5G WiFi Bluetooth Projector, WiMiUS 9500 Lumens Full HD Native 1080P Projector, WiFi Projector Support 4K& 4-Point Keystone, Zoom-50%, Home Theater&Outdoor Video Projector for iOS/Android/PC/PS5/PPT

Innovative 4P/4D Keystone Correction
You can set the focus with the manual ring and also adjust the manual keystone ring to get the correct rectangle shape on the wall or screen.
The keystone adjustment system is splendid in case of tilt projection. Without moving the projector, you can perform keystone correction on the 4 sides & 4 corners of the projected image to make it rectangular.
Package contents:
1x WiMiUS W6 Bluetooth WiFi Projector; 1x Projector case; 1x Power cord; 1x HDMI Cable; 1x AV Cable; 1x Lens cover; 1x remote control (batteries not included); 1x Instructions for use
Warm Tips:
– When you turn on the projector, the fan is a bit noisy as it works at maximum power when the machine is started. those who are normal. Place the projector 1 meter away when watching a movie.
– Due to copyright issues, Dolby (AC3) format cannot be decoded via U Disk and Micro-SD Card. When playing online video or downloading video, turn off Dolby Audio.
– For incredible clarity and best results, it is recommended to use the projector in a dark environment. Our full hd 1080p wifi bluetooth projector is mainly used for home theater and small conference.
– When you connect with a USB flash drive, the projector only supports 1080P 30FPS video. The file system of the USB drive must be FAT32 / NTFS, not exFAT, NOT cable connections and data transfers.
– With all LCD projectors of this type, the edge of the projection surface is not as clear as the center. This is the characteristic of all LED projectors(Compare with DLP projector).
Weight: | 3.62 kg |
Dimensions: | 36.1 x 31.7 x 15.1 cm; 3.62 Kilograms |
Brand: | WiMiUS |
Model: | W6 |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | WiMiUS |
Colour: | White |
No es muy brillante, pero tiene buena calidad de imagen. Definitivamente es para usarse en un rea sin luz, pero vale la pena.
Aprs la rception de mon appareil j’ai eu un petit souci avec une poussire sur la lentille intrieure, j’ai donc contact le service aprs vente pour expliquer mon problme. Ils ont t trs ractif et m’ont propos de m’envoyer une nouvel appareil que j’ai reu quelques temps aprs.
Je suis donc trs impressionn du professionnalisme et du srieux du SAV WiMius.
Globalement le produit rpond sa fonction principale.
Cependant il n’est pas possible de lire de vidos avec un format son en Dolby Digital.
Pour le prix la qualit de l’image est correcte.
Trs bon produit,une qualit exceptionnelle pour un petit prix. Le ventilo fait un bruit trs correct et on ne l’entend plus une fois la projection d’un film ou autre en route. Le son n’est pas mauvais du tout. Je recommande.
Est ce que ce produit est compatible avec netflix ? Car aprs avoir essay de reois toujours le mme message d’erreur.. si quelqu’un a une solution ce serait top merci
I have three projectors now. One is a great projector with a super bright light that gets really really hot and needs a lot of care to turn off properly. The second I bought as a cheapy to use during covid in for kids. But when I tried to use that one for “films” I found the focus was blurred at the edges, which really bugged me as an adult. This is perfect. It has the LED light which stays cool. While not quite as vibrant as the projector I have that cost 4 times as much it is plenty bright. I am currently projecting on to a plain off white wall with a matt finish that leans more towards the grey tone than the yellow. I find it is just fine. I don’t use the WiFi so I can’t comment on that. And I use high quality headphones through my roku when I watch movies. The on board speaker is not great, but good enough for kids. I haven’t really paid much attention to the audio out.
J’avais cherch un projecteur pour prsentations powerpoint etc (formations dans un club). C’est pas mal – la luminosit est un peu juste pour des prsentations avec pleine lumire (ok pour textes, juste pour les photos) mais nickel avec lumires teintes – autant pour les photos que pour les vidos. J’espre avoir meilleur rsultats avec un cran.
Facile utiliser, trs bonne luminosit mme avec juste trs peu de pnombre et une image excellente.
Un seul gros reproche je le trouve la ventilation un peu bruyante et un moindre reproche la qualit audio qui est juste celle d’une radio.
Mais bon, pour le prix il ne faut pas tre exigeant sur tout et globalement ce video-projecteur fait presque trs bien son travail
This projector honestly blew my mind. The picture quality is great, the fan is really low, and it’s really bright! there is no delay with mirroring or sound from fire stick and the sound is clear. The keystone adjustment is a must and works like a charm. 10/10 recommend!
Produit reu dans les temps et en bon tat. Aprs une semaine d’utilisation, je peux dire que je suis trs satisfait du projecteur. Les personnes avec qui je l’ai utilis l’ont galement bien apprci. Il est simple d’utilisation, intuitif et la qualit de l’image est trs bonne en tout cas pour un cran avec revtement en fibre de vinyle. La ventilation est peu bruyante, on l’oublie trs vite. Pratique transporter grce au sac dos fourni avec. Trs sympa pour jouer la console ou regarder des films. Accompagner avec de bonne enceinte, on se croirait presque au cinma. voir maintenant s’il tient bien dans le temps.
Vidoprojecteur trs lumineux, mme avec de la lumire a led dans la piece l’image est nettement visible. Beaucoups de rglage possible. WiFi + Bluetooth sont stable, pas de dconnexion intempestive ou perte de signal. A savoiur que ma box est a environ 11 metres par rapport au videoprojecteur. Fabrication de bonne qualit. Petit bmole la ventilation pour le refroidissement qui est bruiante.
Rception du colis temps et conforme la description.
Trs beau produit surtout pour le prix.
Paramtrage easy, bonne luminosit et contrastes corrects.
Seul bmol, il est assez bruyant. Il va falloir que je l’habille d’un caisson ventil.
Franchement ce prix l pour du 1080p natif je suis vraiment satisfait.
Je suis agrablement surpris par la qualit de l’image et les fonctions de ce vidoprojecteur moins de 300. Bon, a reste du 1920 x 1080 ce qui est dj bien pour apprcier un bon film.
Les hp intgrs sont suffisants pour bien entendre une mission.
Je l’ai connect en bluetooth un gros hp, juste pour tester le bluetooth, l’ appairage se fait rapidement, sans problme.
Concernant le wifi, j’ai connect mon tel android, juste pour voir, aucun soucis…mais j’ai command dans la foule le fire stick Amazon que je laisserai connect au vidoprojo.
Cot technique, la distance en ” diagonale ” entre 2 trous filets ( pour une fixation sur un support plafond ) est de 26,3cm. Dans le sens de la profondeur 17cm, dans le sens de la largeur 20cm ( donc un rectangle de 17 x 20 ).
A NOTER QU’ IL N’ Y A PAS DE TROU FILETE CENTRAL ( pour une fixation en 1 point ) pour support plafond, seulement en 4 points.
Le filtre anti poussire de la ventilation est assez dur enlever, j’ai du m’aider d’un petit outil pour faire levier pour l’extraire de quelques mm avant de pouvoir le sortir avec les doigts.
The projector is a good one for the $200-$300 arena. I bought it for an outdoor application and it suits that purpose. It’s bright enough at dusk to watch a movie into the evening. The sound is adequate at close range, but realistically you’ll want an external sound source. Settings are easy to use and the throw is good at 10ft. Overall, I’m happy with the purchase.
First, the projector comes in a really well thought out and high quality backpack style carrying case. It has just enough room for the projector and the included cables and remote. I posted some pictures of it. It’s nice and padded which is great because we won’t leave it out all the time.
Next, set up was a breeze! We hooked it up to an Apple TV and we’re streaming football games in no time! The setup is simple. Easy manual focus and nice keystone settings make sure that you have a nice 16:9 image regardless of the height that you mount the projector. The interface and menus on screen look like what you’d see on a smart TV. It has WiFi but we haven’t worked with that yet.
Ok, this is what you’re probably most interested in: How bright is it? It is VERY bright. I posted two photos. One with the room light on and one with the room light off but two doors open with ambient light (far from a dark room). Both exceeded my expectations by ALOT. Furthermore it is an insanely clear picture. I tried to take a close up so you can see the detail. I also have to comment on the sound. We planned on connecting it to speakers. I’m not sure we will. The sound is quite good from the projector and can get plenty loud. Obviously if you want deep sound or lots of bass, just connect to speakers or a sound bar. The unit has multiple input and output options.
All in all I have to say that I highly recommend this. It kicks out a bright, clear picture. The sound is very good, the remote and interface is easy to use, manual focus allows you to easily dial in a nice clear image. The backpack carrying case is awesome too. As long as you have realistic expectations for the pricepoint I’m fairly confident you’ll be just as happy as we are with it.
Trs bon rapport qualit/prix, tout ce qu’on attend d’un projecteur haut de gamme un prix abordable, il n’a rien a envi aux marques historiques.
Ds le dballage du produit il est possible de se rendre compte de la qualit et de l’attention qui est port par le vendeur pour la satisfaction du client.
Le projecteur en lui-mme est trs design, tout blanc et trs pur.
Trs pratique le sac a dos de transport gris uni est trs sobre et elegant.
A l’intrieur on y trouve juste ce dont nous avons besoin: manuel en franais et bien dtaill, cables HDMI + RCA, tlcommande et kit de nettoyage.
Aspects techniques:
Le projecteur a une trs trs bonne luminosit, j’ai mme fait des essais lumire allume et il est tout a fait possible de bien voir l’image.
Bon rendu des couleurs/contrastes (voir photos).
La taille de l’image projete est trs grande (voir tableau en photo) et trs pratique la fonction zoom permet de rduire l’image si besoin (pour se caler a la taille d’un mur).
Il est possible de modifier le trapeze sous tous les angles donc peu importe o est plac le projecteur vous arriverez toujours avoir une image droite et nette.
La conception du logiciel du projecteur est trs bien faite et simple utiliser avec des icnes claires, je n’ai pas eu besoin de lire le manuel pour comprendre quoi que ce soit et les menus sont en franais.
La tlcommande est trs ergonomique et facile utiliser. Trs pratique il est aussi possible de tout faire depuis les boutons du projecteur (accs aux menus) sans avoir besoin de la tlcommande .
Je dispose d’un Mac et Iphone, la fonction airplay fonctionne parfaitement avec les deux, il suffit juste d’tre connect au meme wifi. La fonction bluetooth est pratique pour envoyer le son sur des enceintes.
Le projecteur dispose d’enceintes intgrs qui sont suffisantes pour regarder un film.
Le service aprs-vente est trs ractif, je les ai contact pour avoir un conseil et il m’ont tout de suite rpondu, d’ailleurs leur email est visible a chaque page du manuel.
Je recommande.
J’ai reu trs rapidemen (1 jour ouvr), il tait trs bien emball et tous les accessoires sont fournis dans la bote (cbles et ncessaire de nettoyage) et un cache de protection pour la lentille. Il dispose aussi d’une sacoche de transport plutt esthtique et trs utile. Il est de trs bonne qualit et est facile d’utilisation dispose d’une connexion Wi-Fi et d’une connexion Bluetooth. Le vido projecteur, se place facilement dans la pice grce ses rglages de l’image et cette image projette est trs nette, mme sur un mur blanc. Le petit plus est la capacit de nettoyage de l’intrieur par une trappe en dessous ce qui permet de l’entretenir et donc de le faire dure plus longtemps, surtout avec une aussi longue dure de vie pour la lampe. Le petit – par contre c’est les l’espacement des ports hdmi qui est un peu petit pour des gros cbles. Niveau sonore il fait un peu de bruit mais c’est plutt correcte et une fois le divertissement commenc on n’y prte plus attention, les enceintes sont plutt bonnes sinon il dispose de porte av et d’une connexion Bluetooth. Que ce soit par hdmi o miracast ou cl usb l’image est fluide sans aucun ralentissement et les rglages de l’image permettent d’optimiser la configuration pour regarder son film dans les meilleurs conditions. Je recommande, pour avoir dj essay la marque auparavant avec un vido projecteur plus entre de gamme, j’avais dj tait agrablement surpris et je le suis d’autant plus maintenant, le service client est prsent et la qualit au rendez-vous. Enfin je pense que pour ce prix l c’est un trs bon rapport qualit prix et avec une garantie constructeur de 3 ans c’est plutt une bonne affaire.
-une sacoche/sac dos
-un vidoprojecteur 4k/9500lumens
-une tlcommande
-un cble secteur
-un cble HDMI
-2 cbles branchement vido/audio
-un manuel d’utilisation
Tout d’abord ce modle est trs design et passe trs bien un peu partout.
L’objectif est protg par une couvercle en caoutchouc facile mettre et pratique pour viter la poussire.
Clairement, ce nouveau modle amne une qualit d’image amliorer (entre du HD et du 4K).
Il est facile installer; l’allumage veillez le brancher sur secteur, le brancher en HDMI a une Apple TV, une box android ou mme une console. ensuite, il suffit de se connecter au WIFi et c’est parti
Bien videmment, si vous ne souhaitez pas dranger autour de vous ou bnficier d’une meilleure qualit de son, vous pouvez galement connecter votre casque ou vos airpods en Bluetooth.
Ce que j’apprcie particulire, c’est la fonction distorsion trapzodale 4D qui vous permet de placer le videoprojecteur l o votre deco intrieur l’acceptera et cadrer votre cran sur le mur pour obtenir un rectangle parfait.
A ce prix, il me parat tre le meilleur rapport qualit prix du march.
J’ai la version prcdente K1 depuis janvier 2020 et il fonctionne parfaitement.
Ce nouveau modle apporte une image nettement amliore du coup, je vais le garder et offrir l’ancien.
bought a couple all were crap.
this is a little gem, really dont hesitate youll love i
The picture quality is very good
We enjoy our movie nights.
Bought this and it works exceptionally well, Has a great warranty so I am comfortable owning this product. Easy set up and great customer service! highly recommend this product.
The reviews and information influenced me to buy this projector. I was skeptical at first because it wasn’t that expensive compared to better quality projectors. It was easy to put together and hook up to amazon fire stick or telus tv. I just had to adjust the zoom and the image looked great on my wall!! I would totally recommend this product!!
For the price it is better than some of the expensive ones
Overall a good budget projector, clear bright image and very easy to use. Remote is responsive and lots of setup options are available to adjust the image to your liking.
I used this product to make use of a huge white wall in my house and it didn’t disappoint. The image is very sharp and colours vidid. I tested it with some wildlife documentaries and it was fantastic. Really happy with my purchase. At the 120 I bought it at its a bargain.
I really like the projector the sound is actually pretty good without an add Bluetooth speaker.
Love this projector. The value for money compared to a tv is great. Sharp picture and the ability to adjust screen shape is great when the projector is pointed at an angle.
Would recommend.
The projector was a perfect fit – it did everything that was promised of it. The delivery was smooth and all the components were there. We’ve used it in different locations with different screens / and walls, including outside. It’s refresh rate is good even for gaming on our XBOX to get a bit of work-life balance. Highly recommend i
Clear picture and very good audio quality. Great value for money and would highly recommend to anyone.
The WiMiUs S1 projector is simply awesome! The picture is clear, 1080p really shows off the images in colour and clarity. I was able to set it up easily straight out of the box. The first movie I watched was Oblivion and it really does make a difference seeing it in 100″. It seems the image size can get to 300″ but I don’t have the throw distance for it. I plan to set it up outdoors as we get into summer so that should be fun.
Positives are as follows: amazing price, really clear bright picture, easy to operate, has tons of connectors included, remote control works like a dream, keystone correction is extremely easy and the contrast is great — feels like the only thing missing is popcorn!
Negatives: the fan noise is slightly higher than expected and the 10w speakers are tinny so you have to connect it to an AV system for max impact. Also, the rear light is very strong so you may want to cover it if you’re sitting behind the projector.
In summary, I would strongly recommend this projector. It was my first foray in projection entertainment and I was for sure simply awed with the experience!
This projector really brings the theater experience to you! It is high quality and the love that it’s Bluetooth so that eliminates a bunch of wires. Because it is a projector the bandwidth need on the internet is much smaller making lagging and loading screens a thing of the past. This is awesome for gaming and entertaining!! Would definitely buy this again!
Great projector. Wish you could zoom the projector instead of having to move the projector. Min focus ability and min adjustment can be made. Great picture. Love the Bluetooth speaker capabilities.
I think it’s quite good. Sometimes the edges are blurred no matter what I do and most of the time it is a bit lopsided, one side is smaller than the other. It doesn’t bother me though, because it genuinely works well.
The sound isn’t that well in my opinion, but I just use my headphones. I am sure by using blue tooth speakers or what have you will make the sound much better.
Anyway, I like it.
Very bright projector for the price. I use it in my bedroom and living room and it works perfectly. Also good for camping if you’ve got portable power.
I have a great experience and fun with this projector; connect to the Bluetooth speaker and surprised with the high-quality sound and real full HD and bright picture. If you are looking for a high-quality projector at a reasonable price, this is absolutely your choice.
Great projector for low price range, excellent for projecting in dark room or low light place. Resolution is good and there is many options if you want more vivid color.
Sound is better if you use a bluetooth speaker because the projector is a bit noisy and can overpower the projector internal speake
Great projector
Don’t hesitate, works perfect!! 5 star all day long
Absolutely amazing projector, native 1080p unlike lots of others projectors which only upscale from 720p. The set up is easy with a digital cornerstone settings. Great for gaming on the switch and movie nights. Highly recommended 10/10
Affordable price
Excellent quality display
Easy to install
Comfortable speaker volume for my bedroom
Using screen mirroring through my phone I can watch YouTube easily
Its honestly great picture quality for a projector the best yet! I highly recommend
The all important picture quality is fantastic, love the surround sound feature. Has to be the best projector on the market at this price point! This is my second projector, so pleased I decided to replace my old one for this. Very pleased!
Having bought and returned several projectors….this is top notch and is truly native 1080p as the others had scaled down. The digital 4d keystone screen fitting is superb as others at this price have manual wheel which are rubbish..look no further this is the one
Simply amazing I can watch even I. Daytime and the Quality is fantastic. I use it with my Amazon Stick works great also having a USB availability so I can watch movies that I have downloaded is a plus. Just a great machine
We had tried couple of the projectors within $400 budget. this is the one we found is the best quality and best value in this price range.
This is a great projector, I’ve used it during the day with only the blinds pulled and the picture was still very good. Of an evening it’s even better. The sound is perfect for what I will use it for, just in the house for film nights.
Va tre utilis surtout avec un simulateur de golf, mais dj la avec un pc ou la tv, l’image est trs lumineuse et claire.
On aime beaucoup fait trs bien la job au sous sol.
We really happy with wimius s4 projector really good product and clarity, I don’t I have buy tv it’s just like tv very clear pictures I’m adding my experience , any customer Can buy is five stars thanks..
It’s a really interesting projector for the price they are asking for. I love to watch movies and play some videogames.
Actually impressed with the vibrance and clarity at this price point.
We’ve been living the projector! Works really well! Easy to set up/use.
Picture quality is very good and once you set up a sound system then you’ve got yourself a home theater..
Good projector with clear image and loud enough volume. Low operation noise that doesn’t interfere with viewing.
Great projector for the cost! We use it all the time outside and indoors. Picture quality is almost as good as my tv. Would highly recommend.
Image quality was really good
Really bright image
Best 1080p projector for the price
Today I just received the projector(S4), and I tried to use it to see children’s movie. It is just perfect. It is better than TV for children’s eyes. I am very satisfied with that!
This is a very great product!! It’s smallest and lightest portable projector, give me the experience to watch movies at home just like watch at cineplex! I strongly recommend for this product!
It has been bought fortnight. So impress to get it. Easy to adjust the position , and the picture is quite vivid. So surprise that even open the light, it’s still clear. Using this projector is like having another big TV, then children can’t argue anymore. Good value for the money . High recommend!
The quality was unexpected good, screen was adjustable and it was clear enough just like a HD tv. The projector has its own speaker which we have no doubt on it and it was easy to set up. Extremely in love with this now and give up on planning to buy a new tv. Very sure we won’t regret on buying this and gladly now we have our own small cinema in our living room. We used this to enjoyed our movie every night before we go to bed.