8Bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth Controller for Switch, PC, macOS, Android, Steam & Raspberry Pi (G Classic Edition)

Dimensions: | 15.4 x 6.5 x 10.1 cm; 226.8 Grams |
Model: | 6922621501695 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Origin: | China |
Haven’t found any issues, the delivery was fast and the package was in good condition.
El mando funciona perfectamente para Nintendo y para android , los acabados son buenos , el tacto y el agarre tambin. Tiene bastantes botones ( hay 2 ms detrs que no se aprecian en las fotos) , y la batera dura bastante.
Hands down its one of the best 3rd party controller for switch/switch lite and works flawlessly with android,pc too.. thanks to micromini for providing it to us in india
I personally prefer this over my xbox s controller’s . Very comfortable to hold unlike xbox inwards slanting grip , especially for big hands . Great programmable software with lots of features too . Controller feels study and comes with a rechargeable battery as well.
Fa il suo dovere. Funziona con Android Windows e con Linux (raspberry pi)
Uno dei migliori Gamepad per PC Windows e non solo…
Great controller, very convenient to use. Has a sturdy build and I like this colour over my black edition.
This is very high quality. I love it and definitely recommend it.
Bought as a gift which met their expectations well thanks.
Ho questo controller da quasi un anno, e penso che per il prezzo sia uno dei migliori controller per PC sul mercato. Viene riconosciuto subito da Windows quindi non mi da problemi su nessun gioco, che sia di Steam/GamePass, volendo possibile settarlo da software che torna sempre utile. Personalmente non ho mai utilizzato le levette dorsali, ma ho notato che sono una posizione facilmente raggiungibile e input accidentali sono molto rari. I trigger analogici sono fantastici per i giochi di corsa, e i vari pulsanti hanno un ottimo feedback. L’unico neo sono gli stick, che seppur non mi abbiano mai dato problemi, possibile notare un lievissimo “scatto” tra un grado di rotazione all’altro: non influisce minimamente sulla precisione, ma su certi giochi in terza persona possibile notare una sottilissima “rigidit” nelle animazioni di rotazione del personaggio che con altri controller non riscontro. Ovviamente un difetto totalmente trascurabile, alcuni miei amici ad esempio non lo notano nemmeno, dunque consiglio pienamente questo prodotto.
Es un mando cmodo y muy verstil, tanto por el mando en s como por su software.
Sin lugar a dudas lo pongo por encima del mando de XBOX por su versatilidad, a pesar de tener la cruceta y el joystick intercambiados con este.
Qualitt und Haptik stimmen hier absolut und er lsst sich mit einfach allem verbinden. Ein Controller fr alles.
Use it for our switch. Love the classic controller, better than using switch controllers.
Ero molto indeciso fra questo e il Pro Controller di Nintendo da usare sulla mia Switch: la scelta ricaduta su questo prodotto e sono contentissimo!
L’ergonomia, a mio avviso, migliore di quella che si ha con il controller ufficiale a discapito di non avere la compatibilit Amiibo e la vibrazione 3D, cose personalmente trascurabili.
Il fatto di poterlo utilizzare con il mio tablet Android e con il mio iPhone sono dei punti assolutamente a suo favore!
Connettivit BT immediata.
El tacto, los joysticks, los botones y especialmente la cruceta, todo fantstico. Por fin una cruceta en condiciones.
Muy contento con el mando, las sensaciones son mucho mejores que con un mando de Xbox One.
Positiv: Austauschbarer Akku, przise Tasten, Anordnung der Sticks wie bei PS, anpassbare Trigger, Nutzungsmodi fr verschiedene Gerte, voll anpassbare Profile die auf dem Controller gespeichert werden, sinnvolle Software die man nicht mal richtig installieren muss
Negativ: mir fehlt das Touchpad vom Dualsense 😉 , Farbe leider irgendwie nicht gleich wie bei meinem anderen 8Bitdo Controller obwohl es gleich sein sollte
Compre dos van muy bien en SHIELD TV para android
fehlt leider Playstationkompatibilitt. Ich htte gerne meinen ollen PS3 Controller in Rente geschickt, leider gibts da keine Mglichkeiten. Ansonsten kann ich sagen das der Controller an Windows, MacOS und an einer Switch tadellos funktioniert hat. Die Verarbeitung ist wirklich gut, das leicht geriffelte Plastik fhlt sich gut an. Ich finde auch wie bei den Xbox Controllern einen riesen Pluspunkt, das man den Akku wechseln bzw einfach AA Batterien einlegen kann. Kann das Ding wirklich jedem empfehlen.
Esta cmodo el mando, se siente de calidad, aunque a veces tiene lag pero se solucione con que lo uses con el cable
Mando muy bueno para jugar con todas las consolas y PC. Calidad y conexin muy rpidas y con gatillos extras en la parte trasera. Mando totalmente configurable y con batera recargable por usb.
These controllers are super easy to configure, comfortable and we’ll priced. Comparability is top class too.
No tengo mucha idea de esto, pero el mando lo coges y es de buena calidad y se nota. Adems el tacto y la forma de agarrarlo me parecen muy buenos.
Lo recomiendo si tienes dudas.
Si vous voulez une mannette pour jouer a des jeux plus difficiles et que vous savez que vous aller jouer plus intense avec les boutons, je vous conseil cette mannette, trs robuste et de qualit!
Quel beau produit !
Je voulais acheter une manette en plus de ma pro controller pour jouer avec des amis Mario Kart et au final je l’utilise tout le temps que ce soit sur la Switch, sur mon pc portable ou mme sur mon smartphone quand je ne suis pas chez moi, un cble USB-C quand je peux la brancher mais sinon elle peut aussi trs bien s’utiliser en Bluetooth.
C’est vraiment devenu la manette que j’emmne partout.
La batterie tient quand mme relativement longtemps.
Trs agrable ergonomiquement.
Le gyroscope manque lgrement de prcision mais rien qui gche l’exprience.
A good solid controller. The materials feel good to hold, buttons and triggers have a good amount of travel. I prefer this over my Xbox controllers for use on PC games. Compatability is great. It can be used with Switch, but I use it mainly for gaming on my PC, tablet or with Retropie. I like the retro looks, but it feels much better than the old flat controllers.
El mejor mando, fcil de sincronizar con cualquier dispositivo. Lo he probado con Nintendo Switch, PC y Android y funciona perfectamente.
Il controller costruito con materiali solidi, e il packaging ottimo e da l’idea di essere un prodotto di fascia “PRO”.
L’unit che mi arrivata ha un piccolo difetto nell’analogico destro che ha un piccolo inghippo nell’asse y (verso il basso nello specifico). Ottima qualit dei bottoni, direzionali che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelli dei controller nintendo. Trigger e bumper buoni e funzionanti. Vibrazione un p debole.
Comunque sia, input lag praticamente nullo da bluetooth e estremamente responsivo via cavo.
Provato su Mac M1 Pro, Switch, iPhone e PC Windows (quest’ultimo solo tramite cavo) e ho avuto esperienze ottime con tutti.
Diciamo che lo consiglio se siete amanti del feeling da controller PlayStation/Nintendo.
YES IT SUPPORTS XINPUT OVER BLUETOOTH. This is the controller you’re looking for.
Love the classic Gameboy color scheme. Back buttons and smartphone app functionality are great. Would recommend over the 1st party pro controller for the Switch.
Only gripe is it doesn’t wake/power the console, but that’s pretty inconsequential.
El mando est bastante bien, pero no he conseguido hacerlo funcionar con el iPad y con la Raspberry tengo que configurarlo cada vez para que funcione de forma inalmbrica
The profile swapping feature is great. At zero lights you’re on the default button layout, at one light your first profile, two your second and three your third. On the Pro+ this required connecting to the 8BitDo Ultimate software to configure each time. On the Pro 2 set up three profiles for each platform and swap on the controller itself.
Platform swapping is now a physical switch on the underside instead of holding different combinations. It connects to Nintendo Switch faster than the Pro+ and SF Pro controllers I also have. Oh and there are two underside buttons!
I did have one weird issue: Steam, for whatever inane reason, all on its own decided to “hide” my 8BitDo Pro 2 controller so it didn’t register during any Steam games. I couldn’t find a good solution when searching the web on this issue but it’s actually just a simple fix: I needed to go into Big Picture, go to the Settings, pop into the Controller Settings and at the bottom was an extra “Unhide” button at the bottom that only appears while a controller is hidden. Clicked that and it instantly started working properly with Steam!
So good I have to get 2. Im both a PC and a Switch gamer, and these controllers have helped me have hours of entertainment.
The controller looks great, feels nice, and connects quickly.
I bought this in hopes of using it to play COD:M because I don’t have an xbox or play station controller to use. I should have trusted the official COD:M compatibility list, but I had hopes that this would work anyways. Otherwise it seems to work well with other Android games.
Configurato senza fili con Raspberry , switch e consolle Android 6.0 , in soli 2 minuti senza installare driver. Basta posizionare il selettore sotto al joypad ed il pad si collega in pochi secondi
Es gibt eine Gratissoftware zum Einstellen der Tasten und Anlegen von Makros. Was diesen Controller verboten gut macht: man kann jeden Knopf mit Dauerfeuer belegen. Am Boden hat er zwei weitere Tasten und wenn man da den “Turbo” drauflegt, kann man das Dauerfeuer (15 Klicks pro Sekunde) auf die Knpfe legen oder entfernen. Absolut irre fr z.B. Animal Crossing und Prgelspiele.
It’s almost the same size of ps4 controller, but a little more heavy.
Vibration, Bewegungssteuerung, Joysticks und Knpfe funktionieren przise, und kompatibel mit sehr vielen Gerten, dazu noch programmierbar mit mehreren Profilen und einfach zu bedienen.
Einziger Kritikpunkt die Bewegungssteuerung der originalen joycons bleibt besser als die dieses Controllers. Lenken bei mariokart empfehle ich eher mit dem Joystick
Great controller, it works on multiple platforms and is easy to connec
Feels great in the hand, works on multiple platforms flawlessly (Windows and Switch) and it’s cheap! Will be ordering another one, LOVE IT!
Buen tacto, sincronizacion rapida, muy buen producto en lineas generales
It feels just as good or even better than high end controllers and for only 50 it’s a bargain. I usebit on my pc and switch (flawless trabsition from one system to another). Also was very pleased to have it at my door 2 days earlier than the arrival date.
Amazing. It just feels right and the old school Game Boy color scheme is perfect. Buttons feel so good during gameplay.
The quality of this controller is unmatched. Beautiful design and works with everything. My brother uses it with his switch, PC, and phone. Great product, highly recommend.
Este control es perfecto, lo utilizo para jugar en Switch y en PC, se siente perfecto para todo tipo de juegos, de shooters (como Fortnite, el cul se puede usar para apuntar con movimiento) hasta juegos retro. Es la combinacin perfecta de los controles de Xbox, Playstation y el Pro Controller de Nintendo. Y para cambiar de plataforma es tan sencillo como mover el botoncito de atrs y listo.
Leer hasta el final.
Todo en orden, el control funciona para todas las plataformas, incluso para algunas que no estn especificadas en la descripcin.
– Sin retrasos en los controles (Supera hasta los de consolas).
– Conexin rpida entre una y otra plataforma/consola.
– Se nota frgil a cadas, pero no hice pruebas de daos.
– Buen agarre (Para manos grandes).
– Cmodo en las opciones.
Nota: Hay que actualizarlo con el “Firmware” de 8bitDo, y hay que configurarlo bien en Steam, ya que de lo contrario en Steam puede no funcionar (Pero ese es asunto de Steam que hizo cambios relativamente recientes, y no del control).
Handling ist sehr angenehm. Der Akku hlt mehr als 10 Stunden gerade wenn man Forza nur on-road spielt.
Was mich etwas gestrt hat ist, als der Akku leer war, musste ich die Batterie entfernen, um ihn wieder mit dem PC zu verbinden. Dabei haben zwei der vier grnen LEDs geblinkt. Warum? Ich hoffe der Controller hlt noch lange! Nutze ihn momentan nur am Rechner.
Trs bonne manette bluetooth. Finition excellente galement. Je ne regrette absolument pas ce choix
Originally bought them to use in a Nintendo Switch. Later used them with a desktop. Now they supply the input to a Batocera classic gaming system. They work great and the battery lasts for days. A++
Top notch controller, great aesthetics and comfortable to hold and use. All the buttons and triggers feel responsive and we’ll put together I really can’t fault it, plus I love those extra buttons they add that can be programmed as you like.
excelente, a pesar de que no estaba seguro de mi compra, a las pocas horas de usarlo me di cuenta de que buen control es incluso mejor que el oficial por nintendo
I play with lots of controllers from Original console to to stuff from that sketchy seller on eBay and this controller hase done wonders I used it for competitive fps shooters and wo
Use it for my Switch, PC, and Surface tablet for cloud gaming. Has a different control profile for each of them.
Wuerde mir wuenschen dass der controller die switch aus der ferne an macht sonst 10 von 10
This was my first ever 8BitDo buy and I’m very pleased. The Pro2 works well with my windows laptop, my Switch AND my iPad. Really easy to swap modes and the app to reassign buttons works really well. Small issue is that the app cannot reassign buttons for the Apple iOS mode, so I wish 8BitDo found a way around that.
Es un excelente control. Los actualizan seguido. Se nota su calidad al tacto. Muy cmodos para el juego retro.
Fantastic controller, especially with accessibility to macros through the app. Good battery-life, charges quickly through USB-C & can be charged from the dock if using it with the Switch. Only downside really is that it can’t turn on the Switch.
Feels like a PS5 controller and I love the aesthetic. 10/10
its so pretty, i love the design, so when i found out i cant turn on my tv with it, it became useless to me, so i had to refund it 🙁 extra sad
Ich habe viel gutes ber die Qualitt des Controllers gehrt, aber trotzdem nicht erwartet dass er sich so gut anfhlt. Was das angeht braucht er sich nicht vor den Firstparty Controller zu verstecken.
Very nice, solid build. Great D-pad, precise triggers, and the face buttons have a good feel. The shoulder buttons are not clicky like my old controller. The desktop software is very good and allows every button to be customized. The two back buttons are nice to have, and can be customized to anything with the software. I really like being able to toggle auto-fire per button very quickly. This controller is a great upgrade over my old XBox One controller.
Uno dei migliori controller che ho testato! Multipiattaforma, ergonomico robusto e reattivo. L’ho abbinato facilmente anche alla Fire TV Stick. Assolutamente consigliato.
If you’re like me, you have kids who insist on having access to Mario, but you still hanker after those PlayStation ergonomics. This controller is what you need – it’s about 90% dualshock, 5% retro styling, and 5% modern tweaks. I refuse to use any other controller – I can now play FIFA on the switch properly, while I grumble about that whole “legacy edition” rip-off.
I bought this mainly for retro gaming on pc, but if you’re used to using a PlayStation controller then you’ll feel right at home with this controller. Being able to switch between input types from switch, xInput (xbox), android, and direct input (PlayStation) makes it very easy to use this on any console or PC.
I highly recommend this for both Switch and PC users. On Switch it reads and responds like a 1st party. On PC it can slow down but that might be user error. But it reads like an Xbox controller. But a great cheaper alternative overall.
I have had this controller for some time now and I have no complaints. If you are a proud dual shock user and want something different that can work on all systems look no further its right here.
Great controller. I use it for all 2D games on Switch and PC. the customization software is pretty powerful and easy to use. The D-pad is much much much better than the Switch Pro controller’s. The smartphone grip accessory is also great, much better than the cheap smartphone controller I used before. The analogs work well too, though I prefer the Pro’s layout for analog heavy 3D games. Last but not least I love the SNES aesthetics on the version I got.
It’s better than the Pro controller, cheaper too. Also works with a bunch of other devices. The switch on the back that switch between devices is really nice. So now I can have three less controllers in the living room.
I use this for both PC games and as a controller for the Switch. The labelling on the 4-pos switch is kind of odd but that’s really my only complaint. Android is D, mac is A (For its brand, Apple?), Windows is X and switch is S (fair enough).
The controls feel great and it doesn’t get covered in fingerprints like some other controllers I’ve tried. Easily replaceable battery is a major thing for me, I’m glad it was included.
I’ve been using this for a couple weeks now to play games on my PC, and it’s been great. Response is very quick when wireless, and the battery seems to just go and go; the twenty hour battery life seems pretty legit; I plug it in once a week or so, overnight, and I’ve never had it die on me while gaming.
That said, it also works great as a wired controller on PC, if you don’t have bluetooth.
Works great wired or over Bluetooth on Windows 10, haven’t tried any other platforms though. Sometimes feels like it’s dropping button presses but that might just be me. A couple times I’ve had the rumble refuse to turn off and had to pull the battery. Other than that it’s an awesome controller.
Very comfortable on the grip, love using this for PC gaming. I haven’t really utilized the pro buttons on the controller’s back, but they are placed in a good way where I don’t end up accidentally clicking them while gripping the controller.
I am very pleased with this product. I have both this controller and the official Pro Controller from Nintendo. I find myself using this controller more now compared to the official one. It is highly customizable with the App that is available on both iOS and Android. The app is very easy to use and allows for multiple profiles to be made. My biggest scare when buying this controller was that it was going to be of poor quality like a lot of third-party controllers are, but I was pleasantly surprised. It feels like an official Nintendo product.
Overall, I am very pleased with this purchase and would recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative to the official Switch Pro Controller.
Die letzten Controller, die ich in der Hand hatte, waren diejenigen des SNES und des PlayStation 2. Also sehr lange her. Von daher habe ich keinen Vergleich zu Controllern aktuellerer Konsolen.
Ich finde der Controller war wunderbar zweckmig verpackt. Ich habe es aus der Box genommen und war gleich begeistert von dem Gefhl in den Hnden. Es fhlt sich viel wertiger an als ich erwartet habe und ist um Dimensionen besser verarbeitet, als ich gedacht hatte.
Das Gewicht empfand ich als optimal und konnte es mit meinen, ich wrde sagen durchschnittlich groen Hnden, super bedienen.
Um es zu testen habe ich ber mehrere Tage einige Stunden: Asphalt 9 und Call of Duty auf dem iPad gespielt. Einfach, weil mir die Spiele noch bekannt waren und sie softwareseitig relativ umfangreichen Controller-Support boten. Alle notwendigen Bedienelemente lieen sich bei beiden Spielen sehr gut nutzen. Alle Eingaben haben funktioniert und ich habe das haptische Feedback als sehr klar und angenehm empfunden. Allein bei der Trigger L1, meine ich, hat bei Call of Duty nach 30 min Spiel alle 2 bis 3 sekunden ausgelst ohne dass ich es bedient habe. Ich konnte es auch nicht durch bedienen des Triggers ndern. An- und Ausschalten des Controllers hat es auch nicht gelst.
Ich habe dann ber die App zum Controller geschaut, ob es eventuell ein Update gibt. Es gab eins und lie sich sehr einfach aufspielen. Danach war das Problem behoben und ist auch nicht mehr aufgetreten. Die Software fand ich sehr bersichtlich und leicht zu bedienen. Gefehlt haben mir etwas mehr Beschreibung, was die nderungen bewirken. Aber das ist Software. Ich hoffe, das 8BitDo daran arbeitet.
Super fand ich, dass sich in der App Profile einstellen lassen, jede einzelne Taste umprogrammieren und ihre sensibilitt einstellen lsst. Genutzt habe ich es nicht, daher kann ich nicht sagen, wie gut es wirklich funktioniert. Fr mich der entscheidende Vorteil der App:
– Schnittstelle fr Softwareupdates.
– Und ich kann prfen, ob die einzelnen Bedienelemente berhaupt funktionieren.
Speziell um das D-pad zu testen habe ich Sonic Hedgehog von Sega unter MacOs Catalina und dem neuen Google TV mit Chromecast gespielt. Mir hat das D-pad sehr gefallen und ich konnte es gut bedienen.
Der Controller soll ein Gyroskop verbaut haben. Asphalt 9 htte theoretisch die Mglichkeit gehabt es zu nutzen. Mir ist es nicht gelungen. D.h. den Wagen in dem Spiel konnte ich nicht mit Gyroskop steuern. Ich habe mich nicht auf weitere Ursachensuche begeben. Ich kann also nicht sagen, ob es an Asphalt 9 lag, an der Verbindung zum iPad oder an dem Controller. Mit anderen Spielen mit Gyroskop-Steuerung habe ich diese Funktion dann nicht mehr getestet.
Die Bluetooth-Verbindungen wurden zgig und einfach hergestellt. Optional liegt auch ein Kabel bei zur kabelgebundenen Nutzung. Vermute allerdings, dass sie dafr viel zu kurz sein werden. Zumindest, wenn ich nicht direkt neben der Konsole oder dem Rechner sitzen will.
Ich konnte damit Spiele auf einem MacBook Pro, auf einem iPad Air 2, einem Android Smartphone und auf Google TV mit Chromecast spielen.
Trotzdem habe ich beide Controller jetzt zurckgeschickt, weil Sie fr mich nicht den erhofften Verwendungszweck erfllt haben. Da kann allerdings der 8BitDo Pro 2 im Grunde nichts fr.
Meine Intention war mit unseren Kindern das ein oder andere Rennspiel zu zweit zu spielen. V.a. Sonic Racing und Mario Kart Tour wollte ich gerne spielen. Zu meiner berraschung war es mit keinem der Spiele mglich mit zwei Controllern gegeneinander anzutreten. Sonic Racing konnte ich mit einem Controller alleine spielen. Mario Kart Tour hat auf Android und iOS gar keine Controller-Untersttzung.
Kommendes Jahr werde ich uns eine Nintendo Switch besorgen. So lange mchte ich die Gerte allerdings nicht ungenutzt liegen lassen. Denn kommendes Jahr gibt es sie entweder immer noch oder es gibt verbesserte Versionen.
I have not taken advantage of all the programming features, it’s been easy to plug and play on both my Switch and my PC. The buttons are responsive and the controller is durable, it hasn’t shown any wear or loss of response After being used by both myself and my 9-year-old daughter. Using a USB cable to hook it up to the computer works too just as well as Bluetooth.
Love it. Using it with my Shield TV Pro, works perfectly. Will be connecting it to the Switch too. Top notch feel and usability!
Fr mich ein absolut guter Controller.
Ich hatte den Pro+ vorher und habe mich dann doch fr den Pro2 entschieden weil dieser per Schalter den Modus wechseln kann (switch, Android, Windows).
Ich hatte mir ebenfalls vor her den neuen Xbox controller geholt… Ging direkt zurck. So ein billiges Plastik geklapper beim Xbox controller… Und dann kein Akku pack dabei.
Beim 8Bitdo ist ein Akku dabei. Kabel ist auch dabei. Vollstndig anpassbare Tastenbelegung auf 3 Profile, die man per teste umschalten kann. Gewicht und Ergonomie ist top.
Ich liebe das nintendo Design. Es gibt hier nichts zu meckern. Super Produkt!
An excellent product, of excellent quality, delivered in excellent time. 8BitDo never fails to deliver an incredible controller. Looks great. Plays great. Long battery life between charges. The rechargeable battery can easily be removed, and therefore replaced with another if needed for some reason, or 2 AA Batteries. Very accessible from all perspectives. Quite incredible, especially for the price.
I loved the old 8bitdo pro+. The thing was amazing. However I play a ton of rocket league and I use paddle buttons to air roll. With the addition of the back buttons it solved the only problem I had with the +. Now if they just had a version with the concave x and y buttons there would be no competition.
This is a fantastic, feature-packed controller. No NFC support and won’t wake the switch, but it does everything else and then some! I absolutely love the symmetric configuration, with both joysticks positioned below the buttons and d-pad. And what a d-pad it is!!!! Overall, I’m simply thrilled with this controller.
I’m very impressed with the Pro 2. The retro styling looks great, the buttons and joysticks feel good to use, it’s light for a wireless controller, and it’s worked well with every device I’ve tried it with. Connecting to different paired devices is easy using the switched on the back, making it an ideal multi-device controller.
My only complaint is that the extra buttons on the handles are a bit too easy to trigger by accident and I don’t really find them that useful. Others may disagree though.
Overall, a fantastic alternative to the switch pro controller and an excellent controller in its own right for other devices.
Finally a controller with extra buttons that can switch between pc and Nintendo switch with a literal flick of a switch. Note that if it dies, it WILL NOT connect to the switch until you charge it a little and then unplug it.
It came with drift on the left joy stick. I connected it to my PC , went to product web site and was able to download a updated firmware. Drift is fix and controller is perfect now.
The controller is a great offering as it adds in the modern functions of elite controllers without breaking the bank.
This comparing to the previous version is a great offering as it streamlined the issue with changing mode between X-Input and Switch mode by using a tactile, recessed and easy to flip switch on the back as not to accidently press it wile playing games.
– PC compatibility with analog triggers.
– Ultimate software allow the user to change controls for a game even if the game doesn’t allow it.
-Gyro Aim (Switch mode only)
-Turbo & Hold functionality
– No wake for Nintendo Switch
– Stupid Power Off Button (Hold Start Button)
This is amazing controller for retro/retro-inspired games because of how fantastic the D-Pad are. The back button can be used to help solve the problematic of needing to let go of the thumbsticks in some situations.
I also used it on my Android as well and it’s great.
I ordered this controller because I bought the previous model for a friend and they loved the controller. It looks amazing and feels really good in my hands. Every button press feels nice and smooth. I’m glad I decided to pre-order and that these controller are great.
This is a solid controller. It pretty much has everything a pro controller has and the button placement is much more comfortable. At first I had a problem with the left stick but 8bitdo released an update and fixed the problem right away. I have bought five controllers ( one on the way) from this company and they are top notch products. The only negative thing is no amiibo support but that’s not a big deal.
8BitDo has always made excellent controllers on par with the OEM offerings, and this is their best one yet! The D-pad is one of the best I’ve ever used, and the thumbsticks are smooth and solid feeling. The extra buttons on the back are always a nice feature to have, too. It’s also nice to have a controller that will work my my PC, phone, and Nintendo Switch.
I was a fan of 8bitdo after the SN30+, but now the company has truly outdone themselves. The Pro 2 is easily the best controller available for use on the Nintendo Switch. I really like the form factor, which has not changed much from the SN30+, but has been made even better with the additional back buttons and the grips added to the controller. I love that they made this controller much easier to sync with whatever system you are using, instead of having to use combinations you never remember. But what I find most impressive is the responsiveness to the Switch. There is virtually no latency, so if you like to play games that require quick reflexes you have nothing to worry about. This is the best bang for your buck controller around, the only thing it cannot do is wake your switch.
Awesome controller! Feels great in the hands and no noticeable input lag at all.
Paired up easily, and the controls are smooth and responsive. I haven’t had the chance to explore all of the functionality this controller offers, yet, but if the basic functions are any indication, I’m sure they function well. I have large hands, and it fits me well – much better than the gamecube controller does.
Amazing support on Windows 10 over bluetooth (in X-input mode), Amazing when used on Android (in D-input mode), Amazing when Used on my Nintendo Switch (in S mode), All of these modes can be switched to with the switch on the bottom of the controller, which also let’s you pair to multiple devices (as long as they are supported for the selected mode). My only issue is that it isn’t Supported by my iPad, but I didn’t expect it to that would have just been a nice treat. Overall it’s an amazing controller especially on PC and Switch
I just have to say this controller exceeded all my expectations. I purchased to use with emulators on my tablet. The second you open the premium packaging and holding your hand you know you’re holding something of value. There’s no creaking in the plastic. It paired perfectly to my tablet and to my surprise I didn’t even have to remap any of the buttons it just worked on multiple emulators I tried. Couldn’t ask for anything better. Don’t waste your time and money on crappy Chinese controllers like I did. Get yourself an 8bitdo pro 2 you won’t regret it.
This is a great controller. Works well with a PC. The build quality is excellent, good weight, and texture. The back paddles aren’t overly sensitive and the app is easy to use. I only wish I could use it with my iPhone and it would be perfect. The analog switch for the Nintendo Switch/PC/macOS(NOT IPHONE???)/Android is extremely useful and much better than holding a combination of buttons to pair.