Very easy to adjust and the view is clear and sharp!
With these you will be able to see couple of streets away.
Only con is that they are heavy and massive! It is enough minute or two and your hands will feel like they are working out. You will need to take a rest between every look, that’s how heavy they are.
I would say they are a bit pricey but in some way they approve the price with the quality
Loved these binoculars which are sturdy but not so heavy that my arthritic hands struggle. Use them all the time now
10×50 Binoculars for Adults from SOTAE Store
I used to do bird watching and hunting where I grew up in Italy. Using binoculars is not new to me, tho I can’t say that I am a professional.
The outer shell seems made of good quality – rubberised and sturdy. It is quite heavy and bulky but well-balanced on both sides. It comes with a sling carry bag, padded neck straps, and a cleaning cloth. The ocular lenses and objective lenses have soft, rubberised coverings.
Using it is pretty easy to use. Adjusting the diopter adjustment ring and central focusing ring gives a clear focus/picture of an object from meters away. It gives a clean
The only letdown I experienced while using it is that it’s a bit darker or shadowy than the current one I am using with the same specs, which I find a little uncomfortable to use. I tried to adjust it in every way possible, but I can’t seem to tweak it as how I want it, especially in low light.
Anyhow, I am rating this with four stars based on its quality, not considering its current price of 87.89.
Oh – My – Heavens. These binoculars are superb. I’ve just spent an hour (I live by the seaside) absolutely enthralled by seagulls going about the business of nesting preparation on some chimneys at least 100 metres away and I could actually make out the individual feathers as they ruffled them from time to time, getting the nest right with that odd peck/lift/move it motion they do, with absolute clarity. As I wear glasses for focus, the issue is always distance and these wonderful binoculars have solved that issue with ease. Extremely comfortable around the eye sockets and fully adjustable, the more I got into what the birds were doing, the less I noticed the product and with easy to move adjuster dials, after a play around to sort the focus out, it was like the seagulls were right next to me and were crystal clear to see, all that distance away. As the blurb suggests, there’s loads of uses and straining to see my football team playing or seeing how a favorite rock band perform ‘in the moment’ is no longer a frustration, not to mention the sights at the seaside, birds flying on drafts of air or even wildlife, on a walk in the numerous areas of unspoilt countryside around my home is going to be brilliant. A good solid construction, the weight being totally manageable, an included strap, rubber caps to protect the lenses and even an added soft case that closes with velcro, I’m only wondering why I never thought of getting something like this before and to say I’m impressed is an understatement. An outstanding vision aid that you mightn’t need to wear glasses with, the focus adjustment being so good, even those with somewhat blurry eyesight without the glasses should be fine and for the price, for what you get to see ‘up close and personal’, these binoculars are excellent and worth far more than they cost to anyone who wants to bring the far away, closer to home. A brilliant product in my opinion.
I’ve been wanting to grab a decent pair of binoculars for a while now when I came across these. They come in a nice strong box with some basic details about the product. In the package you get the binoculars which are located in a high quality storage bag. The lenses and eye peaces have rubber covers to protect them against bumps and scratches which is nice and these really do feel very heavy and should be able to withstand all weathers. Now coming onto the magnification these really produce an outstanding image its so nice to see birds nesting in far away trees and flying around as well as watching bees buzzing around in the flours in the garden. The focus is very easy to adjust and out of the box I found I only had to adjust it very slightly to get a clear sharp image. I am really impressed with these and will be taking them out over the summer when we are aloud to travel locally again but these really are amaizing for spotting wildlife so highly recommended.
First thoughts:
Clean crisp images and plenty of light.
Quick and easy to focus with a smooth focus dial.
Good magnification in the mid range.
A little bit bulky and clumsy feeling.
Fixed eyepieces.
Metal surface finishing is a little messy in places.
Big objective lenses so there’s plenty of light let through to give great clear images. It’s not always a perfect single circle unless I move my eyes away from the eyepieces a bit but the image quality is very good indeed. You can’t extend the eyepieces so you may have to play around a bit until you get your optimal viewing distance from the lens.
Details and things to note (See pictures):
20×50 magnification, the body is textured rubber and a little bit large and cumbersome, but it’s easy to grip if you have large hands like me.
The objective lens caps are attached but are detachable from the body which is very handy to make sure I don’t lose them. There is a double lens cap for the eyepieces.
Large objective lenses give nice bright images, the focus is smooth and the dioptre is on the right eyepiece. The eyepieces are fixed on this set of binoculars so they can’t be extended.
The screw thread for a tripod mount adapter is located at the front of the centre axis under the plastic cap (the plastic cap does not fit/screw on straight or flush so it feels more like a cover than a thought out end cap).
There’s a soft pouch with a shoulder strap, a neck strap for the binoculars and a cleaning cloth.
Final thoughts:
This is a pretty good set of binoculars for the mid range, the magnification is good and they are easy to focus quickly so spotting birds in flight and tracking them is made easier.
Not quite a perfect circle in these but it gets close with a bit of distancing from your eyes and the clear image makes up for it.
First thoughts:
Super crisp, clean images.
Good mid range magnification and clarity.
Smooth focus dial makes adjustments quick and easy.
Large binoculars but the control area feels quite slim in my hands, comfortable to grip.
Extendable eyepieces to help distance the eyes away from the ocular lens.
Still couldn’t get a perfect single circle without my eyes being away from the binoculars.
The binoculars have an almost tactical styling to them as they’re large but slim and so they’re very easy to grip and are comfortable to hold for long periods of time. The focus control area also feels slim so my hands rest easily in this section or around both lens barrels.
The image quality is excellent when I do get the positioning dot on and they balance the light very well.
Details and things to note (See pictures):
20×50 magnification, the body is smooth up to the focus control area where it has raised rubber studs for grip. They are stylish and look tactical in appearance.
The objective lens caps are a good fit and don’t fall off but they aren’t clipped to the body nor do they have loops so I need to keep track of them when they’ve been taken off the lenses. There is a double lens cap for the eyepieces.
Large objective lenses give nice bright, clear images and the eyepieces can be extended to suit my viewing preference. The dioptre is on the right eyepiece.
The screw thread for a tripod mount adapter is located at the front of the centre axis under a screw-on plastic disc (the plastic disc is styled well and doesn’t make the centre axis look messy).
There’s a soft pouch with a shoulder strap, a neck strap for the binoculars and a cleaning cloth.
Final thoughts:
This is a good set of binoculars with increased magnification, it does take some distancing to get a single circular image but that image is razor sharp when you do get it.
The price point is about right for this mid range set of binoculars so they’re definitely worth a look.
They perform well in bright and low light and they aren’t too heavy as the comfort and grip balances the weight out.
First thoughts:
Easy and quick to adjust and focus.
A near perfect single image.
Comfortable size to grip with good weight distribution.
Paint and metal finishing is poor in places.
This is a solid little pair of binoculars with large enough objective lenses to let in plenty of light for a nice clear image.
All the lens distances are well planned out and so it’s easy to achieve a single circular image quickly. I tested these out on a trip to the coast and they provide good magnification out to sea where a few cargo ships were sitting.
Details and things to note (See pictures):
10×40 magnification and they balance the light well through good sized objective lenses.
All the lens caps fit well and don’t constantly fall off.
Right eyepiece dioptre and left and right extendable eyepieces.
The screw thread for a tripod adapter is located at the front of the centre axis under the plastic cap.
2 single front lens caps and a double eyepiece lens cap keeps everything protected, there’s a soft pouch with a shoulder strap and a neck strap for the binoculars.
Final thoughts:
Surprisingly good image if you ignore the slightly messy finish to some of the metal parts.
Not the cheapest set of binoculars but they seemed to nail the parts that count.
These Zoom Binoculars offer great lens quality and build quality as you would expect with the price. They really get you close to the action and I loved the “zoom” ability as it makes them more suited to a variety of subjects and situations.
They are not the lightest pair of binoculars but at the same time, I felt they were comfortable enough to carry and hold when outside without any real difficulty. They come with a carry case and a few other extras but at the same time, they feel pretty robust themselves.
As zoom binoculars go, these are great and fun. There are a few small issues such as trying to adjust the eye pieces which takes a bit of practice but otherwise I doubt you will be disappointed.
This has a very good optical quality for the price, walking in the local deer park using them for spotting at medium range is superb and they feel quality without being super heavy so good for extended use, the case is also great for sowing them away when not using as I keep them in my car, all in all, highly recommended.
These Binoculars are super high powered and are perfect for bird watching, concerts, football games ,hiking, driving, watching wildlife and scenery. Unreal clarity of vision and comfortable to use. Great for weak light conditions. Easy to operate and great quality of colour. These binoculars are professional high quality 20×50 and are durable and waterproof – I highly recommend this top quality product.
Pitched perfectly at the right price, not quite professional but a decent pair all the same.
Lovely weather sealing and good to see both lens protectors on front and rear.
They are a traditionally shaped pair of Bins and are quite weighty so maybe leave these at home if you’re off on a long trek. Image is sharp and the dioptre is on right eyepiece with focusing ring in the centre. There’s some cheap plastic on the folding arms, and I can see this being a weak point that if they are going to break it will likely be on the plastic — however it is to be expected at this price.
Overall, not bad and definitely worth the price, but it all depends on what you’re after, there are lighter options out there around the same price with just as good optics, however, if like me you like pretending you’re a captain of a flower class corvette looking for U-boats in the Atlantic, you will feel at home with these.
Really good for the price, optically I’ve found them very good in my local deer park for observing at medium ranges, very sharp image and they are comfortable to both hold and use for extended periods, build quality again is also very good for this price point, overall I’m very happy with them, these are now my goto 10×40’s for walking they are that good.
These 20 x 50 binoculars, boasting clear FMC BAC4 Prism lenses, are well built or rather robust as they do feel quality from the moment the box is opened. Inside the presentation box is the carry case, and strap with the binoculars inside together with a small cleaning or polishing cloth and separate lanyard for the instrument itself. Also it claims to be IPX6 waterproof, whatever that implies and filled with nitrogen to prevent fogging. Next up with the end caps removed, both front and rear sets as provided, it was a case of setting the right side rear eyepiece to my personal preference. The actual binoculars have a wonderful moulded rubber body with ridges for finger grips so not much chance of them slipping out your grasp. With a magnification of 20 X, they certainly do the business when it comes to bringing things close up but with crystal clear image. The main central focusing control is smooth and responds well to finger movement and interestingly – see photo included – on either side of it there are the initials ‘N’ and ‘F’ so assume they stand for Near and Far possibly. Overall a good, well performing robust pair of binoculars that will – or should – withstand the possible harshness of the great outdoors.
I already have a binocular which I bought 2-3 years back for approximately 50. Comparing this one to the old one is like comparing latest iPhone/Samsung S20 to Nokia brick phones (apologies if you are a fan of old mobiles 🙂 ).
This binocular gives me such a crisp image. I don’t have to struggle as the eye pieces are big. The image is pretty bright may be because of the big lenses. The overall build quality is very good and the part where ones hold the binocular is textured to give better grip. I was pleasantly surprised by it. Only small issue I found was that the belt provided for the binocular does not stay on and keeps slipping from the buckle which could result in accidental drops, I am not using the belt.
These are porroprism rather than roof prism binoculars, differentiated by the wider lenses rather than the straight through (roof prism) lenses of pocket binoculars.
Magnification is 20x (the eyepiece lens you look through) by 50x (the light gathering wide lens at the front) and the binoculars are a fairly sizeable 19cm long x 18cm wide. Considering this level of magnification they are a reasonably lightweight at 860g but are obviously much heavier than compact types.
The build quality feels good, with an all-over soft-feel coating to help absorb a few knocks and a contoured shape to the body to provide a comfortable fit in the hand. The construction is a mix of metal and plastic, which may not match the high end models from the likes of Pentax or Leica, but these are a fraction of the cost of those.
Controls are the usual dioptre adjustment (on the right eyepiece) and a main focus wheel in the middle. These are smooth and easy to turn, with very little play or slackness. The eyepieces have a built in fixed rubber hoods for eye comfort and there are push on lens caps for front and back lenses. Image quality is excellent for a ‘non-branded’ binocular, with no signs of edge blurring or hazing which is often found on low cost binoculars.
The magnification is at the top end for general use (compacts are typically 8 x 25 or 10 x 30) which means a steady hand is needed and accurate eye positioning when looking through them.
Accessories included are a neck strap, lens caps, lens cleaning cloth and a soft carry case.
For the price these are excellent binoculars, at a much lower cost than some of the big name branded ones.
This Comet brand of 10-24×50 zoom binoculars are worth a look in more ways than one. The arrived in a presentation cardboard box, with the item inside its own carry case, strap which is made of a decent material that should wear well. In use the zoom lever – on the right hand side – falls to hand quite easy, the actual action I found being a bit stiff initially but should ‘soften up’ when used more. In use the zoom works very well – to go from seeing a bird sitting on a fence post to then zooming in to see the tips of its wing feathers is quite something – impressive to experience with no lack of clarity, just a smooth single action. The actual central focusing wheel is quite smooth in use. The distance between the rear viewing eyepieces is quite manageable that means that as well as myself, my grandson can also adjust them for viewing and that is worth mentioning as some binoculars have a restricted adjustment. I must admit that seeing the size of these binoculars belied the weight of them as when holding them you find they are quite lightweight, size taken into consideration. The last thing you want if you were going to wander around for hours with them as you certainly don’t want them to be heavy. The world of binoculars has come a long way in recent years but with lightweight construction and the impressive zoom feature, this model should be on your list possibly.
Das Fernglas wurde schnell und nicht bermig verpackt geliefert. Die Packung enthlt eine Tasche, einen Halsgurt, ein Mikrofasertuch, das Fernglas und eine Gebrauchsanweisung, die gut lesbar auch in deutscher Schrift das Einstellen erklrt. Und das verlief sofort vllig problemlos!
Ich war sehr erstaunt, wie hell und klar das Bild war. Noch nie habe ich durch ein besseres Glas geschaut. Das Mitteleinstellrad verfgt sogar ber eine Skala, so dass man sich die Einstellungen fr sich selbst merken kann, wenn jemand anders das Glas mal anders einstellt.
Wo ich an einem anderen Fernglas noch sehr viel kurbeln musste, um es fr mich richtig gut einstellen zu knnen, ging das hier absolut schnell und gut. So hatte ich mir das vorgestellt.
Damit kann man getrost zum Vogelbeobachten gehen. So macht das Spa!
These are porroprism rather than roof prism binoculars, differentiated by the wider lenses rather than the straight through (roof prism) lenses of pocket binoculars.
Magnification is 10x (eyepiece lens you look through) by 40x (the light gathering wide lens at the front) and the binoculars measure 15cm long x 17cm wide.
The build quality feels very good, with a nice soft-feel coating over the entire body which enables them to held securely and comfortably in the hands.
Controls are the usual dioptre adjustment (on the right eyepiece) and a main focus wheel in the middle. The centre wheel is smooth and free from play, and has a rubber coating to enable easy focussing. The dioptre wheel on the eyepiece I found equally smooth, but there was a little play in the arms which hold these lenses onto the body. Its not enough to affect focus, but I’d like it to be a bit tighter. This is a small negative which doesn’t affect the overall function of the binoculars.
The eyepieces have a built in quarter turn extension which serves as a hood to bring the eyes away from the lens for ease of use for wearers of glasses. I also find this feature gives better stability by allowing the binoculars to be rested on the top of the eyes for less shake when viewing.
Looking through the binoculars reveals a clear bright image, excellent for a mid-price binocular. There were no signs of blurring at the edges or hazing of the image which can often be found on budget models. The magnification is medium range and great for general use, and the extending eyepiece hoods are a real bonus for enabling the eyes to be kept steady on the binoculars while in use.
The accessories included are a neck strap, lens caps and a soft, somewhat thin, carry case plus a small soft cloth for cleaning the lenses.
For an all-round general purpose pair of binoculars these will be more than adequate, and at a fraction of the cost of some of the big name branded products.
These are porroprism rather than roof prism binoculars, differentiated by the wider lenses rather than the straight through (roof prism) lenses of pocket binoculars.
Magnification is 20x (the eyepiece lens you look through) by 50x (the light gathering wide lens at the front) and the binoculars are a fairly sizeable 19cm long x 19cm wide. As with all higher magnification binoculars, these are fairly weighty, 900g, compared to the compact types.
Build quality feels very good, with a soft-feel coating to help absorb a few knocks and a nice ergonomic fit in the hands thanks to some areas of textured grip on the surfaces which contact the hands.
Controls are the usual dioptre adjustment (on the right eyepiece) and a main focus wheel in the middle. These are reassuringly tight and free from play, which so often lets down the quality on low to medium priced binoculars which have slack and loose controls. The dioptre is actually quite firm and therefore prevents it from being accidently turned once set, while the central control is smooth and easily rotated, making for quick focussing adjustments.
The eyepieces have a built in quarter turn extension which serves as a hood to bring the eyes away from the lens for ease of use for wearers of glasses. I also find this feature gives better stability by allowing the binoculars to be rested on the top of the eyes for less shake when viewing.
Image quality is excellent for mid-price binoculars, with no signs of blurring at the edges or hazing of the image which is a trait commonly found on low/budget versions. The magnification is at the upper end for general use (compacts are typically 8 x 25) which means a steady hand is needed and accurate positioning of the eyes on the lenses. With a little practice and patience this is achievable and the binoculars will give excellent results in terms of magnification and clarity.
Accessories included are a neck strap, lens caps and a soft carry case (flimsy but functional) plus a small piece of lens cleaning soft cloth.
For the price these are excellent binoculars, at a fraction of the cost of some of the big name branded products.
I don’t know why but I was expecting more zoom from these. Even at 24x it didn’t make things seem as close as I was expecting.
The image however is super clear. It’s really easy to focus and the binoculars feel great in the hand.
I used to love birdwatching as a kid and this may help reignite that passion for nature walks.
I found these quite light for the size which was nice they are very easy to hold for prolonged periods of viewing, the optics are very clear and using the zoom function very easy, they are very well built and so far I’m loving taking these out spotting with me, all in all, a fantastic pair of binoculars with great optical clarity.
quite heavy and not so easy to hold but superior quality image the zoom capability works really well, takes a bit of getting used to for eye level and to get the single image once you get the eye piece positioning correct but once there the quality is worth the wait, comfortable on the eyes but prolonged holding will ache your arms better with a stand
Nice hight quality binoculars which very easy to set up. Has quite individual settings to give best view. View can be focused by main control and by each eye separately which ideal for reach to best focus.
Binoculars came with carry case and also together with lenses cleaning mats.
It gives very clean and wide view with its 20x magnification function.
Suitable for wide adults faces and can be narrowed to smaller faces or for kids.
Designed nicely and good not slippery material, easy to hold in hands.
Overall very nice binoculars with very clear image, on upgrade it will be better if it had hard storage plastic carrier so it’s safer even it I drop it.
So far very pleased with quality.
Okay binoculars for the price, does everything you’d expect for the price tag. Bought as a present and they were very happy with them.
The lens on these binoculars is fantastic. Although variable, I tend to leave them on the maximum value (mostly used for bird watching). At 10×50 birds literally fill the view. A cap covers a screw fitting to allow use of a tripod mount that I have ordered to help with night sky/moon viewings. As a large set of binoculars, they are obviously heavy in comparison to smaller sets. My wife claims she rathers smaller sets, but I keep catching her using mine over them!!! I am certainly very happy with the purchase and would recommend.
The quality even when adjusting the lenses remains clear and detailed. Well pleased.
Very clear with nice field of view,slightly heavier than I was expecting and strap a little bit on the cheap side. Didn’t realise that there is no connection for a tripod.
They weigh in around 800g, offer powerful sharp images, are very compact with a great build quality and robust housing ideal for outdoor use.
By way of specification highlights they are 20 x 50 which means the lens nearest the eye offers 20 x magnification and the larger objective lens on the other end is 50mm allowing a lot more light in for a clearer brighter image as well as a wider field of view at 1000 yards. The lens themselves are fully multicoated to provide excellent light transmission and reduce loss of light due to reflection which combined with a great BAK 4 prism lens system gives you stunningly sharp image quality.
In order to make them waterproof and fog proof the manufacturers fill the internal chambers with nitrogen and seal it in. This impotent to me as here in Scotland we get a lot of rain and much as much as it does not stop me going out I still want to look after my expensive equipment like my binoculars and cameras.
To ensure a good grip in all weather conditions the binoculars have a very good rubber diamond grip pattern on the main body as well as on the focus wheel which not only provides a very positive grip but frankly the finish in matt black rubber not only feels good but also looks great. I also like that I the focus nice and sharp without the need to wear my glasses due to the built in diopter adjustment on the right eye piece. Further more you can adjust the twist-up eyecups for comfortable use with glasses if you wish or without.
There are front and rear lens covers and soft silicon rubber eye cups that sit very comfortably around the eyes making these binoculars suitable for extended use. In addition there is a strap included of course so you can wrap these lovely binoculars around your neck between uses as well as a nice neoprene padded carry case.
It’s worth mentioning that you can mount these on a tripod by removing the cap in front of the focus wheel and using a binoculars 1/4″ tripod mount adapter. Very useful while bird or animal watching.
Frankly I was stunned by the clarity and close up detail through these binoculars produce while walking out in the Scottish hills and it really adds to my enjoyment of the hills and the magnificent views here. In use my opinion and like for these binoculars has only strengthened.
If you are looking for a pair of great value premium quality binoculars with superior magnification, stunning clarity and bright images you will not be disappointed in these binoculars.
It’s 10-24 x 50 zoom power makes quite a lot difference. It’s bit longer on length compared to other models however it also have better zoom function.
Overall it’s quite light compare to its size, made from lighter material.
It has large wide adjustable distance between the eye binocular barrels, makes it suitable for wide and slimmer faces.
I’m giving bit more care when using it on rainy days however it’s stated it’s waterproof as well.
On right hand side it has easy zoom function, which personally find very useful as possible fast zoom in and out without distraction.
Overall it’s light weight binocular with quite powerful zoom. Considering it’s quality I found it’s good value for money.
Have a look to my pictures to see real size of the binoculars, hope this will be helpful to decide if it’s suitable for personal need or not.
Liked everything just what I needed went to Scotland dolphin viewing very good range