Airofit Pro Breathing Exercise Device + Guided Smart Breathing Trainer | Muscle Trainer for Enhanced Lung Capacity, Physical Performance & General Well-Being | Excellent for Athletes & Everyday People

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Used outside physical activityAirofit is not used during other physical activities, like cycling or running. Instead, breathing training should be done as a separate, standalone training module. | Only 5-10 minutes a dayBreathing training can be fit into even the busiest of schedules. It takes only 5-10 minutes a day – with one session in the morning and one in the evening. | Guided training and progressionAirofit PRO comes with a mobile app that guides you through all the training. It acts as a virtual breathing coach that ensures exercises are always performed correctly. |

Sports performance benefits of breathing muscle training
Breathing muscle fatigue is often a limiting factor in sports performance. Respiratory muscle resistance training makes them stronger, faster, more efficient, and more fatigue-resistant.

General well-being benefits of breathing muscle training
Improved breathing leads to significant well-being benefits. From increasing your energy levels in daily life to decreased stress levels and improved sleep. Breathing training will help you improve your general well-being and health.
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Never run out of breathStrengthen your breathing muscles so you will not run out of breath doing everyday activities like taking the stairs. | Boost your energy levelsAirofit increases accessible lung capacity to inhale more air at once, reduce your breathing rate and preserve energy. | Improve your resilienceAirofit is an effective way of strengthening the respiratory and immune system for better overall health. | Train from your couchAirofit is used separately from physical activity. You can train when and where you want to fit your schedule easily. |
Dimensions: | 17.91 x 16.69 x 6.71 cm; 45 Grams |
Brand: | Airofit |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Airofit Denmark |
Lung capacity has increased from 6.7L to 7.2L
Inhale force has increased from 62.6 cm H2O to 89.3 cm H2O
Exhale force has increased from 65.8 cm H2O to 97.9 cm H2O
3 days. Just 3 days.
If you’re having trouble breathing because you smoke, I definitely recommend.
With utmost sincerity and gratitude,
THANK YOU AIROFIT. Thank you so much!
Dispositivo valido gi a distanza di due settimane si notano miglioramenti significativi.
Sarebbe bello che ci fossero qualche oring di ricambio
Estoy satisfecha. Soy asmtica, y efectivamente tras dos semanas de entrenamiento, de cuatro sesiones diarias (1 minuto cada una), he apreciado una mejora en la capacidad pulmonar
El comentario contiene un error. Las sesiones son de 3 minutos cada una y no de 1 minuto cada una.
I bought it to improve my general level of fitness, I have other lung exercisers, but I have various problems with them as in cleaning them and I can’t rate my progress, I am only on day 11 of the airfit program and I like the exercises and I feel I am making progress, I particularly like the reminders the app sends which to me is an extra motivation.
So far,,,I would reccomend this product, personally I feel the extra you pay for the pro is worth it as I feel my lungs are worth it ((:
L’apparecchio funziona bene, il difetto certamente il costo e l’abbonamento a pagamento per usare tutte le funzioni dell’app.
It really is a good robust device and works really well with the app. The program is motivating and progress can be tracked. It is easy to clean.
One of the unexpected benefits (although documented widely in the literature) is that my blood pressure decreased and remained lower between sessions – I measured by blood pressure during the day – using the device only in the morning and sometimes last thing at night – and the pressure remained lower (within normal range rather than on the high side). Interesting, and confirmed with gp appointment.
I feel like it helps my asthma and I have been using an inhaler far less often.
Still – none of these comments should be taken as medical advice. See a doctor if needed.
I’m very happy with this purchase
Me esrta gustando bastante la cantidad de ejercicios de respiracin y espero ver pronto resultados.
La app funciona buen y Airofit me contesto muy rpido a la pregunta de si estar la app en Espaol.
Segun ellos en Marzo lanzarn una actualizacion multi lenguaje.
Muy bien Airofit!!
Strumento veramente fondamentale per aumentare la capacit e la potenza polmonare. Un po’ dispendioso, anche per quanto riguarda l’app abbinata, ma per i risultati ottenuti non posso lamentarmi: da 4 litri di capacit polmonare, a 7,5 in un mese di utilizzo costante
his is absolutely brilliant! I am not sure the need for the extended app – but this is exactly what is needed. check reviews on youtube of top athletes
Premetto che lo usa da poco ma aiuta molto la respirazione
Ive had it for about 10 days now, I’ve used it religiously and have seen and felt a huge improvement in my breathing and lung capacity already
Aiuto sulla respirazione per lo sportivo e non solo con ottimi miglioramenti di prestazione
The Airofit exceeds my expectations. The app and the device work well together and it definitely has improved my breathing.
Only comment would be on pricing. Company should consider a more accessible price. Otherwise, it gets the work done (and so will you)!!
I started using Airofit from 10 days for my COPD disease. I found little improvement in my lung volume I hope I may improve my lung function in coming days
I am 2 days into this product and so far it seems just what they advertise. It is a product to improve your diaphragm muscle and ultimately your breathing. They make it interactive using their device and app. This device syncs via Bluetooth (syncs fast and without issue) and guides you through exercises. These exercises are pretty fun and challenging at the same time. You can adjust the difficulty and there are different programs depending on what you should improve.
Do I feel like my lungs improved in these past 2 days? Yes, after every time I use it I feel like I can breathe significantly better. I still have yet to get to test out if my mile time has improved.
Do I think it was worth it? Kind of. I think $300 is steep especially since there are other products similar to this for much cheaper. You are basically paying for the app, and for me, I think the app is really good. I would put a value on this for about $200, but since there is not much competition with an app functioning this well, they are allowed to make it $300.
Overall, it’ll help your breathing. If you have a bit of money to spend on a good product to improve your breathing, I would recommend it. I write this review as an athlete/student, but this product would also be good for people with COPD, musicians, and normal people.
Simple programs are challenging but achievable and you notice improvements very quickly